Summary of GCD (classes) “Care for indoor plants. GCD in the field of "Artistic Creativity"

Software tasks:
1. Clarify knowledge about indoor plants
2. Systematize knowledge about caring for indoor plants
3. Fix the names of plants
4. Develop mental activity
5. Educate careful attitude to living nature

Materials: Images of indoor plants, cut-out pictures Educator: Guys, look at the pictures. Violet, tradescantia, chlorophytum, cyclamen, balsam, geranium, sansevieria are depicted here.

How can you call all this in one word?
Children: Houseplants
Educator: Right. Look at the pictures more closely and determine which of these indoor plants are in our group? (children determine)
Educator: Well done boys. Why are these plants called indoor plants?
Children: Because they grow in pots indoors
Educator: Do any of you have indoor plants at home? Which?
Children's answers

Educator: Great! Who knows how the plant grows?

(One child is called and talks about the growth of the plant according to the algorithm)

Educator: What do indoor plants need?
(One child is called and talks about what is necessary for plant growth)

Educator: Fine! Who knows how to care for a plant?
(One child is called and talks about caring for indoor plants using pictures)

Educator: Well done! Now I suggest you play the game "Associations" . You need to find from several items those that are related to indoor plants and their care.
(Children are offered images various items, from which they choose the ones they need)

Educator: let's compare how plants are similar and different (we compare violet and Sansevieria):
- to size
- by color and shape of leaves
- by the presence of flowering
- on the surface of the leaves

Educator: Great, it's time to relax and get moving.

Physical exercise “Our red flowers”
Our red flowers
The petals are blooming
(smoothly raise our hands up)
The breeze breathes a little
The petals are swaying
(swinging arms left - right)
Our red flowers
The petals close
(crouched down, hid)
They shake their heads,
(movement of the head left - right)
They fall asleep quietly.

Educator: Well done, take a seat at the tables, on your table there are envelopes with cut-out pictures, I suggest you collect your plant and name it. (Children sit at tables, collect cut-out pictures and each name their plant)
Examples of cut pictures:

Educator: Thanks guys for the great job!

Summary of GCD in middle group: World of indoor plants

Antonova Maria Vasilievna
Description: I offer the outline directly educational activities for children 4-5 years old. During the lesson, children's knowledge of indoor plants is consolidated. This material will be of interest to kindergarten teachers.
Target: expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about indoor plants;
- Clarify children’s ideas about the structure, needs of indoor plants, and their benefits to humans.
- Improve the ability to distinguish indoor plants appearance and description.
- Cultivate caring attitude towards plants, kindness, responsiveness.

Preliminary work:

Caring for indoor plants in a corner of nature;
Examination of the folder “Indoor Plants”;
Conversation "The World of Indoor Plants";
Didactic game“Which plant is gone?”;
Didactic game “Where is the puppy hiding?”
Material: An envelope with a letter, indoor plants, pictures of indoor plants, flowers with a task, cards about the needs of plants, an empty envelope, a “magic bag” with plant care items, a matryoshka doll, an envelope with plant parts. Children in the morning find an envelope at the entrance to the group. When all the children arrive, the teacher reads the letter to the children
"Hello guys. Thumbelina is writing to you. I decided to turn to you for help. In our fairyland of Elves there was strong hurricane, who took away five magical flowers - helpers. If you find them and complete all the tasks written on the petals of these flowers, then our country will be, as before, bright and fabulously beautiful. Hope for your help. Thumbelina."

Educator:- Well, guys, what are we going to do? (I lead the children to agree to help Thumbelina - find their flowers).
Children look for flowers in the group and find the first flower with the task.
1 task
Educator:- Guys, guess the riddle:
-They live next to us in pots with a tray,
They love earth and water, air and sun.
Educator:- That's right, why do people need indoor plants?
Children:- For air purification, beauty, comfort, health.
Educator:- You can also play with indoor plants. Let's play with our plants and matryoshka.
Game “Where is the nesting doll hiding?”
(Children close their eyes, and the teacher hides a small nesting doll behind any indoor plant, and the children must guess and name the plant).

The children continue to look for flowers in the group. Find the second flower with the task.
2 task
Game “Recognize the plant by description.”
The teacher reads a card - a description of the plant, and the children guess and name the houseplant.

Children find the third flower with the task.
3 task
Game "Magic Bag".
Children recognize an object by touch and determine what it is for.
(Water can, brush, cloth, spray bottle, loosening stick).

Educator:- Guys, I suggest you relax.
Physical education
There are houses stand on your toes, stretch your arms up;
And there are bridges bend forward, arms back, knees straight;
There are trees straighten up, round your arms above your head;
And the bushes sit down, stretch your arms forward;
And to everyone's surprise stand up, arms to the sides, body turns,
In the room the plants [i]shoulders are raised;
We can't live without them hands on the belt, turning the head to the right and left;
Because we are friends! spread your arms to the sides, clasp your body with your hands).
Repeat 2-3 times.
The children continue to look for flowers and find a fourth flower with a task.
4 task
Game “Assemble a plant from parts.”
In the envelope of plant parts, the child makes up a plant from parts and explains which part of the plant is needed for what.

Children find the fifth flower with the task.
Task 5
Game “What does a plant need to live and grow?”

In the envelope there are cards - diagrams. Children arrange cards and explain what conditions are necessary for the growth of indoor plants.

Educator:- Guys, let's count the flowers we found. (children count flowers)
Educator: So we fulfilled Thumbelina’s request. But what is their secret of these flowers?
(children turn reverse side, on which the rules for caring for plants are written.)
Educator:- Guys, I suggest you put flowers in an envelope and send them to Thumbelina, in the land of the Elves.
Children put flowers in an envelope and take the letter to the post office.
This lesson is the final one. During it, I clarified what knowledge the children received during the school year on the topic “Houseplants.” I was pleased with the results. I will continue to work on this topic in the senior group.

Target: Development of cognitive interests in children.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

1. Clarify and expand knowledge about indoor plants.

2. Learn to find signs of similarities and differences.

3. Learn to see the beauty of indoor plants.

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop children's mental activity.

2. Activate the words in children’s speech: water, loosen the soil.

3. Develop children’s ability to compare indoor plants.

Educational tasks:

1. Foster interest and love for living nature.

2. Cultivate a desire to care for plants.

3. Nurture aesthetic perception.

Integration educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.

Preliminary work: getting to know children through communication, observing plants while on duty, reading fiction.

Types of children's activities: gaming, motor, productive, communicative.

Bilingual component (vocabulary work): violet, onion.

Means of implementation:

Demo material: image of indoor plants, indoor plants in pots, audio recording of physical exercises, speakers, toy - Aibolit doll, toy car, doctor's suitcase.

Handout: A-4 paper, finished sketch flowers, pencils, cups of water, cups of soil, spoons, wet wipes, bulbs.

Methods and techniques:

— an exercise to establish psychological contact;

- playful, use of a surprise moment;

- visual, use modern technologies;

- verbal work;

— encouragement;

— GCD analysis.

GCD structure:

1. Introductory and organizational moment.

2. Information and analytical stage.

3. Surprise-organizational moment.

4. Information and analytical stage.

5. Physical exercise.

6. Practical part.

7. Reflection.

GCD move:

I. Introductory and organizational moment.

Educator: - Guys, let's say hello to our guests (Children say hello).

— Guys, what time of year is it now? How did you determine that it is spring? What signs of spring do you know?

II. Information and analytical stage:

1. Conversation on the topic “Plants living next to us.”

Educator: - Guess the riddle: “He breathes, grows, but cannot walk.” (Plant).

“When I grow on windows, they bring joy to people.” (Houseplants).

— Today we will talk about indoor plants.

— Guys, what plants are our group decorated with?

- That's right, indoor plants.

— Why are they called houseplants?

- That's right, because they grow indoors.

— What do all plants need to grow well?

- That's right, water, light, warmth, soil.

— How do you care for indoor plants? (we water, loosen, spray, replant, wipe large, dense leaves, fertilize).

2. Showing pictures of indoor plants, living plants (ficus, aloe, violet, cactus, begonia, fern, sansevieria, cyclamen, geranium, tradescantia, chlorophytum).

With milk, not a goat,

With bark, not vine. (Ficus)

Leaf with a hump, groove,

It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

But he treats us at any hour. (Aloe)

III. A surprise organizational moment.

There is a knock on the door, a car with Aibolit drives in:

- I am Doctor Aibolit from the “green service”, I check the condition of green patients - indoor plants, find out how they feel, who is healthy, who is sick.

— Are there any plants in your group? Do you know how to properly care for them? (Children talk.)

Then the children, together with Aibolit, examine the plants and assess their general condition.

- What is the name of this plant? Obviously sick - affected by scale insects (examine the affected plant, shows the pest).

— This plant must be isolated so as not to infect other plants. I'll take him to the hospital.

He puts him in the car and takes him to his hospital. Leaves.

IV. Information and analytical stage.

Educator: - Guys, Doctor Aibolit took a friend from our indoor plants. Let's help them so they don't get bored. Let's draw them a new friend - Chamomile. Do you agree? (Draws attention to tables with tasks, children begin to work with pencils, paint a daisy).

V. Fizminutka (Musical).

VI. Practical part.

Educator: - Well done! We did a good deed.

Educator: - Let us also make each of us a new friend - “Onion”. (Draws attention to tables with saucers, where an onion, spoon, napkin, and a glass of soil are placed)

Children plant the onion in a cup of soil.

Educator: - Well done! You and I have made new friends. Now everyone will look after their friend, water him. We will watch them grow.

VII. Reflection.

Educator: - Now guys, let’s remember.

- What did you like today?

— Maybe something seemed difficult to you today?

Educator: - Well done! I hope you will have a lot of indoor plants at home, but most importantly, you will be kinder and more careful about living nature.

Tatiana Ivashchenko
NOD "World of indoor plants"

Target. Expand children's understanding of indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish houseplants by appearance.


1. Make it clear what it is houseplants what they are like.

2. Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observation and research indoor plants.

3. Foster a caring attitude towards indoor plants, the ability to take care of them.

Vocabulary work: activation and enrichment vocabulary (geranium, pelargonium; violet; cactus; pallet.)

Material. Houseplants: violet, geranium, cactus

GCD move


Guys, we have guests. Let's say hello.

Look how many there are in our group indoor plants. What do you think these are for? plants?

(Children's answers.)


They decorate the room all year round;

- plants purify the air;

Some of indoor plants - medicinal;

Flowers create a joyful mood;

They teach you to work;

To make it beautiful and cozy;

To keep the air cleaner plants produce oxygen which we breathe;

- plants maintain indoor air humidity;

- plants heal people;

- plants scare away harmful insects (eg mole);

To watch and care for them.


Guys, what do you need to the plants grew well?

(Children call water, light, heat, soil.)

Is there anything else you need?

Children: In addition, you need to take care of indoor plants, look after them.

1. Plants need to be kept in warm rooms, because most of them came to us from distant countries where there is no cold winter.

2. Water plants need water room temperature , otherwise plants may get sick and die.

3. Summer plants Water every day, less often in winter, but you need to make sure that the soil in the pots is moist. Cacti are watered every 2-3 days in summer, and 1-2 times every two weeks in winter. They need to be watered from a watering can, from the side.

4. It is necessary to loosen the soil so that air can reach the roots.

5. After a long winter, apply fertilizer.

6. Protect plants from pests.

Many houseplants smell good. Children, you already know that every the plant has its own name. What are the names indoor plants you know? (Children's answers.)

Guys, take your seats and I’ll show you something. Slide with geranium.

Do you know the name of this plants?

This the plant is called"geranium", or "pelargonium". It is also called "crane nose", because the flower column sometimes (after pollination) grows into a long"beak", very similar to the beak of a crane. Now it will be easier for you to remember the name of this plants.

Guys, find geraniums in our group. (Children find geranium, you can take the flower in your hands and examine it) Let's take a closer look at it. What does geranium have?

Summarizes children's answers: “The geranium has a stem, leaves (flowers, if plant blooms) and roots."


What shape are geranium leaves? What color are the leaves? (Children's answers.)

Summarizes children's answers: “Geranium leaves are round in shape, bright color, with a brownish circle at the edge (or with white border)».


“What color are geranium flowers?”

Summarizes children's answers: “Geranium flowers can be different colors: white, pink, crimson. Geranium flowers are collected in inflorescences, like an umbrella.”


“Where are the geranium roots? Why do you think the plant needs roots

Summarizes children's answers: "Roots plants are in the ground. Due to the root plant does not fall and stays firmly in the ground. The root still nourishes plant. When we water the soil in a pot, the root absorbs water and it rises up the stem to the leaves and flowers. (The story is accompanied by a show.) To the plant has not withered, it definitely needs to be watered.”


Who knows what it's called plant? (Shows a violet.)

This the plant is called violet.

And this the plant is in our group? (Children find a violet and examine it) Take a good look plant and tell, what does a violet have? What shape are the leaves? What color are the leaves?

The teacher summarizes the answers children: “The violet has leaves (flowers, if plant blooms, and root. Leaves are round in shape, dark green, plump, pubescent (in some plant edge is smooth, while others have a wavy one). The leaves are attached to the root with long petioles.

Slide with violets of many colors.


What color are violet flowers?


Violet flowers are different colors.

Shows the children violets of different colors: white, pink, lilac, violet and lilac. Slide

Guys, beauty indoor plants inspired writers, poets and artists. Maybe some of you remember in which children's works of art this is about indoor plants?

(children's answers: "The Snow Queen" "Thumbelina")

Now guys, let's rest a little.

Fizminutka "On the window in pots"

On the window in pots (children squat, facing in a circle)

Flowers rose. (stand up slowly)

Reached for the sun (on toes, hands up)

They smiled at the sun. (arms spread to the sides)

Flowers to the sun (stretch your arms)

The leaves are turned. (palms facing up)

The buds are unfurled, (join hands above head)

They will drown in the sun. (slowly spread your arms)

They knock and ask for forgiveness, saying that they have brought a parcel.

Reading Derezovsky kindergarten, senior group. From Ellie. Guys, who is Ellie? Children's answers

Here I read a riddle from her

He looks like a hedgehog

Only rooted into the ground.

No ears, no legs, no eyes,

But, on the other hand, the thorns are great!

So slow growing,

And it doesn't bloom every year.

He has a red flower

How beautiful is the blooming... (cactus)

First I show you the cactus from the package

This the plant is called cactus. Look how unusual it is - instead of leaves it has thorns. What can you say about a cactus? What is he like? (children's answers)

Slides are different

There are tiny cacti the size of a fingernail, and there are giant cacti - taller than the building of our kindergarten.

Cacti are not afraid of heat. They are watery inside. Even the smallest cacti have large roots.

Different cacti have different spines: hard and soft, long and short, and there are even cacti with poisonous needles.

In ancient times, people plucked the spines of large cacti and used them as needles.

Many cacti are edible. They make compotes, jam and are simply eaten raw.

Some cacti can eat small insects. Their bright, red flowers, smelling of meat, attract insects. A midge flies up to the scent, lands on a flower, and it goes bang, closes, and swallows the fly.

Let's guys sing a song about a cactus for the guests.

Song "Cactus pachyderm"

(Performed by children)

You look like a hedgehog

With prickly needles.

Where do you live, cactus-hedgehog?

Maybe under the Christmas trees?


Where is the endless ocean

And the shore is not visible,

There is your homeland -

South America.

There are no leaves or branches.

pachyderm cactus,

For chestnut nut

You're a little bit similar.

You're at the flower festival

Extraordinary guest

Only us with thorns

Don't hit it by accident!

Guys, this cactus will live in our group, we will take care of it, water it very rarely, because it does not need a lot of water and handle it very carefully. No matter what happens, like with the boy from Natalia Shaibakova’s poem "Cactus".

Reading a poem "Cactus"

Mom's cactus on the window

Doesn't give me peace.

I'm spinning around him

I don’t take it, in case I inject myself.

I remember my mother's words:

“It's prickly. You can’t take it!”

But I can't stand it more strength -

My finger hit a cactus!

"Ahhh"- I let out a strong roar -

I haven't found the words yet.

But now I know for sure -

I don't play with the cactus!

Modeling "Cactus babies - blooming guys".

1. Draw in pencil the outline of the pot using a stencil at the bottom of the cardboard and the rounded stem of the cactus close to the top of the pot from which it will come « grow» .

2. Roll thin sausages from brightly colored plasticine and lay out the silhouette of a pot along the finished contour. Then fill the space inside the silhouette with plasticine, smearing the plasticine from the middle to the edges of the outline. Smooth the surface of the pot so that it becomes smooth and uniform.

3. Roll out a ball from green plasticine, place it in the middle of the drawn outline of the cactus, lightly press it to the surface of the base so that outer side The cactus has retained its roundness. Smear the plasticine from the middle to the edges of the drawn outline.

4. Use toothpick halves to decorate the surface of the cactus, sticking them into the plasticine so that the sharp tip of the toothpick remains outside. To one of "needles" cactus put on an artificial flower.

5. Make a pattern of multi-colored beads on the pot, lightly pressing them into the plasticine.

Reflection. What extraordinary guest came to us today?

Where this plant grows?

Why is it dangerous for people?


You can take your beautiful blooming cacti home. Show them to your family and friends and be sure to tell everything you learned today about this amazing plant.

Educational areas: Artistic creativity, Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Health.

Goal: continue to develop the ability to correctly position a drawing on a sheet and draw with paints.

  1. Consolidation elementary ideas about indoor plants: the plant has a stem, leaves; The plant is planted in a pot with soil. Strengthen knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden ones.
  2. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants.
  3. Fostering independence, goodwill, and a desire to help.

Vocabulary: houseplant, garden flowers, watering can, flowering plant.

Preliminary work: conversations about indoor plants; caring for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves.


  • A parcel box containing a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot;
  • Houseplants;
  • Tools for caring for indoor plants: watering can, sponges for wiping, rakes and sticks for loosening, hand napkin;
  • Chlorophytum shoot;
  • Pot, earth;
  • Cards with images of indoor plants and garden flowers;
  • Fairy Hero;
  • Didactic game "Plants";
  • Gouache paints of brown and green colors, brushes, cups of water, White list paper, brush holders, napkin.

Progress of the lesson

Children included in the group:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.

On the table there is a package box (there are stickers with cartoon characters on the box), which contains a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot. The Star Fairy sits nearby.

Educator: Guys, look, we have received a package. Fairy Star, do you know where she came from? Does not know. Who do you think this package is from? And I don't know. Want to see what's in it? But to find out what's in the box, you need to solve riddles.

  • No arms, no legs, but moves,
    Breathes but doesn't speak
    It eats, but has no mouth. (Plant.)
  • They grow on windows - they bring joy to people. (Indoor plant.)

Educator: Guys, have you guessed what's in the package? (Indoor plant.)

Children open the box, and there is not a living houseplant, but a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.

Educator: The Star Fairy is also interested in what it is. There are no indoor plants where she lived. And she lived in the store. There were a lot of interesting things around, but they were inanimate things. What do they sell in the store? FZ doesn’t know how to care for flowers at all and asks us to teach her. Shall we help? Let's look together with the Federal Law to see what types of indoor and garden plants. (Images shown.)

Didactic game.

Educator: Guys, what kind of plants do you know, besides indoor ones? (garden.) Do you know how to distinguish between them? On one chair there is a flower bed, on the other there is a flower pot. There are cards with a picture of a rose on the floor ( garden flower) And indoor flower in a pot. Boys collect images of indoor flowers in a pot, and girls collect roses in a flowerbed.

Conversation about indoor plants.

Children go to a corner of nature.

Educator: Children, look how many indoor plants there are in our group. What do you think these plants are for? (To make it beautiful.) What else are indoor plants used for? (Plants purify the air.) It’s right that it should be beautiful - a person decorates his home with indoor plants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also cleanse the air of dust and dirt. Many indoor plants smell good.

Guys, you already know that every plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know? (Children name the plants of the corner of nature and show them.)

Guys, what should you do to ensure that your indoor plant is always beautiful and doesn’t wilt? (Take care of a houseplant.) Let's tell the Federal Law how we care for plants.

Labor activity.

Educator: Guys, we recently put Chlorophytum shoots in a glass of water. Why did we do this, Vasilisa? Look what roots a small shoot of Chlorophytum has taken down! It's time to plant it in a pot. We will put soil for indoor plants there, make a small hole and plant a sprout in it. We fill it with soil at the base and water it with water. The plant has not yet grown strong, so we will take care of it every day. It will definitely grow! Let's give FZ a lot of Chlorophytums so that the air in her room is fresh and clean. Sit at the tables, match the chair leg with the table leg, straighten your backs. I will show you how to draw a houseplant - chlorophytum. First we will draw flower pot brown paint, and then the flower itself - green.

Physical education minute.

Our delicate flowers
The petals are blooming. (Smooth opening of hands.)
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying. (Waving hands above head.)
Our scarlet flowers
The petals close (Smooth lowering of hands.)
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

Get to work. Lisa drew the flower very carefully, Katya did it beautifully, etc.


Guys, you drew beautiful flowers. FZ says to you: “Thank you!” So what kind of flower was in the parcel? How will we plant flowers? Why do we grow plants at home?

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