Companies producing laminated veneer lumber. Plant for the production of laminated veneer lumber

Multi-stage technological process for the production of laminated veneer lumber from logs to finished parts at home allows Koivisto to provide perfectly accurate production of laminated veneer lumber of excellent quality. The excellent quality of laminated laminated timber is the absence of imperfections, roughness, correct humidity, the correct profile and only then the production of house parts, according to the project. Therefore, only the full production cycle from log to part, performed at quality equipment, will allow you to create a high-quality product.

Only with the help of good laminated laminated timber can you create a comfortable, high-quality, suitable for everyone modern requirements comfort home. However, it is worth noting that only with proper design and installation, heat loss problems are eliminated and comfort in operation of the finished structure is ensured.

The production of a wall kit consists of the following technological processes

  1. The log is cut after sorting the wood by species and thickness

  1. Preparation and sorting of lumber for laying in drying chambers

After the initial sorting of wood by thickness, the lumber is placed in bags and loaded into drying chambers of the Austrian company Muhlbock-Vanicek and dried to 10% ± 2 humidity. Each type of wood goes through its own specific drying cycle (spruce - 7 days, pine - 10 days, cedar - 10 days, larch - 25 days). The entire drying process is controlled automatically. This percentage of wood moisture content after drying ensures the absence of further deformation of the lumber, both in laminated timber and in planed moldings (floor boards, planks, imitation timber, rafters, floor joists).

  1. Production of timber lamellas and their sorting

Dried lumber undergoes secondary sorting by % moisture content, required parameters (width, thickness) and by any defects that appear: cracks, warping, knots, blue stains. Boards that have passed this sorting are supplied to the lengthwise splicing line. Splicing involves obtaining lamellas 13.4 meters long of two types: front lamellas and internal lamellas. The quality of the front lamellas must meet the requirements of the technical specifications for wall beam and have a distance between splice lines of at least 750 mm.

Lamels intended for use inside timber meet less stringent requirements, but still meet quality wood: no blue, no rot, compliance geometric parameters, no mixing of different types of wood.

  1. The production of laminated veneer lumber is carried out on:

Finished 13-meter lamellas undergo the fourth stage of control: for the quality of splicing and appearance slats. Next, after preliminary sharpening, the finished lamellas, using environmentally friendly AICA glue (Japan), enter the press for gluing to the required thickness. The cross-section of laminated timber is determined specific project or the purpose of the timber.

On the KRUSI CMI 4×4 machine (Switzerland), automated production of house parts takes place. Next is the fifth stage of control: for the quality of planing of the timber and the accuracy of cutting the node connections.

  1. Packing house parts

The house parts are packaged in black and white film, which prevents the formation of condensation during storage and transportation. This type film will help you provide long-term storage house details on construction site and compliance with the rules for installing walls (covering the upper crowns at night).

The finished laminated veneer lumber can be treated with protective impregnations (water-repellent, fire-resistant, antifungal). However, properly dried wood coniferous species and without treatment it resists weathering well and does not require a topcoat for some time.

Distinctive characteristics of Koivisto LLC production:

  • We produce laminated veneer lumber from such wood species as: pine, spruce, cedar, larch;
  • When making house parts, mixing different types of wood is excluded;
  • When making timber, environmentally friendly glue is used;
  • The humidity of the timber does not exceed 12%, which improves resistance to weather influences;
  • The joining line of the front lamellas is no less than 750 mm, which improves the appearance;
  • When profiling, three types of timber profiles are used: with insulation, without insulation, “Finnish”;
  • We produce double-glued timber;
  • We produce beams with a cross section of up to 500 mm and a length of up to 13.4 meters;
  • At the buyer's request, the wall timber is equipped with all the moldings necessary for construction (imitation, floor board, timber, rafters, joists, posts) and fasteners.

In the production process we are guided by the principles of responsible forest management. Careful logging and replenishment of forest resources: area cleaning, reforestation and fire prevention work are the first steps in a multi-stage logging process. After a set of measures for the selection and delivery of wood to the plant, mechanical process production of laminated timber. Let's look at its key points.

Log sawing

It starts with sawmilling important process - mechanical restoration wood In addition to direct sawing, it includes sorting commercial wood and bundling. An important step is also the preparation of the resulting materials for drying, which is carried out in drying chambers.

Sawmill lines are a whole complex of high-tech equipment: machines, various mechanisms, conveyors.

Lines like Wood-Mizer LT 70 band sawmill And Walter Erez WD 250-350 multi-saw sawmill, are necessary to carry out cutting of round assortments. They provide the production of large quantities edged lumber(various sizes and types).

Chamber drying

Most often, already sawn wood is dried in drying chambers. Fuel is burned in special boilers, which produces steam, which becomes the heat source for drying. In order for the steam to heat the drying chamber, it is supplied to heaters - a special pipe system. Drying chambers BG Holztechnik at the "Massive" plantcontrolled using the latestautomatic system from GANN (Germany).

Their main characteristics are optimal for drying wood:

- dual-circuit humidification system is designed for maximum effective spraying;

Controls the drying process computer system GANN HYDROMAT TK-MP 501 (Germany), fully automatic, equipped with remote control;

While drying is in progress, sound moisture probes are used to monitor the internal stress in the board (this is especially important for timber and other lumber with a large cross-section;

During the process of drying the wood, adjustments can be made to the program, which allows you to improve the quality of lumber, while simultaneously reducing their cost.

Sorting and rejecting

After cutting, the wood must be processed by removing the top thin layer. Thanks to this, the surface of the workpiece becomes smooth and minor defects, including surface deformations, are eliminated. During the calibration process, the workpiece takes the desired shape and size.

Four-sided machine Winner BL 6-23V

Then specialists examine the wood and mark areas with defects that do not meet technical specifications. These could be:

areas affected by rot; large knots that could not be smoothed out; wane; cracks that sometimes form during drying.


Continuous splicing line LBSA 002 RK

In the area of ​​end splicing, the lamellas are milled finger joint, glue is applied and connected under a press into lamellas of a given length (12 meters).

End splicing line FJL 150-8 and pobtained tenon joint

Gluing lamellas into timber

To obtain high-quality timber, lamellas (wood plates) are glued together in several layers (usually 3–6). The process is underway high pressure. To achieve the desired strength, the plates are laid as follows: the direction of the wood fibers of one lamella should be opposite to the direction of the fibers of the other. Only when using this technology does the timber not deform over time, this is what distinguishes the material from ordinary timber or a whole log.

AkzoNobel Casco specialists systematically monitor adherence to gluing technology directly during the production process.

Department technical control, operating at our enterprise, conducts daily tests of boards and timber using high-precision instruments.

Profiling timber

Four-sided planer Winner BL 6-23V gives the glued workpiece a given shape.

We offer 2 types of profiles of different sizes of laminated veneer lumber

The use of toothed profiles makes it possible to create a tight (so-called labyrinth) connection between the tongue-and-groove rims. With this type of connection, no inter-crown sealant (insulation) is required. In addition, such a profile, without leaving any gaps when connecting, helps to avoid problems when building a house. negative influence environment and prevent freezing of the joint corners, moisture ingress and the development of fungus and mold.

IN last years the demand for has increased significantly, because it began to be used in almost all areas of construction. Experienced developers have their own unspoken rating of laminated veneer lumber manufacturers, but ordinary citizens do not have such information, and therefore are faced with the problem of choice.

That is why we decided to present to your attention useful information, which will help you understand many of the nuances.

House made of timber - beauty and durability

Glue is the head of everything

Very important aspect, which reflects the quality of this material is the adhesive base. That's why we'll talk about it. Most Russian and foreign manufacturers use the same technology.

According to experts, 50% of the main components depend on the glue. specifications timber (strength, frost resistance, etc.).

Today three compositions are actively used:

  • Polyurethane.

  • This variety is the most economical. Due to not the best technical characteristics, it is losing its position every year. Melamine. The only serious drawback of this type is the high formaldehyde content. In this regard, if you suffer from any diseases
  • respiratory tract , it is not advisable to use it. Isoacetate.

Of course, only a responsible manufacturer of laminated timber uses such glue. He has the best

performance characteristics , and is also completely harmless to humans. Now let’s analyze the most popular adhesive compositions in our country according to their main characteristics. Variety EPI
Rapid EPI
Approved for use in this area
Toluene content

Formaldehyde content

Pressing duration, min

WATT 91 Certificate

Important! The lion's share of manufacturers in our country use EPI glue, even though its use in this area is prohibited. When purchasing a product from a foreign manufacturer, you can be sure that this composition was not used.

Let's talk about cost

Undoubtedly, nowadays one of the main aspects when choosing a product is its price. Therefore, it would be wise to talk about this in more detail.

  • Main components Studying market offers, you will notice that the cost of laminated veneer lumber can vary greatly. In this regard, many people will want to know what it depends on.
  • So, it consists of the following components:
  • Type of glued composition. As explained earlier, the quality of the product depends on this aspect. Samples using more advanced varieties will cost significantly more.
  • Type of wood. This aspect greatly influences the service life of the material. In addition, environmental friendliness also depends on it. Naturally, larch. Additional expenses
  • (delivery, salaries of specialists, advertising, etc.). The strength of the material depends on this aspect. As the instructions say, for massive structures you should use the thickest samples, otherwise the strength of the structure will be in question.

Market offers

Now, for sure, you will want to know specific numbers. Having studied the offers from largest producers the central part of our country, we presented them in the form of a visual table.

Manufacturer Cost of one cubic meter in thousand rubles
"Northern Hut"
"Russian West"
"SPP Salyut"
"Northern Forest"
"Stroy - Invest"

Advice: as you can see from the table, there is no manufacturer who would have the most low prices for all types of timber. Therefore, when purchasing mixed products, it is better to purchase certain varieties from different manufacturers.

Let's spend some time on mythology

Recently, various myths have begun to arise that relate to this material. Therefore, below we will consider the most popular of them and analyze how true they are.

Poor environmental friendliness

This opinion appeared due to the fact that people consider glue to be a toxic material. Of course, in most cases this idea is one hundred percent true, but in this path there was an exception.

Any honest manufacturer of laminated timber houses uses exclusively environmentally friendly adhesive compositions (we talked about them earlier). Such products have the first class of safety, because they are completely odorless and are not burdened with any toxic fumes.

The main ingredient of such compositions is cellulose. Thus, they are completely safe even for children.

Insufficient reliability

This opinion was probably born in the minds of the most skeptical citizens. It is worth saying that making laminated veneer lumber is somewhat reminiscent of creating a layer cake:

  • The boards, carefully treated with fire-resistant and antiseptic compounds, are dried and joined together.
  • When the glue has set, the resulting workpieces are ground and profiled.
  • These “bricks” are cut and sent for sale.

The result is a very durable and reliable material. Its technical characteristics are significantly higher than those of ordinary wood. In this case, buildings are no more than 2%.


Of course, if we compare with untreated wood, then this tendency takes place. However, if compared with, for example, a brick, then it results in an absolute misconception.

Also, do not forget about the fact that laminated veneer lumber does not require additional finishing. In addition, it is easy to install with your own hands, which will significantly reduce construction costs.

Fire hazard

Perhaps there is much more truth here than in the previous aspects. Naturally, wood materials are more susceptible to fire than, for example, brick or concrete. However, there are some nuances here too.

If we are talking about an open fire, then undoubtedly the timber will lose, because, despite the fire-resistant coating, it will begin to burn. However, as a rule, most serious fires are associated with fires in wiring, because an open fire can be easily extinguished with water. If the wiring catches fire, then regardless of the material from which the house is made, the consequences will be serious.

Poor heat resistance

Few people know that wood has a thermal conductivity that is 6 times lower than that of brick. Consequently, 10 cm of such a wall can replace 60 cm of a brick one.

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not want to save money on the purchase of this or that product.

Therefore, we decided to present to your attention some tips that will help you with this.

  • Try to buy in bulk. All best manufacturers glued beams offer discounts for large purchases. You can, for example, group with several more developers to order a large number of goods.
  • Take your time with the purchase. Check out prices in neighboring cities. It often happens that it is profitable to place an order in another region.
  • Remember that manufacturers of laminated timber houses have either own production or suppliers offering discounts. Therefore, ordering a turnkey house will cost you less in this case.

  • For summer houses it is not at all necessary to buy large-section timber. Such products are needed exclusively for buildings for year-round use.
  • remember, that the main raw material for this material is wood. As a result, you can save money by purchasing samples made from a cheaper type of wood. However, such a measure may affect quality.


That's all, our story has come to its logical conclusion. However, if there is something still unclear to you, then there is absolutely no reason to be upset. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic, which can answer all questions.

Our production is located 90 km. from Moscow along the M7 highway (Gorkovskoe highway). The territory of our enterprise is 17,500 sq.m. We have our own drying complexes with a single loading of 460 cubic meters. lumber.
Standard production is carried out in stages and looks like this:

1) Initial acceptance and selection of boards

After the wood has been harvested (purchased) from natural humidity, it is carefully checked for defects and all boards that do not meet the standard are rejected.

2) Drying in our chambers

The remaining material is carefully folded in drying chambers in such a way as to guarantee uniform drying along the entire length. After this, the wood remains there until the moisture content of each board is within 8-10%.​

3) Troubleshooting and trimming of dry boards

At the next stage, sawing is carried out (if necessary) until the right size and further calibration with rough stitching on a 4-sided machine. During this operation, previously hidden defects can be detected. They must be removed without fail - they are selected using cutting optimizer machines. The result is ready-made lamellas, with which further work remains.

4) Splicing and gluing lamellas

In sorted boards, without defects, a tenon joint is cut on a tenoning machine. At the line of splicing and gluing the lamellas, glue is applied to the tenons. On the assembly press, the lamellas are connected alternately by the end parts.

The resulting “clean” lamellas go to a 12-meter hydraulic press, where they are “turned” into laminated veneer lumber.

When gluing timber on a press, a special high-strength, waterproof, and at the same time environmentally friendly glue is used. It does not prevent the wood from “breathing”, but at the same time guarantees the strength of the final material. In order to obtain lamellas with a certain final length, splicing lines PBS 001 and LBSA 002 (Backout machines) are used. After the lamellas are ready, they are sent for finishing stitching, performed on a 4-sided Beaver 523 machine.

5) Profiling, cutting and finishing stages

After the glue has acquired the required hardness, the timber is again planed, milled and given desired profile on a Beaver 633 machine.

At the next stage, using equipment from Essetre and Stromab, cups are cut into the timber, grooves are selected, and holes are drilled in them for fasteners and communications.

Once the material is ready, it is sent for visual quality control by Quality Control Department employees. If everything is good, then it is carried out antiseptic treatment timber and trimming to a strictly verified length. All that remains is to pack the finished laminated veneer lumber and deliver it to the customer.

  • The total production area is more than 2 hectares.
  • The volume of drying chambers is over 500 m3.
  • The total number of personnel is 76 people.
  • We produce more than 4000 m 3 of laminated veneer lumber per year.
  • Structure and equipment

    The plant consists of a sawmill, a complex of drying chambers, logging areas and a production building.


    The plant's logging assets are located in the north of the Kostroma region. Glued laminated timber is made from northern coniferous wood: pine and spruce. The harsh climate and harsh growing conditions of northern species guarantee a higher hardness of wood compared to European wood.

    Sawmill lines

    Sawmill lines are equipped with a complex of high-tech equipment: machines, various mechanisms, conveyors. Band sawmill Wood-Mizer LT 70 multi-saw sawmill Walter Erez WD 250-350 - the most powerful sawmill machinery.

    Drying chambers

    The drying complex is equipped with German drying chambers from BG Holztechnik, which are controlled using automated system from GANN.

    Manufacturing facility

    The process of producing laminated veneer lumber - profiling, cutting cups, splicing and gluing lamellas into timber - takes place in a workshop equipped with high-precision technology.

    The presses used in the production of laminated veneer lumber glue lamellas into timber up to 12 meters long, which allows you to realize the most daring architectural solutions and achieve High Quality at all stages of work.

    Used for gluing lamellas into timber Akzo Nobel Casco non-toxic glue. The glue is certified for the production of wooden structures.

    Cups are milled on the latest four-sided planer, which provides powerful and precise material feeding.

    All stages production process and manufactured products are constantly monitored by an internal laboratory. Quality control is carried out at least three times per shift. The main control parameter is resistance to delamination along adhesive joints.

    You can read more about the production process of laminated veneer lumber at the CKD plant h here

    Cost of laminated timber


    25,000 rub. / m3


    25,000 rub. / m3

    Product Features
    Purpose Construction of a house from laminated timber.
    Wood type Pine/spruce.
    Humidity In production 12% +/- 2% .
    Length Up to 12 meters, individual cutting of elements and structural connections - “cups” - in accordance with the project.
    Deadline From 30 days, depending on production workload.
    • Packed in polyethylene film.
    • Laying is optimized for maximum loading.
    • Pallet size 10 x 10, length 6 and 12 meters. If you need packaging in pallets of other sizes, please indicate this in your application.
    • Packing list in each package.
    • Side loading.
    • The loading volume of dry lumber products is 32–42 m³, depending on the size of the pallet.
    • Transport for delivery can be provided by the plant on agreed terms.
    • For shipment volumes of less than 20 m³, delivery by groupage cargo is possible. Check with the manager for the shipping schedule.
    • Please pay attention to the driver so that he does not forget his transport documents.

    Social responsibility and role in industrial production of the region

    • The forestry business is one of the most promising in the economy of the Kostroma region, and woodworking forms 16% of the total industrial production. The company is aware of its responsibility for the development of the industry and annually works to modernize equipment and create additional jobs.

    • Today the company has an effective personnel policy. As a result of timely payment wages size above the regional average, the issue of staff turnover has been resolved. A third of the company’s employees are the second generation of employees of the Neysky division of Lespromkhoz, who stood at the origins of the plant’s creation in 2003.

    Excursions to the plant

    We build communication with clients on the principles of trust and openness.

    We consider it unacceptable to provide insufficient information about technological process production of laminated veneer lumber, so we invite everyone to see our plant with their own eyes: touch laminated veneer lumber with your own hands and ask all your questions, and at the same time... take a steam bath in a real Russian bathhouse!

    Once a month we conduct an excursion for our clients, for which online registration is also available.

    Leave a request for a tour right now and you will have an amazing opportunity to visit a picturesque place on the shore of a forest lake: a sports base, which was built for the recreation of its employees and their families. Here you can take a steam bath in a Russian bath and recharge yourself with the invigorating energy of the Kostroma forest!

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