Indoor flower with fragrant leaves. Plants that should not be kept at home

When purchasing another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If a small child or animals live in the house, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their livelihoods. Some plant species contain poison in their sap or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, some flowers have an adverse effect on the human body. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a huge number of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener.
In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children, due to their extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, can be poisoned by such flowers or get burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children or animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and wash your tools thoroughly. Never trim these flowers with a knife meant for eating in your kitchen.

“They say that to exude a fragrance means to waste oneself,” wrote poetess Irina Feshchenko-Skvortsova. Green friends grow in our flowerpots, giving us part of their soul - a noble and exquisite fragrance. So, who are the most fragrant indoor plants?

Plectranthus(indoor mint). This plant with curly light green leaves can fill your home with the amazing scent of mint - just touch it. Loves bright rooms and good watering. With careful handling it grows quickly. Belongs to the same family as peppermint. I have not seen any official records regarding its consumption, but at my own risk I sometimes add it to tea and ice cream. But what is true is true: the aroma of plectranthus has calming properties and ensures good sleep.

Indoor rose
Muraya (Murraya) paniculata. One flower of this rare tree of Japanese origin can perfume a standard room of 18 square meters. Since the smell of such a plant has a large radius of action. The aroma of muraya is complex, similar to the smell of jasmine and lemon flowers at the same time. They say it has a beneficial effect on the heart. If you provide the Japanese emperor plant with proper care and good lighting, it can bloom all year round. However, the flowers, like all representatives of the Rutaceae family, last only a day, maximum two.

Sansevieria. All varieties of this popular indoor plant produce unusually long peduncles that bloom in the evening and emit a pleasant and mellow aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a lily. Sansevieria (sansevieria) blooms in spring and/or autumn. Each flower fades by morning. However, there are a lot of them on the peduncle, so you can enjoy the fragrance for a long time.

Indoor rose essential oil. It has a bright and delicate aroma. It is believed to have a good effect on well-being and is a powerful aphrodisiac. The smell of this flower can be heard wonderfully in a small room.

Indoor jasmine (sambac). Another aphrodisiac is a fragrant houseplant. It blooms with small white flowers, but how richly fragrant they are! When caring for home jasmine, you need to take into account that it is a climbing plant, so it needs support.

Lemon geranium. As a matter of fact, all geranium and pelargonium leaves emit odors. But in the same zonal pelargonium it is specific (although the essential oil of this particular plant is used in perfumery). But the leader of the list of living fragrances can be called lemon geranium, the leaves of which exude the goodness of lemon. (If you pass by the market, it is often sold by older women from their home collections). There are varieties that have a natural aroma composition of lemon-rose, lemon-melissa, lemon-wormwood and even Coca-Cola.

Pelargonium zonal. And yet this beauty cannot be ignored. It is necessary in a living home aromatic collection because its leaves serve as an indicator of well-being. If it smells unpleasant to you, then this is an indicator of your psychological well-being. If, on the contrary, the smell seems attractive, then not everything is okay in the emotional sphere. Most likely, you are overtired - and you need peace.

Eucalyptus. All varieties of this plant emit a fragrance. But the most striking of these indoor trees is lemon eucalyptus. With a small touch of even one leaf, it can saturate a standard medium-sized room with aroma.

Myrtle: "fragrant carpet"
Common myrtle. One touch of the small, dark green leaves of this indoor tree or shrub fills the room with a pine-like aroma.

Gardenia. She is an English rose. The heavy, languid fragrance of this green miracle cannot be forgotten. It is often included in perfume compositions and is used as a solo scent. Caring for this houseplant is not easy, but it is worth the effort. Carefully! Messages have appeared on the Internet that this flower needs to be fed... with meat. If you want to send this exotic to another world, use this advice. If you want it to linger longer on the windowsill, under no circumstances do this: even small particles of meat clog the soil. It is more correct to use meat water: rinse the container that held fresh meat or fish and pour it into a bottle. And, before watering the plant, carefully filter this water through cheesecloth (to remove meat or fish pieces).

Spicy plants. Namely, noble laurel and rosemary, which can be eaten, are excellent for keeping at home and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Citrus trees. Everything in them is full of pleasant notes: both leaves and flowers. At home, indoor lemon, tangerine, calamondin, orange and even grapefruit are grown.

cacti. Oddly enough, these thorns can also become sources of homemade incense. Some types of astrophytums (they emit the smell of pineapple), echinopsis, and gymnocalycium have fragrant flowers.

Conifers. Houseplants that smell can easily be classified as members of the conifer family. However, it is extremely difficult to keep them at home - you need to spray them a lot and protect them from dry air. Cypress, cypress, and araucaria are considered the most “survivable” at home. But they also need to be looked after very carefully.

This fragrant bouquet can be collected on one windowsill. Of course, scented indoor flowers are natural air fresheners. Unlike synthetic products - "loaders" of unpleasant odors, based on a combination of artificial substances, homemade green friends do not destroy, but improve health. There is also an important difference with household chemicals: the aroma of indoor plants does not irritate the sense of smell (smelling synthetics can ruin it). And the main thing about such “perfume in flowerpots” is that they are a gift from Nature itself.

Plants are amazing organisms. They are used for a variety of purposes: design, medicine, culinary seasoning. They also have one more function - many representatives have very fragrant aromas that can be inhaled both at home and in your dacha.

Selecting flowers that smell good is a special task. In this case, you need to take into account several important points:

  • the right combination of flavors;
  • harmonious combination of plants in terms of design;
  • what conditions are suitable for different plants for their joint flowering (soil, light, etc.).

Important! When selecting fragrances, it is important to take into account whether anyone in the household is allergic to certain odors. And if plants with a smell are intended to be grown at home, then you need to keep in mind pets, who may also not like overly fragrant flowers.

Gloxinia - plants with incredibly beautiful flowers in the form of gramophones

The richest, most delicious-smelling plants can be placed on your balcony. The most popular include:

  1. Gloxinia- plants with incredibly beautiful flowers in the form of gramophones. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and have a delicate, unique aroma.
  2. Hyacinth are very popular flowering plants that are grown from bulbs. They have a very intense aroma, which is emitted by flowers of various colors: blue, red, white, pink, lilac, etc.
  3. Sweet pea It blooms all season until the beginning of October, if the Indian summer lingers longer than usual. The plant is creeping and needs a trellis, netting or stretched ropes.
  4. Lavender- an elegant plant with purple flowers that enrich the atmosphere with a pleasant scent until the end of summer.
  5. Nasturtium– it can be grown as a grapevine on a trellis, or in ordinary containers. The aroma is pronounced, with rich honey tones.

What flowers to plant on the balcony (video)

Strongly scented flowers for the garden

The choice of fragrant plants for the garden is wider. Along with flowers, this includes some herbs, low-growing shrubs and, of course, garden trees.

Fragrant shrubs and trees

Many garden shrubs and, of course, trees have fragrant aromas:

  • bird cherry;
  • lilac;
  • different types of honeysuckle (Tatar, Maaka);
  • Hydrangea paniculata;
  • alnifolia clethra;
  • different types of mock orange;
  • apple tree;
  • Robinia pseudoacacia and others.

They are usually not seated next to each other. However, some types of trees, for example, bird cherry and apple trees, the smells of which do not contradict each other, are quite appropriate to plant nearby.

Lavender is an elegant plant with purple flowers that enrich the atmosphere with a pleasant scent until the end of summer.

Fragrant herbs

Some herbs, despite their inconspicuous appearance, have very pleasant aromas. At the same time, they can be successfully used in the decoration of flower beds, rockeries and other flower arrangements. Here are some of the most popular representatives of fragrant herbs:

  • caraway;
  • tarragon;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • leaf mustard;
  • chervil and others.

It is no coincidence that most of the herbs on this list are used as spices. They got into the culinary business thanks to their exquisite aroma, which adds a piquant taste to any dish.

Some herbs, despite their inconspicuous appearance, have very pleasant aromas.

Fragrant annual and perennial flowers

Almost all flowers have their own unique aroma, which allows them to attract insects for pollination. However, few can produce truly rich odors that are pleasant to humans.

These, for example, include the following annuals:

  1. Sweet pea. This plant prefers cool, rainy weather. It can be planted in protected soil in winter or early spring.
  2. Mirabilis, which is also called the “Peruvian miracle”. It opens its flowers after 5-6 pm and emits a pleasant smell until sunset.
  3. Heliotrope– rather tall (up to half a meter) beautiful flowers with a pleasant vanilla aroma.
  4. Lobularia, which is also called alyssum. It blooms almost all summer and part of September. It is grown by seedlings (seeds are sown at the end of March).
  5. Fragrant tobacco Along with planting a house, it is also quite suitable for decorating a summer cottage. Fills the air with a strong floral scent.

Sweet Pea – This plant prefers cool, rainy weather.

Among perennial flowers, the most common are the following:

  • dahlias;
  • monarda;
  • Levkoy (two-year-old);
  • meadowsweet;
  • mignonette;
  • peonies;
  • thin-leaved marigolds.

You should choose a place for planting perennial fragrant flowers especially carefully, so as not to disturb them with replanting later.

Strong-smelling flowers for the garden (video)

Flowers that smell in the evening and at night

Flowers generally bloom and emit scents in the morning and afternoon to attract insects. However, there is a whole group of plants that smell fragrant in the evening and even at night. These include:

  1. Decorative tobacco– this plant has been cultivated for quite a long time. It reveals all its aromas from late evening until dawn. The aroma is sweetish, subtle, unobtrusive. A characteristic feature is that it can bloom until the beginning of October. The plant loves open sunlight and a well-ventilated place, so placing it on a balcony facing south or east is a very good option. Loves systematic watering and fairly good soil.
  2. Mattiola- a plant that does not have any special decorative value, but is very fragrant. It is planted in containers, often next to flowers that are more interesting in terms of appearance. The plant is quite demanding in terms of watering and soil quality; it grows well in the sunny side. In order to prolong the flowering of matthiola as much as possible and to enjoy its fragrant scent for as long as possible, it is better to plant the seeds in several turns at intervals of 10-15 days.
  3. Levkoy is a plant related to matthiola. It not only emits a pleasant, fragrant smell, but also has pleasant colors - white, scarlet, pink. If you alternate them with each other, sowing seeds of different varieties, it will look especially beautiful.
  4. Night violet flowers(another name for this plant is matthiola bicorne) is small and rather inconspicuous in appearance, but in terms of aroma it is inferior to very few even the most beautiful flowers. When they bloom, a delicate, sweet aroma appears throughout the room, starting in the evening hours and continuing throughout the night. These are annuals, so new plantings should be done every year. The advantage of such plants is that the aromas can be inhaled literally a few months after planting.

Ornamental tobacco - this plant has been cultivated for quite a long time

Fragrant bulbous plants

There is a whole class of garden plants that are distinguished by both pleasant smells and magnificent colors: These are bulbous flowers:

  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips;
  • crocuses;
  • scilla;
  • whiteflower and others.

Almost all of them have high decorative value and are grown not only for aroma, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Tulips have high decorative value and are grown not only for their fragrance, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Rules for creating a fragrant garden in the country

Creating a fragrant garden is an original and interesting task. The main requirement for the work is the formation of plantings of plants that will constantly produce flowers at different times of summer and autumn. In a word, you need to create a garden of continuous flowering and fragrance.

Along with the conditions of design and agrotechnical (according to care conditions) combinations, it is necessary to take into account so that the flowers bloom in turn, and their aromas do not interrupt each other:

  • The first to open the season of scents in the countryside hyacinths and daffodils. They are planted as seedlings, which begin to be prepared at the end of summer. The bulb is planted in the container, and already at the very beginning of October it is dug into the ground along with the seedling. The next year, with the onset of the warm season, the pots are removed, the plants are removed and planted in specific places.
  • Then a shrub popular in our latitudes begins to bloom - lilac. This is a fairly unpretentious plant that chooses different types of soil. Along with the usual tall trees, you can also plant decorative shrubs that grow no more than one and a half meters in height. Such trees not only bloom beautifully, but also look great in rockeries and other types of flower arrangements.

Hyacinths and daffodils are the first to open the season of scents in the countryside.

  • It blooms around the same time bird cherry, whose flowers smell like honey. Its flowering time is mid-May. The garden apple tree also lays down at approximately the same time, saturating the air with a delicate aroma.
  • Then (second half of May) they bloom lilies of the valley These flowers are low-growing, have a very unique, recognizable appearance, and therefore are most often planted separately from others. With their help, you can mark garden paths, plant circles or patterns along the edges of flower beds, and also plant in the form of a continuous green carpet.
  • Next comes the time mock orange. It blooms at the very beginning of June and throughout July. Not all of its varieties smell, so it is important to choose the fragrant ones. It smells so pleasantly fragrant that it is called garden jasmine. The aroma is pronounced, rich, harmonious. It is best to plant this plant in open, sunny places and do not forget about regular watering.

The smell of a home consists of a large number of aromas. Among its components there are various types of flowers, the delicate scent of which is a worthy alternative to air fresheners and interior perfumes. When choosing scented indoor plants, it is important not to go overboard. Heavy odors or an excess of spices are not the best for creating home comfort. It is also necessary to take into account that among flowers with a charming aroma there are conditionally poisonous ones, constant proximity to which in a confined space is undesirable. The choice will be different for different rooms inside the house.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

There is no competition for geranium, the leaves of which exude a pleasant aroma. Their smell is not the same among different varieties: from mint to chocolate.

Myrtle also has a beneficial effect on humans, as it has the unique ability to purify the air while emitting a light, pleasant odor.

Plectranthus will also help you forget about insomnia. This flower also has other names: Cuban oregano and Mexican mint. The plant is easy to care for and has a distinct minty scent. Can be used as a spice.

Lavender is also good for the bedroom, but will require specific care, which beginners are not always able to cope with.

You can also place citrus fruits in your resting place.

Flowers for foyers and living rooms

Gardenia looks great, but does not tolerate drafts. Its thick floral aroma is good for those rooms where you are not supposed to sleep.

Orchids also feel great in the living room, although fragrant varieties are rarely found on sale. In nature, an orchid is a “simulator” of smells. Her signature scent is vanilla, but this beauty can smell like rose, lily of the valley and even coffee.

Indoor roses are always appropriate in the living room. And even though they are much smaller than their garden relatives, this does not diminish their dignity. This flower will not tolerate being placed near a battery.

Indoor fragrant plants in the kitchen

Catnip, rosemary, peppermint, bay, thyme - this is not a complete list of plants for the kitchen. The spicy aroma of herbs will come in handy here; if you wish, you can even plant dill and parsley on the windowsill.

You can enjoy the aromas of exotic flowers throughout almost the entire year at home. There are many known fragrant indoor plants. Each of them has its own unique smell and you can easily choose a home flower to suit your taste.

Among the many plants that people grow in their homes, there are types of Plants that are completely odorless or with a faint, almost imperceptible aroma of fresh foliage or cut wood. The average person cannot distinguish such faint odors.

All fragrant indoor plants can be divided into two large groups:

1. Only flowers have fragrance.
2. All parts of the plant smell, the smell intensifies when damaged.

The first group of plants.

Houseplants from the first group delight with their aroma only during flowering. This group includes some orchids, stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine), roses, gardenias, and some cacti. It should be noted that almost always among the representatives of one genus of fragrant flowering plants there are those that do not smell. The breeders made sure to please all customers: among the many hybrids, you can always choose an orchid that is completely odorless or with a pleasant exotic aroma.

or Madagascar jasmine
is a semi-shrub vine that prefers well-lit windows. The white star flowers have an exquisite aroma. The plant requires support and careful regular care.

Gardenia quite a capricious plant. She loves light, warmth and moisture, but does not tolerate being in direct sunlight. This flower requires high humidity, so it is not always possible to successfully grow this tropical beauty in an ordinary apartment.

Eucharis or Amazon lily has a very pleasant, delicate aroma. These are perennial bulbous plants with large dark green leaves. From time to time, an umbrella with 5-6 flowers similar to a daffodil appears on the plant. The flowers have a refined and delicate aroma.

Inflorescences Hoyas (wax ivy) have a strong sweetish smell that intensifies in the evening. This unpretentious, drought-resistant vine with leathery leaves and long shoots blooms annually. It does not require any complex care, but the young plant does not bloom.

Muraya While rarely found in homes, it is a small shrub that can be shaped into a small tree. Its flowers are very fragrant, they are white and seem to be covered with wax. Flowering can last all year round.

Abelia It blooms with a small cutting and has a pleasant subtle aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a lemon flower. This is an ornamental flowering shrub that blooms for a long time and very abundantly. It is better to keep an adult plant in a large room.

U oleander The flowers are very fragrant; inhaling their aroma for a long time can cause a headache. The pink or white flowers of this evergreen shrub are very beautiful; the plant is quite unpretentious.

Jasmine sambac - a vine with a large number of flowers, blooms continuously from May until approximately September. Requires pruning and support, flowers do not last long.

The second group of plants.

The second group includes domestic plants, all parts of which have a pronounced aroma. An example is the well-known pelargonium (geranium). If you rub a leaf of pelargonium zonalis, you will feel a strong, pungent odor. Some people like him, some don't. If the plant is not touched, there is no smell. Fragrant pelargonium will fill the entire room with its aroma, even if its shoots are slightly disturbed.

Such plants include citrus fruits, myrtle, and araucaria. All plants used as seasonings have aromatic properties: mint, rosemary, lemon balm, Oregon, and noble laurel.

Citrus trees (lemon, orange, calamondin, tangerine) are often grown at home. All parts of plants have a pleasant aroma: leaves, shoots, and flowers.

Araucaria - one of the few coniferous plants that can be grown indoors. It has a pleasant pine aroma and saturates the air with phytoncides.

Plectranthus or indoor mint valued for its ease of care and decorative attractiveness of leaves with a pleasant mint aroma. Its flowers are small, lilac or white. Some species have a pungent odor and are used to repel moths.

Myrtle - an evergreen plant with leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers in short racemes. Myrtle leaves and shoots are a source of essential oil, widely used in perfumery and medicine.

It would not be amiss to remind you that when placing fragrant plants in the house, you should definitely think about which flower to put where. It is better not to keep fragrant flowers in the bedroom; for other rooms it is important to choose the right fragrant plants. Smells affect your well-being and create your mood. Some calm, others, on the contrary, give vigor and strength. Only your own feelings will tell you which room to use plants for!

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