Indoor flowers jasmine care. Maintaining temperature for propagating indoor jasmine at home

indoor jasmine, a plant that combines all the advantages dear to the heart of an amateur gardener. It is beautiful, unpretentious, and most importantly, fragrant. The smell of jasmine is unique and unforgettable! It is mistakenly believed that this is a plant indoor variety big garden bush, growing in many garden and summer cottages. The flowers and smell are very similar. But this is completely wrong. These bushes are not jasmine at all, but mock orange.

At home, mainly three types of indoor jasmine are grown: Sambac, Large-flowered And Holofloral. Sambac, also known as Arabian (sometimes “Indian”) jasmine has gained great popularity among gardeners, because it blooms all summer and autumn, until winter. Also, this is the same type that is added to tea. Most often, this indoor flower grown as hanging plant: V hanging planters, a cascade of stems cascading down or braided around an arch. look after indoor jasmine at home it is very easy and not burdensome, which is very important for beginning gardeners. Judge for yourself.

Indoor jasmine. Care at home.

First of all, I must note that the pleasant and strong aroma of this plant is fraught with danger. It cannot be placed in a sleeping area! The aroma can cause severe headaches. Therefore, it is better to place indoor jasmine in non-residential, spacious and well-ventilated areas. By the way, the same applies to.


Jasmine is a light-loving flower and can even withstand direct sunlight. sun rays. But this does not mean at all that it can be put under scorching sun. If jasmine is located on your south window, then take care of its shading. Bright, but diffuse light, just right for him.


First of all, take care to protect the jasmine from drafts. They are contraindicated for him. Otherwise, this plant is not particularly demanding of temperature. In the warm season, there is no particular point in sticking to a special one. For jasmine, both heat and more moderate temperatures are equally comfortable. He will feel very good outdoors. In winter, it is desirable to provide the plant with a cooler existence, that is, a temperature lower than normal room temperature. But if this is not possible, then it’s okay, you’ll just have to water and spray it more often. The lower temperature limit for keeping indoor jasmine in winter +8 degrees.

Watering, air humidity and fertilizer

Jasmine needs to be watered regularly. Overdrying the soil is undesirable for it. IN summer period The soil in the pot should always be moist. In winter it depends on the air temperature: the lower it is, the less frequent the watering. For watering, use only warm and soft water.

Spray jasmine daily, and if it is very hot, then more than once. The water for spraying should be the same as for irrigation. As with watering, indoor jasmine directly depends on air temperature and air dryness (it is usually drier in winter). If the plant is in cool conditions, then there is no need to spray it at all.

From April until the beginning of autumn, when jasmine has a period active growth, it must be fed every 10 days. Fertilizers for flowering indoor plants are suitable for feeding. Can also be used liquid potash fertilizers, alternating them with complete mineral fertilizer.


Adult plants are replanted as needed or once every two to three years. Young ones must be replanted every year. For replanting, any light, nutritious soil is suitable, which you can either buy or make yourself according to this recipe:

Leaf soil - one part;

Turf land - one part;

Greenhouse or humus soil - one part;

Peat - one part;

Coniferous soil - ½ part;

Sand or perlite - ½ part.


Indoor jasmine is primarily an ornamental plant, and to give it this very decorative look, his definitely needs to be trimmed. I would like to note that it tolerates trimmings easily. This means you can safely “shred” it as your imagination dictates. During scheduled pruning (from late February to March), shoots are usually shortened by a third. If they are stunted and weakly leafy, then you can trim them to half. Pruning jasmine will not only give it a more well-groomed and aesthetic appearance, but also stimulate the growth of new side shoots, on which buds will subsequently form and fragrant flowers will bloom. Young plants that have no or very few lateral vines must be pinched. By pinching the tip of the shoot, you will stop its growth, which will give the opportunity to develop side branches. Actually, not only young plants need to be pinched, adult jasmine also periodically benefits from this procedure.


Indoor jasmine reproduces like or, that is, very simply. It can be propagated by cuttings and layering. It will be easier and more visual to propagate it from cuttings. It is best to combine this event with pruning. At this time, there will be enough suitable cuttings, and sometimes it’s a shame to throw them away... For rooting, cuttings with 2-3 nodes and a length of about 10-15 centimeters are suitable. I would advise beginning flower growers to simply put them in a glass of water. This will allow you to observe the appearance and growth of roots (following the example). When the roots grow to a centimeter in length, the cuttings can be planted in a pot. You can root jasmine cuttings in damp sand or a mixture of sand and leaf soil. When using any of these methods, it is highly advisable to use a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, for example). You can add it to some water or dip a cut of the cutting into it (when planting in a mixture or sand). The use of a stimulator will accelerate root formation. Without it, this process can take up to one and a half months. For successful rooting (and this will happen during the relatively cold season), the temperature should be within +20-25 degrees.

Indoor jasmine also reproduces easily by layering. In some cases, this method is even more effective. This process is well known to those who propagated gooseberries, climbing rose. Many also reproduce indoor plants(, and similar). In the same pot (if space allows), part of the jasmine stem is buried. If there is no space, then place a pot of soil nearby, and the stem is buried in it. First, you can lightly scrape the bark on the part of the stem to be dug in (down to the wood) and also treat it with a stimulant. After rooting, it will be enough to cut off the shoot from the mother plant, and you will get another young indoor jasmine.

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Indoor jasmine is a plant belonging to the olive genus. It often attracts attention with both beauty and tenderness. The plant is not demanding, and therefore it is quite easy to grow at home. Jasmine has many varieties, among which it should be noted:

  • multi-flowered;
  • grandiflora;
  • sambac;
  • holoflorous.

The last two are most common among amateur gardeners. For example, sambac is popular because it blooms not only in summer, but also in autumn. Due to its long stems, it is often used as an hanging plant.

By the way, jasmine woven into an arch is a very beautiful sight, so it is often sold in this form.

How to properly care

This is simply an excellent option for a veranda, balcony or window sills. At proper care Jasmine will live long enough. At the same time, it will delight you with its flowering in the summer. At the same time, the care process itself will not cause any difficulties. Here you should remember about the rather intense smell, because of which sleeping in the same room with this plant can result in a morning headache, and often a very strong one. In this regard, it is recommended to place the flower in the living room, and not in the nursery or bedroom. It will decorate well and office space, delighting both employees and visitors with its beauty.

Jasmine is considered a light-loving plant, since it can even withstand exposure to direct sunlight - albeit for a short time. Therefore, it is best to hide the flower in the shade. There is no need to expose it to direct sunlight often, especially for a long time.

Speaking about the “habitat”, it should be noted that this plant feels best if you combine clay-turf soil, purified sand and deciduous soil in equal proportions. It is worth noting very important point. When watering, you need to be very careful and make sure that lime does not accidentally get into the soil - the flower simply does not tolerate it. It is best to use water that has been sitting for at least one day. It wouldn't hurt to acidify it a little. The soil should dry out between waterings, but care should be taken not to let it dry out.

Jasmine is also undemanding to temperature conditions. For example, in the summer, when the heat outside and in the apartment is unbearable, the plant feels normal. The flower tolerates staying on the ground quite well. fresh air, while he doesn’t like drafts. You should always remember this and carefully monitor open doors and windows.

In winter, jasmine is best suited for moderate temperatures, but even at lower temperatures nothing bad will happen. The plant normally tolerates temperatures in the corridor from 8 to 18 degrees Celsius, so you don’t have to worry too much about this point. However, these are approximate guidelines. If everything is clear from the bottom bar - colder in winter it is unlikely to be in the apartment, then the upper one is not the limit. Jasmine tolerates normally and more warm temperature– you just need to water and spray it more often.

At the same time, the plant reacts extremely negatively to overdried soil, so it is better not to let it get to this point. In summer, you should especially carefully monitor its condition, increasing the amount of watering. In winter, in turn, you need to take into account the air temperature in the room. It is on this basis that the number of waterings should be calculated. By the way, the water must be warm and soft. This applies to both watering the plant and spraying. In summer, the last procedure is carried out daily, in winter, again, depending on the room temperature. If the room is quite cool, then you can do without spraying.

Jasmine should be fertilized from mid-spring to the end of summer, since the plant is actively growing during this period. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. Jasmine is unpretentious, so regular fertilizers will do. In addition, full mineral supplement. However, most the best option here the alternation of the first and second with liquid fertilizers containing potassium.

Jasmine pleases the eye when it is lush - then the flower is really very beautiful. To do this, the plant must be trimmed and pinched. Jasmine tolerates the first procedure quite well, since it does not do anything bad to him. It is best to prune at the end of February, or at the very beginning of March. In other words, it is best to do this before the plant begins to grow.

As a rule, the stems are cut to a third of their length, but if they are weak and thin, then cutting by half is allowed. Thanks to this procedure, the plant then not only acquires simply stunning appearance, but also receives an incentive for the growth of side shoots - buds will begin to form there. If we talk about pinching, then this procedure It is best to do it for young plants. The logic here is very simple - they simply have nothing to trim yet. However, plucking will not interfere with adult flowers, but a selective approach should be taken here.

To propagate jasmine, flower growers use one of two methods - layering and cuttings. In the first case, no special difficulties should arise. Bends are allowed to be dug in during the entire summer period. If you decide to opt for the option with cuttings, then it is best to take well-ripened one-year-old ones, with 2 or 3 nodes and up to 15 centimeters long. After pruning, you will most likely have quite a few suitable options for this. Cuttings are planted using a mixture of soil and sand. However, the latter itself is quite suitable for this. It should be remembered here that the sand, if it is without soil, must be wet.

Jasmine scent is one of the most popular scents in the world. It is used in candles, perfumes, creams, bath cosmetics, and aromatherapy. But you can enjoy the unique fragrance simply by growing an indoor jasmine flower in your apartment.

In care homemade jasmine not particularly whimsical. But still, to favorite plant felt good, you need to try to create for him ideal conditions. And care includes the following:

  1. Timely watering;
  2. Maintaining optimal temperature regime;
  3. Annual pruning;
  4. Application of fertilizing (in such quantity and composition that it benefits the plant);
  5. Careful transplantation.

But first you need to choose suitable variety for growing at home. The most important thing is not to confuse it with mock orange, which is often called garden jasmine. In fact, this plant has nothing in common with a real exotic one. Real jasmine has beneficial properties. And especially its flowers, with which the plant can delight at any time of the year. For example, unique properties There are varieties of Royal jasmine and bare-flowered jasmine - they bloom profusely in winter.

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The most suitable place in an apartment in which the plant will feel most comfortable, there is a window sill near the east window. There is no need to shade it in this place. If the side is sunnier, homemade jasmine should be protected from direct sunlight in the summer during the peak heat - from 11.00 to 17.00. At this time, the leaves may get burned. Studying care in this matter, only the Jasmine Sambac variety has unique durability. You can safely keep it in a pot near the south window. Jasmine is a light-loving plant; if it does not develop well, this may mean that it is not getting enough light.

Air temperature

In summer, the plant can be in any conditions. Although in hot weather care should be more careful regarding moisture. Likewise, in winter, air humidity has great value.

If the jasmine is located near a hot radiator, you should periodically turn on the humidifier, or place a vessel with water on the radiator. Since jasmine comes from tropical and subtropical climates, it is only natural that it does not tolerate cold. In the winter months, the temperature is critically low for it - plus 6. It is ideal to maintain it at about 10 degrees. But the light-loving Jasmine Sambac cannot be exposed to temperatures lower than + 16 even in winter.

Soil requirements

For jasmine, it does not matter what soil it grows in. The best thing is to plant jasmine in a mixture of deciduous, clay-turf soil and sand. The proportions of these components must be equal.

Watering mode

It is important that caring for a plant that lives at home includes a suitable watering regime. Delicate home jasmine loves soft water. You cannot use running water, its properties are destructive. Care should be carried out with settled or boiled water. Moreover, the water temperature must be lukewarm - about 30 degrees.

You should also be careful with its quantity. The plant does not tolerate overwatering. During the spring and summer months, the soil should be constantly slightly moist - this means that the plant has enough. But earthen lump under no circumstances should it become too dry. This means that not following the golden mean in the matter of watering will cause problems for the jasmine’s well-being.

A potted pet may be upset by wilted, yellowed leaves or lack of flowering.


Spraying is also of great importance. In summer, this procedure should be constantly included in your care. Also, when it comes to the amount of watering, it is important to take into account the growth of the plant. That is, if one plant is taller than its other peers, this means that it consumes more water.


Fertilizers must be applied one at a time - once organic, once mineral. In the warm season, you need to feed twice a month, in the fall - once. During the rest period, fertilizers are not needed. But this does not mean that all varieties do not need to be fed all winter. After all, there are some that develop and bloom in winter.

Replanting and pruning

In terms of pruning, jasmine needs care every year in early spring before active growth begins.

The plant tolerates pruning without problems. Overgrown shoots can be safely shortened almost twice. Pruning will ensure that the plant develops better and becomes more magnificent. After all, this operation will help prevent exposure of branches. Favorable timely pruning also affects the abundance of flowering. But the fragrant flowers are the most valuable thing that jasmine gives.

Jasmine should also be replanted at a young age annually. Starting from the age of three, the procedure can be performed every other year. In this case, pruning remains at the same frequency.

Diseases and pests

Care is important when it comes to protecting domestic jasmine species from insects such as whiteflies.



At the moment when the annual pruning of the plant is carried out, cuttings can also be prepared. The shoots should be about 13 centimeters long and have 4-6 leaflets. Before planting the cuttings in the ground, they should spend about a month and a half in water or soil made from a mixture of sand and leaf soil.

Air layering

You need to prepare a container with the mixture, the same as for an adult jasmine, and place it closer to the plant. Lightly cut one of the stems and press the area into the new soil. Water periodically, and with the appearance of young shoots, you can separate the cuttings themselves from the adult jasmine.

Jasmine can give health

Another beauty of homemade jasmines is the beneficial properties of their petals. In the most normal conditions You can get an exquisite and healthy drink from jasmine flowers. There is even a variety that is unofficially called “tea” - “Maid of Orleans”. It is this variety, like no other, that is better suited for growing at home.

This variety is the most unpretentious and, giving the plant minimal care, you can get abundant and fragrant flowering. Trimming and collecting petals is ideally done early in the morning.

It is during this period that jasmine flowers emit their strongest aroma. Home healer has a particularly beneficial effect on nervous system. Helps overcome fears and depressed mood. Has bactericidal and disinfectant properties.

Another part of jasmine – the roots – also has beneficial properties. May help with headaches, insomnia and arthritis. In China in medicinal purposes Jasmine is used especially widely. It helps fight severe liver diseases, ulcers and even oncology.

The use of jasmine products is especially beneficial for the fair half of humanity. It is believed that jasmine can reduce the intensity pain during critical days, can also be used as anesthesia during contractions.

All this is of great importance for human health, and if we add to this the beautiful appearance of the flower, then the conclusion is clear: planting jasmine is definitely worth it. After all, completely effortless plant care can bring both beauty and health to your home.

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If the rose is the queen of flowers, then the jasmine flower is their king. It is loved for its enchanting, intoxicating and sweet aroma. The jasmine plant reminds of the hot sun and warm countries. The king of flowers was grown for rulers and nobles. Already in the 11th century, Chinese emperors enjoyed its aroma. Presumably, he came to Europe during Crusades or was brought by Spanish sailors.

The place of origin of jasmine is still unknown. Some scholars claim that it is from India. Others insist that his homeland is Iran. Jasmine is still very popular in these and many other countries. For example, in folk medicine and religious ceremonies.

In Russia jasmine is in open ground grows in the Caucasus, in Krasnodar region and Crimea. The plant is often confused with the mock orange shrub from the hydrangea family, but with jasmine they are united only by the fragrant smell of flowers.

Jasmine from the Olive family is evergreen shrub or liana with simple or compound leaves. They can be imparipinnate (that is, the leaf blade ends without a pair) or trifoliate. Leaves grow in pairs or alternately.

The flowers grow individually, gathering into umbrellas or corymbs, that is, into a multi-flowered inflorescence like a brush. They grow on the top or side. A tubular whisk in the shape of a saucer is most often found white, but pink and yellow are found. Its petals, as they fade, take on a reddish tint.

This plant can be either erect or in the form of vines with hanging shoots that need support. The lower part of the stem gradually becomes woody, so young shoots need to be directed in an arc.

Plant varieties

There are about 300 species of this flower.

Several types are grown at home:

In nature there are such species as:

  • grandiflora jasmine;
  • Bisa (pink jasmine);
  • the thinnest;
  • short;
  • yellow jasmine (has poisonous juice);
  • dwarf.

Jasmine at home can bloom in winter period. If you properly care for the plant, it becomes unpretentious and delights its owner with beautiful glossy foliage and fragrant flowers. To give it an aesthetic appearance, the plant must be supported on a support as it grows. You should know how to care for indoor jasmine correctly. This requires compliance with factors such as lighting, temperature, air humidity, watering and fertilizers.


The jasmine houseplant loves the sun, but not direct sunlight. Because of them, the leaves can get burned, so when the flower is on the sunny side, it needs to be shaded (put a screen, hang tulle or film). If there is not enough sun, jasmine grows slowly and does not bloom. It is necessary to accustom it to light gradually: first place it in partial shade, and then in diffused sunlight.

IN summer time year, homemade jasmine can be exposed to the open air.


Most suitable temperature for growth and flowering no higher than 25 degrees and no lower than 18. In winter for house plant create cooler conditions (with a temperature of 10 degrees) so that it can rest, and during the flowering period it blooms magnificently and for a long time. IN winter time In an apartment with radiators running, it is impossible to create cool conditions, so you need to ventilate the room more often, avoiding drafts. Also, do not place the flower near heating devices. A temperature drop below 8 degrees can cause the death of the plant.


You can increase humidity in the following ways:

Watering rules

The flower doesn’t like overflows, but you shouldn’t overdry it either. After watering, you need to remove the water from the pan. In the warm season, the plant should be watered as the top layer of settled (filtered) soil dries out. warm water, since tap water contains lime, which has a bad effect on jasmine. In autumn, watering must be reduced, and in winter, make sure that the soil does not dry out (water about 1-2 times a week). At frequent watering in winter, a flower can get sick standing in a cold mass of soil.

About twice a month, watering water for jasmine needs to be acidified with 5 ml apple cider vinegar per liter of water. For long flowering water the plant with water citric acid(no more than 3 grains per 1 liter of water).


It is better to feed jasmine with liquid fertilizers for indoor plants. flowering plants. But you don’t need to be zealous, otherwise it will begin to “idle” (that is, there will be fleshy foliage and thick lashes, but flowering will not occur). Feed the plant in summer and spring (no need in winter) mineral fertilizers from half the required norm, so that beauty is in bloom, and not in greenery.

It is not recommended to replant an indoor flower with buds, otherwise it will drop them. It is better to buy ready-made soil for it in a store, mixing it in the following proportions:

The soil should be loose. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can prepare the soil for jasmine yourself. To do this you need to take in proportions:

  • 1 part of coniferous land;
  • 1 part leaf;
  • ½ part sand;
  • 1 part peat.

The pH environment in the soil should be slightly acidic.

The flower must be replanted carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is better to do this in early spring. The size of the pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. A young flower up to two years of age needs to be replanted annually as the roots entwine the pot. More mature plant needs once every 2-3 years, as it grows.

Jasmine transplant method:

  1. Place a layer of drainage not exceeding 3 cm at the bottom of the selected pot;
  2. pour some fresh soil onto the drainage;
  3. remove the flower from the old pot, keeping the earthen lump;
  4. inspect the roots. If there are rotten or diseased ones, then they need to be removed. If pests are present, treat special means. Clear the roots from the old clod of earth;
  5. place the flower in the center of the new pot and sprinkle it, lightly tamping the free space with earth. The distance from the top layer of soil to the edge of the pot should be about 3 cm;
  6. water the transplanted plant;
  7. place the flower in a dark place.

Trimming and pinching

Before the plant begins to grow strongly, a pruning procedure is performed. It allows you to shape the appearance of the flower, as well as keep it well-groomed and neat. Adult lashes about a meter long, if not trimmed, become exposed and spoil the appearance. They need to be cut to half their length, then new ones will grow. side shoots, and the plant begins to rejuvenate. Also, during pruning, dry and weak stems are completely removed.

Pinching is done to stimulate the growth of young lateral shoots on which flowers form. You need to pinch the top of the shoot so that up to eight pairs of leaves remain on it.

Thanks to these manipulations, you can make jasmine bloom continuously all summer.

Flower propagation

Propagating indoor jasmine is a fairly simple process.

Using cuttings

After pruning indoor jasmine, the old canes can be used for propagation. To do this, cut off the shoots at the end of the branch under acute angle. Cuttings should be no more than 14 cm. In summer, cuttings are taken with young shoots. Jasmine should not bloom during this period. Cut cuttings can be placed in water to form a root system, or planted approximately 1.5-2 cm deep in a damp mixture of peat and sand. After this, spray the planted shoots and cover with film or glass. To avoid mold, the resulting condensate must be discharged.

After about a month, roots 1 cm long will sprout - such shoots can be planted in pots with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. Before planting, it is advisable to treat the tips of the plant for good rooting special composition stimulating growth. Place the planted cuttings in a bright but not sunny place.

Using layering

Near the mother flower you need to place another pot with soil in which it will take root. air layering. You need to make a cut on the lower stem of the jasmine, press it to the ground with a pin, sprinkle it with soil and water it often. After daughter plant will grow, it can be separated from the maternal one.

Diseases and pests that affect jasmine

If the plant does not bloom, it may be infected spider mite. It also affects the flower in too dry a room.

Aphids can form if the flower overwintered in a warm place.

If there are yellow or whitish spots on the underside of the leaf, then the plant is affected by whitefly.

Also jasmine is overcome mealybug and weevil.

If the affected area is small, the plant is washed with a solution laundry soap or hot water, covering the ground. Can be used in pest control folk remedies: infusion of yarrow, potato tops or mustard.

For larger lesions, chemicals are used.

Areas of application

In folk medicine, all parts of this are used medicinal plant. Oil and tea are made from it. Jasmine essence is the most expensive in the world and is used in luxury perfumes.

Jasmine is used:

In some countries, jasmine is cultivated for industry.

You need to be careful when handling the plant during the flowering period, when the aroma intensifies at night and this can cause a headache. Then you need to move the flower from the bedroom to another room.

With proper care, you can enjoy the beauty of this extraordinary property for a long time. fragrant flower both in winter and summer.

indoor jasmine, a plant that combines all the advantages dear to the heart of an amateur gardener. It is beautiful, unpretentious, and most importantly, fragrant. The smell of jasmine is unique and unforgettable! It is mistakenly believed that this plant is an indoor variety of a large garden bush that grows in many garden and summer cottage areas. The flowers and smell are very similar. But this is completely wrong. These bushes are not jasmine at all, but mock orange.

At home, mainly three types of indoor jasmine are grown: Sambac, Large-flowered And Holofloral. Sambac, also known as Arabian (sometimes “Indian”) jasmine has gained great popularity among gardeners, because it blooms all summer and autumn, until winter. Also, this is the same type that is added to tea. Most often, this indoor flower is grown as an ampel plant: in hanging flowerpots, cascading stems cascading down or braided around an arch. Caring for indoor jasmine at home is very easy and not burdensome, which is very important for novice gardeners. Judge for yourself.

Indoor jasmine. Care at home.

First of all, I must note that the pleasant and strong aroma of this plant is fraught with danger. It cannot be placed in a sleeping area! The aroma can cause severe headaches. Therefore, it is better to place indoor jasmine in non-residential, spacious and well-ventilated areas. By the way, the same applies to oleander.


Jasmine is a light-loving flower and can even withstand direct sunlight. But this does not mean that it can be placed under the scorching sun. If the jasmine is located on your south window, then take care of shading it. Bright but diffused light is just right for him.


First of all, take care to protect the jasmine from drafts. They are contraindicated for him. Otherwise, this plant is not particularly demanding of temperature. In the warm season, there is no particular point in adhering to a special temperature regime. For jasmine, both heat and more moderate temperatures are equally comfortable. He will feel very good outdoors. In winter, it is desirable to provide the plant with a cooler existence, that is, a temperature lower than normal room temperature. But if this is not possible, then it’s okay, you’ll just have to water and spray it more often. The lower temperature limit for keeping indoor jasmine in winter is +8 degrees.

Watering, air humidity and fertilizer

Jasmine needs to be watered regularly. Overdrying the soil is undesirable for it. In summer, the soil in the pot should always be moist. In winter, the frequency of watering depends on the air temperature: the lower it is, the less frequent the watering. For watering, use only warm and soft water.

Spray jasmine daily, and if it is very hot, then more than once. The water for spraying should be the same as for irrigation. As with watering, the regularity of spraying indoor jasmine directly depends on the air temperature and dryness of the air (it is usually drier in winter). If the plant overwinters in cool conditions, then there is no need to spray it at all.

From April until the beginning of autumn, when jasmine has a period of active growth, it must be fed every 10 days. Fertilizers for flowering indoor plants are suitable for feeding. You can also use liquid potash fertilizers, alternating them with full mineral fertilizer.


Adult plants are replanted as needed or once every two to three years. Young ones must be replanted every year. For replanting, any light, nutritious soil is suitable, which you can either buy or make yourself according to this recipe:

Leaf soil - one part;

Turf land - one part;

Greenhouse or humus soil - one part;

Peat - one part;

Coniferous soil - ½ part;

Sand or perlite - ½ part.


Indoor jasmine is, first of all, an ornamental plant, and in order to give it this very decorative look, it must be pruned. I would like to note that it tolerates trimmings easily. This means you can safely “shred” it as your imagination dictates. During scheduled pruning (from late February to March), shoots are usually shortened by a third. If they are stunted and weakly leafy, then you can trim them to half. Pruning jasmine will not only give it a more well-groomed and aesthetic appearance, but also stimulate the growth of new side shoots, on which buds will subsequently form and fragrant flowers will bloom. Young plants that have no or very few lateral vines must be pinched. By pinching the tip of the shoot, you will stop its growth, which will give the opportunity to develop side branches. Actually, not only young plants need to be pinched, adult jasmine also periodically benefits from this procedure.


Indoor jasmine reproduces like indoor ivy or hoya, that is, very simply. It can be propagated by cuttings and layering. It will be easier and more visual to propagate it from cuttings. It is best to combine this event with pruning. At this time, there will be enough suitable cuttings, and sometimes it’s a shame to throw them away... For rooting, cuttings with 2-3 nodes and a length of about 10-15 centimeters are suitable. I would advise beginning flower growers to simply put them in a glass of water. This will allow you to observe the appearance and growth of roots (following the example of geranium). When the roots grow to a centimeter in length, the cuttings can be planted in a pot. You can root jasmine cuttings in damp sand or a mixture of sand and leaf soil. When using any of these methods, it is highly advisable to use a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, for example). You can add it to some water or dip a cut of the cutting into it (when planting in a mixture or sand). The use of a stimulator will accelerate root formation. Without it, this process can take up to one and a half months. For successful rooting (and this will happen during the relatively cold season), the temperature should be within +20-25 degrees.

Indoor jasmine also reproduces easily by layering. In some cases, this method is even more effective. This process is well known to those who have propagated currants, gooseberries, and climbing roses. Many indoor plants (Fittonia, Stephanotis and the like) also reproduce in the same way. In the same pot (if space allows), part of the jasmine stem is buried. If there is no space, then place a pot of soil nearby, and the stem is buried in it. First, you can lightly scrape the bark on the part of the stem to be dug in (down to the wood) and also treat it with a stimulant. After rooting, it will be enough to cut off the shoot from the mother plant, and you will get another young indoor jasmine.

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