Indoor flowers that should be in every home. What indoor plants are good for the home? The most persistent and not picky ampelous indoor plants

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In late autumn, you want to add color to your life and to the surrounding interior, and since the easiest and most useful way to do this is with the help of indoor plants, today’s article will be about them.

The history of growing plants at home goes back more than 5,000 years, scientists say.

Over time, the perception of indoor plants has changed; now we grow most flowers with decorative purpose, forgetting that green friends can be beneficial for our health if chosen correctly.

In addition, well-chosen flowers will complement the most modest room, create comfort, and enliven the atmosphere. They will please the eye winter evenings when it's cold and uncomfortable outside.

The positive effect of domestic plants on the human body has been well studied and is beyond doubt. Here are some "useful" examples:

  1. In closed, unventilated areas there is quite a lot of large number carbon dioxide. Plants absorb CO2 and release oxygen, saturating the air with it.
  2. There are many objects around us made from toxic materials. All of them emit substances, to put it mildly, that are not beneficial to our body. For residents of megacities, simple ventilation will not help get rid of odors and toxins, because outside the window the air is saturated with exhaust gases and emissions from enterprises, which contain fine dust, heavy metals, sulfur and other substances. Many plants are capable of absorbing substances harmful to humans, and many types of indoor plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that kill microbes.
  3. Modern apartments are full of devices that emit electromagnetic radiation - computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, TVs, hair dryers. Its long-term exposure affects well-being causing headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Part electromagnetic radiation also absorbed by our green pets.
  4. IN winter period Heating radiators dry out the air in the room, which is bad for the skin and overall health. House plants, on the contrary, moisturize it.
  5. Many medicinal plants can be kept at home and used to treat wounds, burns, colds and other diseases.

It should be noted that flowers do not require as much care as animals. You can even entrust their care to a child, who will learn to appreciate and cherish beauty.

When creating a corner of wildlife, it is worth taking a closer look at those plants that are especially useful for various reasons.

For example, chlorophytum, absorbs up to 80% harmful substances, thereby purifying the air. It successfully fights mold fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Aloe is a home doctor. Helps with colds, headaches, treats inflammation and stops bleeding. Aloe juice is effective for the treatment of bronchi, stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

About what indoor plants useful for the home, you can talk for a long time, general information You can read about what flowers you must have in the house that are suitable for any room in the article. There you will also learn about indoor pets, which for various reasons, imaginary and real, are not recommended to be kept at home.

It is equally important to choose the right place for each plant so that its effect is maximum.

Indoor flowers for the kitchen

Peppermint is grown not only on the street, but also in pots on the windowsill.

It stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Mint leaves will be a good seasoning for many dishes.

Saintpaulia, or Uzumbara violet, perfectly purifies the air from carbon monoxide. It also moisturizes it, which is important for the kitchen and helps smooth out temperature changes.

Ficus collects dust well. Its leathery leaves are easy to wipe and wash. Ficus saturates the air with oxygen, cleanses it of odors and harmful impurities.

Scindapsus aureus – fast growing vine, cleans the air well and is unpretentious enough to fit in the kitchen. Scindapsus will look beautiful in both hanging planter, and on kitchen cabinets.

Sansevieria, or “mother-in-law’s tongue,” is so hardy that it can be kept right next to the stove. Tolerates lack of light well, partially compensated by artificial lighting.

The style of the kitchen will be wonderfully complemented by lemon, blooming pomegranate, and miniature pepper.

At one time I grew for quite a long time hot pepper in flower pots in the kitchen, I must say that it is very unpretentious and produces a harvest of peppers without any problems.

Indoor flowers for a children's room

In a children's room, the most appropriate plants would be those that have a calming effect on the nervous system and relieving stress.

These can be citrus fruits: lemon, orange and others.

It doesn’t matter whether the tree bears fruit, so you can grow it from a seed with your own hands. Citrus leaves have no less beneficial properties than fruits. Essential oils, secreted by these plants, will calm the child, relieve fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Fat woman, otherwise " money tree", will instill in the child a hard work ethic and will purify the air in the nursery.


and cyclamen

effectively destroy harmful bacteria. Besides, their wonderful appearance capable of waking up creativity baby.

Do not place cactus, dieffenbachia, ficus Benjamin, philodendron, or ivy in your child’s room. These flowers can cause allergies or be dangerous.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

Myrtle would be a good choice for this room.

and eucalyptus.

The leaves of these plants secrete substances that relieve bronchospasms and make breathing easier, which is useful for asthmatics.

Araucaria will fill the room with freshness coniferous forest, if you can care for it properly.

In general, according to Feng Shui, for mutual love and harmony, red plants should be placed in the bedroom. It could be stool


or spathiphyllum.

Red camellia will refresh the relationship even when there are no problems between the couple.

Don't put it in the bedroom thorny plants, since it is believed that they contribute to quarrels and irritation. Ivy, tradescantia, hoya, scindapsus are considered to be “husbands”. Why this happened, one can only guess))

Indoor flowers for women's happiness

Talking about which plants are useful for the home, how can one forget about flowers that bring harmony and love to the house. In first place, of course, is spathiphyllum, which is called “ women's happiness" It will help a single woman find her soul mate and preserve the love of a married woman.

Aichrizon has leaves that look like hearts. The plant grows no higher than 30 cm and brings love and happiness to its owner.

Fruit dwarf pomegranate, according to legend, will strengthen relationships if eaten by both spouses.

Can geraniums be kept at home?

The answer to this question can only be positive.

Geranium has long been known for its healing properties. Pelargonium (geranium) destroys pathogenic bacteria, fights moths, and can relieve irritation and insomnia. It is believed that this flower drives out evil spirits and evil spirits. Moreover, it promotes self-expression, luck and achieving goals.

Unfortunately, in one article it is not possible to present all the useful indoor plants for the home with photos. Experiment, grow them, and see that the atmosphere in your home will change in better side 🙂

The article uses materials from books and articles: “Encyclopedia of indoor plants” by N.B. Sheshko, “Houseplants: energy protectors or vampires” T. Pevnaya, “Healing indoor plants” by herbalist N. Danikov, “The influence of indoor plants on the health of schoolchildren” by N.P. Medvedev.

Creating comfort in own home, very difficult to choose correct wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other items. It is no less difficult to choose the right indoor plants that will not only please the eye, but also provide benefits for one reason or another. We present to your attention a selection of 25 indoor flowers with photos and names that must grow in the house.


Colorful ornamental shrub heather family. The flower comes from India, China, the mountains of Siberia and the Caucasus. The leaves of the flower are small, symmetrical on long legs. The flowers are large, multi-colored, curly. Azalea has many interpretations about growing it at home. Many sources say that lush and blooming azalea in the house will bring good luck to household members in the business sphere.

Aloe (Agave)

A shrubby plant with dense and fleshy arrow-shaped leaves. The ends of the leaves are covered with spines. The plant may be light green or have small white speckles. Aloe can be called a “house doctor”, it irreplaceable plant in the house. Helps with colds, headaches, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the throat and nose, diseases of the oral cavity, boils and ulcers. An excellent product for home cosmetology. Effectively stops bleeding.

Anthurium (Men's happiness)

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are large, spadix shaped, with a single petal around them. The flowers are most often shiny red. The flower comes from South America. It is generally accepted that Anthurium brings happiness to its male owner. The flower symbolizes courage, passion, strength, freedom, love.


Evergreen coniferous plant in the form miniature tree with a pyramidal crown. Instead of leaves, the plant has soft green-yellow needles. Araucaria in the house will fill the home with freshness and pine aroma. Serves as an excellent air purifier.

Wax ivy

Evergreen climbing plant family of swallowtails. The plant has heart-shaped or oval leaves dark green. An umbrella blooms with inflorescences on a long stalk. The inflorescence can contain up to 25 flowers of white, pink or red. The plant comes from China. It is believed that the plant protects households from various misfortunes and removes negative energy. The plant purifies the air well and kills germs.


Lush indoor plant with curly, light green, basal leaves. The flowers are small, lush, on high stalks, in an umbrella inflorescence. Flowers can be white, pink, red. Geranium is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. Very often, the plant is used in home medicine for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, otitis media, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, headaches, toothaches, normalization of blood pressure, indigestion and wound healing. Geraniums are also credited with the mystical properties of identifying illnesses in the household; the plant begins to wither and disappears when someone gets sick.


A perennial bulbous houseplant of the Liliaceae family. The plant is native to tropical America. The leaves are belt-shaped, dense, dark green, up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is single, juicy, dense, up to 90 centimeters in height. The flowers are large, lily-shaped, collected in an umbellate inflorescence of 2-6 flowers. The color of flowers can be very diverse. The plant purifies the air well.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

The cactus has a spherical, symmetrical body with small needles. The body color of the cactus is dark green, the body is ribbed. Cactus blooms good care, at the end of spring and every year. The cactus throws out a furry soft arrow at the end of which a bud opens. One bud blooms for 1-3 days. Flowers exude a wonderful aroma. You need to place the cactus in places where some kind of radiation is possible (computer, TV and other equipment). Cacti attract money and protect the house from thieves.


A lush indoor plant with heart-shaped leaves speckled with white or plain, dark green. Leaves on long stalks. The flowers are single on long stalks. The flower consists of one colorful folded petal and a spadix center. The color of the flowers can be white, pink, red, beige, yellow. The flower comes from South Africa. Calla has magical abilities transform aggressive energy into energy of joy and celebration. Calla lilies are considered to be a talisman for the home, and also a generator of goodness and joy.


A bushy indoor plant covered with large oval leaves with a grooved pattern. The leaves are dark green with light green or burgundy splashes. The leaves are arranged symmetrically on tall, succulent stalks. It blooms with small yellow or white flowers. The flowers are located low on individual stalks. Calathea purifies indoor air well. The flower is considered to be an absorber of negative energy. According to many beliefs, calathea brings peace to the family.


A lush indoor plant with spatulate or oval leaves. The leaves are dark green, shiny, on separate stalks, basal. The flowers are in the inflorescence of an umbrella, small, the color may vary. In the home, Kalanchoe is considered to be a full-fledged “home healer”. The plant is able to heal wounds, regenerate skin, treat runny nose, treat stomach ulcers, treat varicose veins veins and so on.


Lush bushy indoor plant. The leaves are oval, shiny, dark green. The flowers are large, red, on separate stalks. Externally, the flower is similar to a peony flower. Camellia in the house means good luck in creative and career endeavors.


Tree-like indoor plant. The tree trunk is thin, single. The crown of the tree is formed from small branches and small, frequent leaves. The crown of myrtle is in the form of a ball. Myrtle is considered to be a plant that can give eternal youth. The plant brings into the house family happiness and everlasting love.


Bushy plant. Plant leaves purple. Outwardly, the flower resembles a “flock of purple butterflies.” Oxalis blooms with small white flowers in umbrella inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The flower has the property of weaving. Oxalis can be eaten in salads and as a substitute for sorrel. The flower is recommended for the home of those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Oxalis has the properties of heightening the senses and enhancing intuition.


Indoor rose has many varieties. Shrub rose looks similar to street roses. The climbing rose does not grow in the room. Tree rose or Chinese rose, according to popular belief, brings misfortune. A bush rose in the house is an ancient symbol of wealth, love and prosperity.

Sansevieria (Mother-in-law's tongue)

Bushy massive plant. The leaves are succulent, large, sword-shaped. The leaves can reach 2 meters in height. The leaves of the plant can be a solid dark green color or interspersed with white and even with a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. Sansevieria promotes family well-being and harmony. Traditional medicine did not lose sight of the medicinal antiseptic properties of the plant’s leaves. The juice of the leaves heals wounds and stops bleeding.

Saintpaulia (violet)

Low growing indoor plant. The violet leaves are oval, dense with a rough surface. The color of the leaves is bluish-green. Each leaf is on a separate stem. The leaves are lying, located in the basal part of the plant. The flowers are regular, on separate stalks. Flowers can be pink, red, purple, white, yellow or multi-colored. It all depends on the species. According to legend, the violet brings family well-being. The plant is considered a symbol of eternal love.

Spathiphyllum (Women's happiness)

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped or oval leaves. The sheets are corrugated. The flowers are large, spadix-shaped, with a single petal around them. The flowers are white, matte. The flower is native to South America. It is generally accepted that Spathiphyllum brings happiness to its female owner. I will return the flower, tenderness, hope, love.

Scindapsus aureus

Climbing indoor vine plant. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, dark green in color. The leaves may be bordered with a yellow stripe or have yellow spots. The plant is in most cases used as an excellent air purifier. The flower is able to transform the energy of laziness into mobility.

Crassula (Money tree)

Indoor tree plant. The tree trunk is dense, can be either squat or tall (depending on the subspecies of the plant). The leaves are small, oval, juicy, dark green. The leaves are symmetrically arranged along the branches. According to Chinese beliefs, the leaves of the tree resemble coins. It is believed that the plant attracts money into the house.


Tall indoor plant. The stem is dense. single, can be up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem may be brown or burgundy. The leaves are large, oval, juicy, dark green. Ficus maintains an even energy balance in the house. An excellent air purifier.


Bushy indoor plant. The leaves are light green, thin and bendable, sword-shaped. There is a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. There are a lot of leaves on the bush. The plant is native to the subtropics. Chlorophytum is an excellent air purifier. The plant is capable of filling the air with beneficial phytoncides. People call the plant “family happiness.” According to legends, it brings happiness, comfort and peace to the family.


Lush bushy indoor plant. The leaves are dark green. bluish, matte. The leaves have whitish inclusions. The flowers are solitary on their own pedicels. The flowers look like butterflies. The color of flowers can be varied. Most often, flowers have the correct natural gradient. The plant has powerful energy. An excellent antidepressant. Drives away bad dreams and dispels fears.

Citrus tree (lemon, tangerine)

The citrus tree in the house can be either a lemon or a tangerine. The tree trunk is strong and massive. The leaves are small, dark green, on thin branches. Crown on such indoor trees, often spherical. Most often when proper care Fruits are formed on the tree. A citrus tree is an excellent air purifier in the house. The plant also fills the house with citrus freshness, which improves sleep for household members and improves overall mood.


Bushy indoor plant. The leaves of the plant are small, dark green, symmetrically arranged on separate stalks. Eucalyptus purifies and refreshes the air. Eucalyptus leaves have very beneficial properties for asthmatics. The plant is also very useful for people with bronchial diseases and runny nose.

They can become not only a wonderful addition to the design of your apartment, but also a useful find. These create a cozy atmosphere for your home, add color to the interior and are pleasing to the eye at any time of the year. Of particular value are those that can be beneficial to human health. Let's take a look at some of them.

The most unpretentious and most suitable plant for beginning flower growers is. It has narrow green and hanging airy tendrils, on which are located small bushes of a new plant.
can grow in any soil, in any room: in the sun, in the shade, in warm or cold temperature, on the refrigerator, on the table. Any size pot is suitable for him. The plant needs plenty of water, otherwise it may fade.
An adult flower reaches a diameter of 50 cm and the same size in height. The shoots grow in length from 80 to 100 cm. They have the ability to actively and effectively purify oxygen from harmful substances and carbon monoxide. Most often it is placed in the kitchen, where there is gas stove, since the flower quickly absorbs substances harmful to humans from the air.

A flower that is and should be in every home is. It is a plant with branched, densely leafy, erect stems. The leaves, along the edges of which are located hard cartilaginous teeth, reach a length of 40 cm and have a juicy, fleshy pulp.
Aloe, like everyone else, loves bright light and doesn't need frequent watering . It is necessary to moisten the pot 1-2 times a week in summer and no more than once a month in winter.
The juice is used as effective remedy in the treatment of staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, abscesses and cellulitis. This flower is widely used in dentistry in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Moreover, aloe masks have anti-aging properties, help with local baldness and skin diseases. With help you can stop bleeding, as tannins and catechin increase blood clotting.

Did you know?Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra only for the sake of aloe plantations, which were grown by local residents. It was with compresses from this plant that the conquerors treated wounded soldiers after their victory.

- useful and attractive indoor flower, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and a huge number of species. For good growth and ripening requires a room at room temperature, without drafts.
The plant requires a large amount of light, without which it may die. Any flower is suitable. Regular and frequent is required.
- one of the most popular plants among traditional healers. It stimulates blood flow, normalizes heart rate, and relieves headaches. is an excellent remedy for runny nose, cough and sore throat, useful for otitis media. In addition, geranium has antiseptic, analgesic, diuretic, bactericidal and antidiabetic properties.

wonderful and useful decoration your home will be - a small bush, densely covered with leaves bright green color with a shiny surface and a peculiar aroma. Indoor view this flower reaches a height of up to 2 m. It is best to grow in a small flower pot, increasing its size as necessary.
can adapt to any conditions and does not require frequent feeding, but does need sufficient light and air. has the ability improve appetite, normalize digestion.
The phytoncides that its leaves secrete are destructive to the tuberculosis bacillus. The oil obtained from has excellent antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

When thinking about what flowers should be in your home, don’t forget about. At home, the leaves of this plant can reach sizes of up to 70 cm.
ideally a well-lit place at room temperature without direct sun rays, in the shade it can slow down its growth and drop its leaves. When caring for this, regular maintenance is required as the top layer of the earth mixture dries.
very useful for room microclimate, as it actively cleanses the air of benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol impurities. Tinctures and mixtures of this help against mastopathy and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

It will become an indispensable healer in your home, which is valued for its usefulness. This one is unpretentious, he needs small quantity sunlight.

Kalanchoe is suitable for room temperature; already at 10 °C it can be exposed to fresh air. Watering should be done regularly, but under no circumstances should the plant be overwatered, as this can lead to its death.
Kalanchoe leaves are able to accumulate moisture, which the flower can then use to survive during periods of drought. This is one of the few indoor plants that disinfects the air in the house and destroys germs, copes well with the flu virus.
Kalanchoe is most widely used as a remedy for treating colds and runny nose. At the same time, it gives strength and vigor, helping to wake up easily in the morning.

There is hardly a person who has not heard about such a useful and popular flower for home, like . This plant is fully adapted to life at home, prefers a cool temperature of 15–18 ° C and short sunny days. Protect it from direct sunlight.
For drying out of the root system is unacceptable, requires regular watering and moistening. The plant has a beneficial effect on plasma, blood, and bone marrow. It is used for headaches, sore throats, eye infections, liver diseases and nosebleeds.

Perhaps many people have this peculiar thorny plant in their home. adapted to room conditions, since this climate is close to their native semi-desert climate. extremely photophilous and unpretentious temperature conditions in which they are grown. IN summer period require watering every 3–5 days as the top layer of soil dries.
In cold or cloudy rainy weather do not need moisturizing at all. The peculiarity of this is that its leaves are modified into spines various lengths and color.
have a diuretic effect, are used for wound healing, for diseases gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, neurological diseases. Decoctions from the stem of the cactus effectively help in the treatment of colds.

A very controversial plant is the specific smell of which has a completely opposite effect on different people. This is perennial herbaceous plant, some species of which are presented in the form of subshrubs. It can be soothing and relaxing, or cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
Pelargonium needs plenty of sunlight and room temperature. It needs to be watered once every 3-4 days as the top layer of soil dries out. The flower is used as an excellent antidepressant and antiseptic, used for wound healing.
Pelargonium has excellent tonic and deodorizing properties for the skin. In general, this indoor “healer” has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Did you know?Scientists believe that the history of growing plants at home goes back more than 5,000 years.

One of the champions in producing oxygen and absorbing harmful substances from the air is, or “ pike tail" It is easy to care for and looks great in the interior. Sansevieria has dark green leaves, collected in rosettes and growing directly from the rhizome.
There is a small point at the tips of the flower leaves that cannot be broken off, otherwise it will lead to poor growth. To maintain the beauty of a plant, it is necessary to provide it a large number sunlight and warm room temperature from 16 to 28 °C.
Sansevieria is drought-resistant and needs light watering as the soil dries out. This flower can enrich your home huge amount of oxygen, clean the air from benzene and formaldehyde. It effectively fights streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens, and has antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

77 once already

We are all accustomed to subjecting the water that comes into our homes through pipes to additional purification. We install main water filters in the apartment, and then purify the water using filter jugs.

But we rarely care about the cleanliness of the air in our homes. Just moisturize it. And this is not always the case.

And this despite what has been established: the air inside an apartment is often much dirtier than outside.

Fortunately, you can improve its quality with the help of the most common indoor plants.

Below are 15 flowers that grow well in any home and that NASA, which is actively studying the ability of plants to purify the air, considers the most effective.

Aloe Vera

Purifies the air from formaldehyde and benzene, which are released when using cleaning products and paints.

None special care does not require. Prefers sunny rooms facing south.

Chlorophytum crested

Saves the house from benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

Incredibly easy to care for. Prefers dry and cool.

Gerber Jameson

Disinfects the air from trichlorethylene formed during dry cleaning and from benzene.

Unfortunately, this is a rather whimsical plant. Does not tolerate excess moisture. In a pot with poor drainage it dies immediately. Requires a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.


People don't like this plant too much. They call it “mother-in-law’s tongue.” And they even associate various troubles with him.

In vain. The plant is very useful. It is one of the best natural herbal agents for destroying formaldehyde, the substance that most often poisons the air in our homes.

In addition, Sansevieria can release oxygen even in dark time days. And therefore it is the perfect plant for the bedroom.

It is very easy to care for. It can grow even when it has been practically forgotten.

Scindapsus aureus

Another powerful agent for the destruction of formaldehyde.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. Therefore, it should be placed in a place inaccessible to children and pets.


Most active works against benzene.

Needs bright sunlight. It feels best on an open window, through which a soft breeze blows and the sun shines. Obviously, in our country such freedom for this flower is rarely available.

Dracaena marginata

Protects against xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

The plant is unpretentious. But when placing it on your windowsill, you should remember that over time it can reach the ceiling.

Ficus benjamina

Useful for combating formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Grow strong large plant not easy. It requires constant temperature and stable lighting - bright, but not direct light. Also very sensitive to watering schedule.

Sims' rhododendron

Helps fight formaldehyde. And, in addition, it humidifies the air in the room.

Feels best in cool, dry rooms.


Destroys aerobic fecal particles that rise into the air every time the toilet flushes feces.

To grow, it requires constantly moist soil and 4 hours of sunlight per day.

Dracaena Derema

Fights formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Potentially it can grow very high - up to the ceiling. However, this is rarely achieved, largely because the plant is extremely sensitive to the purity of the water with which it is watered.

Aglaonema curly

Great option for any apartment. It destroys all kinds of toxins and is so unpretentious that it happily grows in conditions in which all other indoor plants cannot survive.

Hamedorea Seifritz

One of the most effective plants to combat benzene and trichlorethylene. It also destroys formaldehyde, but not as well.

Does best in humid, hot rooms with indirect but bright light sunlight. It grows large, so it requires space.


Very good at destroying formaldehyde and other volatile organic toxins.

Easy to care for. It grows almost always and everywhere. However, it has a significant drawback - toxicity, which means it should be kept away from children and pets.


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In late autumn, you want to add color to your life and to the surrounding interior, and since the easiest and most useful way to do this is with the help of indoor plants, today’s article will be about them.

The history of growing plants at home goes back more than 5,000 years, scientists say.

Over the past time, the perception of indoor plants has changed; now we grow most flowers for decorative purposes, forgetting that green friends can be beneficial for our health if we choose them correctly. In addition, well-chosen flowers will complement the most modest room, create comfort, and enliven the atmosphere. They will please the eye on winter evenings, when it is cold and uncomfortable outside.

The positive effect of domestic plants on the human body has been well studied and is beyond doubt. Here are some "useful" examples:

  1. Closed, unventilated areas contain quite a large amount of carbon dioxide. Plants absorb CO2 and release oxygen, saturating the air with it.
  2. There are many objects around us made from toxic materials. All of them emit substances, to put it mildly, that are not beneficial to our body. For residents of megacities, simple ventilation will not help get rid of odors and toxins, because outside the window the air is saturated with exhaust gases and emissions from enterprises, which contain fine dust, heavy metals, sulfur and other substances. Many plants are capable of absorbing substances harmful to humans, and many types of indoor plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that kill microbes.
  3. Modern apartments are full of devices that emit electromagnetic radiation - computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions, hair dryers. Its long-term exposure affects well-being causing headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Some electromagnetic radiation is also absorbed by our green pets.
  4. In winter, heating radiators dry out the air in the room, which has a bad effect on the skin and overall health. House plants, on the contrary, moisturize it.
  5. Many medicinal plants can be kept at home and used to treat wounds, burns, colds and other diseases.

It should be noted that flowers do not require as much care as animals. Even a child can be entrusted with caring for them, who will learn to appreciate and cherish beauty.

What flowers should be in the house?

When creating a corner of wildlife, it is worth taking a closer look at those plants that are especially useful for various reasons.

For example, chlorophytum absorbs up to 80% of harmful substances, thereby purifying the air. It successfully fights mold fungi and pathogens

Aloe is a home doctor. Helps with colds, headaches, treats inflammation and stops bleeding. Aloe juice is effective for the treatment of bronchi, stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

We can talk for a long time about which indoor plants are useful for the home; you can read general information about which flowers should definitely be in the house, suitable for any room, in the article “About useful indoor plants. And are there any that you can’t keep at home?”. There you will also learn about indoor pets, which for various reasons, imaginary and real, are not recommended to be kept at home.

It is equally important to choose the right place for each plant so that its effect is maximum.

Indoor flowers for the kitchen

Peppermint is grown not only on the street, but also in pots on the windowsill.

It stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Mint leaves will be a good seasoning for many dishes.

Saintpaulia, or Uzumbara violet, perfectly cleanses the air of carbon monoxide. It also moisturizes it, which is important for the kitchen and helps smooth out temperature changes.

Ficus collects dust well. Its leathery leaves are easy to wipe and wash. Ficus saturates the air with oxygen, cleanses it of odors and harmful impurities.

Golden scindapsus is a fast-growing vine that purifies the air well and is unpretentious enough to fit in the kitchen. Scindapsus will look beautiful both in a hanging flowerpot and on kitchen cabinets.

Sansevieria, or “mother-in-law’s tongue,” is so hardy that it can be kept right next to the stove. Tolerates lack of light well, partially compensated by artificial lighting.

The style of the kitchen will be wonderfully complemented by lemon, blooming pomegranate, and miniature pepper.

At one time I grew hot peppers in flower pots in the kitchen for quite a long time, I must say that they are very unpretentious and produce a harvest of peppers without any problems.

Indoor flowers for a children's room

In a children's room, plants that have a calming effect on the nervous system and relieve stress would be most appropriate.

These can be citrus fruits: lemon, orange and others.

It doesn’t matter whether the tree bears fruit, so you can grow it from a seed with your own hands. Citrus leaves have no less beneficial properties than fruits. The essential oils released by these plants will calm the child, relieve fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Crassula, otherwise known as the “money tree,” will instill in the child a hard work ethic and will purify the air in the nursery.


and cyclamen

effectively destroy harmful bacteria. In addition, their beautiful appearance can awaken the baby’s creative abilities.

Do not place cactus, dieffenbachia, ficus Benjamin, philodendron, or ivy in your child’s room. These flowers can cause allergies or be dangerous.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

Myrtle would be a good choice for this room.

and eucalyptus.

The leaves of these plants secrete substances that relieve bronchospasms and make breathing easier, which is useful for asthmatics.

Araucaria will fill the room with the freshness of a coniferous forest if you can care for it properly.

In general, according to Feng Shui, for mutual love and harmony, red plants should be placed in the bedroom. It could be stool


or spathiphyllum.

Red camellia will refresh the relationship even when there are no problems between the couple.

Do not place thorny plants in the bedroom, as they are believed to contribute to quarrels and irritation. Ivy, tradescantia, hoya, scindapsus are considered to be “husbands”. Why this happened, one can only guess))

Indoor flowers for women's happiness

Talking about which plants are useful for the home, how can one forget about flowers that bring harmony and love to the house. In first place, of course, is spathiphyllum, which is called “women’s happiness.” It will help a single woman find her soul mate and preserve the love of a married woman.

Aichrizon has leaves that look like hearts. The plant grows no higher than 30 cm and brings love and happiness to its owner.

The fruits of the dwarf pomegranate, according to legend, will strengthen relationships if eaten by both spouses.

Can geraniums be kept at home?

The answer to this question can only be positive.

Geranium has long been known for its healing properties. Pelargonium (geranium) destroys pathogenic bacteria, fights moths, and can relieve irritation and insomnia. It is believed that this flower drives out evil spirits and evil spirits. Moreover, it promotes self-expression, luck and achieving goals.

Unfortunately, in one article it is not possible to present all the useful indoor plants for the home with photos. Experiment, grow them yourself and see that the atmosphere in your home will change for the better

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