A collection of ways to whiten kitchen towels without boiling at home. How to wash dish towels so they become as good as new How to bleach dish towels

How nice it is to see clean white towels in your favorite kitchen, which delight the eyes of owners and guests! But due to various circumstances due to not careful use and frequent washing, they can lose their original whiteness. And how to bleach them at home without boiling, which is so destructive to the structure of fabrics and color, you will learn from this article.

How to bleach without boiling?

Housewives have long struggled with the problem of returning the lost whiteness to white things. For this purpose, they often resort to using special industrial products or people's councils. What lengths you will go to to achieve the desired result.

Of course, not every family’s budget can afford to spend Money for the hostess to purchase expensive bleaches to restore the whiteness of the towels. good at in this case namely folk whitening methods, based not on traditional boiling, but on soaking with the addition of ordinary household products. The most effective way to restore lost whiteness is by:

  • soap;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • vegetable oil;
  • mustard;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda ash.

Skillful use of these products, available in every home, will help cope with the problem of loss of whiteness due to numerous washings and persistent pollution. At the same time, you should be extremely careful when using household substances for bleaching, since they are the ones that can lead to damage to the structure of the fabric.

Tip #1! In order not to spoil the towel when bleaching it using folk remedies, it is worth applying a little of the substance used in an inconspicuous place on the edge and see what happens to the fabric. If nothing bad happens, then the chosen product can be safely used to whiten the entire surface.

Soda ash and chlorine?

The most common method of bleaching is a prepared composition consisting of bleach with the addition of soda ash. Five hundred grams of each of the two substances presented are measured and poured into a container with warm water. Then everything is thoroughly mixed until the solution becomes homogeneous.

The prepared mixture should be left to settle for several hours. During this time, the components of the solution will be able to activate, and unnecessary substances will settle to the bottom of the container. After this, we filter everything well to rid the resulting composition of unnecessary impurities. Place a towel that has turned gray from washing into the resulting solution and leave it for a while. Keep it in this solution for at least three hours. After the specified time has passed, it should be washed and rinsed well. You are guaranteed unsurpassed whiteness after this procedure.

Tip #2! Before using this bleach homemade for soaking, you must wear gloves and carry out all soaking and washing procedures in them. This measure will help protect sensitive hand skin from the aggressive effects of whitening components.


Few people know that ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help give unsurpassed whiteness to gray towels. Peroxide can be found in home medicine cabinet, as it is indispensable when treating open wounds on the skin.

To begin with, the prepared towel should be washed thoroughly to degrease its surface and remove all existing dirt. Then rinse everything thoroughly and proceed to the whitening procedure. To prepare effective remedy to give whiteness, you need to prepare about six liters of water, peroxide and a little ammonia solution (ammonia). The prepared water should be heated well so that its temperature is equal to eighty degrees. Into a container with the resulting hot water you should add about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and mix everything well. The whitening solution is ready.

Add a tablespoon of ammonia solution to the resulting solution and mix everything well again. Dip towels into the resulting mixture and soak in it for about half an hour. As soon as it time will pass, they should be placed in clean water and rinse thoroughly, preferably more than twice. On final stage They will just have to be taken out into the fresh air to dry.

The effectiveness of the described product has been proven by many housewives, so you can safely take this method bleaching into arms.


Dry table mustard works well to give towels unsurpassed whiteness.

Dry mustard is capable of the most normal conditions clean the towels without causing them any harm. The technique itself is quite simple and unpretentious.

Required to take a small amount of mustard powder and pour it into pre-heated water. Then mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and leave for a while to allow the solution to settle.

For bleaching, we do not need mustard sediment, but rather the cloudy liquid that has accumulated on the surface. It includes active ingredients, which can not only bleach the fabric, but also degrease it at the same time.

You need to drain the cloudy liquid from the solution into a separate container and throw towels there. Leave them to soak for at least three hours. After that, take them out and rinse them well. Kitchen utensils become clean, white and grease-free. Even washing in this case is no longer necessary.

Vegetable oil

You can restore lost whiteness using regular oil.

You need to take the most ordinary oil, preferably refined, measure it into two tablespoons and pour it into a small bowl. Add there exactly the same number of tablespoons of powdered bleach and about a glass of powder available in the house. Mix the resulting mixture well and pour into pre-heated water. Mix everything thoroughly again and bring to a boil.

Then you need to remove the resulting mass from the heat and pour it over dirty towels. In this state, leave them to soak until the water cools down. Then get it clean products and just rinse. All stains in a hot soapy solution will come off, and the fabric will become several shades whiter.

This method is one of the most effective and proven for giving fabrics a unique whiteness and eliminating greasy stains.

Potassium permangantsovka

Of course, potassium permanganate is irreplaceable, because its active components can give fabrics whiteness and freshness.

The effectiveness of potassium permanganate in removing stubborn stains from clothes has been known for a long time. It should be used as follows. You need to heat about five liters of water to a boil, add no more than two hundred grams of washing powder to it, as well as a small pinch of potassium permanganate. Mix everything thoroughly until soap solution pinkish color.

Before bleaching with potassium permanganate, products should be washed and all existing contaminants removed from their surface, so that active compounds potassium permanganate could bleach all areas. Clean towels are dipped in a manganese solution and covered with a lid. They should remain in this state until the water cools down. After this, all that remains is to rinse the product well and dry it on fresh air. The whiteness of the fabrics is guaranteed.

Using the machine

To make towels white, you can use bleaches and industrial washing powders. Whitening can be done directly in washing machine during washing. Sometimes To enhance the bleaching effect of washing powders, ammonia is added.

To bleach with ammonia, you should prepare a solution of it in a one-to-one ratio. Towels are soaked in this solution for exactly an hour, and then put in the washing machine for washing. Add washing powder with whitening effect. Whiteness will be evident.

Can be used for whitening various kinds bleaches. “Vanish” is good for these remedies. You can prepare a solution for pre-soaking or add bleach directly to washing machine. The recommended doses of bleach per amount of water taken are specified in the instructions for use that come with it. By observing all proportions of cleaning products during the bleaching process, you will be able to achieve the desired result.

To avoid towels appearing on the surface heavy pollution, you should stick to some tricks that will help you avoid future struggles with such troubles.

  1. If a recent stain has appeared on the surface of the towel, it is necessary to begin the fight to remove it immediately, otherwise it will dry out and it will be even more difficult to remove. You can get rid of such pollution thanks to a simple saline solution. You need to take about five liters of water room temperature(can be a little hotter) and dissolve about ten tablespoons of salt in it. Immerse the product in the prepared solution and leave for several hours. After a while, rinse everything well and throw it in the washing machine. There will be no trace left of the former pollution.
  2. If you spill something tasty and difficult to clean on the table surface, do not rush to use towels to wipe off the stain. The resulting pollution will become new sources of your problems. Wipe the stain with a disposable cloth or all-purpose sponge. This will help prevent the formation of persistent stains on products and significantly extend their service life.
  3. Place towels as far as possible from kitchen stove, oven and so on household appliances, from the surface of which, during cooking, greasy droplets that are difficult to wash off can spread. This will also help protect kitchen textiles from difficult-to-remove stains.
  4. Try to wash your towels as often as possible. This will help remove stains and dirt from their surface before they dry out and become irremovable. In addition, this will significantly reduce the risk of old stains.
  5. When cooking, try to use containers with tight-fitting lids. In this case, greasy droplets will not be splashed throughout the kitchen and difficult-to-remove stains will not appear on the towels.

These tips will help you feel free to manage the kitchen without fear of getting your favorite towels dirty. At the same time, you can not only boil and stew, but also fry and bake. And if spots suddenly appear, now you know how to deal with them most effectively.


The tips and recommendations given in the article will help you with ease and savings for family budget Give dazzling whiteness to towels. Moreover, for this you need to use simple household products, which are available in the arsenal of every caring housewife.

Correct use of these tips will help not only achieve the desired result in whitening, but also preserve the structure of the tissues, as well as take care of the softness of the skin of your hands.

For those who want to study the whitening technique in more detail and clearly, it is worth watching the video at this link.

Every housewife uses waffle towels in the kitchen. From frequent use, they quickly lose their appearance and become stained with oil and sauces. Frequent washing turns towels into gray, sloppy rags. And those that are used in the bathroom quickly deteriorate and take on an unpresentable appearance. Let's figure out what to do to make your towels white.

There are many methods for whitening towels - there are also ancient folk recipes that grandmothers used, and there are also modern ones that have received good feedback. Here are just a few of them.

Potassium permanganate and laundry soap can be found in any housewife's arsenal, but few people know that these simple products perfectly whiten towels. Here is the prescription:

  • Half a piece of ordinary laundry soap should be chopped with a knife. Then add a little water and a teaspoon of potassium permanganate solution. The mixture is poured with boiling water and stirred. Kitchen towels should be left in this solution until the morning. In the morning, rinse and dry them.

This method can not only make towels white, but also disinfect them. Therefore, it can be successfully used for bleaching terry towels, which become more dirty.

To prepare this solution you need to take:

  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • soda ash – 1 spoon;
  • liquid bleach – 2 tablespoons;
  • washing powder – 1 cup;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons.

Take large saucepan, coated with enamel, and boil water, put all the ingredients in it, mix. Towels should be placed in the solution and boiled for 40 minutes. Then you need to wait until the contents of the pan have cooled completely. Only after the towels have cooled completely should they be removed and rinsed well.

This simple recipe will allow you to bleach waffle towels in a regular washing machine without boiling.

  • White towels must be loaded into the machine separately from other items. Pour washing powder and bleach into the machine tray. The quantity should be taken according to the instructions on the package. Set the machine's pre-wash setting to high temperature. At the end of the program, you will be able to see that the waffle towels have been washed perfectly at home.

This old one folk recipe bleaching involves the use of light mustard.

  • Mix mustard powder in hot water and let it settle. After the mustard has settled, carefully drain the water. This is what is used for whitening. kitchen towels. They are soaked in it for 3 hours. After that, you just need to rinse them.

Another way of using mustard for whitening can also be used to remove grease stains.

  • Mustard powder should be mixed with water to form a paste and applied to towels. Special attention You need to pay attention to those places on the fabric where there are stains. After two hours they need to be washed in the usual way.

Terry bath towels can be bleached very simply and without any effort at home.

  • To do this you will need regular hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution from 15 liters of boiling water, 1 tablespoon ammonia and 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Dip a terry or waffle towel into this solution for half an hour. Then you just need to rinse it.

To prepare a smaller solution, use smaller proportions of ingredients.

If you are not ready to boil your laundry, then you can bleach towels at home without long boiling. In this case, soaking and then washing will help. There are many ways to soak towels.

  • Soaking with salt. Ordinary salt is diluted in cool water - a tablespoon for every liter of water. Towels are soaked in the composition for a couple of hours. Then they need to be washed with powder.
  • Soaking with laundry soap. They need to rub the terry towels well. Then everything goes to plastic bag for a day. Squeeze the air out of the bag before sealing it. After a day, you just need to rinse them in water.
  • Soaking in dishwashing liquid. This method helps get rid of stains on towels. If you also want to bleach the waffle towel, then add a little ammonia to the solution.

Banal whiteness will help whiten washed and grayed things at home. You just need to apply it correctly.

  • You need to dissolve the white in hot water. How many liters of water - so many tablespoons of whiteness. Soak towels in this solution until it cools completely. If there are stains on them, you can wash them off by hand after the solution has cooled. Then the towels need to be rinsed well.

In the same way, you can bleach waffle towels with a stain remover at home.

All of these methods are based on minimal use chemicals, which means they will help you safely and carefully restore the whiteness of waffle and terry towels at home. With their help you can get rid of old stains. After all, it is on such little things as snow-white towels that the comfort in every home is based.

Terry bath and kitchen towels require delicate care. This material is a fabric with loops that do not fit tightly together, between which dirt accumulates. It is very difficult to remove them, but it is still possible.

How to wash old towels?

To do this, just follow the following recommendations:

  1. To keep such products in an attractive appearance, it is important to follow one simple tip - do not use washing powder when caring for them. The fact is that grains of this product penetrate deeply into the fibers of terry cloth, and give it roughness and rigidity.
  2. To make terry textiles soft again, when machine washing you must use a delicate or manual mode. The products should first be soaked in conditioners designed specifically for this fiber.
  3. Terry fiber towels should be washed separately from other laundry.
  4. After finishing washing, rinse the towels thoroughly in cool water and dry them in a well-ventilated area, shaking the products occasionally.
  5. If ordinary things While cotton fabrics can be loaded into the washing machine to maximum density, this cannot be done with terry products. To prevent them from losing their softness and airiness, it is enough to put 3 large or 6-7 small towels.
  6. You should not mix dark and light items in the same wash, as the latter will lose their color.
  7. If sufficiently strong stains form, they should be soaked in a special detergent for an average of an hour before washing.
  8. When caring for terry towels, it is prohibited to use products containing chlorine. This substance destroys the fabric, so the products will quickly tear.
  9. When machine washing, the mode should be no more than 700 revolutions.
  10. Terry products should not be dried on heating devices or under scorching sun. The canvas dries out and loses its softness and airiness.

Use special means To deeply clean terry towels from dirt, you can do this no more than once a month. Their more frequent use will lead to stiffness of the canvas and its rapid wear. For different types Various means are used for pollution.

Use traditional methods for washing towels

The most accessible and effective methods for cleaning soiled towels are:

Means Type of pollution Mode of application
Salt Coffee and tomato stains on white and colored items Prepare a solution in a basin (take 5 tablespoons of salt for 5 liters of water), soak towels in it and leave for an hour, then wash in a machine or by hand
Red wine Cooking very concentrated saline solution(per 100 ml of water - 5 tbsp. salt), soak the contaminated product for several hours and wash in the washing machine
Laundry soap Pollution of various origins, including greasy stains We rub all soiled towels generously with laundry soap and place them in plastic bags, close and leave overnight. In the morning, terry products should be washed in a washing machine and rinsed well
Shampoo Traces of fruit juices and fruits We apply any shampoo liberally to the area of ​​contamination, and after half an hour we wash it and put it in the washing machine.
Silicate glue solution Suitable for removing various stains from white fabric We prepare the solution from a spoon of silicate glue and a piece of laundry soap. We dilute these substances with 3 liters of water and boil the towels for about half an hour.
Hydrogen peroxide Used to remove old stains of various origins We dilute a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 liters of water, soak the contaminated items, and then wash them in the usual way.
Dishwashing liquid To remove greasy stains Apply the product to the washed areas, leave for a day, and then wash

To return old terry towels the new kind, you can use other remedies at home. It is recommended to choose them depending on the type of contamination.

If you don’t know how to wash terry towels from tea and coffee stains, use a product made from ammonia and glycerin.

Method No. 1

A solution is prepared from ammonia and glycerin in a ratio of 1:4, the contaminated items are soaked for an hour, and the zetam is washed.

Method No. 2

Dirty terry cloth products must be soaked in a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio, kept for the same period of time and loaded into the washing machine.

If terry products are slightly damp long time If they lie in a laundry basket, you may notice traces of mold on them. Table vinegar will help get rid of this type of contamination. The product must be soaked in a 5-9% vinegar solution for 10 minutes and then rinsed well.

Use vinegar

Effective ways to whiten white towels

In addition to the fact that terry towels become hard and rough after prolonged use, white items become gray or red as a result of numerous washes. If your bath or kitchen towels have lost their appearance after prolonged use, there are simple and cheap ways to restore them to their former glory.

By washing white terry towels with this product, it is often possible to return the products to their former whiteness the first time.

We use potassium permanganate to restore the whiteness of towels

When choosing this method, you should perform the following steps:

  1. For 5 l hot water take 200 ml of liquid laundry detergent and 3 g of potassium permanganate.
  2. Place clean terry clothes in a basin with the prepared solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Cover the top of the container plastic film until the solution cools completely.
  4. After this, rinse the towels several times in cold water and dry naturally.

The use of mustard powder allows not only to bleach, but also to disinfect linens.

Dissolve mustard powder in hot water

To carry out maintenance, follow these steps:

  1. Mustard powder must be diluted with hot water until the consistency of a thick slurry is formed in such an amount that the mixture is enough to treat dirty things.
  2. Apply the prepared product to towels, place them in a basin and leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. Terry products should be rinsed in water until the mustard powder is completely washed off, then washed by hand or machine.

For 3 l warm water you will need 2 tbsp. boric acid:

  1. Dilute boric acid in water.
  2. Fill the basin with the prepared solution.
  3. Dip dirty towels into the container, leave for 2 hours and load into the machine using liquid detergent.

Use boric acid

Using soda and laundry soap, you can return washed terry products to their dazzling whiteness and new look without harming the fiber. For bleaching using the boiling method you will need:

  • 50 g soda ash;
  • bar of laundry soap 72%.

Whitening method:

  1. Prepare the solution: grate laundry soap onto a coarse grater, dilute 3 liters of water, add soda, mix everything.
  2. Pour the prepared soda-soap solution onto the soiled towels, after placing them in an enamel container.
  3. Place the container with the laundry on the fire and boil the textiles for 1-1.5 hours.

Boiling in soap and soda solution

After boiling, the items are washed again by machine or manually.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will also help to bleach washed light-colored towels. It quickly softens any dirt, after which it is easier to wash it off.

You will need:

  • 15 liters of water;
  • 2/3 cup of liquid detergent for whites;
  • 3 tbsp. l. bleach, refined vegetable oil and vinegar essence.

Follow these steps:

  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Soak washed clothes in this solution overnight.
  3. The next day, wring it out and put it in the washing machine.

To ensure that terry products do not wear out quickly, but serve you as long as possible, you need to carry out proper care of such delicate textiles in a timely manner.

  • Tricks of storage and use
  • Kitchen towels are essential items that should always be at hand and in sight. Therefore, they must be beautiful and clean. Let's find out what methods you can use to wash even the oldest dirty towels to perfect condition.

    10 effective and budget-friendly stain removers

    The easiest way to wash dirty towels at home is in a washing machine, and resort to special ways and the product is enough once a month, otherwise the fabric will quickly wear out.

    They will help you get rid of grease and stubborn stains completely. ordinary means, such as:

    1. Salt

    Suitable for: removing coffee or tomato stains on white and colored fabrics.

    Recipe: make a solution in a basin based on 5 liters of water - 5 tbsp. spoons of salt, and then soak the kitchen utensils and leave them for 1 hour. Then we wash it by hand or in a machine.

    And also suitable for: removing red wine stains on white and colored fabrics.

    Recipe: make a very “cool” saline solution, soak and wash the fabric in it.

    2. Laundry soap.

    Suitable for: removing various stains, including grease, on colored and light-colored fabrics.

    Recipe: All dirty napkins should be generously rubbed with laundry soap and sealed in a bag overnight. After this, you need to wash and rinse the products well.

    3. Washing powder + stain remover + vegetable oil.

    Washing kitchen towels using this method almost always removes the oldest stains. In a large 10-quart saucepan, bring 5-7 quarts of water to a boil, then turn off the heat. After this, add 2 tbsp. l. washing powder (preferably “Automatic”, as it foams less), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l of any stain remover or bleach and mix the solution. Then put the textiles in the pan, stir a little more and wait until the water cools down. Then take out the towels and, without squeezing out the water, put them in the washing machine. The oil will cause all dirt on the textile to soften and come off the fabric more easily. You need to cover the container and wait until the water cools down, then rinse the products thoroughly. In this case, there is no need to boil or wash the towels additionally - the oil will not remain on the fabric.

    4. Shampoo.

    Best for: removing fruit stains.

    Recipe: pour shampoo onto the stain, let it sit, and then wash it off.

    5.Ammonia + glycerin.

    Suitable for: removing stains from tea and coffee.

    Recipe 1: you need to soak dirty kitchen textiles in a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio for 1 hour, and then wash.

    Recipe 2: tea stains can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a ratio of 1:4.

    6. Silicate glue.

    Suitable for: removing various stains, but only on white fabric.

    Recipe: the solution is prepared from a bar of soap and a spoon of silicate glue. You need to boil the textiles in this mixture for about half an hour.

    7. Dishwashing liquid.

    Suitable for: removing greasy stains on colored and white fabrics.

    Recipe: dishwashing liquid is applied to greasy stains and the textiles are left for a day, then the towels need to be washed and rinsed.

    8. Vinegar

    Best for: getting rid of mold.

    Recipe: you need to soak the product in a vinegar solution of 5-9% (if necessary, dilute the 70% essence) for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.


    Suitable for: removing stains from beets and tomatoes.

    Recipe: first, wash the towel with laundry soap under running hot water, wring it out a little, and then pour citric acid on the stains and leave for 5 minutes. After which we simply rinse.

    And also suitable for: removing old stains of various origins.

    Recipe: Wipe citric acid all dirt, leave the towel for an hour and then rinse.

    10. Hydrogen peroxide.

    Suitable for: removing old stains of various origins.

    Recipe: soak dirty areas in the solution, leave for 30 minutes, and then wash in the usual way

    8 Ways to Whiten Kitchen Towels

    So, we sorted out stain removal and washing. How to bleach kitchen towels if they have lost their fresh look? You can restore the whiteness of gray and yellowed kitchen towels with or without boiling.

    Here are 8 effective and simple ways:

    1. Whitening without boiling using mustard.

    This method both disinfects and whitens. To do this, dry mustard powder is diluted in hot water to a thick paste, after which the mixture is applied to wet towels and left for 6-8 hours, and then washed.

    2. Bleaching without boiling using potassium permanganate.

    This is very effective method, operating almost always. For a basin of boiling water you need about 200 g of washing powder and a little potassium permanganate (the water should be only slightly pink). Place pre-washed items in the solution, cover it with film and wait until the water cools completely. And then rinse the towels well.

    3. Bleaching without boiling using boric acid.

    This method is suitable for thick, waffle or terry towels. Add 2 tablespoons of boric acid to a bowl of hot water, then soak dirty towels in the resulting solution for 2 hours, and then wash them as usual.

    4. Bleaching with boiling, soda and laundry soap 72%.

    Using soda and boiling, you can bleach laundry and remove stains absolutely safely for you and as gentle as possible on the fabric. For this, approximately 50 gr. soda ash should be mixed with grated laundry soap (72%), and textiles should be boiled in this mixture for 1-1.5 hours.

    5.Express washing and bleaching without boiling.

    Some bleaches and stain removers remove stains and grayness very quickly and literally before your eyes. For example, to hand wash 1-2 towels, you can use the very effective “Universal Bleach for All Types of Fabrics” product from Amway. It is usually added when washing in a washing machine, but it is better to wash kitchen towels with complex stains by hand.

    We offer this express method for washing kitchen towels: pour 1 liter of boiling water into a regular basin, put all the kitchen utensils there, then add 1 tbsp. l of Amway powder and stir our solution with a spoon. The water will immediately begin to hiss and foam. Then you can leave the napkins to soak until the water cools completely, or after a few minutes you can add cold water and start washing directly in this solution. To wash more complex stains, you need to increase the soaking time or even boil the towels.

    6. Whitening with ammonia

    We are offered to soap a damp towel well, put it in a bag and add 3 tables to it. l ammonia. The bag should be quickly tied and left like that overnight. Then we wash the towels in the usual way.

    7. Bleaching using soda ash, vegetable oil, salt, bleach, washing powder


    Pour a bucket of water and bring it to a boil. Add all of the above to the water and mix. Using a wooden spatula, carefully lower the towels into the solution and boil for 30 minutes. Leave everything until it cools. And rinse well.

    You can soak towels in this solution for a day if boiling is not possible.

    8. You can make another solution for soaking with 5 liters of boiling water.

    To do this we take:

    • washing powder - ½ cup
    • bleach - 1 table. l
    • vegetable oil - 2.5 tablespoons

    Tip: When washing kitchen towels, you can do without conditioner by simply adding a mixture to the water baking soda and suitable essential oil. This way, your kitchen textiles will delight you not only with pristine freshness, but also with a pleasant aroma.

    Tricks of storage and use

    • Towels made of colorful or dark fabric are more suitable for wiping your hands during cooking, since grease and other dirt are less noticeable on them. And, of course, try to wash your oily hands whenever possible, rather than wiping them on a towel. Alternative option- paper napkins.
    • Washing kitchen towels will not be a headache if you have a lot of them in the kitchen and you change them often. Ideally, you should have towels for covering baked goods, for wiping clean hands after washing dishes, for drying hands while cooking, for wiping vegetables and fruits, for using as oven mitts, etc.
    • Terry towels - no the best choice for the kitchen, since such fabric easily absorbs dirt and quickly loses its neatness.
    • To keep the stained towels you use throughout the day from ruining the look of your kitchen, simply throw them in a cute basket (not too high, not too low). For example, a rattan wicker basket like the one in the photo on the right will do. Well, clean towels can be stored in plain sight.

    Any housewife enjoys using shiny white kitchen utensils. And you don’t even want to pick up washed napkins. Sometimes they become unsightly due to frequent boiling.

    How you can bleach kitchen towels at home:

    • A saline solution of 5 liters of water and 5 tablespoons of salt, in which we soak the napkins. Effectively removes traces of tomatoes, coffee, tea and red wine.
    • Thoroughly rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap and place tightly in a bag overnight. In the morning we wash and rinse.
    • The shampoo removes fruit stains well. Rub the product in and wash it off after two hours.
    • Use dishwashing detergent to remove greasy stains on kitchen napkins. Just soak the stains in the product for a day, wash and rinse thoroughly.
    • Use ammonia to remove traces of coffee and tea. And if in water solution add glycerin to ammonia, it will help remove old stains.
    • Citric acid perfectly removes contaminants of various origins when soaked for 10 minutes. Pre-wash the stains with laundry soap and acid for 10 minutes.
    • Hydrogen peroxide removes old stains; you need to soak napkins in it for 30 minutes.
    • A vinegar solution removes mold stains well; soak in it for 10 minutes.
    • A remedy that helps with clogged pipes can remove the most complex pollution. You need to apply a solution of a glass of water and 200 g of product to the stain for 30 minutes.
    • Potassium permanganate diluted with hot water to Pink colour. We put pre-washed towels in it and cover it with plastic. After cooling completely, rinse.
    • You can use a stain remover or bleach to remove the yellowness or grayness of kitchen napkins by diluting 1 tablespoon of the product in 1 liter of hot water.

    Note! You should not often resort to bleaching towels; they quickly become unusable. When buying kitchen utensils, pay attention to what they are made of; it is better if they are made from easily washable fabrics.

    The most convenient to use in the kitchen is a waffle towel, but a terry towel is better used as a bath towel. Wash frequently in the normal way in the washing machine, without waiting for the stains to penetrate deeply into the fabric.

    Whiten kitchen towels using vegetable oil

    Sunflower oil not only washes kitchen towels, but also bleaches them without boiling.

    How to bleach kitchen towels using vegetable oil

    How to whiten old waffle towels using mustard?

    Bleaching with dry mustard does not harm the fabric.

    To remove dirt on kitchen towels, use mustard powder.

    Option 1:

    • Pour a little dry mustard into heated water.
    • Mix the solution and let it settle.
    • We drain only the cloudy liquid, do not use the sediment.
    • Place dirty laundry in the drained liquid for at least three hours.
    • We take out the laundry and rinse it.
    • We rejoice kitchen utensils– whitened, clean and without traces of fat.

    Option 2:

    • Prepare a thick paste from hot water and dry mustard.
    • Place the resulting mixture on problem areas dirty towels.
    • Let the laundry dry for about 7 hours.
    • We wash everything in the washing machine.

    Note! With the help of mustard powder, towels not only become white, but are also disinfected.

    Other methods

    Bleaching dish towels by boiling is effective, but not practical. It is effective to use white, but it deteriorates the fabric, especially colored napkins.

    We offer how to correctly and quickly folk remedies clean and whiten kitchen accessories:

    • When rinsing, use baking soda and add it to the water along with two drops of essential oil. They give the laundry a pleasant smell of freshness.
    • Fruit stains disappear when exposed to vodka and glycerin mixed in equal parts. Keep the mixture for about 20 minutes.
    • Wash the egg white from the towel with cool water; the hot stain will remain forever. It is better to wash the stain immediately while it is fresh.
    • We remove stains from light kitchen towels with hot milk, to which we add drops of blue.
    • Traces of fat are removed with potato starch - this is effective when the stains are fresh. Just sprinkle starch on the fatty area and leave for 7 minutes. If necessary, you can repeat several times.

    For safety and maintenance appearance kitchen accessories housewives recommend:

    • In addition to a set of towels for everyday use, you need to have replacement sets.
    • The kits are changed after three days of use, even if there is no external contamination. Or if you think it necessary, then once a week.
    • Don't forget about ironing your towels, it makes them tidier and allows you to stay clean longer.
    • Keep disposable wipes on hand to wipe away stains and emergency cases. It's not as bad to throw them away as towels.
    • Place towels away from the stove to avoid splashes from pans.

    Note! When using bleaching agents, you must follow safety rules when working with hot and chlorine-containing liquids. Wearing gloves will protect the skin of your hands from burns and damage from bleaching agents.

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