When can you plant tulips? Planting tulips in the ground in spring: cultivation and care

For some, observing fasting is a matter of faith, and the attitude towards it is appropriate. And there are people who fast not because of their religiosity, but because they want to cleanse the body and lose weight, considering fasting an additional incentive not to “jump off the diet.” Indeed, fasting can bring a lot of benefits to the body, but you need to approach it carefully and try to plan your menu correctly.

If you start cutting down your diet too hard during fasting, there is a possibility that it will end in fainting, deterioration in the condition of your hair and nails, and other troubles. For example, a lack of protein in the body can lead to decreased performance and memory impairment. Therefore, you need to approach fasting carefully and wisely, trying not to “go too far” and not harm your health.

One should not think that fasting involves very strict restrictions. In fact, the church allows certain concessions to quite a lot of groups of people. They may not fast at all or limit their diet minimally. First of all, this relaxation applies to people with chronic diseases, in particular - digestive system. If a person needs a special diet, then he must adhere to it during fasting.

Minimal dietary restrictions are recommended for children and adolescents. In order for a growing body to receive all the necessary substances, nutrition must be balanced. The best option fasting for children and adolescents - abstaining from sweets. Such a restriction will not harm the body at all and will even be beneficial. The same version of fasting is suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers.

The word "fasting" comes from the Greek "apastos" - a person who does not eat anything, and the word "apastia" meant diet.

Another group of people who do not need to adhere to strict fasting are those who work in heavy physical work: for example, metallurgists or miners. People who cannot influence their diet are also exempt from fasting: for example, prisoners in prisons.

The main rules of “harmless” nutrition

Rule one: do not give up your usual food immediately. You need to limit your diet gradually: first you need to give up fatty meat, then meat in general, fish, and lastly, dairy. If giving up one of the food groups is too difficult and causes severe discomfort, you need to return it and begin to limit it more slowly. You can fast only on certain days of the week or the first and last week of fasting. Officially, the church does not prohibit this option - it is better than not fasting at all.

Rule two: you need to think carefully about your diet. Long before you start fasting, you need to plan from which foods you will get the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as all the vitamins and minerals. Long-lasting products can be purchased in advance.

In early Christianity there were no fasts as such. The corresponding tradition appeared no earlier than the 4th century.

Rule three: choose the right drinks. During the fasting period, doctors recommend giving up coffee and strong tea. It is better to drink fruit drinks or herbal teas. Fresh juices diluted with water will not harm either. Also, we must not forget about water: simple pure water quenches thirst well and removes toxins.

Rule four: form the right moral attitude. Before you start fasting, you need to understand that this is not just a diet, but a kind of sacred rite that should cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. Therefore, you need to prepare for it not only physically, but also mentally. The Right Attitude before fasting will make it easier to comply with food restrictions and maintain a good mood.

How to get all the necessary substances from food (Video)

During fasting, it is very important to properly plan your diet so that a person does not feel lack of essential nutrients. If you have doubts that your food lacks vitamins and minerals, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes. In addition, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as fats, in your diet.

The easiest way to solve the problem is with fats, since you can consume vegetable oil throughout almost the entire fast. There are few days when you can’t use it, so significant harm will not be. But with proteins it’s a little more complicated. Meat is limited throughout Lent, fish and dairy are allowed only on certain days, so you need to think about alternative sources squirrel. Such sources could be leguminous plants, wholemeal bread, cereals, as well as nuts and seeds. By the way, the last two products provide the body with some fat, so they are simply necessary during fasting. You can diversify your diet with mushrooms, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them, since these gifts of the forest overload the pancreas and liver.

John Chrysostom said that fasting should correspond to a person’s state of health, time of year and country of residence, condemning a rash and immoderate approach to fasting.

Carbohydrates are limited during fasting. There are a lot of healthy carbohydrates in porridges and a variety of plant foods, which are practically unlimited during this period. The basis of the diet for this period is porridge, as well as vegetables and fruits. Fruits and dried fruits will help replenish the body's supply of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time they can become an excellent treat that will not let you miss cakes and chocolate.

Main mistakes during fasting

The main mistake of those who decide to fast for the first time is excessive zeal. They immediately sharply limit their diet, which usually provokes many problems. But there is no need to rush anywhere; even the priests do not welcome or support such zeal. Beginners are usually advised to “define their own measure of asceticism.” It is important to understand that the church does not need a starving, half-fainting flock, and spiritual cleansing is much more important than physical starvation.

The second mistake is the so-called “lenten gluttony,” if a person, having turned away from fast food, simply chooses luxurious vegetable, mushroom or fruit dishes. Firstly, it is a sin, since fasting is not a diet, but a conscious renunciation of the pleasure received from food. Secondly, the use in large quantities Unusual food can lead to exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Fasting is not an invention of Christians. Many religions have a tradition of abstaining from rich food for a while and indulging in reflection.

The third mistake is focusing on certain products. Often a person does not have enough imagination to create a varied diet, and he begins to eat limitedly because of this. This cannot be done; you must remember that almost all plant foods are allowed, and you can also eat various sea inhabitants on all days: squid, scallops, mussels.

And the last mistake is the wrong exit from the post. You can’t immediately after fasting, jump on heavy meat foods - this is fraught with both banal indigestion and numerous more serious problems. dangerous diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

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How to eat during fasting without harm to your health

editor-in-chief of the website "M.Vkus"

Starts on Monday Lent. Time that is recommended to be spent in silence, calm and abstinence. You should abstain for 40 days social networks and TV series, do not allow negative emotions and thoughts, exclude any animal products from the diet. Even if you are not very orthodox, we highly recommend trying to stick with it for the duration established rules. Firstly, this is an excellent detox that will help you lose the pounds gained over the winter, avoid vitamin deficiency and improve your intestinal microflora. Secondly, this is an ideal way to put your thoughts in order, adjust your goals and plans for the future, and be alone with yourself. Thirdly, instead of entertainment, read long-delayed useful non-fiction books, improve your English level, or take an online training course. In general, Lent is 40 days that can be spent with maximum benefit for your own soul, body and intellect.

There are quite strictly regulated regulations regarding food for each day of Lent. They are very harsh, but one must understand that in Orthodox tradition there are no separate rules for monks and ordinary people. So these rules should be strictly adhered to by church employees, while everyone else can make some allowances for themselves. In addition, travelers, pregnant women, children, the elderly and the sick are not allowed to fast.

For everyone else there is one important rule– for almost the entire 40 days, follow a strict vegan diet, completely eliminating alcohol and any animal products from the diet: meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products.

For those who are going to fast for the first time, let us clarify that this list also includes cappuccino and latte with regular milk, milk chocolate, most baked goods and desserts. At the time of buying finished products just read the packaging carefully. In addition, many large supermarkets make a separate counter with Lenten products during Lent or mark them with special stickers.


During these days of Lent, complete abstinence from food is recommended, that is, you need to fast. You are only allowed to drink water. Evaluate your own mental and physical strength, how much you can withstand a day without food. If you have any chronic diseases or health problems, you should consult your doctor about fasting and strict fasting days.


Fasting days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

The strictest days of Lent, when you cannot eat hot cooked foods and use vegetable oil. Don’t think that there will be nothing to eat - delicious dishes more than enough. Fresh, salted and pickled vegetables and mushrooms, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, bread, honey and cold-cooked cereals are allowed. Drinks allowed are water, fresh juices, lemonades (without cooking) and smoothies. These days you can try your culinary skills in preparing a variety of raw food dishes. Such as zucchini spaghetti with parsley pesto sauce, raw gazpacho, raw bread from a dehydrator, a variety of salads, desserts made from nuts and dried fruits.

From the collection of recipes “M.Vkus” the following recipes are suitable for these days:

Hot food without oil

Fasting days: Tuesday, Thursday

On these days, you are allowed to eat all dry food products, plus add cereals, legumes and pasta with water or vegetable milk, a variety of dishes from cooked vegetables and mushrooms (boiled, baked, steamed or sous vide), bread and pastries without butter, fruits fresh or prepared, you can drink hot tea and black coffee or with nut milk. Separately, I would like to mention soy products, which during Lent are an excellent source of protein, replacing animal proteins. Prepared from soybeans delicious cottage cheese or a cheese called “tofu”, which can simply be fried with vegetables or made into imitation omelettes or cheesecakes. Soy milk is an excellent alternative to cow's milk - you can make cappuccino and lattes with it, cook porridge with it, cook pastries and lean pancakes.

From the collection of recipes “M.Vkus” the following recipes are suitable for Tuesdays and Thursdays of Lent:

Hot food with vegetable oil

Fasting days: Saturday, Sunday

These days you can cook yourself any vegan dishes without restrictions. A variety of Lenten pastries, pancakes, dumplings and pizza for those who want a more filling meal. Pickles, boiled or steamed non-starchy vegetables and green salads for those who want to lose weight properly and arrange a complete detox. Dishes with pasta, legumes and tofu for everyone who actively continues to exercise during Lent.

In order not to harm the body and use fasting to improve your health, you need to take nutrition during Lent seriously. Experts believe that the human body on average needs up to 90 g of protein per day. Considering that our body wears out during its existence, protein losses must be restored by taking it with food. Therefore, when fasting, you need to strictly monitor the presence of required quantity both elements and microelements, and protein, in in this case preferably of plant origin. The following foods can provide such proteins: beans, sunflower seeds, nuts. Sometimes, if fasting conditions allow, fish, shrimp and other seafood.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 400-500 g. The main source of carbohydrates in the diet is plant foods. Fasting does not exclude the consumption of sugar.

With regard to the consumption of fats, it can be noted that vegetable oil, if it is used separately from animal fats, does not turn into human fat in the human intestines, since it does not contain the saturated fatty acids necessary for this, which is very important for those who decide during fasting lose some weight.

Fluid consumption also requires control - at least TWO liters per day.

It has long been known that the digestive functions of the body change their activity not only during the month, but also during the day. There is a so-called biological clock. According to biological laws, the most favorable time for eating from 12 to 20 o'clock, but from 22 to 4 o'clock the body is most actively engaged in assimilation, that is, digesting and assimilating food. There is time for rest and self-cleaning from approximately 4 to 12 hours.

I recommend three meals a day: in the morning - tea (coffee) and fruit; in the afternoon - tea (coffee, compote, juice or mineral water) and fruits, vegetables, maybe kefir, yogurt, bread; but in the evening - the main meal, but within the normal amount, that is, not worsening the required conditions for the functioning of the digestive organs. At the same time, the balance of nutrients supplied with food must be maintained.

Now let's look at the distribution of the daily diet:

With rare meals (we are going to eat thoroughly 1-2 times a day), a prerequisite is a reasonable limitation of the amount of food.
When consumed large quantity After eating, the walls of the stomach stretch excessively, limiting its mobility and impairing the mixing of food. As a result, its processing by gastric juices slows down. Food stays in the stomach for a long time, and the work of the digestive glands becomes long and intense.
A distraction from the feeling of hunger during the day can be eating fruit and drinking juices, water, tea, coffee (the latter in controlled doses) or kefir, yogurt.
Now you can begin to develop a menu for the entire period of fasting. As a rule, eating meat is prohibited for the entire period of fasting. On some days, dairy and fish dishes are prohibited.

An approximate list of products acceptable for consumption while fasting (it must be taken into account that in different days fasting are allowed for consumption different products) is presented in the following table:

List of products
Vegetables Fruits Flour products, cereals Products are alive. origin Fats
fresh cabbage
fresh cucumbers
green pea
frozen vegetables
dried fruits:
dried apricots
black bread
white beans
sunflower seeds
cottage cheese
vegetable oil:

You can use salads seasoned only with vegetable oil and finely chopped herbs from the following vegetables:

Cabbage (you can add some pickles for taste);
- cabbage with fresh cucumbers;
- fresh cucumbers and tomatoes;
- cabbage with carrots (you can add pickles);
- cabbage with boiled beets (you can add pickles);
- cabbage with raw beets;
- cabbage with celery;
- cabbage with carrots, beets, celery;
- seaweed (you can add pickles);
- sauerkraut;
- Bell pepper;
- beets with walnut and garlic;
- lettuce leaves.

The menu for two weeks can be presented as follows:

Day of the week Dishes
Week before Lent:


salad (any)
Buckwheat porridge seasoned with fried onions
stewed carrots in tomato sauce
Tuesday salad (any)
Fried fish or shrimp
braised cabbage
Wednesday salad (any)
vinaigrette with pickled cucumber and sauerkraut
black bread
Thursday salad (any)
cauliflower, fried with a little breadcrumbs and eggs, you can add green peas
black bread
Friday salad (any)
cabbage stewed with vegetables
black bread
Saturday salad (any)
vegetarian pilaf or dumplings with cabbage
squash caviar
Sunday salad (any)
boiled shrimp
carrots stewed in tomato sauce
Beginning of Lent


vegetable salad
boiled beans or beans
cabbage stewed with vegetables
squash caviar
Tuesday potato and pickled mushroom salad
buckwheat, seasoned with fried onions and carrots
green pea
squash caviar
Wednesday sauerkraut salad with onions
stew of frozen vegetables fried with breadcrumbs
squash caviar
Thursday tomato salad with onion and cucumber
baked potato
cabbage stewed with vegetables
squash caviar
Friday vegetable salad with nuts or seeds
cabbage stewed with vegetables
black bread
Saturday vegetable salad
the vinaigrette
black bread
Sunday baked tomatoes with rice and mushrooms
boiled beans with nut sauce
squash caviar

During fasting, it is necessary to completely exclude from the menu the intake of products from column 4 of the “List of Products” table. The variety of dishes should not suffer from this. Dishes can be changed as desired. Below is a list of dishes made from relevant products.

Buckwheat porridge with vegetables.
Wheat porridge with vegetables.
Vegetarian pilaf.
Millet porridge seasoned with fried onions.

Flour dishes

Dumplings with potatoes, seasoned with fried onions.
Dumplings or pies with cabbage.

Potato dishes

Boiled potatoes (you can mash them).
Potatoes baked in the oven.
Fried potato.
Potatoes stewed with vegetables.

Vegetable dishes

Cabbage rolls (vegetables with rice).
Carrots stewed with celery, sweet peppers in tomato sauce.
Boiled beans, pureed and seasoned with fried onions.
Sweet pepper stuffed with vegetables.
Fried mushrooms, stewed with vegetables.
Eggs (consume only before fasting - as preparation for it).
Dairy dishes (consume only before fasting).
The main idea of ​​fasting is humility and renunciation of one’s negative emotions and pride. Dietary restriction is one of the techniques for achieving the goals of fasting. Are you ready for this? Or maybe it’s easier for you to “sit” on

IN christian church There are four fasts - Great Lent, Petrov, Uspensky and Rozhdestvensky. Each of them prescribes a ban on eating animal products. However, there are certain rules that allow you to introduce dishes such as fish into the diet of a fasting person.

People who are the first to begin fasting may have natural questions. For example, what vegetable oil is preferable to eat during fasting? Are there days prohibiting the use of such oil? What drinks are preferable on fasting days? We will try to answer these and other questions for those interested right now.

Food during Lent

Of course, this should be lean food. That is, foods containing animal fats are excluded from the diet. On such days, there is a complete ban on the consumption of meat products, eggs, milk, sour cream and other dairy products. Preferred dishes are cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, and herbs. You can eat nuts, seeds, honey, dried fruits, mushrooms, that is, any plant food. The products, of course, must be fresh. Preferably not prepared for future use and eaten immediately after cooking. Instead of frying foods, you should resort to baking them, boiling them in water or steaming, or stewing.

When can you eat fish during Lent?

- a rare product. Sometimes the church treats Orthodox Christians condescendingly and allows them to taste dishes from it in certain days post. Fish dishes also include seafood. Such products and dishes made from them are allowed to be consumed during Lent on the Annunciation, on Palm Sunday, on Lazarus Saturday before Palm Sunday. On other days Orthodox posts one should check the consumption of certain foods according to the days of the fasting calendar, which is currently observed by a Christian.

Oil for fasting

You need to understand that each fast contains days of “dry eating.” That is, when it is allowed to be eaten, prepared without water or other liquids.

On days when it is allowed to “eat oil,” that is, to eat with vegetable oil, baking, frying foods, and adding oil to salads, main courses, and soups are permitted. These are usually fasting days off. However, those who fast must strictly check these days with the calendar of the next fast so that they do not coincide, for example, with Holy Week when fasting is especially strict.

Drinks during Lent

Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited on fasting days! However, the church allows on weekends, when fish and seafood are allowed in the diet, and low-alcohol drinks in moderate quantities, such as wine, beer, and mead.

Drinks that do not contain alcohol are acceptable in any quantity. It is preferable that these are drinks that saturate the body with vitamins, such as vegetables and fruits, compotes, infusions, homemade lemonade, green tea, chicory drink, mineral water.

Everyone knows that our ancestors adhered to traditions and considered every day of fasting a joy. This time was special. Historically, fasting is the restriction of a religious person in something for the purpose of repentance. Some Christians use the metaphor "springtime of the soul." It characterizes the internal state of a person who has set the goal of sacrificing himself to God. The Lord set an example for believers when he stayed in the desert for 40 days and did not eat anything. Spring in nature means awakening, new life Likewise, fasting is a time for testing oneself, self-improvement, and prayer. Some people can independently, without external help, look for flaws, shortcomings, and correct them.

In Christianity, a special time is allocated for this, called fast days. During periods of fasting, active spiritual work is performed, passions are eradicated, and the soul is cleansed. To do this, you must go to church often, pray in the morning and evening, do good deeds, give alms, visit the weak, prisoners, and learn humility.

Why is a fast day needed?

In the practice of Christianity, there are 4 multi-day fasts (the Great Fast takes place in the spring, the Assumption and Petrov fasts in the summer, the Rozhdestven fast in the winter) and separate fast days- Wednesday and Friday. During long fasts, the main ones are the first and last week. At this time, a person needs to be extremely attentive to himself and his loved ones. What is important for a fasting person is his internal state, actions, actions, and spoken words.

What should abstinence consist of?

Many people mistakenly believe that they need to limit themselves only to food. Self-control is a very complex action that requires considerable effort. It is to track these changes that the Lord created the state in which man resides. If a Christian fully observes external conditions, but visits places of entertainment, watches entertainment programs, behaves unworthily, this can be called an ordinary diet. In this case, the Lord will see the wickedness, and there will be no spiritual development. It happens the other way around, when a person consumes forbidden foods, but fasts in his soul. An example would be a stomach or intestinal disease that requires a strict diet. This desire and perseverance will be highly appreciated.

What you can and cannot eat

So, now let's figure out what food you can eat during fasting and what you can't. There is a simple rule about nutrition. Eating foods of plant origin is allowed and eating animal products is prohibited.


  • products, poultry.
  • Fish (but on some days of fasting it is allowed).
  • Eggs, as well as products that contain them.
  • Dairy products, butter, fermented milk products, sour cream, cheeses.


You can eat these products:

  • Vegetables in in different forms, pickles.
  • Fruits, dried fruits, nuts.
  • Porridge on the water.
  • Legumes, soy products.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Bread, lean pastries.
  • Fish (only on permitted days).

During fasting, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible, since the body is accustomed to proteins and fats. You need to eat everything, such as juices, soy products, sweets, chocolate. In addition to basic ingredients such as vegetables and fruits, you need to introduce a variety of modern products.

You should definitely try eggplant, celery, spinach, broccoli, arugula, and chickpeas (from the legume family). Ordinary vegetables from the garden can be in a special way cook, experiment, add various herbs and seasonings.

For any housewife, preparing a new dish is a special ritual, during which a woman immerses herself in her element. To do this you can create Personal diary and enter each recipe. Lenten days will be brightened up by communication with loved ones, as sharing a meal brings you closer together. Try recommending methods of cooking dishes that really turned out great to your friends and sharing your experiences. It is important to remember that the body must be supported by foods that contain protein, glucose, and fats.

Lenten recipes for every day

The most common ingredients in Lenten cuisine are vegetables; they are suitable for both side dishes and gourmet dishes. There are a huge number of recipes. Let’s say it’s easy to make excellent cutlets from ordinary potatoes, as well as a salad or casserole. From boiled vegetables - vinaigrette.

Recently it has become fashionable to make puree soups. They are very nutritious, quickly and thoroughly digested. This cooking method will appeal to young children and older people. There is no difficulty in using this product. The recipe is very simple, because all the selected ingredients must first be boiled and then chopped in a blender. Next, the resulting mixture is added to the broth.

Depending on the ingredients, the calorie content and nutritional value of the dish may vary. In some countries, this cooking method is the most common. Here is the recipe for such a soup.

Cream soup with potatoes and white bread

To make the dish rich in vitamins and minerals, take parsley, celery and carrots, a head onions. Let's wash them under running water, peel, cut into small pieces so that the cooking process takes less time. Place on the stove and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Now strain the broth into a separate container and set it aside.

So, it's time for the potatoes. We clean it, wash it, divide each tuber into 4 parts and put it in the broth. We do the same with white bread. Yes, you just need to cut it and boil it along with the potatoes.

Then take some wheat flour. Mix it with vegetable oil and place in a pan with potatoes and bread. Cook until done, then strain off the broth. You can use a colander to separate the potatoes and bread from the broth.

The cooking process is coming to an end. Grind all the ingredients that were cooked earlier in a blender and send them back to our broth. The highlight of the soup will be croutons, which need to be fried in advance in a frying pan with butter. If the dish turns out to be thick, you need to dilute it with boiled water.

Diet variety

What else can you eat during fasting, besides vegetables and fruits? Of course, porridge cooked in water. Cereals are very healthy. In the first place is buckwheat, rich in vitamins and microelements that can be absorbed by the body in as soon as possible. It can be cooked with fried onions, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach. The list of cereals is huge, let’s list some of them:

  • rice;
  • pearl barley;
  • millet;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • semolina

You can also combine porridges with each other, for example, rice and millet. To make the taste less bland, add margarine or spread. In the morning you can eat chocolate balls with honey and juice. During fasting days, muesli will be an excellent reinforcement during working days. The same can be said about dried fruits that serve as a snack. Supermarkets sell a lot of frozen vegetable mixtures, fruits, and berries at any time of the year. These products make an excellent filling for Lenten pies, pancakes, and dumplings.

Homemade pickles and marinades, compotes and jams will help diversify your diet. Sauerkraut or lecho will be an excellent addition to pasta, potatoes or buckwheat. Today in stores you can find many products, for example, mayonnaise, cookies, waffles, which have the inscription “lenten”.

In modern Orthodox practice, many priests recommend that parishioners consult with their doctor before doing so. Here are some medical tips that will be useful. For digestion in the first couple of days, it is better not to eat chips, crackers, sweet nuts, carbonated drinks, strong coffee, tea. also in last days Orthodox Christians should not suddenly switch to permitted products. Do not pounce on eggs, Easter cakes and smoked meats. We must remember that there is such a sin as gluttony. Sometimes we don’t notice how we get pleasure from eating food, we eat greedily even during fasting. It is worth controlling your feelings.

Fast days. Wednesday and Friday

It is known that fasting time falls on different dates in each calendar circle. The fast days of 2016 are a special time for Orthodox Christians. We also noted that Wednesday and Friday are no less important in this regard throughout the year. But there are also weeks without fasting, for example, before Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa itself, Trinity, Bright, Christmastide. You can always look at the calendar of fasting days to glean the necessary information.

Wednesday became fast in connection with the memory that Judas betrayed Christ the day before. With their real sins, people betray the Savior, who suffered for us. A fasting Christian remembers this event and laments. To understand the seriousness of the historical date, a fast day is observed almost every week. Friday is a fast day, when Christ died for the sins of the world, He was publicly crucified on the cross as a thief. So that believers do not forget about the great event, on Friday it is necessary to especially abstain mentally and physically. The fast days of the Orthodox are called to take care of the spirituality of believers.

Important goal

Fasts and fasting days are skillfully and wisely structured. They alternate with idle time. This sequence encourages us to renew our souls, strive for repentance, compassion, and mercy. Then you are allowed to have fun and rejoice again. It was this way of life that helped our ancestors stay in a good mood and be healthy mentally and physically. Despite the restrictions and abandonment of usual activities, the result will not be long in coming. Harmony always and in everything is the basis of a correct lifestyle. To all Orthodox Christians on the day of fasting - the most good wishes, strength, patience, joy.

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