When, how and what sports nutrition is best to take for weight gain. The whole truth about sports nutrition

Nutrition is extremely important, because muscles are built precisely thanks to the elements entering the body. And if you have a goal to gain muscle mass in a short time, then it is all the more important to choose a suitable set of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

There is a basic set of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass that every athlete should know:

  • BCAAs.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Omega-3.
  • Glutamine.

These substances not only help develop muscles, but also support overall health.

Regular foods are not enough to gain muscle mass; in any case, you will have to turn to sports supplements for help. In addition to training hard, maintaining a calorie surplus is also important. All bodybuilders take a sports complex that includes several basic supplements.

Whey Protein

This is one of the main components that is included in the sports supplement. This supplement has a complex composition, which can be completely different, but it contains many important elements and amino acids. Proteins are an important part that is included in any


If you just can’t gain the required amount of calories, then a gainer will come to the rescue, which is also an important component that should be included in a sports nutrition set for gaining muscle mass, because a large amount of protein is the key to muscle growth. But when choosing a gainer, you need to pay special attention to the composition. It is important to ensure that there are not too many carbohydrates in it, giving preference to protein.


It is a complex of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are extremely important for the body, but it does not synthesize them on its own. BCAA stimulates insulin production, which helps nourish muscles. In addition, these three amino acids prevent protein breakdown and muscle breakdown.

Pre-workout supplements

Often, training exhausts the body, leaving no strength left. Using simulators that contain caffeine or geranamine will help you cope with this and increase strength and energy during training. If you need additional energy, then you can safely add pre-workout complexes to your sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass.


Increases strength and stimulates volume growth. Today there are a huge number of varieties of creatine on the market, but the most common is monohydrate.


This component is found in fatty fish, but even this is sometimes not enough for an athlete and therefore he has to resort to supplements. The best choice is fish oil. Omega-3 improves blood circulation, which speeds up the delivery of important substances to the muscles. But its benefits don’t end there; it also speeds up metabolism, which helps get rid of fat, and is good for the cardiovascular system.


They have practically no effect, but despite this, they are no less important. Chasing weight gain and taking various supplements, the athlete begins to forget about some important vitamins, without which chaos will ensue in the body. Even if you eat fruits and vegetables in huge quantities, you may still be lacking some vitamins.


This amino acid is found in muscles most of all. Although the body is capable of producing it itself, additional intake will not hurt. Glutamine helps with recovery, so it's best taken after workouts and at night. Glutamine should be included in your sports nutrition; it is essential for quickly gaining muscle mass.


  1. Breakfast consisting only of protein. It is true that eating foods rich in carbohydrates in the morning is wrong, since while we sleep, blood sugar levels drop and all carbohydrates consumed after waking up will go straight to the stomach. Every person who has the goal of gaining muscle mass should have a hearty breakfast. First of all, as soon as you wake up, it is best to drink a protein shake, but not a simple one, but a highly purified hydrolyzed whey protein isolate. This is important because regular whey will take a long time to be absorbed, but this one takes about 15 minutes. At this time, you can do some of your own business, for example, take a shower. After this time, an appetite will appear, because the protein will already have time to be absorbed, metabolism will accelerate, and the body will begin to ask for a new portion of food. When you come to the kitchen, you can prepare an omelet, oatmeal, pancakes, cottage cheese. If you wish, you can eat several different dishes at once. It is important to have both protein and carbohydrates in your morning diet, so there should be an equal amount of them. The main thing is to eat your fill. As a drink, it is recommended to drink a cup of green tea. And, of course, we must not forget about vitamins and fish oil!
  2. Large amounts of carbohydrates immediately after training. You can often hear advice that after training you should definitely consume easily digestible carbohydrates, but this is wrong. Thus, your appetite will only go away for the next 2 hours, preventing you from eating food that is really important for muscle growth. are only good if the goal is to increase strength and endurance, and not gain weight. And if you strive for the latter, then your choice should stop at protein.
  3. Avoiding protein shakes. Some people do not include protein in their sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass, limiting themselves to gainers, believing that only a combination of carbohydrates and proteins will give the desired effect, but protein alone will not. One very simple rule works here: protein is important for muscle growth, so the first thing you should do is focus on it. People who regularly exercise in the gym and want to gain weight are recommended to consume protein at a rate of 2-3 grams per kilogram of weight. Also, it is important not to try to gain weight on an ongoing basis, but to eat intensely for a couple of weeks, trying to achieve maximum results, and then give the body a break from the constantly increasing calories. To gain weight, protein from regular foods is not enough, so you can’t do it without the help of protein shakes. It is best to drink whey protein before and after training, and slow protein before bed. What kind of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass can do without protein shakes? None.
  4. Underestimation of BCAA and glutamine. BCAA is a complex of three amino acids that are extremely important: isoleucine, leucine and valine. They are considered almost the most important component of muscle building. The importance of taking these amino acids also lies in the fact that the body is not able to synthesize them on its own, so they only come from food. In addition to capsule form, BCAA is also available in powder form, which makes it easier to take, since the powder is tasteless and odorless; it can be added both to your shaker and to food. It is recommended to consume these amino acids during training, namely, divide the consumption into 3 times: before, during and after.
  5. But BCAA amino acids alone are not enough for active muscle growth. The body requires even more amino acids than the previous three. Thanks to them, he will be able to produce hormones. And this is where powdered amino acids come to the rescue. They are absorbed faster and taste better than tablets. It is best to consume them immediately after meals.
  6. Some people mistakenly believe that water is an obstacle to the natural processes of digestion. This is not so, and besides, it is also necessary. Water is the engine of anabolic processes in the body, which promote muscle growth.

Sports nutrition for gaining lean muscle mass

Cutting is a fairly common term among bodybuilders. It refers to proper sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass, which is designed to eliminate the fat layer as much as possible, which will make the body toned and the muscles become more visible. Everything is logical here; during drying, a person tends to lose excess water.

As everyone knows, the body takes energy primarily from carbohydrates. Glucose is stored in the body in the form of glycogen, and if you consume too many carbohydrates, the glycogen will begin to turn into fat. So, to make the body fit, you need to use this glycogen and fat, for which you exclude carbohydrates from the diet, and the body will begin to independently take carbohydrates from reserves. Although this type of so-called diet seems effective at first glance, it can be dangerous. So experienced athletes most often do such things. It is impossible to choose the best sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass that suits everyone, because it is very individual.

Most often, bodybuilders resort to drying before competitions. There are 4 foods that can be consumed in unlimited quantities: egg white, chicken breast without skin and fat, preferably steamed, fish, squid fillet. But the diet, albeit in very small quantities, should contain carbohydrates in the form of greens, cucumbers, cabbage, and buckwheat porridge. For an ordinary person trying to lose weight, drying is not at all the most suitable option. In this case, it will be enough to adhere to a few basic rules.

Rules for proper nutrition

  1. You should not exhaust your body with exhausting diets. It is much better to know and consume what is healthy and exclude harmful foods.
  2. What is best to prohibit yourself from is flour products and sugar.
  3. Replace mayonnaise, chips, sausage, ice cream with vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese.
  4. A complete refusal of fats can become extremely dangerous for the body, as metabolism and the condition of the skin, hair, and nails will deteriorate.
  5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  6. Don't overeat before bed. If it turns out that you have time to eat very late, then it is best to snack on some fruit and kefir.
  7. It is best to eat often, but in small portions.

Homemade sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is also possible. You can prepare protein shakes yourself and be confident in their composition. All you need is a blender and the necessary ingredients.

  1. The first protein-carbohydrate shake can be made from a combination of milk, 1 banana and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. You can also prepare it from 100 g of cottage cheese + milk + banana.
  3. Another option is milk, egg white, banana and a tablespoon of sugar.

These are not all the cocktail options. Taking these ingredients as a basis and adding various fruits and nuts to them, you can make a protein shake that will be no worse than the one you bought, and in addition, some harmful substances may be present in store-bought mixtures, but you will be sure of the composition of the drink you prepare yourself.

If you simply go to any sports nutrition store and choose those products that are most popular and in demand, you will most likely make a mistake, and the effectiveness of this approach will be low.

The key feature of using sports nutrition is its correct and timely intake, therefore it is important to know what and when to drink. Of course, dosage regimens will differ depending on the athlete's goals, current training cycle, and other conditions.

We will try to consider the basic rules for consuming sports nutrition, which will help you get the maximum benefit.

Sports nutrition for pros and beginners: is there a difference?

EVERYTHING IS EXTREMELY SIMPLE – THE GREATER THE FITNESS, WEIGHT OR REQUIREMENTS OF THE ATHLET, THE MORE SPORTS NUTRITION HE WILL NEED. For example, if a 90 kg athlete needs to take 2 servings of protein per day, then the norm for a 110 kg pro will increase to 4 servings.

Otherwise, the body's need for substances will be the same. When choosing sports nutrition, it is correct to consider not the criterion of general fitness, but specific goals.

  • Mass dial cycle? In this case, you need to forget about any fat burners and focus on protein, creatine and other “basic” supplements.
  • Decided to dry off? Forget about what a gainer is, eliminate creatine and adjust your nutrition to your current regimen.

By doing this, you can't go wrong with your supplement choices, regardless of the brand or manufacturer.

A must-have for any athlete

There are a lot of supplements on the sports nutrition market, the effect of which hardly reaches 2-3%. In fact, they are practically useless. To avoid becoming a victim of marketing, let's look at the most proven and effective supplements that any athlete should have.


Protein – It is quite obvious that protein is the basis of the basics. You cannot build high-quality muscles or increase strength without consuming protein. You can get by with regular food, but to meet your daily protein requirement you will have to overeat on unleavened chicken breasts, which only a few people can do.

In this case, a sports supplement comes to the rescue. In terms of its amino acid profile, whey protein is equivalent to an egg, which is considered the reference protein.


Protein is always necessary, even during drying, even during the period of gaining muscle mass. The only difference is that during drying it needs to be diluted in water, and the rest of the time you can get by with low-fat milk, juice, etc.

ADMISSION RULES are also quite simple.

There are two mandatory doses: in the morning and after training. With a meager diet, you can add an intermediate dose during the day.


Often, beginners separate protein and gainer, although these are products of the same category.


Gainer is ideal for those who find it difficult to gain weight, that is, thin people who are not prone to obesity.

The difference between protein and gainer is only in the proportion of protein. If in the first it is above 70% (and in some cases even 90%), then in the gainer it is 30-35%.

There are high-protein gainers, where some of the protein increases to 50 and even 60%, but most often their purchase is completely unjustified in terms of price and quality.

ADMISSION RULES the same, since a gainer is simply protein + fast carbohydrates, and a protein is pure whey (or another, depending on the selected supplement) protein.


The same protein, but the only difference is the slow rate of absorption. If regular whey protein is digested in 10 to 30 minutes, then casein takes 5-8 hours.

PERFECT FIT to be taken before bed to calm nocturnal catabolism.

BCAA and amino acids

As you know, any protein consists of amino acids.


  1. Leucine,
  2. Isoleucine,
  3. Valin.

They are considered essential because the body cannot synthesize them. The amount of these amino acids in muscles is about 35-40%.

You might think that amino acids as a sports supplement are much more valuable because they contain all the amino acids, but this is not the case. Most of them enter the body from food, so the main attention should be paid to the three previously described amino acids.

If you choose between amino acids and BCAA, then the choice should be given to the latter. It is important to understand that all amino acids are present in simple protein, so all you get from a sports supplement (which costs significantly more than regular protein) is a faster rate of absorption. Are the extra 5-10 minutes worth the overpayment? It's up to you to decide.


It is worth taking BCAA or amino acids 20-30 minutes after training.

During the drying period, it is best to mix BCAA in water and drink throughout the entire workout, this will prevent the loss of muscle mass and speed up the loss of excess fat.


The effect of this supplement has long been proven by countless studies.

It promotes:

  • acceleration of protein synthesis,
  • promotes fluid retention in cells (which allows them to be better nourished),
  • as well as an increase in the amount of ATP.

Thanks to this, you will not only build high-quality muscle mass faster, but also significantly increase strength and strength endurance.


There are two reception schemes, with or without loading. Recent studies have proven that the previously attributed benefits of taking it with loading are erroneous and both methods are the same, but taking the supplement without loading puts much less strain on the digestive organs and kidneys.

ACCEPT Creatine, contrary to popular belief, is better after a workout.

DAILY NORMAL should not exceed 5 grams; if desired, it can be divided into morning and post-workout (2.5 g at a time). Also, do not forget that you need to take breaks due to the adaptation of the body’s receptors, therefore for every one and a half to two months of use there should be a 4-week break.


This substance is found in the body only in small quantities. To describe its action very briefly, L-Carnitine helps convert fat cells into energy. The trouble is that this substance does not accumulate in the body and to speed up the process you need to take it as a supplement.

In addition to its fat-burning properties, L-Carnitine promotes:

  • Increasing stress resistance
  • Increased physical and mental activity
  • Increased energy during workouts
  • Essential protection of the heart and blood vessels

DAILY DOSE should be about 2 g, since exceeding this mark will not have any additional effect.

ACCEPT L-Carnitine is only needed before training, especially if it will end with long-term cardio. The supplement does not work at all in the absence of physical activity.

Some simple rules will help you not only get more benefits from sports nutrition, but also save a lot.

For example:

  • Amino acids will not bring any additional benefit, so it is better to save money and buy high-quality whey protein. The absorption rate is almost the same, and the price is much lower.
  • L-Carnitine is generally considered a “cutting supplement,” although it is ideal for any workout. Continuous use is not advisable, therefore every 2 months you need to take a four-week break. If you prefer to do long cardio sessions between training days, then taking the supplement before them will be worth it.
  • If you choose between protein and gainer, it is better to give preference to the first. A gainer is suitable for those who cannot consume the daily amount of carbohydrates, while a gainer will only harm people who are overweight. Protein is also a must during any training cycle.

In this article we will tell you in detail how to use sports nutrition correctly. Having purchased any sports nutrition, not everyone knows and understands how to use it correctly. On the packaging, as a rule, the information is in a foreign language, and even if there is a sticker with a translation, it is not a fact that it is correct (correctly translated). Even if you translate the text yourself, it is not always clear what and how. exist? These are gainers, proteins, amino acids and creatine. We also hope everyone knows perfectly well that any sports nutrition is a food supplement to your main diet.

How to take Creatine correctly:

Creatine is considered one of the most effective nutritional supplements in sports. It has the form of a powder (tablets, capsules) and is diluted in water or juice (preferably grape juice). An indicator of the quality of creatine powder is sediment at the bottom in the form of crystals. We recommend using creatine monohydrate powder. There are two ways to take creatine, with and without a loading phase. Loading phase: for five days we drink 5 grams 4 times a day (20 grams in total) between meals and then 2 grams per day for maintenance, also between meals, and on training days immediately after it. Dilute in 300-500 ml of water or juice. Without loading: we drink 2 grams of creatine every day, once a day, between meals on days off from training and on training days immediately after it. Very important: during the entire course of taking creatine, you need to drink a lot of water, 3 or more liters per day. 30% of athletes do not get results from creatine (taking it is not effective), this is due to the naturally high content of the substance in the body.

How to use gainer and protein correctly:

We look for the composition of the portion on the can of purchased protein or gainer that the manufacturer recommends, that is, what portion to drink per day. It also happens that there is a measuring spoon in the jar (stingy) and the manufacturer writes how many such spoons should be consumed per day. It is optimal to divide this recommended daily portion into two doses. We drink on weekends between meals, and on training days one serving between breakfast and lunch, the second after training. The serving can even be divided into three doses and drink the third dose before bed (more suitable for protein (casein)). Dilute the protein or gainer in 300-500 ml of milk or water, stirring until dissolved (it is better to whisk). The diluted product should be consumed within an hour. Do not dilute in hot liquid.

How to use Amino Acids correctly:

Amino acids come in tablets, capsules and powder, which is very convenient when taking them, washed down with just water. They are quickly absorbed in the body, that is, when they enter the stomach they are immediately absorbed, so it is best to take them after training. Again, you need to look at the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. The dosage can be divided into 2 or 3 doses per day and taken before bedtime.

Tips for proper use of sports nutrition:

2 If you are training for mass, then it will be more profitable to use protein (whey isolate) than bcaa.

3 Amines are more suitable for weight loss.

4 Manufacturers of different brands of gainers and proteins may contain creatine and bcaa, as a rule there are few of them and not enough for the norm.

5 Maltodextrin (a sweetener) is found in cheap gainers and proteins; it is better to avoid it in the composition.

6 The loading cycle of any sports nutrition is 2-3 months, then there is a break, let the body rest.

7 Any sports nutrition is drunk every day, regardless of training.

8 If you have any allergies, consult your doctor first.

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Sports nutrition– this is a very important component that is necessary to achieve a harmonious physique and set fitness goals. However, many novice athletes face a reasonable question: “How to take sports nutrition correctly?” Considering the huge range of these products on the modern market, it is very difficult to figure out what needs to be done and establish the correct regimen for taking supplements.

To increase strength, muscle mass and endurance, fat burning, as well as achieve other sports goals, you will need your own set of supplements. However, regardless of this, they must be consumed according to strict regimens, which are developed based on the results of numerous studies. They won't be of much use if you don't know how to use sports nutrition correctly. The most important factor is the time of administration - the effectiveness and effect of certain supplements will depend on this. For example, those who take creatine and whey protein before and immediately after training achieve much greater results than those who take it at other times. This material will give practical recommendations on how to take sports nutrition, what are the features of its intake and the most effective regimens depending on time. Typically, supplements are taken by:

  • immediately after waking up;
  • for breakfast;
  • lunch;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon snack;
  • before training;
  • after training;
  • dinner;
  • taken before going to bed.

Let's consider which supplements are most rational to take during these periods.

Immediately after waking up

  • Whey protein (20 g);
  • BCAA (5g);
  • Caffeine (200 mg).

After a person wakes up, his muscles need resources, because they, in fact, have been “starving” for the previous 6-10 hours. If you do not give them fuel, the process of catabolism begins and muscle tissue begins to be used as fuel for the body. You can eat an egg or other sources of protein, but they take a long time to digest and are not able to stop the breakdown of muscle tissue. Eating digestible protein with additional branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) will suppress catabolism and enable muscle tissue synthesis.

You can also take fruits. Throughout the night, the liver uses up glycogen reserves, after which the body begins to use amino acids from the muscles as fuel. A small amount of glucose does not cause a sharp jump in insulin, but at the same time it stops catabolism.

As for those who drink coffee in the morning, it is recommended to use caffeine tablets instead of the traditional drink. It has been scientifically proven that the synthesized substance allows you to suppress catabolic processes.

Breakfast (30-50 minutes after waking up)

30-50 minutes after you wake up, you need to take food, but this time it should be complete. It is recommended to use oatmeal and eggs. Breakfast is also a good time to get a good dose of some other essential micronutrients that are best absorbed only with food. This includes:

  • multivitamin complex (1 tablet);
  • vitamin C (1000 mg);
  • vitamin E (300-900 IU);
  • vitamin D (1200-2000 IU);
  • calcium (400-700 mg);
  • fish oil (Omega 3 – 2-3 g).

Breakfast should be complete and balanced, and it should never be skipped. Also at this time, it is recommended to take “” as a source of a large number of elements for the whole day.


This can be whey or complex protein, as well as green tea extract. The latter, like fish oil, belongs to the category of very useful supplements. It contains polyphenols, such as EGCG, which not only burn fat, but also speed up recovery processes.

Research shows that they are not as easily absorbed as a simple extract supplement.


Lunch should be complete and natural. Most people eat lunch at work, so it becomes very difficult to stick to the desired routine. At this time, it is recommended to take fish oil as a sports supplement - half an hour before meals or 30 minutes after.

Sports nutrition before training

60 minutes before the start of the training process, it is recommended to take:

  • green tea extract;
  • NO Booster (nitrogen donor).

However, do not forget that you also need to take a nutritious meal - slow carbohydrates are best.

Green tea will significantly speed up fat burning, and a nitrogen booster will improve muscle fueling during training. As for pre-workout complexes, they will also make it possible to significantly increase the intensity of the workout, increase endurance and strength, and reduce the time between approaches.

15-30 minutes before training, take whey protein, creatine, BCAAs and amino acid complexes. This is necessary because muscle tissue uses amino acids as fuel during intense training, and if the body is not provided with a quick source of amino acids (whey protein), it will take them from the muscles. Whey protein will even help promote muscle tissue recovery during your workout.

Sports nutrition after training

This time is one of the most important, since immediately after the end of strength training the so-called “protein-carbohydrate window” opens. It is observed for 4-60 minutes, which must be used to replenish muscle tissue. Nutrients here must be absorbed as quickly as possible, so whey protein will be the most optimal solution. In addition, amino acid replenishment with branched chain elements (BCAA) is required, and creatine and beta-alanine are needed to replenish muscle energy reserves for the next training. The optimal regimen for taking sports nutrition comes down to the following:

  • Whey protein 20 g;
  • Casein 10-25 g;
  • BCAA 5 g;
  • Creatine 5-10 g;
  • Beta-alanine 3-4 g;
  • Fast carbohydrates 50-100 g.

You can also add casein after finishing your workout. It falls into the category of slow-digesting proteins that continue protein synthesis for several hours after exercise.

Since muscle glycogen is significantly consumed during training, it is recommended to take fast carbohydrates afterward. That is why the best option would be to use a gainer - a protein-carbohydrate mixture that covers all the body's needs for glycogen and protein.

Sports nutrition before bed

  • casein;
  • fish oil;

This will provide the body with nutrients during prolonged fasting. The muscles will not be destroyed, they will grow and recover.

The diet of people actively involved in sports includes not only the regular menu, but also a special group of products called sports nutrition, which allows you to achieve certain goals set for the athlete. Sports nutrition helps you get rid of extra pounds or, conversely, gain weight, increase muscle definition, and increase endurance and strength. All this works only when the nutrition is correctly and competently selected.

The peak of popularity of bodybuilding in the CIS countries occurred in the first half of the nineties, when gyms were widely installed in basements and semi-basements. These times were distinguished not only by the equipment and location of rocking chairs, but also by the underdeveloped sports nutrition industry. It was possible to purchase separate TwinLab and Vader products, as well as Belarusian proteins “Atlant” and “Arena” packaged in plastic bags. You could buy a variety of steroids without much difficulty.

Currently, anabolic steroids of synthetic origin are prohibited and equated to narcotic substances. This in no way influenced the choice of sports nutrition, since today the athlete has free access to a huge number of products of natural origin. On the territory of Russia they are classified as dietary supplements - biologically active additives. The expansion of the range of sports nutrition was facilitated by the emergence of foreign and domestic companies actively using advanced technologies.

A large selection certainly makes an athlete’s life easier, but requires a clear understanding of each product presented. This will allow you to select a drug that ideally matches the goal set for the athlete, as well as his own individual characteristics.

There are a huge number of different active food additives, but the most widespread are the following:

  • protein concentrates;
  • gainers;
  • creatines;
  • L-carnitine;
  • amino acid complexes;

Each drug has its own purpose and application features.

Protein shakes are the most popular way to fuel muscles. The term "" means "protein". It is the main material for the growth of muscle tissue. The amount of pure protein in protein concentrate is about 70-90 percent. No other product can boast of such a composition.

Another advantage of a protein shake is that it is not only high quality, but also quickly absorbed by the body. If the absorption of meat after consumption takes 2-3 hours, a protein shake takes 30 minutes. To obtain a pure protein isolate concentrate, natural products such as whey, eggs, meat, milk, chickpeas, peas, and soy are processed and evaporated.

The most popular protein concentrate around the world is whey. This is the best biological supplement for active muscle growth. Whey protein, in addition to being quickly and easily digestible, contains amino acids. The latter play a crucial role in building sculpted muscles, since they maintain the tone of existing muscle tissue and promote the synthesis of new ones.

They represent the best sports nutrition for people with an ectomorphic - lean physique, for beginners who do not have muscle mass, which is the “base” for building a muscular, massive body. This makes a striking difference between a supplement and a protein shake.

The composition contains not only protein, but also free, quickly digestible carbohydrates, a special complex of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this combination of components, carbohydrates release energy, which is required by ectomorphs or people with a fast metabolism to speed up the process of increasing total mass for the subsequent formation of massive muscles.

Consists of methyl guanide acetic acid concentrate. It is present in small quantities in fish and meat. The action of the supplement is aimed at increasing endurance and stimulating recovery processes in the body after regular training.

This type of sports nutrition is actively used by both beginners and professional athletes during periods of repeated stagnation. For bodybuilders, consumption not only increases endurance, but is also a kind of impetus for further development.


A popular dietary supplement for losing weight, which has a pronounced fat-burning effect. Levocarnitine is produced in the human body in the liver, but in small quantities. The process of its synthesis in laboratory conditions began to be simulated in 1960. The substance stimulates the process of destruction of fat deposits, during which energy is released. This allows you to take it not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also to turn existing fat into muscle.

Amino acid complexes

They are a supplement that optimizes metabolic processes so that all the substances used by the athlete are absorbed by the body correctly and efficiently, that is, they do not turn into fat deposits. In addition, of the existing twenty-two amino acids that ensure proper metabolism, nine are not produced in the human body, but are supplied exclusively with food.

Their lack negatively affects the training process. The best way to provide them in the required quantity for an athlete is amino acid concentrates. They are available in both capsules and liquid form. This allows you to choose the most convenient form for use.


It is a complex consisting of valine, isoleucine and leucine. It stimulates the efficiency of metabolic processes, allowing you to increase muscle mass, and serves as an additional source of energy for better and more productive training, since it significantly increases strength.

Pre-workout supplements

They are preparations based on minerals and vitamins. They are taken before sports in order to increase the overall tone of the athlete, give freshness and vigor, and increase endurance. This has a beneficial effect on the quality of training, making it as useful and productive as possible.

Intended for use before training, it contains psychologically and physically active stimulant substances: geranamine, beta-alanine, caffeine. Some medications may contain BCAA and creatine.

Nutritious protein bars

They serve as a source of quick energy replenishment and include: compressed cereal, milk (casein) or egg white, muesli or nuts. The bars are great for use both before and after a workout to eliminate the “protein window” effect.

Arginine and other nitric oxide donors

Muscle tissue continuously produces nitric oxide. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for muscle development and growth. Donors have a similar operating principle. They stimulate active production of testosterone and growth hormone.

Supplements for strengthening joints and ligaments

Essential for bodybuilders and those who lift heavy weights. This group of drugs is represented by additives such as collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin.

How to take sports nutrition correctly?

There is nothing complicated about taking dietary supplements. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer and adhere to the recommended dosage. If the instructions for a gainer or protein concentrate indicate a dosage of 1.5 grams for every 1 kilogram of an athlete’s own weight, this is exactly the amount of the drug required per day.

Increasing the dosage will not adversely affect your health and will not bring any side effects. All excess drugs that are not absorbed by the body are simply excreted, that is, they come out naturally.

Gainers for ectomorphs and proteins It is best to consume directly on days of sports activity. They are taken an hour before training and immediately after training. It is recommended to drink cocktails on rest days, no more than once a day.

Creatine and pre-workout supplements should be taken when inevitable “stagnation” occurs in training, characterized by a decrease in motivation for sports. These drugs allow you to get the necessary push to continue moving towards achieving the desired result. They should be consumed in limited quantities. If you overdo it, they will become addictive, that is, they will stop bringing a pronounced effect from taking them.

This sports nutrition regimen is intended for experienced bodybuilders. Beginners starting training require a slightly different approach. For the first months of playing sports, it is enough to take a gainer or protein.

The nuances of choosing the right sports nutrition

Both foreign and domestic manufacturers produce dietary supplements for athletes. Imported drugs are much more expensive. And if an athlete is faced with the question of choosing which manufacturer to give preference to, he should be guided by the fact that the best products were and remain the ones from Optimum Nutrition, Twinlab and Weider. These companies have an impeccable reputation.

There is no need to succumb to the temptation to buy cheap products. A low price is a sure sign that the buyer is faced with either a low-quality product or a counterfeit. Saving on your own health, results and effectiveness of training is highly not recommended. It is best to choose food from trusted manufacturing companies. To buy a truly original drug, and not a fake, you need to make all purchases exclusively in specialized, reputable large chain stores.

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