DIY frame garage with attic. How to build a garage with an attic with your own hands: stages of construction

When planning construction separately standing garage on your site, it is convenient to place an attic above it. This is especially beneficial when constructing garages for two cars, when the area above them is quite large. The article will tell you what projects there are for two-car garages with an attic, the features of their construction and arrangement.

Convenience and practicality of buildings

You can make it a cozy workshop, adapt it to a convenient warehouse or even a relaxation room.

In any case, this room significantly expands the area of ​​utility areas and solves the problem with unnecessary things, stored in storage rooms, on balconies and in sheds.

The design of a 2-car garage with an attic has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • Significant savings usable area plot. , on the second floor you can arrange a workshop, a billiard room, make Gym, and, if necessary, a full-fledged living room.
  • With an increase in family members, the attic can be converted into living space for a young family or elderly parents.
  • The room can be used as a living room for reception large number guests.
  • A garage for 2 cars with an attic can really be used for temporary living during construction or when renovating a residential building.
  • Fuel, lubricants and oils are stored in the garage, which is quite dangerous in terms of fire.
  • The operation of the engine produces vibrations and quite loud noise.
  • Exhaust gases leaking into rooms can create an unpleasant odor.

Tip: To build a garage with an attic for two cars, you can use different materials. But it must be taken into account that the first floor must have sufficient strength to withstand the fairly large weight of the superstructure.


When drawing up a project for a garage with an attic, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Construction cannot be carried out in lowlands. In this place, the structure will constantly be flooded by melt and storm water.
  • It is not recommended to build a garage with an attic for 2 cars next to trees, the roots of which can severely damage the structure.
  • When designing a garage with a residential attic, it is necessary, first of all, to think through issues of electrification, water supply and sewerage.
  • It is not advisable to construct a building above underground utilities, to which free access must always be ensured.

Documentation for the project

Projects for 2-car garages with an attic may include the following documents:

  • Layout of the building on the site.
  • A sketch of the structure in scale and color.
  • A plan of the garage indicating all dimensions and height marks, indicating the locations of gates, doors and stairs.
  • Description of the selected foundation (see).
  • Drawings of the frame and materials for its finishing.
  • Sketches rafter system and description of roofing material.
  • Communications supply diagram.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Calculation of required building materials.
  • A set of necessary tools.

Choosing a site for construction

Each capital building, including a garage with an attic, requires a certain territory. The two-story design of such a building requires an area half the size of a conventional building.

When choosing a construction site, certain conditions must be observed:

  • Provide good access to.
  • There should be a free space of 5 to 7 meters between the entrance and the building. In this case, it is possible to park conveniently if there is no need to park the car in the garage.
  • Any unevenness in the landscape will create extra work- The garage requires a fairly level area.
  • Ability to ensure communications.
  • The optimal distance between the garage and residential building- approximately 5 meters. This will allow the driver to easily reach the car in any weather.
  • The location for the garage should be slightly higher or at the same level as the rest of the area to avoid flooding.

Subject to these conditions, taking into account the features of the landscape, the location of your site is selected perfect place for the construction of a garage for two cars with an attic, as seen in the photo.


After choosing a location, you can begin developing the project. At the same time, it can be ordered from an architectural organization or purchased ready-made.

Its price is quite high, but development time is significantly saved. In this case, agency representatives can go to the site, take all the necessary measurements and develop a project specifically for the conditions and requirements of the customer. Experts will help you choose finished project, then its cost will be less.

You can develop drawings or sketches yourself.

Advice: When developing a project yourself, you should show it to specialists who will approve the documentation and, if necessary, correct it.

The project development instructions suggest the following steps:

  • Determine the number of spaces in the garage - for one, two or more cars
  • Decide about functional purpose the attic part - will it be residential or non-residential.

  • . The attic can protrude slightly above it, which will create a place of shelter from the summer heat. This takes into account the size of the vehicles.

  • Decide whether only cars will be placed in the room, or whether they will be repaired here, which will require increasing the area to accommodate tool racks, free space for moving a person when repairing a car.

Tip: When drawing up a plan, only precise measuring instruments should be used.

  • A plan for the attic is drawn up. If you are planning a living space, then there should be a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen corner.

  • A roof is being developed for the building.

  • The power supply system is being installed.
  • The materials for the construction of the structure are determined. The cost of the garage, the duration of its construction, the durability and reliability of the structure depend on this. A frame garage is the fastest to build, and modern materials make it possible to protect the premises from the cold.
  • The project is finally drawn up on paper, taking into account the smallest details of the design.

The video shows in detail which project is better and how to create it yourself.

Project implementation

After developing a project, you can implement it yourself or hire a team of workers. Construction of garages with an attic is a labor-intensive process.

To do this you will need:

  • Make a foundation. The best option— installation of a monolithic slab. For garage large area she may not be alone. A single slab is poured with concrete; several ready-made concrete slabs can be laid.

  • Build walls. Foam and gas blocks are easy to process and low in cost materials.

You can use brickwork and other building materials. Everyone chooses according to their own desires and capabilities. This leaves openings for windows, doors and gates.

  • Build a roof.

  • Connect communications: electricity, water, sewerage, gas.

The outside of the building is sheathed with siding or clapboard and plastered decorative plaster or other finishing materials are used.

  • The area adjacent to the building is being developed. This could be a flower garden, a lawn sown with grass, ornamental shrubs, which will add comfort to the garage with an attic and the entire area.

Compliance with all project conditions, manifestation of imagination, high-quality implementation work will allow you to build a garage for two cars with an attic for every taste. The building will for a long time serve as a place to store cars and a residential building.

The garage is an integral structure in a private house, the owners of which have a car. In most cases, the garage is used not only to store the vehicle, but for tools and other equipment. Additionally, you can provide a living space above the garage, which can be realized in the form of an attic. The article will discuss the nuances of construction, as well as some projects of such garages.

Selecting a location

Before leaving specific project, you need to decide where exactly the garage will be located. The size of the garage itself is often determined by the site on which construction is planned. For a garage with an attic, you can separate a slightly smaller area than for a regular garage. This is due to the presence of a second floor where the required equipment can be placed. The site itself must meet the following requirements:

  • convenient access;
  • sufficient distance from the gate;
  • lack of complex terrain;
  • possibility of establishing communications.

It is important that the site is located in such a way that it can be approached without performing complex maneuvers. This will make parking the car easier and will prevent damage to it. It’s good if there is at least five meters from the future garage door to the gate through which you enter the yard. On the one hand, this will allow you to place the car near the garage if there is a need to carry out certain maintenance. On the other hand, this will not interfere with the opening of the gate if it is a swing gate. It is not always necessary to drive the car into the garage, so you can leave it in the yard for a short time.

The terrain does not play the most important role in the process of constructing a garage, but if there are hills or other unevenness on the site, this will require additional leveling, which will result in costs. It is easier to carry out construction on a flat area. The garage must have electricity. But if the attic is residential, then other communications will be required.

This should be taken into account when choosing a site so that the supply of the main components can be carried out without special effort. It is also worth considering that the garage area is clearly visible from the house. The garage can be located close to the main building to allow access directly from the house. If the garage will be separate, then the optimal distance will be no more than seven meters. An additional rain shelter can be installed over the passage to the garage.

Advice! It is important to choose the right level for your garage. In this case, it should be slightly higher or equal to other buildings so that flooding does not occur during significant precipitation.

Creating a Project

Creation own project a garage will require some attention to detail, especially if we are talking about a structure made of foam blocks, which will have an attic. After choosing a site, you need to decide on the specific dimensions of the building. It will depend not only on the site, but also on the number of cars that will be parked inside.

The minimum depth of the garage should be such that after parking there is at least 50 cm left inside from the front and rear bumpers to the walls. The width is selected in such a way that after parking there is 50 cm between the cars and the same gap to all the walls. Distances can be made longer, this will only increase the convenience of parking a car.

It is important to decide exactly how the attic space will be used. If it is residential, then the territory of the garage itself must be further expanded to accommodate shelves for storing spare parts and to place a workbench. If in the attic there will be Utility room, then all this can be placed there.

When the parameters of the structure are indicated, you can proceed to transferring the plan onto a piece of paper indicating all the numbers. The dimensions of the garage may be affected by the stairs to the second floor. If it is located outside, then no additional modifications will be required. But this is not always convenient, so placing it inside will require additional space.

After planning the garage itself, you can move on to what will be in the attic and how the space will be planned. No living space would be complete without a bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. If the area is large, you can also provide a small living room. Despite the fact that the room is a garage, the roofing requirements are the same as for a residential building. The wiring that will be connected to the building must be designed for the expected load. In addition, it is important to think about the heating system for the attic and the garage itself, if it is needed there.

Since the building will be erected using foam blocks, it is important to choose the foundation correctly. Foam blocks require a solid base that will be solid. Only a strip foundation is perfect for this role. Depending on the type of soil in a particular area and the depth at which groundwater is located, you can choose a standard buried or shallow version strip foundation.

It is possible to build a strip foundation supported on piles if the soil does not have sufficient strength. The structure will also require an armored belt. It will be located at the transition of the first floor to the attic, and will also serve as a mauerlat. This necessary measure, because foam blocks have low load-bearing capacity.

It’s also worth thinking about finishing in advance. It is not worth leaving such a structure without finishing, since moisture easily penetrates into the pores of the material, which, after freezing, can cause the destruction of the blocks. To prevent this from happening, additional insulation is carried out using mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. The insulation can be hidden under decorative plaster, siding or other type exterior finishing. Don't neglect ventilation. It should be present both in the garage itself and in all rooms of the attic. It is better to divide it into two separate exits so that odors from the first floor do not reach the second.

Finished projects

You can take existing ones as the basis for your own foam block building project. For example, one of them is designed to be used for two cars. For greater convenience, this project uses sectional overhead gates. They save space and have good thermal insulation if you choose the sandwich panel option.

For greater thermal insulation it is provided separate entrance with a small vestibule that provides an air gap. The space on the first floor where the cars will be located does not contain additional partitions, which simplifies the parking process. Some gates are smaller than others, this allows you not to wear out the mechanisms if you need to put a small one inside vehicle.

The attic is designed as a full-fledged living space. The entrance to it is from the inside, while the flight of stairs is closed from the garage and from the veranda, which provides it with additional thermal insulation. There is a full-size bath, which adds to the convenience of living. The kitchen is combined with the dining room, which is also convenient for receiving guests. There is a separate bedroom where the owner can relax from have a hard day. Such premises can be used for guest accommodation if there is no more space left in the house.

Such a garage can be called a full-fledged home. The first floor is not only for car storage. Here you can see separate room, which is allocated for the boiler room. It can be used not only for heating the garage itself, since for such an area the power of the boiler room will be excessive. This means that the garage can serve as a place to house the boiler room for the home. The entrance from the street is provided directly into it, while it is separated from other premises by walls, which is a requirement fire safety. It is a reasonable decision to place a combined bathroom on the ground floor, because... hot water in this case, it will take the shortest path to the water points. This approach also makes it possible to save space on the second floor and facilitate the installation of communications.

According to the project, the bedroom turns out to be quite spacious, so it can be used as an office or dressing room. The area of ​​the second room is sufficient to accommodate a kitchen and dining room. The staircase is made compact with flights that are located at an angle of 180 degrees.

For two cars, you can also consider this project option. Its highlight is the delimitation of space for each car on the ground floor. Moreover, if you only need to take one vehicle, there is no need to use a solid gate. It is enough to use those that are closer to the car. Inside, there is natural light through windows in the wall opposite the gate, as well as an additional entrance on the side.

The second floor in this project is also decorated quite attractively. The staircase is separated by a door from the main room, which allows you to retain heat inside. At the entrance there is a small storage room that can be used as a dressing room. There is a full bathroom next to it.

Two large bedrooms two families will feel comfortable and free in the attic if they need to be accommodated after their arrival. A small Kitchen Area, which would make cooking easier. The kitchen can also be equipped by moving the bathroom to the place of one of the bedrooms and combining the recreation room with the adjacent room. In this case, it will remain to accommodate several more people in the living room, but it will be available full kitchen. It is important to provide good sound insulation in the garage. In addition, you will need good insulation roofing so that it would be comfortable to be on the second floor. A video about a garage with an attic, which has two workshops, is below.


Garage designs don't necessarily have to have that much living space. If there is only one car, then all calculations regarding the garage should be made for it. In this case, the attic above the garage can be expanded by making it overhang the ground floor of the garage. In this case, an additional canopy is formed, under which the car can be placed for temporary parking. Garages are not used in the presented projects skylights. This is due to their significant cost, but this does not exclude the possibility of their presence in an individual garage project. They are easy to use and also increase availability time natural light during the day.

Construction of a garage is a complex and lengthy process that requires serious consideration. In order to not only hide a car in the garage, but also create a living space or storage space, an attic is built as the top floor of the garage. Let's look at how to build a garage with an attic below.

One-story house with attic and garage: construction technology

If your plot is not too large in size, but at the same time you own a car, then construction will be the most cost-effective one-story house, on the ground floor of which there is a garage, and in the under-roof space there is an attic.

That is, it turns out that the garage is connected to the main building. Among the advantages of such design, we should highlight, first of all, significant savings in living space. Also, due to the fact that the main walls of the garage and residential building are interconnected, construction costs are reduced. Due to the fact that the garage is located in the house, there will be no additional costs for heating it, and if you need to repair your car, you won’t need to run to the garage in the rain, for example, the car is nearby.

In the process of drawing up projects for houses with an attic and a garage, there is the possibility of choosing ready plan garage attic or individual production. The most budget option It will be drawing up a plan for a garage with an attic with your own hands. However, this action will require enormous experience in construction and skills in calculating each detail. If you have no experience, we recommend that you seek help from specialists. IN in this case, there are two options for further action. According to the first, you have the opportunity to select ready-made documentation and projects that have been developed in advance. However, if none of the proposed options suits you, then specialists will develop individual project, taking into account all your wishes.

On at this stage the foundation of the building is selected, its depth is determined, the material for the manufacture of walls, their finishing, the type of roof and all the smallest details are determined.

Houses with a garage and attic photo and choice of foundation

The first step towards building a garage with an attic is choosing a foundation. What type of foundation to give preference should be decided based on the massiveness of the structure itself, the material from which its walls are constructed and many other factors. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular types of foundations that are suitable for building a garage:

1. Belt type foundation.

This option is characterized by the complexity of performing all the work, but the duration of operation sometimes reaches more than a hundred years. The foundation is quite common in individual types of construction.

A strip foundation is a strip of reinforced concrete located under the entire building. The tape is laid under all both internal and external walls. Great option for a garage made of concrete, stone, brick, having a heavy ceiling and a lot of weight.

For a small building that does not have a special load, a shallow type of strip foundation is used. It settles no more than 60 cm deep into the ground. Suitable only for soil with slight heaving.

The second version of the strip foundation involves a deep foundation. Suitable for houses with high loads or if a basement or basement is planned to be built under the house. It will take quite a lot of time to make such a foundation, Money And physical effort, but the result is worth it.

2. Columnar version of the foundation.

This foundation involves installing pillars under all load-bearing parts of the garage. Among the advantages we note:

  • efficiency;
  • speed of work execution;
  • lower physical costs compared to tape;
  • does not require additional waterproofing.

Concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, and pipes are used to make pillars. If you are planning to build a lightweight garage, then this option foundation will be the most optimal for him.

3. Slab foundation option.

This foundation is relevant when the soil on the site is highly heaving. In this case, a monolithic slab made of reinforced concrete. However, in this case, build ground floor or a basement will be impossible.

4. Foundation on stilts.

An excellent option for unstable soil. To make the foundation, piles and pillars are used, the lower part of which is screwed into the ground with its tip. The total load for one pile is 2-4 tons, so this foundation option is suitable for both single-story and multi-story buildings.

This version of the foundation is similar to the columnar one, however, it has a large load bearing capacity and longer service life.

5. Shallow type of foundation.

If you plan to build a small wooden garage with an attic, then this option will be the most appropriate. This foundation is laid a maximum of 50 cm deep into the ground and does not require any special expenses for its construction. However, it is not recommended to leave a shallow foundation on winter period, if this does happen, then proper thermal insulation should be ensured using polyethylene film.

6. Floating type foundation.

This option perfect solution for areas characterized by high level mortgages groundwater. The foundation has a simple design, but at the same time provides reliable protection of the soil from destruction.

In order to build this foundation, you first need to dig a trench. Next, rubble concrete and reinforcement are laid, connected to each other by welding and wire. Next, the rubble concrete is laid again, and the basement part is arranged. Next, the foundation is infused for about two weeks.

The second option for arranging a floating foundation involves digging a trench 0.6 m deep. Next, a crushed stone cushion of 10 cm and a sand cushion of 50 cm are installed in it. Next, the foundation is saturated with water and compacted. Sand is added if necessary. Installation in progress brick pillars or concrete blocks. They are covered with roofing felt, which ensures proper waterproofing.

Roofs of houses with attic and garage photos and features

A garage with an attic requires special attention when choosing a roof for it. Since a properly selected roof design will not only make it more aesthetically attractive, but will also protect it from external destructive factors.

To increase the usable area of ​​the room, it is recommended to give preference attic roof two-stroke type with an attic. In addition, it is possible to choose a roof with broken lines, various kinds triangular designs.

If it is necessary to increase the useful area of ​​the roof, then the option of a broken roof is recommended. Otherwise, the standard straight one will do.

The most popular option will be the production of a hipped frame, which, first of all, will provide lighting in the house. The attic in this case is located both in relation to the walls of the building and beyond them. Please note that it is recommended to construct an attic floor from lightweight materials in order to reduce the load on the base of the walls.

During the construction of a roof, special attention should be paid to its size and shape, selection finishing material, hydro- and thermal insulation.

If the size of the attic does not fit into the triangular structure, then it is best to give preference to a roof with a broken slope. Among its advantages are:

  • reducing the area of ​​unused under-roof space;
  • increase in usable area.

Among the shortcomings we note:

Please note that the amount of usable space in the attic depends on the angle of the roof. The lower it is, the more area there will be in the room. Since the attic is a living space, it must be thermally and waterproofed at the proper level. To perform thermal insulation, preference should be given to non-combustible materials, such as mineral wool. To finish the roof, we recommend choosing tiles or slate. In addition, you should determine in advance the type of staircase with which you can climb to the upper floor. They can be located both in the garage and outside the building.

House with attic and garage: choice of materials for wall construction

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main options for building materials used in the process of constructing a garage building with an attic:

1. Brick house with attic and garage.

Brick is environmentally friendly and excellent building material for the construction of walls. In addition, among its advantages we highlight:

  • optimal energy saving, in winter time year in brick house warm, but cool in summer;
  • fire safety and fire resistance;
  • resistance to precipitation and temperature changes;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high strength characteristics;
  • duration of operation.

Such a garage will require a solid foundation, since brick walls have a fairly high load. Using the principle of well masonry allows you to increase the heat-saving characteristics of the brick, but if the brick is installed in the usual manner, then it requires proper insulation. It is recommended to carry out construction work in dry and warm weather. Installation facing bricks does not require exterior finishing walls of a garage with an attic, it is enough to treat it with a special hydrophobic solution.

2. Garage with an attic, built using frame technology.

Among the advantages of this method of constructing a garage, we note:

  • accessibility and low cost of work;
  • Very high deadlines performing construction work;
  • no need for constant operating costs;
  • proper heat and sound insulation;
  • lightweight foundation option that does not require special expenses;
  • environmental Safety;
  • speed of interior finishing work;
  • the possibility of constructing a garage at any time of the year;
  • no need to use special equipment;
  • quick and inexpensive dismantling, if necessary.

3. Foam blocks for the construction of a garage.

Among the advantages of this material First of all, their lightness should be noted. Therefore, the load from the building does not require laying an overly expensive foundation. In addition, building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands is quite possible, since the work will require a minimum of effort, unlike previous frame construction.

Also, foam blocks are different environmental safety, since they are made only from sand, cement, water and impurities. The material has high heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Among the disadvantages of foam blocks, we note:

  • their unpresentability appearance, therefore, after building a garage for 2 cars with an attic, it will need both interior and exterior finishing;
  • a rather low level of strength, some foam blocks already have mechanical damage during transportation, in addition, when the building shrinks, cracks may appear on their surface;
  • low service life - a house built from foam blocks can serve its owners for a maximum of 85 years.

4. House made of timber with a garage and attic.

Among the advantages of using wooden beam during the construction of the garage, note:

  • affordable price;
  • environmental safety of the material;
  • security comfortable microclimate in room;
  • speed of construction;
  • no need for an expensive foundation;
  • ease of installation;
  • no need for additional finishing work;
  • attractive appearance.

Despite this, a garage made of timber has disadvantages:

  • need for constant care during operation;
  • gradual destruction due to exposure of the material to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and high humidity;
  • difficulty is high quality material.

5. Sip panels for garage construction.

The use of sip panels for the construction of a garage with an attic allows for proper preservation and uniform distribution of heat throughout the entire room. In addition, you can do all the work yourself by reading the instructions for working with this material.

Among the advantages of this material we note:

  • good strength characteristics;
  • ease and simplicity of installation;
  • high level of heat capacity;
  • fast construction times.

However, the material has the following disadvantages:

  • exposure to rodents;
  • low fire safety;
  • danger to human health, therefore the panels are used only in the case of constructing a garage without a residential attic;
  • the need for additional ventilation.

6. Construction of a garage made of stone.

Advantages of building with stone:

  • durability - a garage, the walls of which are made of stone, will serve its owners for more than a hundred years;
  • the possibility of constructing a building of any shape and configuration;
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to fungus, mold and other microorganisms;
  • high level of thermal conductivity.

However, a stone garage requires a solid foundation for it. In addition, its construction is a rather expensive process. Therefore, the choice of stone for the construction of a garage is justified only if, in addition to the garage, there will also be a residential building in one building.

I want a house, I want a garage, but there isn’t enough space on the property... This situation is painfully familiar to many of our compatriots, especially avid summer residents. A project for a 1-car garage with an attic, which ergonomically accommodates both a convenient garage for a vehicle and a decent living space for the whole family, will help correct this desperate situation.

“Nesting” on the second floor became relevant in Europe decades ago. This fashion for “lofts” began to come to us quite recently, and then very slowly and in small steps. Let’s look at why many are in no hurry to adapt to the new wave, and also look “brick by brick” at all the nuances of building a garage for a residential building with a garage.

A few realized projects of garages with an attic

Having decided to build a garage with a residential attic (see), the first question that arises is: “what types are there? standard projects houses with an attic and a garage?

There are several types of such “2 in 1” garages:

  • Garage with attic for household equipment;

  • with an attic house.

And a few more variations of garage designs with an attic:

Advantages and disadvantages of garages with an attic

Projects for garages with an attic, although not very popular, have still found their fans. And this is not surprising, because they have one significant advantage - saving space on the site. A building with an attic or second floor occupies almost half the garden space than a one-level house with a similar square footage.

This feature is beneficial for those who want to compactly store all their garden tools or live on the attic floor yourself. Projects of private houses with an attic and a garage are quite popular among our gardeners. If you also arrange a recreation area under a canopy, then it’s not life, but a country fairy tale.

But not everyone decides to build such a garage with a residential attic for permanent residence for several reasons:

  • It is inconvenient to climb the stairs to the living area every time- this is the main argument of many who refused to build a garage with an attic.
  • More costs for wall material. For example, for middle zone In Russia, a wall of one foam block will be enough for a garage (see), when two are needed for a residential building. If under construction residential attic above a regular garage, then all the walls are placed in two blocks. And this is very expensive. Although, you can save on the foundation, since you do not need to lay two different ones - for the garage and for the house separately.
  • Heating. For those who are building a garage with a residential attic with their own hands, it is worth remembering that they must also take into account the costs in the future, so that the attic is warm and cozy.
  • Soundproofing. If you plan to not just store a vehicle in the garage, but work on machines or constantly repair cars, then all these unpleasant sounds will be perfectly audible in a living room. Therefore, during construction, special attention must be paid to soundproofing walls and floors, respectively. All soundproofing materials cost good money, which again adds costs.

There is another very unusual option ergonomically built - house design with an attic and underground garage. To build it, a pit is dug for a garage, a foundation is laid, and a house with a garage is built. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Special attention is given to the type of soil and the proximity of the reservoir.

It is also important to properly prepare the site. A convenient exit for the car must be thought out. In small areas, the construction of such a garage is difficult to implement.

In addition, the construction of an underground garage itself is a very expensive process. Just think about the cost of using special equipment to dig a pit, and then to install reinforced concrete products. And the instructions for constructing such a garage are not known to many, and the experience is known only to builders who have worked with similar objects.

To summarize, it is most convenient to build classic garage with an attic, but at the same time, without saving on construction and choosing only the best materials.

What material to use to build a garage with a residential attic?

In fact, you can build a garage with an attic from any wall material. The more important question here is what price will suit you:

  • Tree- is no longer such a common material for construction as it used to be (see). This is due to the high cost of wood, fragility compared to other wall materials, and fire hazard. Galvanized logs are most valued in construction, but not everyone can afford them.
  • Cellular concrete, such as foam blocks, gas blocks and polystyrene foam blocks are at the peak of popularity today. A good material for southern and central Russia, since their heat capacity and frost-resistant qualities slightly exaggerated by the manufacturers.
  • Brick– this is a timeless classic of the construction genre. It produces durable and noble buildings. Subject to the purchase of high-quality material and the use of professional services of a mason, the result is a warm and reliable building for any purpose. But there is a big “BUT” - this is a significant cost of material and workers’ services.
  • Arbolit− modern material, which is a composite of processed sawdust and concrete. Strength, hardness, good workability and good thermal characteristics characterize such blocks well. On the other hand, the combination of wood and concrete is confusing. There is a possibility of wood drying out, which turns a durable block into dust. Although the reasonable price for it and the availability of independent masonry sweeps away any remaining doubts.

All the materials described above, except wood and brick, require obligatory cladding in order for the building to maintain its durability and a pleasant microclimate in the house.

Attention! If you want to build a garage with a residential attic, be sure to plan the plumbing system in advance and think about other utilities.

And a little more about interesting project The video below will tell you:

Have you weighed the pros and cons, and still decided to build a garage with an attic?

Then think through to the smallest detail what you want to see in your future home and feel free to order a project for a residential building with an attic and a garage from competent specialists. And also, do not skimp on materials and skilled workers, so that in a couple of years the new building does not turn into such a dilapidated shelter.

It is believed that it is most convenient to build a garage on large plot, but if you combine living space and utility room, then you can leave a lot in the yard useful place. Two story garage with attic – perfect solution for narrow areas, which can easily be implemented with your own hands.

Design features

A garage with a basement and an attic is a convenient modern project, where on the ground floor there will be a room for 1 or 2 cars, and on the second floor there will be a living area. This option is ideal for country house or cottages where it is not required large space above the work area. In addition, projects are currently being actively created one-story houses with a garage and an attic, where the balcony acts as non-residential premises, for example, an attic.

Photo - Project for two floors and an attic

Advantages this design:

But at the same time, the building also has its own flaws. This one has compact house very low level of sound insulation. In most cases, all the noise from working in the garage will be carried into the house. Separately, it should be noted the safety of cottages in such constructive solution. Various flammable substances are stored in the garage, so for safety reasons it is not recommended to combine wooden house and a utility room with antifreeze, gasoline, etc.

Photo - project for 2 cars

Video: building a garage with an attic

Construction process

Let's look at how to build and plan a garage with a residential attic made of foam blocks. A typical process includes the following work:

  1. Arrangement of the foundation, construction of a basement or basement (if necessary);
  2. Installation of walls;
  3. Construction of an attic (with or without a bay window);
  4. Roof installation;
  5. Finishing work.

For a relatively light building made of foam concrete, both strip and monolithic foundation. The supporting system is installed only after planning and marking the site. To begin with, a trench is dug with dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of the blocks. If the house is planned with a basement or underground, then after that you need to dig another hole - for the basement.

Next, you need to build the formwork on which the base will be poured. Afterwards a cushion of sand and crushed stone is laid. Depending on the depth of freezing and the size of the foundation, the sand-crushed stone layer can be from 15 to 30 centimeters. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the pillow, since foam blocks are very sensitive to increased moisture levels.

Photo - waterproofing device

To start pouring, you need to prepare reinforcement that will give rigidity to the structure. The strapping is done at the corners of the building, after which the wires are welded together along the entire perimeter. All that remains is to fill the finished frame with the solution. The mixture hardens from a week to two, depending on the season and climatic features specific region. If the building is planned to have a basement, then the underground compartment is additionally poured. It is recommended to protect it from the garage with a door in the future.

For the construction of walls, both blocks of aerated concrete, foam concrete, and wooden frame, but the second option is considered unsafe. Frame house susceptible to fire and rapid absorption of odors, which is dangerous for the people living in it. Therefore, block structures are more often chosen. Stages of wall installation:

  1. The base (the junction of the foundation and the wall) is waterproofed;
  2. The first layer is laid using rounded timber. This technology is used for stone houses, and for small brick building with a balcony or veranda; Drawing of wall construction
  3. Racks and other stiffening elements are installed on top of the beam. They must be located strictly at right angles to the garage foundation;
  4. After them it is mounted additional elements reinforcements (beams or trusses with parallel strapping). Next, concrete blocks are installed.

At the end the walls are finished. The facades of modern private houses with an attached or underground garage and attic are predominantly covered with clinker tiles. She has excellent resistance to aggressive external factors and it is washable.

Photo - garage option

Another one an important part economical private houses with a garage and an attic - this is the roof, the plan of which must be agreed with specialists. Before starting construction work, a drawing is developed that takes into account the required ceiling height of the bedroom or terrace and other features of the room.

Photo - interior decoration attics

The roof frame is equipped with truss structure with inclined beams. They must rely on external wall and a supporting beam or column located in the center of the building. Between the roof and the first floor, the lower rafter boards act as a ceiling, but despite this, it is still recommended to build an additional reinforcing belt on the wall. Coverage is at your own discretion.

Photo - installation of beams

Under the canopy from the roof of single-family houses it is possible to equip summer kitchen or veranda. If the project is being developed for two-room buildings, then the lower rafter boards can act as a canopy.

Photo - project for a narrow area

When all the main construction work is completed, you need to install a door to the house and a separate gate for the room with the car.

Photo - house with a canopy

Prices for a garage with a turnkey attic, as in the photo, depend on the specific object. Country option with a fireplace will cost approximately $3,000 (here you can also reduce the cost a little by choosing inexpensive building materials).

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