Sewer wells - SNiP, design and installation diagrams. Sealed cesspool

When arranging our home in the private sector, each of us will sooner or later want to build a sewer system, without which comfortable living out of the question. It’s good if there is a central sewer network in the immediate vicinity of the house - connect and you’re done. And if you need to install autonomous system drainage? Let's look at the construction of a sewer well on the site, find out what type we need, and how to build it correctly.

There are a wide variety of types of wells autonomous sewerage, depending on your requests and capabilities.

Consider these types:

  1. A cesspool without a bottom.
  2. Sealed cesspool.
  3. Septic tank with filter well.
  4. Septic tank with drainage system.

Now let's look at how to build sewer wells with your own hands, and select the type of well that you need.

Cesspool without bottom

This is the "grandfather's" version. Today it is prohibited by the standards of the sanitary-epidemiological station. However, it is believed that soil can process and protect up to 1 cubic meter of wastewater per day. Therefore, this type of well is possible on garden plots under the toilet, in dachas where you do not live permanently.

Attention! If sewage gets into groundwater, and then into a drinking water intake, not only you and your environment, but also other people may suffer. Criminal liability is provided for such a violation.

According to SNIP, sewer wells must meet the requirements.


  • The level of the water intake well should have been higher in the landscape than the level of the drainage pit.
  • The distance from the house to the pit is at least 5 meters, from the pit to the well with drinking water- at least 50 meters, from the pit to the fence - at least 1 meter.
  • The distance from the bottom of the pit to the upper groundwater level is at least 1 meter.
  • The daily volume of wastewater is no more than 1 cubic meter.
  • The volume of the pit is determined as 3 volumes of daily wastewater (3 mcub.).

Build such a pit as shown in the figure above. The bottom is covered with sand (20 cm), then gravel (20 cm) is poured. This is necessary to filter runoff into the soil and to prevent the bottom from hardening. The walls are erected from any sealed material, often available at hand: tires, barrels, tanks. Brick or concrete rings are excellent for this purpose. The upper part is protected from precipitation and flood waters. We will consider construction in more detail in the next subsection.

Tip: choose a place for the drainage pit so that a sewage disposal truck can drive up to it. You'll need it someday anyway.

Sealed cesspool

It is possible to fully meet the requirements for sewer wells only by constructing a sealed sewer well. This method does not harm the environment; the volume of wastewater can be increased.

This method is recommended in areas with moderate wastewater output. For example, a family of 4 can produce about 600 liters of sewage per day, assuming 150 liters per person. Therefore, it is better to have a reserve in volume. It is worth remembering that its depth should not be more than 3 meters, otherwise the sewerage machine’s pipe will not reach the bottom.

The requirements and distances between objects according to SNIP for a sealed well are similar to the above requirements for a pit without a bottom.

The accumulated sewage is collected by a sewage disposal truck 1-2 times a month.

The construction of sealed sewer wells is possible using various materials.

The most popular today are:

  1. Reinforced concrete rings.
  2. Brick.
  3. Polymer tanks.

Advice: there are now many offers on the market from manufacturers of turnkey autonomous sewer systems. These are energy-dependent structures (with a pump) that save you time and site space. In addition, they will do all the work themselves. The downside is the high cost.

Reinforced concrete rings

Fast and easy. The sewer well rings are factory-produced; all you have to do is install them, seal them hermetically and connect them to the drain.

Tip: the rings are quite heavy. When ordering delivery of the structure to the site, make sure that the vehicle is equipped with a manipulator for unloading. This will save you additional crane costs.

We will need:

  1. Reinforced concrete rings. The quantity is calculated as follows: the daily volume of wastewater is 600 liters (for example). Multiply by 3, we get 1800 liters or 1.8 cubic meters.

Rings are produced as standard with a height of 0.9 m. The internal diameter varies from 0.7 m to 2 m. Let us calculate the volume of a ring with a diameter of 1 meter. V = 3.14 (pi) * 0.5 * 0.5 (radius squared) * 0.9 (height) = 0.7 cubic meters. Two rings will give a volume of 1.4, which means we need three rings (volume with a margin).

Advice: make the volume of the sewer well with a reserve. Force majeure is possible, for example, a flood, a sewage disposal truck is delayed for several days, etc.

  1. Reinforced concrete bottom and lid. Order together with rings.
  2. Concrete, bitumen, hatch.
  3. Ventilation pipe.

Place the bottom on a light foundation, then the rings and the lid. Pay special attention to the quality of the joints; the tighter they are, the better. Seal joints between structural elements. Insert a sewer pipe into the well.

Coat twice inner surface bitumen for waterproofing. Install the hatch. Install a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, height above the ground 400-700 mm. Ready.


Let's look at how to build a sewer well from brick. It is better to use clay bricks that do not allow moisture to pass through.

But regular red or silicate will also work. It is enough to make the masonry in half a brick. The shape of the well is recommended to be round for ease of sewage disposal, although square/rectangular is also suitable.

The construction of brick sewer wells will be required.


  1. Brick.
  2. Floor slab.
  3. Cement, sand.
  4. Oily clay, bitumen.
  5. Crushed stone.
  6. Ventilation pipe.

We pour the foundation. Composition: sand 2 parts, gravel 1 part, cement 1 part. The height of the foundation depends on the mass of the brickwork. Usually, 20 cm is enough. You can additionally reinforce the foundation. After pouring the foundation, allow it to cure for 7 days. Water it with water once a day.

Lay out the brick. We plaster the bottom and walls. Iron. Cover with 1-2 layers of bitumen. We install the ceiling. This is either a reinforced concrete slab or a tarred wooden panel.

We install the hatch and ventilation pipe. Ready. All you have to do is ensure timely maintenance of sewer wells.

Polymer tanks

A type of drain well that is gaining popularity. It is convenient due to its ease of construction, low weight of the structure, and is already airtight.

We will need:

  1. The actual tank.
  2. Materials for making a platform for a tank (concrete slab, concrete pour).
  3. Metal cable.

The construction of polymer sewer wells is very simple. We pour the foundation for the tank. We install the tank itself evenly, and do not allow unevenness in the future load of the drain mass. We carefully attach the tank with cables to the foundation.

You may ask: why attach the tank, because it’s not going anywhere? As a result of soil movements in winter/summer, the tank can easily “float” due to its large volume and low weight.

According to SNIP, sewer wells made of polymers must also meet the above standards.

Septic tank with filter well

This option is already an engineering structure where the wastewater undergoes real treatment and is then drained into the soil. The level of wastewater purification (clarification) is up to 80%.

The operating principle of this design is as follows: wastewater from the home enters a sealed sewer well. Here, solid particles settle to the bottom, and clarified water flows into a drainage well, where it is further purified and released into the ground.

In order to improve the quality of cleaning, you can use 2-3 drainage wells (sewage well series).

It is built on the principle of a sealed drainage pit (see above). A drainage well is built according to the same principle, only without a bottom and not sealed. Moreover, the lower edge of the walls drainage well made with perforation for better care water into the ground.

We dig a hole with a depth reserve of 40 cm. We put 20 cm of sand on the bottom, and 20 cm of gravel on it. This is an additional filter structure. We make the walls of the well perforated about a meter from the bottom. We also sprinkle the outer wall of the perforated well with 20 cm of gravel to prevent the holes from clogging with soil.

SNIP regulates such sewer wells in the same way as drainage pits. All distances are the same.

Septic tank with drainage system

This is a more advanced option for wastewater treatment. The difference from the previous type is that clarified water does not go directly into the ground from the drainage well, but is spread through drains over a larger area. Additional purification in this case is about 98%.

This method is more environmentally friendly, but it requires large land areas. The septic tank in this version is made as follows (standard sewer wells).

In the first chamber, sewage is settled and separated into fractions. In the second, the water clarifies with the deposition of mineral sediment to the bottom. The upper jumper prevents foam from entering the cleaner second chamber, the lower jumper separates silt and mineral sediment. After such preparation, sufficiently clarified water enters the drains and is filtered by soil.

The drains are perforated drainage pipes, which can be purchased on sale or made yourself from ordinary sewer pipe. The drains are placed on 20 cm of crushed stone and are also covered with crushed stone on top.

Tip: At the point where the drains converge, install an inspection well for servicing the drainage pipes.

And this type of well sewer SNIP instructs to place.


  • No closer than 5 m from the house.
  • No closer than 2 m from the fence (edge ​​of the site).
  • The distance between the septic tank and the well with drinking water is at least 50 m.
  • The distance from the bottom of the septic tank to the upper groundwater level is at least 1 m.

If the landscaping work is carried out by builders, then they compile a table of sewer wells, where all information about the wells is entered.

The design of the working part of the well is intended for repair, cleaning and various technical work. To do this, the worker must go down into the well shaft, which is located below the soil surface.

The arrangement of this structure involves digging pits, the depth of which depends on the type of structure.

There are various types sewer chambers, the choice of which depends on their purpose.

When constructing a well for wastewater, you will need to install a special tank, which
It is large in size, suitable for human growth.

IN special camera the sewer well must receive all sewage, for which a pipeline is connected to the working part. Any type of structure installed on a wastewater route provides the following schematic diagram:

  1. The bottom, which is the lower part of the working chamber, where the direct treatment of sewage occurs.
  2. Shaft or cavity for inspection or repair work inside the chamber, providing a ladder or walking brackets for descent and ascent.
  3. The neck required to enter the working part, which has a cover with a hole for the hatch.
  4. Working part, which is a space inside a well intended for the accumulation of wastewater that requires periodic pumping along with sewage.
  5. A hatch is an element of a well cover or a closing link in the system, which helps prevent precipitation, debris and foreign objects from entering working chamber.

Construction of a well requires the implementation of work on digging pits or drilling wells, because...
the working part must be underground.

For arranging waste chambers or working
parts, the same materials are used as for the installation of other types of tanks for sewer systems:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • plastic, etc.

According to regulatory documents, the diameter of the well neck is 700 mm. To move from it to the working chamber, it is necessary to install a conical part or a reinforced concrete floor slab.

If the structures are located at a distance of 300-500 m, then the size of the neck should be sufficient for lowering into the chamber various devices for cleaning.

The hatches provided in the lid to close the neck can be light or heavy. Latest
They are often installed on roadways where the road surface is of the highest quality.
The requirements for the location of the hatch, according to regulatory documents, are as follows:

  • in green areas - 50-70 mm above the soil level;
  • in undeveloped areas - 200 mm above the soil level.

On the territory without road surface a blind area around the hatch is required. This will ensure
water drainage.

Classification of sewer wells

The design of the working part depends on the type of well. The following classification of these structures is provided depending on the purpose of the structure:

  1. Auditing.
  2. Straight-through.
  3. Drops.
  4. Filtration.
  5. Cumulative.

The working part of the direct-flow well together with the camera is provided to control
the condition of the entire sewer system. When changing the diameter of pipes, install
linear working chambers, which can be of different shapes:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • polygonal, etc.

For working parts having a round shape with a diameter of 1500 and 2000 mm, the neck diameter is designed to be 700 mm.

The increased cross-section of the upper part of the well allows you to lower and raise devices used for cleaning purposes sewer networks.

The enlarged neck provided for a round sewer well can have a diameter of 1000 mm, and for a rectangular one with a width of 1000 mm, it is equal to the smaller side of the working part of the structure.

Well inspection structures are standardized structures. Small wells are designed for pipes with a diameter of up to 600 mm. Large structures suitable for pipes with a diameter greater than 600 mm. There are inspection structures with a round or rectangular working part.

For intra-block sewer networks with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, a diameter of
the working part is 700 mm with a depth of 1.2 m.

Observation structures arranged for
yard and intra-block sewers, with a pipe diameter of less than 250 mm and a working part depth of less than 2 m, must have a diameter of 700 mm.

Inspection wells that are mounted at the turns of the pipeline are called rotary, and those located on the side branches connected to them are called nodal. These structures are similar to linear ones, but the diameters of their working parts are determined depending on the presence of curvilinear turns inside the mine.

Technological part of the inspection well

Concrete or reinforced concrete slabs wells are laid on a crushed stone base.

The main technological element of the structure is a tray made of monolithic concrete brand M200.

The installation of the structure is carried out using formwork templates, which require grouting the surface with a cement solution and subsequent ironing.

The pipeline in the working chamber of the well usually goes into a tray.

Linear structures are equipped with straight trays, the surface of which in the lower part should repeat the surface inside the pipe. Upper part provides for a vertical surface.

The slope of the shelves formed on both sides of the tray towards it is 0.02°. Because the shelves
located in the working part of the well, they serve as platforms where workers can fit,
involved in the implementation of technical activities. The dimensions of the working part at a height of 1800 mm vary. They are selected taking into account the pipe diameter (d):

  • d=600 mm - 1000 mm;
  • d=800 mm - 1000-1500 mm;
  • d=1200 mm - 2000 mm.

Working parts of wells having rectangular shape, depend on the diameter of the pipes (d), the size of which is large:

  • with d=700 mm - 1000 mm;
  • with d>700 mm, the length of the structure along the axis of the pipeline is d+400 mm, and the width is d+500 mm.

The radius of rotation of the tray axis inside the structure should not be less than the diameter of the pipes. The channel for connecting the side branch in the junction structure is made curved, having the same radius of rotation in the direction of movement of the drains.

For larger collector structures with a diameter of 1200 mm or more, a turning radius of at least 5 pipeline diameters is provided. Installation of inspection type wells is carried out at the beginning and end of the turning curve.

Stormwater and drainage inspection wells

Sewage systems have existed for many hundreds of years, so the technology for constructing these
structures have been worked out to the smallest detail. All instructions for installing sewer wells and
requirements for the operation of treatment facilities are contained in SNiP2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures.” Circle diameters storm wells can be different, which is determined by their type:

  • observation;
  • serviced.

According to the instructions of SniP2.04.03-85, in the process of installing a septic tank on the territory of a private household, it is necessary to install an inspection well between the internal sewer system and the receiving chamber of the treatment plant.

This structure, which is a mine, assumes the presence of a chamber inside. The working part of the well is equipped with inlet and outlet pipes connected using a tray. This design allows you to control the operation of the entire treatment plant.

Although installing a storm drain may be too expensive, do not install inspection wells impossible.

Storm drainage ensures the removal of stagnant
water flows and protects plants on the site from rotting.

The drainage system is equipped with a slope so that water flows from the soil surface into the well through a special grate.

The well is connected to the collector by pipes that have a smooth surface inside that can slow down the stagnation of debris entering the pipeline system.

Different sewage systems differ in their design characteristics. General requirements The standards require that sewer lines be equipped with inspection cameras.

Requirements for installing an inspection well

The main purpose of inspection cameras is to control and clean the pipeline from debris and dirt. According to the requirements of SNiP, inspection cameras must be located at a minimum distance from each other, which is 15 m. The first inspection tank should be installed at a distance of at least 3 m from residential buildings.

According to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85, any sewer system cannot be equipped without inspection cameras.

They provide easy access to the pipeline system, which is necessary for
carrying out preventive measures and performing repair work. According to the standards, they must be installed every 30-40 m of the sewage route when minimum diameter pipes used, equal to 150 mm.

Inspection cameras are installed on straight sections of sufficient length. These structures are also located at joints where the direction or slope of the pipeline changes.

They can be of two varieties:

  • linear;
  • rotary.

The main function of wells is to level out differences in height treatment systems, If
the value of this indicator exceeds the value permissible level. The diameter of the pit prepared for the treatment plant must be larger size the well itself by 0.5 m.

The distance between the level of the bottom of the pit and the bottom of the pipe should be 60-70 cm. Sufficient high level aquifers require the installation of waterproofing during the process of laying a well.

Installation locations for inspection wells

The construction of inspection wells is often carried out in places where the pipeline turns, where large debris that enters the drainage system is most retained.

The accumulation of contaminants with debris causes severe silting of the area, which leads to the formation of a blockage.

Removal of such accumulations is carried out in the working part of the well using special equipment or steel cable.

The installation locations of drainage inspection wells depend on their types:

  1. Rotary. They are installed in those sections of the sewer route where the direction of the main line changes.
  2. Nodal. They are located exclusively in branching areas of the pipeline system.
  3. Auditing. Provided for control drainage system in areas where it is connected to the central sewer system.

Since the diameter of pipes that relate to external sewerage, can reach 150 mm, then the distance between inspection wells is usually 35 m.

If the cross-sectional size of the pipes is 200 mm, then the distance increases to 50 m.

The value of this distance is directly dependent on the following parameters:

  • diameter of sewer pipes;
  • length of the route;
  • inspection well designs.

The installation of these structures is carried out in places where:

  1. The pipeline is branched in several directions.
  2. The flow of wastewater changes.
  3. Monitoring of sewer pipes is required.
  4. The diameter and angle of inclination of the pipeline line changes.

Construction of an observation structure

To create storm drains modern models high quality polyethylene is used or

These materials are used to make double-walled pipes with a rigid surface.

The use of these pipes makes it possible to cope with various loads associated with displacement or freezing of the soil, and the movement of groundwater.

The structures of inspection and service wells are equipped with a hatch.

They provide for a neck having a width of 630-800 mm. GOST requires the installation of round wells, the working part of which includes reinforced concrete rings, which represent a reservoir for the pipeline.

To create structural elements of a manhole, elements manufactured by
according to GOST 8020-68 in factory conditions.

The working part may consist of CS or wall
rings with the following dimensions of internal and external diameters (DvxDn):

  • 700x840 mm;
  • 1000x1100 mm;
  • 1500x1680 mm;
  • 2000x2200 mm.

The height of the rings is usually:

  • 290 mm;
  • 590 mm;
  • 890 mm.

A flat floor slab (PP) of a well with a thickness of 100 mm can have following sizes diameter:

  • 1100 mm;
  • 1680 mm;
  • 2200 mm.

The bottom plate (PD), having a thickness of 100 mm, has a diameter equal to:

  • 1500 mm;
  • 2000 mm;
  • 2500 mm.

Internal and O.D. support rings (OK) are 660 mm and 840 mm, respectively. The thickness of the concrete adjustment stones is 65 mm. The height of the hatch installed above the neck is 175 mm. It is laid flush with the road surface.

The working part as a structural element of the well

The working part of the well, mounted using wall rings, has a height of 1.8 m. The size of the internal diameter of the KS Dv is 1000-2000 mm, which is determined by the diameter of the pipes.

The rings are installed on the leveled surface of the tray. TO minimum sizes the working part of the well, depending on its type, has the following requirements:

  • height - not less than 900 mm;
  • shaft diameter is 150-200 mm with a pipe diameter of no more than 70 mm.

The height of the working part of the well varies between 1.0-2.8 m. The transition to the neck from the working chamber of the structure is carried out using a floor slab (PP), the thickness of which is 100 mm. It has a hole with a diameter of 700 mm.

Installation of the neck is carried out using wall rings (WR) with internal and external diameters equal to 700 mm and 840 mm.

To protect the well from contamination and insulate it, an additional cover made of wood or metal should be installed in the tray part of the support ring.

Brackets in the working part coated with anti-corrosion varnish are provided for lowering workers into the structure.

For their manufacture, reinforcing steel is used, the diameter of which is 16-19 mm. They must be firmly embedded in the walls of the wells.

The initial bracket is installed at a height of 0.7 m from the very top of the structure. Next, the staples are placed down in a checkerboard pattern.

In this case, the distance between them is taken into account, equal to 0.30 - 0.35 m. The width of the running brackets when they extend from the walls of the structure at 0.12 - 0.15 m should be 0.15 m. The horizontal distance between the rows of running brackets is provided equal to 0.15 m.

Dimensions of inspection wells

The inspection well must be quite large in size so that an adult can
It’s easy to go down into the shaft of the structure, inspect it, and clean the drainage pipes.

A shaft with an appropriate cross-section allows for timely maintenance of the sewerage system.

According to regulations, the size of the height of the working part of the well must be determined taking into account human height, so on average this parameter is 1.8 m. Inspection wells can have the following dimensions:

  1. Rotary. These are small structures with a diameter of 315-460 mm.
  2. Nodal. These structures have a diameter of 36-560 mm.
  3. Auditing. These are quite large structures with a maximum transverse diameter, equal to 800-1500 mm.

The parameters of nodal and rotary wells should be selected depending on the expected volume of soil and storm water. If liquid enters the system in large quantities, then the diameter of the drainage structure must be appropriate. This is most relevant to the starting points of the piping system.

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85, it is necessary to take the dimensions of the diameters of the system wells storm sewer on pipelines with diameter:

  • up to 600 mm - 1000 mm;
  • 700 mm - more than 1000 mm.

Their width must correspond to the largest diameter of the pipeline.
The working part of wells with a pipeline with a diameter of 700-1400 mm must have a height taken into account from the pipe tray with a larger diameter.

Working parts should not be provided
on pipelines with a diameter of 1500 mm or more.

Types of filtration wells in industry and everyday life

Filter structures, also called dry or absorption, are manufactured
using building materials and various wastes, which are large sections of pipes.

Various plastics are used to create filtration wells:

  • polyethylene (PE);
  • polypropylene (PP);
  • fiberglass;
  • unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

The working part of a well equipped with a filter is determined by the groundwater conditions,
well depth, drilling method and selected filter type. Well drilling for water wells carried out on the basis of shock-rope and rotary methods. There are 2 types of wells for draining water using a filter. The principle of their operation is the same, but they are used in different systems:

  • storm drain;
  • sewerage.

The installation of drainage absorption wells is the final stage of system installation
drainage of the site.

The presence of a natural filter, which is an element of the working part of the well, allows groundwater flowing through the pipeline to be drained into the ground. The wastewater is cleared of sludge and harmful impurities.

The purpose of absorption wells in the sewerage system is related to the post-treatment of wastewater,
coming from tanks that are hermetically sealed. In them, wastewater undergoes primary biological treatment. The tank is made of brick, concrete or reinforced concrete rings, rubble stone.

Filtration of wastewater and its subsequent removal is carried out through the bottom of the structure, on which there is a filter in the form of a mineral cushion, including fine crushed stone, gravel or sand. Unlike storage chambers that resemble cesspools, filter wells are able to quickly dispose of sewage with a liquid fraction, so they do not require too frequent cleaning.

Filters for absorption structures

The difference between filter absorption wells is the absence of a sealed bottom. At the bottom of the working chamber of the structure there is a bottom filter consisting of the following varieties materials that differ in fraction:

When choosing the shungite mineral, you must be careful, because unscrupulous
sellers tend to sell not shungite, but shungizite, which superficially resembles it, but is not
has such beneficial properties.

The filter filling, created using the listed materials, represents the working part of the well. She must have overall height, up to 1 m.

Installation locations for filter wells

The installation of filter wells is carried out in areas where there is no drainage system.

They are installed in areas where there are no natural reservoirs for drainage. The structure can be used as independent design, equipped with a working part, filter, neck.

The device is installed during the construction of a drainage system or installation of a storm sewer.

It can be a well designed for additional treatment of wastewater that has undergone initial treatment in a septic tank.

Filtration wells have very disabilities, which is due to the rules and features of their installation.

The arrangement of these structures is regulated by SNiP 2.04.03-85. Absorption working chambers can only be located on sandy or sandy loam soils with good absorption capacity.

Clay soils with low filtration qualities are not suitable for constructing filtration treatment facilities.

Particular attention must be paid to the depth of groundwater in a particular area. If the aquifer is located high, then it is not recommended to install an absorption chamber, since it should have a depth of 2.0 to 2.5 m.

The distance from the bottom of the chamber to groundwater must be at least 1.5 m. The average daily volume of wastewater should not be more than 1 m³. If it exceeds these parameters, then you should choose not an absorption system, but another drainage system.

The system operates on the following principle. Effluent from the sewer enters a sealed chamber, where within 2-3 days it is oxidized under the influence of anaerobic bacteria living in airless space.

Next, the wastewater passes into the filtration chamber, where there are other types of bacteria - aerobes, which are active under the influence of oxygen.
This ensures double purification of water entering the ground from the absorption structure. It contains practically no harmful microorganisms and various organic substances.

Materials for the working part of the well

The working part of inspection wells is necessary to monitor the condition of the sewerage system and subsequent

This structure has no alternative. Installation is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and rules in those places where the likelihood of breakdown is greatest.

In these areas, the speed of the water flow and its width change, so the slope and diameter of the pipeline must be different. Wells differ not only in their designs, but also in the materials from which they are made.

Concrete is the most common material used to make the working parts of wells. Typical concrete structures have a large number disadvantages:

Generally concrete wells are not effective, so they are used only
because of the cheapness. The advent of polymers has made it possible to design new safe types of sewer systems, allowing significant savings on the materials used. Among the advantages of polymers are:

Design of water wells

Groundwater is most often collected using vertical wells ( tube wells). To facilitate the work, working chambers and trays with small diameters are used.

Water intake wells of the greatest depth make it possible to create conditions for receiving groundwater that are impeccable in sanitary terms.

The flow rate (flow rate) of a tubular structure depends on the thickness of the aquifers and the coefficient
soil filtration. Consumption is determined and design features structures, the design of which assumes the presence of a filter and a pump. The design of any tube-type well includes the following parts:

Pumps and a water-lifting pipeline must be provided in the working part of the wells. When designing tube wells, the following main points must be taken into account:

  • number of wells;
  • static and dynamic level fluids in the well;
  • working chamber performance;
  • placement of cameras on the site and the possibility of their mutual influence;
  • conditions for transporting fluid from wells to consumers;
  • designs of filters and wells, pipe diameters;
  • way of designing the header;
  • type of pumps used;
  • reserve number of wells.

According to SNiP, arrangement of water intake structures surface waters should provide the ability to control the difference in liquid level on meshes and gratings.

It is necessary to ensure the ability to measure the water level in working chambers, in reservoirs or watercourses. Wells must provide the ability to measure the following indicators:

  1. Flow rate or volume of water supplied from wells.
  2. Water level in the chamber of the shaft well and collection tank.
  3. Pump pressure.

When the liquid level drops below the permissible level in the working part, it must be possible to automatically turn off the pumps.

Calculation of the load on the working part of the well

Schematically, a well is a rectangle with side lengths of no more than 2 m.
The structure on the plan can be a circle with a diameter of up to 2 m. The well must
have a depth of about 2.5-3.0 m. The working part of any filter structure consists of a crushed stone or gravel base with a height of at least 200 mm, walls, bottom filter and a special ceiling with a hole, which is a hatch.

The filter design is intended for removal from sewer or plumbing system parts of the liquid after its initial cleaning. The volume of the working chamber should directly depend on the filtering capacity of the well, taking into account the daily volume of sewage entering the chamber. The diameter of the filtering working part should not be more than 2 m, and its height is provided in the range of 1.0-1.5 m.

To identify the calculated filter surface, you should increase:

  • the sum of the areas of the bottom and surface of the wall of the structure per filter height, if the load per 1 m² of surface corresponds to a volume of 80 l/day for sandy soils and 40 l/day for sandy loam soils;
  • sum of horizontal projection areas internal filter and surfaces interior walls working chamber to the height of the filter.

When determining the calculated filter surface with increased coverage
its external perimeter is taken into account taking into account a coefficient of 0.95. To determine the calculated filtering surface of additional tubular sprinklers, the size of the horizontal projection area of ​​their crushed stone base should be taken into account.

The load on the working chamber increases by 10-20% in cases where:

  • it is necessary to install filter structures in areas with medium- and coarse-grained sands;
  • the distance between the bottom of the well and the groundwater level is more than 2 m;
  • the value of specific water disposal is over 150 l/person*day and average temperature waste water in winter period more than 10°C.

To increase the productivity of filter-type structures, you can create additional buffer capacity well or increase the parameters of the width and height of the crushed stone base.
For this purpose, additional arrangement of radial-type tubular sprinklers, the length of which is not more than 10 m, is allowed. They must be connected to the well 200-300 mm below the level
pipeline for supplying wastewater.

The times of cesspools have practically sunk into oblivion. Today private homes are equipped with systems biological treatment autonomous use. But the wastewater must still flow from the cottage to the septic tank. In addition to pipes, it is often necessary to install sewer wells, which according to their functionality are divided into several types and have certain nuances in their design. However, in order to install them correctly yourself, it is enough to follow simple rules.

Drainage networks consist of various elements, each of which has its own functions. Pipelines transport wastewater, shut-off valves regulates this process, and wells of various types allow you to monitor the state of the system and serve as its end point.

There are several types of sewer wells for various purposes

To carry out control, three types of well structures are installed:

  1. Observations.
  2. Drops.
  3. Rotary.
  4. Nodal.

The first ones are installed on long sections of sewer pipeline to inspect it and clean it as necessary. The latter are installed in areas with a large slope and allow you to reduce the flow power. Still others are installed at pipe turning points so that in case of blockages they can be cleared. And the fourth ones are installed when it is necessary to combine several water pipelines.

Sewerage pipelines end with a well of one of two types:

  1. Storage – used for storing wastewater.
  2. Filtration – designed for clarification and purification of wastewater.

In a private house, the installation of sewer wells of all these types is regulated by the rules set out in SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures" (SP 32.13330.2012) and SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-apartment residential houses" (SP 55.13330.2011),

Advice! When installing, do not neglect the requirements of sanitary and building codes in the issue of placing sewerage elements on the site in relation to residential buildings and water sources, otherwise you can “play out” before an outbreak of infection.

Reinforced concrete well diagram

According to sanitary standards Septic tanks and sewer wells must be removed at a minimum:

Often it takes quite a while to install a sewer well long distance from a private house. You cannot do without long pipelines; you will have to install additional inspection units.

What are sewer wells made of?

Underground chambers of the external sewer system can be equipped with:

  • concrete (iron concrete rings);
  • bricks;
  • factory-made plastic products.

Factory-made concrete rings are available for any size

The cheapest and most reliable option is made of concrete rings. Brickwork comparable in price, but due to high labor costs it is rarely used. A plastic tank is quite expensive, but it is the easiest to install yourself. Plastic is lightweight, and you will not need to order lifting equipment for installation.

Internal structure of a typical sewer well

Functionally, well structures differ, but they all have:

  • lid or neck on top;
  • a shaft and a working chamber in the middle;
  • bottom-support at the very bottom.

Items may be different shapes and sizes. Everything in this matter depends on the purpose of the well. In the filtration filter, the bottom is made “leaky” - with a drainage cushion, and the remaining types are made in a sealed design with a durable bottom. The mines also have a wide variety of designs and different numbers of pipe entries.

Sewage system sooner or later it gets clogged. It is with the help of wells that cleaning is carried out. Previously, a plumber went inside for this, but in the last decade, suction pumps and installations have increasingly begun to be used high pressure. As a result, well shafts no longer need to be made large, to fit the dimensions of a person descending. There are enough narrow chambers into which you can squeeze a sewer hose.

Now we mainly install sewer wells small size made of plastic. It's cheaper, more practical and faster. Such plastic products are produced in factories. Model range is wide and allows you to choose an option for installation in a sewerage system of any capacity and purpose.

How to properly install a drain well

Before installing a sewer well near a private house, it is necessary to develop a project with the exact location of each element of the system. Simple plan not enough on a piece of paper. The design must be carried out by a qualified specialist who will immediately take into account all the nuances and rules.

Installation of input into plastic well

A simplified well installation process looks like this:

  1. Preparation of a pit according to the dimensions of the selected structure with a depth below the soil freezing level.
  2. Forming a gravel cushion 20–30 cm thick at the bottom for a sealed tank and 40–50 cm for a septic tank drainage chamber.
  3. Laying on gravel concrete slab grounds.
  4. Installation of concrete rings or plastic construction.
  5. Pipe connection.
  6. Closing the well with a lid with a hatch and ventilation pipe.
  7. Backfill pit and trenches with pipeline.

When using bricks or reinforced concrete rings special attention During installation, attention should be paid to sealing the well from the inside. All joints and seams must be coated cement mortar and bitumen. Chambers with drainage do not need tightness at all. The more holes there are at the bottom and sides, the faster the drainage into the ground will occur.

Important! Well structures made of plastic need a heavy “anchor”, otherwise they can be squeezed out of the soil during floods. Most often, this clamp is made in the form of a concrete slab, which has a special hook for attaching a plastic well.

Sewage well connection diagram

In filtration and drop well It is imperative to install a water trap that will absorb energy water flow and will not allow it to destroy the housing or drainage pad.

The ventilation pipe should rise 0.6–0.7 meters above the ground. This is the only way it will function correctly and prevent the accumulation of explosive gases formed during the decomposition of organic matter inside.

To avoid freezing, the well must be covered with a layer of soil at least half a meter thick at the end of installation. If pouring such a cover from the ground is problematic, then you will have to insulate the structure with polystyrene foam.

Everything is quite simple, the work can be done even alone. But if the sewerage system is long and the septic tank is far from the house, then it is better to use an excavator to speed up the excavation.

Video: correct installation of wells for a two-chamber septic tank

When installing sewer wells, it is necessary to comply with many rules of both construction and sanitary nature. Following these standards will avoid biological contamination of the soil and sources of drinking water near a private home. You can do the installation yourself; difficulties are possible only with heavy reinforced concrete rings. But in matters of design, it is better to consult with a professional plumber or simply order finished project sewer system.

There are open and closed type. They are used for the purpose of separating sewage waste; with their help, heavy fractions and large debris are separated from water. Construction data open type is a tank that is assembled from perforated concrete blocks. In them, the liquid goes into the ground on its own through special holes. Heavy fractions remain in the mine and are removed using special equipment for further disposal.

Closed-type installations are a special sealed container that has technological outlets located at different heights. When waste water enter the mine, then floating particles are discharged using the upper channels, and sedimentary layers are discharged using the lower channels.

The structure must be installed in a place where groundwater lies below the station bottom level. Additionally, a 0.5 m cushion of crushed stone is poured in. The base should rise 1 m above the soil.


Before you start setting up a sewage disposal network, be sure to read all the provisions of SNiP, start planning, marking, and then selecting a mine that suits you. You will definitely need an estimate for the installation of a sewer well in order to correctly calculate in advance all the costs of arranging the entire highway network.

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