Calculator for building a cinder block house. How much does it cost to build a garage from cinder blocks - calculating the number of blocks

Cinder block is a building material for the construction of walls, partitions or foundations. It is made from slag concrete mortar, which includes slag, cement, expanded clay or other fillers; the proportions of all components are strictly observed. Before carrying out construction work, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the material.

How many cinder blocks are there in a square meter?

The cinder block has exact dimensions, they must meet certain standards, that is, 390*190*188 millimeters. Considering the size of one block, you can get the exact quantity required material by calculation. First you need to calculate how many blocks go into one square meter.

Method No. 1

With a wall that is half a block thick.

Knowing the height and length of the block, it is necessary to calculate its lateral area; for this, all values ​​are converted to the SI system.

S=0.188*0.39=0.073 sq.m.

After the area is calculated, you can find out how many elements are in one square meter.

N=1:0.073=13.64 pieces.

This figure is slightly higher than it actually is, since the thickness of the connecting seam is also taken into account. When taking into account the thickness of the connection, this figure can be reduced to 13.

Method number 2

With a wall that is a whole block thick.

The calculation is performed in exactly the same way; first, the area is calculated, and then the amount of material in one square meter.

S= 0.188*0.19=0.036 sq. m.

N=1:0.036=27.99 pieces.

If we take into account all the connections, which will have a thickness of 8-10 millimeters, then 26 blocks will be needed per meter.

These are basic calculations; to find out more detailed quantities of all materials for construction, you need to draw up a detailed estimate. If the entire building consists of cinder blocks, taking into account partitions, walls, and foundation, then first calculate the weight load-bearing walls, this indicator depends on the type of blocks. Cinder blocks can be full or hollow, their weight depends on this, which is 11-28 kilograms.

How to calculate the amount of cinder block per house?

The main indicators in the calculation are the dimensions of one cinder block, its weight; the element with a void has a mass of 17 kilograms, and the dimensions one-story building, for example height – 3 meters, length – 8, and width – 8.

  1. First, calculate the perimeter of the entire building, multiply 8 by 4 sides, you get 32 ​​meters.
  2. If you divide the perimeter of the building by the length of the element, that is, 32:0.39, you get the number of blocks in one row equal to 82.05 pieces.
  3. Then the planned number of rows is determined, while the height of the wall is divided by the height of one element, 3:0.190, and we get 15.78 rows.
  4. You can find out the amount of material for a one-story building by multiplying the number of pieces in one row by the number of rows, that is, 82 * 16, resulting in 1312 pieces.

Thanks to such calculations, it is possible to determine the weight of the structure, that is, the load exerted on the base; for this, the weight of one element is multiplied by the number of pieces, that is, 17 * 1312, resulting in 22304 kilograms. In this calculation, door and window openings are not taken into account; this is done during precise calculations, when a detailed estimate is drawn up. The weight of such elements is subtracted from the total indicator, and the load on the base is determined.

The amount of connecting mixture depends on the thickness of the seams; when using glue, this figure should be no more than 3 millimeters, and for mortar - up to 10 millimeters.

Storage and transportation of cinder blocks is carried out on pallets, so you need to know the number of blocks packed in one container. When constructing a foundation, slag-based blocks are purchased, and when constructing walls, you can use material with any fillers.

Basic calculation rules for building a cinder block house

  1. First you need to determine the dimensions of the cinder block, since the material does not always have standard parameters. The partition-type block differs in size, 390 * 120 * 188 millimeters. That is, the product is pre-measured.
  2. After this, they choose the method of laying the blocks, that is, the position of the stone, when constructing the wall. The amount of material needed and its consumption depend on this.
  3. Then the area of ​​the side face and the number of blocks in one square meter are calculated.
  4. And finally, calculate the number of blocks in a row, how many rows are needed. You can then determine required amount material for the entire building.
  5. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a detailed estimate with all the calculations, taking into account the openings of doors and windows, this will make it possible to determine the load on the foundation and what type of foundation to build.

Cinder block laying technology

  1. The beginning construction work The construction of the foundation is considered, its width should not be much larger than the blocks. At the same time, they create a perfectly flat surface, without chips or significant differences.
  2. Then the corners are set, rows are fixed to each corner, taking into account the thickness of the block and both seams. A rope is pulled between such elements to determine the level of the row being built.
  3. Placed on the foundation base waterproofing material. In this case, the foundation should protrude 70 centimeters above the ground, this will help prevent moisture from getting from the soil to the base material.
  4. The material is laid, the first row is treated Special attention, the final result depends on the quality of work. First, use a spatula to lay out the adhesive or mortar, and place the blocks on it. After laying three blocks, it is necessary to measure the evenness with a level or plumb line. The thickness of the connection should not be more than 1.5 centimeters. All cracks are closed with mortar; when using a hollow block, its interior is not filled.
  5. The blocks are laid in a checkerboard pattern, this increases the strength of the structure.
  6. After installation, it is necessary to leave the walls until the mortar is completely dry, and then proceed to external cladding. If further finishing is not planned, then a coloring substance, such as soot, can be added to the solution; this will help decorate the structure, but you need to work carefully so as not to stain the main surface.

How to simplify your work?

There are small nuances that make the job easier and also save on costs.

  1. No cinder block required for laying special tools. Use a level, trowel, container for mixing mortar, and a shovel.
  2. Red clay serves as a plasticizer, with self-production this helps save on material.
  3. It is necessary to prepare a special stand in advance on which the upper elements are laid out. It is not very convenient to work on a stepladder, since there is no place to put a bucket or a cinder block, and it also needs to be constantly moved.
  4. The thickness of the connection should not exceed 1.5 centimeters, otherwise a lot of heat will escape through it from inside the building.
  5. Laying in half a block is carried out for non-residential buildings; other methods can be used for the construction of residential buildings.
  6. The preparation of the solution is carried out using a concrete mixer, this significantly speeds up and simplifies the work.
  7. Immediately you need to prepare a file or handy tool for sawing blocks, since the corner parts consist of halves.
  8. Work begins from corner elements, and the solution protruding from pressing is immediately cleaned off with a trowel; if this is not done, then many irregularities will form. This complicates further external finishing.
  9. An experienced installer can complete the job using a level. If laying is being done for the first time, then you can make a special template; for this, ordinary flat boards are used.

Before starting construction of a building, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material. To do this, take into account all the dimensions of the block and draw up a detailed estimate in order to be able to not only calculate the total quantity, but also the costs. With correct calculations, mistakes can be avoided during construction work. It is important to follow all the rules for laying cinder block material; the strength, reliability, and durability of the building depend on this.

You probably want someone to tell you that if you decide to build a garage from cinder blocks, the price of building materials will be 45,736 rubles. when size . You can take such words on faith only if you heard them from one of your neighbors who built a similar garage on the same soil as yours and purchased building materials at a local store.

How much does it cost to build a cinder block foundation for a garage?

The cost of the foundation makes up a significant portion of the overall cost of the garage. A slight slope of the site can significantly increase the cost of the foundation. So for those who are planning to build a garage from cinder blocks, calculating the quantities of these same blocks is not a priority task. Start with the foundation.

If you have a flat base and don’t need it, you can choose slab foundation. If the garage is being built on a slope or you need inspection hole, choose strip foundation. The volume of the foundation is calculated very simply based on its geometric parameters.

1 – masonry in half a cinder block, 2 – masonry in a cinder block, 3 – one and a half cinder blocks

Typically, cement, crushed stone and sand for the foundation are taken in a ratio of 1:5:3. Per m3 of mortar you usually need 200...400 kg of cement, depending on the required brand of mortar and brand of cement. For an M100 solution, 215 kg of grade 300 cement may be needed, and for an M300 solution, 370 kg of grade 400 cement may be needed.

But again, you shouldn’t trust reference books and online calculators too much. In them, the calculation is made based on the fact that the cement corresponds to the brand indicated on the packaging. But the quality of cement is not always good. And if it is also stored incorrectly, then after a few months its properties deteriorate greatly.

In general, count the amount of building materials, multiply by the local price, add the cost of delivery. Estimate how long it will take you to prepare the solution. After that, think carefully about your purchase option. ready solution in a concrete mixer.

How many cinder blocks do you need for a garage?

Calculating how many cinder blocks you need for a garage is as easy as shelling pears. The size of a standard cinder block is 390×190×188 mm. Calculating the number of cinder blocks in a row and the number of rows is not difficult. Give a small adjustment to the battle, and the number is calculated. Most likely, you will get 450...800 cinder blocks. Much depends on the height of the garage, the presence of a door, windows, and roof structure (the gables can be made of cinder blocks).

Keep in mind that a cinder block wall will not be strong or warm. A burglary-proof garage cannot be made from a cinder block. And without an additional layer of insulation, cinder block walls provide a purely symbolic level of thermal insulation.

If you need a warm garage, you will have to additionally insulate the walls, roof and gates. It is better to insulate walls from the outside.

But making a cinder block garage burglar-resistant is problematic. It is better to use brick - it is much stronger. You can also make a wall of one and a half cinder blocks. It will be relatively strong. However, it is unlikely that intruders will destroy the garage wall; it will be much easier and faster to pick the lock.

Roof for a garage made of cinder blocks

A garage roof made of cinder blocks can be made as usual, with wooden sheathing, roofing felt and slate. Cheap, cheerful and cold. It is best to choose a roof based on the type of garage you need:

  • warm;
  • cold.

For warm garage excellent option will be mounted on a metal frame. It does not need additional insulation. This is a much less labor-intensive procedure than installation cold roof and its insulation.

The roof for a cold garage can be made of slate, metal tiles, euroroofing felt... It comes down to cost and aesthetics.

It is very important to ensure that the roof protects the walls from precipitation. It should protrude 20 centimeters beyond the wall.

Initial data

Step 1: The calculator is designed to calculate any types of building blocks. First, set the exact dimensions building block without taking into account the masonry seam.

Be careful here: set the length, width and height of the block in relation to how the block will lie in the masonry. Next, enter such building parameters as the height of the wall and the total length of the wall along the outer perimeter of the building. Step 2:

Then indicate how the blocks will be stacked. The thickness of future walls directly depends on these data. This can be a structure of half a block (the thickness of the wall will be equal to the width of the block) or a whole block (the thickness of the wall will be equal to the length of the block). Choose the installation method depending on the designed number of storeys of the building, the type of floors and other features of the structure. Step 3:

To make the calculation more accurate, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the masonry joint, consisting of mortar, or glue and other materials. Sometimes the thickness of horizontal and vertical seams is different. Step 4:

To calculate the masonry mesh, you need to decide how many rows you will lay it in. You don’t have to enter data about it by leaving the “Ignore” option in the column. Or count it, indicating that it lies through the Nth number of rows. Step 5: Block weight is an optional parameter. But if you want to calculate approximate weight finished walls

and the load from the walls on the foundation, then it is still advisable to indicate it. Price is also an optional parameter. Specify it if you want to calculate the total cost of blocks.

Step 6: To take into account the gables of the building, as well as windows, doors and additional openings in the calculations, check the appropriate boxes and set the necessary parameters in the list that appears.

Step 7: After filling in all fields, click the "Calculate" button. You can print the results obtained or send them by email. For comfort, various elements

It is better to count buildings separately. For example,

external walls and interior partitions can differ both in height and in the method of laying the blocks. In this case, perform two independent calculations.
Explanation of calculation results Building perimeter The sum of the lengths of all walls taken into account in the calculations Total masonry area
Square outside
walls Equals the area of ​​the required insulation, if it is included in the project Wall thickness
The thickness of the folded wall, taking into account the mortar joint(s). Minor deviations from the final result are allowed depending on the masonry method Net weight and volume of blocks (excluding mortar and masonry mesh). This information may be useful for choosing a delivery method.
Quantity of mortar for the entire masonry Volume mortar, which will be required to lay all the blocks. Deviations in the indicator are allowed. Depends on the ratio of components and added additives
Number of rows of blocks including seams It is determined by the height of the walls, the size of the materials used and the thickness of the masonry mortar. Gables are not taken into account
Optimal wall height The recommended height of a wall made of blocks, which, as a rule, should be a multiple of the height of the block itself along with the seam. You may agree with this recommendation - then recalculate by entering a new value for the height of the walls in the calculator
Quantity of masonry mesh Required quantity of masonry mesh in meters. It is applied for masonry reinforcement, increasing solidity and overall strength of the structure
Approximate weight of finished walls Weight of finished walls taking into account all building blocks and masonry mortar, but without taking into account the weight of insulation and cladding
Load without taking into account the weight of the roof and ceilings. This value is needed to select the strength characteristics of the foundation

Cinder block is rightfully considered one of the most popular building materials nowadays. Its excellent performance characteristics and ease of operation are key factors in sales growth. The popularity of this building material can also be evidenced by the fact that many people today ask questions, such as how to calculate the amount of cinder block for a wall.

In full accordance with its name, at the core of this material lies the slag formed in blast furnaces. However, additives such as crushed stone, sand, brick and even concrete cannot be excluded. In addition, you can find expanded clay, perlite and even sawdust there. All these additives in one way or another affect the properties of cinder blocks. Which we will talk about next.

What properties do cinder blocks have?

By adding perlite or expanded clay, the material becomes as light as possible. If you add sawdust to it, you can also get a fairly fire-resistant option. If cement, crushed stone or sand is added to a cinder block, the material becomes heavy and conducts temperature quite well.

The parameters of these products are as follows:

  • Standard cinder block sizes are 188x190x390;
  • Frost resistance index - F15–50;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.27–0.65 watts per square meter;
  • Density - 750–1,450 kilograms per cubic meter;
  • Strength - M35–M125.

Solid and hollow cinder block

Full-bodied. An extremely durable building material that is used at the most critical stages of construction.

Hollow. The amount of voids, depending on the volume, can be 30 or 40 percent. Can be used for building walls. However, the most hollow options can only be used in conjunction with metal frame. Otherwise, the strength of the erected structure will be questionable.

Benefits of using cinder blocks

  • Big sizes. Cinder blocks are very easy to lay and construction with their help occurs quite quickly;
  • Economical. Besides affordable price of these products, cinder blocks also require much less mortar for laying the wall;
  • Durability. Another undoubted quality of cinder block, making it extremely attractive. Structures erected with its help can last a very long time;
  • Fire resistance;
  • A variety of fillers makes it possible to select the material to suit your needs.

Disadvantages of using cinder block

  • High temperature conductivity. In other words, cinder block houses can be cold. But only if you make a mistake with the choice of this material. After all, as we said above, there are many types of cinder blocks, and among them there are also options with low thermal conductivity;
  • High sound permeability. Partly solvable correct selection insulating materials;
  • Hygroscopicity. Cinder block absorbs water very well, so walls made from it require plaster on both sides. Also, don't build similar houses in places prone to floods or characterized by a very humid climate;
  • Environmentally friendly. When purchasing cinder blocks, you need to ask the seller about the availability of a safety certificate. It's all about the sulfur and acid content there, which disappears only after a year under open air. Certificate of environmental safety give only such materials;
  • For some, the high strength of a cinder block can be not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage, since in this case it becomes not very convenient to lay communications.

How to calculate the amount of cinder block on a wall

When compared with brick, cinder block immediately stands out for its size. A standard unit of such building material is equal to as many as five bricks. Above we presented the most popular size (), but there are others different from it - 395 * 195 * 195, 390 * 120 * 188 and 400 * 200 * 200. But these options are much less common.

In this regard, there is a simple calculator that helps you calculate the number of cinder blocks per wall. So, we multiply the width by the length (190X390) and get the area of ​​the wide edge equal to 0.074 square meters. Dividing one by this number, we find that to build one square meter of wall we will need approximately 14 blocks. Now all that's left is to count total area walls and we will get the number of blocks needed. But it’s better to take it with a reserve - about 10 percent more than necessary.

  • Since this material gets wet very well, it is better to try to raise the foundation above the ground. As for the base, it needs to be well insulated;
  • The ideal and simplest insulation for cinder block walls is a semi-liquid solution of cement and sand. We spray this “coat” on the walls using a large brush. After the first layer has dried, it is best to apply the second;
  • The appearance of a cinder block is quite unsightly, so you need to take care exterior decoration. For this, siding or decorative brick can be used;
  • If you want to achieve environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, as well as high insulating properties, then it is best to use expanded clay concrete. In it, slag is replaced with expanded clay, which significantly changes the properties of this building material;
  • Many cinder blocks are made in a handicraft manner, since the raw materials for them are cheap, the manufacturing technology is simple, and brick presses are relatively affordable. It is not possible to check the quality of such products and what they are made of. So, it is best to buy cinder blocks from large sellers.


From all of the above, a quite obvious opinion emerges - it is still not recommended to use cinder blocks for the construction of a residential building. But this building material can be a real godsend for those who decide to build certain outbuildings without spending a lot of money on it. In this case, you get a truly economical construction option.

Affordable price, good performance characteristics, convenient dimensions for accelerated masonry - these are the main advantages that a building material such as cinder block has. It has found wide application in the construction of permanent residential buildings, garages, and outbuildings.

Cinder blocks are produced from special concrete mixture and slag, which serves as various construction and other waste. They lay out the foundation, partitions, and walls. The main advantage of the material is that it can be purchased ready-made or made at home.

Regardless of whether they use their own or factory-produced blocks, the developer needs to clearly know how much material is required for one square meter of masonry.

What parameters affect cinder block consumption?

The number of cinder blocks per square meter of masonry depends on several components:

  • block size;
  • wall thickness;
  • "depth" of the seam.

These parameters directly affect the consumption of building material. If you correctly take into account all the initial data, then making the correct calculation will not be difficult.

Cinder block dimensions

The following types of this building material are distinguished:

  • solid full block;
  • hollow full block;
  • hollow half-block.

The first two types are produced in sizes 390x190x188, and the last - 390x120x188 and 390x90x188. Dimensions are indicated in millimeters, the first number indicates the length, the second - the depth, the third - the height of the block.

Seam thickness

It has a direct effect on the consumption of cinder block, but towards a decrease. This indicator is not always taken into account, especially when the savings do not have of decisive importance. This approach is only suitable for small buildings. The amount of extra block, if seams are not taken into account, for large buildings may turn out to be quite significant.

The thickness of the seams depends on the material:

  • when glue is used, the seam is 2-3 mm;
  • if a solution is used, the seams are made 5-10 mm.

Didn't receive any adhesive widespread, therefore, an indicator from 0.5 to 1 cm is taken into account. However, it is not taken into account in the formula, but is only subtracted from the resulting value, based on the number of rows.

Masonry thickness

Most important characteristic, which affects exactly how much cinder block will go into one square meter of masonry:

  • half a block or 190 millimeters;
  • in one block or 380 millimeters.

Consequently, the thickness of the wall is first determined, and then all the necessary calculations are made.

Calculation of cinder blocks per 1 square meter of masonry

The calculation is carried out using the following algorithm:

  1. calculate the area of ​​the lateral base, that is, S = length * width;
  2. find the number of cinder blocks per 1 square meter, that is, N=1/S.

Calculations are made exclusively in the SI system. This means that millimeters, that is, the width and length of the cinder block, are converted to centimeters.

An example of calculating the number of cinder blocks

If a standard cinder block (390x190x188) is used, the calculation is as follows:

  1. 190 mm wall or block floor. The width and length are converted into centimeters, obtaining the values ​​0.188 and 0.39, then the lateral area is calculated, that is, S = 0.188 * 0.39 = 0.073. Since the dimensions were converted to centimeters, the resulting value is already calculated in square centimeters, which allows us to proceed to the final calculation, that is, finding N = 1/0.073 = 13.64 blocks. If we take into account the seams, it turns out when laying a half block for each square centimeter About 13 cinder blocks are required.
  2. A wall of 390 mm or one block. The calculation algorithm is similar previous version, but the values ​​​​are certainly different. In other words, S=0.188*0.19=0.036, that is lateral area turns out completely different from the first option, N=1/0.036=27.77 or approximately 27 pieces, if we take into account the thickness of the masonry mortar. Therefore, the wider the wall, the large quantity blocks to be purchased.

These calculations can be applied to absolutely any structure being built using cinder block.

Why calculate the amount of cinder block in one square meter?

This initial stage calculations are necessary to determine the exact amount of material required for the construction of a particular building. Thus, knowing the consumption per 1 sq. m., it is not difficult to calculate the total costs of the material. If a garage is being built with masonry in the floor of the block, the wall area of ​​which is 51 square meters, then it is necessary to purchase 663 cinder blocks. This amount will double if the building is built with walls 390 mm thick. In addition, you should always remember that the material should be purchased with a small reserve, taking into account possible defects or damage to the blocks directly during laying.

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