What load overhang is allowed? Permissible dimensions and maximum weight of goods transported by road transport

In a passenger car, cargo can be transported in the passenger compartment, in the trunk, or on the trunk. But subject to certain requirements.

1. Carrying cargo is prohibited if it restricts the driver’s visibility.

If the cargo being transported obscures the rear view, this is only permissible if the vehicle is equipped with exterior rear-view mirrors on both sides.

However, if the cargo blocks the view to the right or left, or, God forbid, from the front, then the transportation of such cargo is strictly prohibited.

2. Carrying cargo is prohibited if it makes it difficult to drive a vehicle.

To place the cargo, the driver pushed his seat forward.

Now it will be difficult to drive a car. This means that such cargo transportation is prohibited.

3. Transportation of cargo is prohibited if it violates stability vehicle.

The car is sensitive to a shift in the center of gravity. If the load is heavy, then with this arrangement the car will inevitably be pulled to the left.

And it’s better not to talk about turns or reversals.

This is how to arrange the load correctly. And it does not contradict the requirements of the Rules.

4. Transportation of cargo is prohibited if it covers external lighting devices, as well as registration or identification marks.

I can’t imagine a load that covers the headlights, much less the front license plates. That is, you can imagine it - let’s say a load is on the trunk and hangs down to the ground. But in this case, the load necessarily blocks the driver’s view. And this alone is enough to make such cargo transportation impossible.

But if the load closes rear numbers and block rear side lights, it does not interfere with movement.

But the Rules prohibit such cargo transportation.

5. Carrying cargo is prohibited if it interferes with the perception of hand signals.

The rules take into account the situation when the turn signals or brake lights fail along the way, and you need to somehow get to your destination. In this case, as you already know, the driver is required to give hand signals. So, if the cargo being transported prevents other drivers from seeing these signals, further movement is prohibited.

6. Transportation of cargo is prohibited if it is noisy, dusty or polluting environment.

You can imagine how cargo can generate dust or pollute the environment. But, by God, I don’t know how he can make noise.

7. If the load extends beyond the dimensions of the vehicle.

less than 1 meter ,

If the load protrudes beyond the front or rear of the vehicle more than 1 meter , Then…

...during daylight hours, the cargo must be marked both front and rear with identification signs “Large cargo”...

... and in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition to the sign in front, the load must be marked with a lantern or a retroreflector white, and at the back - a flashlight or red reflector.

If the performance more than 2 behind meters, the transportation of such cargo must be coordinated with the traffic police department on whose territory the transportation route begins. That is, for you and me, this simply means that the transportation of such cargo is prohibited.

Interestingly, the Rules did not limit the protrusion of the load from the front in any way. And, therefore, here the driver needs to use common sense.

8. If the load protrudes beyond the dimensions of the vehicle from the side.

As for the protrusion of the load from the side, here the Rules set drivers a difficult task. It is necessary to measure the distance not from extreme point the size of the car, and from the edge of the side light.

If the load protrudes from the edge of the side light does not exceed 0.4 meters, and the total width of the load no more than 2.55 meters, there is no need to worry about anything. You can safely transport such cargo.

If the protrusion of the cargo from the edge of the side light exceeds 0.4 meters, but the width of the cargo is not more than 2.55 meters, such cargo is permitted to be transported. It just needs to be marked.

During daylight hours, such cargo must be marked on both sides with identification signs “Large cargo.”

In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, the cargo, in addition to signs, must be marked in front with white lights or reflectors, and at the rear with red lights or reflectors.

If the width of the cargo exceeds 2.55 meters (regardless of how much it protrudes from the side), consider that the carriage of such cargo is prohibited.

Transport services have received one of the leading roles in modern world. It is no longer possible to do without organizations and firms involved in the transportation of people and goods. Construction, production, trade, everyday life - everything depends on the ability to deliver the necessary things and objects to the appointed place on time. Therefore, in our article we will talk about an indispensable type of service - the transportation of oversized cargo by road. More precisely, about the rules governing the delivery of objects custom size and weight on a car or truck.

To transport oversized items, a number of rules must be followed

Definition of oversize

Oversized cargo - transported objects that do not correspond to the dimensions of the vehicle and protrude beyond its limits. If the rules for transporting such items are not followed, an emergency situation appears on the road.

There are two types of oversized:

  • large - objects exceed their dimensions vehicle and partially block the roadway;
  • heavy - the load weighs more permissible value the vehicle used.

Traffic regulations requirements precisely establish the dimensions and weight, the excess of which determines the transported object into the category:

  • height from 250 cm;
  • weight over three tons;
  • cargo over 24 meters in length;
  • width is more than 255 cm.

Oversized cargo includes cargo whose dimensions do not exceed 2.5 m, 13.6 m and 2.55 m (height, length and width, respectively).

If during transportation an object protrudes from the side of the car by more than 40 cm, and 1 meter from the back or front, such cargo is also classified as oversized.

Objects over four meters in width are transported only when accompanied by traffic police officers.

Cargo longer than 24 meters falls under the definition of oversized

Traffic rules and requirements There are traffic rules regulating the delivery of large cargo in passenger cars and trucks. The rules are described in section 23 “Transportation of goods,” paragraph 4. It states that in situations of insufficient visibility on the road, oversized cargo must be marked with special symbols. Namely: lights, stickers or reflective elements behind the red or orange color

, front - white. Previously, the transportation of oversized cargo was regulated by the Instruction, which prescribes requirements regarding permissible load

on the car axle, restrictions on the weight and size of objects, the weight of a semi-trailer, etc. However, now, after the recent entry into force, it is also necessary to take into account the Regulations for the carriage of large goods.

Requirements for drivers and fines

Drivers transporting oversized cargo by road must take into account and comply with all traffic rules requirements regarding such manipulations.

  1. During transportation, the transported objects must not interfere with the view of the road and sidewalks from behind, in front or to the sides.
  2. The load must be secured securely. Poor quality fixation can lead to instability of transport and accidents on the road.
  3. The luggage must not impede movement or otherwise impede driving.
  4. Reflectors, identification signs and other markers must be in a clear visible space for other road users.
  5. Transported oversized cargo should not harm the environment, litter the road and roadsides, impede the movement of other vehicles, make noise, create a lot of dust, etc.
  6. For cargo protruding beyond the body by more than two meters, there are separately developed traffic rules.

There is also a limitation on the speed of transport during the transportation of heavy and large objects. Traffic rules It has been approved that oversized cargo can be transported at a speed of no more than 60 km/h on the highway and within the city, and 15 km/h on the bridge.

It is important that the transport driver does not deviate from the given route, which was previously agreed upon with the Federal Automobile and Road Service by the traffic police. If problems arise during the flight, the driver undertakes to solve them or stop further progress. Ignoring the problem may result in deprivation of your driving license for up to six months and a fine.

The driver is punished if the transportation of oversized cargo was carried out without documentary permission (if it was required), or if he deviates from the laid path. Or if the protrusion of the object beyond the boundaries of the body exceeds that indicated in the document by more than ten cm. A fine is issued if the norms for the load on the vehicle’s axle are exceeded (the weight of the load is greater than that stated in the document).

Financial penalties for legal and individuals differ significantly. A “private trader” will lose up to 3,000 rubles for a violation; an official will lose about 20 thousand. A legal entity can receive a fine of up to half a million.

Reflectors must be installed in a visible place on the vehicle

Oversized cargo designation

As was said, any large object transported by car, must be indicated. This allows you to reduce the risk of an accident to zero. These designations include:

  • square metal shield with diagonal reflective red stripes, sign dimensions 40x40 cm, the shield is often replaced with a similar sticker;
  • "oversized" sign;
  • road train sign;
  • "long length" sign;
  • reflectors.

The “road train” sign can be installed in the form of a shield or sticker

Organization of transportation of oversized items

Massive heavy objects, large equipment, and special equipment can only be transported after receiving special permission. For this they provide:

  • “metrics” of transported cargo;
  • route;
  • cargo documentation.

It may take up to 30 business days to obtain a permit, so you must apply in advance. This is required in order to study the information and the declared route. If there are communications that interfere with the progress of the route, the route or mode of transport may be changed.

The movement of a convoy with cargo also requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Escort vehicles must be equipped with warning signs;
  • it is important to maintain a safe distance between transport units of the convoy;
  • when transporting dangerous luggage, there must be a spare empty vehicle in the convoy;
  • All vehicles involved in transportation must undergo technical inspection and obtain permission to fly.

You can be refused transportation if:

  • there are more safe way transport oversized cargo to its destination (railway, air or sea transport);
  • the cargo can be disassembled into its components without damage;
  • there is no way to ensure the safety of the cargo and others along the route ( dangerous road, path through locality etc.).

Transportation of large objects requires strict adherence to the rules: obtaining permission, route planning, size control (protrusion beyond the body, height and weight), and so on. Failure to comply with requirements may result in deprivation driver's license up to 6 months and fines. For a number of reasons, services may refuse permission to transport oversized items.

According to the rules Road Traffic Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as traffic regulations) the permissible vehicle width is 2 meters 60 centimeters for refrigerators and isothermal vans and 2 meters 55 centimeters for other vehicles. Maximum height vehicle – 4 meters. The maximum length of a road train including one trailer cannot exceed 20 meters, while the length of the tractor and the length of the trailer cannot exceed 12 meters.

The permissible weight of a two-axle vehicle (hereinafter referred to as vehicle) cannot exceed 18 tons, 25 tons for a 3-axle vehicle and 32 tons for a 4-axle vehicle. The weight of a 3-axle road train must not exceed 28 tons, a 4-axle road train 36 tons and a 5-axle road train 40 tons.

The maximum axle load at a distance of more than 2 meters between nearest axles should not exceed 10 tons per axle, at a distance from 1.65 to 2 meters inclusive 9 tons, at a distance from 1.35 to 1.65 m inclusive. maximum axle load should not exceed 8 tons, with a distance from 100 to 135 cm, the maximum axle load should not exceed 7 tons, and with a distance between nearest axles, the maximum axle load on 1 axle should not exceed 6 tons.

All vehicles that do not fit into these restrictions are oversized and require special permits to be driven on public roads. For driving a vehicle exceeding these dimensions, the driver is fined or the driving license is confiscated in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The main problem is drivers' lack of understanding of these standards. So let's break it down into questions and answers.

B: car width 2.55 + mirrors. Is it oversized?
A: no, this is the size.

Q: Is it acceptable to overhang the load by 0.4 m on each side and 2 meters at the rear?
A: yes, but the width of the loaded vehicle cannot be more than 2.55 m, and the length of the road train cannot be more than 20 meters.

Q: What does the phrase “pierced along the axes” mean?
A: For example, a 3-axle truck drives onto the scale. The total weight is less than 25 tons, the distance between the rear axles is 135 cm, but the load on the rear bogie is 20 tons, i.e. not 8 tons per axle, but 10. This is not much better than that, if the truck weighed more than 25 tons.

Q: I was carrying tires (tires are taken as an example), on the road they fell apart, the awning was opened and my license was taken away. IDPS right?
A: Yes, IDPS is right because the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded, but there is no permit. The driver is responsible for exceeding the dimensions.

Q: Will the walls of the refrigerator, which according to documents have a width of 2.6 m, be “inflated” even without cargo, be taken away?
A: yes, they will take it.

Q: The height of the vehicle on raised cushions (meaning axle cushions, similar to springs) in the transport position is 402 cm, will your license be taken away?
A: yes, the rights will be taken away. If in the transport position the vehicle exceeds the size, then this is your problem; the IDPS does not care about them. Try to bleed the air during stops or look for legal grounds that the measurement of your vehicle was not carried out in accordance with GOST.

Q: According to the documents, the cargo is 20 tons, it fits within the clearance, on the scales it turned out that there are 25 tons, who is to blame.
A: the shipper is to blame, he will pay for the entire “representation”, but, often, it is not always possible to immediately prove this, so legal delays are possible.

As you can see, the working conditions are quite tough and the driver almost always has a good chance of being left without documents, but you should not be afraid of this and give money, since giving a bribe is a serious offense, and your guilt has yet to be proven in court. According to the stories of those who transport oversized cargo, there are years when they drive for 8-10 months a year not with a license, but with a temporary permit. The main thing is to know the laws, and not at the “heard somewhere” level, but the literal wording and, if possible, carry a collection of laws with you.

Since a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation, its scope of use is not limited to trips to and from work, or country walks with the whole family. Even the smallest compact hatchback can be used to transport a wide variety of useful items. Which, in fact, is what many people do.

However, drivers often break the rules:

  • they overload their cars - by doing this they only make it worse for themselves;
  • luggage is placed incorrectly;
  • they try to transport objects that exceed the size of the car, and so on.

The Code of Administrative Offenses is not too strict with such violators, since the fine is very small - 500 rubles (12.21 part 1). There are also more significant ones, but they apply to truck drivers, and we talked about these fines on the pages of our automobile portal website.

How to avoid fines? Let’s try to figure it out in this article about how to properly transport cargo in a passenger car.

SDA - transportation of goods

This topic is dedicated to the 23rd traffic rules section Russian Federation, articles 23.1-23.5.

First of all, we read that overload should not be allowed. If the maximum permissible weight is, for example, one and a half tons, then it cannot be exceeded, since this will not only lead to damage to the vehicle suspension or to increased consumption fuel, but also to a deterioration in driving characteristics:

  • management will become more complicated;
  • a shift in the center of gravity, the car may tip over if the driver does not adhere to the speed limit;
  • increasing the stopping distance.

In paragraph 23.2 we read: the owner of the car is obliged to make sure that the load is well secured before starting the trip. Indeed, at speed, luggage placed on the roof is strongly influenced by the headwind and can move or even fall onto the asphalt, thus creating emergency situation and obstacles for other drivers.

Important information is contained in paragraph 23.3: the load is secured so that it:

  • did not block the view;
  • did not complicate the management process;
  • did not negatively affect the stability of the car on the highway;
  • did not pollute the environment, did not generate dust and did not leave marks on the coating.

There is also another important requirement here - lighting devices and registration plates must not be covered. If this cannot be avoided, then the luggage is placed in such a way that it does not interfere with the correct perception of hand signals by other drivers.

Accordingly, if it is not possible to properly place the luggage, you need to either stop and take measures to eliminate this problem, or completely abandon further movement.

Requirements for the dimensions of transported cargo

Often drivers passenger cars have to be transported different kinds products that exceed the dimensions of the vehicle. We can talk about anything: pipes, reinforcement bars, lining, long spare parts for agricultural equipment (knives for combines, reaching 5-6 meters).

What to do in this case?

We find the answer in the traffic rules:

If an object protrudes beyond the dimensions of the vehicle by more than one meter in front or behind, or by more than 0.4 meters on the sides, then it must be marked with a special sign - “Large cargo”. If you don’t have such a sign with you, then just tie a piece of red cloth. At night, reflectors and white reflective lights are hung in front, and red ones in the back.

The height of such a loaded vehicle should not be more than 4 meters from the road surface. It would seem that something so big can be placed on the roof of your Lada or Opel? But those people who have ever transported polystyrene foam will agree that it can be folded quite greater height, though you will have to drive very, very slowly.

Thus, if you do not want to fall under the provisions of Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code. Part 1 and pay a fine of 500 rubles, then adhere to these rules. As a last resort, you can always call a cargo taxi - many people do it this way.

How much can the load stick out from the trailer? Which permissible norm? oversized cargo

  1. 1 m behind.
    on the sides 0.4
  2. Up to 2m 55cm (2m 60cm - for refrigerators and isotherms) - width (but not more than 40cm from any edge of the vehicle to the edge of the cargo), 4m 00cm - height from road surface to the highest point of the vehicle (vehicle) or the transported cargo located on the vehicle, 20m 00cm - the total length "clean" (vehicle + cargo + trailer = from the beginning of the vehicle to the protruding part of the cargo or trailer), but no more than 2 m of protrusion of the cargo beyond limits of the vehicle - THIS IS A DIMENSIONAL TRANSPORTATION. Exceeding the limits of any of the indicators is OVERSIZE TRANSPORTATION.
  3. rear max 2m, side 40cm
  4. A load protruding beyond the front and rear dimensions of the vehicle by more than 1 m or from the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the “Large Load” identification signs. When transporting large cargo in dark time days and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, the pile must be marked in front with a white flashlight or reflector, and at the rear with a red flashlight or reflector.

    Transportation of oversized cargo and movement of a vehicle, the overall parameters of which, with or without cargo, exceed 2.55 m in width (2.6 m for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), in height 4 m from the roadway surface, in length (including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's overall dimensions by more than 2 m is carried out in accordance with special rules.

    In practice, the protrusion of the load to the side is measured from the side lights, the protrusion to the rear - FROM THE EXTREME POINT OF THE BODY (trailer). If the back is more than 1 meter, but less than 2, then you need to mark the load, and not with a red rag, but with a sign or a lantern. If the protrusion is less than 1 meter, you don’t have to do this. If the protrusion is more than 2 meters, then you cannot drive without special permission.

    Transportation of large and heavy cargo without special permission and a special pass if obtaining such a pass is mandatory, as well as with a deviation from the route specified in the special permit

    fine: per driver from 2000 to 2500 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months. , for officials from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. , on legal entities from 400,000 to 500,000 rub. / confiscation of a driver’s license, since July 1, 2008, detention of a vehicle

    Transportation of large-sized cargo exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 10 centimeters

    fine: per driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 2 to 4 months. , for officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. , for legal entities from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles. / confiscation of a driver’s license, from July 1, 2008, detention of a vehicle

    Transportation of heavy cargo exceeding the permitted maximum weight or axle load specified in a special permit by more than 15 percent

    fine: per driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles. , for officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. , for legal entities from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles.

    Violation of the rules for the transportation of large and heavy cargo, except for the cases provided for in parts 1 to 3 of this article

    fine: per driver from 1000 to 1500 rubles. , for officials from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. , for legal entities from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles.

    Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation

    But I transported such an oversized cargo from St. Petersburg to the Sea of ​​Azov for 2300 km - no problems arose at all. Trailer - 5.3 meters. The boat is 6.2 meters. The protrusion is 0.9 meters - you didn’t even need a sign.

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