What color is called terracotta? Decoration of various functional premises

Which exist in nature. But besides them, there are a wide variety of tones and shades hiding in the main spectrum. Terracotta is a color that is one of those. It's light Brown color, but certainly with

Combination with flowers

In many dictionaries you can find a definition as a shade of brown, sometimes it is called the color of earth or the color of baked clay. It can be found in the red spectrum, although it is much closer to brown. Terracotta is a rich color; it goes perfectly with white and all shades of white. Looks great with “sweet” flowers. These are such as the color "café au lait", the color butter etc. To combine with other colors you need to work carefully and study them for compatibility:

  • fruity shades give it tenderness;
  • summer colors usually suppress terracotta, so there should be as few of them as possible;
  • combination with swamp is a problematic option; in modern times they try to avoid it, but in strict old style it was actively used;
  • deep colors will create a dramatic look, the main thing is not to overdo it so that there is no conflict between them.

Color meaning

Terracotta is a color symbolizing stability and confidence. As we already said, this is the color of the earth. Accordingly, it is preferred by people who stand firmly on their feet. When you look at him, the feeling of security increases, the feeling that you are completely safe. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to use decorations of this color at the entrance to the room. But don't go overboard using terracotta. This color, presented in excess, leads to a state of despondency and discomfort. It will be very useful for an office, hallway and maybe a dining room. But for the bedroom or living room it is better to choose cheerful colors.

Terracotta in clothes

Having studied the varieties of this peculiar color, you involuntarily think about what trends in clothing you can use the color of terracotta (the photo is in front of you, you can dream up your own ideas on this topic). What color partner is suitable for it, and is there one at all for such a capricious shade? If you still dare to use terracotta in clothes, the color is quite capricious, then you must remember that it is more suitable for brunettes. Even one detail will be enough for them to decorate. But redheads will merge with this color, and it will have to be diluted with something. It is ideal to combine this rich color with white, as already mentioned above. Similar colors in the gamut need to be selected very carefully. But when it comes to terracotta and burgundy, then there is no need to be afraid. The outfit will turn out stylish, noble, spectacular. There can be many combinations, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. And then everything will work out.

Terracotta hair color

This muted red hair shade suits those with both pale and dark skin tones. Looks fresh and natural. There is an opinion that you can guess a person’s character by the color of their hair. So, people with terracotta hair color are expressive, they go ahead, despite the danger, they are fickle and impatient. At the same time, these are very warm people who can give care and real passion. They can make good leaders. Today, red shades are one of the most popular.

Terracotta color in the interior is a balance of colors dictated by nature itself. Excessively light colors make the room feel more spacious, but it is easy to get lost in them and difficult to feel comfortable. Bright colors They give us energy, but sometimes we need rest and comfort. Using a variety of terracotta colors you can achieve a calm and welcoming home design.

What color is this - terracotta?

Terracotta color, born from the union of red and brown, is warm and cozy. At the same time, it has amazing depth. You rarely see it in wall decoration, and that’s good - your design will be special. N in fact, terracotta is the name of the shade of unfired clay brick; in fact, it is a brick range.

This deep color without claiming primacy, but this is where its original beauty lies. Brick interior goes well with folk-style items - from African to Japanese motifs. It is recommended to use maximum natural materials and a minimal amount of gloss. This applies to textiles, furniture, wall and floor decoration, where it is best to choose a matte surface.

Terracotta color in the interior is not at all limited to one shade, as some people think. Combination with other colors gives rise to a rich palette - terracotta with varying concentrations of red and brown, as well as pink-scarlet and orange.

Pink is a little cold, orange is too bright, but they harmoniously complement the brick color scheme. When you come to a house decorated in such shades, you will feel comfortable - it seems to embrace you with its warmth and depth.

What colors are best to combine with?

Terracotta color is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It doesn’t go well with bright artificial flowers, which make it look boring and also look ridiculous. You shouldn’t make such an interior more original by adding bright purple pillows or a neon light green lamp. But calm shades of green, purple and blue will be quite appropriate.

Taken from the earth, because “terra” is translated from Latin as “earth”, with natural shades. You can safely use the whole gamut of red-brown - from coffee with milk to real red.

Dilute the thick brick color of the room with white accessories or finishing elements - it will immediately become lighter.

It is very beautiful to combine terracotta with a light range of “delicious” shades - milk, creme brulee or coffee with milk. A bold and bright duet can be achieved with - stylish solution in an oriental spirit. Also remember that dark, thick terracotta colors need to be lightened - white ceiling or finishing doorways. The delicate and warm terracotta color of the walls goes perfectly with the neat snow-white friezes.

Terracotta color in the interior of the house

Which room is best decorated in brick color? IN individual elements it can be used for any room, but perfect place for such a palette - living room or bedroom.

Living room

If you choose a terracotta color for your living room, then when guests come to your home, they will immediately feel your calm and cheerful nature. Such a person does not want to express himself through flashy bright colors - he is already confident enough in himself, but without exaltation.

But from psychology to design - brick tones in the living room interior need to be distributed correctly and harmoniously. To do this, you need to decide which shade is suitable for walls, furniture, textiles and accessories.

Use a simple rule:

  • use light shades to decorate the walls;
  • for floors, furniture and other design elements - more saturated.

For example, soft sofa in textile upholstery in a rich brick-scarlet color scheme it will look luxurious, but for walls this will be a mistake - in the mass this color will look like bloody. It is best to decorate the walls in the lightest and most delicate shades of terracotta.

Delicate blue or turquoise accents will add a touch of ease and romance.

Wooden furniture always goes well with brick finishing. Dark wood and painted White color the most successful options.

And of course accessories for the living room:

  • clay vases;
  • natural carpets and skins;
  • paintings in bright yellow-red and terracotta colors;
  • textiles in natural shades.

A natural game will be played to the end if you use natural materials: linen, cotton and wood. Luxurious linen curtains and cushioned furniture in natural upholstery are very relevant in similar colors - it balances the design. The same principles as for the living room can be successfully used for the kitchen - a cozy and pleasant atmosphere is guaranteed.


The relaxing, harmonious terracotta color is well suited for the bedroom. The main difference between the design of a bedroom and a living room is the contrast of colors. The bedroom should be much lighter; for this reason, rich shades of color are best used for upholstery, pillows, curtains and small design elements. As the main one, choose the palest range in the terracotta palette - these are colors close to cream.

To strengthen and emphasize the chosen direction, use the following techniques:

  • furniture with textile upholstery and wooden elements deep dark color;
  • dark wooden accessories - cornice, picture frame, etc.

The combination of terracotta and gray looks incredibly beautiful and even intriguing - use a gray bedspread or curtains. Light furniture from pure white to ivory great choice for the bedroom in terracotta colors. It will bring a light and relaxed atmosphere to the solidity of the brick palette.


The traditional terracotta color in the bathroom interior is a little boring, unless you are an incorrigible conservative. And here bright options This palette with the addition of orange and pink-scarlet colors can create an interesting designer bathroom. But these colors are quite bright, and the shine of the tile will only enhance them. Use this color scheme for walls in doses to create a comfortable room.

Terracotta-scarlet colors are an excellent choice for creative people - it could be a bathroom in this color or even ceramic tile. Sometimes you can see terracotta-carrot shades in bathroom decoration, but in combination with gloss this color is overly intrusive.

Taste this mysterious and deep terracotta color in your home decor. As a result, you will have a warm, sunny and cozy home– this is a blissful atmosphere for a family nest. In addition, this palette never gets boring or boring, since it is natural for our eyes.

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Terracotta is considered natural color. Psychologists note that the saturation of this shade does not have an irritating effect. On the contrary, in terracotta-colored clothes you will feel comfortable, cozy and protected. Also, the shade of “baked earth”, as the phrase terra cotta is literally translated from Italian, brings balance nervous system and helps you to fully relax.

Terracotta color is at the junction of two shades: brick and brown. From the first, terracotta took brightness and light redness, from the second, dark and neutral tones that have a calming effect.

Previously, terracotta color was an infrequent guest in designer collections, because... was considered exclusively “homey” and relaxing. However, recently many world-class fashion houses have paid attention to it. Terracotta sets are found in Carolina Herrera, Alberta Ferretti, Burberry, RoccoBarocco, etc. In order for things in a pleasant shade to look impressive, you need to follow several rules of compatibility.

First, give up the idea of ​​creating a monochrome terracotta ensemble. This color must be maintained either contrasting or similar in sound. For example, pale apricot, light beige, creamy, brown will look good with terracotta.

Secondly, having chosen a terracotta-colored dress/skirt, choose your tights responsibly. The best option There will be light shades, almost invisible on the legs. Resolutely avoid chocolate, dark brown or black options.

Black tights are suitable exclusively for terracotta mini-dresses with a knitted texture. Bottom color in this case must be supported with identical accessories: scarf, beads, bracelets, handbag, etc.

Thirdly, stylists categorically do not recommend combining terracotta and pink, lilac, purple or violet in one ensemble. A set containing these shades will look chaotic and overloaded. He will also exert pressure on his “master” Negative influence.

Terracotta goes well with almost all other colors. This shade will look especially impressive in tandem with turquoise, sea green, indigo and dark blue. Moreover, these colors can be distributed differently in the set. For example, turquoise (or another shade) can be used exclusively in accessories, or you can match a blouse of this color to a terracotta skirt.

A combination of terracotta color with other natural colors will look very natural and attractive. For example, with olive, muted green, brown, beige, etc. From bright colors good company terracotta will be orange, yellow, sapphire, emerald.

It is worth noting the excellent compatibility of terracotta with classic flowers: black and white. The first option will look elegant and discreet. The black and terracotta set is especially suitable for a business or evening look. Moreover warm shade better to use in small quantities: in complementary items (blouse, T-shirt, shoes, etc.) or accessories.

The combination of terracotta and white is recognized today new classics. These colors perfectly complement each other, allowing you to create elegant and spectacular images. For example, a terracotta cardigan will go perfectly with white jeans and a T-shirt. A light jacket can be safely worn with a dress or a set of trousers and a blouse in a warm shade.

Terracotta color in the interior - what is this hot mixture? Orange, red or brown? In fact, this is the name given to the shade of unfired clay, which we are used to seeing only after firing - from dark to creamy. For modern Russian interiors, this is, to some extent, an unusual solution - but it’s worth discovering its charm and letting new colors into your life.

  • Terracotta + berry shades
  • Terracotta + orange + beige
  • Terracotta + amber + brown shades
  • Terracotta + beige + smoky
  • Terracotta + creamy + linen + coral

  • Terracotta color and textured surfaces
  • Terracotta + vanilla

  • Terracotta + gold
  • Terracotta + coffee with milk

  • Terracotta + copper
  • Terracotta + wenge + beige

  • Terracotta + white
  • Terracotta + light green shades

“What do psychologists say?”

Terracotta color is suitable for people who cannot imagine their life without vivid emotions and impressions, who are gambling and passionate, who adore adventure. Let's break it down into its tonal components! The red hue is considered aggressive and ardent, but becoming clayey, it calms down a little. If the scarlet color can be compared to the beauty of a young girl, then terracotta is a mature femininity. From orange he got energy, unabashed joy, and the ability to cheer up with just his appearance. And from brown there is a certain balance, dimension, depth.

With all this, terracotta - natural color, associated with nature, rocky mountains, sunsets. For those who cannot afford frequent rest, this shade can become a kind of pill from a routine lifestyle. There are so many emotions hidden in it that you can comprehend this color for a long time. But don't forget one simple thing– loving a color and feeling comfortable in its environment are completely different things.

“How to fit it into the interior?”

It’s not so easy to choose a spectacular pair for terracotta. Any bright, neon, artificial shades will push it into the background, and they themselves will lose. Can you imagine it surrounded by shiny purple or naive light green? Most the right decision will combine it with natural, eco-friendly colors, pastels, fruit and confectionery. And of course, all shades of red, red and yellow will happily play their part in this work.

"Living room"

We present to your attention five interesting design projects, where terracotta is combined with the most attractive colors: “run, amber, sea buckthorn, lemon, cream and coral.”

“Terracotta + berry shades”

  • Of course, the terracotta color in the interior won the love of fans ethnic styles. Their classic color palette is terracotta, orange, burgundy, copper and brown. But different national characteristics add unique colors. This photo shows the living room in oriental style, in which terracotta is complemented by berry tones - cherry, raspberry, sea buckthorn, and golden peach looks very gentle next to it.

"Terracotta + orange + beige"

  • In terms of lighting, our main color is insatiable - it always wants to appear even lighter, hotter, more vibrant. Fluorescent lamps are not suitable - they give only a slight deviation from white, either yellow or blue. And we need a bright lemon color, with a transition to orange. Lampshades that will fit perfectly into the African interior can help us with this.

“Terracotta + amber + brown shades”

  • The next living room radiates light - the walls and ceiling are finished in terracotta and amber. presented in three versions - oak, chocolate and granite. As we can see, the rule of naturalness is fulfilled, due to which this patchwork quilt from different colors looks absolutely organic. The designers did not forget about the color of young foliage, which is linked with all the others.

"Terracotta + beige + smoky"

  • Blue is difficult to combine with terracotta in the interior; Persian blue or bright azure for some reason do not get along well with clay tones. Bright blue contrasts too much with them, giving rise to a restless combination. But we found it for you good example, where the elements of air and earth still managed to merge together. This living room embodies the principle of complete balance - heavy walls, curtains and cornices are diluted with smoky furniture, pillows and carpet.

“Terracotta + creamy + linen + coral”

  • Terracotta color in details will suit for a romantic and sublime interior, a kingdom of flowing bedspreads, lush frills, elegant comfortable furniture. Especially if it is made in such a color scheme as in the photo below - the color of butter, coral and linseed. Terracotta here has moved from brown to red, but it is precisely this borderline state that makes it so original.


Do not think that terracotta color in the interior can only be as thick as oil paints. Pastel shades are a little harder to find, but worth a try - they're an amazing mix of brown, pinkish and pink that look just as soft as sand or apricot.

  • Interior next bedroom solved in exactly this way, which is probably also dictated by the low degree of illumination of the space. Where natural clay would already look brown spot, its light shade looks quite cozy and fresh.

  • Terracotta has no cold shades; it always remains warm - which makes it the preferred choice for those who want to warm up their apartment in all available ways. But this imposes certain restrictions - terracotta color practically does not combine with cool tones. Therefore, from white wallpaper and bed linen It’s better to refuse - in favor of the color of baked milk or powdery.

"Terracotta color and textured surfaces"

  • Like any natural tone, terracotta in the interior prefers rough, soft, fluffy, convex - but not glossy textures. Wallpaper should not have any shiny elements, pillows should be made of dense, but not silk, fabric. When painting walls, try to follow the traditional technique, with characteristic stains. But use terracotta-colored curtains with caution; they can paint the room an alarming reddish tone.

"Terracotta + vanilla"

  • In order to fit into classic interior bright accent, sometimes you have to try. What to do if your soul craves red, but you are afraid of slipping into simplicity and vulgarity? Designers advise resorting to more complex shades that are more symbolic and interesting. Terracotta may well replace red, as in the bedroom in the photo below. It set off the brown and vanilla well, and the interior remained just as emphatically elegant.


Terracotta color in the kitchen interior is a wonderful choice. Think about the numerous cozy restaurants, which are often decorated in a simple and cozy style. The clay color in them is used to make us feel as confident, cheerful and calm as possible. Terracotta drives away unnecessary thoughts and helps you focus on the taste of food. And, in addition, it tones up - which will be appreciated by people who are always rushing to work and housewives with a bunch of culinary ideas that they don’t have enough time to implement.

"Terracotta + golden"

  • Look how solemn and bright a kitchen decorated in golden terracotta tones can look. The designers decided to move away from the template design and painted only small countertops and kitchen sink. Taking a closer look, we see color support on the windowsill, many red-orange checkered pillows. The kitchen is full of air and movement - thanks to the brass ornamentation on the wallpaper and unusual lamps with mosaic lampshades.

“Terracotta + coffee with milk”

  • Traditional Italian style advocates clay shades everywhere - on walls, furniture, floors, dishes and even household appliances. Please note that this option should only be used if your kitchen is as large as that of the residents of this country. In apartments standard layout will create a dark rabbit hole effect. To prevent this from happening, remember about it - it will create a strong contrast and at the same time smooth out the oppressive impression.


But we won’t argue whether to use terracotta color in the bathroom interior - this is a typical solution for bathrooms in classic style, whose owners are tired of the faceless gray. What shades should you pay attention to? Those that look good even without backlighting, that is, those that have a pink or orange component.

"Terracotta + copper"

  • The desire for naturalness should not make you an ascetic. You can easily afford non-standard color solutions- as in the next photo. The bathtub is polished to a shine and has a rich copper shimmer; the terracotta tiles on the floor echo it in unison. All other details can already be anything, the impression made does not allow you to pay attention to anything else.

“Terracotta + wenge + beige”

  • In this bathroom, the terracotta shade is very close to orange, but to establish it in the right "earthy" position, a chest of drawers has been added . Perhaps, without it, the room would look quite ordinary, since beige tiles are not able to properly shade the clay tones.


Let's remember the advice of psychologists and show due prudence by using only light terracotta shades for the interior of the nursery. They are very similar to peach, but look even more calm due to the presence of a brown note. Let us note right away that the combination is non-trivial, and you will have to focus only on your own taste.

"Terracotta + white"

  • The decoration of this room is made in the style of an “adult” living room - strict lines, white panels, a large arch. This is practical given that the interior will not have to be redrawn when the child grows up. Nowadays, a fairy-tale feeling can be created with the help of thin canopies over the beds, this is the case when a mixture with white looks easy and appropriate.

“Terracotta + light green shades”

  • Or you can try adding terracotta color in very small portions to highlight the existing natural color scheme. It is known that all green tones need earthy or woody support - terracotta is ready to fulfill this role with brilliance. In the next photo you can see its dirty orange hue, and repeat this combination at home.

Well, we hope that terracotta colors in the interior have ceased to be terra incognita, an uncharted land for you, and you will begin to use them with more courage. After all, there is nothing more interesting than discovering something new – especially in the design of your personal space.

Color solution home decoration directly affects emotional condition residents. Therefore, the importance of choosing colors when decorating your home cannot be underestimated.

In this article we will talk about creating a harmonious and comfortable interior using terracotta shades.

Here you will find answers to the following questions:

  • what meaning does this color carry?
  • how to organically fit it into your interior;
  • what does terracotta go best with?
  • in what styles it would be appropriate to use it;
  • what are the nuances when registering? various rooms in this color scheme.

Color influence

Terracotta color refers to warm, rich tones. It is most often chosen subconsciously strong people who keep their finger on the pulse of life and at the same time value family comfort.

Its sensual depth and natural strength achieved through a combination of three tones:

  • red, which embodies passion;
  • orange, with its cheerfulness and optimism;
  • brown, bringing with it confidence and measured calm.

The terracotta palette creates a feeling of joy and warmth. This is a natural shade that contains the charm of early autumn time, the riot of colors of sunsets and the beauty of rock formations on sea ​​coast.

The interior, in which this color scheme predominates, helps to relax and unwind from the daily hustle and bustle and gives a feeling of calm.

Combination with other colors

Many designers call this color universal. It refers to natural shades and accordingly it is easy to combine with other natural tones. But you should be very careful with artificial, unnaturally bright and acidic shades - it’s better not to experiment with them.

It goes well with the delicate pastel colors of cold and warm colors. Classic a win-win option is a combination with .

It brings a feeling of freshness to the room, diluting the sunny terracotta with its serenity, and visually expands the space. Also good combination will work with milky and light ones beige tones.

Terracotta color looks good with various shades of red and brown. With this combination you can create a very cozy and harmonious interior.

A very beautiful and rich effect is obtained when combined with green.

To especially unusual combinations This includes combining terracotta shades with blue, gray and even tone.


To create a beautiful and harmonious interior, it is not enough to just choose color palette, it is also important to subtly and tastefully place accents and select good combination tones in correct proportions.

To do this, you can use the advice of experts:

    1. If the goal is to refresh a boring interior and add bright colors, then your choice should be a rich terracotta shade. With its help, you can easily create accents, refreshing a boring environment. For this you can use various elements decor, soft pillows, furniture, etc.

    1. More muted shades of terracotta can be used as the main color in the interior.

  1. If terracotta is dominant, it is better to select furniture and decor from natural materials, without artificial shine.

In what styles is it appropriate to use terracotta shades?

Various shades this color scheme is often used in antique and classic design. Rare ethnic interior can do without a terracotta palette. Any shade will fit perfectly into a room decorated in boho or avant-garde style and will perfectly complement the interior in style.

Expert advice: No matter what style of interior you prefer, terracotta color can fit perfectly, and if not as a dominant color, then as an additional one, for sure.

Decoration of different rooms

This tone is good enough to be used as a primary or secondary color in a room. It is visually pleasing and not annoying.

Terracotta color will fit perfectly into any room, so you can use it throughout the house or create your own small one. cozy corner for relax.

Living room

Using this color in the main room is common design solution. In a spacious living room, terracotta can be used to decorate the walls, and select furniture light colors or from natural wood.

To add some variety to this interior, you can add curtains and pillows using fabric of a different shade.

For small room It is better to choose wallpaper in a bed color scheme, and use terracotta as the main one when choosing furniture. It will look expressive against a light background, and besides, this color is very practical.


If the size of the hallway allows, then you can use terracotta to decorate the walls or floor. In this case, it is recommended to choose furniture in black or dark brown.

It is better to use light colors for walls and furniture, for example, beige or milky. In this case, terracotta can be used to create bright accents in the form of a rug, paintings or other decorative elements.


The kitchen interior will look great if you use a combination of terracotta palette with beautiful yellow, rich blue or different shades grey.

A beautiful tablecloth, lamps, or elegant curtains will help create a romantic atmosphere. You can use them in the kitchen - they provide excellent protection from the sun.


This color is an excellent choice for the bedroom due to its calming effect. It will help you relax and get ready for sleep.

In decorated in light colors, you can add terracotta curtains and a bedspread on sleeping area.

Where else can you use this color?

It will be an excellent choice for decoration personal account, if you are engaged in creative activities.

Tiles or wall paint in warm colors will help create a pleasant atmosphere in the bathroom to relax after a hard day at work (you can read about design options for a small bathroom).

As some designers say, the use of terracotta shades helps create a cozy, original and stylish interior. It doesn’t matter whether you choose it to decorate your entire home or use it in a separate part of it, in any case it will add a little more beauty, optimism and tranquility to your life.

Look video on the use of terracotta color in the interior:

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