What wallpaper to choose for a small room. How to visually enlarge a room: learning to play with space and colors

White expands, beige warms? No matter how it is! When choosing wallpaper for a small apartment, you don’t need to follow stereotypes. Not every pattern, design or color will look good on the walls of a small room.

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Choosing wallpaper

Smooth or textured? Smooth canvases should be given a firm no. But embossed plain or multi-colored wallpaper will come in handy. On visual perception small spaces Even a barely noticeable texture will have a positive effect. But the more pronounced the relief is on the canvases, the more noticeable the play of light and shadow will appear and the more spacious the rooms will appear.

For small spaces, it is better to choose textured glossy wallpaper. Such surfaces provide a play of light and shadow, visually expanding the space.

In the photo: Wallpaper 38 from Zuber.

Matte or shiny? Matte canvases should be left until moving to a larger apartment. If there is a lack of volume, you need to choose wallpaper with at least a slight shine. Moreover, there will not be much difference in the type of canvas - silk-screen printing, metallized coating.

Small or large pattern? Any! However light wallpaper with an almost invisible pattern, they are suitable for covering all the walls in the apartment. As for canvases with large ornaments, you should act differently. Ornamented colored wallpaper is used only for one wall in any room, thereby visually “pushing it aside”.

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To “pull back” one of the walls in a small room, cover it with darker wallpaper with a large pattern.

Correcting the space: 4 techniques

Geometric pattern It is believed that striped, checkered or ornamented wallpapers with circles, squares, and wavy lines are very tiring. Yes, but provided that the entire room is covered with them. If you use canvases on one or maximum two walls, they will help correct the geometry of the room, making it more spacious or voluminous.

Wallpaper colors. A room facing south needs “cooling”. This means that to decorate it, you should use wallpaper in “cold” tones (blue, light green, gray), which will also visually expand the walls. A room with windows facing north, on the contrary, is shown to be “heated”. He will be provided warm colors wallpaper However, you will have to give up yellow and red paints - because of them, the room will only become smaller. Optimal choice There will be orange, golden, lemon wallpaper.

In the photo: wallpaper Jewels 01 from Sangiorgio factory.

Wallpaper different colors. A “picket fence” of multi-colored wallpaper gives the same effect as striped canvases. In addition, this technique allows you to independently vary the width of the “stripes” and, thereby, avoid tiring monotony. It is enough to cut the fabric of the same tone in half or, conversely, use two cuts at once. The more contrasting the color scheme, the higher the ceilings will appear.

Separation of walls by height. This technique also helps create the illusion of high ceilings. To implement it you will also need wallpaper of different colors. Whether they are plain or patterned is not important. The main thing is that the colors are harmoniously combined and the patterns are proportionate. The lower third or half of the wall is covered with darker canvases, the rest on top - with light ones. The border between dissimilar coatings is emphasized by a border or stucco molding.

Read also:

Photo wallpaper. When used correctly, photo wallpapers can radically transform a room by introducing color and light, moving one of the walls away or “making” an extra window or door in it. To achieve the desired effect, they are taken as a starting point, that is, they are first determined with their location, evaluate possible appearance and only then do they begin to select other finishing materials and “arrange” the furniture.

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Connoisseurs of spaciousness in the interior should carefully consider a fashionable means of visually changing the room - photo wallpaper, expanding the space. Thanks to this technique, you can not only smooth out existing planning flaws, but also create unique interior. When choosing wallpaper for a specific room, you should consider not only its purpose and style, but also possible additional visual effects from the use of this or that image on the walls.

Options for expanding space

Designers have come up with many ways to visually expand the space. If we consider photo wallpaper as a means of expanding space, it is worth considering the following points:

  • The use of horizontal and vertical stripes allows you to expand the room wider or higher. If the ceilings in the apartment are low, you should choose wallpaper with images of trees, tall buildings, ears of wheat, etc. If you want to visually expand the boundaries of a narrow or simply small room, you should focus on a wide surface of water, an image of the sky, mountain peaks in the distance, etc.

Advice! Since photo wallpapers with realistic images are best perceived, it is better to choose them, although reproductions of paintings, various textured panels, etc. are suitable for certain interior styles.

  • Glossy surfaces also have the ability to visually increase the area. Thanks to reflection, the effect of additional space appears, as when using mirrors in the interior.
  • To visually expand the space, you should think about color palette, remember how certain colors are perceived by our eyes. If warm shades make any room more cramped and cozy, then cool shades push the walls apart. Will add airiness and lightness to any room light blue shades. Dark, bright accents should be avoided, as they will only emphasize small area premises.
  • When the wallpaper depicts a certain extension of the room, the room is perceived as larger in size. It doesn’t even matter what kind of continuation it is - long corridor, door, balcony, window or open veranda. It is important that the room acquires wider boundaries.

Advice! Photo wallpapers “view from the window” are especially popular, as they create the effect of presence. more light due to additional “light sources”. Images of open windows have an interesting effect, when there is an opportunity to see beautiful nature, a metropolis in lights, or a seething ocean outside a non-existent window.

Selection of drawing

There are a huge number of design options that can visually enlarge a room. Different themes are suitable for apartments with different purposes and styles:

  • One of the most popular themes for photo wallpaper is nature. Forest, park, field, mountain peaks, sea, animals, flowers - all these objects can be found on the walls of our apartments. When choosing, it is important to know that large details in the foreground (for example, mountains) will make the room cramped and emphasize its small area. Mountain peaks, if the owner dreams of them that way, should be located in the distance in the photo, close to the horizon line.

Advice! When using nature themes, you should be careful with macro photography. If a large single flower, stone or wild cat against a light background of one of the walls can become an interior decoration, then a huge bee or any other insect can scare.

  • Urban images are popular in modern styles– hi-tech, loft. Skyscrapers, city streets, bridges or world-famous landmarks will decorate the walls of any such apartment.
  • IN separate category You can define so-called architectural images, when it is not the entire building that is supposed to be, but a part of it. This could be the wall of an old house, covered with ivy, a staircase leading upward or deeper, the already mentioned images of windows, doors, etc.

Advice! Photo wallpapers of this type are perfectly complemented by real objects when brick wall continues in decorative brickwork, a light curtain is hung next to the window in the picture, the first step of the staircase is designed as a podium, etc.

The expansion of space is ensured by the image in which there is perspective. There are special 3D photo wallpaper, expanding the space, which can contain completely different pictures: if it is a city, then roads or streets will certainly stretch into the distance; if it is a forest, then distant trees are hidden in the fog; if it is a flower plantation, then they converge in orderly rows at one distant point.

Decorating different rooms

Photo wallpaper can be used in almost all rooms. Most often they are chosen for living room decoration to create the right accent in the interior. It is worth remembering that when using photo wallpapers, they should become the brightest “spot” in the interior, so that later there is no competition with a massive red sofa or an antique statue in the center of the room. In this case, we are no longer talking about expanding the space: many bright and large-scale elements do not contribute to maintaining the necessary space. That is why only one of the walls is decorated with photo wallpaper in residential premises.

To slightly expand the boundaries of a bedroom or study, designers resort to using photo wallpapers that are slightly foggy. In this case, the image turns out fuzzy and pale, and therefore attracts less attention. Bright accents are not needed at all in a place of rest and sleep, so you can choose black and white

IN small apartment or in a spacious house there is always a place that you would like to do more with. Be sure to take into account all factors: age and number of family members, their habits, taste preferences. In some cases, removal interior partitions solves the problem of how to visually enlarge a room. But most often this is not best solution. Other effective techniques can be used.

Color range

Colors evoke different sensations, and each of them has its own purpose. You can visually enlarge a room with wallpaper. The main thing is to choose them wisely. Warm shades- yellow, beige, peach - give a unique comfort. This wallpaper is perfect for the living room. Bright rich colors drive away depression, fatigue, and charge you with energy.

It should be remembered that if the question is how to visually enlarge a room, then it is necessary to avoid overly saturated and dark colors- they “take away” space and light. Delicate pastel colors of pink, pale green, light blue They calm and relax, so they will be an excellent option for a bedroom or nursery.

What wallpaper makes a room bigger?

The room will look more spacious if you use plain wallpaper in pastel colors; a small pattern is allowed. Large images in small room inappropriate. Vertical stripes on the wallpaper make the walls look much taller. This is a great solution for small apartments.

In a room with a low ceiling and poor lighting, it is recommended to use design technique: The walls below should be finished in dark tones, and the upper half in light colors. At the junction of the materials there will be a horizontal strip in place. You can also combine wallpaper with any other wall materials.

Professionals know very well how to visually enlarge a room. To do this, you need to cover one of the walls with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, and leave the rest of the surface in a single color. At the same time, the effect of optical illusion is activated, the room is perceived as more spacious.

It should be remembered that a contrasting large pattern “takes up” space and spoils the overall impression. Small drawings also require attention. If it is too miniature and repeated often, it begins to dazzle the eyes.

It is recommended to use wallpaper in details and decorative items, while avoiding voluminous patterns. Multi-colored wallpaper separated by a border will make the room narrower, just like dark ones. By using wallpaper with a large pattern on one wall and a smaller one on the other, you can expand the space. This method of combining textures and colors - good choice for a small cluttered room.

How else to expand the space

How to visually enlarge a small room with furniture if it takes up almost everything free space? Pay special attention to organizing the space. Furniture placed around the perimeter and bright accessories in the corners will expand the room.

IN small rooms should be used multifunctional furniture, which can be folded if necessary. A sofa bed, a variety of tables, and wardrobes are perfect. It is very important that such furniture significantly saves square meters without creating inconvenience for the owners.

A high-tech style would be an excellent option for small spaces. Glass surfaces, chrome and metal allow you to create an airy atmosphere.

The room is not high enough

To the room with low ceilings Wallpaper with a vertical stripe is ideal. They will visually elongate the room, the ceiling will immediately seem higher. Wallpaper with a small ornament is suitable. It is better to choose the lightest shades of the ceiling color; a glossy one will reflect the sun's rays, filling the room with light. In such an apartment you can use it by painting them white.

How to visually enlarge a room: bathroom and toilet

In rooms such as a small bathroom and toilet, it is recommended to use wall panels. They are very easy to care for and are not afraid of moisture, which is important. The ceiling can also be covered with panels or How to visually enlarge a room even more? It is recommended to use glossy panels for the walls in the bathroom and cover the ceiling with mirror panels.

Mirrors in the interior

The mirror effect is one of the most popular design ideas, which reveals itself to its maximum in small spaces. A mirror on the wall always creates the illusion of additional space. It reflects the light and the entire environment, thereby visually making the room more spacious. However, if there are small children in the house, then large mirror no need to hang it. Rectangular room can be visually turned into a square by hanging a mirror on the wall that is longer.

The role of proper lighting and floor finishing

The visual perception of a room depends on the size of the windows. The more natural light, the more spacious the room seems. Small windows should not be covered with dark textiles; blinds, Roman or light air curtains would be appropriate.

If it is possible to make windows without partitions, then you should take advantage of it. Solid glass completely changes the perception of a room.

How to visually enlarge a room when finishing a floor? It is necessary to use a uniform coating or with longitudinal stripes across the width of the room. Various diamonds, squares and other decorations on the floor visually reduce the space. Also not welcome colorful carpet, since the texture of the floor will create a compressive effect. Any other coatings should be chosen without obvious patterns, special attention It is recommended to focus on shiny elements. It’s good if the doors and frames don’t stand out too much, but match the shade of the walls.

Basic ways to increase space

By choosing textiles to match the walls, you can visually expand the room.

A large ornament on the wallpaper significantly narrows the space, while plain wallpaper with a vertical pattern makes the room much taller. To increase the total volume, three walls can be covered plain wallpaper, and make one contrasting.

Don't forget about modern technologies finishing: tension finishes with excellent reflective ability can increase the space of a room. And for those who like bold ideas, we can recommend making a mirrored ceiling, which will significantly expand the boundaries of the room.

Designers advise owners of small-sized apartments to decorate their homes in a minimalist style and get rid of the trinkets placed on the shelves. Various figurines, photographs, vases distract attention and conceal space. Instead of many small paintings, it is better to hang one medium-sized one, and open shelves clear away unnecessary decor. Great idea There will be photo wallpaper on one of the walls. Wallpaper with a perspective image, for example, a horizon, sea, field, mountain peaks or forest path, or a city view, will visually enlarge the room.

What wallpaper is suitable for a small room? We have to analyze the features various materials and select the optimal color solutions, capable of visually correcting the lack of room volume. So let's get started.


To understand what wallpaper to glue in a small room, you should first clearly formulate the requirements for wall covering.

  • Wallpaper must be wear-resistant. Simply because, with a small area, it is quite difficult not to touch the walls with clothes or furniture.
  • Resistance to accidental mechanical damage is also welcome. If an accidental blow from a chair being carried from place to place tears off a section of the covering, we will hardly be happy about it.
  • It is better that the coating is washable. It is quite difficult not to stain the walls over several years of use where they are frequently touched.
  • It is desirable that the service life of the wallpaper be more than a couple of years. IN compact apartment repeated repairs are not too expensive, but they cause a lot of problems with rearranging furniture and other household utensils: while wallpapering, the amount of livable space is reduced simply catastrophically.
  • Finishing should, if possible, visually expand the room.

Practical conclusion: dark colors, dominant in decoration, are prohibited. Our choice - light shades and bright lighting. We will dwell in more detail on the influence of shades on the visual perception of space a little later.

  • However, the price should not be prohibitive. Too exotic solutions will disproportionately inflate the project budget.


So, what kind of wallpaper should you use for a small room? Let's start with the selection of material. Let's evaluate popular solutions in terms of their compliance with our wishes.


Cheap, but extremely impractical. Paper wallpaper retains its appearance no more than three to five years; then - repeated repairs. Wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage tend to zero; wet cleaning of walls is not possible.

Nuance: in case of double paper wallpaper for painting (the so-called duplex), the properties of the coating are largely determined by the type of dye used. By painting the walls with façade acrylic-silicone or rubber paint, you can get a fully washable coating with the ability to quickly and inexpensively repaint it in a different color. However, it is still not difficult to accidentally damage the wallpaper.


Strictly speaking, this is the same paper, but with the addition of a polymer binder. Wear resistance, strength and service life are slightly increased; however, the difference is not so great. Non-woven fabric can only be used on an extremely limited budget.

The photo shows samples of non-woven wallpaper.


It is worth separating wallpaper made from foamed vinyl, which has very moderate wear resistance and gets dirty easily, and dense vinyl. The former are best used where the walls do not come into contact with household utensils and clothing; the latter can be used without restrictions.

Tip: in one room you can combine different types coatings Having finished the wall to a height of one and a half meters with thick vinyl, you can glue inexpensive paper or non-woven wallpaper on top; the border is being formalized decorative border or polyurethane molding.

When gluing dense vinyl wallpaper with your own hands it is worth considering two subtleties:

  1. The vapor permeability of the walls will drop sharply. It is advisable that the room be provided with sufficiently effective ventilation.
  2. Viscous adhesives are used for heavy wallpaper, which are applied both to the wall and to the canvas itself. The instructions are related, as you might guess, to the considerable weight of the strip of wallpaper: when using liquid adhesive, it may fall under its own weight.


Wear resistance, mechanical strength and resistance to detergents maximum. Dirt can be removed even with an acid solution or a stiff brush. Service life reaches 30 years; Walls covered with glass wallpaper can be repainted up to ten times.

The cost of glass wallpaper approximately corresponds to the cost of high-quality vinyl and amounts to 150-200 rubles/m2.


So what kind of wallpaper should you choose for a small room, if you forget about their cost for a moment?

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Thick vinyl.
  3. Foamed vinyl.
  4. Non-woven fabric.
  5. Paper.


What wallpaper expands a room?

Obviously, light colors dark ones are preferable; however, the choice of color design tricks are not limited.

  • Gloss creates the effect of depth due to partial reflection of the space opposite. Smooth glossy ones will visually expand the space to a greater extent than white matte ones.

By the way: this effect will be even more pronounced when using mirror surfaces. Mirrored wardrobe or mirror as an apron small kitchen The walls will be noticeably pushed apart.

Mirrored wardrobe - optimal solution for a small bedroom.

  • Large drawings are prohibited. The smaller the image element on wall covering, the bigger it seems.
  • Vertical stripes and patterns are preferable to horizontal ones.
  • For placement on south side At home, cool shades are preferred; on the north side, with its lack of natural light, warm shades are preferred.
  • Bright artificial lighting, as already mentioned, is welcome. At the same time, a brightly lit ceiling with shaded walls will make the room taller. Spotlights hidden in the ceiling and aimed at the walls will increase its visible area, but will make the ceiling appear lower.
  • A textured surface, due to the volume difference created by unevenness, will again make the room seem more voluminous. Even the simplest texture of glass wallpaper - “matting” - will create, when illuminated tangentially, a treasured play of shadows that deceives the viewer.

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How to choose wallpaper for a small room: 6 golden rules

White expands, a large print steals space, and textured wallpaper is completely unacceptable - forget about these stereotypes. Here are a few really practical advice which will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room and which will add value to your room square meters due to the visual effect.

Rule 1: choose a suitable print

Do you like wallpaper with a large or bright print, but are you afraid that the room will look smaller? shoe box? In vain. The right approach to choosing a large print for wall decoration, on the contrary, allows you to visually expand the room.

Regarding the right approach When choosing a pattern, I can recommend the following:

  • The use of a print that practically merges with the background makes the room airy and spacious;

  • Combination of large print with plain walls allows you not only to visually expand the room, but also to make it more comfortable and homely;

  • The combination of wallpaper with a large pattern with a plain drapery visually elevates the ceiling - take this into account if you have low ceilings;

  • Combining a large print on the walls with a plain drapery makes the windows larger, and at the same time enlarges the oversized room;
  • A similar effect can be achieved by using a set of plain furniture coupled with a large pattern on the walls;

  • Two zones, designed in the same color scheme, make each of the two conventional rooms more spacious and functional;

  • The use of designer wallpaper with a retro print allows you to visually move the sofa away from the wall behind which the dressing room is located;

  • Just as a horizontal pattern stretches a room outward, a vertical pattern stretches a room upward;

The following example shows what better wallpaper do not choose to cover all walls in small room. The striking contrast between the background and the pattern strongly attracts attention, and even red pillows do not save the situation.

In the photo - the bright print on the wallpaper is too intrusive

Rule 2: looking for the right stripe

Are you crazy about stripes, but don't dare use them to decorate the walls in a tiny room? You've probably come across the “wrong” strip. Depending on the desired effect, striped wallpaper can and should be used in small rooms.

How can a vertical stripe help?

If you have low ceilings, I recommend finishing the walls with vertical striped wallpaper. And if the drawing and the background do not differ much in color, you will achieve a double effect, because your room will become more spacious. This great option for those who want to choose wallpaper for a small dark room.

A vertical strip can lighten a room, even if the design is dominated by a rather dark and deep color. Due to gradation various shades the dominant color, the interior softens and becomes more elegant.

This effect can be created with purple, turquoise, burgundy, gray and brown wallpaper.

Where there is clearly a shortage high ceiling, a vertical stripe comes to the rescue. Feel free to use this design indoors.

What can a horizontal stripe do?

If your goal is to visually expand the room, horizontal stripes will help. The thinner the strip, the more noticeable the effect. Wide stripes will practically not change the proportions of the walls. Take a closer look at your home and decide which ones are right for you.

You will need thin horizontal wallpaper if you live in a “Stalin” building or in a house with high ceilings.

Important points about gluing

So, how to hang striped wallpaper so that it works in your favor? The instructions are simple:

  1. It is important to choose a design with maximum accuracy, so I advise you to buy one roll more than you counted by footage;
  2. Before gluing, take care of a perfectly flat surface - putty and then prime the walls;
  3. When the striped canvases lie on smooth walls, only then will the visual effects of the striped wallpaper take effect.

Rule 3: select the texture

Embossed wallpaper, different shades or plain, designed for small spaces. The fact is that the presence of texture, even the most insignificant one, will affect a person’s perception of the room. The more pronounced the relief on the coating, the more noticeably the shadows contrast with the light, and this gives volume.

If you have a question about what kind of wallpaper to hang without first leveling the walls, I definitely recommend textured ones. The presence of relief blurs the original plane and creates a new one, with an uneven, and therefore advantageous in this case, coating.

How much do textured wallpapers cost?

Non-woven fabric has optimal qualities: durability, wear resistance, environmental friendliness. Therefore, the price of such paintings is quite justified.

Rule 4: pay attention to shine

In addition to the relief, the walls in small room need surfaces that can reflect light. Glossy, iridescent, shiny canvases are just what is needed in such situations.

This technique is effective in various manifestations. Canvases with glitter can be used to decorate the entire room, or you can decorate one or two walls, enhancing the accent.

What color canvas should I choose? Colors selected based on the principle of contrast look most advantageous - gold on medium and dark brown, silver on medium and dark gray, gold on turquoise. The golden pattern on a white background looks no less impressive.

How much will canvases with glitter cost?

Wallpaper with glitter is mainly made from textiles. The material looks great and is resistant to sun rays, environmentally friendly.

Rule 5: Accent Wall

One of my favorite techniques that I can recommend to anyone and everyone is an accent wall. Application accent wall can not only decorate your home, but also make it more spacious.

What colors to choose for accents? In general, I advise choosing a color or print that contrasts with the rest of the surfaces in the room.

When the interior contains an unusual ornament or intense color (except yellow and red), I recommend choosing a color similar to this color or print.

As an accent, you can use not the entire wall, but only a part. This could be the headboard, the area near, or any other place that deserves special attention.

The location of the accent wall also depends on the furnishings of the room, the location of openings (windows and doors) and, of course, on your preferences.

Rule 6: Perspective on photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers and photo wallpapers are different. Therefore, when covering a wall with macro photography of a flower, think about how the parameters of your tiny home will visually decrease. But an image that brings light and perspective is ideal for decorating a wall in a small room.

A few words about how to beautifully hang photo wallpaper:

  • Remove the old coating, including any remaining adhesive;
  • Use putty to fill in all the unevenness – for an impeccable result you need a perfectly flat surface;
  • Apply primer to the wall in two layers to ensure reliable adhesion of the two surfaces;
  • Lay the photo wallpaper on the floor, face down, and carefully mark it;
  • Start gluing from a corner or from a window - this will be the starting point;
  • Avoid drafts when gluing.

Following my advice, you can hang photo wallpaper with your own hands. Even if you've never done this before.


So you have learned how to decorate a small living space. And although this article will not add real footage to your apartment, now you know how to create such an appearance. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the material.

October 30, 2016

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