Which plants produce the most oxygen? Top plants for the bedroom that release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide at night What do plants emit during the day and at night.

Recently, the problem of atmospheric pollution with carbon dioxide and methane, leading to the greenhouse effect - an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, has been increasingly demonstrated and discussed. In this regard, I thought about how we can influence the situation on our own now, and decided to find out which plants produce more oxygen than others. I have listed the collected data below, but first I would like to talk about why this problem is really important.

The greatest harm to the atmosphere is caused by the world's current attitude to the electric power industry, namely the massive combustion of hydrocarbons to convert heat into electricity, as a result of which colossal amounts of CO 2 are released into the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, most people, due to insufficient awareness of climate processes, simply do not understand how dangerous an increase in average annual atmospheric temperatures is. The consequences of the phenomenon are truly catastrophic:

  1. The melting of glaciers, which provide a huge supply of solid water, leads to rising sea levels, which in turn leads to the flooding of coastal areas around the world, and entire cities can be destroyed by floods. Already today, some regions are faced with this problem. Cities founded along coastlines before emissions began to surge are now forced to contend with flooding and destruction.
  2. Rising sea levels will also affect important ocean currents. For example, the warm Gulf Stream risks being significantly affected by the melting of ice in Greenland, which will lead to dramatic climate change in the European part of Eurasia.
  3. As the temperature increases, the evaporation and concentration of water vapor also increases, which speeds up the process, starting it in a vicious circle.
  4. Activity increases and the composition of air masses changes, which ultimately manifests itself in an increase in the number of thunderstorms and hurricanes that destroy settlements, infrastructure and forests. If the rise in temperatures does not slow down, the number of dangerous disasters will only increase every year.

Which plants produce more oxygen?

Not many people know the fact that the most effective in terms of processing light energy into chemical bonds with the release of oxygen are not plants at all. and cyanobacteria, also often referred to in the literature as oxyphotobacteria, blue-green algae, cyanoprokaryotes or even cyanea. In the latter case, it is important not to confuse them with jellyfish called by the same name.

According to various scientific data, cyanobacteria perform from 20 to 40% of all photosynthesis on earth.

However, despite their lower efficiency, plants play a huge role as “the lungs of the planet.”

In general, the efficiency of oxygen release can be assessed offhand by the growth rate. The higher it is, the faster the plant releases oxygen. But do not forget that the plant spends part of its energy on root growth, so the growth rate of the visible above-ground part is only an indirect, incomplete indicator.

The most effective is sugar cane. Its oxygen release efficiency under ideal conditions reaches 8%. Under favorable natural conditions, growth is about 7%.

Next in efficiency, with a significant lag behind sugar cane, are high-yield agricultural crops - their photosynthetic efficiency ranges from 1% to 2%.

The rest of the plants that do not produce a harvest close the list with the least short-term effectiveness, but not in importance. Their figures range from 0.01% to 2%, but due to their widespread distribution and independent growth without human care, they make a huge contribution to the conversion of greenhouse CO 2 accumulated in the atmosphere into oxygen necessary for breathing.

A bedroom is a place in the house where you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle and everyday problems. To do this, we buy comfortable furniture, create comfort in the room, but the microclimate is the last thing we think about. Indoor plants that release oxygen at night will purify the air and help you get a good night's sleep.

Our green brothers

Plants, as part of the living nature of the Earth, breathe day and night with different intensities, while absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere. But don’t immediately get upset and take pots of green pets out of the house. In order to find out whether indoor flowers absorb oxygen or still release it, it is enough to remember such concepts as photosynthesis and plant respiration.

Basic knowledge of botany will help you correctly place your green helpers, and enjoy a comfortable stay not only in the living room and kitchen, but also get a good night’s sleep in the bedroom.

Everyone breathes

Plant respiration is a 24-hour process in which all cells of a living organism are involved. At the same time, atmospheric oxygen enters through the leaves and stems, using existing organic substances in a chemical reaction. As a result, carbon dioxide is released, and the resulting moisture remains in the plant. At night, when all stomata and lentils are closed, it uses oxygen accumulated during photosynthesis for respiration.

You also need to eat

The term “photosynthesis” is probably familiar to everyone, but not everyone knows that this is a real miracle, because under the influence of sunlight, the pigment chlorophyll converts inorganic substances entering through the roots into organic ones.

The process of photosynthesis, the opposite of respiration, occurs only during the day, or rather, under the influence of solar quanta and only in green cells. The result of complex chemical reactions is sugar, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, necessary to nourish a living organism. This is when plants release oxygen. So much of the latter is produced that green workers have enough of it for their own use, and they nobly share the excess O 2 and moisture with us people.

Interestingly, plants are green not at all because of the high content of the chlorophyll pigment in them, as many people think. The fact is that plants absorb only red and blue light from the spectrum, and reflect green, which is why we see them in exactly this color.

Plants such as orchids and succulents follow a different daily routine. They use the night to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Nature took care of this, giving it the opportunity to grow in hot and dry places.

Welcome to the bedchamber

For a room where a person spends his time mainly in the dark, plants that produce the most oxygen at night rather than absorb it when a person sleeps are more suitable. After all, if there is a lack of a vital element, headaches and constant fatigue will occur. So what kind of indoor plants will give their owners oxygen and healthy sleep at night? We offer the TOP of the most generous and affordable types.


Sansevieria can be considered the leader in the ranking of plants that produce oxygen. For its long, hard and sharp-tipped leaves, it was popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “pike tail”. In addition, this representative of succulents is capable of releasing large amounts of oxygen day and night. So, it also absorbs harmful volatile compounds that are released by furniture and other household items. We can say that there is no better inhabitant for a bedroom. It is enough to place one flower for each person spending the night in the room.

According to NASA, Sansevieria is one of the ten best “green filters” for air.

Another representative of the genus of succulents, with a long history, used by many as an effective folk medicine. We are, of course, talking about aloe. The juice of this plant is used in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, by placing the plant in the bedroom, you can enrich the air with oxygen at night and remove formaldehyde around the clock. Moreover, aloe is unpretentious in care, which attracts the attention of novice gardeners.


A representative of succulents and a good “specialist” in oxygen synthesis at night is Kalanchoe. It calms, helps get rid of negative mood and depression and also does not require much attention, just more sunlight.

Refined orchids delight their owners with beautiful flowers and decorate the house. But few people know that they also purify the air in a closed space from such a harmful substance as xylene, which is released from many types of paints. And the main advantage can be considered the ability to produce large amounts of oxygen at night, and this with minimal expenditure of attention and effort in care.

Spathiphyllum, also known as “women’s happiness,” is a true home worker. It is ideal for any room during the heating season, because it is able to humidify the air, as well as remove benzene and produce oxygen when a person sleeps. Moreover, the rich green leaves and unusual flowers will decorate the interior of any bedroom.

Beautiful bright “daisies” of indoor gerbera will give any room a spring atmosphere and a great mood. But in return, this sophisticated plant will require a little special treatment, attention and care. Fortunately, all the efforts made will not be in vain, and the gerbera will fully thank its owners with clean air at night and pleasing flowers in the morning.

Indeed, geranium can be called a unique indoor plant. More than one generation of our ancestors treated it with reverence, choosing the best place in the hut and talking to the plant every day. In addition to “producing” oxygen at night, geranium saturates the air with ozone and cleanses it of microbes.

A distinctive feature of this plant is that it is a strong energy donor. Moreover, the miracle flower has a beneficial effect on hormone levels in women, calms the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and saves from insomnia. One could say that geranium should grow in every home, in every room, if not for one “but” - allergy sufferers and asthmatics need to be careful with it, because the essential oils released can harm such people.

Many housewives grow inconspicuous, at first glance, chlorophytum at home, not suspecting that this is a real “factory” for cleaning the room. 4 plants per day can remove up to 90% of formaldehyde over an area of ​​10 sq.m. around you. And, of course, chlorophytum adds oxygen and humidifies the air at night.

Laurel, lavender and rosemary

Laurel, lavender and rosemary may not be champions in oxygen production, but their calming and relaxing properties have a beneficial effect on human sleep. By placing a flowerpot with one of them in the bedroom, you can get rid of migraines, bring blood pressure back to normal, improve and purify the air in the room, relieve nervous tension and significantly improve sleep.

The plants presented above are rather exceptions to the rule. This choice for a bedchamber is due to the ability of a number of plants to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide in the dark.

It’s also not worth oversaturating the bedroom with such nocturnal “hard workers” - there should be moderation in everything.

Entrance to the bedroom is prohibited

For the most part, window “pets” produce oxygen and release excess oxygen during the day, and use their own reserves at night. And if there are not enough of them, then the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere begins. For this reason, experts do not recommend placing plants in the bedroom that have a large leaf surface area, for example:

  • monstera
  • liana
  • ficus
  • aspidistra, etc.

These beauties are more suitable for a living room or office, where they will diligently saturate the air with oxygen during the day. Moreover, there is no place in the bedroom for exotic friends (Aglaonema changeable, American agave, Areca catechu) or with large, strong-smelling flowers (lily, datura).

Before placing a pot with a plant in a room, study its properties well; the oxygen producer must first of all be safe for people and animals.

An incorrectly chosen flower in the bedroom can be dangerous to health and sometimes even to life.

Drawing brief conclusions, we can say that indoor plants, which produce a lot of oxygen, help create a unique and comfortable atmosphere in the apartment. By correctly selecting and arranging flowerpots with different flowers, you can get rid of nervousness, negative energy, headaches, and clear the air of harmful compounds.

A bedroom is a place where a person relaxes after an active day. Everything here should contribute to deep and restful sleep, including indoor flowers. Their choice should be treated with special attention, since some types can cause poor health. Let's figure out what flowers you can keep in the bedroom.

When a person falls asleep, his breathing becomes deep, so the air in the room should be especially clean. In addition to saturating the air with oxygen some plants are able to increase humidity and also have disinfecting properties. These are the best ones to choose. Plants that purify the air are odorless or emit a faint soothing aroma, beautiful, but dim. They have a positive effect on health and emotions.

There should be no poisonous plants and flowers in the bedroom that have a heavy, cloying odor, as they cause headaches and insomnia.

Most indoor species emit carbon dioxide instead of oxygen at night, so where a person sleeps, there should be few of them. It is best to choose plants that do not take away oxygen at night, but give it away.

Usually, little sunlight gets into the recreation room, so you need to choose shade-tolerant plants that do not require special care.

Rules for choosing colors

When choosing indoor plants for the bedroom, you must follow the following rules::

  1. It is necessary to study all the information about the plant, namely releases or absorbs oxygen at night, whether it causes allergies, rules for caring for it.
  2. Exotic, unfamiliar and having a strong odor There should be no flowers in this room.
  3. You need to choose slow growing plants so that their energy does not destroy the calm atmosphere in the bedroom.
  4. Must not be dying, diseased and neglected plants. It is believed that exceptionally beautiful and healthy flowers enhance the positive energy of the home.
  5. According to Feng Shui, there should not be any in the bedroom plants with needles. The owners of the bedroom will be just as prickly and impregnable.
  6. Preference should be given to plants enhancing the feeling of love and mutual understanding. According to Feng Shui, these include flowers that are red in color.

Plants chosen according to these rules will create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom.

The most popular flowers for the bedroom

Here are 10 types of indoor flowers that have a beneficial effect on the human body and are most often chosen for the bedroom:

Removes hazardous chemicals including formaldehyde, destroys harmful electromagnetic radiation, humidifies the air, kills germs and other microorganisms.

You can enhance the cleansing properties of chlorophytum. To do this, you need to add activated carbon to the flower pots.

Produces oxygen regardless of the time of day. Purifies the air from harmful substances entering the room through an open window. is able to humidify the air, neutralizes allergens. It has a positive effect on the human psyche and ensures restful and healthy sleep.

Produces oxygen at night. Removes electricity from the room. Eliminates toxic substances such as formaldehyde. is a medicinal representative. The washed leaves can be applied to the wound. Aloe juice is used for colds and headaches.

At night it releases oxygen and has the ability to calm. helps to get out of depression.

Removes germs and harmful substances. The aroma helps get rid of depression. It will be useful for people of age, as well as for illnesses.

Geranium (pelargonium)

It has disinfecting properties and removes volatile chemicals and carbon monoxide from the air. releases negative ions that have a positive effect on the body. Eliminates headaches, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system. Relieves nervous tension. Helps with insomnia. Repels insects.

Geranium can cause allergies.

Always releases oxygen. Stabilizes blood pressure, improves immunity, relieves headaches, and helps eliminate breathing problems. neutralizes formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene.

Has bactericidal properties. Removes diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli, streptococci and staphylococci. Its aroma has a positive effect on the psyche, relieves fatigue and tension, improves sleep.


Has a pleasant aroma. Reduces anxiety, slows heart rate, promotes restful sleep, especially for babies.


The small white flowers emit a sweet scent that has a relaxing effect. ensures restful sleep.

Plants that should not be kept in the bedroom

Not all indoor flowers are suitable for placement in the bedroom. Among them:

  1. . At night it takes up a lot of oxygen. Sucks energy out of a person.
  2. . At night it releases carbon dioxide. The aroma causes headaches and insomnia.
  3. . It takes away strength and causes insomnia.
Indoor plants are our irreplaceable helpers!

We spend more time indoors, especially in winter. Our premises are filled with furniture made of chipboard, plastic, and synthetic coatings, which release harmful impurities into the air. This is what we breathe. Despite the fact that street air is very far from ideal, the air that we inhale while in our apartment or any other premises is much more dangerous and exceeds street air by 5 times in terms of pollution and 6-10 times in toxicity, and indoors we spend at least 2/3 of the time. There are quite a few sources of home air pollution, including finishing materials, perfumes, household chemicals, furniture, natural gas combustion products, and various household appliances. Poisoning does not occur immediately, but over a fairly long period, it all depends on the level of air pollution in the room. Fatigue and irritability increase, health worsens, sleep is disturbed, and immunity decreases. The risk of various chronic diseases, such as allergies, asthma, runny nose, bronchitis, etc., increases.

What to do? To qualitatively improve the air in the house, it is recommended to ventilate rooms as often as possible, as well as cabinets and various closed kitchen drawers, carry out wet cleaning or use air purifiers, and of course

keep indoor plants, which absorb carbon dioxide and in return fill the air with oxygen. Plants can absorb some of the harmful substances and gases, some of the substances settle on the leaves and enter the leaf tissue (in particular, plants collect dust well)

It is worth decorating your apartment with indoor plants, which will not only create comfort, but also help get rid of odors and improve the health of the environment. As a result of research conducted by NASA (American Aeronautics and Space Administration) scientists, the ability of houseplants to absorb toxins and release pure oxygen into the atmosphere has been proven.

During experiments, scientists discovered that plants purify the air from harmful synthetic impurities. A single indoor plant can improve the health of the air over an area of ​​10 square meters. There are about 50 plants on the list.

The highest ratings were given to Ficus, Dracaena, Chrysanthemum, Ivy (Hedera helix), Chlorophytum and Spathiphyllum.

Only one plant Chlorophytum can reduce the dangerous level of carbon dioxide in indoor air by 96% within a day and clear the air of formaldehyde vapor. In addition, Chlorophytum has a strong bactericidal effect.

Some of the indoor plants neutralize radiation from household appliances.

There is an opinion among programmers that cacti absorb monitor radiation well. But there is no serious justification for this. The cactus is well adapted to transpiration - the evaporation of water. However, due to the fact that the bulk of cacti are leafless, their surface area is too small to effectively humidify the air.

The monitor of a running computer emits a substance harmful to the environment - xylene. Plants that absorb this substance will help you get rid of it. Such plants include dwarf date palm or dracaena.

Dracaena absorbs trichlorethylene vapors well, the sources of which are computers, printers and copying machines.

Air in the house: Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential for human life; it stimulates the functioning of various body systems, the activity of the brain, heart, lungs, etc. The normal concentration of CO2 in the air should not exceed 0.1%. The air in the house oversaturated with carbon dioxide can negatively affect a person’s well-being, even leading to death. We ourselves are the source of carbon dioxide. When we inhale oxygen, it is carried throughout the body through the blood, and as a result of chemical reactions when interacting with food, it turns into carbon dioxide and is released into the atmosphere through the lungs. In unventilated areas, its concentration may exceed the norm, and then you may experience symptoms such as headache, fatigue, difficulty breathing, cough and many others.

Carbon dioxide is also one of the combustion products of natural gas, usually used in everyday life during cooking and in the kitchen, its concentration is higher than in any other places in the living space, so it is very important to make sure that the ventilation system is in good working order

All plants absorb carbon dioxide. Particularly effective

PLANTS - CONDITIONERS, with maximum air purifying capabilities: chlorophytum crested, epipremnum pinnate, asparagus, monstera, spurge, crassula arborescens.

Ivy (Hedera helix) especially noted in the report for its excellent ability to purify indoor air and saturate it with oxygen.

Ficus is an excellent air filter that absorbs exhaust gases. These plants can be placed near windows that overlook a highway or industrial area.

chlorophytum crested, cleans the air of germs by 88 percent in 24 hours! In addition, this plant absorbs many harmful substances, purifying the air better than many air purifiers. It is no coincidence that scientists have proposed chlorophytum to purify the air in spacecraft.

Chlorophytum has been grown indoors for 200 years. This plant has beautiful curved leaves with a white and cream stripe. In spring and summer, first small flowers appear on thin shoots cascading down, and then leaf rosettes appear, which look very impressive in a hanging basket. Chlorophytum grows quickly, rarely gets sick, is unpretentious, but loves sunlight.


improve the air quality in the kitchen: monstera, pelargonium, ferns, saintpaulia

Air in the house: Toxins

Thus, the air in the house can be dangerous due to the concentration of substances such as formaldehyde, radon and benzene.

FORMALDEHYDE is a toxic carcinogen that is released from plastic, fibrous materials, has a very negative effect on the respiratory system, skin, eyes, and reproductive organs; often in residential areas the concentration of formaldehyde exceeds the permissible limit (10 micrograms per cubic meter)


absorb from the air formaldehyde and phenol, released from new furniture, destroy microbes:

aloe vera, chlorophytum, climbing philodendron

Spathiphyllum differs in its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and formaldehyde vapor. It is especially suitable for the bedroom.

Aloe and Gerbera- allow you to neutralize formaldehyde and benzene. Think about them after renovating and buying new furniture.

In addition, Aloe releases substances that disinfect the air. This plant is very unpretentious and has a lot of healing properties. No wonder they call it a home pharmacy

BENZENE Contained primarily in paints and solvents, motorists are especially often exposed to benzene since it is often added to motor fuel. It can cause dizziness, headache, and, at higher doses, nausea; if a person is constantly exposed to this substance, this can cause leukemia and anemia.

PLANTS - FILTERS successfully cope with benzene:

common ivy, dracaenas

Ivy (Hedera helix) and Dracaena (Dracaena) destroy up to 90% of benzene vapors emitted by varnishes, paints and furniture.

Chrysanthemum - an indispensable assistant in the house. It can even cope with ammonia contained in many household chemicals.

Azalea cleans the air of ammonia and toxic substances present in household chemicals. Moths, ants, and bugs are afraid of azalea. At the same time, Azalea is very beautiful and can decorate any room.

In addition, our house plants will humidify dry air, which is also very dangerous for health.

Dry air


In dry air conditions, our eyes strain too much and get tired faster.


The consequence of dry air is the body's susceptibility to colds. Colds and runny noses are spread through airborne droplets or through skin-to-skin contact with someone who is sick. The main function of the skin is to be a barrier to bacteria. If the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are dry (and they lose moisture when exposed to dry air), then the barrier becomes less effective. The likelihood of getting sick after contact with an infection increases significantly if the air humidity is less than optimal.


Dry air weakens the immune system as a whole. Cold, dry air prevents oxygen from entering the circulatory system. Symptoms of insufficient oxygen consumption include exhaustion, poor concentration, fatigue.


Dry air irritates and dries out the mucous membranes of the nose, which causes bleeding.

From the point of view of air humidification and dust removal, almost all indoor plants are suitable. In addition, an interior decorated with indoor plants has a beneficial effect on the psyche and reduces fatigue.

Perfectly moisturize air Cyperus, Chinese rose (Hibiscus roza-sinensis), Schefflera.

Do you have an animal at home that happily greets you at the doorstep or squeaks enthusiastically from its cage?

If not, how do you relieve the stress that all people are exposed to, moving in the frantic rhythm of the modern metropolis? Who helps you stay smiling and friendly after hard work?

Perhaps you have chosen a different path to relaxation: caring for your home flowers? This is also a very good way! Flowers are also alive and will also thank you for your affection and care.

Take, for example, the well-known Sansevieria. Don't know this one? You know, you know! You are familiar with it under the names “mother-in-law’s tongue”, “donkey ears”, “snake skin” or “sharp burdock”!

A completely unpretentious resident of our apartments, it readily grows even among the most irresponsible gardeners and destroyers! Like a faithful dog, Sansevieria will forgive you for your forgetfulness in watering, irregular feeding, *poor* soil composition and lack of good lighting. Such a hardy and unpretentious flower is a real oxygen factory! This small factory will willingly help your body adapt to the various conditions of your residence, increase immunity, protect against colds, and reduce the impact of changes in temperature, humidity, and pressure. Have you laid new linoleum? Urgently place Sansevieria in your house! It will absorb all the toxins released not only by linoleum, but also by other synthetic materials after renovation! Convinced of the need for such a purchase?

Oh, don't you like the sharp leathery arrow-shaped leaves? Let's try to find you another pet option.

Let's consider the good *philistine* ficus - the source of joy and well-being of the Soviet people of the last century! Look, the leaves are large, leathery, but rounded and ovoid in shape. Such leaves are simply obliged to retain a huge amount of toxins (which is what they do), and washing or wiping them is very convenient! Like many *oxygen* plants, ficus has phytoncidal properties, moisturizes the air and abundantly saturates it with oxygen, purifies and refreshes this very air.

For general information, there are no allergic reactions to ficus, which is very important for people who want to have a *pet plant* in the house, but are afraid for their health. The best place for it is in the kitchen or in a room whose windows overlook an industrial area or highway.

Remember one important detail: during the day, ficus, as all green-leaved plants should, releases oxygen, but at night, on the contrary, it absorbs it! A tub of *philistine joy* should not be placed in a bedroom or nursery.

Would you like to add greenery to these particular areas of the apartment?

Then let's look at the bay ball. This bush with evergreen leaves lends itself well to pruning and can take any shape, but, personally, I like the ball better.

So, this laurel air filter will not only heal and saturate the air with the finest ethereal aroma, with the help of the same ethereal aroma it will kill all harmful microbes in your bedroom, will have a beneficial effect on people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, spasms, and at the same time will soothe your baby’s tummy, if the bedroom is not yours, but your child’s.

And if you forgot to buy dried bay leaves in a bag, then you just have to take a few steps towards the bedroom and, wow! – the seasoning is already in your hands!

Oh, is your bedroom not flooded with sun? Yes, you are not suitable for the laurel, alas!

Well, let's try aloe. It doesn’t need as much light as a laurel bush, and it sucks up carbon dioxide no worse than a vacuum cleaner. Plus, aloe relieves *electricity* in relationships and calms the nervous system. You will sleep sweetly.

And a whole first aid kit is always at hand! Aloe juice is a storehouse of healing: helps with headaches and colds, choleretic, wound healing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. As a means to increase appetite, normalize digestion, accelerate recovery processes, in case of tissue damage due to burns and bleeding - it has no equal! Aloe is rightfully one of the most popular plants, it is almost impossible to destroy it, it tolerates any lighting. Get yourself some aloe, you won’t regret it!

So, okay, I agree that plants for the home should be chosen not only for their usefulness and the number of phytoncides, but also for their beauty. Let's take a look at the palm tree?

This is a real lady in a fan hat! In addition, it is very meticulous when cleaning your apartment: it will not only clean and filter the air, but also saturate it with minerals and salts, which will not be superfluous for people with various forms of pulmonary tract diseases. For bronchial asthma, the presence of a palm tree is simply necessary! And how this miracle palm lady knows how to calm you down, you will be satisfied with her!

There are different plants, there are those that remove the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation from the computer and TV (cacti are especially famous for this), there are those that will help increase the humidity in apartments overdried by artificial heaters (violets, cyclamens, ferns, hibiscus, abutilons), there are also those that will help you improve the gas-water exchange in your home (dieffenbachia, anthurium, philodedron), but all of them faithfully serve to benefit humans!

There are also real tricky ones among them, such as ivy. This *crawling catcher* has an imperceptible, but very important rare property: it collects from the air not only carbon dioxide, toxins and formaldehydes, but also heavy metal salts, therefore, it is a real green natural sorbent. A very useful pet, I must say!

Asparagus and rosemary will be no less useful in this regard. The latter, by the way, in addition to being a medicine for sick and weakened lungs, helps strengthen bones and improves skin elasticity.

And *grandmother’s* geranium? Scientifically speaking, pelargonium? It generally releases biologically active substances that kill staphylococci and streptococci. Can you imagine?! Not only does it drive away flies, absorb dampness and fumes, it also disinfects and refreshes the room in which you placed it! No hamster can do this! And geranium – maybe!!!

It can also give you the most beautiful colored balls during its flowering periods, just do not forget to water it generously in warm times. The rest of the care is not complicated: geranium is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

But there is one plant that is generally not subject to any damage, this is chlorophytum. Not only does he not get sick himself, but he can also protect you! An excellent watchman and a very unpretentious resident of your home.

You can see it in every clinic, on the windowsills of schools and kindergartens, in every public reception area and even in a tavern restaurant. This *caretaker* kills all harmful bacteria! And what an indomitable hunger he has for formaldehyde! He is ready to digest this poison in unlimited quantities, he simply loves nitrogen oxides and heavy metals. The dirtier the air, the better!

In these unsanitary conditions, chlorophytum happily and quickly produces its children, who will gratefully accept feeding in the form of tobacco resins and kitchen waste. In the kitchen, the long leaves of young chlorophytes become green, juicy and elastic!

By the way, the love of life of this flower can only be compared with its vitality. It is not for nothing that he is a real champion among house plants for improving the health and cleansing of any premises. Add activated carbon to pots with chlorophyte and the cleansing properties of the flower will increase several times. To purify the air of a room of 25 sq.m. place 6-7 pots with this flower in it and enjoy the freshest oxygen! But don’t forget to give your pets bath days at least once a month, especially if they ozone your kitchen, rid them of droplets of fat and soot.

If you count the number of all plants recommended for living in your apartment to improve the air quality, then ideally it will look like this: chlorophytum, sansevieria, ivy, aloe - 8-10 pcs.; geranium, philodedron – 3-4 pcs.; lemon, masters – 1-2 pcs.; vines, cacti - as much as your heart desires.

We must remember that some plants, such as oleander and dieffenbachia, are poisonous. Keep an eye on children, pets (if you have them) and incoming guests!

Decorate your home! Love your home! Small green islands scattered around your apartment will not only have a beneficial effect on your physical health, but will also have a positive effect on your mental health!

And you will begin to rush home, even if you have no children, no lap dog, no hamster, no kitten, because there, in your green oasis, your flowers are waiting for you. HOME IS WAITING FOR YOU!!!

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