What plants should not be kept at home. Which flowers can be kept at home and which ones cannot be kept and why according to signs

When growing plants, few people are interested in the question of which flowers should not be kept at home. At the same time, there is both scientific evidence of the harmfulness of some flowers, and folk signs and Feng Shui, which many gardeners also take seriously.

What does science say about dangerous plants?

First of all, let's look at the scientific side of the issue. After all, when growing plants, we want them not only to decorate the room, but also to be useful, or at least not cause harm to household members.

It's no secret that houseplants can cause serious harm to their owners. So, some of them are poisonous, others are allergens, and others even combine these two dangers. In addition, some types of plants can negatively affect your well-being. For example, you may experience headaches or fatigue due to the strong aroma of some flowers.

However, do not panic and throw out all the flowers from your windowsill. After all, about 50 indoor plants are on the list of poisonous plants. This is approximately 2% of their total number!

Plants dangerous to children

First of all, all mothers take care of their children. Therefore, first of all, let's talk about those indoor plants that can be harmful to babies. The danger increases due to their excessive mobility and curiosity. They strive to touch or taste the new inhabitants of the house. Therefore, the choice of plants in a house where there are children should be approached especially carefully.

Keep children away from the seemingly innocent and beloved plant lily of the valley because it contains cardiac glycosides. They harm the cardiovascular system, nervous systems e, gastrointestinal tract.

Oddly enough, this would seem useful plant, like celandine, was also included in the list of dangerous plants. This is because it contains milky juice. If it gets on the mucous membranes or even the skin of a child, it can cause redness and burns. Its negative impact does not end there. Celandine contains alkaloids. If they get into gastrointestinal tract, then the child may be poisoned.

In addition, you should get rid of those plants that have bright fruits. For example, aglaonema is especially dangerous. When it self-pollinates, small red berries may appear. Children may want to pick them and taste them. However, they are extremely poisonous and can cause serious harm to health.

Children need to be explained which plants are poisonous and why. In the future, this will only be useful to them, but now it can protect them from poisoning.

Other plants that are absolutely contraindicated for a child’s room include the following:

  • oleander;
  • ehmeya;
  • monstera;
  • Dieffenbachia;
  • alocasia;
  • ficus.
  • cacti;

All of them have negative energy, and some are even poisonous. Others, like ficuses, intensively absorb oxygen at night.

Advice! Considering that it is extremely important for a child to always receive a lot of oxygen for normal development, it is better to avoid ficus in the house.

In addition to the danger for children, you should also think about whether indoor plants benefit them. So, you need to choose those colors that have positive energy, add oxygen to the room, purify the air. This is very important for a child.

Poisonous plants

Poisonous indoor plants are dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, check your window sills for the following types plants:

  • Alocasia. All its parts are extremely poisonous.
  • Azalea(see photo). Its leaves contain toxic substances - glycoside and andromedotoxin. Other parts of the plant are also poisonous. Swallowing them is deadly.
  • Anthurium. The juice of this plant contains strong poison.
  • Clivia. It contains lycorine, which can cause paralysis.
  • Croton. It has a poisonous milky juice.
  • Monstera(photo). Its juice contains strong poison.
  • Oleander(see photo). It also contains poison. The juice of this plant can even cause loss of vision, and the aroma of such beautiful flowers can cause dizziness. It is not for nothing that, according to Greek legend, wives placed this flower near the plates of their unfaithful husbands, hinting that next time it would end up in their soup.
  • Poinsettia. It is dangerous due to its poisonous milky juice. So, if you cut the leaves of a poinsettia, they will highlight white poisonous juice, which can cause burns.

Many of these plants, in addition to being poisonous, are also highly allergenic.

Plants are allergens

It's sad, but enough a large number of indoor plants, often found in many homes, are allergens when flowering.

Allergens, in addition to many of the plants listed above, include pelargonium, fern, cyclamen, rhododendron (aka azalea) and others. What reaction do they cause in humans? For example, juice aglaonemas can severely irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Dieffenbachia is able to decorate any window sill thanks to its exquisite large leaves. However, it can cause tissue swelling if it enters the oral cavity. Why is this beautiful plant poisonous? Dieffenbachia can cause poisoning in a child or pet if they swallow its leaves. In addition, you need to be careful when replanting it or cutting off its leaves. In this case, you may get burned by its juice. Philodendron poses the same danger.

Croton And oleander are also strong allergens, and ficus and does not occupy an honorable third place after them.

The dangers of favorite and common plants

Of course, the greatest danger lies in wild or exotic plants, which hardly anyone would think of growing on their windowsill. At the same time, you need to be careful even with such familiar compact plants, How begonia, orchid, geranium and hydrangea . What is their danger?

Rarely does a window sill now do without beautifully blooming geranium. After all, this beautiful plant is unpretentious and does not need special care. In addition, it has a fairly long flowering period. However, geranium can lead to headaches or even severe asthma.

Other common houseplants are also dangerous. Recently, growing orchids at home has become fashionable. However, they have a relatively strong, pungent odor, which can lead to insomnia or simply worsen your mood, which is also unpleasant.

Such a plant, beloved by many flower growers, is also fraught with danger. azalea. If its leaves enter the body, it can cause convulsions and intestinal colic.

Contains some danger and is beloved by all begonia. This seemingly harmless plant has the property of releasing volatile substances. They fight pathogenic microbes. Of course it is positive attribute plants. However, you need to work with it carefully. This is because begonia contains insoluble salts of oxalic acid. They are capable of causing severe burns, as well as irritation of the oral cavity.

You should also be careful with such beautiful flowers as lilies. At night they intensively absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. So don't be surprised if you wake up with a headache the next morning.

Folk signs

There are many legends about which flowers should not be kept at home. Since the majority of avid flower growers are women, most of the folk wisdom boils down to the fact that due to wrong choice plants, the husband can leave, cheat, drink himself to death, die, etc. Who among us has not heard “horror stories” about ivy? Which under no circumstances should be kept at home, otherwise there is a high probability that your spouse will leave you. This mainly applies to climbing ivy (see photo). Its wax relative is contraindicated unmarried girl. If she dares to grow it, then there is a high probability of remaining an old maid.

Thus, if you believe the signs, then ivy and marriage are completely incompatible things. And these beliefs arose, most likely, because ivy is considered an energy vampire.

If you can still believe in some signs, then there are completely strange beliefs. For example, there is a legend among the people that if you are given a palm tree, it is strictly forbidden to bring it into the house, as this can lead to misfortune. However, with such a gift you can find a way out of the situation. You can simply roll the palm tree into the house on a bicycle.

Trust but check

Despite the paradoxical nature of these folk beliefs, many signs are justified scientific point vision. For example, as described above, it is not recommended to keep a cactus at home due to its danger to children and some other properties. Folk omens also do not trust this prickly plant. It is believed that growing a cactus at home can lead to the husband becoming an alcohol addict.

Paradoxical signs relate to wealth and happiness. Yes, it's worth someone house plant bloom, then expect trouble. And if it never blooms, then you will be poor.

Of course, most of these signs apply to indoor plants. modern people It only makes you smile, but it’s not for nothing that our ancestors were so attentive to the choice of plants. Therefore, of course, you should not blindly believe foreign wisdom. Better check them out scientific facts. And if they do not recommend keeping this or that indoor plant at home, then it is wise to listen to such advice.

If your favorite indoor plants are on the “black list” and you don’t want to throw them away, then read the rules for handling them and work with them only with gloves. But to be completely sure of your safety, it is better to completely refuse to grow such a plant at home. After all, there are many more beautiful plants. And, of course, you should avoid keeping poisonous flowers at home if you have growing children.

Understand the range of indoor flora offered by agricultural companies and flower shops, sometimes it’s even difficult experienced florist. It seems that it might be easier to buy a plant in a pot, bring it home and care for it as required. But it's not that simple. Many of them are potentially dangerous: some contain poison and can cause poisoning, others are considered energy “vampires”, and others should not be kept in an apartment according to folk wisdom.

Poisonous plants

List of poisonous plants grown in residential buildings and offices, quite large. Most often these are representatives of the family Aroidaceae, Cutraaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae, but there are also other species that pose a danger to human health. Among the most popular and attractive appearance poisonous are:

Dangerous indoor plants include:

  • aglaonema;
  • adenium;
  • azalea;
  • Akalifa;
  • Browallia;
  • brunfelsia;
  • hyacinth;
  • hippeastrum;
  • dipladenia;
  • calla;
  • codiaum;
  • oleander;
  • pachypodium;
  • poinsettia;
  • philodendron.

The juice of these crops causes irritation or burns if it comes into contact with the skin, if swallowed - drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, if it gets into the eyes - blurred vision. The aroma of some of them is so strong that it can provoke the development of allergic reactions and even fainting (oleander).

Despite the potential threat to human health, poisonous plants Thousands of flower growers breed and grow in their apartments. The main thing when caring for them is to follow safety precautions:

  • when transplanting and pruning, wear latex gloves;
  • do not use a kitchen knife;
  • wash all instruments thoroughly;
  • do not place in a children's room;
  • Place in places inaccessible to children and pets.

When all requirements are met, the danger of poisonous indoor plants is reduced to zero. If necessary, you need to take action first medical care: induce vomiting and drink Activated carbon or other absorbent, wash the skin with soap and eyes with running water.

Many indoor crops are completely harmless plants, but in some people they can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, headache, insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms. These are lily, hoya, hydrangea, orchid, tuberose, primrose, cyclamen and even geranium, familiar from childhood. It's all about individual hypersensitivity to odors and phytoncides that flowers emit. If such a reaction occurs after a new green friend appears in the house, you will have to get rid of him.

Choosing for own home or apartments and indoor plants, it makes sense to listen to the advice given by Feng Shui. According to this teaching, it does not matter what variety a particular flower belongs to, what is much more important is what state it is in. The basic rules of Chinese space organization practice clearly indicate which flowers cannot be kept at home:

  • dried out;
  • withered;
  • causing antipathy;
  • old, not blooming for a long time and not producing young shoots;
  • patients whose treatment long time does not bring results.

If such specimens are in an apartment, they spread negative energy around themselves, which has a detrimental effect on the health, success and well-being of the residents.

According to the theory of Feng Shui, each plant has feminine or masculine characteristics, that is, flowers can be divided into two groups - Yin (female) and Yang (male). The optimal option would be when a balance is created in the house between the feminine and masculine principles. Organizing this is quite simple: just buy a few Yin flowers (Saintpaulia, begonia, cyclamen, crassula) and add chlorophytum to them, indoor lemon or dracaena, which are considered male plants.

Chinese sages advise when placing indoor flowers adhere to the basic rules:

  • give preference to crops with round leaves;
  • do not place many pots in the bedroom or children's room, especially next to the bed;
  • to attract positive energy into the house, choose plants whose shoots and leaves are directed upward;
  • avoid varieties with sharp leaves and thorns, as they bring quarrels and scandals into the house.

The most dangerous thing for a home from a Feng Shui point of view is bonsai. This bonsai, grown by special technology. Thanks to certain techniques, a seedling of an ordinary tree is artificially stopped in growth, not allowing it to develop normally. The result is a miniature plant that gardeners love so much. But if you keep bonsai in your home, you can say goodbye to your well-being and successful career.

The Chinese practice of harmoniously organizing the surrounding space advises paying attention to the list of plants useful for the home and family:

  • Crassula or money tree - brings prosperity and well-being in material terms;
  • bamboo – absorbs negative energy and gives positive energy;
  • lemon tree – develops independence and increases vitality;
  • ficus – extinguishes aggression, neutralizes flows of negative energy;
  • myrtle tree - helps to revitalize family relationships and harmony between spouses;
  • geranium – improves metabolism, calms the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole;
  • arrowroot – helps to find harmony in professional activities and meaning in life.

It is believed that the flower will bring maximum benefit, if it corresponds to the zodiac sign of the apartment’s inhabitants. Recommended crops are presented in the table:

Zodiac sign Name of indoor flowers
Aries Coleus, indoor pomegranate, chlorophytum, guzmania, begonia, aechmea, red/pink geranium or azalea
Taurus Saintpaulia, Kalanchoe, primrose, cyclamen, begonia, hydrangea
Twins Chlorophytum, asparagus, ivy, fern, tradescantia, cyanotis, variegated palms
Cancer Fuchsia, peperomia, aloe, sedum, kalanchoe, haworthia, echeveria, philodendron, aglaonema, begonia
a lion Calceolaria, amaranth, calla, camellia, gardenia, acalypha, geranium, aphelandra
Virgo Roicissus, monstera, aucuba, philodendron, syngonium, dracaena, fatsia
Scales Schlumbergera, croton, heliotrope, hydrangea, hibiscus, celosia, white azalea
Scorpion Oleander, ginura, stapelia, aloe, cactus, dragon tree, faucaria
Sagittarius Nematanthus, ficus, clivia, shefflera, sansevieria, hemanthus, palms
Capricorn Crassula, ficus, dracaena, lithops, bay tree, coniferous crops
Aquarius Abutilon, alocasia, dracaena, stromantha, rheo, calathea, fittonia, nolina, coleus
Fish Rhipsalis, geranium, orchid, crassula, hypocyrta, helxina, ficus

These plants will help strengthen positive features character of a particular person and mitigate his negative qualities.

When listening to Feng Shui advice, you should not completely rely on the truths presented. After all, in any teaching there are certain contradictions. Thus, cacti are covered with sharp spines and are carriers of heavy energy, but at the same time they reduce rage and irritability. Therefore, it is useful to keep them in the office or common room in apartments where hot-tempered people live, but should not be placed in the bedroom or nursery.

A similar situation with hibiscus ( Chinese rose): some experts claim that it helps cope with depression and gives a boost of vigor, others believe that it graceful plant sucks vitality from a person.

Folk signs and superstitions

One cannot ignore the numerous prejudices regarding indoor plants.

23 May 2013, 14:14

Indoor flowers are one of the most important elements home interior. They help create coziness in your home and give your room personality. However, everyone knows that not all flowers can be grown at home! Some flowers are poisonous, others can cause an unpleasant reaction in people with allergies or people suffering from certain diseases, others are not recommended to be kept in an apartment according to Feng Shui or folk signs... Let's figure it out: what flowers should not be kept at home?

Dieffenbachia. An indoor tree with large yellow-green leaves is very beautiful, but dangerous! Its juice is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning in a child who decides to taste the leaf. You yourself can also get burned by the juice of this plant if you cut shoots or leaves from it.

This happened to me once, my friend didn’t wash the knife well, after trimming this plant, I then cut off my sausage with this knife when I was eating, it felt like I was eating broken glass, then I was treated for another week. So whether it’s worth having such a plant at home, decide for yourself.

Philodendron. The leaves of this plant contain toxic acids. If a child eats a leaf of this plant, he can also be seriously poisoned.

Oleander. The juice of this plant can cause blindness, and the aroma of the flowers can cause dizziness.

Croton, as well as other euphorbias. Poisonous, burning juice. Causes burns upon contact with skin and death upon contact with blood.

Stellera dwarf, Rhodoea japonica. The sap from these plants is also dangerous. If a child accidentally swallows a piece of this plant, the burning juice will cause swelling vocal cords, in the worst case, it can lead to numbness.

Azalea (Sims' rhododendron). If you eat a leaf of this beautiful, but dangerous plant, intestinal colic and cramps will begin.

Tulip Gesner, mimosa bashful. In people who for a long time are in close contact with these plants, hair begins to fall out, up to complete baldness.

Invisible enemies.

It often happens that without us special reasons Insomnia, dizziness, headaches begin to torment... Or an allergy suddenly arises, and we find ourselves at a complete loss: to what? In this case, you should take a closer look at the plants that are in your room. Perhaps it's all about them...

Lilies. At night, they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which can lead to morning headaches for no apparent reason. In addition, the strong aroma of lilies can cause insomnia. It is strictly not recommended to keep these flowers in the bedroom.

Ferns. Just like lilies, they convert oxygen into carbon dioxide at night, which can cause headaches in the morning.

Orchids. Their strong smell stimulates the nervous system and can also lead to insomnia.

Hydrangea. Particles emitted by this plant can cause allergic reactions on the skin.

Tuberose. Also emits particles that stimulate the sense of smell. People suffering from hypertension and other heart diseases, inhaling its aroma for a long time, feel discomfort, dizziness and depression may occur.

"Black cats" and other feng shui.

Also on the Internet you can hear a lot of recommendations from bioenergeticists and Feng Shui specialists about which plants are energy vampires and which, on the contrary, feed energy, about which plants are best to grow in which area of ​​the house...

There is one piece of advice on this topic. If you practice Feng Shui, study it seriously and understand this teaching in detail, and do not listen to the advice of “experts” of unknown qualifications on the Internet.

So I won’t tell you anything about zones and energy, but in the end I’ll just name a few well-known folk beliefs regarding indoor plants that have nothing to do with Feng Shui.

Climbing plants like ivy It is not recommended to keep it at home, because, according to popular belief, then men will not linger in this house, and the owner will not see a happy and long life in marriage.

cacti. There are several beliefs regarding them:

If you keep cacti at home, your husband will become a drunkard.

If you keep cacti in a girl's bedroom, the girl will not get married successfully, and in general will be deprived of admirers.

Cacti neutralize the harm caused by a computer monitor... However, this is more likely not even a belief, but a scientific myth that had nothing to do with the truth even when computer monitors actually emitted harmful radiation. Now, in the vast majority of cases, liquid crystal monitors are used, which are completely safe for health.

Palm. Regarding this beautiful, large and unusual plant popular belief there is only one. If a palm tree was given to you, then you cannot bring it into your home - this, according to legend, will cause great grief. The belief is silent about what should be done with the donated palm tree to avoid great grief. But I suppose that if you don’t bring a palm tree into your house, but roll it on a scooter, then this will be quite enough.)) At least, positive emotions and the invaluable life experience gained in the process of “rolling” palm trees into your home will help you in the future to treat any grief in your life more philosophically.

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can bring great benefits to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in the cold and are simply pleasing to the eye.

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Carbon dioxide accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, and heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones


This is known to everyone house doctor. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bendable leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the air of those present in it harmful substances. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


By many favorite plant fits perfectly into the kitchen interior and does not take up much space. Violet will clean and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace of mind, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and Pink colour They lift your spirits and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful liana, for example, scindapsus, looks good in hanging planter. It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly purifies the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

This climbing flower with hard, oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleanses the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It repels moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, they believe that one of the household members may get sick.


This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called the money tree. Crassula has small dark green leaves that are arranged symmetrically on the branches. They look like little coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is capable of attracting material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Enough tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They come in one color and are dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant can also stop bleeding.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. The branches of the flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition and sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who want to meet their soulmate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

Has a little spherical elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of the cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. A tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. Leaves, just like fruits, are capable of exerting useful action. Plants emit essential oils, which help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchospasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds as it is a symbol of long and happy family relationships. It needs to be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and take away its well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with freshness coniferous forest. This miniature tree pyramidal shape with soft needles. The plant perfectly purifies the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soulmate and saves the relationship of the married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relationships if husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to place red flowers in the bedroom. They bring to life married couple agreement and mutual feelings. Anthurium has glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. According to legend, this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers of a curled form. She protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help refresh your relationship. Its inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home healer. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins veins


An indoor plant with dark matte leaves with white inclusions. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies; their shade can vary. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower purifies the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs indicate that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

When creating the interior of your home, you should definitely find out which flowers you can’t keep at home. After all, some of them negatively affect the general atmosphere and the health of family members. Why this happens can be seen using specific examples.

There is an opinion that certain indoor plants carry negative energy. Is it so? Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe this statement or not. However, you don’t have to be an expert in the field under study to understand that it is advisable to remove stunted or diseased specimens from the apartment or try to cure them. When you see drying plants, your soul actually becomes not entirely comfortable. This explains psychological impact per person.

When talking about which plants should not be kept at home, first of all you should pay attention to the poisonous ones. Both leaves and fruits can be dangerous. Sometimes, even knowing about the potential harm, it is difficult to avoid unpleasant incidents. Children and pets are at risk.

Plants that produce toxic substances include Dieffenbachia. Of course she is very beautiful, especially her decorative leaves. However, in those places where the stems and leaves are cut or broken off, the so-called milky juice appears. If it comes into contact with the skin, it causes irritation. Particularly dangerous are cases where the milky juice gets into the eyes or mouth. In the eye it can cause a burn to the retina, and in the mouth it can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Dangerous to human health are euphorbia, philodendron, acalypha, codiaum, poinsettia, calla, and aglaonema. A small amount of their juice can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. If a toxic substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, then nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are soon possible. Negative Impact Hyacinths, clivias, and hippeastrums can help.

When choosing plants that cannot be kept at home, you should be guided not only by an assessment of external data - the beauty of their flowering or the unusual shape of the leaves. It is imperative to ask specialists about the characteristics of green tenants. So, for example, oleander attracts attention beautiful flowers, which also has an unsurpassed aroma. However, not everyone knows that it is this bright smell that can make a person faint. Like some of its relatives, it also has poisonous sap in its stems and leaves. When it hits the retina of the eye, it severely burns it, causing blindness.

Periwinkle, pachypodium, dipladenia, and adenium belong to the same family as oleander, and therefore also have negative properties. The poison they secrete can seriously harm your health. These plants can weaken cardiac activity. And nightshade, clivia, brovallia, brunfelsia should be completely abandoned, since the list of examples of them negative influence is quite extensive. They cause excessive drowsiness, pain in the abdomen, vomiting, and the victim’s pupils dilate significantly.

People prone to allergies should not keep any types of cyclamen and primrose in the house. These flowers release toxic substances when caring for them, that is, such ordinary actions as watering and spraying can cause skin rashes. Therefore, it is better to get rid of primrose and cyclamen in a living room. If it’s a pity to part with them, then at least it’s worth knowing what actions should be taken in case of poisoning. If juice gets on the skin, wash the affected areas immediately soapy water. Rinse your eyes for at least 20 minutes, and if suddenly poisonous juice gets into your mouth, you must immediately drink some kind of absorbent, for example, activated carbon.

It is important to remember that as a result of exposure of the human body to the juice of these flowers, Negative consequences. In some cases, the functioning of the cardiac and nervous systems is disrupted. Therefore, if you experience any unusual symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

Out of ignorance, people sometimes consider Monstera a vampire plant. They are sure that it takes energy away from a person. There is also a scientific basis for these assumptions. Monstera absorbs quite a lot of oxygen at night, as a result a person feels weak and drowsy next to it. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to be placed in a recreation area.

Folk beliefs

In addition to scientifically based facts, there are folk signs that many believe even more. There are quite a lot of such superstitions.

When determining which indoor flowers cannot be kept at home, women are categorical in relation to vines and hanging types house plants. This is explained by the fact that it is these types that provoke situations in the family as a result of which men leave women. The group of “homewreckers” that drive out men also includes scindapsus, Tradescantia zebrina, ivy, campelia, roicissus, rheo, and raphidophora.

There is a popular belief that palm trees cause great grief. However, only donated palm trees can provoke misfortunes, and those grown by the owners themselves are not endowed with such power. There are also many warnings about cacti. So, their presence in the house can provoke alcoholism in one of the family members. In addition, girls and young women will never get married if there are cacti in their home.

In addition to monstera, vampire plants that suck out human energy also include ferns and philodendrons. No one is trying to deal with their so-called vampirism, because it is more convenient to simply believe in such signs. Geranium is said to be a plant of loneliness. Most likely, this superstition comes from the fact that geranium is a favorite of many old women. However, this does not mean that it provokes loneliness.

Not only lovers of indoor flowers, but also those who want to improve their material well-being, plant a money tree in their home. At the same time, there is an opinion that if the leaves money tree begin to dry out and fall off, then it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, one should expect deterioration in financial affairs. The "upstart flower" gained popularity quite recently, but in a short time it became undesirable in residential areas. People associate an “upstart” with the poverty of its owner.

The impact of a ficus on family relationships will vary depending on its location. So, for example, if you place it in the bedroom, then the husband and wife will often quarrel and conflict. At the same time, a ficus located in any other room eliminates negative energy, calms and balances.

A folk sign says: drying flowers in the house lead to wilting. feminine energy. As a result, a man stops paying attention to his woman and looks at others.

Another superstition says that you should not keep climbing varieties greenery They cause men to cheat. "Curl" in in this case- it's chasing other people's women. Therefore, it is better to acquire upright and powerful plants, and completely abandon climbing ones. However, the described signs have enough refutations, and much more often families in whose homes cacti, geraniums, vines and the like grow, lead the household amicably and happily.

Feng Shui meaning of indoor flowers

The teaching of Feng Shui, which has become popular with many recently, offers its own version of the arrangement of indoor decorative greenery. It is believed that one should refuse flowers that the owners do not like. They will fill the atmosphere with negative energy. This also applies to wilting or diseased plants. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are no cacti and succulents in bedrooms and recreation areas.

Compositions using bonsai carry negative energy. They are a symbol of limited development, so their presence in the home is undesirable. Yucca, echmea, sansevieria, orchid, and neoregelia have similar properties. Any of them can provoke not only headaches, but also difficulties in family relationships and troubles at work.

Feng Shui shows flowers that cannot be kept at home from different angles. For example, some cannot be placed in recreation areas, but can be placed in the kitchen and near electrical appliances, others - vice versa. Since the bedroom is a place where a person relaxes and gains strength, it is not recommended to place monstera, ficus, and ferns in it. Their large leaves capable of absorbing positive energy that a person needs. In addition, they absorb large amounts of oxygen at night, which makes people feel restless and lethargic. Avoid placing strong-smelling plants in bedrooms. These include lilies, orchids, hydrangeas, and gardenias.

Both from a scientific point of view and according to the teachings of Feng Shui, oleander and alocasia should not be located in the recreation area, since their leaves and stems contain toxic substances. The familiar geranium should not be an inhabitant of the bedroom. The smell emitted by it often causes headaches, especially if the flower is standing on a window facing south side. Following the recommendations of Feng Shui, everything must be removed from the bedrooms. thorny plants: cacti, milkweed, succulents. This is explained by the fact that they make people “prickly”, provoking quarrels and scandals.

Plants that cause allergic reactions

It should be taken into account that one of the family members may be susceptible allergic reactions. In this case, any flowers in the bedroom are a potential cause of hazardous health consequences. This also applies to people suffering from asthma. Under such circumstances, indoor flowers should be abandoned in the recreation area.

If we talk about which indoor plants are undesirable in bedrooms, it is worth mentioning those that have spreading leaves. The atmosphere of a children's room requires special precautions. Sometimes studying all the plant specimens in the room helps to figure out why a child sleeps poorly or experiences weakness. Strong-smelling and thorny species, vines and hanging plants, poisonous and those that can cause allergies and intensely emit carbon dioxide.

Rose and hippeastrum can be dangerous

The rose is also called unlucky. Despite her perfect appearance, she is believed to be able to absorb positive energy without giving anything back. There is a belief that a person who has something to give can get a rose. Beautiful begonia unlike a rose, it absorbs both positive and negative energy. Therefore, the choice remains with the owner. However, flower growers do not recommend placing more than one begonia at home.

Conflicting opinions exist about hippeastrum. It is believed that it absorbs any negativity, but is not suitable for placement in homes, since after some time it returns bad energy back.

Indoor plants can give aesthetic pleasure, but they can also cause poor health. To ensure that they only please the owners, you should approach the choice of green companions with special care. Before you buy a plant, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties using special literature or by consulting experienced flower growers.

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