How to replace a plastic window sill. Replacing a window sill is an easy job

Plastic windows in last years have become an integral element of any interior. Regardless style solution premises, energy-efficient plastic windows and window sills made of the same material are installed in it. It is durable, and thanks to the large range of decorative films, it is very beautiful material firmly entered into our lives. This article will talk about how to properly attach plastic window sill.

Advantages of a plastic window sill

The most popular materials for window sills are wood, plastic and stone.

  • Wooden window sills are too finicky and require ongoing care. In addition, over time they dry out or become damaged from frequent staining.
  • Stone window sills are certainly durable and beautiful, but they are very expensive and you cannot install them yourself.
  • Plastic window sills are not just durable, light and beautiful, in their own way technical specifications they match best with windows from pvc profile, which will make caring for them easier.

  • In addition, the service life will be the same, so after installing the window, slopes and window sills, you will not have to replace or restore any one element.
  • If window frame has lamination, then the same film is selected for the window sill.
  • Due to its properties, plastic is resistant to moisture, so even with possible condensation on the windows it will not begin to rot. At regular care, mold does not form on it, since the surface does not have microcracks.
  • More low price than a wooden or stone window sill of the same size.
  • Resistant to aggressive chemical environments.
  • Thanks to light weight and plasticity of the material, it is easy to cut and install independently without special tools.
  • A plastic window sill is not a cast slab. It consists of transverse chambers. This not only reduces weight, but also serves as additional thermal insulation.
  • More expensive models pvc window sill have a special coating that makes it resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

They have only one drawback - low strength.

How are plastic window sills made?

There is no official classification of plastic window sills, but they are conventionally divided into several types.

  • Standard plastic window sills. They are the most popular. They are made in white, width from 20 to 100 cm in increments of 5 cm. They have the lowest resistance to mechanical damage.

  • Thermo- and impact-resistant plastic window sills. It is rational to mount them in wide openings that serve as a working surface. For example, when a kitchen window sill is used as a table. Lamination with a special film gives the product particular strength.
  • Laminated window sills. They are more beautiful, but their characteristics remain the same. Films not only add color to the window sill, but can also imitate natural materials (stone, wood). Despite the fact that the lamination method is reliable, a number of manufacturers offer window sills that have an acrylic layer on top of the lamination. In this case, the surface strength increases several times (however, so does the cost and weight, which negates its advantages).
  • The panels are made by extruding PVC blanks with an extruder. The surface is laminated with a film, which makes the window sill smooth and further protects its surface from damage. The thickness of the window sill varies from 1.8 to 2.2 cm.

How to choose a plastic window sill

At first glance, all the window sills are the same and there is a desire to buy the cheapest one. But professionals know several nuances that will help you choose the best quality product.

  • A plastic window sill must be made from high-quality raw materials that have passed a quality test for safety for humans. This can only be tracked by the product certificate.
  • The store must also provide detailed specifications material. These include resistance to UV rays (especially important for colored products), mechanical strength and resistance to condensation.

Having received all the necessary information, choose a model that is suitable in design and size.

  • It is best to choose a window sill white. This is due to the fact that it is guaranteed not to fade under the influence of direct sun rays. And small scratches on it will be almost invisible, unlike colored models.

Advice: cheap plastic after a few years it may turn yellow, so it is recommended to choose white window sills from the middle price segment.

  • A plastic window sill, regardless of price and manufacturer, is a panel containing 1.5 - 3 mm thick stiffening ribs and air chambers between them. It is the number of stiffeners that is responsible for the strength of the window sill. The higher their number, the more load it can withstand.
  • The panels have a standard length of 600 cm. You can buy and cut them yourself, or order ready-made ones according to individual sizes.

Advice: in order not to make mistakes in preliminary calculations, it is recommended to call a surveyor.

  • The width of the panels ranges from 20 to 100 cm. Initially, the increase in increments is 5 cm, after 60 cm - 10 cm. Based on this, they measure inner size window opening (depth). Since the window sill should protrude forward (but not completely cover the radiator), add another 10 cm.
  • For example, the depth of the window sill is panel house 15 cm, add another 10, and you get 25 cm - the required panel width.

Preparing walls before installing a plastic window sill

Before installing plastic window sills with your own hands, you need to prepare the walls.

  • First, remove all debris from the window opening and remove dust from it, so that in the future the polyurethane foam will have best adhesion. This is especially important if the installation is to replace an old wooden window sill.
  • The side walls of the window opening are called slopes. Often the window sill is laid simply from edge to edge, but this is wrong. The secret to installing a window sill is to bury it on the sides into the wall by 2-4 cm. To do this, recesses are made with a hammer drill.

What is needed to install a PVC window sill

If work is carried out in wooden house, then the number of tools required is minimal, in concrete and brick houses everything is more complicated.

  • Hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level 1 m long;
  • polyurethane foam and a gun for it;
  • stationery knife;
  • wedges (made of MDF, laminate or wood).

How to install a window sill on a plastic window with your own hands

Important: the window sill should not cover the battery. Impaired air circulation will lead to the formation of condensation on the windows.

  • Having exact dimensions, the window sill is cut with a grinder to required parameters, taking into account protrusions along the walls of 2-4 cm on each side. If the window opening has complex configuration, first, a layout is cut out on cardboard and a fitting is made. If everything fits, then the outline is transferred to the panel.
  • If the house is not new, and the opening is much lower than the groove under the frame of the plastic window, which is provided for the window sill, first up to required height put wood on it. Then the prepared window sill is inserted into the groove between the window profile and the foam to a depth of 2 cm.
  • After this, using a level, they begin to regulate its evenness. You can make it higher or lower using thin wooden wedges, which either raise or lower the window sill to the desired height. They are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. In the future, they will remain inside the structure and will play the role of retaining elements.

Tip: you need to install the window sill with a slight slope towards the room, literally 5 mm. This will allow the condensation to roll off rather than remain against the frame.

  • Then you need to foam the space under the window sill. It is best to use two-part foam that does not expand. When using a regular one, you will have to fill the surface of the window sill with heavy loads. To do this, put heavy bags with construction mixtures, large jars of water, etc.
  • After 24 hours, the load can be removed and excess foam can be cut off with a utility knife.
  • As a final step, decorative plugs are placed on the sides of the window sills.

How a window sill is attached to a plastic window photo

Tips for installing a plastic window sill with your own hands

  • Polymerization (hardening) process polyurethane foam passes much faster in a humid environment. Therefore, before filling the space under the window sill with foam, it is moistened with a spray bottle or any other sprayer.
  • It is not recommended to pour too much foam. Since it has the ability to expand several times and can push the window sill upward, despite the load. To avoid this, small gaps are left between the freshly extruded strips of foam, which are guaranteed to close when expanded.
  • If it is not possible to fit the window sill panel into the slopes and under the window profile, then it is adjusted perfectly precisely. All joints are treated with colorless silicone sealant.

DIY installation of a plastic window sill video

Most often, window sills are installed when windows are being installed. That's why separate installation window sills are performed extremely rarely, only in special cases. But it also happens that during repair work or redevelopment of the apartment, the unsuitable coating needs to be replaced (usually more wide window sill). Then you will have to dismantle the old window sill to install a new one. In this article we will look at some reasons why window sills need to be replaced from time to time, what material to choose for a future window sill, and how to replace a window sill. If you need to replace a window sill, you can do it, even if you have no experience. And now about everything in more detail.

When to replace an old window sill

Nothing lasts forever, we all know that, so from time to time, any thing needs either repair or replacement. There are many reasons for this. What are the reasons for replacing the window sill? Here are a few of them:

  1. Damage has formed on the surface of the coating, reducing the overall attractiveness of the window sill. The aesthetic appearance is lost in the presence of small scratches, cracks, chips and various kinds deformations when window sills are made of wood.
  2. Violations of the integrity of the product appear - deep chips, large cracks, due to which the window sill can collapse at any moment. Often the window sill serves us as additional shelf, where we usually put our flowerpots, seedlings or other things. Therefore, when such deep damage occurs, its replacement is mandatory.
  3. Crumbling of the wall adjacent to the window sill or complete destruction of the coating itself. This often leads to the fact that the window sill may fall into the very inopportune moment. Moreover, the quality of sealing in this case deteriorates significantly, which allows cold air from outside to freely penetrate into the room. This is especially unpleasant in winter period time.
  4. The last reason is to reorganize the entire space and change general design your premises, which old window sill may not fit. It may also be that you just need a larger window sill - for various purposes.

Whatever the reason, the window sill needs to be changed, even if you are simply tired of it. Is it possible, if desired, to carry out all the work on dismantling and installing the window sill yourself? You will find out the answer further by reading the window sill installation technology. But before installing it, you should decide what material the future window sill will be made of. Let's look at some of them.

What will he be like?

We live in times of technological progress. Nowadays, there are so many materials for construction, and they are all so diverse and versatile that our ancestors would envy us. And this applies not only to durability and quality. It also has a beautiful, aesthetic appearance, which is important.

If we talk about window sills, then on the market modern models presented in various options. The range of products is so wide that you can choose a model that would fit perfectly into the interior design, fully perform its functions, and have various design features, coped with various types of loads and had a very reasonable price.

Plastic products. They are one of the most sought after materials on the market as they are affordable for most. Despite the low price, a plastic window sill can be called practical and reliable, resistant to light and heat, and can serve you for a long time, since it does not rot. Still, with strong mechanical impact it may break. Considering the fact that the material is of synthetic origin, such a window sill has good environmental friendliness, which is very important, especially for those families who have small children. And of course one of important advantages plastic products You can name a wide range of colors and product configurations, as well as their light weight. This fact will allow you to choose exactly the window sill that will be in harmony with common interior your home. It should also be noted that such a window sill can be replaced using a simplified scheme.

Wooden crafts. Wood will always be in trend. Naturalness always charms and gives nobility to the product. This material was used by our distant ancestors, but has remained relevant to our time and does not lose its popularity. Wooden window sills will give a feeling of warmth and comfort in the house, especially since they have a beautiful natural pattern and texture that is pleasing to the eye. If you are a connoisseur of environmentally friendly and natural materials, you should give preference to this option. Thanks to modern technologies, Preliminary processing raw materials contributes to the fact that finished goods during operation they will not rot, deform or break. But, of course, you have to pay for all this, and a lot. The price of wood products is much more expensive than those made of plastic, so not everyone can afford them. If you are a connoisseur of the breed upper class, expensive solid wood window sills are suitable for you.

There are also low-budget options made from materials such as MDF and chipboard.

Acrylic products. Very durable and reliable window sills, which are gaining increasing popularity due to their qualities. Yes, they cost 2-3 times more than PVC (plastic) products, but you pay for a reason. After all, such window sills are able to withstand the weight of not only the objects that will be installed on them, but also the weight of a person. Often, with the help of such window sills, a relaxation area is created, expanding the canvas and adding pillows for comfort; here you can sit with a cup of tea, watching what is happening on the street from the window. They have many advantages: they do not scratch, are not afraid of heavy weight, spilled liquid or a dropped cigarette. They are easy to care for and easy to wash. They do not lose their original appearance, despite long term operation. And what is important, such products can be of any color and shape. This is the case when the price fully corresponds to the quality, and even more.

Products made from natural and artificial stone. Both before and now, stone also remains a popular material in construction. But such window sills may not fit into the interior of your room. Only when everything is chosen correctly, marble and granite coatings add solidity and sophistication to the decorative design houses or apartments. Their main advantage is strength and reliability. However, window sills made of stone cannot always be called safe, because they are quite heavy and can be radioactive.

These are not all the materials from which window sills can be made, but they are the main and most popular. The decision of which material to choose is up to you. You start from your means, the purposes for which the window sill will serve, and the interior design. Agree, a stone window sill near a plastic window is most often inappropriate, especially when there are no stone decorative elements in the room. Taking into account all the factors, you can purchase perfect option. You should not skimp on quality, as this may affect the future.

An important nuance when choosing a suitable design is its parameters and dimensions. When choosing a product, please note that its length should exceed the width of the window by several centimeters (10–20), but the width is selected based on personal preferences, but only so that it does not cover the heating radiator. It’s just important not to overdo it so that installed window sill did not break in a place where there is no support.

We've decided on the window sill, let's take a look detailed instructions, how you can install it correctly with your own hands.

Sequence of work

To install a new window sill, you will have to carry out a full range of measures. As we know, planning leads to success. Therefore, it is important to prepare everything in advance, familiarize yourself with the work ahead and have an idea of ​​what will need to be done. Let's look at the work that will need to be completed in several stages:

  • preparation of tools for work;
  • dismantling an unusable window sill;
  • installation of a new window sill.

As mentioned earlier, the easiest way is to replace plastic products, this applies not only to window sills, but also to windows. If they are made of other materials, the sequence of the installation process will be the same, only you need to pay more attention to accuracy in the work. So, let's find out what materials you will need during the work process.

Preparing tools

If you want to install a new window sill quickly, efficiently and without hiccups, prepare the following tools in advance:

  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • respirator;
  • mounting knife;
  • boards with a small cross-section;
  • paint for slopes.

If you don’t have something from this list, don’t rush to the store. When you are not sure that you will need these tools in the future, you can borrow them from good friends or acquaintances, or even better, from relatives. Having collected all necessary equipment, you can begin dismantling the window sill.

Removing the old window sill

In fact, removing an old window sill is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. It is also important that when working you should be attentive, careful and careful so as not to damage anything unnecessary. You don't want cracks or chips near the window. Let's look at how you can remove various types of window sills.

To protect your hands from injury, use gloves.

If the window sill is wooden, a hacksaw and a crowbar will come to the rescue. First you need to check how the window sill is attached. When it is attached to the wall, hit the window sill from below with a hammer several times to loosen the fastening. Try to lift it with a crowbar. Then just try to get it out. Was your attempt unsuccessful? Use a chisel and hammer. Otherwise, use a hacksaw. Make cuts in different places and remove pieces using a crowbar. It happens that there is glass wool under a wooden window sill, which can damage your Airways. To avoid injury, wear a respirator when starting work.

WITH concrete window sill things are more complicated, since more effort will have to be made. Such work cannot be done without dust and debris, so it is important to protect your respiratory organs and vision. To remove it you will need a hammer drill or grinder. If there are none, you can use a hammer and chisel, but this will significantly reduce the speed.

Removing a plastic window sill is quite easy, since it is attached mainly thanks to polyurethane foam. There are two methods to dismantle a plastic window sill. The first is simple, but with great destruction. The essence of the work is to carefully remove the slopes and beat off the plaster. Then all that remains is to cut off the polyurethane foam sharp knife. After this, the plastic window sill can be easily removed sudden movement up and towards yourself. The second option is more gentle, thanks to which you can preserve the plaster and slopes. First of all, cut down the mounting foam that secures the window sill with a hacksaw. Similarly, you need to remove the liquid plastic remaining at the joints of the window sill slopes. When you cut this layer, carefully pull the product towards you. If all else fails, cut through the foam under the window sill again and repeat all over again.

After the window sill is removed, the surface must be prepared for installing a new one. Remove all debris, dust, remaining solution and foam. The surface is now ready for the new coating to be installed.

Window sill installation

You should not assume that to replace a window sill you just need to remove the old window sill and insert a new one in its place. There are some rules for preparing this niche and the product itself. These rules are mandatory, so compliance with them is very important.

So, to install a new window sill, you need to follow this sequence:

It should also be taken into account that the window sill should not prevent the heat from the radiator from rising up and spreading throughout the apartment, so it is recommended to make the protrusion from 6 to 8 cm. Now your window sill is ready!

Let's sum it up

You could see that it is possible to replace a window sill with your own hands. This procedure is simple and does not require professional skills; you can do everything in 2 days, taking into account a drying break. By replacing one window sill, you can easily do the same with other windows. Moreover, thanks to self-installation, you can save money on hiring workers.

To increase the service life of the new canvas, during installation you need:

  • choose the right width and length of the future window sill;
  • correctly measure and cut the canvas;
  • use high-quality consumables;
  • follow all installation rules;
  • be careful and careful when performing work;
  • After installation, regularly maintain the surface.

We hope that our tips will help you competently and quickly replace your old window sill. If you succeeded, write to us in the comments, it will inspire not only us, but also those who will read this article!


Watch the following video, there is a lot useful tips for dismantling and installing a plastic window sill:

This video clearly shows the dismantling of a plastic window sill:

The popularity of plastic windows has led to the fact that they began to appear in high-rise buildings immediately at the construction stage. The products are of very high quality and durable, but with all this magnificence they are not insured against accidental damage.

The plastic window sill may also be damaged, forcing residents to take repair measures. The damage can be repaired different ways- stick protective film, update the plastic covering or change the plane under the window to a new one. The last method is the most difficult, but even an inexperienced user can replace the window sill of a plastic window if you follow the instructions below.

Dismantling the old product

If there is a need to change the window sill, first remove the old covering. They do this in two ways:

  1. They file down the polyurethane foam under the window sill, disconnect the slopes and pull the plastic plate towards you.
  2. First, remove the slopes, then knock off a little plaster under the window, cut off the foam, and then pull out the board with a sharp jerk.

The first method is more humane, since the integrity is not violated wall covering. If you remove the window sill using the second method, the user will save time, but will seriously deform the walls adjacent to the window sill. Whatever dismantling method the residents choose, after the repair they will have to eliminate all the consequences of the work and restore order inside the premises. Video can"t be loaded: dismantling a plastic window sill (

Instructions for replacing the window sill

Before starting work, you should make sure that the length of the new board exceeds the width of the window opening by 15-20 cm. This is due to the fact that the edges of the slab must be recessed deep into the wall. The covering protrudes forward (inside the room) at least 5 cm.

Installing the slabs takes just a few minutes. The new PVC product is fixed using mounting adhesive, foam or cement mortar, while its inclination towards the room should be 2-3 mm. This is done so that the condensation that forms on the window does not stagnate on top of the window sill and flows down. On the sides, where the product rests on the wall, you can tighten a couple of screws to increase the stability of the structure.

The space below the window sill is sealed with polyurethane foam. The final stage of work includes:

  • withdrawal unnecessary parts polyurethane foam with a stationery knife after it has completely hardened;
  • fixing plugs at the ends of the slab;
  • finishing of slopes and walls when the latter are deformed during the dismantling stage.

Don’t worry if a snow-white product suddenly cracks, becomes hopelessly dirty, or no longer fits into the updated interior. Knowing how to change a window sill on a plastic window, the user will not consider these defects as serious problems.

The popularity of plastic windows has led to the fact that they began to appear in high-rise buildings immediately at the construction stage. The products are of very high quality and durable, but with all this magnificence they are not insured against accidental damage.

The plastic window sill may also be damaged, forcing residents to take repair measures. You can correct the damage in different ways - by sticking a protective film, updating the plastic covering, or changing the plane under the window to a new one. The last method is the most difficult, but even an inexperienced user can replace the window sill of a plastic window if you follow the instructions below.

Dismantling the old product

If there is a need to change the window sill, first remove the old covering. They do this in two ways:

  1. They file down the polyurethane foam under the window sill, disconnect the slopes and pull the plastic plate towards you.
  2. First, remove the slopes, then knock off a little plaster under the window, cut off the foam, and then pull out the board with a sharp jerk.

The first method is more humane, since the integrity of the wall covering is not compromised. If you remove the window sill using the second method, the user will save time, but will seriously deform the walls adjacent to the window sill. Whatever dismantling method the residents choose, after the repair they will have to eliminate all the consequences of the work and restore order inside the premises. Video can"t be loaded: dismantling a plastic window sill (

Instructions for replacing the window sill

Before starting work, you should make sure that the length of the new board exceeds the width of the window opening by 15-20 cm. This is due to the fact that the edges of the slab must be recessed deep into the wall. The covering protrudes forward (inside the room) at least 5 cm.

Installing the slabs takes just a few minutes. The new PVC product is fixed using mounting adhesive, foam or cement mortar, and its inclination towards the room should be 2-3 mm. This is done so that the condensation that forms on the window does not stagnate on top of the window sill and flows down. On the sides, where the product rests on the wall, you can tighten a couple of screws to increase the stability of the structure.

The space below the window sill is sealed with polyurethane foam. The final stage of work includes:

  • removing unnecessary parts of the polyurethane foam with a stationery knife after it has completely hardened;
  • fixing plugs at the ends of the slab;
  • finishing of slopes and walls when the latter are deformed during the dismantling stage.

Don’t worry if a snow-white product suddenly cracks, becomes hopelessly dirty, or no longer fits into the updated interior. Knowing how to change a window sill on a plastic window, the user will not consider these defects as serious problems.

In the modern construction market it is offered a large number of new buildings and apartments on the secondary market. In each of them, plastic windows with window sills made of strong and reliable plastic can be installed.

With all the splendor and sparkle of a new window, there is always real opportunity accidental damage to the window sill plastic board. Such troubles can be eliminated by taking some repair measures.

These are measures such as:

  • gluing film,
  • new plastic coating equipment,
  • complete dismantling of the window sill and replacing it with a new one.

Sometimes, with particularly severe chips or deep scratches may be required complete replacement window sill. It should be remembered that this entails a violation of the integrity of the wallpaper and plastic slopes.

There are two ways to remove the plastic window sill board. Carefully file the mounting foam under the window sill and disconnect the adjacent slopes and pull the board towards you. In this way, you can preserve the integrity of the adjacent wall covering and replace it with minimal financial costs.

The second method of dismantling window sill boards is simpler, but also causes more destruction. The slopes should be removed and a certain amount of plaster removed from the window sill. Then all the mounting foam is cut off and the window sill board is removed with a sharp jerk.

For any method of dismantling a plastic window sill after completing the installation of a new plastic panel Under the window we will have to seal the consequences of the repair, clean the room and restore order in the room. It’s a troublesome task, but it allows you to save some money.

Replacing a window sill under a plastic window doesn’t seem very good at first challenging task, but if you follow all the rules, then you should know several technological techniques.

A plastic window sill board should be purchased 15-20 cm longer than the width of the window block, since the edges of the window sill should go inside the wall. The covering should protrude forward by at least 5 cm.

The new board is fastened using mounting adhesive or construction cement mortar. Sometimes several screws can be screwed into the sides of the window sill where it rests on the wall.

The window sill board should be installed at an angle of approximately 3 mm towards the room. This slope will allow condensation to drain without stagnating on the windowsill. After installing the new window sill and the polyurethane foam has completely set, plugs are installed on the ends of the plastic boards.

Under plastic windows, window sills are installed not only from PVC, but also from other building materials.

A wooden or concrete window sill board can be repaired right on site, without removing it from its place. To eliminate cracks or chips on such surfaces, putty of damaged areas is used.

For the best repair of damage, you should dilute the putty powder not with ordinary water, but liquid primer deep penetration. This results in very strong and reliable protection against further cracking.

When making putty of this composition, you must immediately carefully level the surface of the window sill, eliminating even the slightest unevenness. Fully cured primer-based putty is very durable and cannot be smoothed out using sandpaper.

Also watch a useful video about installing a plastic window sill with your own hands

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