How to close cast iron radiators in an apartment. How to cover radiators? Methods and options

Heating system – important element every apartment or house. The batteries warm the home during the cold season. Often heating radiators are knocked out of general design rooms spoil it appearance. Then the question arises of how to cover the radiators and pipes (photo) and give them a more attractive appearance.

Not only cast iron batteries Soviet-style ones can ruin the aesthetics of the room. Modern heating radiators also disrupt the elegant composition of the room. Covering the battery is necessary not only to improve the appearance of the room. It is capable of performing more practical function, for example, to protect children from sharp corners and burns that may occur when touching heating elements. So how can you cover up unsightly radiators (pictured)?

Advice! Before you finally choose a method for decorating a radiator, you need to make sure that heat loss due to it will be minimal. Therefore, the radiator cover should be considered not only from a design point of view.

What to consider when choosing a battery cover method

Heating radiators provide room heating in two ways:

  1. Infrared radiation, transferring heat to objects in the room.
  2. Convection, heating the air. Warm air rises and displaces cold air, circulating air in the room and equalizing the temperature throughout its entire area.

Before determining how to close radiators and pipes (pictured), you need to understand that any decorated element will lead to a decrease in heating power. The larger the dense surface area (without slits or holes) decorative element, the worse the room will heat up.

Attention! In terms of maximum heating efficiency, ideal option for a decorated surface, it should look like a mesh with large holes.

In addition, the cover must be designed in such a way that the heating radiator and pipes can be accessed at any time. This is necessary if the battery leaks or its sections need to be washed. Therefore, it is better to use a removable screen or box with a special door that provides access to the mounting location of the pipe and radiator.

The most popular ways to decorate a radiator

If the question of the appearance of the heating radiator arose the day before overhaul, then you can simply select the battery that best suits the planned design. For example, if the room is decorated in Victorian or Venetian style, then a massive cast iron radiator will look very organic.

It is impossible to implement this option if the repair has already been done or the replacement of heating elements is not expected during the repair process.

If the size and shape of the battery does not stand out from the overall style of the room, then you can simply paint it to match the color of the walls. Radiators in bright contrasting colors can become the highlight of a modern interior. You can find it in stores special paint various colors.

One of the most simple ways disguise the radiator - install a screen on it. Hinged screen fits over the battery, it does not need to be mounted. The main disadvantage is that it only hides the radiator itself; the pipes remain visible. Such screens are most often made of metal and are inexpensive.

The method of masking the battery and pipes largely depends on the style of the interior of the room. For example, for the interior in Japanese style You can hide the heating pipe in a bamboo trunk. To do this, the tree trunk is sawn to length, and then it is wrapped around the pipe and secured. In a room decorated in a country style, the pipe can be wrapped in thick, beautiful rope with a distinct texture. If the radiator is located in a niche under the window sill, then you can cover it with a small curtain sewn with my own hands. This cover will fit well into an interior in Provence or country style and will give the room a homely feel.

If the battery is built into a niche, then you can hide it with a flat screen with a pattern, carvings, or simply in the form of a lattice.

How to hide heating radiators without involving specialists? You can make a wooden box screen yourself that will cover the radiator on all sides. It can decorate the interior of a room, especially if the top of the box is turned into a stand or small table for vases, figurines, and paintings. Closed upper part the box will reduce the efficiency of the heating element. Besides, natural wood, although it looks expensive and beautiful, it can dry out when temperatures change. Ready-made boxes made from MDF panels are more practical and cheaper in this regard.

The battery box can be integrated into the window sill or shelves. You will get a solid design of unusual and stylish design. If the battery is located at a distance from the wall, then the decorative box can be connected to the window sill and made into a bench. You can see how to hide heating radiators in this way in the photo below.

One of the cheapest ways to decorate a battery is to cover it with a plastic grill. This option may be suitable for the bathroom, but not for residential premises, since plastic can release harmful substances when heated.

A glass screen can fit beautifully into any interior. It is a thick glass plate that is attached to the wall using steel holders. The screen covers only the front part of the radiator, leaving the top, bottom and sides open for the free passage of warm air into the room. The surface of the glass can be made mirror-like; often photo printing is applied to it.

Preparing to create a drywall box

Using drywall you can easily and quickly hide a heating radiator. Not everyone knows how to cover a battery with drywall with their own hands. To do this, you must have minimal skills in repair and construction work and follow the instructions.

To make a plasterboard box you will need the following:

  • measuring instruments: corner, tape measure, ruler;
  • marker (pencil);
  • heat-resistant plasterboard (thickness 12 mm);
  • liquid nails, dowels, screws (for fastening);
  • level;
  • metal profiles of two sizes (27x28 and 60x27);
  • screwdriver, pliers, hammer drill, screwdriver;
  • serpyanka (construction self-adhesive mesh).
  • Before hiding the heating radiators (pictured), you need to choose which installation method the markings will be used for:
  • a box when only the radiator itself and 15-20 cm of space outside it are covered;
  • wall, when plasterboard covers the entire wall at which the battery is installed, or the hole between the window sill and the floor, if the battery is located under the window.

The second method requires using more materials.

Marking drawing and frame manufacturing

To begin with, markings are drawn on the wall around the perimeter of the radiator. It must be taken into account that the edges of the box must protrude beyond the battery by at least 10 cm. Otherwise, the front surface cannot be covered with a removable screen.

If the structure rests on the floor, then 3 lines are drawn on the wall - one above the radiator and two on the sides. If the box hangs, then another line is drawn under the battery.

After the drawing, install the frame from metal profiles according to this scheme:

  1. The profile (27x28) is attached to the marking line, and marks are left on the wall with a screwdriver (with a distance of 15-25 cm).
  2. Holes for fastenings are made using a hammer drill.
  3. Dowels are inserted into the recesses.
  4. The profile is applied to the wall and secured with screws.

This is how all elements are attached metal frame. After its installation, jumpers from the 60x27 profile are installed. The fully finished sheathing must be strong. If it wobbles, then additional transverse elements are added.

Attaching drywall and finishing. Expert advice

The next step is cutting the drywall using a utility knife. To do this, a sheet of material is applied to the sheathing and markings are made on it. The cut cardboard covering is screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws (3-4 pieces per meter). The main thing is that the screws do not tear the sheathing material.

The final part of the work is finishing. Using a sickle mesh and putty, the seams between the parts of the drywall are sealed. The fasteners are sealed in the same way. Then the entire structure is treated with putty. After complete drying, the surface of the box is leveled using sandpaper, then it is painted to match the color of the walls or covered with wallpaper.

It is not recommended to completely cover the battery with plasterboard: this could result in loss of large number the heat it generates. You can drill many holes in the surface of the drywall, but dust will clog in them, and the entire box will not look very aesthetically pleasing. It is better to hide the front part of the radiator with a removable screen.

Today, the building materials market offers many boxes and screens designed for decorating heating radiators, among which you can choose an option that is ideal for the interior of the room. You can construct the box yourself. Finishing the battery with plasterboard is one of the simplest and cheapest options.

When wondering how to close a heating radiator with your own hands, you need to take care not only of the decorative side of the issue, but also of practicality. No matter how beautifully and stylishly designed a heating radiator is, if it does not perform its main function (warming the air in the room), there is simply no point in it.

Greetings, comrades! Today we will talk about how to decorate a heating radiator in a living room. Since your humble servant was a plumber in the recent past, any decor will be discussed from the standpoint of practicality - the heat transfer of the heating device and its maintainability.

How does the battery heat up?

Any heating device transfers heat to the heated room in two ways simultaneously:

  • Convection. The air heats up in direct contact with the surface of the radiator and, due to the density decreasing during heating, is forced upward by colder air masses. Cooling down, it falls down again, reheats upon contact with the radiator - and so on ad infinitum;
  • Thermal radiation. IR rays spread within the line of sight and cause heating of all objects near the heating device.

The predominance of one or another method of heat transfer is determined by the configuration of the heating device and its temperature. For an aluminum battery with developed fins, convection predominates; for a radiator plate, radiation predominates.

To ensure that no obstacles interfere with convection, the radiator is placed under the window in a strictly defined manner:

  1. Distance to window sill should be equal to at least 6-12 cm. The flow of heated air should rise freely, ensuring effective and uniform heating of the entire volume of the room;
  2. Between the radiator and the wall There remains a gap of 2-3 centimeters. It ensures the movement of air heated upon contact with the back side of the sections;
  3. Between the battery and the floor clearance is also necessary (at least 8 cm): it provides a free flow of cold air, replacing heated air.

In order not to impede heat transfer due to radiation, the battery cannot be covered from the main volume of the room with furniture and thick curtains.

Malfunctions of heating devices

The idea of ​​covering the battery with a screen usually comes from owners of Soviet-style cast iron radiators. Indeed, in appearance they are quite unsightly. The initially unattractive appearance is often made worse by years of layers - unevenly applied and partially faded.

And now - the bad news. Cast iron radiators have a number of typical problems that require easy access to them.

Intersectional leaks

The essence of the problem: paronite gaskets between cast iron sections are not elastic. Over time they become more and more rigid.

When heating sections in heating season the gasket is compressed due to thermal expansion of the sections, and after cooling it no longer returns to its previous dimensions. The nipple connection is leaking.

Elimination: The outer sections are disconnected and both gaskets are replaced at the current nipple connection. The work requires access to the blind radiator plugs at the end of the radiator. If you cover the battery with a blank screen, much less hide it in a box, it will be simply impossible to unscrew the plugs and remove the sections.

Lock nut leaking

The essence of the problem: a burnt out or rotten organic winding under the lock nut on one of the connections no longer seals the threaded connection.

Elimination: when the heating riser is reset, the locknut is unscrewed a few turns and rewound sanitary flax or other winding. If you cover heating radiators with a screen or box, access to the connections will be extremely difficult. You cannot turn a pipe wrench or an adjustable wrench in a confined space.

Fistula on the thread

The essence of the problem: a cast-iron radiator is connected to the supply line by a squeegee - a long thread cut on it. Steel is susceptible to corrosion. Through fistulas appear primarily in areas with the smallest wall thickness, that is, in the hollows of the threads.

Elimination: when the heating riser is dropped, the liner is cut off at the beginning of the thread, and a new riser is welded to it using electric arc or gas welding. If you cover the radiators with a non-removable screen or put them in boxes, the welder will not be able to reach the problem area of ​​the liner.

A radiator box or screen often hides the problem from the homeowner: there is a leak, but you don’t see it. You will learn about the presence of a defect in the radiator or liner from flooded neighbors or during flooding own apartment when a small fistula in a pipe turns into a source of serious leakage.


The essence of the problem: After resetting the heating circuit, air remains in the heating circuit when it is restarted. Air pockets prevent circulation in the risers.

Elimination: the air is vented through the so-called Mayevsky taps, installed on the top floor along each riser. The valves are most often mounted in the upper blind radiator plug. And in this case, to start the riser you need free access to the battery.

Radiator silting

The essence of the problem: silt and sand carried by the coolant gradually accumulate in the lower collector of the sections farthest from the supply line - in the area where the water movement speed is minimal. The outer sections stop heating.

Elimination: sludge is washed out of the battery through the flush tap. A hose is attached to a tap installed instead of one of the blind radiator plugs, through which water is discharged into the sewer. Both for installing the flusher and for flushing itself, you need access to the end sections.

Decor requirements

So, how to hide batteries in an apartment without compromising their functionality and maintainability?

  1. Plasterboard boxes around batteries are strictly prohibited. Such a box will sharply reduce the heat transfer of the batteries, limiting air convection. Moreover, in the absence of a heat meter, you will pay in full for the heat you did not receive;

  1. The larger the area of ​​gaps in the screen, the better. Warm air and thermal radiation will pass through these gaps;
  2. A solid horizontal shelf on top is a bad idea. It will limit the movement of upward air flow;
  3. The material of the decorative screen must have maximum thermal conductivity. Once heated, it itself will become a source of heat, heating the room due to infrared radiation;

An exception is screens that are installed to protect children from burns. For obvious reasons, their front surface should not heat up.

  1. The ideal option is a screen that is transparent in the infrared spectrum. In particular, ordinary glass is permeable to infrared rays;
  2. The back surface of the screen, which is opaque to IR rays, should be as dark as possible, ideally jet black. Black surface absorbs maximum quantity heat. White and, on the contrary, reflects radiation across the entire spectrum;
  3. Any decor should be easily dismantled. Sooner or later the battery will require maintenance or repair.


What can a decorative screen be made from? I will evaluate popular materials in terms of the requirements stated above.

Image Material and its properties

Metals: metal screens (aluminum and, to a lesser extent, steel) have excellent thermal conductivity.

They are impenetrable to thermal radiation, but when heated they themselves can become a source of infrared rays.

The most advantageous design is metal mesh on a light frame.

Glass: Glass screens are transparent to thermal radiation. The front surface heats up to a much lower temperature compared to the radiator, which makes the glass safe material for a family with small children.

When installing the screen above and below it, there should be gaps for air convection. The distance from the radiator is at least 2-3 cm.

Tree: minimal thermal conductivity and opacity in the infrared spectrum. With prolonged heating and fluctuations in humidity, the wood dries out and becomes deformed or cracks. Not the best material.
Laminate: has all the properties of wood, but, unlike it, maintains a stable geometry during heating and humidity fluctuations. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it can be used in children's rooms.
Plastics: all polymers are characterized by low thermal conductivity and opacity to thermal radiation. When heated for a long time to 80-90 degrees, the plastic degrades and becomes brittle.

A little common sense

Comrades, let's turn to common sense. Why do we buy or make a decorative battery screen with our own hands?

The answer is obvious: to make it beautiful. sad look cast iron sections obviously does not decorate your home.

What prevents you from replacing a cast iron battery with a modern bimetallic one? Her appearance is much better. As a bonus, the buyer will receive an increase in temperature in the living room or kitchen: the heat transfer of the bimetallic section is one third higher than the cast iron section (190-205 watts versus 140).

Do you think replacement will be too expensive? I dare to disagree. Let's look at the catalog of the Leroy Merlin online store:

Image Description

Battery screen. Size - 63x83 centimeters. Price - 2316 rubles.

Bimetallic radiator. Size - 8 sections. Price - 2295 rubles.

So, best way decoration of old cast iron batteries - replacing them with new ones.


I hope that my advice will help the dear reader make his home cozy and warm. As usual, additional information you will find in the video in this article. Feel free to comment on it and share your own experience. Good luck, comrades!

No matter how modern the batteries are, they rarely fit perfectly into the interior, which does not benefit the appearance of the apartment. Let's figure out how you can decorate or hide the battery to improve the situation.

Hide behind the screen

The easiest way is to hide the battery behind a special screen, which can be made of different materials(wood, metal, plastic and even glass) and is made in different styles. Glass screens can be decorated with photo printing, which will further integrate the battery with the interior of the room. The main condition is that the surface of the screen must be completely perforated or at least have large holes on the top, bottom and sides, allowing warm air circulate freely.

The screen covers only the battery itself or the niche with the battery completely, which is typical for old houses; it's possible do it yourself by purchasing from hardware store any grill or panel with holes of suitable size.



Quite often it happens that heating radiators do not fit into the interior of the room. In this case, there is no other choice but to close the radiators. Decorative screens are used for this purpose - you can see how they look in the photo.

Features of the use of decorative screens

When choosing how to cover heating radiators, many people make the mistake of paying attention solely to the appearance of the screens. And this often leads to a decrease in heating efficiency, since not all products allow air to flow freely to the device.
Of course, the screens must fulfill their main purpose - to hide pipes and old batteries. But when choosing from several options, you need to give preference to the one that will not reduce the efficiency of heating the premises.

How to cover radiators

There are several ways to hide a heating radiator. But in any case, the screen should allow easy access to the battery in case of malfunctions and not interfere with normal heat exchange.

Radiators warm the room using two methods of heat transfer. When approaching a hot battery, you can feel the heat coming from it. This happens because thermal energy transmitted to surrounding objects using infrared radiation. The very atmosphere in the room warms up evenly thanks to convection currents mixing cold air with warm air.

Choosing protective screen, you need to take into account that any of them worsens the heat exchange between the room and the radiator. The larger the continuous surface of such a product, the worse the room will warm up. Therefore, when deciding how to cover old batteries, you need to pay attention to models that will not interfere with normal heat exchange. In addition, the screens should be easy to remove so that the radiator can be accessed if necessary.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

In systems central heating The coolant is ordinary process water, the purity of which is far from ideal. Having passed along the heating main, to the elevator unit and risers, by the time the water ends up in the battery, it is enriched with various suspensions, which settle in the radiators.
We also must not forget that sooner or later the radiator will fail. And since heating appliances are usually hidden because they are too old and unattractive, the time when repairs are required will not be long in coming.

Main types of faults:
  • risers welded from an electric-welded gas supply pipe sometimes begin to leak along the factory seam (read: " ");
  • steel pipes the threads in front of the radiator are thinner than the straight sections of the riser, and leaks appear in them first;
  • Cast iron batteries are characterized by frequent leaks from under the locknut;
  • In spring and autumn, leaks often occur between sections of the radiator - paronite gaskets no longer provide a tight seal after just a few years of operation of the heating device (more details: " ").

How to hide a heating radiator with a decorative screen

When choosing how to shut off a radiator, you need to consider several points:
  1. First of all, the decorative screen should minimally interfere with thermal radiation and convection. The best option is plastic or metal product with coarse mesh. At the top where it comes from hot air, there should not be a continuous surface (read: "").
  2. Also, the decorative screen should be easy to remove if necessary. It is even better to choose an attached model that does not have permanent fastenings. You also need to provide access to the pipes.

    If you follow these two recommendations, you will be able to hide the radiator without interfering with effective heating and access to heating device(read also: " ").
  3. It is not recommended to cover radiators with plasterboard - in this case, the room will not warm up well, and if there is the slightest malfunction, the structure will have to be destroyed. In any case, when covering the battery with plasterboard, you need to do it near the connection to it lightweight plastic door. Read also: "How to cover a battery with plasterboard - a step-by-step guide to installing the box."

Types of decorative screens

On the market you can find a wide range of products for decorating radiators, but not all of them are practical. Of course, the appearance of the screen is important, but do not forget that the battery must warm the room well.
The most the best option is a product with a large mesh and an open top part (in extreme cases, the top should not be a solid surface, but a cellular one). It should also be easy to remove. Wooden and plastic options. You can install this without resorting to the services of specialists.

It is recommended to avoid a solid screen with small holes - if you cover the heating radiator with such a product, the air in the room will not warm up well.

When it allows family budget, it is better not to hide old batteries, but to install new ones. For example, aluminum radiators look modern and beautiful. Models available for sale different designs, so you can choose the option that best fits into the interior. There is nothing complicated about how to secure a heating radiator - aluminum batteries are light in weight. At the same time, they transfer heat well to the air in the room, are durable and resistant to corrosion. Read also: "".

If it is not possible to replace old batteries with new ones, you can hide them with special decorative screens, however, you need to choose products that will not interfere with effective heat transfer and repairs.

How to close radiators, video tips:

Heating radiators cannot always serve as interior decoration. Therefore, they have to be hidden, decorated with all possible ways. Let's try to figure out how to do this beautifully and correctly.

Features and Requirements

Decorating heating radiators is not like that simple task, as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary not only to hide the unsightly radiator, but also to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Obviously, closed batteries provide much less heat, and access to them becomes difficult.

In order to properly close the radiators and not reduce heat transfer (or at least reduce it slightly), you need to understand how radiators heat the room and on what principle they work. And choose the decor so that it represents minimal interference when the batteries perform their functions.

Removable or attached screens that do not have solid fastenings are well suited for this. This is necessary so that the radiator can be accessed at any time. Such a need may arise unexpectedly, and if the battery is mounted in the wall, plasterboard box or covered with a screen “tightly” attached to the wall, the structure will have to be broken. It will not be possible to dismantle it without damage.

Another important criterion when choosing decor is how much it will affect heat transfer. Heating of the room occurs due to the release of infrared radiation (it heats objects) and convection (it directly heats the air).

Solid screens, devoid of gaps at the bottom and top, will become a serious obstacle for both the first and the second. The best option There will be perforated, carved or lamella screens that do not cover the battery either from above or from below. Or closing slightly.

In order for the air to warm up evenly, it must be able to freely enter from the bottom of the battery, pass through it and exit from the top already warm. A tightly “sealed” radiator does not give it this opportunity, which is why the temperature drops. As for IR radiation, it simply cannot pass through a solid, impenetrable screen, which provides almost one hundred percent thermal insulation of the battery.

Recently, you can see that batteries are often covered with glass screens with photo printing. Of course, such a solution has high decorative properties However, the temperature in a room equipped with such decor drops significantly.

The optimal solution for any interior would be a wooden perforated or carved screen. The main thing is that it has as little continuous surface as possible and as many holes as possible to allow air to circulate freely. In addition to the fact that wood fits harmoniously into almost any interior style, it is also necessary to highlight its environmental friendliness. When heated, it will not release any harmful substances. On the contrary, when exposed to heat, wood releases essential oils, which provide positive influence on human health (of course, we are talking about natural wood).

Economical ways

To hide old heating batteries, it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials and designs. There are quite a few budget ways close unsightly radiators while maintaining high heat transfer rates and easy access to the system.

These methods include:

  1. Coloring. Even old, Soviet models of batteries can be turned into a stylish element of the interior by painting them to match the walls or, conversely, in contrasting color. The costs are minimal, and the benefits are obvious: the possibility of quick access to the radiator remains, convection is not hampered in any way, and the room remains comfortable temperature. Such radiators will fit into any interior, from modern loft to the classics, the main thing is to choose the right color.
  2. Textile. The simplest thing is to cover the radiators with curtains that go down to the floor. The main thing is to ensure that there is no possibility of the fabric catching fire from too hot batteries. Or - if the option with curtains is not entirely acceptable - you can pull it over wooden frame fabric that harmonizes in color with all other textiles in the room, and cover the radiators with this screen. Air easily passes through the fabric; it does not present any obstacle to this, which means that heat transfer will not decrease.
  3. The use of materials such as plastic, MDF panels, and drywall will also be inexpensive. However, they also have a significant drawback - a decrease in heat in the room. And from the point of view of environmental friendliness, these materials leave much to be desired. The same plastic, for example, is better used in the bathroom to turn off the tap, in the kitchen, that is, in rooms with high humidity, where the same wood, the same metal will quickly become unusable due to external factors. Boxes made of MDF panels or plasterboard have good thermal insulation properties what's in in this case absolutely not necessary. And it will be difficult to get to the system.

Of course, low cost is a significant advantage of the material, and for many it is decisive. However, we should not forget that its main function is to provide not only the aesthetic appeal of the heating system, but also warmth in the apartment. Therefore, you should not focus solely on price.

Good combination accessibility, aesthetics, environmental friendliness and ability to transmit heat have wooden structures. A simple grille made of narrow slats, which are sold in any hardware store, can effectively hide radiators and will not interfere with them. normal operation. In addition, such a solution will look natural in any interior. It is not for nothing that wood has been used since ancient times to decorate houses. Its unique natural aesthetics, the warmth and comfort that it brings to the home are still appreciated and in demand.

If, as a background for carved wood panel choose metal sheet– copper or aluminum – this solution will bring double benefits. Wood will take on a decorative function, and thanks to metal, the temperature in the room will not only not drop due to closed battery, but may even increase.

Popular solutions

Currently, there are many ways to hide old cast iron radiators under the window. Screens from the most various materials, niches, painting, wall mounting – options for every taste. But if it’s quite simple to decorate heating radiators in the living room, bedroom or children’s room, you just need to choose a solution that will be in harmony with general style interior - then in rooms with characteristic conditions(for example, in the kitchen, bathroom) - this is more difficult to do.

For these rooms it is necessary to select a material that will withstand and high humidity , and temperature changes, and possible exposure to steam, chemicals. And with all this it will be non-toxic. The best option would be to paint the radiators to match the walls or in a contrasting color. This method of decorating pipes is the most common in bathrooms.

As for the other rooms of the house, everything depends solely on the imagination and budget of the owners. But the basic requirements for radiator screens must be met in any case. After all, their main task is to hide unsightly heating elements without compromising heat transfer. Therefore, any screen must provide free air circulation and IR radiation. At least create minor obstacles to this.

The now popular glass screens, of course, are highly decorative, look great in the interior, but they significantly reduce heat transfer, which means they help lower the temperature in the room. This decor can be used if heating is carried out in some other way, for example, using heated floors.

Quite often you can find such a solution - radiators are mounted inside the wall, and a small window (or two) is left for the passage of heat, closed with bars. Not only does the temperature in the room drop significantly in this case, but also access to the system becomes almost impossible - to do this you will have to break down the wall in literally this word.

The same applies to boxes made of plasterboard, plywood, MDF, chipboard and other similar materials. Reduced heat transfer, difficult access to the system versus decorativeness. Everyone makes a choice for themselves.

Screens made of metal – copper or aluminum – are now gaining popularity. Such models not only will not lower, but may even increase the temperature in the room. Heated by the radiator, such screens themselves act as a battery and additionally heat the room.

If the room is covered with wallpaper, the heating elements can be decorated using leftovers. Cutting them into strips and gluing them onto radiators (of course, heat-resistant glue), it is possible with minimum costs get beautiful element decor that will harmoniously fit into the interior.

In a children's room, you can generally give free rein to your imagination, or you can involve the inhabitants of the room in the process. Children will happily take on the task of decorating their own home and will tell you how they would like to decorate the radiators. Favorite cartoons, fairy tales, your own imagination, in which the room is not a room at all, but a ship, a tank or a racing car. All this can be used when decorating radiators.

To decorate old heating radiators, it is not necessary to spend a large amount of money, effort and time. You can simply paint them. Freshly painted batteries will look good in modern interior, such as, for example, a loft, both in a classic and in a soft pastel room. The main thing is to choose the right color.

The same loft is industrial style, and its color scheme is appropriate. The most commonly used is black or white. One of them can be used to color batteries. Elements painted in a contrasting color - black on white or white on a black background - will look especially impressive.

For the more prosaic, calm interiors this is unlikely to be suitable - after all, it still emphasizes the heating system, highlights it, and does not hide it. IN industrial loft this is what you need. But, for example, in classic interior it would be inappropriate. Here it is better to paint the batteries to match the walls so that they blend into the background.

Heating radiators can be decorated with paintings. Such elements will look good in a nursery and will emphasize the dynamic, active, unusual atmosphere inherent in this room.

In the bathroom, you can put the pipes in a plastic box. It would be irrational to use wood or metal in this room - the materials will quickly become unusable, and the design will have to be changed. And plastic can easily withstand the high humidity of this room. However, plastic is not suitable for the kitchen; here it is better to give preference to traditional materials.

The decor of a heating system implies not only the camouflage of its elements, but also the possibility of easy and quick access to any of its components. This is one of the most important criteria choices that need to be followed when choosing the design of radiators.

Another important factor is heat transfer. But here you can resort to a little trick. A foil foam insulator hung on the wall behind the radiator will reduce heat loss by twenty times.

But it must be attached to the wall, and not just put the battery. In this case, a distance of at least two to three centimeters should remain between it and the piece of insulator.

It is not advisable to cover the elements of the heating system with boxes, hide them in niches or mount them in walls. If another option is not possible, it is necessary to provide the box with a door to ensure the fastest and easiest access to the system at any time.

Modern industry produces heating radiators that are significantly different from Soviet models, which everyone is so eager to hide or change. These are not only strictly geometric white radiators. These can be models of almost any shape and size. Such batteries do not have to be hidden or covered; on the contrary, it is customary to put them on public display, hang them in the center of the wall and show them to guests as a bright, unusual accent.

Modern radiators are a spectacular decorative element that is attractive in itself. Even simple white models have their own aesthetics. They don't have to be hidden at all. They will cope perfectly with the role of discreet, but stylish elements decorations that also perform practical function- heat the room.

Examples in the interior

To decorate or hide radiators in a room beautifully so that they are not a “fly in the ointment” and do not spoil the entire appearance of the room, not so difficult task. Modern materials allow us to solve this issue with minimal costs.

Vertical, horizontal, sectional, copper, cast iron – modern market offers a wide variety of radiators to suit every taste.

A battery with a bright, cheerful color, such as yellow, will look good in a children's room - it has a positive effect on nervous system And emotional state person.

New models, unusual for the eyes - vertical radiators. They are located vertically on the wall and can occupy the entire height from floor to ceiling. This element looks quite stylish and does an excellent job of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room.

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