How to harvest and store mint for culinary and medicinal purposes. Storing mint correctly - ways

Mint is the most valuable medicinal plant with an unsurpassed aroma. It is used as a stimulant, an assistant in the treatment of stomach diseases, and an aromatic spice in drinks and food. In order for mint to delight you in winter, the herb should be properly prepared. To save useful substances It is better to freeze the plant and vitamins, but this fragrant crop can also be dried.

Rules for collecting mint for winter harvesting

To prepare mint, you should follow the basic collection rules:

Advice. Of course, you should not harvest mint near roads or livestock farms. You should also be sure that the area is not treated with chemicals or fertilizers. Otherwise, instead useful remedy you can get something harmful.

For collected mint, you can organize short-term storage in the refrigerator. Wrap the leaves or shoots in dry paper towels and place in a sealable container or plastic bag. This method will preserve the aroma and taste qualities mint for about 1 month. Then parts of the plant will darken, become limp and lose their medicinal properties. There are other options for longer storage.

How to freeze mint for the winter

To ensure long-term freezing is successful, first of all, after cutting or purchasing mint, place it in water for a few minutes. For these purposes, you can use a large shallow container. After this, rinse the greens under running water, shake off and place in one layer on a dry towel. Do not cover the top with anything. Turn the grass periodically. The plants will need about half an hour to dry.

Advice. For more long term You cannot leave washed mint - it will wither and become unsuitable for freezing.

Advice. Set aside young parts of plants should be frozen separately. They have a more subtle and delicate aroma and taste, so they have a slightly different purpose in cooking.

Other methods of long-term freezing differ little from those described in the algorithm of actions:

  • Whole plants can also be frozen in bags: the stem will withstand the load if you do not crush or break it before sending it to the freezer;
  • you can finely chop the plant before freezing;
  • another option is a paste of mint ground in a blender, an excellent ingredient for baking;
  • For cocktails, you can make frozen tender mint leaves in ice cubes. To do this, use standard freezing of water in silicone containers.

Advice. Be sure to label the frozen contents so that you don’t get confused in the whitish packages in winter.

How to properly dry mint for the winter

Mint is dried efficiently only in a suspended state. Usually a balcony, attic or veranda is used for these purposes. During the process, it is important to observe the following conditions:

  • After collecting, soak the herb in water room temperature for 10-15 minutes, and then wash thoroughly under running water;
  • sort and remove damaged copies;
  • Choose a dry and well-ventilated area. The drying area should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • divide the stems into bundles of equal size and tie each of them;
  • hang the mint with the leaves facing down.

Advice. Even if you follow the drying technology, sweetness may appear in the bunches. Inspect mint periodically if you find characteristic features remove branches.

To dry the leaves separately from the stem, use another method:

Dried mint

  • place the leaves evenly on a clean piece of cloth or paper;
  • send to a dark place;
  • Stir the mint leaves occasionally to prevent scorching.

You can also dry mint using the express method, in the oven. Parts of the plant should also be distributed evenly over a sheet covered with paper. This method has a significant disadvantage - the characteristic aroma will disappear. Only natural drying will retain all the useful and tasty features of the mint bouquet.

How to preserve mint: video


ABOUT healing properties mint has been known since time immemorial. It cools, relieves pain and itching, treats inflammation, dilates blood vessels, improves digestion, and soothes. And this, believe me, is far from full list her useful actions.

To always have a “green healer” on hand, you need to know how to properly prepare and store mint. Drying and freezing allow you to preserve all the microelements and healing substances of the plant. All that remains is to collect, properly prepare the mint and choose the most convenient way blanks.

Mint is a spicy aromatic herb with a high content of menthol and tannins. Used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Peppermint contains the largest amount of menthol.

Today this one medicinal type The plant is cultivated in many countries around the world.

In our country, by the way, it grows like a perennial wild grass or a weed, so it won’t be difficult to collect and prepare healthy greens yourself.

Mint is an integral part of modern pharmacology. Experts identify several main areas of its application:

  1. Diseases gastrointestinal tract- menthol, which is part of mint essential oil, tones the intestinal mucosa, improves peristalsis and relieves pain. It also reduces the acidity of the gastric environment, therefore it is prescribed in therapeutic purposes with gastritis. Herbal mint tea is useful for nausea, colic and flatulence.
  2. Liver and kidney diseases - mint is traditionally included in choleretic and diuretic infusions. Used for hepatitis, cholelithiasis.
  3. Sleep disorders, chronic stress, nervous system disorders.
  4. Cardiovascular system - mint promotes vasodilation and relieves heart pain.

Mint collection

Preparation of mint begins with correct collection. If you have the opportunity to collect the plant yourself, approach this moment with special responsibility. It is important to consider the place and time of collection. Mint is most useful in mid-summer before flowering. During this period there is the most high concentration essential oils. In the second half of summer, the plant slows down its growth and devotes all its energy to developing inflorescences.

Gather medicinal plants needed in environmentally friendly places in the first or second half of the day. Mint loves shady, moist areas. During collection, the stems of the plant must be cut with scissors so as not to damage the root system.

Having collected fresh greens, they should not be left in the sun. For further use, mint should be thoroughly washed in cold water and dry.

How to store fresh mint at home

Provided the water is changed daily and the container is thoroughly washed, the plant will last for several days. For more long-term storage You can’t do without a refrigerator for winter greens.

In an airtight container

In this case, you will need a sealed bag with a zipper, plastic container or glass jar:

  • rinse and dry the mint thoroughly;
  • Place whole stems or parts of plants in a sealed ziplock bag, container or glass jar;
  • compact the greens tightly, releasing excess air;
  • close the container and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

In a towel

A damp towel will help keep mint fresh for a week or more at home:

  • rinse the greens and dry them in the fresh air;
  • wrap whole stems in a towel made from natural materials;
  • spray the fabric on both sides with a spray bottle: the material should be slightly damp, but not wet;
  • place the mint on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • Spray the towel every day as it dries.

Instead of a regular woven towel, you can use a paper towel folded in several layers.

Frozen in the refrigerator: the right way to store in winter

Freezing is the simplest and useful way preparation of any products, including greens. With a few simple methods you can prepare mint for the whole year until the next harvest.


Freezing mint is easy without any additional processing. Place the pre-washed and dried stems in plastic containers or ziplock bags. You can also wrap the mint in foil. This method is most effective in dry freezers.


Chopped frozen mint is convenient to use as a seasoning for dishes, in tea, for making cocktails and desserts. To do this, separate the leaves from the stems, chop them (it’s best to tear them with your hands) and put them in a regular bag. Tie and place in the freezer.

In ice trays

Another popular long-term storage method fragrant greenery mint. To do this, place several leaves in ice trays, pour boiled water clean water and freeze. The second way is to make mint mousse.

Grind the greens in a blender, adding a little water. Pack the resulting thick mass into molds and freeze.

You can clearly see how to freeze mint into cubes in molds in the video.

Dried mint

Drying is the most famous preservation method useful properties plants. You can prepare and store mint in two ways - crushed and in bunches.

  1. Collect well-washed and dried greens into loose bunches, tying the stems at the base with a thick thread. Hang the bunches, leaves side down, in a dry, well-ventilated place. After complete drying, place the bundles in paper or linen bags. It is recommended to store in a locker.
  2. Rinse and dry the greens in advance. Separate the leaves from the stems and place them loosely in a dry place on a clean thick paper or on fabric. To ensure that the leaves dry evenly and do not rot, turn them over regularly. After complete drying, place the mint in glass jars, paper or linen bags.
  • Store mint for no more than one season;
  • do not dry greens in direct sunlight, or in an oven or oven;
  • Use frozen mint without first defrosting;
  • do not allow re-freezing;
  • store mint separately from other aromatics and seasonings;
  • at high humidity air, place a few grains of white rice in a bag or bag of dried mint.

Knowing how to properly store and prepare mint, you can all year round enjoy the pleasant aroma and refreshing effect of this healing plant.

Doctors have proven that regular supplementation peppermint in dishes and drinks helps maintain body tone and health digestive system. At the same time, the benefits are preserved both in dried and frozen herbs.

Mint - aromatic plant, used in various fields. These are cooking, medicine, cosmetology. The question of how to properly store mint occupies many people, since the period natural growth plants do not last long, but you want to preserve memories of summer throughout the year.

IN winter evenings It’s nice to pamper yourself with tea with the refreshing aroma of menthol, which is an expressive component of the plant with an additional tonic effect.

Having familiarized yourself with popular recipes for storing this green miracle, you can stock up on mint taste and smell for the year. You can use harvested greens:

  • for preparing and decorating various dishes;
  • for the purpose of refreshing and whitening facial skin (masks, lotions);
  • as a soothing drink (mojitos, cocktails with added mint flavor);
  • for baths and trays;
  • How medicine(infusions, decoctions).

To prevent mint from losing its qualities, it should be harvested for future use, following simple recommendations.

Features of mint storage

  1. The plant has its most beneficial properties at the end of June - beginning of July, that is, during the period of active flowering, so harvesting for future use must be planned for this period.
  2. Young stems with an abundance of aromatic leaves, which contain a high concentration of essential oils, are suitable for storage.
  3. It is recommended to collect mint after the dew disappears, but no later than 11 a.m.

Only mint collected during the specified period of time will delight you with its minty taste and delicious smell. The most successful storage methods include drying the plant or freezing it.

You can harvest mint with whole sprigs or individual leaves.

Preparation of raw materials

Collected plants need careful preparation before storing them in any way you like. The algorithm for preparing raw materials is almost the same for all recipes.

To receive good result necessary:

  • sort through the stems with leaves, removing dry fragments, weeds, accidentally ingested debris and insects;
  • rinse the plants under running water and drain in a colander;
  • spread on a towel and wait until excess moisture is removed;

If only the leaves are to be stored, they must be removed from the stems. Do it better with your hands without using metal objects- pruning shears, scissors, knife. This will prevent the possibility of an oxidative process that provokes early spoilage of products.

How to store fresh mint

Collected mint quickly withers, as a result of which it loses not only its original freshness, but also useful qualities.

Refrigerated storage - best option, which allows you to keep the product fresh for a week.

Having prepared the emerald greens in the manner described above, they keep them in the refrigerator using simple tricks:

  1. Place the plant stems in a jar of water. By changing the water daily, you can keep your greens fresh for up to 10 days.
  2. Place a bunch of mint in a plastic container with a tight lid that does not allow air to enter. Duration of use is 5-7 days.
  3. Spread the stems in a thin layer on a damp cloth and roll it into a roll. Shelf life - 3-4 days.

These recipes allow you to briefly extend good condition mint. However, it quickly loses color saturation. In addition, other products have the ability to absorb odors released by the plant.

Drying mint

An old proven method of storing plants is drying. Its use allows you to preserve all the taste, color and menthol smell. There are several drying options:

  • natural - in a well-ventilated place;
  • using a microwave oven;
  • drying in the oven.

Drying in the oven and microwave reduces the preparation time, however, as a result of heat treatment, the product loses a significant amount of beneficial properties; essential oils simply evaporate during such treatment.

Natural air drying allows you to get a truly amazing result, provided all requirements are met preparatory stage described above.

The remaining steps will not take much time:

  • it is necessary to collect mint in small bunches;
  • tie the lower part of the stems tightly with strong thread or twine;
  • hang bouquets of mint with the inflorescences down so that all the substances are concentrated in the leaf area.

The room should be well ventilated without exposure to direct sun rays per plant.

After the stems and leaves have completely dried, the resulting raw materials must be placed in a dry glass containers(preferably dark color), close tightly and place in a dark place.

This preparation can be stored for more than a year without losing its properties. Tea, meat dishes, dessert are the main uses of dried mint.

Freezing a plant

You can prepare mint for the winter using the freezer. When frozen, mint, as when dried, retains all its qualities for 7-8 months.

Whole leaves

Well-prepared greens are placed in a plastic bag with a sealed clasp.

If it is desirable to freeze only the leaves, they must first be removed from the stem by hand.

An important requirement: there should be no moisture on the leaves, and air should be removed from the bag using a cocktail straw.

Whole branches

For decoration holiday dishes Freezing leaves and stems is suitable. This mint is also used to prepare infusions and decoctions used in cosmetics and medicinal purposes.

The branches of the plant are laid in cellophane bag, from which air is removed. Then the bag is tightly rolled into a tight tube and sent to the freezer.

Finely chopped

Convenient packaging of products is more suitable for preparing first courses.

The greens are pre-chopped with a knife or in a blender, placed in small containers and frozen.

The disadvantage of this method is that there are difficulties with separation required quantity product.

In ice cubes

Most convenient option freezing mint - in special molds designed for freezing ice. Candy boxes are also used for this purpose.

The advantage of the method is portion packaging.

Do you like refreshing, mint or savory drinks? meat dishes and salads? We have encountered that the plant quickly withers and loses its aroma. Learn how to store mint so you can always enjoy the refreshing smell and taste.

How to store mint in the refrigerator?

If you purchased or cut aromatic herbs and did not use them, store them in the refrigerator. To prevent mint from wilting, rinse the branches with leaves thoroughly and shake a little excess water. Wrap in damp gauze or towel and place in the refrigerator.

The washed greens can be placed in a plastic container and covered with a lid. If you don't have a suitable container, place the fragrant sprigs in a disposable bag and tie tightly to prevent air from entering. You can also put the greens in a glass of water. Mint can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

How to store mint for a long time?

The harvesting season for this fragrant herb is at the end of July - beginning of August. At this time it contains greatest number essential oils. If you know how to properly store fresh mint, you can enjoy its pleasant aroma throughout the year.

If you want to prepare mint for the winter, then know that you can do this in two ways:

· freezing;

Before freezing greens, rinse them thoroughly and let them dry. Place the prepared twigs and leaves in bags or containers and send them to freezer. To make mojitos and other cold drinks, mint can be frozen in ice cube trays. Fill the molds with water, placing a couple of clean mint leaves in each compartment. Freeze.

A bouquet of fragrant mint fills the house with fragrance and peace. City fatigue, insomnia and headaches from the hustle and bustle of everyday life go away. Drinking a glass of mint decoction relieves spasms, reduces nausea, heals the throat, restores appetite, relieves stomach pain and is simply refreshing on a hot day. The leaves of the plant, added to dishes during the cooking process, make the food tastier. How to preserve mint for a long time? A bouquet of fragrant mint fills the house with fragrance and peace. City fatigue, insomnia and headaches from the hustle and bustle of everyday life go away. Drinking a glass of mint decoction relieves spasms, reduces nausea, heals the throat, restores appetite, relieves stomach pain and is simply refreshing on a hot day. The leaves of the plant, added to dishes during the cooking process, make the food tastier. How to preserve mint for a long time?


Methods for storing mint

1. Wet method. You can keep mint leaves fresh for a week by wrapping the plant in a damp towel and placing it in the refrigerator. Looks nice on kitchen table and a bouquet of mint, which for decoration can be placed not only in a vase, but also in a can, a small tall pan, flower pot or into a jug. In this case, the water must be changed daily.

2. Dry method. Our grandmothers have been accustomed for centuries healing herbs dry. Dehydrated parts of the plant can be stored for many years. True, the beneficial qualities of herbal tea are lost over time, and therefore it is recommended to replenish the supply of dry mint annually.

Dry the grass like this: flowering mint is cut with pruning shears or a knife; if necessary, the lower part of the plant is washed from dust in clean water, let the water drain. The resulting raw materials (whole or cut into pieces) are laid out in a thin layer on a clean cloth in a shady place, or hung in the form of thin bunches in a ventilated area away from sunlight. Medicinal properties possesses the entire above-ground part of the plant, but if there is a lot of mint, housewives prefer to collect only the leaves for storage.

3. Freezing. Modern refrigerators allow you to store vegetables, berries, and herbs for many months. Why not freeze mint too? Ice cubes with a fresh mint leaf in the center look especially impressive. Mint cubes can be used both when making cocktails and when cooking soups or making salads.

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