How to choose the best blanket for a child? Getting ready for cold winter nights, or which blanket is best to choose.

To ensure a healthy and restful sleep, you first need a comfortable bed that is pleasant to the body bed sheets, a comfortable pillow, and, of course, a blanket. Sleep is the key to a person’s excellent well-being, Have a good mood, he is part of our life.

Below we will tell you which blanket to buy for your child and what criteria to use to choose it.

A good quality blanket is made from natural materials that pass special treatment. Such blankets have good breathability and thermal conductivity.

Natural and synthetic fillings divide blankets into two different types. In the same way, the outer coverings of blankets are divided: natural and mixed. The quality of the outer fabric plays a role in choosing important role, because this layer is in direct contact with the skin.

How to choose a blanket for a child: what should you pay attention to when choosing a blanket?

It is important to know which blanket to choose for a child if the baby is not a fan of opening up. Everything connected with a child’s sleeping place is the key to health, sound sleep, and normal development.

Blankets can be divided into several classifications. Summer and winter blankets, natural and artificial, with natural or synthetic filling.

What criteria should be taken into account when choosing a baby blanket?

And in fact, one of the main ones is convenience.

1.Season. First, you need to decide at what time the blanket will be used.

  • The winter type of blankets is warmer and has a dense filler. In summer, it is usually hot and uncomfortable under them.
  • Summer option blankets are made in a lightweight style. The filling is selected individually because different fillings will retain heat in their own way.
  • Double-sided blankets are quilted on both sides different materials. This type of product can be used all year round, but in regions where the climate is temperate.
  • Four seasons - interesting guy blankets on push-button mechanism. In the warm season, the additional part is unfastened; in cold weather, both are used.

2. Weight. Very important criterion, especially for children. A heavy blanket cannot be called comfortable.

3. Natural fibers is also important, and no less than the previous points. Natural materials are allergy triggers due to the stiffness of the fibers, while synthetics and faux fur have a pleasant smoothness. Wool particles irritate the skin and mucous membranes. It’s a paradox, but it is artificial substitutes that are less allergenic.

  • Natural fillers: sheep, camel wool, bamboo and silk;
  • Artificial fillers: holofiber, Vitasan, acrylic.

4. Breathability. During sleep, a person sweats, and the moisture is absorbed by the sheet and blanket. And if the second does not allow air and moisture to pass through, then an unpleasant microclimate for the body is formed under the blanket with elevated temperature and humidity.

5. Character of fibers. Air permeability and vapor permeability are properties that are inherent in natural fibers. To achieve the same quality, artificial fibers need to take additional measures.

6. Distribution. With fillers, incidents are always possible - lumps, stray fluff. The problem can be solved using a certain sewing method.

7. Price. It all depends on financial capabilities. Advice: one blanket is better, but good quality than three or four low-quality ones.

What blanket should I buy for my baby for the winter?

For the winter months, even in well-heated apartments, choose a baby blanket with thick filling. Goose, duck, eider down, or a combination of duck and goose down are used as fillers.

Interesting! The extraordinary lightness of a duvet is not the only advantage, especially if the duvet is intended for infants. It also has good breathability, retains heat, maintains a good microclimate, and absorbs moisture.

As for caring for a duvet, everything is without complications - airing several times a year and drying in the sun. Ideal choice for the winter period, of course, if there is no allergy to feathered down. Duvet suitable for children of different ages, because of its lightness.

1. Wool blanket for baby

Wool blankets occupy second place in demand. The blanket is made in two variations:

  • woven wool blanket;
  • blanket with wool filling.

The second option is suitable exclusively for the winter months, but the woven product can be used even in the summer. A woven product made of wool is dense, which makes it heavy, but a blanket with down filling has practically no weight.

Wool has positive characteristics: it allows air to pass through well, maintains a microclimate, it is warm, and evaporates moisture well. Wool material has a beneficial effect on joints and blood circulation. There is a downside to wool blankets - the ability to cause allergies.

Blankets made from camel down and camel wool are in great demand. When parents asked: “Is it good? camel blanket for a child?”, you can answer with a statement.

The blanket is lightweight, soft and medicinal properties, which have a beneficial effect on the human spine and the circulatory system. Camel wool contains lanolin, which has additional healing properties.

Interesting! Blankets are made from camel wool or down. Wool filling is warmer and lighter. A blanket made of camel down is practically not felt, it is so weightless, and its softness gives a pleasant tactile sensation.

Blankets and rugs are made from alpaca and sheep wool. Such blankets are characterized as light, warm, maintaining a healthy microclimate in the bed.

Caring for a blanket made of camel hair and down is not difficult. It is enough to air it several times a year, wash it by hand, and dry it horizontally on a straight surface. Dry cleaning is permitted.

2. Cotton blanket

A cotton blanket, which is based on cotton, has a fragile structure that is easily damaged. At the same time, the cotton wool gets into clumps and the process of air permeability is disrupted. The blanket is not considered to be fluffy, but it is machine washable.

3. Synthetic blankets

Synthetic options made from holofiber and padding polyester are distinguished by their low weight and increased ability to maintain temperature. Hygroscopicity is low; while sleeping under such a blanket in winter is good, in summer it is simply unbearable.

What kind of blanket should I cover my baby with during the summer months?

Summer blankets should be thin and light. The task of a blanket in summer is not to warm, but to remove moisture and maintain the microclimate. After all, sweating increases in summer. A cotton blanket copes well with this task. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic, and washable.

1. Bamboo blanket

The bamboo blanket has an antimicrobial effect that remains even after fifty washes. This type of blanket can be machine washed.

2. Silk blanket

A silk blanket is the best thermoregulating option. Has a smooth outer surface. The only drawback is the high price.

Parents are very often interested in what kind of blanket to buy for a one-year-old child, what kind of blanket is suitable for a 2-year-old child? At this age, not all children like to hide. And you might find seasonal pajamas more useful.

When choosing a baby blanket, it is important to consider physiological characteristics the child’s body, because the composition of the filler can cause allergies.

Which blanket should I buy? (video)

How to choose a blanket? (video)

DIY blanket for children (video)

Manufacturers offer a wide range of natural and artificial fillings for children's blankets. What is better, how to choose so that the child does not experience discomfort, but sleeps peacefully and soundly. Understand the pros and cons different fillers and do right choice Our article will help.

Every mother strives to provide her child with maximum convenience during sleep. To do this, they dim the bright lights, reduce the volume of the TV, and even try to walk around the apartment in such a way as to exclude sharp and loud sounds.
But there is another component of a comfortable sleep - a properly selected blanket. Let's talk about this today, since the large and varied selection of fillings used in blankets sometimes leads to a dead end. To avoid this, let’s consider which filler to choose for a baby blanket.


They use natural down of waterfowl as a filler. It could be a swan, a loon, a goose. Such blankets are lightweight and reliably retain heat. Although for a child this same quality can be negative, since the baby may overheat, which is absolutely undesirable.
In addition, down tends to absorb moisture and become damp. This means that the blanket must be dried and ventilated regularly. Natural down filling is a favorable environment for reproduction bed mites causing allergic reactions.


An alternative to natural down is an artificial analogue made from padding polyester, comforter, or holofiber. Such blankets are lightweight, have good thermal conductivity and are hypoallergenic, as well as light and simple care. They can be machine washed at home. They dry quickly without losing their shape.


These blankets are filled with natural cotton in the form of cotton wool. He doesn't call allergic reactions, holds heat well and “breathes”. But due to the impressive weight of such products, the popularity of cotton filler is falling. Blankets with such filling are difficult to wash at home. Cotton wool takes a long time to dry and clumps, which significantly reduces the consumer qualities of a cotton blanket.


Such products also contain natural filling made from sheep, camel, goat wool, as well as Australian merino or alpaca. Blankets made with wool are light, hygroscopic and breathable. They reliably warm, maintaining a balance of temperature and moisture.
There are varieties of wool blankets in the form of small blankets, irreplaceable helpers on walks and during outings.
The disadvantages of such products include the need to protect them from the constant attacks of voracious moths that can spoil appearance blankets.


The most modern filler, also of natural plant origin. The products are lightweight, free from allergic irritations and foreign odors. Natural properties filler eliminates the appearance of unwanted microorganisms and insects, which is very important when used. Blankets with bamboo filler don't require special care and serve for a long time without losing their properties.
Such products are often chosen for warmer seasons due to their lightness and naturalness.

How to choose

Before settling on one specific product, you need to determine for yourself the goals and qualities expected from it. This is where the selection criteria come from:

For summer or winter;
big or small;
natural or artificial;
light or heavier.

Based on this, you can choose a baby blanket with a filling that is guaranteed to create comfortable and comfortable conditions for your child. healthy sleep, and the product itself will serve for a long time, maintaining an attractive appearance.

A blanket is one of the main bedroom accessories, a well-known attribute of a good, long and comfortable sleep. Traditionally, this product is made from wool and down, but in modern era Most accessories of this kind are made from synthetic fibers.

What criteria should you use to choose a blanket?

Modern stores delight customers with a huge assortment of a wide variety of bedding accessories. They don’t ignore blankets either. What should you pay attention to, which blanket is better to buy, and what parameters should you simply ignore?

  • Filler. All sleeping accessories of this type are divided into two large groups - made of natural material or artificial synthetic fibers. Lovers of the classics will no doubt appreciate down or wool - warm, pleasant to the touch, and having many other advantages. Its main disadvantage is the price, the impossibility of full washing, as well as difficult care along with high allergenicity. Synthetic-based products are significantly different from each other, have a number of advantages and disadvantages, and at the same time act as a reasonable alternative to the standard classics;
  • Size. Size is important. The blanket must be selected strictly according to the size of the bed, naturally taking into account your own preferences and dimensions. Modern standards suggest the possibility of purchasing one-, one-and-a-half- and double-bed options, or individual order for sewing products of non-standard size;
  • Case. The fabric of the blanket cover should not only be pleasant to the touch, but also be easy to remove and wash, and be dense enough to hold the filling if necessary. The domestic market offers covers mainly made of silk, jacquard, knitwear, satin and calico;
  • Thermal insulation. Modern high-quality products are equipped with markings indicating the degree of thermal insulation of blankets in the form of suns or levels. If they are absent, then you can adhere to the general data - the warmest are predominantly thick synthetic and light down products;
  • Hypoallergenic. Down and wool are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, and the best option synthetics and bamboo are used.

Popular fillers - pros and cons

Don't buy a pig in a poke! Be sure to carefully study the product, analyzing it according to the above criteria. First of all, pay attention to the filling - the basis of any blanket, and we will tell you below which filling is best to buy.

Bird fluff

The most commonly used filler is goose down. Traditional option animal origin, high-quality structure, but high price. The long service life of this type of product has become possible thanks to modern technologies for processing the source material; in general, we can say that bird fluff is good filler for a blanket.

Pros of a bird down blanket:

  • Good thermal insulation properties along with high-quality thermoregulation;
  • Air permeability. Such products create a good microclimate due to the possibility of air circulation;
  • Persistent form. Blankets made from bird down are quite elastic, do not wrinkle, and hold their shape well;
  • Light weight. A down blanket is the lightest among all possible options;
  • Durability. Modern products this type can last up to two decades;
  • Antistatic effect. Down filling is not subject to static electricity.

Disadvantages of bird down filler:

  • Price. Goose down duvets are among the most expensive;
  • Poor moisture exchange. While allowing air to pass through well, down simultaneously retains a significant portion of moisture, which leads to gradual dampening of the product;
  • Potential allergenicity. In such products there is a very high probability of dust mites settling in the structure of the filler;
  • Special care. Down duvets are essential special conditions storage and regular treatment against ticks.

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Sheep wool blanket

A fairly popular natural filler, which clearly outperforms bird fluff due to its lower cost, but at the same time has additional disadvantages.

The benefits of blankets made from sheep wool :

  • Good heat capacity. Sheep wool warms well, retains heat for a long time, and in a number of countries it is used as a preventive measure for muscle atony and osteochondrosis;
  • Air exchange. Like bird down, this filler creates optimal conditions for microcirculation of air masses;
  • Balanced moisture exchange. A blanket made of sheep wool absorbs and releases moisture well, remaining dry a long period time;
  • Antistatic effect. The material is not susceptible to static electricity;
  • Low cost. Blankets with this filling are available to the broad masses population and is cheaper not only than bird fluff, but also some synthetic-based products.


  • Allergenicity. Animal wax in the structure of the filler, as well as dust mites, often present in blankets, increase the risk of allergic reactions in humans;
  • Short service life. On average, sheep wool blankets last about 4 years, after which they quickly cake and lose their shape;
  • Weight. Products of this kind have a high mass, comparable to their cotton counterparts;
  • Difficult care. Products cannot be washed; only chemical surface cleaning is used with caution.

Advantages and disadvantages of camel wool blankets

This filler came to us from Far East. Blankets based on it are popular in Russia, are relatively inexpensive, last a long time and are an excellent alternative sheep wool products.


  • Heat capacity. Products made from this filler are no less warm than other natural-based products;
  • Air and moisture exchange. Camel's wool promotes microcirculation of air masses and moisture at the same time;
  • Persistent form. Blankets made from this material hold their shape perfectly and do not bunch up;
  • Light weight. Products based on filler are light and thin;
  • Antistatic effect. Camel fur is not electrified;
  • Durability. Blankets based on the filling described above last an average of 20 years.


  • Allergenicity. The problem with all natural animal-based fillers is the increased risk of dust mites;
  • Price. The price of a duvet is lower than that of a down duvet, but still high compared to synthetic counterparts;
  • Tactile sensations. Most products are scratchy and can only be used with a thick duvet cover and in a maximally closed cover.

Blankets filled with swan down

Natural swan's down modern production blankets are not used due to the extremely high cost of the source material. Instead, a synthetic analogue is used - Thinsulate. Artificial filler has a number of specific properties, and products made from it are ideal for the off-season in the autumn-spring period.

The benefits of swan down:

Cons of a swan down blanket:

  • Electrostaticity. The material accumulates a lot of static;
  • Moisture resistance. Absolutely does not absorb or release moisture;
  • Poor microcirculation. The filler practically does not allow air masses to pass through, which creates a danger of overheating of the body.

Polyester fiber as filler in a blanket

A whole group of latest generation fillers is united by one common designation: polyester fiber. This includes microfiber, comforter, holofiber, silicone fiber and ecofiber. The products described above are slightly different in appearance, but have identical properties.


  • Hypoallergenic. Do not cause allergies and are harmless to health;
  • Elastic shape. There is no caking or rolling, the fillers hold their shape well;
  • Heat capacity. Excellent heat retention due to the special hollow structure;
  • Weight. Low weight of products, regardless of the subtype of such artificial filler;
  • Life time. Blankets made from polyester fibers can last 10-15 years.


  • Electrostaticity. Products are susceptible to static charge accumulation;
  • Moisture resistance. There is no microcirculation of moisture - poor absorption and zero liquid return.

Bamboo fiber blankets

A modern type of filler based entirely on plants, obtained by regenerating cellulose from the stems of classic bamboo stems.

Advantages of a bamboo blanket:

  • Hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. The filler contains no allergens, static electricity, and does not absorb odors;
  • Weight. The weight of the products is higher than that of down, but lower than other synthetic analogues;
  • Air exchange. Ideal microcirculation of air masses;
  • Care. Does not require special care, can be washed even in an automatic machine.

Disadvantages of a bamboo blanket:

  • High thermal conductivity. It retains heat poorly, so it is mainly used for summer blankets;
  • Poor moisture exchange. The material does not absorb moisture well, but at the same time releases it well;
  • Service life. The average service time is about 2 years.

Eucalyptus fiber

One of the most modern species Plant-based filler is produced from eucalyptus stems using the cellulose regeneration method. Its alternative names are lyocell and tencel..

Blankets based on the material have good thermoregulation, but are quite expensive.


  • Hypoallergenic. Mites cannot grow in the filler; the fibers themselves do not cause allergies;
  • Heat capacity. The material from which the blanket is made is one of the warmest;
  • Form. Tenzel has an elastic soft structure, does not cake or deform;
  • Air and moisture permeability. Lyocell has excellent breathability, antistatic and moisture-exchange properties, which creates the most balanced microcirculation;
  • Care and service life. Blankets made from eucalyptus fiber do not require special care and last up to 10-12 years.


  • Great cost. Blankets based on this material are the most expensive;
  • High probability of fake. Due to the high cost, many manufacturers replace some plant fibers with synthetic analogues, which significantly worsens the above-described beneficial features blankets

Cotton blankets

Until recently, cotton filling meant classic cotton wool. Modern technologies significantly changed this type of fiber, making it more elastic and durable. Good thermoregulation and low cost are the main parameters of today's cotton.


  • Hypoallergenic. Does not cause allergies, is harmless to the human body and the biosphere;
  • Price. This type the filler is the most accessible and inexpensive;
  • Heat capacity. Cotton blankets are some of the warmest.


  • Large mass. An average blanket with such filling can weigh 2-3 kilograms;
  • Poor moisture exchange. Cotton absorbs liquids well, but does not evaporate them;
  • Life time. The filler deteriorates very quickly and loses consumer properties, on average lasts 1 year, maximum 2 seasons.

Hemp fiber

This type of vegetable filler is obtained by processing and squeezing flax. Products based on it have an average cost, are universal and have a number of advantages.


  • Antibacterial and hypoallergenic. Hemp fiber does not cause allergies and also does not contain pathogenic microflora;
  • Excellent microcirculation. Blankets based on this material are air and moisture permeable;
  • Life time. The service life of the filler is calculated in decades;
  • Heat capacity. Blankets based on filler provide good warmth and are versatile – they can be used in any season.

Minuses: practically absent, excellent universal balance prices and quality.

Silk blankets

A classic filler of animal origin, known since ancient times. Raw material obtained as a result of direct reproduction using silkworm larvae.

Ideal for use in the off-season, but at the same time it costs more than synthetic analogues.


  • Hypoallergenic. The only kind natural filler animal based, which does not cause allergic reactions. Pathogenic microorganisms do not settle inside the structure of the material;
  • Antistatic effect. Products based on this filler are not electrified;
  • Life time. Average term operation – more than 10 years;
  • Good microcirculation. The structure of the product perfectly allows moisture and air to pass through;
  • Easy care. The product does not require regular washing, it is easy to dry and ventilate.


  • Price. The price for such products is one of the highest among blankets of any type;
  • Thermal conductivity. Silk has high thermal conductivity and does not retain heat well. winter period time.

How to choose the right blanket size?

The blanket is selected based on the size of the bed, as well as the individual dimensions of the client. Modern product sizes include the following types products:

For adults:

  1. Single and one and a half. Typical sizes are 140 by 205, 145 by 215, 150 by 200 and 160 by 210 centimeters;
  2. Double classic. Standard sizes – 172 by 205, 170 by 200, 175 by 210, 180 by 210 and 180 by 215 centimeters;
  3. Double (European standard). Typical sizes are 200 by 220 and 220 by 240 centimeters;
  4. Non-standard options to order.

For children, the classic sizes are 100 by 140 and 110 by 150 centimeters. For teenagers, the classic one-and-a-half options are suitable.

Duvet covers under blankets are selected with a margin of 5-10 centimeters in width and height.

Method of sewing and finishing a blanket

In addition to all the above criteria, blankets are also divided according to the method of sewing and finishing. Possible options:

  • Cassette assembly. Most popular option. The working surface of the product consists of sections a certain shape with filler. The typical cell size is 10 or 15 centimeters along each face. The advantages of the method are protection from deformation and damage to the blanket, long term its operation;
  • Unidirectional firmware. Hardware stitching in one plane. The simplest and cheapest, but the least reliable option, since there is no complete fixation of the filler and structure of the product;
  • Karostep. A variation of a quilt with machine decorated processing in several directions to create a beautiful pattern. Excellent appearance of the product, better compared to previous version fixation, but lack of versatility and reliability compared to the cassette assembly.

How to choose the optimal blanket?

We recommend choosing a blanket that not only matches the size, price tag and color, but also meets modern sanitary and hygienic standards. It is desirable that the selected products are hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, heat-intensive, and also provide good microcirculation of air masses. Don't forget about other nuances:

  • IN summer period during the time and off-season, it is better to choose a blanket based on silk or bamboo filler with high thermal conductivity;
  • In winter, in early spring or late autumn the best option would be products based on eucalyptus or cotton. An alternative is down and wool blankets, but they require additional care;
  • A universal off-season option is linen-based blankets;
  • For children, sick people and pregnant women, select products that are light enough in weight so as not to further overload the body.

Choose a blanket carefully and wisely - good luck will definitely smile on you!

Blanket for a newborn - which one is better to choose?

When collecting a dowry for a baby, parents often ask the question: which blanket is better to choose? Comfortable sleep very important for the health and development of the baby. Properly selected bedding plays an important role.

Available in stores big choice blankets for babies and I will share my opinion on the selection criteria.

What kind of blanket is there for a newborn?

Basically, I would divide the blankets by composition and size. The blankets come in a fabric cover with various fillers or woven blankets, most often flannelette (cotton), wool and wool blends. I'll start with blankets with fabric covers with various fillings.

In addition to the filler, pay attention to the fabric of the cover and the quality of the stitching. The optimal cover fabric option is 100% cotton fabric. Fabric with the addition of synthetics is more durable, but in this case the blanket may “creak” and become electrified.

1. Duvet with down filling. Pros: light and warm, highly breathable. Cons - a high-quality duvet is significantly more expensive than other children's blankets. Down quickly becomes damp, requires constant drying, and is not machine washable. Despite many articles about the hypoallergenic nature of down filling, I believe that natural down can provoke allergic reactions in children. In addition, dust mites often appear in down fillings, which is unacceptable for small child.

2. Blanket with swan's down filling. "Swan's Down" is a modern synthetic filler, its properties are similar to natural fluff, but it has a number of advantages. A blanket with such filling is light, perfectly warming, breathable, and does not cause allergic reactions. The blanket can withstand repeated washings washing machine, dries quickly. Average price.

3. Blanket with synthetic filling The properties are similar to swan's down, but the filler has a more rigid structure and the blanket is less dimensional stable. Inexpensive a warm blanket, which does not require special care.

4. Cotton blanket does not cause allergic reactions, breathes well and retains heat. The downside is that it is heavy, absorbs odors, and eventually forms lumps. Low price.

5.Blanket with cotton filling - essentially also a cotton blanket, but with a better filler texture. Lighter and more shape-resistant than a cotton blanket. Doesn't like frequent washing. Average price.

6. Blanket with bamboo fiber Its properties are similar to a blanket with cotton fibers, but lighter. Breathes perfectly and does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, bamboo is natural antiseptic, regulates humidity and heat exchange, eliminates odors, which is very important for a small child. Average price range.

7. Blanket with wool filling has excellent thermoregulation and does not cause overheating. Natural wool contains lanolin, which promotes relaxation. Wool quickly absorbs moisture, but dries quickly. Wool blankets have excellent thermal and hygienic properties, but do not like frequent washing, so I would not recommend them for children under 3 years old.

I don’t recommend woven blankets made of wool or wool blends for babies for the same reason.

Woven cotton blanket or flannelette blanket practical option for a small child. Does not cause allergies, breathes well, is easy to wash and dry quickly, and does not require special care. Flannelette blanket is great for warm rooms and walks.

Fleece blankets and blankets – hypoallergenic, lightweight, perfectly warming, quick-drying. Suitable for walking in a stroller.

What kind of blankets are needed for a newborn?

The minimum requirement for a child is one warm and one thin blanket. For summer, perhaps also a blanket for the stroller. Blankets must be breathable, hypoallergenic, easy to care for, and of high quality.

For a “winter” blanket, I would prefer a blanket with synthetic or bamboo filling. At a relatively low price, they meet all the requirements for blankets for newborns.

As a “summer” blanket, I consider a cotton flannelette blanket to be the best option.

When choosing bedding for a crib, you will need not only a blanket and bedding, but also a bumper for the crib to protect your baby from injury and excess light. Now in stores there is a large selection of crib sets with sides and bedding. Such sets most often include: a warm blanket with a duvet cover, a pillow with a pillowcase (used from 12 months), a sheet, and a soft side. If you are planning to buy such a set, then the blanket from the set will be a “winter” blanket for your baby. All you need to do is buy a replacement set of 3-piece bedding and a thin blanket.

Correct baby blanket size

When choosing a blanket by size, you need to take into account the size of the duvet cover in the bedding set for a newborn. In Russia, the standard for children's duvet covers is 115x145 cm. Blankets with a size of 110x140 cm or 100x140 cm are suitable for such a duvet cover.

There are blankets of smaller sizes, for example 85x115 or 110x118 cm. Such blankets are convenient for a stroller. You are unlikely to find a duvet cover to go with it.

Here I wrote my own opinion about choosing a blanket for a newborn. I hope you will take my recommendations into account and choose the most best blanket for your baby.

Your family will soon have a baby, and you are thinking about how best to arrange sleeping area for a baby? Do you doubt whether it is worth buying a baby cradle or is it better to immediately choose a good and comfortable crib? This article will help you make an informed decision.

Crib or cradle? Why are cribs for newborns bought more often than cradles?

The stores sell both cribs and cradles. However, most often parents decide to buy a bed. And there are at least two reasons for this.

1) The crib is more familiar: most of my friends bought a crib for their children.

2) The crib is more practical: the baby will be comfortable in the cradle for the first few months, and then you will still have to order a crib for newborns.

Why do small children sleep poorly in their crib and often wake up at night?

Many do not see the fundamental difference between a cradle and a crib, believing that for a newborn it makes no difference where to sleep. In fact there is a difference. Let's give a simple example...

If your acquaintances, friends or work colleagues have small children, you have probably heard about how babies do not like to sleep in a crib, that at night they most often wake up and cry until mom and dad take them to them. And it's not difficult to explain.

Being in the mother's tummy, the baby gets used to the cramped space. In his mother's womb he always felt safe, warm and comfortable. Now imagine how scary it is for a baby who has just been born to be left alone for the whole night in a huge crib! You should gradually accustom your baby to free space, and a compact cradle is ideal for this.

In a word, if you want to know what is better to buy for a newborn - a bed or a cradle, the answer is clear - a cradle.

And if you think that buying both a cradle and a crib is too expensive, pay attention to modern models transformable beds. These products have modular design and will “grow” with your child, easily turning from a cradle into a spacious crib.

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