How to choose an economical electric convector for heating? What is a heating convector and how does it work. Strengths and weaknesses of electric convectors

Ballu Camino Electronic BEC/E

Where there is no stable gas supply system, many choose electric method heating your home, the basis of which is an electric heating convector. What is an electric convector, why is it considered one of the effective elements electrical system heating, let's look at it in more detail.

Electric convector device

An electric convector is a household heating device powered by electricity according to the principle natural circulation air. Outwardly it resembles oil heater, however, its body design is flatter. The metal casing of the convector contains:

  • heating element;
  • thermostat;
  • control sensor;
  • two grates;
  • timer.

The modern market offers a huge range of various models of these electrical appliances used in heating system various rooms. They can be wall-mounted or installed on the floor.

One grille in the flat convector body is located at the bottom and is directed towards the floor plane. The second grid is located at the top of the device. It occupies 15–20% of its vertical surface area.

Inside the housing, in its lower part, a heating element is placed. It can be equipped along its length with special plates or placed in an aluminum casing. This is necessary in order to increase the total heating surface of the heating element and better distribute the heat it generates.

The heating element itself is a hermetically sealed tube made of stainless steel, inside of which magnesite is poured. All electrical wiring of the equipment is double insulated, which does not require grounding.

During work heating element gets very hot high temperature. Thanks to the control sensor built into the housing, the supply of electricity to it is constantly regulated, preventing emergency overheating. The walls of the case are in working condition, do not heat up above +65 degrees, and therefore cannot cause a burn to the body if accidentally touched.

For devices operating in wet areas, manufacturers provide special protection that prevents moisture from penetrating into it.

Operating principle of an electric convector

Let us consider step by step how room air is heated from an electric convector.

  1. According to the laws of physics, cold air is much heavier than warm air, so it is located in the lower zone of the room volume, closer to the floor.
  2. When you turn on the device, cold air enters the housing through the lower grille. heating element.
  3. Passing through the heating element, the cold air heats up, and then exits through the upper grille, forming a directed flow warm air. It provides quick and uniform heating of the entire volume of the room due to natural convection.
  4. Warm air, entering the room, gives off its thermal energy surrounding objects:
  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • furniture;
  • curtains;
  • semi.

Device diagram

Losing heat, it becomes cold again and sinks to the lower zone to the floor level. After this, the process is repeated again, which causes constant air circulation and uniform heating when the heating device is running.

Convectors with flat casings operate silently as they are not equipped with fans.

The temperature at a given level helps to stabilize the built-in heating device thermostat.

Types of electric convectors, what to look for when choosing them

Manufacturers of equipment for heating systems produce electric convectors that differ in:

  • installation method;
  • sizes;
  • weight;
  • heating power;
  • temperature control method;
  • protection system.

Let's take a closer look at each category.

Installation method, dimensions and weight


According to the installation method, electric convectors are divided into:

  1. Wall-mounted, having a height of up to 65 cm.
  2. Floor or baseboard with maximum height 20 cm.
  3. Universal, which can be installed both on the floor and mounted on the wall.

Wall structures are equipped with heating elements and are characterized by greater power than their floor counterparts. Their width is about 7 cm, and their weight, depending on size and power, ranges from 3 to 9 kg. These devices, due to the height of their body, accelerate the heat exchange of air by creating the effect of a furnace draft.

Floor-standing devices are characterized by a large width from 30 to 300 cm. It is better to install them in a pre-arranged niche in the floor. Otherwise, you may bump into them while walking or get caught while moving furniture. They often arrange areas under window openings like " French window" The low heating temperature of floor convectors is compensated long length tenov. Due to lower intensity flows, floor-standing appliances heat the room more evenly.

Universal models of these heaters are equipped with removable legs and have eyes for permanent mounting on the wall.

Operating power


The main technical characteristic of the operating efficiency of heating convectors is their power. Manufacturers produce these devices in various variations from 500 to 3000 W.

The power of heating equipment is directly related to the heating area and heating costs.

To choose the right heating device, you need to know that for optimal heating of one square meter of area you need to use 100 W of electrical power. Therefore, to heat a room at 10 square meters, you need a 1000 W convector.

Temperature regulation

To regulate the temperature and maintain its optimal level, electric convectors are equipped with special thermostats. They can be made mechanical or electronic.

A mechanical thermostat is a structurally simple and reliable option. An electronic thermostat is more functional, and thanks to its technical characteristics, it can be used to more accurately regulate the heating temperature in the room.

Expensive models of electric convectors are equipped with innovative programmable thermostats that allow you to change the temperature characteristics depending on the time of day and day of the week.


Safe for children

All manufacturers of electric heating equipment are constantly improving their operational and technical specifications. Modern convectors are absolutely safe. The temperature of the working convector body is within +45 – 65 degrees. This guarantees complete safety, which is very important for families with children.

There is absolutely no risk of injury from operating an electric convector.

When choosing floor option It is advisable to pay attention to models with automatic protection from accidental overturning. A floor convector can tip over if the wires get tangled or if it moves suddenly around the room. In this case, the tip-over sensor automatically turns off the power supply and prevents a fire.

As for cheap models of convectors with needle heaters, their choice is extremely undesirable due to the low level of electrical protection.

Pros and cons

Recently, heating systems with electric convectors have been installed not only in apartments, but also in:

  • offices;
  • hospitals;
  • kindergartens;
  • museums;
  • hotels;
  • ancient buildings;
  • country cottages.

Electronic display

Convectors powered by electricity have a number of advantages, which are that they:

  • Easy to install and operate.
  • Does not require special maintenance.
  • Have high term service up to 20 years.
  • Ergonomic and silent in operation.
  • Have high level Efficiency up to 95%.
  • The room is heated within 30 seconds after switching on.

The negative characteristics of these devices include:

  • Significant energy consumption.
  • Impossibility efficient work in large areas.

In addition, the flow of warm air from electric convectors contributes to the spread of dust throughout the room, which can cause allergic reactions in dependent people, asthmatics.


The electric convector is firmly established in our lives. This environmentally friendly heating household appliance does not create smoke, noise, has long term services.

Its reliable automation guarantees consistency performance characteristics and gives the people present in the room a favorable atmosphere of coziness and comfort. But in order to choose this device correctly, you must carefully read its technical data sheet, which indicates all the capabilities of this heater.

Most people who do not have the opportunity to take advantage individual heating, use the central one. But we all know very well how timely it is turned on. Everyone is looking for a way out and finding it using alternative sources heat. In this article we will talk about one of them. Let's figure out what convectors are and what the operating principle of the devices is.

Some general information about the device

In Europe, many people have been using electric heating for quite some time. In our country, due to high prices for electricity, this is problematic. Nevertheless, you need to warm up somehow, and therefore buying a convector is one of the optimal solutions. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. The essence is the natural convection of air passing through the heating element. This kind heating equipment It has a small shape, which allows you to place it where it is convenient. Today there are both floor-standing and wall options. The shape in most cases is rectangular, although there are also square, etc. So what are convectors, you ask? This is a device that has many holes in its body. Cold air enters the sides and bottom, then it heats up and exits through the holes on the front side.

About the advantages of electric convectors

It is impossible not to highlight this aspect, since it is necessary to clearly understand what pros and cons such equipment has. The main advantage is that it reaches 95%. This means that the electricity consumed is almost completely converted into heat. Silent operation - here's another one important point. For many, this factor is decisive, for obvious reasons. If you come home from work in cold apartment, then it needs to be heated as quickly as possible. A convector can best solve this issue. The device does not need to spend time heating the media. It is enough to wait just one minute, and the unit will work at the set temperature. One cannot help but mention the cost of the equipment, which is much less than that of gas boilers, etc.

Heating convector, what it is and how it works: a detailed review

A little has already been said about the principle of operation, now let's look at it in more detail. Any one is based on the principle of movement of air masses in a room. We all know that cold masses sink down, and warm ones are slightly higher. The heater developers took advantage of this by placing holes for cold air in the lower part of the device. air type It heats up quickly, which is its main feature. The most important thing is that the heated air is lighter and does not have any harmful inclusions. Warm masses exit through the central and upper openings in the housing. This solution allows you to increase the temperature in the room in the shortest possible period of time. Often, it only takes a few minutes to heat a small room with a medium-power convector.

Using the thermostat

We have already figured out a little about what heating convectors are. Electric options- the most optimal for many reasons, one of them is the presence of a thermostat, although almost all modern heaters and boilers allow you to regulate the temperature within a given range. But in our case this is especially true. The fact is that here we are talking about heating the air using electricity. In order not to waste electricity, the convector goes into standby mode. This happens if the air entering the lower openings for cold masses is sufficiently heated. Information from the sensor is transmitted to the heating element, which, in turn, turns on or off depending on the situation. There are electronic and electromechanical thermostats. The former are more preferable, since the accuracy of their work is an order of magnitude higher. But such a heater will cost a little more.

If you are going to make a purchase, then take this advice: read reviews from people who have experience in this issue. For example, for country houses it is recommended to install a whole system of electric heaters combined into one system. The principle of operation is exactly the same, but the only difference is that you can control all devices (or each separately) from the remote control. This is very convenient, and the house will always be warm. Often found useful tips, which also should not be overlooked. For example, the fact that you cannot cover the convector with anything, although few people pay attention to this. The manufacturer “Noirot” has earned good reputation among buyers. This company produces electric and gas convectors of various sizes. They can be hung on the wall or moved from room to room. Trouble-free operation for long period operation - this is what most users focus on. You already know a little about how an electric convector works, what it is, we also talked.

Gas air heaters

If you want to combine high efficiency performance and efficiency, then look at a gas heater. This device is ideal for heating large rooms in a short time. The only difference from an electric heater is the type of fuel used. If in the first case electricity is required, then in the second it is necessary natural gas. This is known to be one of the cheapest types of fuel. The gas convector has a special two-layer pipe. Through the outer layer it enters the room fresh air, and the combustion product exits internally. As for the heating itself, everything is the same as in an electric convector. Cold air enters the lower openings in the housing, then it comes into contact with a hot heating element and exits through the upper openings. Of course this is good decision, but do not forget that you will need to cut into the gas pipe, which will be the main cost. As for accommodation, the most popular option- floor. So we figured out how a gas convector works, what it is and how it differs from an electric one.

As noted above, there are two ways to install heaters: wall-mounted and floor-mounted. The first installation option does not provide for further movement of the convector. In the second case, you can move the heater around the apartment or house. There are also liquid and dry convectors. It's safe to say that each of these types has its pros and cons. A liquid heater is ideal for fully heating an apartment or house. There is a radiator inside the case, most often it is aluminum, and the heating element is immersed directly into working fluid. Heat transfer is carried out with an efficiency of 98%, which is quite a lot. A dry convector is good for additional heating of a room, and this should not be forgotten. As you can see, electric heater must be chosen carefully. The most important thing is to clearly understand for what purpose it will be used. If for the main heating, then you definitely need a liquid one. So we figured out what it is


As you can see, it is not so difficult to understand what a convector is. A heater of this type has a number of advantages, which was also mentioned. Currently, there are many models on the market equipped with convenient control and do not require constant human attention. Thanks to successful implementation security requirements, you can be completely calm. This is due to the fact that modern sensors are installed that fully control unforeseen processes, which is why an electric convector is good. The heater will not work without light, but this is understandable. Although this can hardly be called a disadvantage, because even modern gas boilers They are equipped with complex electronics, so they also turn off when there is a power outage. Efficiency and speed - this is an electric convector. You know what it is and how the device works, so you can safely make a choice in favor of one model or another.

For every family, a modern convector is a personal source of heat that can be used in chilly autumn or during a protracted spring. When management company I haven’t turned on the heating yet, and the apartment is already cool and damp, then a comfortable solution would be to turn on the heater.

Buyers often ask about a universal heating device such as a convector: what is it? The device has a presentable body and a heating element; a special space in the lower part of the convector serves to draw in cold air into the room. The air is heated by a heating element and passes out through top part housings. It is designed in the form of blinds. Warm air rises towards the ceiling, after a while it cools and falls down, where it again enters the convector heating element. The gradual air circulation is main principle operation of a convector from any manufacturer.

When considering how a convector works, you need to know that after heating the room to a set temperature, it turns off for a while until the air cools down. Temperature sensor measures the temperature at the entrance to the convector almost every minute and transmits a signal to the thermostat. If the air has heated up to a predetermined level, the thermostat temporarily stops the functioning of the heating element, which is important for careful use of electricity. The electric convector will also stop working if a foreign object hits it, blocking the warm air release zone.

The true statement about the convector is that it is absolutely safe when it operates unattended.

All convector housings are reliably protected from moisture. They can be placed in the bathroom next to the shower stall; this is especially convenient in country houses, or use wall mount. During installation, it is important to take into account the small gap of free space on each side of the convector. It is more convenient to mount such a convector under the window above the baseboard. This way it will work more efficiently. You can read more about choosing an electric convector.

To do this, you should choose a wall convector with a thermostat; it comes in two types:

Convectors as a personal heating system

Using a thermostat, they create an entire heat control system in country houses. To do this, place it in every room required quantity heaters, each of which is connected to the head unit - this will be a heating convector, having one thermostat for the entire convector chain. The thermostat can be set to a specific plan for heating the room. It is convenient to control such a system via SMS, reducing or increasing the temperature in the house before arrival - that’s what heating convectors are modern type in our lives.

What determines the silent operation of a convector?

To quickly heat the room, there are convectors with built-in fans. They warm up the air much faster, but operate with noise. They are used to heat a cold room after a long absence. As a rule, they do not leave it overnight. A conventional heater is enough to heat an area of ​​19-22 sq.m.; a 2 kW convector placed in the center of the room will effectively cope with this task.

This is the most convenient convector in terms of power, which has a number of properties:

If we talk about quiet operation heating device, then you need to take into account that it depends on the heating elements.

Types of heating elements:

What types of convectors are there?

A real multifunctional appliance - here is a convector, what is it in modern life. You can program it to maintain a comfortable temperature, control it remotely, or use a vitamin C filter to promote health. vary in power level and size, have rich model range, in which everyone will find their own source of heat.

Models in elegant sizes

A wise decision for owners of premises with panoramic windows would be the Elegant mini convector, which has a modest size and pleasant view. Its copper-aluminum heat exchanger has copper pipes and ribbed aluminum plates, due to which the service life of the convector is increased significantly. In addition, the heating device is not sensitive to corrosion and is capable of maintaining the set temperature for a long time. The grille for releasing warm air is located on top, which enhances the quality of heating.

Universal convectors

The Santekhprom convector, produced using Russian technology, has successfully found its place among heating devices installed both in residential premises and in public places. What makes them extremely reliable is the presence of electric-welded pipes through which water moves quickly. Due to the excellent water flow rate, there is no danger of contamination or icing of the devices.

Among the advantages of heating devices it should be noted:

  1. low body temperature, which protects against burns;
  2. increased wear resistance;
  3. equal heat distribution in all parts of the room;
  4. the intended installation of a regulator for temperature control.

Another universal convector Atlantic is also suitable for heating in industrial institutions, kindergartens and in country houses. Distinctive feature convectors have safety sensors; they turn off instantly if any problem occurs. The heater gently heats the air without drying it out. With an outer casing temperature of 60°C, the air will always be comfortable and clean. When dust particles settle on the heating element, there is no characteristic odor due to the low temperature.

Convectors to protect your health

Everything you need for healthy life Convectors from the Electrolux company combine the same properties; they are one of the best heating devices. A distinctive feature of such a model as the convector Electrolux ECH AG 2000 EF are the following parameters:

Electrolux heating devices not only heat the room, but also act as orderlies. An important decision to buy an Electrolux convector for a family will be. During the cold season, they will not only provide a comfortable temperature, but will also prevent you from getting sick.


Elegant and economical convector Ballu works so quietly that he won't reveal himself. Its heating element has two powers when heating the air, while oxygen is not burned. The Ballu Enzo BEC EZMR 1000 convector, for example, is made in the form of a monolithic structure. After a few hours of operation, the convector transforms the air, saturating it with ions.

The easy-to-use convector is equipped with only the most necessary functions, including:

Convectors operating with maximum heat transfer

An ultra-precise, stylish Zanussi convector is capable of making a room comfortable in the shortest possible time by heating it to a given temperature. During its development it was used latest technology, which increased the volume of air taken in by the convector. In addition, the heating device operates silently due to the monolithic heating device.

Optimal heating of the air in the shortest time is the basis for the operation of these convectors.

The Timberg convector is interesting to use and the reviews about working with it are the most pleasant. It has a sensor that sends a signal to turn off the device if, for example, it falls. An ultra-precise thermostat is built into its one-piece body. It has a function with overheating protection, which allows you to leave the convector unattended and go about your business.

Heaters that mercilessly stole oxygen from the air are a thing of the distant past. A heating convector needed in everyday life, what is it for human life, many people ask this question. Heating convectors are the most advanced devices for creating heat. They can maintain the temperature in your home without supervision and help during cold and flu season. Convectors simultaneously warm and disinfect the air, making it healthy. These are invaluable helpers who keep your home comfortable and take care of your health.

Electric convectors are often used as main or additional heating devices, especially in non-gasified populated areas. Using these devices, you can set the desired temperature in a house, apartment or country house without special costs and hassle. What you need to consider when choosing an electric convector will be discussed in this article.

Electric for heating: how to choose a good unit

Design, advantages and disadvantages of electric convectors

The operating principle of electric convectors is based on the physical process of the same name - air convection. This process involves the ability of warm air to rise upward, displacing colder air masses. To move air, it does not require the installation of a fan or other mechanism; this is completely done.

The design of the convector is extremely simple: a metal body with holes, a heating element installed inside and a control unit. Cold air is taken in through holes in the bottom of the case, and released through holes in the top of the front panel. There are models equipped with a switchable fan, which is designed to quickly warm up the room and accelerate convection air flow.

Electric convectors have a whole list of advantages:

The disadvantages of electric convectors include the high cost of electricity compared to other coolants and certain requirements for the power of the home electrical network.

The choice of a convector for heating a cottage or apartment is carried out taking into account several criteria:

  • thermal and electrical power;
  • installation method;
  • shape and dimensions of the body;
  • heater type;
  • type of temperature control in the control unit;
  • availability of necessary protective functions;
  • degree of automation.

Some characteristics of convectors, such as power and installation method, directly depend on the size and type of the heated room. The rest affect the reliability, durability and ease of use of the device, as well as its safety.

Electric convector power

The efficiency of electric convectors is quite high, it reaches 96%, so the value of thermal power is almost equal to the value of electrical power. These parameters are measured in kilowatts. Calculation required power carried out for each room separately, taking into account the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings.

When determining the power of a convector used as the main heating device for rooms with different ceiling heights, you can use the data from Table 1.

Table 1. Determination of convector power depending on ceiling height.

Ceiling height, mConvector power per 1 sq. m., kW
2,5-2,7 0,1
2,7-3,0 0,11
3,0-3,3 0,12
3,3-3,5 0,13
3,5-4,0 0,15

For poorly insulated buildings and premises with two or more external walls, this indicator is increased by a factor of 1.3-1.5.

Calculation example: for a corner room with an area of ​​18 m2 with a ceiling height of 3.0 m, a convector with a thermal power of 18·0.11·1.3=2.57 kW is required. The resulting value is rounded to the nearest standard power. In this case, it is better to give preference to a more powerful device, if the parameters of the home electrical network allow.

If the convector is intended for additional heating of rooms with stove or water heating, it is enough to install a device with a power of 40-60% of the calculated one.

Pay attention! IN corner rooms with two or more windows, it is better to use several convectors with the required total power.

Installation method

According to the type of design and installation, electric convectors are:

  • wall-mounted, they are attached to the wall with brackets;
  • floor, on legs or wheels;
  • universal– the delivery set includes both brackets and legs.

Wall brackets are convenient when using convectors as the only heating source or in combination with stove heating. In this case, the convector is placed under the window sill, like. The heat emanating from it not only warms the main volume of air, but also creates thermal curtain near the window, reducing heat loss. The wiring of wall convectors can be done hidden, which improves their appearance.

Floor convectors are more often used for temporary heating of a room: in the country or during severe frosts in addition to radiator heating. Floor models convenient for their mobility, but take away usable area rooms and sometimes interfere with free movement.

The installation method for universal convectors is chosen depending on their use and the characteristics of the room. There are also in-floor convectors that are installed at the stage of pouring the subfloor. It is built into the floor with a grille in the upper part, through which cold air is taken in and heated air comes out.

Case shape and dimensions

The shape of the convector mainly determines the ease of installation, as well as the appearance of the device. The shape can be square, rectangular or round. Round models often equipped with a fan.

Geometric dimensions influence thermal characteristics convector. The rate of supply of warm air into the room depends on the height of the device; a height of about 50 cm is considered optimal. In some cases, it is necessary to give preference to lower models, for example, when installing a convector under panoramic window.

The thickness of the housing affects the heat transfer: the larger it is, the higher this parameter, as well as the efficiency of the convector. Wall-mounted and universal models are usually thinner; floor-mounted ones can be 10-15 cm thick.

Pay attention! When choosing the height of a wall-mounted convector installed under a window, it is important to consider the minimum permissible distances to the floor and window sill. They are indicated in the documentation for the device.

Heating element type

Important characteristic, which can be checked with the seller or looked at in the passport for the convector - type of heating element; it could be:

  • needle;
  • tubular;
  • monolithic.

Needle heaters consist of a steel plate with a zigzag thread of nickel wire. Electrical varnish is used as electrical insulation on nickel wire. Heating of the nickel filament occurs very quickly, but convection in such devices is not high and is determined only by the design of the housing.

This type of heater is the most unreliable and short-lived due to the fragility of the nickel thread and rapid overheating. Such convectors cannot be used in rooms with high humidity and possible splashes or drops of water. The only advantage is low price, therefore, you can buy such convectors only in case of short-term use with constant monitoring.

Tubular heater is a sealed steel tube in which the nichrome wire. It is isolated from the tube by a layer of ceramic backfill. Aluminum fins are soldered onto the tube, improving heat transfer and air convection.

Convectors with heating elements are durable and reliable, but have one drawback: in the first minutes after switching on, they crackle due to the difference in thermal expansion of the heater materials. What's happened “, You can look in our article.

Monolithic heaters– the most reliable and silent. They are a ribbed plate made from a single piece of material, and therefore have high strength and durability. The price of such convectors is usually higher than analogues; it is advisable to buy them for constant use.

Temperature controller type

The regulator in the control unit is designed to automatic maintenance room temperature. Based on the readings of the sensor installed in the lower part of the convector body, the regulator turns the heating element on and off when the set temperature is reached.

There are two types of temperature controllers:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical regulator made on the basis of a step switch, it has the most simple design. The disadvantage of mechanical control is low accuracy with an error of 1-3 degrees, as well as low reliability. When the mechanically controlled heater is turned on, a distinct click of the relay is heard.

The advantages of this type of switches include resistance to voltage surges in the network. If a mechanical regulator fails and fails, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.

Electronic control unit– more complex device, allowing you to set the temperature with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, as well as different modes use: night, day, plus temperature maintenance mode. The heater switches on and off silently. Electronic regulators are often equipped with an LCD display that displays the room temperature, as well as mode parameters when programming it.

Electronic regulators are generally more reliable, but they fail when the voltage drops by 15-20% of the nominal value. Repairing and replacing an electronic unit is expensive, so it is better to install the device together with a voltage stabilizer or a protective voltage relay.

Pay attention! To heat a village or country house, it is better to choose models with a mechanical regulator, since voltage drops occur quite often in rural networks.

Protective functions

Almost all modern convectors are equipped with built-in overheating protection. It is triggered when the temperature controller fails or when the convection openings in the housing are closed, for example, when drying clothes on a convector. The protection turns off the heater when it reaches a temperature that is dangerous for the insulation of the device or people.

Protection against splashing water is provided by the design of the housing, the size and location of the holes. It can be determined by the IP index indicated in the passport. For a bathroom or kitchen, the minimum value of this index should be 24.

Many floor-standing and universal convector models are also equipped with tip-over protection. If the convector falls and changes its position to horizontal, the protection ensures quick shutdown of the heater.

Like all other household appliances, convectors must have a degree of protection against damage electric shock no less than "2". This means that the power cord and plug of the device have a built-in ground, so the metal case does not need a separate ground.

Pay attention! The convector only needs to be connected to a socket with a grounding conductor.

Degree of automation and additional functions

Convectors with an electronic control unit can be equipped with additional functions:

  • “restart” – the ability of the regulator to remember the last switched on mode and reproduce it even after the device is completely de-energized;
  • “anti-freeze” – when the air temperature in the room reaches +5°C, the convector will automatically turn on and maintain it at this level;
  • “ionization” is a relatively new function that allows you to clean and improve the air in the room; in most convectors it works even when the heater is turned off;
  • control panel - allows you to turn the device on and off, as well as change the mode remotely.

The choice of feature set depends on your needs and financial capabilities. However, you shouldn’t overpay for additional features, which are unlikely to be useful to you. For example, the “anti-freeze” mode is relevant for a summer residence or country house with periodic residence, in a city apartment with central heating it's practically useless.

Wiring Requirements

The standard power of convectors, depending on the model, can vary from 0.5 to 3 kW. Electrical wiring and protective equipment in houses old building unable to bear maximum power device.

In this case, you can focus on following conditions:

  • a convector with a power of up to 2.0 kW can be connected to any standard household electrical wiring with an input circuit breaker rated at least 10 A;
  • for a device with a power of 2.0-2.5 kW, electrical wiring with a cross-section of 2.5 mm 2 for aluminum or 1.5 mm 2 for copper, a 16 A socket and a rating of an input circuit breaker of at least 16 A are required;
  • a convector with a power higher than 2.5 kW must be connected with a separate cable with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm 2 for copper through a separate circuit breaker with a nominal value of 16 A.

Important! You cannot use extension cords of dubious quality to connect convectors; they often use wires of small cross-section, which can melt under load.

How to choose a convector - step-by-step instructions

Choosing a convector is not the best difficult task, but to ensure it is effective and safe work It is important to follow the recommendations of experts.

Step 1. Determine why you need a convector: for constant full heating or as a source of additional heating, and calculate the power of the device accordingly.

Step 2. Determine the installation location and required mobility. Wall-mounted convectors are usually installed under a window or on a wall that has direct contact with the street. Floor convectors can be installed in any place where there is an outlet designed for the rated current of the device.

Step 3. For wall-mounted models, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the window sill and select the height of the device in order to ensure the necessary distances for air flow from below the convector when mounting.

Step 4. When purchasing, it is important to clarify the type of heater. For wet areas You can use convectors with heating elements or a monolithic heater; models with nickel filament are not suitable for this.

Step 5. Select the type of control knob. For a country house and dacha, models with mechanical controls are more suitable, for a city apartment - with an electronic unit. If you have a voltage stabilizer, you can use electronic control and at the dacha.

Step 6. Determine the list of necessary functions, as well as the shape of the device, its color and other external characteristics.

Pay attention! When choosing, it is also important to take into account the manufacturer, its reputation and availability service centers– in case of minor malfunctions, it will be easier for you to find components and parts for repair.

Video - Choosing an electric convector

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