How to restore rubber seals. How to restore the former elasticity of rubber

Shock absorbers, belts, rubberized fabrics and many different parts for automotive and household appliances. If they are worn out, try to restore their elasticity with kerosene. This is a proven and most frequently used method. Pour some kerosene into an enamel bowl, put the rubber part there and let it lie there for 2-3 hours. After this, rinse it thoroughly with detergents and wipe dry. After this it will become soft and elastic.

You can also use ammonia. Dilute it in a one to one ratio with water and immerse the desired rubber part in the solution for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse with clean water, dry and can be used.

It happens that you soften rubber It is required for a short time, for example, to pull a hose onto a metal one with an equal diameter. To do this, simply place the end of the hose in boiling water, let it sit for a couple of minutes and immediately pull it onto the pipe. Boiling water will make it soft, and the hose will easily be put on.

For removal, rough car parts can be softened with hot air. Turn the hairdryer on full and direct the jet to the part. After 4-5 minutes, try turning the part and pulling it off.

Try boiling old rubber in a salty solution. Take a liter of water, add two tablespoons of salt and boil the product in this solution for 10 minutes.

Rubber parts are also lubricated. It restores their elasticity for a while. Apply to the part, let it sit for a while, and then use. Treat the part with castor oil in the same way. These are short-term softeners rubber A. Therefore, repeat the procedure as often as possible.

Today, a special spray is produced for maintenance - a rubber softener. It restores the softness of rubber rollers in printers and copiers. Buy this spray in specialized stores and use it when restoring rubber parts.


  • soften the rubber

Rubber products and those made of rubber are often very similar: they have almost the same density, texture, physical properties. However, the materials themselves are fundamentally different.

Rubber began to be used in 1823 as an impregnation for raincoats, which were invented by K. Mackintosh.


There are two types of raw materials: natural and artificial. Natural rubber is obtained from the latex of rubber plants that grow in Latin America and include the following types trees:
- ;
- rubber ficus;
- varieties of Landolfia.

Artificial rubber is called synthetic. It is based on the synthesis of isoprene and butyllithium using chemical catalyst. In the production of synthetic rubber, petroleum derivatives are also used as a solvent. It was first obtained in 1920, and in 1931 its mass production on an industrial scale began. Currently, the following types of synthetic rubbers exist:
- styrene butadiene;
- polybutadiene;
- polysoprene;
- butyl rubber;
- ethylene-propylene;
- chloroprene;
- butadiene – nitrile.


Rubber is obtained by vulcanizing rubber and adding various chemical elements, which are designed to increase the strength of the material. The first rubber appeared in 1839 by vulcanization under the influence of sulfur on rubber, which strengthens the network structures at the molecular level.

When synthesizing rubber using synthetic rubber, a material is obtained that has increased resistance to aggressive environments, such as:
- liquids with a high octane content (gasoline, kerosene);
- products ( various kinds oils).

Also, rubber has much better characteristics in relation to mechanical impact at her from the side external factors. It has a much denser structure in relation to rubber, due to which it received widespread in all sectors of the national economy.

rubber due to its artificial origin resistant to various atmospheric influences. Among other things, it has dielectric properties. But the main difference between natural and artificial rubber from rubber is the increased plasticity of the rubber mass. It is specially added to rubber during production to add flexibility and ductility. Rubber in pure form It is almost never used due to its low strength, but when added to rubber, a very durable, wear-resistant material is obtained.

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Rubber is a valuable product that has been used for centuries to produce rubber. Its source is Hevea - one of the most common plants South America And Southeast Asia.

Origin of rubber

One of the most useful plants for the history of mankind was and remains the Hevea - a tree from the sap of which rubber is made. It grows in the tropical climates of South America and Southeast Asia. Initially, Hevea came from Brazil: Indians living in the Amazon jungle have long used the juice of this plant for medical (disinfection of wounds and stopping bleeding), industrial (waterproof shoes and raincoats) and even gaming purposes. In particular, it was the Indians who created the first rubber ball for games similar to modern football.

The British brought Hevea from South America and began planting it in their Asian colonies at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that plantations appeared in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam. At the moment, the largest supplier of natural rubber is Thailand.

Rubber extraction

The process of obtaining rubber is extremely simple. Hevea trees begin to produce resin at the age of 7-8 years: it is then that the first cuts are made in them, from which white thick milky sap oozes. Each tree produces about 200 grams of sap during the day, which is collected in small cups tied to the tree. In the evening, the collected juice is poured into large containers and sent to processing factories. The milky sap is collected daily until the tree is about 30 years old, when it dries up. The plantation is completely cut down and young shoots are planted in its place.

In fact, the juice collected and purified from branches and insects can already be considered finished product, since it quickly thickens in air and turns into a dense rubber mass, however, to speed up the process, special thickeners are added to it and placed in flat small trays of square or rectangular shape. Then the resulting dough-like adhesive mass is rolled with a press, squeezing out the remaining moisture from it, and dried. Thus, you can get natural rubber almost by hand, giving it the desired shape and evaporating all the moisture.

The last action primary processing is to smoke the resulting sheets of rubber in order to get rid of ants and other insects. It is smoking that gives the sheets a brownish-yellow color, which is considered classic for natural rubber.

Currently produced from natural rubber latex products for sleeping (pillows, mattresses),

There are many ways to give back to rubber products. previous state, in which they are most convenient to use. Therefore, to the question of how to soften rubber at home, there are several answers. And it will be up to the owner of the house to choose how to soften the rubber in each specific case. In the most well-known and widespread method of processing the products under discussion, ammonia is used. Its main advantage lies in maximum efficiency, accessibility and low cost, because such alcohol can be purchased at the lowest cost at any nearest pharmacy. First, rinse the rubber part with water and immerse it in a water-alcohol solution. It is prepared in proportions of 1/1. For such a bath, about 30-40 minutes will be enough. After the specified time has passed, the rubber will need to be washed again. clean water and dry thoroughly.

The second most popular method of softening rubber among ordinary people involves the use of castor oil. It is important to note here that the result will be quick, but short-lived. Therefore, you should pay attention to this method if you need to soften the rubber short term. To begin with, the rubber product is washed with water and dried, and then thoroughly lubricated with castor oil applied to a soft cloth or cotton wool. All that remains is to give the object time to soak and you can use it. The period depends on the size of the product and the thickness of the rubber. For miniature parts, just a couple of minutes of “rest” will be enough. By the way, if you have liquid silicone on hand, then you can use it. This product gives exactly the same result of quick but short-lived softening for rubber products.

The next method, which tells you how to soften rubber at home yourself, will take longer, but the effect will last for a long time. long time. This will require large saucepan or another container accessible for heating, into which the entire rubber product can be placed. If the material has become very hard, it is best to boil it in salted water. The rubber is immersed in a saucepan with liquid, and then placed in this container over medium heat. You can also use a boiler for such heating. It is difficult to indicate the exact time of the procedure; it will also depend on the size of the product and the degree of its “hardness”. To determine the completion date, you will simply need to periodically check the rubber with a wooden stick for softness.

But not only boiling will be effective in softening the products under discussion. You can influence objects with high temperature in other ways. If, for example, a hardened hose cannot be pushed onto the right pipe, then its end should simply be immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes. The main thing is that immediately after this you have time to quickly install the part before it returns to its original state. High temperature very quickly affects the rubber, effectively steaming and softening it. If it turns out to be difficult to remove the part being used, you can heat it in other ways, for example, by applying a cloth soaked in boiling water or by applying a stream of hot air from a hairdryer. After such procedures required element will quickly tighten soft and pliable. The main thing is to protect your hands from exposure high temperature or boiling water. It is better to first protect them with thick gloves or some other method.

But there are other ways to quickly and easily soften rubber using improvised means. For example, the most ordinary kerosene can help with this. It is known that it is capable of not just softening rubber, but completely changing its structure, returning the material to its former elasticity and pliability. That's why this method recommended by experts for those who would like to achieve results that last long term. You will need to fill the container with kerosene the right size, and then immerse the rubber product in it. You should not immerse the object in cold kerosene; it is better to leave it at first room temperature for a while. Usually a couple of hours in the substance under discussion is enough to soften various rubber products. As soon as required period will expire and the kerosene will have the desired effect on the object, it will be possible to remove the structure from the liquid, rinse thoroughly under water and dry.

In many cases, rubber products are completely irreplaceable. Various seals, belts, hoses and other parts are found in the design of household items and automotive equipment. But with prolonged use or overcooling, they can become hard and unsuitable for further use. How to soften rubber at home? There are substances and methods of influence that help achieve the desired result.


This substance is capable of changing the structure of rubber and restoring the elasticity of products made from it. The procedure consists of soaking objects until the desired effect is obtained. Rubber large size can be carefully rolled before placing in a container with kerosene. After a couple of hours, the softened part should be removed and washed thoroughly.


There is another option - to bathe the product in a water-ammonia solution. The rubber should be placed in the prepared composition and left for about half an hour. Then the washed and dried part can be used for its intended purpose.

Silicone and castor oil

How can you soften the rubber, at least for a little while? Silicone will have a temporary effect on it. Having lubricated the surface of the object with it, you need to give it time to absorb, after which the product will be ready for use. Similar processing can be carried out using castor oil.


In a situation where it is not possible to put a hose on a round part or pipe, immersing the desired part of the product in boiling water will help. After waiting a little, you need to remove the hose from the water and, without wasting time, install it in its proper place. This will be quite easy to do, since the high temperature will steam the material.

Sometimes a problem arises with removing rubber elements from some structural parts. In this case, air heating will be effective. A hairdryer is used. Under the influence of a hot jet, the material will expand, as a result of which it will be possible to twist and tighten the element that has become pliable.

Such simple methods You can soften hardened rubber, thereby increasing the service life of popular products.

In the section on the question Water leaks from cistern into the toilet. The rubber gasket has become too hard. What can you do to soften it? given by the author Suckers the best answer is two weeks... kicked the cat for puddles in the toilet...
Turns out the tank was leaking

Reply from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Water is leaking from the cistern into the toilet. The rubber gasket has become too hard. What can you do to soften it?

Reply from Yoehmet[guru]
Why soften it, buy a new one.

Reply from Prostitute[guru]
keep it in kerosene, but it’s better to buy a new one

Reply from V...Spb[guru]
softening will not work, and all gasoline and kerosene only dissolve rubber.
You can wrap a little solder (or lead) on top for weight, most often this helps.

Reply from Neurologist[guru]
Try the thing that locks drain hole put a couple of heavy bearings... They will rust, of course, but for a while the problem will be solved... Otherwise you'll have to remove the tank and replace the entire system.

Reply from Valery Myakishev[guru]
Completely replace the fittings, and your neighbors can be flooded.

Reply from Lion[guru]
buy a new one, it costs pennies and adjust the valve

Reply from Alex Mishin[guru]
There is absolutely no need to replace all the fittings - just replace the trigger shut-off valve, often colloquially referred to as a "pear".
Depending on the design of the tank, it is either screwed onto a wire hook-bow, or (in newer tanks) stretched onto a plastic tube, which serves as a release handle - you need to buy a different “pear” for one and for another case, which one you need - look necessary.
The pear not only becomes hard, but also begins to crumble and sometimes falls in on one side - soaking it in gasoline or kerosene will not help. Although it would get wet normally - the rubber is vulcanized and therefore will not completely dissolve, but will only swell.
If you send me a photo of the inside of your tank, I’ll try to tell you which release valve you need.
Valve price - from 5 rubles.

Reply from Truculentus[guru]
Nothing can soften it to the required state. Needs replacement. It's cheap nonsense, and it only takes five minutes of work.

Reply from Polina Roslikova[newbie]
You need to rub the rubber band with sandpaper at the point of contact with the barrel reinforcement (to remove the top coarsened layer of the rubber band).

Reply from Nikolay Khilko[newbie]
Elementary - in boiling water! But it’s better to replace it with a new one!

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