How does a Capricorn rat man behave? Characteristics of a Capricorn - Rats man from A to Z! Full characteristics of a Capricorn child born in the year of the Rat

The Capricorn Rat will not fuss without good reason. She prefers stability to everything in the world. Such a Rat will not do something without thinking and calculating. Neat to the point of pedantry, disorder in anything is the greatest stress for the Rat-Capricorn.

At work, at home and in personal relationships, everything should be clear, understandable and predictable. The Capricorn Rat will systematically collect information about someone or something and only after weighing all the pros and cons will he allow the situation or person to approach him. Such a Rat, if he makes friends, then for life. All her connections are strong and long-lasting. She always knows what she wants and, what’s even more interesting, she always knows how to achieve it. She will only follow the right path...

Character of the Rat-Capricorn

It should be noted that such people, for all their persistence and determination, are very sociable and even charming. They have well-developed intuition and the ability to find out the information they need. These are talented and very capable people. The premonition of impending changes in life ensures that the Rat-Capricorn lays out straws for himself in time...

In love, they are very reliable and faithful, although they can, in order to achieve a higher status, “be carried away” by a person who is promising in this sense. But, the family will never suffer from these emotional outbursts. The Capricorn Rat born in January is calmer and more reliable than the Capricorn Rat born in December. The December Rat-Capricorn is more lively and active, even gambling. She is kinder, but also more cunning in everyday affairs.

Rat-Capricorn Man

The Rat-Capricorn man is a very dexterous subject. The source of inspiration for this man will be, first of all, work, and again work, and especially very promising work. In order to achieve a special status, the Rat-Capricorn man can sacrifice a lot. The first thing he is ready to give up is stable love and even family relationships if they interfere with his advancement up the career ladder. He will not leave his family, he will just think many times before starting one. This is a complex man, but very interesting. It’s not easy to calculate it, but it’s not easy to love it either!

Rat-Capricorn Woman

The Rat-Capricorn woman is very charming and can behave “according to the situation.” She always goes towards her goal and, as in the case of a man of this combination of signs, she is ready to do a lot to realize her plans and desires. As a woman, she simply uses her feminine weapon - the ability to feel people, see their weaknesses, and knows how to get what she needs from any person. It cannot be said that she is cunning, but she is extremely practical, and romanticism and cordiality, openness and simplicity - what she can demonstrate to others - is rather feigned.

The Capricorn-Rat sign includes people born from December 22 to January 20 in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

People born in the year of the Rat under the sign of Capricorn have excellent communication skills that help them build good relationships with many people. The Capricorn Rat is an intelligent person with a slightly domineering and critical character, very ambitious and stubborn, with difficulty changing his mind.

Capricorn-Rat loves to control everything around him and tries in every possible way to avoid fuss. Some may be annoyed by her pedantic neatness, because for such a person, disorder only brings additional stress.

For Capricorn-Rat, everything should be clear not only at work, but also in personal relationships and at home. These people love clarity and predictability. Capricorn-Rat is attracted to stability more than anything else. When making decisions, she carefully considers the plan of action, weighs all the pros and cons.

At the same time, it is thanks to the Rat that Capricorn becomes more friendly and pleasant to talk to. A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Rat is balanced, insightful, always surrounded by a large number of acquaintances, although he does not have many close friends to whom he can open his soul.

It is worth noting that Capricorn-Rat carefully thinks through his decisions, even when choosing friends. Before allowing a person to approach him, he will collect all possible information about him, analyze and draw conclusions. But, if he has made friends, then it will be for life. All his connections are strong and long-lasting.

A person born in the Capricorn-Rat sign always knows what he wants and achieves his goals. This is a persistent and purposeful person with well-developed intuition and the ability to obtain the information he needs.

Capricorn-Rat is talented, capable and has well-developed intuition. The ability to anticipate upcoming changes in life allows him to “spread a straw” in time.

Capricorn-Rat is very wise and insightful; even in childhood, he does not like gambling and is not used to relying on luck. In business relationships, he is resourceful and quick-witted, careful and scrupulous.

Before committing any action, he will think over all possible options several times, and sooner or later, all his ideas will come true. He is prone to hoarding and puts aside his reserves for future use, for a long time.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Rat, is careful to the point of pedantry. Clutter is the greatest stress for him. He loves to put things in order, both in business and in relationships.

He behaves tactfully and faithfully with the opposite sex. He does not like short-term romances and starts relationships only with the goal of starting a family.

It is worth noting that Capricorn-Rat tends to enter into arranged marriages. For the Rat, material wealth and a high position in society are very important, and love, most often, is determined by the presence of any achievements.

Therefore, despite the fact that Capricorn-Rat is a very reliable and faithful partner, he can still become carried away by a person who is more promising in this sense.

Capricorn - Rat woman

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Rat is charming, sweet and calm. She can be of any build, beautiful or ugly, but even obvious flaws do not become a reason for her to develop complexes. This is a special woman who can turn her shortcomings into advantages.

At the same time, the Capricorn-Rat woman belongs to the category of pragmatic representatives of the fairer sex. This manifests itself not only at home, but also at work. She has well-developed intuition and a logical mind, thanks to which she can achieve high results in her career.

Moreover, she can behave “according to the situation”, does not deviate from the intended goal and is ready to do a lot to implement her plans. very talented, and talents can be in a variety of areas. And she doesn’t miss a single chance to achieve success.

The Capricorn-Rat woman always pays attention to a person’s appearance. She is a good psychologist who can determine character traits by appearance. She feels people perfectly, sees their weaknesses and without hesitation uses her feminine charm to get what she wants.

This is not to say that she is cunning, she is simply very practical, and the romanticism and cordiality that she demonstrates to others is most often feigned.

Despite her pretty appearance, the Capricorn-Rat woman is somewhat dry internally, a little cold and calculating. In marriage, she is able to turn a blind eye to many of her spouse’s shortcomings, to be a loving wife and a caring mother, if it is beneficial for her.

She never searches for a partner, but simply meets him when she needs it. And even her early marriage, often, turns out to be happy.

This is largely due to her warmth and spontaneity. She knows how to create trusting relationships full of harmony and love.

Capricorn - Rat man

In the year of the Rat, he is dexterous, enterprising and self-confident in achieving his goals. For him, financial status and high status in society play a big role. And he is ready to do anything to get what he wants.

He is active and energetic, so he can reach almost any position. He is always aimed at success, and this is a powerful impulse that always receives a response. The source of his inspiration is his work, and a promising one at that.

The Capricorn-Rat man does not tolerate mistakes, both his own and those of his environment. He does not like gambling and is not inclined to risk what he already has in his hands for the sake of illusory opportunities in the future. He always tries to achieve victory, but tends to idealize reality.

The Capricorn-Rat man is characterized by extremes, and his nature is full of contradictions. On the one hand, he can realize only positive character traits, and on the other, only negative ones. But, with all this, he is always optimistic and cheerful. He is quickly carried away by ideas, and genuinely does not understand why others do not share his enthusiasm.

The Capricorn-Rat man is unpredictable, pedantic and scrupulous, which not all women like. Representatives of the fairer sex love surprises, but they are not always pleasant. Despite this, the Capricorn-Rat man strives to be honest and impartial both to the people around him and to himself.

Very often, chaos occurs in the love relationships of a Capricorn-Rat man, and at an early age the romance ends in a break. Meetings are beautiful and passionate, and feelings flare up like a torch, but quickly go out.

The thing is that men born with this combination of signs tend to idealize their partner, and soon realize that reality is not what their imagination depicted. But he cannot accept another person as he is at a given moment in time.

It is worth noting that with age, family relationships become of great value to him, and he begins to value them, realizing that without communication with loved ones, life will not be so full and happy.

Character of Rat-Capricorn men: These men are very self-confident in achieving their goals. This self-confidence may have a basis in knowledge and skills, and in some cases it may be unfounded. They always try to achieve victory, not always using the right methods. They are characterized by an idealization of reality, and this gives rise to contradictions between them, other people and reality. They should understand that success can only come through hard work.

The nature of these men is full of contradictions. On the one hand, they can realize only positive character traits, on the other, only negative ones. Such extremes are inherent in these people. But at the same time they are optimistic and cheerful. They are quickly carried away by ideas, and sincerely do not understand why other men do not share their enthusiasm. But they themselves are not known for their long-suffering and when they fail, they look for new ideas to implement.

Rat men - Capricorns in love and relationships: Romantic relationships at an early age for these men usually end in violent breakups. The beginning of a relationship is also like fireworks, but the feelings on their part quickly fade away. They flash like a torch and go out immediately. At the beginning of a relationship, they usually idealize their partner, but then they quickly realize that everything is not as their fantasy depicted. Misunderstanding begins from the moment of their new hobby, when the partner is not interested in their idea.

Rat men - Capricorns in finance and career: They are active and energetic, so they can reach almost any position. These men may not set a goal in itself to build a career, but are aimed at success. And this is a powerful impulse that always receives a response. As a result, they often occupy high positions. They may not be interested in the financial side of life, since they are ascetics by nature and can be content with little. But at the same time, for their loved ones, they usually achieve prosperity in the financial sphere.

Rat - Capricorn men in family and marriage: Family relationships become of great value to them as they age. They understand that without communication with loved ones, their life will not be complete. If marriage occurs in adulthood or late age, they will no longer invade personal space and will try to be loyal to other people. Early marriages usually end in divorce, since at this age they are not able to accept another person with his inner world.

Advice for Rat-Capricorn men: They should always seek harmony between the external and internal world. Abilities and talents will have to be identified throughout life and developed. The opinions of others should become an informative grain for them in order to achieve more than they have at a certain point in life. Other people's advice can also become the basis for your own success. It is worth building romantic relationships correctly so that they only bring joy.

“Everything froze again until dawn...” - these lines from a song about love, unity with nature were written by the poet of a subtle lyrical soul, Mikhail Isakovsky (“Katyusha”, “Lonely Accordion”). Another subtle and soulful singer of Russian nature, Nikolai Rubtsov (“The Soul Keeps,” “The Noise of Pines”), was distinguished by a riot of unbridled passions. The poet became addicted to alcohol, became troublesome when drunk and committed suicide. Popular composers: Veniamin Basner (“At a Nameless Height”, “Where the Motherland Begins”), Igor Nikolaev (“Iceberg”, “Let’s Drink to Love”), Raymond Pauls (“Ah, Opening Day…”), who managed to be the Minister of Culture , are bright representatives of Capricorn-Rats.

Policy. Here we have many good and different figures: Pope Pius V; King Alfonso V of Africa of Portugal; Neapolitan king Reve of Anjou; Polish king Stanislav Poniatowski; King of Naples and Spain Joseph Bonaparte; English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli; German Chancellor and militant revanchist Konrad Adenauer; President of the GDR Wilhelm Pieck; Polish President Edward Gierek; dissident, minister, leader of the Israeli Russian Party Anatoly Sharansky; politician, minister and economist Sergei Glazyev.

In military affairs, Capricorn-Rats are doing well: the general who prepared the draft Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom, Yakov Rostovtsev; the Nazi responsible for security in the Reich, Walter Schellenberg; KGB Chairman Vladimir Semichastny; British intelligence officer and Soviet agent Kim Philby; Minister of Defense Pavel Grachev.

But the cat made the artists cry: Renato Guttuso, exposing vices and injustice and painting bright canvases. Not a lot of actors: Vladimir Steklov (“The Master and Margarita”, “Midshipmen, forward!”, “Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”)

And Vladlen Davydov (“Amphibian Man”, “Kuban Cossacks”, “Tobacco Captain”). There is practically no one in business. Perhaps the nouveau riche with scandalous fame, Anatoly Bykov. There won't be enough sports: footballer and coach Oleg Taran. There are scientists among Capricorn-Rats, but I have not found any great and well-known ones.

Horoscope of Capricorn-Rat woman

Women of this astrological type are purposeful, active, and not afraid to try and take risks. Rats are creative people, they are emotional, beautiful and militant, while Capricorns are reserved and consistent. This makes it possible for Capricorn-Rats to reach heights in art and climb the career ladder.

Vanessa Paradis is a singer, model and actress. She started singing before she could talk and walk. Her debut in show business took place at the age of 7: Vanessa entered a television competition for young talents, and at 14 she became famous, performing the hit “Joe Le Taxi”. Already at the age of 16, she excluded her peers from her circle of friends and, while still a schoolgirl, became the mistress of a 26-year-old singer. Vanessa was considered a fly-by-night or was openly envied, expecting her to fail. The girl had to behave more and more aggressively.

“If I was able to become strong, it was only thanks to the trials I endured.” Her debut album “M & J”, released a year later, became popular, but Vanessa directed her efforts to cinema, starring in the film “White Wedding” with many erotic scenes. For "White Wedding" Paradis received the Cesar Award from the French Film Academy. But fame had to be paid dearly. Women openly hated her, calling her stupid, mediocre and impudent.

Over the next five years, Paradis managed to do everything: she pursued an acting career with roles ranging from a vamp to an innocent schoolgirl, released three albums (Serge Gainsbourg himself helped her with one), and paid tribute to the modeling business by signing a contract with Chanel. Moving to America softened her temper and made life quite bearable.

Lenny Kravitz helped Vanessa release an English-language album. Vanessa starred in the new film “Eliza” with Gerard Depardieu. Then there was “Witchcraft Love” and “One Chance for Two” together with Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo. Vanessa's latest achievements: "The Girl on the Bridge" - a dramatic film about love and loneliness - and the new disc "Bliss", which took first place in France. Director of "Girls on the Bridge"

Patrice Leconte says about Vanessa: “She is an amazing creature. As soon as she enters the frame, the unique magic of her presence immediately appears in it.” Vanessa once said that she liked all three of her roles: “I think the key to success is diversity.” But there is just no diversity. Vanessa clearly follows her line, exploiting already chosen and successful roles. She surprised the public by marrying the notorious foul-mouthed and hooligan, but good actor Johnny Depp. Paradis tightly controls her image, intending to remain in the eyes of the public as an eternally young and innocent young lady.

Let's list other famous women in this group. Senior actresses Loretta Young and Zoya Fedorova, actresses Natalya Sayko (“How the Steel Was Tempered,” “Mikhailo Lomonosov”) and Natalya Gvozdikova (“Born of the Revolution”); model Nicole Eggert; opera singer Irina Arkhipova; Yeltsin's adviser and daughter Tatyana Dyachenko; Margaret of Austria, Habsburg viceroy in the Netherlands; finally, actress Anastasia Melnikova.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Years: 1912; 1924; 1936; 1948; 1960; 1972; 1984; 1996; 2008; 2020.

Capricorn-Rat has excellent communication skills, which allows him to build harmonious relationships with those around him. This person is distinguished by intelligence, moderate lust for power and criticism. He has big ambitions. In addition, he is quite stubborn and rarely reconsiders his own beliefs.

A representative of this combination of signs strives to keep everything under control. He does not accept chaos and vanity. Some people don't like his pedantry. But any manifestations of disorder become real stress for Capricorn-Rat.

He does everything according to a given schedule. He likes clarity and predictability. This person desires stability. When he is busy making a decision, he develops a plan in detail and analyzes the situation from all sides. The Rat makes Capricorn more relaxed, sociable and playful.

Capricorn-Rat: general characteristics

Capricorn-Rat always tries to make informed decisions

This Rat is the most balanced and far-sighted compared to other combinations of the sign. The coldness of Capricorn softens her impetuosity and turmoil. It is the Rat that bestows friendliness and openness on Capricorn. This man always has a lot of friends. True, he is in no hurry to share his secrets with his friends. Only to some of them will he open his soul.

The pronounced traits of Capricorn-Rat include:

  • insight;
  • self-control;
  • deliberation;
  • prudence.

He shows responsibility when making decisions. This also applies to friendships. Before getting close to someone, a representative of such a combination of signs will collect data, analyze it and come to the appropriate conclusion. If he chooses a comrade, then the friendship will last throughout his entire life.

He always achieves his plans. Capricorn-Rat successfully combines determination, intuitiveness and the ability to find the necessary data. He is able to predict the future, so he avoids possible difficulties and troubles. He is wise and observant. Even at a very young age, this person shuns excitement and relies only on his own strength.

In his professional activities, he shows ingenuity and ingenuity. He is a careful and tidy worker. Before taking on a certain project, Capricorn-Rat needs to weigh everything carefully. All his undertakings are gradually finding their realization.

He is extremely neat and avoids clutter and haphazardness in every possible way. This person likes things to be well thought out. In relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, he is correct and reliable. He will not waste himself on affairs. And he enters into a union only to start a family.

Often, a representative of this combination legitimizes relationships for selfish purposes. The fact is that financial well-being and social status play a big role for him. Of course, this is a devoted companion. However, if he meets a more profitable and promising partner, then he will decide to separate.

Capricorn-Rat Woman: Characteristics

The Capricorn-Rat woman can be a very calculating person

Composure and charm highlight the Capricorn woman, who was born in the year of the Rat. Her appearance varies. However, she never gets complex because of this or that shortcoming. The representative of this combination of signs turns all her weaknesses into strengths. She is very practical, both in business and romantic relationships.

The fundamental characteristics of the Capricorn-Rat woman include:

  • calm;
  • pragmatism;
  • gut feeling;
  • giftedness.

She is intuitive and has a logical mind. It is these properties that help her build a successful career. A woman easily adapts to the situation, will not give up her own goals and directs all her strength to realizing her plans. She has many different talents. She uses every opportunity to achieve her plans, which, undoubtedly, is a key feature in the characteristics of the Capricorn woman born in the year of the Rat.

The appearance of others is important to her. She is an excellent psychologist who manages to unravel the characteristics of a person by the way he looks. A representative of this combination of signs perfectly senses others, discovers their weaknesses and actively uses her charm for personal purposes. The Capricorn-Rat woman is driven by practicality and prudence. Outwardly, she seems romantic and good-natured. But in reality, she only makes a similar appearance.

The Capricorn woman, who was born in the year of the Rat, is distinguished by her pretty appearance. But inside she is extremely calculating. She loyally perceives the weaknesses of her lover and is capable of being an attentive wife and compassionate mother. True, even in marriage, a Capricorn-Rat woman tends to pursue personal gain.

She will not rush to search for her future companion, but will certainly meet him when the right time comes. Even a family created early becomes happy. Harmony is achieved thanks to the naturalness and softness of the Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Rat. She easily builds a trusting union that is filled with love and joy.

Capricorn-Rat Man: Characteristics

The Capricorn-Rat man does not like risk and avoids it in every possible way

The Capricorn man, who was born in the year of the Rat, has an enterprising, flexible and active character. He is purposeful and wants to achieve significant social status and financial independence. He uses all opportunities and methods to realize his goals.

The fundamental characteristics of the Capricorn-Rat man include:

  • self-confidence;
  • focus;
  • activity;
  • accuracy.

Amazing energy allows him to reach unprecedented heights. He strives for success with all his might. And this is precisely what becomes the strongest motivation for a Capricorn man born in the year of the Rat. He gives preference to promising work and never makes mistakes or mistakes. And he demands this from his colleagues. A representative of this combination of signs lacks the desire for excitement. He will not take risks and take part in dubious activities. It's important for him to win. True, this person often somewhat idealizes what is happening.

He can go to extremes. There are numerous contradictions in the characteristics of the Sagittarius-Rat man. In some cases he shows his strengths, in others - his weaknesses. But he is always positive and enjoys life. This is an addicting nature that cannot understand why others do not share the enthusiasm characteristic of this person.

It is not easy to predict the actions of a Capricorn man who was born in the year of the Rat. He's too pedantic. And not all representatives of the fair sex like this. They love surprises, but not every gift from this person turns out to be pleasant and appropriate. One way or another, he tries to be sincere and loyal to himself and other people.

The love relationships of the Capricorn-Rat man are often contradictory. In youth, romances usually end in separation. The man knows how to look after beautifully. His feelings quickly arise, but also fade away just as quickly. The problem is that he usually idealizes his beloved, and over time he comes to the realization that she does not correspond to the image that his fantasy painted.

When a representative of this combination of signs reaches adulthood, he begins to value family traditions. Now he values ​​the relationship and becomes more loyal to his companion. He understands how important it is to communicate with loved ones. As a result, life together with a Capricorn man born in the year of the Rat is filled with harmony and happiness.

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  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
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  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

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