How to find out the result of an interview by email. Should a candidate call the employer back? How to find out the results of the interview

How did the interview go? What to do if the employer says that he will call back and does not call back? Let's take a closer look at the questions posed.

Signs of a successful interview

How do you know if you have successfully passed the interview? How long should I wait for an answer? There are clear signs of a successful interview.

If the employer calls clear and specific deadlines when they will contact you and when they will make a decision about you, - this is a good sign.

When the results of an interview with a candidate are discussed evasively and vaguely, this means that the applicant is not of interest to employers.

A common sign is if during the interview they said “we’ll call you.”

If the interviewer finds the applicant very promising, then he will be worried that it will be taken over by competitors.

In this case, he will be interested in the candidate’s schedule and plans for the near future. The interviewer will be willing to reschedule the next meeting at a time convenient for the applicant.

Another feature that makes the interview successful is that the interviewer will spend a lot of time answering the applicant’s questions.

In addition, in a conversation with the candidate, he will in every possible way advertise the company and the prospects that await the applicant in the new position. He details will talk about career growth and the benefits of the company before many, many others.

With a promising applicant the interview will take longer the time allotted for it in advance.

If the employer is not interested in the candidate, then he will try to end the conversation with him as quickly as possible.

If, after the interview, the interviewer gives the applicant a tour of the office and introduces him to other employees, then the decision will most likely be positive.

If the people who referred you say that they were contacted by the employer, then this is a very positive sign. Usually, checking letters of recommendation takes a lot of time, which no one in the business world will waste just like that.

You can find out about the employer's interest by by non-verbal signals.

If he leans forward, makes eye contact, and does not use closed postures, this indicates interest and affection.

Interest will show that the recruiter during a conversation is not distracted by telephone conversations and conversations with employees who looked into the office, does not read emails, turns off the ringing phone, offers the applicant tea or coffee, cares about its convenience and comfort.

How to find out the result?

How to find out the results of the interview?

There are very common cases when an applicant during an interview they said they would call back, which is often followed by nothing. If they don’t call after the interview (no response after the interview), it makes sense to impartially analyze its results.

Perhaps you really were on top. In this case It’s worth finding out the results of the interview yourself. We will discuss in more detail below how to remind ourselves.

Make a phone call

Why don't they call you back after the interview? Should you call your employer?

Don't be afraid call the employer back after the interview. This will demonstrate your active life position, ability to achieve goals, and interest in work.

Who is better to communicate with?

It is better to communicate directly with the company employee with whom you interviewed.

Surely, he will be best informed about your results.

If it is not possible to communicate with the interviewer, it makes sense to talk with the HR manager.

What to say?

How to ask about the results of an interview? When you call to find out the results of the interview, you need to introduce yourself, say that on such and such a date you were interviewed for such and such a position and ask about the results.

After how long is it better to remind yourself?

It’s appropriate to remind yourself 7-10 days after the interview. Some recruiters even expect such a move from applicants so that they confirm their interest.

We are writing a letter

If you don't want to call, you can write a letter. This way of reminding yourself for now didn’t really take root in Russian companies, however, in recent years is being practiced more and more often.

How to compose it correctly?

The letter should definitely remind you of the interview date, vacancy, and express gratitude.

The template for composing the letter doesn't have to be strict. Depending on the specific situation, it can change, expand and contract.

How to write a letter to an employer after an interview? An example is shown below:

“Good afternoon, Maria Gennadievna. On May 17, we met for an interview regarding the vacancy of a PR manager.

Working in this position is extremely interesting for me, and therefore I would like to know the results of the interview.

Thank you for your interest in my resume and your time.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Sincerely, Victoria Pastukhova.

To whom should it be addressed?

As can be seen from the above example, address the letter best to the interviewer. You know him, due to the fact that little time has passed since the meeting, he remembers you, and therefore such a message will be more than appropriate.


A careful analysis of the interview will make it clear how interested the employer is in your candidacy. If a week after the interview there is no answer (they didn’t call), it makes sense to remind about yourself by phone or email.

Many recruiters are waiting for feedback from the applicant, because today Self-motivated employees with an active lifestyle are highly valued.

How else to understand at an interview, that your candidacy not interested employer? Should I wait for a call from the recruiter or schedule my next interview?
I often get asked questions like this. In this article, I have collected general tips that will help applicants determine their chances of passing an interview.


It is believed that a 15-minute interview says about disinterest employer. However, an experienced HR manager will say that sometimes 7–8 minutes are enough to make a positive decision, and sometimes even 50 minutes do not guarantee that you will be hired.
The timing of the interview largely depends on the position for which you are applying. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a recruiter and try to understand what information an employer needs to make a quality selection of an employee.

Don't rush to lay all your cards on the table

During the interview, applicants try to show their good side - they describe their professional experience, talk about their qualities. Eichar listens politely, and at the end of the interview, in a friendly tone, says that he will call back later.
For example, an applicant told the HR manager that his strongest qualities are diligence, responsibility, and perseverance. And the employer needs a creative person who loves and knows how to make independent decisions, strives to professional growth, ready for a large amount of work.
Before the interview, carefully read the employer's requirements. During the meeting, do not rush to tell the employer about all your qualities and skills. It’s better to try to find out what qualities an employer is looking for, and using this information, tell us about yourself in the appropriate


Behavior of an HR manager
Body language can tell you a lot. If the interviewer sits straight, leaning slightly towards you, follows you with his eyes, listens carefully and nods periodically, most likely he is interested in your candidacy. If he completely leans back in his chair, crosses his arms on his chest, looks around or at his watch, most likely he has lost interest in you.
A recruiter's inattention may signal a lack of interest. In this case, you will feel that the interview is formal and the interviewer wants to end the meeting as quickly as possible.
If during the interview the interviewer refuses to answer your questions and says that you will find out everything later, then this rather demonstrates his lack of professionalism. At the end of the interview, both parties should not have any questions.

However, even in this case, there is a chance that the employer may change his mind and schedule a new interview if no candidate has been approved for the position.

Offensive strategy
To find out whether your candidacy is suitable for a vacancy or not, you need to ask the employer's representative a few questions. For example: “Can I consider that I have passed the first stage of the interview?”, “Can I apply for the position?”, “When can I hear from you?” etc. However, it is unethical to ask questions like: “Did you like me?”, “How do you like me?” or “Well, did I pass?” It is much more effective to clarify with the HR manager the most important professional and personal qualities. This way, you will be able to assess how well your candidacy corresponds to the employer’s idea of ​​an ideal applicant.

Every recruiter has their own interviewing methods. Some personnel officers demonstrate traditional politeness, others use stress interview methods or test techniques. Always be honest, open and positive.

Smile at people, and then success will definitely await you!

We hesitated for a long time to tackle this topic - it’s somehow not customary for us to particularly write to HR after you’ve gone to an interview. In the West, this is a common practice and, it seems to us, for a reason.

It's like a calm zone when you need to lie low and wait for the verdict. But in fact, this is a good opportunity and sometimes another +1 chance to prove yourself. It seems to us that the tradition of follow-up letters is really good because it is human. and inhumane recruiting is generally not viable, so we are in favor of people saying “thank you” to each other. Even if it is one-sided gratitude. Here are our arguments in favor:

Firstly, a letter allows you to remind yourself once again. If HR talked to a dozen candidates, and they received a letter from you, then this is just an additional “bell”. Believe me, they definitely won’t write all 10!

Secondly, this is a chance to get rid of understatement, joke or simply say something that you forgot to say or were unable to say.

Thirdly, it is simply polite to thank a person for a pleasant conversation, for a chance. Or maybe you really enjoyed the conversation and want to get a feedback - what went wrong, why and what you should work on. Then, of course, you should give it time and send it in a few days.
// Here are the templates. Let's start with #1.

Good afternoon/evening, [name],
It was very pleasant to talk with you today, despite my excitement. I would like to thank you for the time you devoted to me, for your answers to questions and your attentiveness.
If you still have any questions for me, I will be happy to answer them!
I am attaching to the letter [the portfolio] that you asked me to send.

Thank you again for the opportunity [to visit the company’s office and meet the employees, learn more about the team’s values].

+ contacts

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And pattern #2:

Good afternoon/evening, [name]!
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to discuss the specifics of working at the [name] company in the [name] position.
In any case, thank you for your time - it was nice to visit the company's office and get to know its work better.
If you have any other questions, I am always in touch and will be ready to answer them.

Thank you again for the opportunity [to visit the company’s office and meet the employees, learn more about the team’s values].

And another template #3:
// Here are the templates. Let's start with #1.

I hasten to thank you for the interview and the opportunity to look at the work of the company [name].
In addition, after everything I saw, I wanted to become part of the company even more.
Thank you for your attentiveness, your time and conversation. I will be glad to hear from you again.
I still have one question regarding [subject + question].
I'll be waiting for your answer!

Thank you again for the opportunity [to visit the company’s office and meet the employees, learn more about the team’s values].

// What mistakes can you make when writing a letter:

- Excessive politeness / try to limit yourself to at least two thanks (thank you) and no more, otherwise it will look stupid /

Flattery / don’t drive it crazy, don’t praise the company and HR, it’s inappropriate /

Excessive emotionality / you shouldn’t talk about how much you want to work there and you are now in trouble right in one place - they said that they are generally inspired by this idea and that’s enough (this must be honest, otherwise everything will get boring in six months :)) /

The desire to say everything that you didn’t have time / this is not always a good idea, since the essence of such a letter is gratitude, but if you really want to highlight something important or send something that you discussed at the interview - go ahead /

Pity / under no circumstances put pressure on the person on the other side of the screen - don’t say that this is your last chance or that you’ll just go crazy for the sake of work, it’s better to be more modest /

Confidence that you will be hired / “I’m really looking forward to continuing” - everyone understands that you didn’t just come to hang out, but want to be offered a position, but if this does not happen, you still need to be grateful for the time, the opportunity to practice interview skills and etc/

They joke that a person is never as close to perfection as when writing a resume. Research shows that 24% of job seekers mislead potential employers during interviews by embellishing and exaggerating their successes, merits, personal qualities or experience. How to determine who is really in front of you? Take a few quick questions that will help you look at the applicant from a new perspective.

I find out whether a person knows what is the product of his work

Boris Petrov,
General Director of Petrocomplex, St. Petersburg

I usually interview candidates for top positions: technical director, deputy general director and financial director. Conversations usually last no more than 15 minutes. I'll tell you what I pay attention to during a meeting.

  • Language of the body. During a conversation, I monitor the candidate’s behavior - this way you can find out whether he is telling the truth or being disingenuous. For example, according to my observations, when a person tells a lie, he hides the palms of his hands (presses them between his knees, places them on the table), does not look into the eyes, and scratches his ears. If an applicant for a top position does not look the potential manager in the eyes even once during the interview, this says a lot. It happened that for these reasons I ended the conversation after only five minutes: if I see that a person is not frank with me, then I will not waste time finding out what exactly he is hiding. I would rather devote my energy and time to working with employees.
  • How does the applicant answer the question “What were you paid for at your previous job?” Another variation of this question is “What is the product of your work?” In my opinion, every employee - from an ordinary employee to a general director - produces one or another product, for which he receives a salary: for some it is a piece of hardware, for others a document... But it is important to take into account one nuance: just a piece of hardware or a document is not enough - To complete the case, they need to be exchanged for something of value to the company. Then the job is done. For example, an accountant can prepare reports without errors and on time, but if he does not submit them on time to the Federal Tax Service and does not receive a mark that they have been accepted, then such reports are worthless.

Surprisingly, I didn’t hear any answers from the candidates! Let’s say the first question is answered like this: “For coming to work,” “For fulfilling my job duties.” Why do I need such leaders? However, there was a case that I remember - I recommended to the head of the department to immediately hire that candidate. True, he applied for an ordinary technical position. A young man came for an interview; he was 23 years old. It would seem that he should not have expected much: he simply did not have enough time to gain experience. Nevertheless, when asked about the result of his activities in the company, he answered: developed software installed in an industrial controller, tested functionality of the entire system and put the automated control system into operation at the customer.

Niyaz Latypov,
CEO and owner of Cuper, Kazan

I don’t have one single question that helps to understand a person instantly. I just take a certain approach.

  1. I assess the candidate’s level of competence. The lowest level is when the employee needs to chew everything over (“Go to such and such street, house number five, third floor, office 314, find Marya Ivanovna there and give her this paper personally”). The next level - the task can no longer be so specific; it is enough to just name the address, room number, name. I need people who, having received a task, are able to determine their own intermediate goals and draw up an action plan. The level of competence is easy to identify: the most advanced are those who can quickly make decisions, and the same ones that I myself would make in a similar situation. Questions about a person’s experience, his past problems and methods for solving them help me understand this. For example, I might ask what goals management set for him, whether the scale of the tasks changed over time, how the candidate approached solving them, and how much time he usually needed.
  2. I analyze whether the applicant can think outside the box and is ready to gain new knowledge. If a person lacks knowledge, then he should not be ashamed to admit it and fill the gap - take literature on the topic and study the issue. To find out whether a candidate has these qualities, I ask what the most interesting problems he has ever solved (whether at work or in his personal life); how familiar he was with the topic at the time the problem arose, what the action plan was, and whether he needed to learn anything additional. The essence of the tasks and the approach to solving them very well demonstrate whether a person knows how to approach any task creatively.
  3. I find out if this is a passionate person. I am interested in what the candidate does in his free time, what his hobby is. Once, the habit of talking about this with everyone (not just at interviews) helped me find an excellent technical director, and the person had not even thought about changing jobs before meeting me. And the fact that he agreed to accept my offer was proof of his passion. He was the mayor of a small town (about 100 thousand inhabitants), to the administration of which work affairs brought me. We got to talking: it turned out that during the day he served as an official, and in the evening he became an inventor, spending all his time in the laboratory that he set up in the garage. This self-taught person (he had no specialized technical education) has already received several patents! I convinced him that you shouldn’t waste your life on boring work - you need to devote yourself to what your soul is about.

I analyze whether a person can draw conclusions from his mistakes

Evgeniy Demin,
CEO and co-owner of Splat, Moscow

I interview all candidates for vacancies in the main office and for key positions in the regions and other countries. I try to personally consider as many candidates as possible, since the values ​​of each employee must coincide with the company’s values: when you select like-minded people, then you don’t need to waste time convincing them. I try to conduct a meeting with the applicant quickly (it takes from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the position). This is what I find out during the conversation.

Vladimir Saburov,General Director of the company “Glinopererabotka”, Bryansk
I personally conduct interviews with candidates for the positions of chief specialists, heads of departments and services. The meeting lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. During this period, it is necessary to assess the candidates’ desire to work and ability to achieve their goals. At the same time, I ask a lot of questions, but don’t give time to think: this way you can learn more about a person. These are the topics that help me figure out what is important to me.

  1. Where the applicant’s immediate relatives (wife or husband, parents, children) work (or study), their age. Based on the answers, you can understand whether a person has an incentive, whether it is customary in his environment to work hard, to treat the matter with interest and responsibility.
  2. Please prioritize in descending order when choosing a job: career, money (benefits), psychological climate in the team, independence, intensity of work, proximity to home, prestige of the company, acquisition of experience and knowledge, complexity of the tasks.
  3. Your manager has assigned you work that is not part of your job responsibilities. What will you do? If he refuses, then this is not our man. Such people, as a rule, do not strive for development; problems will constantly arise with them. If you hire such people, then only in the accounting department.
  4. I take the candidate (if he is applying for a position in the production service) around the workshops. After the tour, many people leave immediately, as they expected to work in an air-conditioned office.
  5. I ask what a person is generally interested in in life. Once we were hiring a head of purchasing and logistics service (purchases for production, communication between a manufacturing enterprise and a trading house, arranging logistics for shipments). A young applicant (23 years old) with an economics education came to us for an interview. During the conversation, it turned out that he is actively involved in sports, and also trains children. This means that he must have firmness, endurance, and the ability to plan time, which will be useful in his work. Despite the candidate’s age, I invited him to work - and I was not mistaken. Over the course of a year, he managed to achieve global positive changes in the work of the service: he created a system for monitoring suppliers, a coherent scheme of interaction between the company’s services, as a result, we significantly reduced the costs of purchasing components and transporting finished products.
  6. Honesty check. The question goes like this: “You have plans for the evening - you are going to go somewhere with your family (girlfriend, boyfriend), but you receive an urgent task, for which you will have to stay late at work. This will result in the cancellation of personal plans. What will you do? I'm waiting for a truthful answer. There is always a sense of falsehood here. Another question: “You are faced with unfair reproaches from management against you. How will you react? I rate the answer the same way.
  7. What is the candidate's self-esteem? To understand this, I ask the following provocative question: “You did a lot of work, spent a lot of time and energy, but the results turned out to be unclaimed (everything you did was put on the shelf). How will you feel, what will be your reaction? A person with low self-esteem will feel like they have wasted their time and effort and that no one appreciates them.
  8. Can he lead? I ask a question: “The subordinate did not complete the task on time. Your actions?". If the answer is “I’ll do it myself in the interests of the company,” then you can immediately refuse to cooperate with such a candidate, and it doesn’t matter what he adds to what was said (for example, that he will punish a subordinate). There was once an applicant for the position of chief engineer who answered exactly like that - I didn’t even continue the conversation. A manager should not do the work for his subordinates.
  9. Is he a tough leader? The question is: “Your subordinate was rude to you. What will you do?” If the candidate answers, “I will educate and explain that the rude person did wrong,” this is not our person. Such an answer is a reason for refusing applicants for positions of middle managers who work directly in production. There must be strict discipline; employees must be ready to obey unconditionally. I expect an answer: “I will stop it harshly, I will impose penalties; If it happens again, I’ll fire you.” There should be no liberalism in production.
  10. Is there any interest in what the plant is doing? We make cat litter, so I always ask if the candidate has a cat. I am sure that the cat owner will try to do everything perfectly, because his beloved pet will use our products.
  11. Do the candidate’s life principles correspond to those promoted by our company? For example, once during an interview with a candidate for the position of production director, I did not ask him about what he understood by production culture. At our enterprise, maintaining cleanliness and order is one of the most important factors on which wages depend. Also, production culture implies honesty in work. So, the new director showed good results, knew how to communicate with people, and organize them. But he had a drawback - secrecy, constant attempts to hide flaws in his work. And what was most depressing was that the workplaces in the workshops were always in chaos. I struggled with this until one of the employees, having visited his home, said that it was also a mess. I concluded that it was useless to raise him, and we had to separate. After all, if everything in the production premises is upside down and there is no cleanliness, this leads to injuries, equipment breakdowns, and additional costs. And the workers treat the enterprise completely differently if they are surrounded by order and they themselves maintain it.

Candidates must know exactly what the company can give and what the company will give them

Dmitry Fedoseev,
owner and general director of the company “Aibolit Plus”, Moscow

I conduct five to seven interviews a week (with veterinarians, managers, promoters), not only in Moscow, but also in the regions. For me, this is not work, but pleasure (albeit useful). All meetings last for three hours: I’m not used to rushing, so I approach the choice without haste. What do I expect from candidates?

  1. The desire to work and earn money. Favorite questions “Why do you need us” and “Why do we need you” help to identify it. The answers provide the best insight into the candidate and sometimes open up new opportunities. For example, there was such an illustrative case. For several months in a row, a girl contacted us who wanted to get a job as a call center operator. The first time I told her that a vacancy appears or does not appear from the 1st to the 5th of the month. And she called for four months in a row, and on the fifth, I, surprised by her persistence, asked why she wanted to work for us (I was already beginning to think that this was the machinations of competitors) - I asked the question “Why do you need us?” The girl answered directly that what she likes most is a flexible schedule and remote work, she lives next to our office (if necessary, you can appear there without wasting time on the road). She also liked that we suggested calling monthly instead of just telling her there was no vacancy. This answer surprised me, and I asked how she could be useful to us (“Why do you need us?”). It turned out that she has experience in HR, but due to the desire to work from home and on a flexible schedule, she is considering other vacancies. And just before this, I read about a company that hires a freelancer to search for personnel - this saves money and allows for a better selection of employees. And I decided that we should try this too. Therefore, within two days we added the position of a recruiter to the staffing list and hired the persistent girl. By the way, with her help we have already filled several vacancies.
  2. Is the person ready to look for new opportunities? I recently went to the opening of our veterinary center in Novosibirsk and conducted several interviews there with applicants for the position of manager. One of them decided to express herself by starting to criticize our strategy and approaches to work: she stated, for example, that a Moscow company has nothing to do in the region. Apart from criticism, I heard nothing, although I asked why the applicant thought this way and what he was offering. The conclusion is this: the applicant saw only the bad (as it seemed to her), but did not offer options on how to do better. This indicates that a person will always find reasons why the plan is not fulfilled and the branch does not develop. Needless to say, I didn’t hire her?
  3. Integrity and adequacy. I love asking provocative questions. For example, I offer a candidate a higher position (my deputy, not the manager of the clinic), noting that such and such an employee is currently working in this position. If the candidate asks where I will put the current deputy, I answer that I will make a castling. I look at the reaction: will he be happy about the opportunity to get into a high-ranking position in the company and help someone else? Will he doubt his availability of the necessary experience - after all, he was applying for another position? Will he ask what his responsibilities will be, what tasks he will have? This says a lot: can I trust a person, what principles does he follow in life, does he adequately assess his capabilities.
  4. Real experience. I also have one more provocative proposal in stock for candidates for managers: if a person becomes a nightingale talking about his achievements at his previous job, I ask if he is ready to start working on a project tomorrow (opening a clinic in a new location). A braggart will immediately find thousands of excuses why it won’t work out now.

After a job seeker posts his resume, he is invited to a personal meeting. But even after this, the question of how to understand how the interview went remains open. It is worth saying that there are a number of signs that indicate that you don’t have to think about further job search. Knowing these characteristic features will allow you to remain calm and refuse to look at other vacancies.

A successful interview is the dream of job seekers who strive to get a particular position. A number of signs indicating a vacancy include:

  • the employer talks to you about future prospects and job responsibilities. It evaluates your professional and personal qualities and associates them with solving any work-related problem;
  • the manager shows interest in what level of salary suits you, how many offers other companies make to you, and how you see yourself as an employee of his company;
  • The conversation takes longer than expected. In most cases, if management does not like a candidate in personal communication, then they try to end the conversation with him as quickly as possible. If the recruiter is interested in the applicant, then he is asked additional questions, not paying attention, for example, to the fact that the next applicant is waiting in the corridor for his turn;
  • questions are asked about recommendations from a previous place of work. In this case, do not lose control of yourself and panic - answer clearly and confidently. Try to immediately establish yourself as a reliable employee who can receive a letter of recommendation from your former superiors;
  • After the conversation, you are told the exact date and time when you will receive a positive or negative response. There are situations when the applicant is asked to pass a test task by a certain deadline;
  • getting to know the team. This fact suggests that the result of the interview is positive, and you are 99% likely to work in this company.

Signs of a failed interview

Whether the interview was successful or not is the question that applicants ask after personal communication with a potential boss. There are a number of signs that indicate that you are likely to be denied a job. These include:

  • communication takes place at an accelerated pace. The employer is trying in every possible way to say goodbye to you as quickly as possible;
  • formal nature of communication. You are not told about the plans and tasks that may be assigned to you as a candidate;
  • the employer is not interested in your last place of work, hobbies and personal characteristics;
  • They don’t tell you about the positive aspects of working in the company. The conversation comes down to a question-and-answer plan;
  • the opportunity to pass the test task is not given;
  • to your surprise, you find out that you do not have enough experience and qualifications for this vacancy;
  • there are no questions about your previous place of work and your hobbies, despite the fact that in the first part of the conversation the recruiter was genuinely interested in these points;
  • the employer does not care when you can give an answer about the job or whether you have any other offers from similar companies;
  • it is noticeable that the boss is not interested in the conversation. He averts his eyes, looks at the computer, or simply rearranges papers;
  • during the dialogue, the manager often answers phone calls;
  • the employer looks at your resume every now and then. Experienced managers always prepare for conversations with applicants in advance;
  • they don't tell you when you can call and find out how the interview went.

Is it worth finding out on your own how the interview went?

Is it worth calling the employer during an interview? This question worries job seekers who are waiting for an answer to the desired vacancy. The answer is clear: it’s worth it, but only if you are really interested in this work. It happens that even if a candidate does not suit the employer in some respects, he is still hired for a probationary period, thanks to his activity and perseverance.

There are two ways to remind yourself:

  • make a phone call;
  • send an email after the interview to the employer.

Whether it is worth calling the employer back after the interview depends on the desire of the candidate. In general, the conversation should sound something like this: “Hello! Can you give me a couple of minutes? My name is Ivanov I.I. On December 27, I had an interview with you and would like to know the result. Can I hope for the vacancy you offer or should I continue to look for a job? This way, you will make it clear that you are interested in the organization and want to work for it.

Note! Don't distract your interlocutor from his business. If you are told that a decision has not yet been made for you, ask to name the day when you can call again.

How to write a letter to an employer after an interview - you can look at an example on the Internet. It is worth saying that this option is inferior to a telephone call. There is no guarantee that the recipient will receive your letter and respond. Very often, emails go to spam and the employer simply does not see them.

Letter to employer after interview - this example is similar to what you would say if you were calling on the phone. The only difference is that at the end of the letter you must indicate your telephone number where the person can contact you.

Important! When sending a letter, use the special button to indicate the importance. This way, you will have a guarantee that the recipient will not miss it.

If they don’t call you after the interview, try calling yourself. Then there is a high probability that you will be given an answer, and you will be able to plan your further actions.

How to try to improve the situation in case of an unsuccessful interview

If they don’t call you back after the interview, then don’t despair. Perhaps the employer is still thinking about your person. In any case, you can try to correct the situation to your advantage:

  1. Why they don’t call back after an interview – this worries people who are looking for a job. Send a thank you letter to the employer after the interview, a sample of which you can always find on our website. Express your appreciation for their time and apologize for any mistakes that may have been made during the conversation.
  2. At the interview they said they would call me back, but they didn’t. Make your own phone call. Here you need to understand that the speech must be thought out in advance. Prepare for what you will say. It is possible that the employer will be able to give you only a few minutes, during which you will have to find out the result and try to correct it.


Now you know how to find out the results of the interview. If the employer has not given you a clear time frame within which he can give an answer, do not be afraid to be proactive.

If you refuse, don't be upset. Talk to the person on the other end of the line and find out why you weren’t hired. This information will be useful to you in the future, and you will be able to work on your mistakes.

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