How to strengthen your inner thigh muscles at home. Effective exercises for losing weight in the inner thighs

Toned inner thighs look attractive, athletic and healthy. But trainers unanimously insist that losing weight in this zone is not an easy task. Be prepared that you will have to work hard.

Inner thighs can be reduced at home through high interval or strength training. This article contains exercises for the inner thigh muscles that really work. It's time to get yourself in order, and we will help you with this!

The length of your legs depends on genetics. But how to pump up the inner thigh and make it more beautiful is another question. Fat on the thighs is located in two layers: superficial and deeper.

The good news is that it is possible to change the muscle-fat composition of your legs. If you increase your strength and endurance, your legs will become slender and elastic.

Having a general understanding of the anatomy of the leg muscles, you will definitely be able to understand all the ins and outs of training.

Hamstrings - These muscles are located in the back of the thigh and help you bend your knees and stretch your hips.

Abductor muscles These are the inner thigh muscles.

Quadriceps - they consist of four sections and form the anterior muscles of the thigh.

Gastrocnemius muscle (medial head) - This is the uppermost of the two calf muscles.

Tibialis anterior muscle - it is located in the lower leg and helps you flex your ankle.

Soleus muscle - This is the gastrocnemius muscle located under the medial head.

Having understood a little about anatomy, let's see exercises for the inner thigh at home for girls. All of them are easy to do (they can even be done at home) and quite interesting.

  1. Lateral leg lift with fitball

This simple exercise to tone the muscles of the inner thighs was recommended by experienced fitness instructors.

Add a little spice to your main training process by using a fitball.

Lie on your side on the floor. Cross your arms in front of your body. If you feel discomfort, bend the elbow of your lower arm and rest your head on that arm.

Place a stability ball between your legs. Slowly lift the ball toward the ceiling using your hips and buttocks.

Return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions.

  1. Squats

Many people know that squats are the most effective exercise for the inner thigh. Matt Townsend, a celebrity trainer, also shares this opinion.

This exercise is also highly fat-burning.

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart.

Place your hands on the back of your head. Squat slowly: your thighs should be parallel to the ground.

Hold this position for three seconds.

Return to the starting position.

An important point: when squatting, your knees should not go beyond your toes.

Pull your shoulders back and keep your chest upright.

Repeat the exercise 12-15 times.

  1. Jumping left and right on one leg

Place some kind of “obstacle” on the floor. Or you can simply imagine an object to jump over.

Stand on one leg, with your knee slightly bent, and jump to the left and right of the “obstacle.”

Start close until your legs become stronger. Then you can increase the distance.

Keeping your balance can be a challenge at first. If you continue to practice effectively, stabilization will appear very soon.

  1. Gluteal bridge

If you are looking for exercises for your inner thighs and buttocks, then you have come to the right place.

Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs, bring your knees together.

Keep your feet away. Place a pillow between your thighs. Raise your hips slowly and lower them as well. Squeeze your knees together as you move up and down. Maintain tension on the pad at all times.

In the same position, lift your hips into a bridge. Keep a pillow between your knees. Squeeze the pillow about 30 times. Lower your pelvis and relax your back.

  1. Frog

The frog is a good and simple exercise for tightening the thigh muscles. Exercises for the inner thighs do not always require much effort. The frog is still more associated with the concept of gymnastics.

Lie on your back, lift your legs and straighten them. Bend your legs, keeping your heels together, and spread your toes.

Slowly spread your knees in different directions, tensing your muscles. Then straighten, using the inner thigh muscles. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions.

  1. dance movement

Add some spice to your workout with this fun dance move. This dance sequence will relate to hip-hop. The video is in English, but visually you will understand what needs to be done and how.

The three steps included in this workout are the snake lunge, criss cross, and simple hip hop squat.

Stand up straight. Raise your chest and tighten your abs. Take your right leg back. Do this 4 times and move to the cross.

Repeat the previous movement and cross your legs 4 times. Then move on to squats. Keeping your toes in front, repeat the squats and return to the starting position. It is advisable to do this all to the music, adhering to the rhythm. Repeat squats 4 times.

Then repeat the entire complex to the beat. All three exercises must be performed with maximum concentration on the inner thigh muscles to engage the target muscles for strengthening and tightening.

  1. A set of exercises in motion

Keep your feet together. Step back and squat. Take a large step, slightly wider than hip width. Connect your legs to each other.

Perform 10 reps on each side.

  1. Exercise for the inner and outer thighs

Keep your feet together. Take a side step to the side, bend and keep one arm in front. Bring your legs back together.

Bring your leg back with a curtsy. Do not allow the body to rotate. You should keep your core straight. Your legs should look like zigzags.

If you want to make this exercise more difficult, add weight. Rest and repeat the exercise on the other side. Do 5 times on each side.

The last two exercises for the inner thighs were recommended by Astrid McGuire, a celebrity fitness trainer. The best thing about these exercises is that you can do them in the comfort of your home.

  1. How models train all sides of their thighs at Victoria Secret

Keep your hands on your hips. Do a half squat and from this position walk left and right. Perform 12 repetitions on each leg. This is a simple exercise and the results are amazing.

Another exercise that comes from the dance world. Stand straight with your legs straight and your hands on your waist. Take your leg back and then smoothly bring it forward, making a semicircle. The toe is pointing downwards. Do 10 reps on each leg.

Do this movement slowly and under control.

  1. Exercise for thigh distance

Lie on your side and on the floor. Straighten your lower leg.

Cross your top leg over it. Rest your head on your hand. Lift your bottom leg up.

Keep your leg parallel to the floor and lift your heel toward the ceiling. This action keeps the tension directly on the desired area. Also control your upper body while you do the exercise.

  1. Leg abduction with rubber band

Take a rubber band and tie it to a weight of 50 pounds or more. This is done so that the weight does not roll away to the sides during training.

Place your hands on your hips. Take a step to the side and move your leg

The contraction from the squeeze is what makes this exercise effective. Repeat the process for the other leg. Do ten repetitions on each leg.

  1. Plie squats with dumbbells between legs

Straighten your legs and stand wider than shoulder-width apart. Take, for example, a 16-pound dumbbell and hold it between your legs.

Move your pelvis back, do not lean your chest and shoulders forward, and do a squat. Repeat 10 times.

  1. Exercises for hips with a fitball

Spread your legs as wide as possible. Squat down and make sure your knees are directly above your heels.

Rest your fingers on your exercise ball. Lower yourself down, keeping the ball under your fingers the entire time. Do 10 reps.

Another workout is deadlifting with an exercise ball. Step one leg back and hold the ball.

Pull your stomach in. Bend parallel to the floor, standing on one leg, and lower the exercise ball.

Touch the ball to the floor. Return to the starting position. Do 10 reps for each leg.

Proper nutrition for slender thighs

  • Drink two glasses of water in the morning and another 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • You can replace water with herbal tea. No other drinks are allowed.
  • Avoid all grains and grains, but half a bowl of brown rice a day is okay.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruit
  • Avoid sugar and sugar-containing foods. The best replacement is stevia.
  • Eat 4 servings of protein per day. The serving size is the size of your fist.
  • Consume 2 tablespoons of oil daily. Oils can be any: olive, coconut, flax seed, unrefined nut oils.
  • Avoid all dairy products. Replacement: whey protein with water and fruit.
  • Try eating more organic foods. Enjoy what you eat.
  • Eat every 3 hours.
  • Add fish oil and probiotics to your diet.
  • Get a pedometer. Aim for 5,000 to 10,000 steps daily.
  • Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
  • Start jumping rope. This will help you burn calories, increase your agility, and get results faster.
  • Get around the city by bike.
  • Do scissoring. Lie on your back, lift your legs up and start swinging them crosswise to the sides.
  • Perhaps you should start dancing.
  • Make friends with lunges and squats - they are the most effective exercises to improve your thighs.
  • Lunges strengthen the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. While squats work the thighs and buttocks.
  • You can drink Yerba mate. This is a tea that has been clinically proven effective in burning fat.
  • Eat more plant-based protein to boost your metabolism.
  • Try high interval training (HIIT). They require less time than cardio and tone your thighs.


Patience combined with the right exercises will help you achieve the legs of your dreams. The appearance and size of your thigh gap depends on your genetics and natural body structure. And therefore, no matter how hard you try, you will not get the thighs of a super model if there is no genetic predisposition for this.

You can also use anti-cellulite creams, massages, wraps, etc. to improve the appearance of your thighs.

Constantly train, performing the described set of exercises, following the technique and rules for performing movements, nutrition recommendations, and your legs will become the envy of. And all you have to do is accept compliments with a smile, because you deserve it.

It's no secret that getting rid of excess fat on the inner thigh is quite difficult. However, fitness trainers for women say that if you approach this problem comprehensively - eat right, do gymnastics and cosmetic procedures - you can quickly get your legs in order. The main thing is to do all the manipulations to eliminate fat regularly and as often as possible.

Causes of excess fat on the inner thigh

Fat formation on the inner and outer thighs can occur at any age. And to understand how to quickly remove fat in this area, you need to know the reasons for its formation. The most common reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalances associated with puberty.
Hormonal imbalances, which sometimes occur during adolescence, can cause fatty thighs

During adolescence, sex hormones begin to signal the body to store extra energy (fat) in case of a future pregnancy. Fat reserves can be deposited in different parts of the body, but most often this occurs on the hips.

  • Pregnancy.

At this moment, the body stores energy, which should help feed the child. Fat reserves after pregnancy are formed both during lactation and after its end.

  • Cell receptors.

Adrenergic receptors are responsible for fat deposits in the body. Beta receptors contribute to fat reduction, and alpha receptors contribute to its accumulation. Depending on the number of alpha receptors in the thigh area, fat accumulation will occur. In men, their number is usually minimal in the hips, but in women it is the opposite.

  • Excess weight.

Sometimes even 1-2 extra kilograms of body weight play a significant role in the formation of fat on the hips. It depends on the woman’s specific body type. This happens more often if the figure is “pear-shaped”.

  • Passive lifestyle.

Women who work in offices or other jobs with a low level of mobility suffer most from fullness in their hips. During sedentary work, the thigh muscles lose tone, which leads to fat deposits in this area.

There are also other reasons, for example, those associated with illness or taking medications that lead to a hormonal surge. This is also reflected in the increase in body fat.

How to get rid of inner thigh fat

The inner thigh is the hardest part to lose weight; how to quickly remove fat from it is a question that does not have a clear answer. But absolutely everything is possible with the correct distribution of the load on the legs and the whole body, nutrition and other procedures that promote weight loss.

There is no such gymnastics that would remove fat from the thighs in a few days. But if you approach the issue comprehensively, then within a few weeks you can notice the first pleasing results.

With this approach, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Healthy food;
  • doing physical exercise;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • do massage, wraps or peeling of the femoral leg;
  • go swimming or cycling.

Note! Fat cannot be removed from any specific area. This happens simultaneously throughout the body.

However, there are places where fat begins to accumulate earlier. Accordingly, he will be the last to leave there. This is especially true for girls with a pear-shaped figure, whose hips will lose weight at the very end.

Proper nutrition and water as a way to quickly remove fat

A beautiful figure and a healthy body needs a proper diet. To lose weight and reduce fat on the hips and other parts of the body, you should definitely review your diet.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the number of calories consumed per day. If a food has too high a caloric content (sweets, flour, fatty foods), it must be abandoned. It is better to consume dairy products with a low fat content.

It is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • chips;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausages;
  • cheesecakes;
  • margarine;
  • fried food.

You should include more fruits, vegetables and greens in your diet. You should choose low-fat meat and fish, for example, chicken, hake, salmon. Buckwheat is very good for weight loss. Other grains can also be consumed in small quantities in your diet.

To speed up metabolism need to drink more fluid– juices, cocktails, herbal teas. But it's best to drink just water. This action helps satisfy hunger for a while and removes toxins well. The minimum volume of liquid per day should be 2 liters.

Effective exercises for the inner thigh

Every person has layers of fat on the thighs, but their number depends on the imbalance in the ratio of fat to muscle in this area. If you properly stress the muscles of the upper legs and the whole body in general, you can achieve the necessary fat-muscle balance, which will lead to slimming your thighs to the desired size.

The best in this case would be cardio exercises for the legs and buttocks:

  • Jumping in one place. In this case, your legs should be spread to the sides, and your arms should be raised up through the sides.
  • Leg scissors. You can do horizontal (lying on your side) or vertical with a jump.

  • Squeezing and unclenching the thigh muscles with the help of an object (fitball or pillow). Can be done in a supine position (on your back) or sitting on a chair.
  • Squat. This exercise will help you quickly remove fat from both the inner and outer thighs, and from the buttocks themselves.
  • Lifting the leg and moving it to the side. You can combine this exercise with squats.

It will also help to achieve the desired result by walking on a special simulator, where you can select the “changing staircase” function. The feet should be slightly turned to the sides.

Interesting fact! Lush thighs occur not only from excess fat in the skin, but also from muscular thighs.

This often happens in women who have been involved in physical activity that is intensely aimed at legwork (dancing or sprinting). If you add fitness exercises to this, the muscles will increase even more. And if you suddenly stop exercising, they will swim with fat. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right set of exercises.

Workout program for drying the inner thighs

To dry your thighs more effectively, you need to create a special training program for yourself, aimed at reducing fat deposits on a daily basis. This can be either a home set of exercises or a trip to the gym, fitness centers, dancing, aerobics, etc.

For exercise to bring maximum benefit, you need to do it with regular frequency and intensity. Here are some options for performing workouts both at home and in the gym.

Class location Options Time and number of times
In gymNumber of approaches per week2 times
Rest between exercises45 sec.
Number of repetitionsAssigned
Training apparatus20 minutes.
Stretching the inner thigh musclesPerformed after each cardio exercise (helps quickly remove fat, not water, from the body)
At homeNumber of approaches per week2 times
Rest between exercises30 sec.
Number of repetitionsassigned
Training cardio gymnasticsPerformed after each exercise for 3 minutes
Stretching the internal musclesPerformed after every cardio exercise

Cosmetic procedures for getting rid of thigh fat

A good way to combat unnecessary fat is cosmetic procedures. They are best done immediately after training and physical activity. The frequency of procedures is 2-3 times a week.

It is best to alternate them with each other. For example, on Monday and Thursday - massage and sauna, on Tuesday and Friday - peeling, and on Wednesday and Saturday - body wraps.

You can attend cosmetic procedures in a salon, where a specialist will use special anti-cellulite products. But you can do some procedures at home.

Leg slimming massage

When the inner thigh becomes problematic, massage therapists know how to remove fat quickly. It is the massage of this area that most helps to get rid of excess accumulations and quickly get your figure in shape.

Of course, a massage in a SPA salon is not cheap, but the effect is felt immediately. If you don’t have time or money for such pleasure, you can get by with self-massage.

The easiest way is to purchase a manual massager. You can use it at any time, even while watching your favorite TV series. 10-20 minutes a day is enough to achieve a positive result.

Another leader among fat destroyers is cupping massage. The vacuum created under the silicone jar removes cellulite and fat deposits very well.

Body skin peeling to combat fat deposits

Peels and scrubs occupy one of the most significant places in the fight against fat. The most affordable options for scrubs at home are coffee and salt. You can add honey, cinnamon, and essential oils to these fat-burning products.

Coffee and honey scrub can be done once a week

The coffee and honey scrub is applied with light massage movements for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed off. This peeling should be done 3-4 times a week, for 2 weeks.

Salt peeling is also done for about 10-15 days, every other day. To do this, coarse sea salt is mixed with a few drops of citrus essential oil and also rubbed into the skin with massage movements, and then washed off.

Wraps for weight loss in the thighs

To carry out the wrap yourself, take 50 g of blue clay and 1/4 tbsp. water. Mix until creamy and add 3-5 drops. citrus essential oil. Then add no more than 10 g of ground cinnamon and mix thoroughly. The mixture is placed on problem areas and wrapped with simple cling film. After 2 hours, wash everything off.

You can also use honey, coffee, mustard or chocolate for wrapping. The optimal number of procedures in one course to achieve a positive result is 10-15. It is better to perform them every other day.

If you have cardiovascular diseases, then it is better to avoid inner thigh wraps or replace them with more gentle procedures for quickly eliminating fat, such as a seaweed mask.

Water procedures

Among the most effective water procedures, it is worth noting baths and saunas. Before steaming, the body is rubbed with alcohol or honey, which increases sweating and accelerates all metabolic processes in the upper skin tissues. This procedure helps to dissolve fat cells and release them through the pores.

Dry hot air in a sauna also has a great effect on metabolic processes in the body. It is especially recommended for people with skin metabolism problems to come here.

After this, you need to do an anti-cellulite massage.

How quickly will the first results appear?

If you take a comprehensive approach to the fight against thigh fat and diligently follow all the procedures and recommendations listed above, then within 2-3 weeks the first results will be noticeable.

But you shouldn’t hope that this process will be quick, since fat in the thighs takes a very long time to disappear. This means you need to be patient and diligently continue to do everything necessary to lose weight.

When the inner thigh is full, how to quickly remove fat from this area depends on the cause of the appearance of sebaceous deposits

The time it takes to completely eliminate the problem depends on the causes associated with fat deposition. If this is due to pregnancy, then after childbirth you need to pay more attention to physical activity. As a rule, after the end of the lactation period, everything can return to its place.

If the problem is excess weight, it may take six months or a year, depending on the stage of obesity. If you have a sedentary office job, you can get yourself in order in a few months, provided you persistently follow all the recommendations.

Getting rid of excess thigh fat is actually not as difficult as it seems. You just need a lot of desire and a little effort, as well as patience. Although the first results will not be so noticeable, if you continue to try every day to do everything possible to achieve your goal, you can very soon achieve the desired effect.

Inner thigh - how to remove fat quickly:

Express method for losing weight in the inner thighs:

If you're thinking about how to lose inner thigh fat and it just seems impossible, try these 7 best thigh exercises.

They will tone you up and make your body fit, and will also help you get rid of excess fat in this problem area.

Yes, it is quite possible to get the legs you dreamed of!

Ballerina exercises for slender legs

Exercises for losing weight in the inner thighs

If you do all these inner thigh fat loss exercises three times a week, you will definitely see results. Just remember this every time you feel like your muscles are burning!

5 Best Inner Thigh Exercises

Exercises for the inner thigh - video | Let's put away the breeches!

1. Pilates: Leg Raises for Inner Thighs

Pilates is a serious core workout, and the inner thighs are key to stabilizing the muscles in many exercises. In fact, you may feel your inner thighs working even harder than your abs. This simple exercise is easy to do and is one of the best for those who want to slim their legs.

How to do it:

Lie on your side, straighten your lower leg and place your upper leg so that your foot or knee is on the floor. Lean on your forearm, or support your head with your hand.

Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your lower leg without bending it, tightening your core muscles. Inhale as you lower your leg.

Do 10-15 repetitions, then switch sides.

2. Frog Squat

This seemingly funny movement is actually a calorie burner, so get ready to get your heart rate up and every muscle in your body working at once!

How to do it:

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Tightening your stomach, bend your knees and push your buttocks back, while spreading your knees, and try to reach the floor with your hands.

Bend over as much as possible, but remember to keep your upper body up.

In a quick movement, straighten your legs and hips, push off with your legs and jump, legs together as you jump, arms above your head.

Before landing, spread your legs and return to the squat position.

Repeat 10-15 times, then take a break and catch your breath - you deserve it!

3. Lunge to the side

Lunges are great thigh exercises on their own, but side lunges specifically target the inner thigh muscles.

How to do it:

Feet together. You can grab a pair of dumbbells if you want to make the exercise more difficult. Extend your right leg far and bend your knee. Try to keep your left leg as straight as possible, do not tilt your upper body, and keep your right knee bent so that your knee does not extend past your toes.

With emphasis on your right foot, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on your left leg to complete the repetition. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

4. Plie squat

When people ask how women can get rid of thigh fat, it's worth taking a closer look at the ladies with the most enviable legs. For example, to ballerinas. The plie squat is what makes dancers' legs look long and slender. This exercise will easily fit into your regular fitness routine.

How to do it:

Spread your legs wide, toes turned out to the sides at a 45-degree angle, and chest out. You can also use dumbbells like the model in the photo to make the workout more challenging.

Bend your knees and tighten your glutes, core, and inner thighs. Keep your hips behind your little toes as you squat, and your hips will be at a 90-degree angle to the floor.

Focusing on your heels, straighten your legs to complete the rep. Do 10-15 repetitions.

5. Compressing the fitball

Fitball is one of the integral parts of equipment for training. It can work wonders in shaping the shape of your inner thighs. We can say that this is the answer to the question “How to remove fat from the inner thigh.”

How to do it:

Lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hold a well-inflated exercise ball between your knees.

Arms at your sides, core tense. Now squeeze your knees, thinking that you are trying to flatten the exercise ball. It's a small movement, but it's your goal.

Squeeze as hard as you can, then relax while still squeezing the ball. Repeat 20-25 times to complete the set.

6. Bridge

The bridge is a yoga pose that has a lot of benefits on how to lose fat from your inner thighs.

How to do it:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms at your sides. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your hips toward the ceiling, lifting them off the floor and trying to make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Keep your thighs parallel to each other, squeezing your inner thighs. Don't let your knees spread out to the sides.

Hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute, just remember to breathe. Relax and repeat 2-3 times.

7. Most Important: Do Cardio

One of the keys to losing inner thigh fat is to burn calories faster with cardio, which will get you working up a sweat and get your heart rate up. Cardio exercise burns tons of calories and also helps the body process stored fat, revealing lean and toned muscles. Even better, there is no longer a need to spend the whole day in the gym. Opt for exercises that burn more calories, such as running, jumping rope, climbing stairs or cycling, so you never have to worry about how to lose fat between your legs again.

Try combining them with intense interval training, where you work up a sweat for a minute and then recover for another minute. The total is 20-30 minutes three times a week. After this, you will be able to smile at the reflection of your own slender and toned legs in the mirror.

Video - exercises for the inner thighs

Many girls, doing fitness in a club or doing exercises on their own, sooner or later face the problem of insufficient development of the inner thighs. Traditionally, most exercises for legs and hips place the emphasis on the front or back. If the inner part of the thigh is worked out, it is done exclusively on an additive basis.

Inner thigh exercises will help you get ready for your vacation!

We all know that if you want to get flawless legs and thighs, you need to work on all areas and develop the muscles harmoniously. Today we will correct this unfortunate omission and devote an entire article to training the thighs from the inside, and also give the best exercises for the inner thighs. You can use the whole complex or choose the exercises that you like.

Exercises for the inner thigh

The exercises below can be varied in weight and number of repetitions, thereby adjusting the load depending on your level of training.

Sumo squats (with or without weights)

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet so that your toes point to the sides. Slowly squat with a straight back until your knees are at a right angle. Visually, your hips should form a straight line. Also slowly return to the starting position.

If you want to increase the load, pick up a dumbbell and squat with it. As you squat, you should feel tension in your hips and glutes.

Sometimes some people have trouble maintaining balance in a squat with their legs wide apart and feet turned out. If you can’t perform the exercise smoothly, just go to a wall or table and lean on your hands.

The sumo squat is the first exercise to include in your inner thigh training program.

This inner thigh exercise should be performed in three sets of 15-20 times.

Shifting weight in a squat (rolling left and right)

This exercise can also be performed with or without weights, depending on your fitness level. Squat down on your supporting leg until your knee is at a 90-degree angle. Place your other leg as far to the side as possible. Keep your body straight, palms can be rested on your hips or held in front of you.

With a smooth movement, transfer your weight from one leg to the other, as if rolling your pelvis along the floor. At the same time, your back should be straight, and your pelvis should not rise up (at one point you will want to straighten both legs). There should also be no sharp corners in the knees - this is unsafe for the joints.

Shift your weight from one leg to the other, trying to bend your knees at a right angle.

Perform rolls in three sets of 20-25 times (right-left is one time). The inner thigh will work harder in this exercise if you pick up additional weight - a dumbbell or a plate. Adjust the load according to your feelings.

Legs to the sides and together in a lying position

Lie on your back on the mat, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Raise your legs to a right angle with the floor, feet contracted. Spread your straight legs wide and return to the starting position. Try to work without inertia, avoiding sudden jerks.

This exercise is best done with weights on your legs. Make sure your lower back is pressed to the floor.

When performing this exercise, avoid sudden jerks. Extend and lower your legs smoothly, without inertia.

Perform in three sets of 20-25 times.

Exercise "clock"

Starting position: lying on your back, legs raised perpendicular to the floor, arms out to the sides for balance. Alternately draw a circle with each leg, as if your leg were the hand of a clock. First, lower your straight leg down and move it up through the side, trying to keep the distance to the floor as minimal as possible.

The second leg is extended upward. If you make a circle with one leg, do it with the second, while the first one is pointed at the ceiling.

Do it 10 times with each leg – change direction. Now lower your straight leg to your chest and move it down to the side. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

Try to lower your leg as low as possible so that the circle is wide (knee straight, do not bend your leg). This exercise is not only aimed at the inner thigh, it also involves other parts of it and the abdominal muscles. I’ll say right away that the exercise is not the easiest, but believe me, the effect is worth it.

If you want to increase the load, put weights on your legs.

Hip adduction while lying on your side

Starting position – lying on your side on the mat. Lean on the forearm of your lower hand, and place your upper hand in front of you at waist level or on your belt. Bend your upper leg at the knee and place your foot on the floor behind the knee of your lower leg. The lower leg is straight, the toe is directed towards you. Raise your lower leg as high as possible, trying to point your heel toward the ceiling.

Turn your heel toward the ceiling, otherwise your quadriceps will take on most of the load.

For each leg you need to do three approaches of 20-25 times.

Fitball, isotonic ring or other accessories

If you own additional fitness equipment suitable for performing inner thigh exercises, be sure to include these classes in your training program. Any exercise will become more effective if you do it while overcoming the additional resistance of the machine.

And now I’ll give you some useful and practice-tested tips that will help you make your training more effective and the results more tangible.

  1. Respect the principle of diversity. Alternate exercises and change the entire program every 2-3 months. Don't let your muscles get used to and adapt to the load.
  2. Focus on how you feel and how you perform the exercises. If you are training at home and not working out in a fitness club, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
  3. Once you are carried away by working on a specific area (in our case, the inner thigh), do not forget about training the remaining muscles.
  4. Do a short warm-up before your workout and stretch after.

Always remember why you are training and doing all these exercises. Each of us has our own motivation: some want to become slimmer and more beautiful, while others want to become stronger. And you already have enough of it, because otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. Remember that no desire is given without the opportunity to fulfill it. Start classes right now! Your desire is enough to take action and achieve results.

Anatomically, a group of adductor muscles, the gracilis and sartorius muscles, and also partially the hip flexors and quadriceps pass through the inner part of the thigh. Each muscle has a specific set of functions that, when combined, help produce coordinated movement. At the same time, it is this inner thigh that is one of the most problematic areas of the body. Not everyone succeeds in working on it correctly, especially if a person, for one reason or another, cannot afford to regularly visit the gym. However, there is a way out. It is quite possible to cope with such a task as pumping up the inner thighs, and at home without using expensive simulators and special equipment. It is enough to devote at least a little time to this, and soon the thighs on the inside will tighten, get rid of everything unnecessary and acquire a beautiful relief.

There are a lot of effective exercises that can help pump up your inner thighs at home. All of them are aimed at working with this part. You can pay attention to the following complex.

1.At home it is very convenient to perform such an exercise as adduction of the leg with an expander. It perfectly helps to cope with such a task as pumping up the inner thigh muscle. It can be done with both a simulator and a regular elastic band. In the latter case, you need to hook it to something, and secure the other end to your leg. Stand up straight, grab the support with your hand. Move your leg as far as possible to the side, then return it to its original position. Repeat for each leg 20 times. It is advisable to do two approaches.

You can also buy a special training apparatus for the inner thigh. It needs to be placed between your legs and squeezed. You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees, place the exercise machine between them and squeeze its arms as much as possible. It is recommended to perform 20 times in two approaches.

2. This exercise, which can be used for such a purpose as pumping up the inner thighs, can be performed in the gym using a special machine. You need to sit on it, place your legs on the fastenings, then bring them together. This exercise is good because it allows you to gradually increase the load. Execute two sets of 15-20 times.

3.If you don’t know how to pump up your inner thighs, you can pay attention to this exercise, which can be done both at home and in the gym. You can use your own weight or a kettlebell. We take the weight in our hands, place our legs very wide and spread them towards our toes. Then we squat until parallel with the floor. Recommended to do three sets of 10 times.

4. This exercise, which helps to pump up the inner thigh, is similar to the exercise with an expander, but it is performed in a block simulator, so you can adjust the weight. A special cuff is put on the leg, and a block carabiner is attached to it. You need to hold on to the support with your hand. Do three approaches 10-15 times, increase the load over time.

5. Another good exercise is lying leg raises. It is suitable for those who want to know how to pump up the inner thigh at home, because it is very simple and convenient. You need to lie on the floor, raise your legs up and spread them to the side as much as possible. It is recommended to do 2 sets of 20-25 times.

6. Plie squats

For this exercise, how to pump up the inner thighs, you need to stand up straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes outward. Inhaling, begin to lower yourself down and move your pelvis back. The deeper you go, the better, but do it until you feel comfortable. As you exhale, return to the starting position, pushing through your heels. Recommended to do 20 times 3 sets.

Don't put your body weight on your toes. Because of this, you isolate the load on the front muscles of the thighs. Also watch your knees. They should move clearly in the direction of the socks.

7.Lunges to the side

This exercise helps not only pump up the inner thigh, but also the front of the thigh and buttock muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes slightly pointed to the sides. With your right foot, lunge as far as possible to the right side, while at the same time squatting and moving your pelvis back. Hold for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat similar steps for the other leg. Recommended to do three approaches 10-15 times.

When lunging, the heel should not leave the floor.

8. Swings

Swings are another good exercise for pumping the inner thigh; when performed correctly, they help tone and tighten this area. Take a position on your left side, lean on your hands, bend your right leg and place it in front of your left. Complete with a straight leg 15-20 flapping movements. Then roll over to the other side and repeat the same for the other leg. This exercise can also be done standing. Try not to lie on your side so that the maximum range of motion is at the top point.

9. Another good way to pump up the inner thigh is the “butterfly” exercise, originally from the East. You need to sit on the floor, bend your knees, spread your knees to the sides and press your heels towards you. Rock your butterfly wings for a few minutes. Thanks to such actions, the muscles of the inner thigh are stretched.

Exercises with a fitball for the inner thigh

In the question of how to pump up the inner thigh, a fitball can be an indispensable assistant - a large ball that can be seen in many fitness clubs and sports stores. There are such exercises for the inner thigh using it:

1.Bringing your legs together with a fitball

A simple way to pump up your inner thighs is to squeeze a ball with your thighs. You need to lie on your back, raise your legs, and place the fitball between your thighs. If it is difficult for you to work with a large fitball, you can take a smaller ball. Press your hips onto the ball, counting to 10 in your thoughts. Then relax the muscles. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 20 times.

2. Bend to the side with a fitball

You need to lie on your back, clasp the ball with your feet and raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Stretch your arms to the sides and rest them on the floor. Tilt your legs first to one side, then to the other. It is important not to lift your shoulders off the surface. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times in each direction.

Yoga exercises for pumping the inner thighs

Exercises taken from yoga pay a lot of attention to the inner thigh. Just remember the well-known lotus pose, in which the hip joints fully open and the thigh muscles stretch well - this is an excellent pumping of the inner thigh. Of course, it can be difficult for a beginner, but regular training allows you to improve your body, flexibility and endurance. You can pay attention to the following yogic exercises:

1. “Shoemaker pose”

A fairly simple pose that can serve as preparation for the lotus position. She no longer pumps the inner thighs, but tightens and tones them. You need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, stretch the back of your head up, straighten your spine. Maintaining this position, bring your right leg to the groin area. Hold it with your hand, now carefully bring your left leg. The weight of the body should be transferred to the ischial muscles and try to maintain balance until any discomfort appears.

2. “Noble pose”

You need to stretch your legs, put your feet together, bend your knees. Do not tear your feet away from each other, pull them towards the body, place your heels closer to the groin area. Use your hands to press on your knees, try to press them to the floor. Try to stay in this position for as long as you can.

3. "Perfection Pose"

You need to sit on the floor, bend your left leg. Helping with your hands, pull it towards the perineum. Then bend your right leg and place it on your left ankle. Use your fingers to place your feet between your shin and left thigh. First, you can lean against the wall - this will simplify the exercise.

So, the exercises with which we pump the inner thigh are not so difficult. The main thing is regularity. In the future, you can increase the load by increasing the number of times and approaches. You can also complicate the exercises by using dumbbells, weights, or increasing the weight on the machines. Simple sets of exercises will help to pump up the muscles that support the inner thigh, and get rid of cellulite, make your legs slimmer.

Video with exercises for the inner thigh

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