How to decorate a storage box. We make boxes for storing things with our own hands (from cardboard, newspaper tubes, felt, fabric) - text and video instructions; types and what you can decorate with

In order to decorate the box, you will need to stock up on scissors, a ruler, a simple pencil, and a measuring tape. How to make a storage box with your own hands? First of all, you need to prepare the box itself.

It is best that its dimensions vary within forty centimeters. Then it can be put both in the closet and on the shelf. Although, on the other hand, it is better to choose a box of such size that it is suitable for a specific location. The height of the side should not be more than ten centimeters. It will be convenient for all sorts of little things. As a last resort, they can be trimmed using a pencil and ruler. It is enough just to make markings on the side walls. Important: mark with inside boxes. Measure no more than ten centimeters from the bottom of the box, and after that, make markings with a pencil. Make one mark on each edge, and then connect it into one line.

Making a storage box with your own hands is not difficult. But first, you need to strengthen the walls of the box. This can be done using various methods.

The simplest and most common way is to bend the doors inward. To do this, you need to mark a certain height of the box and make a mark with a pencil. What to do if the cardboard is corrugated? Then it is better to run the blunt side of the scissors along the folds. In this case, you will bend the material along the lines you marked. The cardboard should lie flat against the walls. If you made a mistake somewhere with the dimensions, it is recommended to correct it - apply the markings again, and also bend them. The excess must be trimmed with scissors. After that, we move on to gluing the workpiece. Be sure to apply the glue to the entire surface, and then press firmly for twenty to thirty seconds.

The side walls can be strengthened in another way by cutting off the top flaps, taking cardboard and cutting out a strip. Thus, its width will be equal to the height of the side wall, and its length will be equal to the perimeter of the side walls. You need to make a special marking on the strip: use a ruler to measure the length of the short sidewall, and then the long sidewall. It is necessary to bend in those places where the markings are located. The side must be glued inside the box if the cardboard fits evenly.

You can create an unusual box for storing your belongings if you decorate it natural materials. Cotton looks great. Be sure to wash and iron the material before starting work! How to mark up correctly? You will need a length of two centimeters, a height of two centimeters, the length of the box on the outside and two centimeters of the height of the side. Depending on the shape of the bottom of the box, you should end up with a square or rectangle. It is recommended to circle in the middle, where the bottom of the box is located.

Cut out the blank you made.

The fabric must be folded on both sides, and then secured as follows:

There is no need to stitch the edges of the edges if the fabric lies flat. Hand stitching will be enough.

We need to put things in order before the holidays - put in their places all these endless girly rubber bands, torn buttons, numerous chargers, multi-colored pencils, rarely needed discount cards and other ribbons-bolts-napkins-lipsticks-and-various-necessary-half-rubbish. places! However, it’s easy to say - put it in its place... But in fact, it turns out that we are simply systematically shifting all the junk from one sloppy pile to another - more neat one, while the amount of chaos does not change to a lesser extent, it simply acquires a high-quality color. To solve the problem radically, you need to think over a competent storage system for such small things. What if sew textile boxes? These are simple projects and affordable materials that will not only help organize the storage of small items, but also decorate the space. Yes Yes, textile boxes- stylish and original solution, see for yourself!

Textile box for little things - 5 simple master classes:

1. Simple zigzag fabric box

Do you also have spools of thread lying around your house? It's time to make a fundamental decision and put the final order in place! Sew a textile box for sewing items - spools and thimbles will feel so cozy and organic in it that you yourself will want to keep everything in order.

2. Dense quilted box with lapels

Thanks to the stitching, this textile box turns out to be very, very soulful! It seems that it came from the past - made by the caring hands of a grandmother, it warms and reminds you of those days when you yourself were a small child... A completely nostalnic thing! Worth any effort. However, you won’t need so many of them - the project is simple and exciting.

3. Textile box with lid

If you decide to deal with clutter in a completely radical way, you should not just put all the small things in boxes-baskets, but also cover them with lids! To realize your plans, you will need a suitable fabric - stain-resistant, easy to wash and, of course, with an interesting positive pattern.

4. Cardboard boxes covered with burlap

Burlap is the most accessible and beautiful material: it can be used to decorate a wide variety of objects, always obtaining an original result. In fact, it turns out stylish and beautiful: a light rustic touch to practical things- this is what is often needed when it comes to household items. Cardboard and burlap - you probably have everything, get to work!

5. Cardboard boxes covered with denim

Surely you have a couple of old denim pants lying on the far, far shelf in your closet that no one will wear anymore, but for some reason you can’t bring yourself to throw them away. Their finest hour has come! Choose a suitable size cardboard box (for example, a shoe box) and cover it with denim fabric - you will get a practical and convenient thing for storing a variety of small things.

Each of us has things that are used quite rarely. These may be the most various items: jewelry, seasonal clothing, shoes, bed sheets, tools, dishes. The question arises: how to place them so that they do not interfere and are always at hand?

Boxes for things differ in manufacturing technique, material and other nuances

Of course you can buy new wardrobe, but what to do if there is a catastrophic lack of space in the apartment? Fortunately, there is a more economical and less voluminous option - create a convenient box for things.

Types of storage boxes and their features

Boxes for things differ in manufacturing technique, material and other nuances. Some of them can only be bought in the store, while others are so simple that you can make them yourself.


Underbed boxes (or drawers) are called large containers made of plastic, wood or other materials that can accommodate clothes and shoes. You can place them not only under the bed, but also, for example, in the closet. Under-bed drawers can be universal or designed for specific items, such as tools or household supplies. The range of such products is very wide, so it will not be difficult for you to find one that suits your needs. appearance and capacity option.


Boxes of this type are most often used to store clothes, children's toys and home textiles. They are made from any fabric, but most often from felt - a material that holds its shape perfectly. Textile boxes They are sold in stores, but you can sew them yourself, just find suitable patterns.


Cardboard boxes are practical and easy to use, but they are only suitable for storing lightweight items. They are done very quickly. When decorating, they can be pasted over beautiful paper or wrap with cloth.


Folding boxes are a stylish and functional accessory for your apartment. Their main advantage is that when the box is not needed, it can be folded (fastened) and hidden in a matter of seconds.

Folding boxes have zippers or other fasteners on the sides. It is relatively difficult to create such a product with your own hands.

Wicker Wicker boxes made from rattan can harmoniously complement any interior.

They can have any size and any number of compartments for storing items of various sizes.

Decorative This is interesting: Such boxes are used to store small accessories. Another function is to serve as interior decoration. They have small sizes

, so you won’t be able to fit a lot of things in them. Can be made from a wide range of bright and colorful materials.

Photo: modern containers and boxes for the home

This drawer is convenient for storing, for example, bed linen.

Tissue boxes are often made from felt

Multi-colored cardboard boxes

The advantage of a folding box is that it can be closed or zipped if necessary.

Rattan boxes are not cheap

Many girls will like this option.

To prevent small items from lying around everywhere throughout the apartment, they can be sorted into separate boxes. This will make it much easier to find the item you need. Besides, careful attitude will allow it to maintain its proper appearance longer. Let's look at 2 master classes on creating beautiful and practical cardboard boxes.

Cardboard with handle and two sections

This box has a convenient partition with a handle and 2 compartments

Necessary materials

  • Cardboard 3 mm thick;
  • Whatman;
  • Cotton fabric in several colors;
  • Ruler;
  • Pen or pencil;
  • Self-healing cutting mat;
  • Scissors (or stationery knife);
  • Glue (you can use PVA or transparent polymer).
  • A brush 1-2 centimeters wide.
  • In addition to all of the above, we recommend preparing paper tape and several cotton napkins. We will need them to remove excess glue and smooth the fabric.

Here's what we need for work

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We collect the box. We cut out the box parts from thick cardboard (see illustration 1).
  2. To create cardboard boxes, it is better to use thick, even cardboard. In our example, cardboard with a thickness of 0.3 centimeters was used.
  3. We take a blank for the bottom and mark the middle. Glue the partition in the center. This will give us two compartments for things. We cut paper tape into strips 2 centimeters thick and glue the joints with it. Next we attach the side walls. We also glue their joints with tape or craft paper.
  4. We glue the front side of the box. We cut out a blank from whatman paper. We lay it on the fabric.
  5. We cut the fabric and leave a small allowance of 1-2 centimeters.
  6. Glue the fabric on top of the Whatman paper. Smooth out wrinkles and irregularities with a napkin.
  7. We bend the side allowances of the fabric and glue them to the box.
  8. Cut the top corners diagonally.
  9. We fold the fabric and glue it to the inside of the box.
  10. Trim the seam allowance by 2 millimeters perpendicular to the side.
  11. We fold the fabric again and glue it to the inside of the box.
  12. Now you need to glue the allowances at the bottom. To do this, we cut the corners diagonally, fold the fabric and glue it to the bottom of the box.
  13. At this stage, the workpiece should look like in illustration 13 (see gallery).
  14. Glue the opposite side in the same way. To complete the top finishing, we cut out a rectangle of 20x14 centimeters from whatman paper, and 22x16 centimeters from fabric.
  15. Cut off the excess corner of the fabric.
  16. Fold and glue the fabric to the smaller sides of the rectangle.
  17. Glue the blank to the box.
  18. Then we attach the fabric allowances (top and bottom) to the cardboard.
  19. We design the opposite side in the same way.
  20. We glue the partition. First, let's outline the top edge of the part. Let's cut a fabric strip 32 centimeters long and 2 centimeters wide, bend it in the middle, then iron it in this position and cut off the corners. Glue it to the cardboard, cutting off the corners on the folds.
  21. To make the holes, cut out a rectangle 25 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters wide. We retreat 1.5 centimeters from the edge and make cuts on the next 4 centimeters. We retreat 13.5 centimeters from the beginning of the fabric and repeat the cuts on the next 4 centimeters. We cover the hole in the partition with fabric. This must be done so that the area with the cuts is above the semicircles.
  22. From whatman paper we cut out two parts of the partition of a size corresponding to the cardboard part. Near the window we remove another 3 millimeters.
  23. Glue the piece to the fabric and cut it with a small allowance. Cut the corners and cut out the window.
  24. Glue the top allowances and the fabric itself around the window.
  25. Glue the part to the partition, leaving allowances on the inside of the box.
  26. We design the second side of the partition in the same way.
  27. The next step will be gluing the internal sectors of the box. Since the partition is already pasted over, you first need to decorate the opposite side. To do this, cut out a rectangle from whatman paper. It should be 2 millimeters smaller than the inside. We cover it with fabric, leaving a small allowance for the hem. We cut off the corners and glue the seam allowance on top to the Whatman paper.
  28. We glue the workpiece to the box, and attach the allowances to the bottom and adjacent sides.
  29. We glue the sides. Now the allowances need to be glued to the Whatman paper on the top and sides. We let the allowance that remains go to the bottom.
  30. We glue a rectangle to the bottom with allowances bent inward.
  31. We design the other sector of the box in the same way.
  32. All that remains is to decorate the bottom of the box from the outside. Cut out a rectangle measuring 23x20.3 centimeters from whatman paper. We cover it with fabric, cut it diagonally and glue the allowances inside. We attach the workpiece to the box. That's all!

Photo gallery: Making a beautiful two-section container

Beginning of work

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

Illustration for point 8

Illustration for paragraph 9

Illustration for point 10

Illustration for paragraph 11

Illustration for paragraph 13

Illustration for paragraph 15

Illustration for paragraph 17

Illustration for paragraph 20

Illustration for paragraph 21

Illustration for paragraph 24

Illustration for paragraph 25

Illustration for paragraph 29

Illustration for paragraph 32

This is what our box will look like

Decorative box for linen

These laundry boxes are convenient to place on shelves

A box for things can look like anything. We bring to your attention another product option for storing various items. The compactness of the box will allow you to store it anywhere in the house.

What you need to create it yourself

  • An ordinary cardboard box (ideally with high sides);
  • Fabric for decoration;
  • Paper;
  • Scissors or clerical knife;
  • Braid;
  • Scotch.

How to do it yourself step by step

  1. First, we cut off all the sashes from the top of the box. Next we cut through both sides small holes for pens. It is better to make them at the top of the box.
  2. Cover the box with paper. This must be done so that the drawings on the box do not show through the fabric. We take album sheets and fix them with tape on the box.
  3. The upper edges of the album sheets must be folded towards the inside of the box.
  4. The paper must also be glued to the bottom of the box.
  5. The inside of the box is ready. It should look like in picture 5.
  6. Next, we decorate the box with fabric. We cut out two rectangles of fabric so that they are slightly larger than the sides of the box.
  7. We apply the fabric to the box and secure it around the edges with tape.
  8. We wrap the edges of the fabric towards the inside of the box.
  9. We glue the remaining sides of the box in the same way.
  10. It is important to wrap the material at the corners and sides of the box, otherwise the fabric will begin to “slip” and the box will serve you much less.
  11. We bend the corners of the fabric in 2 steps so that there is no excess fabric left (the diagram is shown in the picture).
  12. Before attaching this section, its edges must be processed. To do this, secure it with pins from the inside.
  13. Next, we sew the workpiece on the sides so that the threads at the edge of the fabric do not fray.
  14. In the place where we previously made holes, we also cut a hole in the fabric.
  15. Pull it out and fold it inward top part fabric with a hole.
  16. Press the cut edges against the holes in the box.
  17. Next, we fix the fabric with tape from the inside.
  18. Now we decorate the upper edges of the box with braid.
  19. We wrap the sides of the box and secure with double-sided tape.
  20. The side should look as shown in photo 20.
  21. We pay special attention inner corners braids. We fold the material and sew it with several stitches.
  22. The tape should be located around the entire circumference of the sides on the box.
  23. We work with the braid extremely carefully, because it will serve as a decorative element.
  24. The top edge of the box is ready.
  25. Next we decorate the bottom of the box with braid.
  26. By using double sided tape glue the tape to the bottom of the box.
  27. We also decorate the holes for the handles with braid. We secure it with tape.

Photo gallery: Master class on making cardboard products

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for paragraph 9

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for paragraph 16

Illustration for paragraph 22

Illustration for paragraph 25

Illustration for paragraph 26

Illustration for paragraph 27

Convenient product for storing linen and other things

We are buying for an apartment new furniture and equipment, but often a small thing like a storage box is missing. As you can see, this product can look very creative. We hope our article will help you create a convenient and beautiful box for things.

Even if you are a minimalist, you still have enough a large number of different things that need to be stored somewhere and somehow. You can do this with creative approach, thanks to which you can not only clean up your house once and for all. Some ways of organizing order play not only a functional role, but also serve as decoration. We invite you to find out how to organize storage of things at home. The ideas described in this article can be implemented using purchased or homemade organizers. You can do the same at home, spending a minimum of money and time.

Storing things and clothes at home: ideas

Boxes, caskets - all this can be turned into a means of storage. The same organizers can be used to neatly organize office supplies, toys, linen, and shoes. For the latter case, it will be especially important to buy a special plastic organizer for storing things at home. The idea of ​​using it is that the shoes do not gather dust, but at the same time they are clearly visible. Also, one such container can replace ten boxes. And the view will be much more aesthetically pleasing.

Try to make all organizers similar to each other or made in the same style. This is especially true for those that are not hidden behind cabinet doors.

We store underwear, socks, belts and other small items correctly

When it comes to organizing storage, organizer boxes with compartments immediately come to mind. They can be made from different materials and contain one or another number of separators. The most common are fabric organizers that can be folded. These are sold in almost all hardware stores. But you can make a similar organizer from cardboard boxes.

Making an organizer

For this you will need empty packaging, cardboard and decor: colored and self-adhesive paper, wallpaper. Place boxes inside a drawer to organize your home storage. Ideas for arranging packages depend on their size and the proportions of the box. Glue all the boxes together. If you do not have ready-made boxes, then there are two options to solve the problem:

  • Measure the length and width of the storage box. Based on the dimensions, make required quantity boxes of the same height.
  • Make walls from cardboard that will be inserted into the box. Glue the bottom. Then make cardboard dividers.

Cover the finished organizer with colored paper, wallpaper or self-adhesive tape inside and out.

The storage space is ready! It can be used to organize underwear, socks, belts, jewelry, scarves, various accessories and so on. The main thing is that you will always have everything at hand and neatly laid out.

Cable storage organization

Even one person has several gadgets that require different cables. What can we say about a family of several people, where each person has at least one phone and a charger for it. There are also cables from cameras, tablets, laptops and computers, headphones and so on. If you store all this in different places or in one box, but in a pile, then you can’t talk about proper storage things at home.

Let’s look at ideas for a DIY organizer below:

  1. Make a box with cells as described above.
  2. Make a honeycomb organizer. For it you will need to take cardboard toilet paper cylinders, paper towels, foil, cling film or parchment. Designate one drawer or boxes for cables. Slice required amount cylinders of equal height. Their size should be per centimeter smaller sizes box or crate. The number of cylinders depends on how many cables you have. Connect the cells together using double-sided tape or glue gun. Finished cylinders can be painted spray paint. All that remains is to insert the organizer into the box and fill it with neatly twisted cables.

Properly storing jewelry

Do you have a lot of earrings, bracelets, pendants and other jewelry, but you don’t know how to properly organize your storage? Ideas for your home might look like this:

  1. Buy a special case with many pockets on both sides. It can be hung in a closet. In such a case there is room for many various decorations and accessories that will not get confused with each other, and thanks to transparent pockets you can always immediately find the item you need.
  2. Buy a container for your pills for the week. This is a long but narrow pencil case with seven cells. It will be convenient to store small jewelry in it.
  3. Stud earrings can be stored on a ribbon. Just insert the jewelry into it in pairs and place it in the box.
  4. Make a box that will fit all your pairs of earrings. To do this, take a beautiful low box with a lid, felt or felt, and a pencil. Cut pieces of fabric of equal size. Roll the felt around the pencil into a tube. Glue the end of the fabric. Take out your pencil. Make several of these tubes. Insert all the blanks inside the box so that they fit snugly against each other. You can store earrings in the slots.

Kitchen storage

To ensure that your favorite spices and kitchen accessories are always at hand, use the following ideas:

  • Take identical jars and pour spices into them. Sign each one. Connect the covers to the shelf using self-tapping screws. This way you can also save space.
  • For boxes with kitchen accessories use delimiters. Homemade ones are made from thick cardboard or thin sheets of plywood.
  • Use cabinet doors. For example, use self-tapping screws to hang hooks or baskets for household chemicals, sponges, bags.
  • Spices can also be stored on a magnetic board. Only in this case, use small jars with iron lids.

Storing things at home: ideas (photos) for the bathroom

There is always little space in the bathroom, but you want to fit so much. For this purpose, use small tricks:

  • To keep everything under the sink visible, use a vertical storage system. To do this, place everything in hanging containers.
  • Sort makeup brushes, cotton swabs and pads, etc. the necessary change in different jars. You can store them on shelves or in a cabinet. Decorate the jars as you please, use paint for this, decorative ribbons or just pour coffee beans, sand, balls inside.
  • Hang hanging wicker baskets above the toilet. Depending on the size, they can be used to store toilet paper, additional kit towels, hair dryer and so on.
  • Use different shelves (for example, above the door).

Sellers pack almost every item, from the smallest accessory to a pair of shoes, in a cardboard box. As a result, in every home there appears a whole warehouse of small and large, round and square, flat and bulk empty packaging boxes. They don’t look very presentable and obviously don’t add any coziness to the apartment. Therefore, most often you want to get rid of them immediately.

But don't rush to do this. Check out some ideas first that will surely help you use empty boxes wisely. After all, in our small-sized homes there is very little space for storing various things. And in this case, closed compact boxes will be simply irreplaceable. They are practical and can be stacked on top of each other, saving space. Their main advantage is simplicity and ease of use.

What can be stored in cardboard boxes.

It turns out there are a lot of useful things. Eg:
Charging device and connecting wires from your gadgets. You don't have to waste time looking for a charger for your phone or tablet; now each of them will have a specific place.
- Kids toys. Small parts They constantly get lost from construction sets or puzzles. It is much more convenient to store them in one spacious box.
– Cosmetics and jewelry. Fashionistas have probably adopted this idea a long time ago.
– Attributes for your favorite activity. Creative people can store pencils, brushes and paints in separate boxes. Handicrafts - yarn, knitting needles, needles and scissors. In general, anyone who has a passion for any hobby will be able to keep the supplies they need in order.
- Shoes. The very first thing that comes to mind. Sandals and light shoes will survive the winter in this packaging, and boots will be perfectly preserved in the summer.
– Stationery and magazines. Small boxes make a cute organizer for storing glossy publications, as well as pencils and pens. They will always be at hand.
– Towels and baby clothes. You can also use boxes for diapers and other baby items. But then it is advisable to make a fabric cover that can be changed periodically.

Now you will always know where to look for charger.

A stand for careful storage of earrings and other jewelry.

Organizer for needlewomen.

Convenient stand for pens and pencils.

Great replacement bulky cabinet in the nursery.

Designer box for storing old letters.

IN tin cans Cookies and candy boxes are convenient for storing small items.

IN shoe boxes shoes are stored well.

How to decorate cardboard boxes.

Wallpaper is an excellent choice for decoration.

This is not to say that empty packaging looks attractive and pleases the eye. However, by applying a few simple techniques, spending very little time and inspiration, you can give it a stylish, elegant look.
To create a new design old box will fit simple materials that any housewife has:
– Remnants of wallpaper or wrapping paper. To decorate the box, use any wallpaper, including vinyl, textile or non-woven wallpaper. You can use regular PVA glue or wallpaper glue. adhesive solutions.
- Textile. A worn-out dress or a stretched sweater will be useful for creating original decor. A small box for storing jewelry can be decorated with buttons. This will give her an elegant and stylish look.
– Rough canvas or burlap. Of course, they are unlikely to be found in every home. But if the design of the room is made in an environmental or provencal style, boxes decorated with fabrics from natural fiber.

A use was found for the old geographical atlas.

Grace and style.

Hat boxes do not need decoration.

Jute – excellent ecological element.

You can write on the boxes. It is very comfortable.

Before you get started, use some simple tips:

– Before you start decorating, organize workplace. The table should be spacious enough and well lit. It is better if it is located next to a window, source natural light.
- Prepare immediately necessary tools: glue, scissors, thread, stapler and everything else you might need in your work.
– Clear the table of unnecessary objects that interfere with you. Nothing should distract you from creativity.
– Think carefully about the design you have to implement. Try on scraps of fabric or scraps of paper. Make sure there are enough of them to bring your creative vision to life.

A wonderful metamorphosis.

This can be done without professional skills.

Black and white fantasy.

Stylish decorated boxes will decorate any interior.

In fact, there are a great many ideas for decorating and decorating your apartment. You can choose one of the options we offer or come up with your own. In any case, you will get great pleasure from the process of transforming an ordinary cardboard box into an original designer item.

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