How to care for an indoor camellia flower. Camellia: home care, prejudices

Homemade camellia is wonderful Oriental beauty, looking like a luxurious rose. Beautiful buds look gorgeous against the background of dark green foliage, but in order to admire the plant, you need to properly care for it. Camellia has gained the love of flower growers due to the fact that, in addition to decorative properties bud, its leaves are used as tea leaves.

The most common camellia varieties

Camellia (camellia) has been known since the times of the Japanese samurai. Interest in bright flower still hasn't faded away. Proper cultivation Camellia at home guarantees abundant flowering in winter. There are these types of flowers:

  • Camellia oleifera - oilseed an evergreen tree up to 10 m high, which is conveniently located along river banks and in wooded areas of China at an altitude of about 500-1400 m above sea level. seas. They are often grown specifically to extract healthy oil from the seeds. Flowering occurs from September to the second half of October with luxurious snow-white flowers. After this, seed boxes appear, and seeds can be collected from them.

  • Camellia sinensi is a Chinese tree with fragrant buds up to 10 m high. It begins to bloom in August, and in October, tricuspid, slightly flattened boxes appear in place of the flowers. Due to the fact that its leaves are brewed as tea, the plant received its second name - tea bush.

  • Camellia japonica- this beauty grows up to 15 meters. Lives in Korea, Japan and China. Abundant flowering lasts from December to April. Flowers are double, single and semi-double, reaching a diameter of 4 cm.

  • Camellia sasanqua is a mountain camellia native to the islands. Bushes about 5 m high with thin branches and slightly red shoots. Fragrant flowers of white, pinkish and red hues appear from November to the end of January.

Common in mid-latitudes of Europe garden camellia and domestic varieties, common among our compatriots, were bred on the basis of the Japanese variety.

How to care for your home camellia

To grow indoor camellia, you should study in detail the conditions that it prefers. capricious flower. Even a slight deviation from the norm can cause it to begin to shed leaves and flowers.

Important! This is not a flower for the lazy, so be prepared to pay due attention to caring for this indoor beauty.

Correct lighting

An indoor flower requires certain lighting:

  • The optimal place for growing perennials is well-lit winter Garden. The flower prefers lower temperatures during the colder months.
  • The optimal lighting brightness is at least 3000 lux, and the required daylight hours are at least 12-14 hours. That is why flowers need additional lighting in winter. For these purposes, gardeners use phytolamps, about which you can read more. With absence required light the plant will not bloom.
  • For camellias, during the period of bud formation, it is strictly forbidden to rotate it relative to the light source. If you do not listen to this requirement, it will simply drop the buds.
  • Camellia in open ground is also common, but even a pot with a home flower can be safely taken out to the balcony or garden in the summer, and also changed its location. At the same time, the greens will not react in any way to a change in the place of cultivation.

Important! Saturated green foliage requires protection from direct sunlight on particularly hot days. Therefore, it is better to place the pot in a slightly shaded place.

Correct temperature regime

The camellia flower is a winter bloomer, so the temperature of its cultivation, like many other flowers, varies greatly during the autumn-winter period.

  • March-September - temperatures range from +20 to +25 degrees. As soon as the period of flower bud formation begins, reduce the temperature to the optimal +18 +20 degrees.
  • December-February - temperature no more than +8 +12 degrees.

If the temperature is disturbed, you may experience the following problems: the ovary will fall off or flowering will occur much earlier, but the buds will be small and inconspicuous.

Caring for camellia requires a complete absence of drafts and the presence of fresh air.

How to water a plant

Camellia loves moisture, but this process also follows clear rules.

  • Watering cannot be called consistently abundant or moderate. Throughout the year, the degree of required moisture changes several times. In summer- abundant watering, and in winter it is moderate.
  • The soil should not be overdried in summer, as the camellia may die. In winter, watering is prudent and careful, since when low temperature moisture evaporates very slowly. If there is excessive moisture, the flower may turn sour and die.
  • Water only with settled water. The liquid can be slightly acidified by dropping a few drops of vinegar into it.

Important! The flower prefers watering with settled water average temperature. Water rich in lime can destroy the sprout.

  • Create a watering schedule. This will help you monitor how often you moisturize. The reference point is the degree of drying of the earth. If the watering time has come according to the schedule, and upper layer The soil is still wet, delay moistening for a few days.

Optimal indoor humidity

The flower does not tolerate dry air in the room where it grows. Provide optimal humidity you can do this in the following ways:

  • Place a saucer of water next to the pot. The liquid will gradually evaporate, providing the plant comfortable conditions. You can read how to humidify the air in a room in other ways.
  • Install a humidifier in the room to maintain the desired level of humidity.
  • Spray the leaves regularly, especially in summer. Be extremely careful during the budding period. Moisture should not get on the flowers.

How to apply fertilizers correctly

IN summer period the plant does not require active feeding, but for harmonious development it should still be implemented. For these purposes, buy a special mineral fertilizer, and if you don’t have it, a rose substrate or liquid fertilizer for azaleas will do. Apply fertilizers according to instructions no more than once a month. During the flowering period, increase fertilizing to 2-3 times a month. Before applying fertilizers, be sure to pay attention to expiration dates. Delay can only harm the pet.

Japanese beauty transplant

The perennial requires systematic replanting. The frequency of changing the pot directly depends on the age of the plant.

  • Replant young flowers every spring. Each time take a container with a larger diameter. When transplanting, the soil changes completely, and the neck of the flower should not be covered with soil. This is dangerous for the plant and can lead to its death.

  • For mature plants, the pot is changed every 3 years. It’s just that the top layer changes every year.

  • If a perennial grows in a tub, then it is not replanted, as this is very difficult. In addition to the inconvenience, you can cause irreparable harm to the plant. Therefore, it is enough to simply change the top layer of soil. This will reduce the risk of disease and stimulate the development of buds.

Propagation of indoor camellia

Plant propagation occurs in several ways:

  • Seeds. Gardeners are not very kind this method, since it does not preserve the quality of the variety. Some individuals develop seed pods. These seeds are transplanted into a container with a nutrient substrate and grown until the first leaves appear, after which the sprouts are planted in different pots.

  • Cuttings. The most popular method to preserve the quality of varieties. It is better to cut off the top parts of ripe shoots. Their length varies from 3 to 8 cm. The cuttings are placed in diluted heteroauxin. After this, the cuttings are moved into a box filled halfway with peat and sand. Planting is left at a temperature of +20 +23 degrees until rooting.

  • Vaccination. This method is considered very labor-intensive, and is extremely rare at home.

What problems do gardeners face?

How you care for camellia depends on how it blooms. Errors in care - main reason plant diseases and death.

  • If the leaves fall, it means you are making mistakes with watering.
  • Withered leaves for the plant lacks nutrients.
  • If, as in the photo, brownish spots have formed on the leaves, then remove the pot from the windowsill as quickly as possible. These are signs of sunburn.

  • Poor flowering is a sign of soil acidification.
  • In case of attack by scale insects, mites or aphids, you need to treat the foliage special drugs, or ordinary soap solution.

The video below clearly shows how to grow camellia and make it the queen of the winter garden. Have you had experience growing camellias? Write about the most important, in your opinion, in this process for readers.

Camellia blooms in winter, its flowers are amazing in variety, but it is considered a difficult houseplant to care for. Knowing the secrets of its cultivation, you can achieve good development and annual long flowering.

Camellia is amazing beautiful plant. She has a very beautiful flowers, glossy shiny leaves, there are many of the most different varieties, and, most importantly, it blooms in winter. Why is such a wonderful indoor plant not grown in every home? As a rule, people buy a blooming camellia for themselves or as a gift for someone and admire it for a while. beautiful flowers, and then simply throw away the dried remains. She doesn't want to grow up in an apartment.

Just like camellias cannot be grown traditional way. If for orchids the most important factor is the substrate, then for camellias - temperature regime. Camellias need cold in winter. They cannot tolerate the high temperature of heated apartments. It is ignorance of this feature that leads to failures in growing camellias.

Camellia belongs to the Tea family (Theaceae). These are evergreen shrubs or small trees, common in Japan, China, the islands of Java, and the Philippines. Europeans became acquainted with camellia in the 17th century. It was brought by the Jesuit pharmacist monk Georg Joseph Camellus from the Philippines. More than two hundred species of camellias are now known and described.

Camellia japonica "Ave Marie"

Camellia "Roi De Belgas"

Camellia leaves are simple, glossy, oval, leathery. The flowers are large, very beautiful, single, simple or double. Their color can be white, pink, red, there are wild species with a yellow color. There are stains, spots, stripes, specks, and transitions from one color to another on the petals. The shape of the flowers is similar to roses, peonies, anemones, and carnations.

Camellia blooms in winter at a temperature of 10°C. The flowers are odorless, but varieties have been described that have a faint tea aroma. The duration of flowering varies among varieties, but usually from one to three months. Surprisingly, this plant's flowering time is a dormant period. Growth begins in camellias after flowering in the spring.

Camellia japonica "Donkelaarii"

Camellia sasanqua "Pink Pearl"

The most common in floriculture are Japanese Camellia (Camellia japonica), Mountain Camellia (Camellia sasanqua) and Camellia reticulata. Based on these species, thousands of different varieties have been created.

Camellias are popular and unpretentious garden plant in areas with a humid maritime climate. They can withstand frosts down to minus five degrees without problems. Considering the peculiarities of camellia development in nature, you can successfully grow it as a houseplant

Camellia japonica "Lady McKinnon"

Camellia japonica "Hagoromo"

Lighting. Camellia is a light-loving plant. But the light must be diffused. Camellia montana tolerates well solar lighting, and it is better to shade Japanese camellia.

Temperature. A heated apartment is not a suitable room for growing camellias. A glazed, insulated loggia, where in winter the temperature is no higher than 12 degrees, the most appropriate place for camellia in a city apartment. It is important that the temperature here does not drop below minus 10 degrees. IN summer time camellia lays flower buds, for this she needs a temperature of 20-25 degrees, while the buds are ripening - 15 degrees.
IN own home It's easier to grow camellias with a garden. They can be grown in tubs in the garden or patio. Only in the coldest winter months should they be moved to a cold winter garden, greenhouse or simply to a glassed-in veranda.

Air humidity. Camellias love moist air. Humidity can be increased using any type of humidifier. It is useful to spray camellias, but not during flowering - water damages the flowers.

Watering. Water abundantly in summer, much less in winter. Care must be taken not to allow the substrate to dry out or become waterlogged. With a properly selected loose substrate, water will not linger in the pot and this is very important. When watering, do not use lime water, water only soft water. Rain, snow water or water that has stood for 3 days is suitable.

Fertilizer. In the spring, from the moment new shoots begin to form until the end of July, camellias need mineral and organic fertilizers. In August, feeding is stopped, which promotes the formation of flower buds.

Transfer. Unlike most indoor plants, camellia is not replanted in the spring (it has a growth period at this time). Best time for transshipment to bigger pot- winter. And they are transplanting flowering plant. Camellias are rarely replanted, once every 2-3 years. Root collar must be level with the ground.

The soil. The soil should be loose, acidic (acidity pH 4.5-5.5), as for azaleas. You can buy a mixture for or make it from leaf soil, coniferous soil, high peat, perlite and sand (2: 2: 2: 2: 1). It is useful to add the bark of coniferous trees.

Bloom. If camellia forms many buds, then it is recommended to leave 1-2 of the strongest buds at the end of each shoot and remove the rest. The flowers will be much larger. If the plant does not have enough strength to develop all the buds that have formed, they will fall off. During the development of buds, you need to carefully monitor watering, avoiding either waterlogging or drying out of the soil.

Reproduction. Camellia is propagated by young apical cuttings. It's better to take from olive color shoots, but green ones are also suitable. The best time for cuttings is July. Rooting takes 2 months. It is important that it is warm (20-25 degrees). Cuttings are rooted in a mixture of equal parts peat land and sand or in pure perlite.

Diseases and pests. Spider mites are dangerous for camellias. mealybug, . It is important to notice pests in time and treat the plant with an insecticide.

Camellia is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Tea family. Tea is made from the leaves of the Chinese variety of this plant. You can find camellia in Vietnam, Japan and, of course, China. There are many garden and indoor varieties this decorative flower.

More about the flower

The popularity of camellia is due to the high attractiveness of both the shrub and the inflorescences. The plant decorates the room both in hot summer and cool winter. In the warm season it pleases with its greenery, and in the cold season with beautiful and lush flowering.

Flower care


Decorative flowering crops need to be provided with daylight for up to 12-14 hours. You cannot place camellia on south side without shading, since direct rays of the sun will leave burns on the plant.
The ideal option would be windows with western and eastern orientation, where there is no midday heat at noon. Northern location does not allow to provide required quantity light, and the flower begins to shrink and stretch.


In spring and summer, camellia feels great under normal conditions. room temperature, but should not be kept warm in the fall. It is best to take the flower pot to the terrace, glazed loggia, or any other place where it can be kept at a temperature ranging from 12 to 15 degrees.
The plant blooms even in frost. Optimal conditions The temperature range is considered to be from +8 to +12 degrees. The room in which the camellia is located must be periodically ventilated to ensure a natural flow of fresh air.


The exotic plant does not tolerate dry air well. Indoor camellia needs to be provided high humidity. Especially in winter period when the flower is kept in a heated room. To create comfortable microclimate, resort to regular spraying, use humidifiers, use a tray with moistened moss or expanded clay on which the pot is placed.


In summer, the soil in which indoor camellia grows is abundantly moistened, which is due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil. In winter, watering is sharply reduced even though the plant is blooming. Excessive stagnation of moisture in the soil leads to the appearance of pests and bacteria. To prevent this, water the plant when the earthen ball dries out.
Use boiled, settled or melt water. To maintain optimal soil acidity, sometimes acetic or citric acid. High concentration various impurities and calcium salts negatively affect the condition of the flower, which must be taken into account.


Camellia prefers acidic soil with a pH level of 4.5 to 5. The flower can grow even in very acidic soils. Ready-made nutrient mixtures sold in stores are suitable substrates for azaleas and rhododendrons. You can prepare the soil yourself from leaf, coniferous, peat soil taken from equal shares, with the addition of 0.5 parts of sand. The soil must be acidic, air- and water-permeable.


When camellia finishes flowering, it is necessary to remove weak shoots. Pruning not only stimulates the plant to grow new branches, but also allows you to give the flower a compact size and form a tree or bush. Shoots can be removed by half. If woody branches are removed, the sections are treated with garden varnish.

Top dressing

Decorative flowering crops require fertilizer during the period of growth of young shoots, which occurs in the spring months. Feed camellia one every 14-30 days, using complexes for azaleas. The concentration indicated in the instructions for the drug is reduced by half. You cannot take complexes with magnesium and calcium. An excess of the latter leads to the fall of the buds. From July until spring the flower is not fertilized.


Young indoor camellias are replanted annually at the end of winter or autumn. Big bushes transferred to a new container every two to three years, when the root system fills old pot. Carefully ensure that the cervix is ​​above the level earthen coma, that is, it was open. If such a need arises, add fresh soil and mulch with sawdust to increase the acidity of the soil.


Camellia is often grown from seeds, which are large in size and covered with a durable shell. To make them germinate faster, they are doused with boiling water and then lightly pierced sharp knife. Plant the seeds in cups with a diameter of 7-10 cm, 2/3 filled with peat soil, sprinkle 0.5 cm of soil and 1 cm of perlite on top. You need to make sure that the part with the eye is at the bottom.
Picking is carried out after the formation of at least a pair of leaves. When the area allows, the sprouts can be immediately planted in individual pots. After 2 weeks of planting, they are fed with fertilizer that stimulates growth. Picked plants are transplanted into permanent containers when the cups are filled with the root system.
To save varietal characteristics, camellia is recommended to be propagated by cuttings. Saplings with a length of 6-8 cm and 2-5 leaves are cut from the upper green shoots. The leaf blades are cut in half, planting material placed in Kornevin, and then in pots with a substrate of peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. A month later, when the cuttings take root, they are transplanted into permanent pots.

Diseases and pests of camellia

Camellia rarely causes trouble for the gardener, but if the microclimate is disturbed, the plant weakens.


The flower gets sick extremely rarely and is mostly vulnerable to:

When a plant is damaged by fungi, the petals turn brown, the leaves become spotted, and the inflorescences fall off. If treatment with fungicides does not improve the condition, the flower cannot be saved.


The main enemies of indoor camellia are:

  • Mealyworm. The pest is removed with a cloth soaked in soapy water. If only a few leaves are damaged, it is permissible to simply cut them off. Treatment with Karbofos (20 drops per 1 liter of water) is carried out in extreme cases.
  • Aphid. Leads to yellowing and wrinkling of leaves. Adult aphids are removed mechanically every few days. Special aerosols facilitate this process.
  • Spider mite. The most gentle and safe way To get rid of the pest is to spray with oil emulsions, which are sold in flower shops.
  • Skosar. It prefers not the aboveground, but the underground part of the camellia. If you do not treat with insecticides in a timely manner, the plant will die.
  • Shield. Leads to blackening and covering of leaves with brown tubercles. Pests are removed manually, but only insecticides can completely get rid of scale insects.

Camellia varieties for home cultivation

Most often chosen for indoor use the following varieties indoor camellia:

From any indoor camellias You can form a compact bush or tree.

Camellia japonica is evergreen shrub or a small tree of the Tea family. It is distributed in the subtropical and tropical zones of the Eastern and South-East Asia, in the Philippine Islands, Japan, Korea and the Indochina peninsulas.


The leaves are ordinary, glossy, oval, leathery, blunt or sharp, growing in 1, sometimes 2-3 pieces. The flowers are quite decorative, individual, large, axillary with a corolla, consist of 5 petals, as well as a mass of stamens folded into a bunch. The palette of tones is limitless - from white to red, scarlet, pink with various transition colors. Flowers are often found in two colors, with all kinds of stripes, specks, streaks and spots.

Varieties of Camellia japonica

Many varieties of the flower have gained mass popularity as important ornamental, flowering and evergreen crops. They are freely used for landscaping interiors, creating displays in parks during the summer season, and even as tea. This is what Japanese camellia looks like, the photo of which is presented below.

Camellia montana

Its bush grows up to 3-4 m in height, with thin branches and bright red pubescent flowers. The leaves are elliptical or elongated oval in shape, 3-6 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide. Their tops are slightly sharp, the edges are finely toothed, the outside is dark green and glossy, with inside- hairy-pubescent with a vein.

The flowers are single or connected in 2-3 pieces, 6-7 cm in diameter, ordinary white, red or pink, with a scent. They bloom well in November-January. How gardeners propagate evergreen crops, as a rule, garden varieties. Camellia japonica (mountain) is also suitable for cold rooms.

Camellia sinensis

The homeland of this plant is the subtropical and tropical mountain forests of Indochina. It is a small tree or shrub up to 10 m tall with spaced shoots. The leaves are ordinary, oblong-oval, narrowed upward, short-petioled. They're outside dark green, light green underneath, 5-7 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Young leaves are slightly pubescent. The pulp of the leaves contains spreading bearing sclereids.

The flowers are solitary, fragrant, or found in groups of 2-4 in the recesses of the leaves. Flower leaves and bracts are arranged along a curve. The calyx is fused-leaved, has 5-7 rounded sepals, which are preserved during the fruit. The corolla of the plant is 2.5-3 cm in diameter and falls off after flowering. Contains from 5 to 9 white petals with golden-pink color, connected to each other and to the calyx in the center. The stamens are located in two rings: the outer ones are fused with stamen filaments and engrafted to the petals, the lower ones are independent with small ovoid anthers. The gynoecium is syncarpous with columns connected to the core.

Camellia japonica (Chinese) has fruits in the form of flattened tricuspid woody boxes. Their seeds are rounded, dark chestnut in color, 10-13 mm in length, 1 mm in thickness. Blooms from the beginning of August until the end autumn period. Harvests in October-December.

Camellia oleifera

This variety of crop is found in forests and on the banks of rivers in China at elevations from 500 to 1300 m above the sea surface. The oil plant is evergreen tree up to 10 m in height. The trunk is covered with a brown crust, its diameter is up to 20 cm. The leaves are leathery, ordinary, petiolate, alternate, ovoid, pointed at the apex. The flowers are white, bisexual, paired, axillary or single, appearing in September. Their blooming time lasts until mid-October. Camellia japonica (oleiferous) is distinguished by its fruit in the form of a large capsule with many spherical seeds up to 3 cm long.

How to care for crops at home

Most gardeners consider the plant to be very demanding in terms of care and breeding conditions. This position was formed due to its periodic shedding of buds or leaves. To protect yourself from unpleasant shedding, you need to keep the flower in an environment suitable for it.

The culture will grow one hundred percent in a home environment if it is placed in cool room. Camellias do not like it when they are turned around relative to the light source or moved to another place. The flower prefers spaces with fresh air, with the exception of drafts. In this case, he will develop various diseases.

Soil requirements

Camellia japonica, about which you can only hear good reviews, loves acidic soils. And that’s why for its flowering and development special earth mixtures, made from well-sifted sand and peat. Mixtures for rhododendrons are great because they can absolutely satisfy all the needs of the plant.

Separately prepared soil mixtures have a slightly acidic reaction. This means that they do not contain lime. In addition, when watering flowers, there should be no calcium salts in the water. Therefore, before irrigation, it is necessary to infuse water for half a day if it is not possible to use filtered water.

Suitable lighting

Camellia japonica (the photo of which is presented below) is considered a mountain crop, and therefore it requires light in large quantities to bloom. However, direct Sun rays are harmful to her. On summer season the flower can be taken out Fresh air, remembering sun protection.

In addition, to accumulate strength for the next full flowering, Japanese plants a period of rest is necessary. To ensure this, after flowering, reduce watering and stop feeding camellias. Only with such conscientious care will the crop again delight the household with its gorgeous blooms.


In the summer season, the flower is watered sufficiently and evenly after the outer layer of the substrate has dried, so that the Japanese camellia does not flood. Home care to avoid soil acidification involves reducing watering. Due to the deterioration of the soil, the leaves of the plant turn brown and the buds fall off. Due to prolonged drying out, the crop sheds its leaves. The flower does not withstand increased calcium content in running water, so it is necessary to water with soft, settled water. At the stage of development of flower ovaries (in August), it is necessary to dry the substrate a little, but not until it is completely dry.


Camellia in spring and summer prefers an air temperature of at least 20-25 degrees. To set buds, you need a temperature of 18-20 degrees, and during the blooming period in December-February - 9-12 degrees. At increased temperatures, flowering begins earlier, but the quality of the flowers will be much worse, and there is a risk that the Japanese camellia will shed its buds. Caring for the plant in such a situation will no longer be appropriate.

Transplantation and propagation

The crop should be picked during dormancy (it remains there at the end of flowering), but no later than the end of July. Best time- this is when some buds are preserved on the plant, but the ovaries of the leaves have not yet opened.

Flowers are propagated by crown cuttings 6-8 cm long, which have not yet had time to become lignified. This is done in January and also in July. The most suitable for these requirements is an indoor greenhouse. When a root system is formed on the cuttings (this will happen after 2 months as a result of their planting), they can be planted in a permanent place. It is also necessary to take into account that the neck of the camellia, placed between the trunk and roots, should not be covered with soil, otherwise the plant may disappear.

Pests and diseases of camellias

Compared to other crops, such flowers practically do not get sick. On indoor plant Aphids may appear, which are usually sprayed with a mixture of oil emulsions and soap. This solution is much safer for people than chemicals. In addition to aphids, such emulsions neutralize scale insects and spider mite. But the most serious ailment of camellia is root rotting due to waterlogging, unsuitable soil and elevated temperatures. With such a disease, the leaves of the flower begin to fall off. The only way to save the crop is by reducing watering.

Of course, many already know how beautiful and luxurious the Japanese camellia looks. Planting and caring for it will not be burdensome for anyone.

Camellia is a rather attractive flower with dark glossy foliage and beautiful large flower buds. This tropical flower can be grown in an open garden and indoors, decorating your interior with it.

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, and also to please with beautiful flowers, you need to properly care for Camellia throughout the year.

Lighting and temperature

The best place in an apartment for growing is with east-facing windows, as it loves bright and diffused light. When growing a Camellia bush on a window, it must be turned to the light in different directions so that it develops evenly.

Camellia does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Throughout the year, the plant prefers an even temperature within 20-25 degrees Celsius. But for the formation of buds and flowering of the Asian beauty, a temperature of +10 degrees is needed.

Humidity and watering

The tropical beauty grows in the forests, where all the time high humidity . So, in indoors she will not refuse timely watering and sprinkling of the leaf mass with warm and settled water.

When spraying leaves, it is important not to get it on the flowers, as their appearance will deteriorate.

Soil and fertilizing

Soil for Camellia must be oxidized, but you can compose it yourself from the following parts:

  1. Part of turf land.
  2. Part of the sand.
  3. Leafy soil.
  4. Two parts of coniferous land.

When replanting, it is important not to cover the crown of the plant.

The plant is fed throughout the year with full mineral fertilizers. Fertilize once a month on moist soil so that the root system of the plant does not burn.


Like any plant transplant, this does not look very difficult. For this purpose, select a pot that is not much larger in diameter than the previous one; even a 5 cm difference is enough.

It is important to ensure that the container contains drainage holes , through which water will drain into the pan. If it is not absorbed into the soil after watering, it should be drained after 15 minutes to prevent rotting of the plant’s root system.

A 2 cm layer of expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of the pot, which serves as drainage. Then 4 cm of soil. The soil is selected specifically for Camellia and is oxidized, but will do ready mix and for Azaleas. Since the soil sold is usually moistened, additional watering of the soil is not needed on the first day.

If such soil is not commercially available, you can collect the soil in coniferous forest, removing the top layer of needles. Then Camellia is placed on a layer of soil, and its roots are straightened so that they are directed towards different sides and would not be confused.

From the purchased Camellia you need to remove all the peat in which it was planted for sale.

Then soil is poured around the roots, and you need to lightly tap the walls of the pot so that all the air voids in the middle of the roots are filled. When the soil is poured almost to the edges of the container, you need to lightly squeeze it with your hands around the Camellia trunk. The first watering is done on the second day.

How to trim and pinch correctly

The plant is pruned in October, this will give the opportunity to develop side shoots, on which flower buds will later form. Pruning is done by shortening the branch by one third of its length.

Sometimes there are branches that, if cut, will be too short, and they will stand out from the overall mass of the bush. Then they are pinched, removing the last two pairs of leaves.

Diseases and pests

Camellia diseases not sick, but you can find pests on it:

  • Mealybugs– on leaf blades and their axils it forms white coating, this means that a mealybug has settled on the leaves, feeding on the sap of the plant. All white deposits must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in soapy solution, and if this does not help, then spill it with Actellik solution.
  • Shields– covered with growths, under which there are pests feeding on plant sap. It is difficult to get rid of scale insects, but it is possible. The brown growths are picked off by hand, and then the plant is first sprayed with Actellik from a spray bottle, and then the soil is spilled. This operation is carried out three times, after which the plant is transplanted into new soil.

It is necessary to notice pests in time and begin treatment.

Flowering at home

Flowering different types happens in different time. Some bloom all fall and winter, others bloom all spring. The plant blooms for a very long time; under the right conditions, it lasts five months.

Possible problems with growing a flower

This flower reacts poorly as if an earthen clod is drying out, and to a constant flood that harms the roots of the plant. From scorching sun the leaves turn brown and the flower sheds its numerous buds.

With a lack of light, flowering may not occur at all.

Flower propagation

Flower propagation occurs in the following main ways:

  1. By cuttings.
  2. Seeds.
  3. The vaccine is used quite rarely.


After the cuttings have grown stronger, they are transplanted into a permanent pot.

Cuttings are carried out in late spring before the onset of summer heat. For this purpose cut cuttings 15 cm long.

It is important that the shoots are green and not woody.

The lower cut is wrapped in Kornevin, and the cutting is planted in a small container filled with soil for the Camellia. Lightly moisturizes and cover glass jar according to cutting size for creating greenhouse conditions. At the same time, you should not forget to ventilate the cuttings once a day so that it does not begin to rot at high humidity and temperature.

The temperature in the room where Camellia seedlings are standing should not rise above 21 degrees Celsius. After about 3.5 months, the cutting will have its own root system and then it can be removed from the greenhouse and in a week transplanted into a slightly larger pot.


Propagation by seeds is less popular, since with this method of propagation the first flower can be seen after 8 years. The seeds have good germination and are sown in mid-autumn in nutritious soil and covered with glass.

At the same time, it is worth keeping an eye on excess humidity and ventilate the seedlings. When most of the seeds have sprouted, the glass is removed, and when two true leaf blades appear, the seedlings are planted in separate cups.

Camellia seedlings require lighting, as winter time there is not enough sun and the seedlings may begin to stretch out.

In the spring it is hardened and taken out into the fresh air.


Sometimes propagation by cuttings bad luck, and then Camellia is vaccinated. For the rootstock, choose non-problematic Camellia varieties or tea bushes. A grafted seedling requires the same care as an ungrafted plant.

Types of Camellia

Nowadays many different hybrids have been obtained that differ in the shape and color of the flowers.

Camellia japonica (Japanese rose)

Camellia japonica - the most common type Camellia, which is quite common among our flower lovers.

The shape of the Camellia Japonica flower can be different:

  • Terry;
  • Semi-double;
  • Symmetrical;
  • Simple.

The shades of the colors themselves may vary from white to pink to red. Recently, hybrids with two-color buds have been developed. At home, the bush grows no more than a meter high. IN wildlife thickets are known where Camellias have reached a height of 11 m.

This name was given because the sheet plates make green and black teas. Flowers with a delicate aroma are also added to tea using their petals. We grow it for its leaves in the Krasnodar region.

It is not cultivated at home, since it has only single flowers.

The Japanese call it Flower of the winter sun. In nature, it is found in the mountains of Kushu and Okinawa, creating beautiful flowering thickets. At home, it will bloom if cool conditions are created, and then from November to February wonderful flowers will form on it.

This Camellia was the basis for the development of new hybrids. The shrub has a height of one and a half meters and beautiful flowers bloom on it. big flowers various shades:

  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Dark red;
  • Burgundy.


This type of Camellia grows along river banks in China. This is a tree up to 10 m high. does not shed its leaves for the winter.

White flowers begin to bloom in September and bloom until the end of October. After flowering it forms seed pod, in which there are seeds that have big amount fat

It is cultivated for oilseeds.

This is no longer a bush, but huge tree, having a height of 20 m. Large double red flowers bloom on it. This flower is 20 cm in diameter and the color of the buds changes from white to red, mixing these shades. People call this color of buds Chimera.

This species of Camellia grows in the forests of China and Vietnam and is different from other species large presence of blooming flowers. On one not big bush there may be about 200 of them. bright yellow flowers. This species is listed in the Chinese Red Book.

Camellia beautiful decorative flower. Some gardeners consider it quite capricious plant, but if he creates the right conditions, then it will delight you with its flowering every winter or spring, depending on the variety purchased.

After all, the main thing that is needed for flowering is a bright, cool room, where the temperature will remain as in the homeland of Camellia - 12 degrees Celsius.

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