How to remove pits from cherry jam. How to remove pits from cherries

Cherry blossom season is truly a beautiful sight. The whole tree is in white and pink flowers, the greenery is practically invisible, and what a aroma spreads around. The further ripening of this berry is not only a tasty harvest, but also the hassle associated with its processing.

Among the housewives, questions are beginning to be discussed about how to correctly and quickly remove the seeds from. This is painstaking and long lesson, which everyone wants to get rid of quickly.

All your favorite dishes and drinks: dumplings, or with cherries are not prepared without pre-treatment berries Agree, it’s not the most pleasant sight to eat a cake and spit berry pits at the table.

Attention! Cherry pits contain a toxic substance - hydrocyanic acid. Its consumption in excess of the norm causes acute food poisoning.

How to remove cherry pits?

The most popular method of removing cherry pits is considered to be manual.

Here you can call on your household members to help so that the process goes quickly and fun.

  • So, let's take a closer look:
  • Place your index finger where the twig attaches to the berry and gently push out the seed. Probably the most affordable way

. Just cut the berry in half and remove the seed. Important!

All methods of removing seeds manually are to a certain extent combined with the loss of juice and pulp of the berry. And it’s difficult to wash your hands after such work.

  • To make the process more aesthetically pleasing, you can use available tools: Using a hairpin.

Attention! It is placed in the place where the twig is attached to the berry, the seed is attached to the base in a circular motion and pulled out. This method significantly speeds up the processing of aromatic berries.

  • Before you remove pits from cherries at home using improvised means, you should make sure that the item you choose has a loop at the end. Using a pin.
  • The method for removing the bone is similar to that of a hairpin. You can also use a paper clip. You need to use the opposite part of the safety pin. Using a straw.

  • The place where the stalk is attached is pressed with a cocktail tube, it pierces the berry right through and the seed flies out. It is advisable to carry out the process over a container so that the berries and juice do not fly in all directions. A match or wooden stick will also work for pushing out. The cherry is placed in the recess located on the handle of the press with the stem facing up. When pressure is applied, the pin on the other handle connects and pushes the bone out. A simple model will do for this method.
  • Using a peeler. The potato eye blade breaks the integrity of the cherries, but they are suitable for making jams or baking fillings.

Curious! There are well-known craftsmen who use eyebrow tweezers to pierce the berry and remove the seed. You need to grab it with tweezers and rotate it to pull it out. As they say, all methods are good.

How to remove pits with a separator?

This device looks like a garlic press.

Consists of a bowl and a lever. The principle of its operation is to place each cherry separately in a special chute.

Extrusion is carried out due to mechanical action. The separator speeds up the work process, and there is no need to catch the bones, as is the case with a pin or hairpin. They will be deleted. But your hands will still get dirty with juice. A appearance

berries are deteriorated due to a through puncture. On a note! How smaller size

device, the worse its performance and the greater the consumption of cherries.

How to remove pits with an automated machine? If cherries are your favorite berry, and jam made from their fruits should always be on dining table

, then you should think about purchasing a machine for extracting seeds. It is suitable for processing a significant volume of berries. Made from food grade plastic

. Equipped with a tray for pouring berries and a container for extracted seeds. The machine has a rubberized base, which allows it to be firmly installed on the countertop. This is in contrast to other methods, where all actions were carried out by weight.

  • The machine method is the most effective and efficient:
  • Clean hands;
  • A small percentage of cherry juice loss;
  • Minimum area of ​​contamination;

Elementary way of working.

But an automated machine is not ideal. The cherry is still pierced through and 15% of the berries remain along with the seeds.

berries are deteriorated due to a through puncture. There are industrial devices for large industries, various restaurants, and bakeries. Improved devices can process up to 100 kg of berries in one hour.

There are devices on sale not only for removing seeds from berries, but also for large fruits - apricots and plums.

All of the above methods are good in their own way. Each housewife chooses the one she likes best.

By the way, it is believed that the seeds do not need to be removed if the life of the cherry jam or other product does not exceed six months. Cherry - healthy and tasty. It increases appetite and improves the digestion process. Cherry is an excellent dessert, as in fresh, and processed (cherries make incredibly tasty compotes, jams, jellies and mousses). This berry is used to decorate cakes and ice cream.

To prepare compote or jam from cherries, which are planned to be stored for several years, it is necessary to remove the seeds from the berries, since cherry pits contain amygdalin (a toxic substance). There are four effective ways quickly remove the pits from the cherries: with your hands, improvised means, a cherry pitter and a special machine.

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Manual pitting

In order to remove seeds from berries without using improvised means, you must:

  • Prepare three deep dishes: one for whole cherries, the second for the seeds, the third for processed berries;
  • Wash required amount cherries and put them in the first plate;
  • Take one berry with three fingers (thumb, index and middle);
  • Pry the cherry pit and push it out with your thumb through the hole where the stalk was attached;
  • Process all berries in the same way.

Available means

To remove pits from cherries, you can use available means, such as:

  • Clip. Unfold the paperclip so that you get two loops, which are used to remove pits from cherries of different diameters;
  • Two matches. Immerse the matches into the berry and pull out the seed, pressing them tightly together;
  • Pin or hairpin. Insert the “tail” of a pin or hairpin into the hole from the stem, pry up the seed and pull it out.

Cherry pitter

You can use a special device to remove pits from cherries. When using a cherry pitter you will need:

  • Choose a cherry pitter of a convenient configuration;
  • Place a clean cherry in a special device with a hole;
  • Push out the pit by pressing the separator piston;
  • Remove the treated cherry and place a new one in the pit separator.

Using a special mechanical device to remove pits from cherries significantly speeds up and facilitates the process. Main disadvantage this method- the cherry is pierced through, so the loss of juice is greater than when removing seeds using improvised means.

Pit removal machine

When to process a large number of cherries, it is better to use a special machine to remove the pits of cherries. To do this you need:

  • Buy a machine for removing cherry pits (price ranges from 300 to 600 rubles);
  • Wash the required number of berries;
  • Place a batch of cherries in a special compartment of the device;
  • Place a plate for processed berries under the groove of the machine (if the device does not have a special container) and press the piston;
  • Clean the device from any seeds remaining inside and add a new batch of cherries.

The main advantage of using a cherry pitting machine is a clean work surface and minimal loss of juice. But some berries may get stuck in the groove, so you have to manually transfer them to the plate. Just like using a pitter, the cherries are punctured, making them worse.

Cherries become one of nature's gifts during the harvest season.

The berry is useful in all respects, both for adults and children.

At the same time, she is loved by both. From this berry you can make a large number of different desserts, drinks and just eat it. But in the case of consuming cherries in some dishes, it is necessary to carry out the pitting process. Accordingly, the question arises: how to pit cherries at home?

Removing seeds using improvised means

Even a large amount of harvest can be processed manually, although this process will take quite a lot of time. He himself stands like this:

Thus, with a little practice, removal will go quite quickly.

In part, in most cases, people try to simplify the entire process, using available tools. The following will come to help in this painstaking task:

  • matches;
  • paper clips;
  • pins;
  • hairpins.

When using these products, the process of removing pits from cherries is no different from the initial manual removal procedure. And it consists of three steps:

In the case of using a pin, it is used entirely without any manipulation or improvement, and in case of using a paper clip, you will need to straighten it, eventually forming two loops at its ends, which helps to remove seeds of different sizes.

Using matches, take two of them, both are immersed through the hole in the cherry, after which, squeezing the seed, as if in a cleaver, they are removed.

Pros and cons of manual removal

The main disadvantage of this process of removing pits from cherries is the copious release of juice, which means that all your hands will be dirty. You can also note the laboriousness of the process and its rather long completion.

The advantages are somewhat more significant:

  1. The berries remain almost intact, except that the diameter of the hole increases slightly.
  2. Every single pit is removed, as everything is done by hand, one cherry at a time.

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Technical means for removal

Moving a little away from technical progress, we can note the presence of many special devices, which help answer the question: how to remove pits from cherries?

The devices themselves are divided into two types:

  1. Individual.
  2. Which eliminate one or several seeds at a time, the process itself is carried out manually.


Thanks to which, pitting cherries can be removed quickly and in large quantities. Individual products: principle of action, pros and cons This type includes

hand tools

for pitting cherries.

Removing pits from cherries using such a device is quite easy, but the process is also quite painstaking, since basically everything is done individually, i.e. you have to process one berry at a time.

  • The extraction itself goes like this:
  • Using this method to remove pits from cherries, the number of positive factors is slightly less than negative ones. The advantages are the following:

You can peel the berries many times faster than by hand;

  • it does not take much time to “catch” the bone, since it will be removed in any case.
  • But there are a few more disadvantages:
  • laying berries takes a lot of time;

the level of loss of cherry juice has been increased due to the piercing of the berry through;

your hands get pretty dirty.


When using such mechanisms, everything is much faster and simpler. This allows you to process large quantities of products quite quickly. At the same time requiring a minimum of effort.

Devices of this type are special machines in which a batch of berries is immediately placed into a container or chute. Next, they are pitted and placed in a container prepared for them.

  • Such devices have quite significant advantages:
  • But, of course, the device did not escape its disadvantages:
  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the serviceability of the device;
  • and the main disadvantage is that in most cases, 15-17% of the berries remain with seeds inside, which requires further manual removal immediately upon consumption.

Thus, it should be noted that removing pits from cherries is a rather painstaking process in some respects and requires quite a lot of time. But health is more important, because, firstly, when consuming products with unrefined ingredients, you can damage your teeth, and secondly, the seed kernel contains a toxic substance, which is not recommended to be consumed.

Summer is the best time of the year, because with the arrival of the summer season, we can enjoy delicious and sweet cherries or cherries, and make preparations for the winter. Of course, for those who don’t have their own dacha, cherries can be purchased at the market, because in the summer they are much cheaper and healthier.

If you are one of those who are tired of getting your hands dirty and poring over every cherry to get the pit, then this is the place for you. We present to your attention three simple ways to quickly remove pits from cherries, and hardly get your hands dirty.

In truth, today there are special devices that can easily remove hard seeds from any berry. However, why spend a lot of money on something that you can do for free with your own hands and without any effort? special effort? Therefore, be sure to use today’s tips and you will forget about this problem forever.

Method number 1: “Bottle”

This method is the fastest and easiest, with the least amount of dirt on your hands. This is what we recommend using. For this you will need: several cocktail straws or Chinese chopsticks, and a bottle of wine or cola. And then, everything is very simple.

You need to place a berry on the neck of the bottle and pierce it all the way through the middle with a stick. This way, the seed falls straight into the bottle, and the berry and your hands remain clean. You can see how easy it is to do this below.

Method number 2: Tweezers

Pull out the bone using tweezers. It's quite simple. The advantage of this method is that the berry remains completely intact.

Method #3: Paperclip

If you don’t have tweezers, you can use a regular paper clip, or even a hairpin will do. To remove the seed, you need to use it like a spoon. This method is certainly effective, but it can get your hands a little dirty.

A rich fruit harvest is not only joy, but also numerous efforts to process it. Even if you have to buy fruit at the market or in a supermarket, you can’t help but take advantage of the seasonal price drop in order to prepare fruit for the winter or prepare fruit dishes more often.

During the cherry ripening season, the topic of how to remove pits from cherries at home begins to be actively discussed among housewives. Is it necessary to do this and how to do it faster and with minimal losses.

The need to remove pits from cherries

Those who have had personal experience with pit removal know very well how long and painstaking it is.

At the same time, all the most popular cherry dishes turn out much tastier if you don’t have to spit out the pits.

Pies and dumplings with cherries, jelly and jam, the popular “Drunk Cherry” cake and other favorite recipes are impossible without preliminary work for preparing berries.

If berries are frozen for the winter, then removing seeds before freezing can significantly reduce the volume of packaging with berries and save space in the freezer.

There is also a very popular opinion about the dangers of hydrocyanic acid, which is released from the seeds during their heat treatment. Despite the fact that the level of possible danger is not high, no one should risk their health.

Thus, purchased or brought from own garden Cherries must be prepared for further use and pitted.

How to remove pits from cherries at home using improvised means

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that, despite all the methods for removing seeds, this process remains lengthy and loss of juice cannot be avoided.

The simplest way is to cut the berry and remove the seed through the cut site. This method leads to a significant leakage of juice and the shape of the berry is disrupted, i.e. The attractiveness of the prepared dishes is significantly lost.

All other methods involve squeezing the seed out of the berry.

Absolutely manual method, i.e. without the use of auxiliary objects, this is pushing out the bone with a fingernail thumb holding the berry with three fingers. This can only be done by those who are not too concerned about the fact that their hands will be stained brown for a long time and considerable effort will be required to clean the skin.

The most popular item used in cherry processing is the safety pin. It is held with a loop towards the berry, the cherry is placed on a pin with the side where the stalk was attached, the seed is picked up and the working tool is pulled out. With proper skill, the hole in the cherry is small and only on one side, the berry retains its appearance and the juice does not flow out too actively. Even housewives experienced in this regard should work on dishes with high sides so that splashes do not scatter throughout the room. The safety pin can easily be replaced with a hairpin of approximately the same size.

Another method is possible, in which the hole is made on both sides of the cherry. In this case, use a cocktail straw. It is easy to pierce the berry and push out the seed from the opposite side. In order to squeeze out a bone from the first puncture, some training will be required.

There is a known method that uses eyebrow tweezers, which are used like tweezers to pierce the skin and grab the bone.

Automated methods for removing pits from cherries

If cherries are one of your favorite fruits and pitting work has to be done annually and in large volumes, then it is worth purchasing a mechanical pitter, a berry “ripper” or a pitting remover.

The most popular models consist of a bowl in which the berry is placed, a lever, when pressed on the berry, the seed is squeezed out.

In various models, the bowl can take the form of a small depression into which the berry must be carefully planted.

The smaller the device, the lower its performance and the greater the loss of time and cherry juice. This device also does not prevent hands from getting dirty. Disadvantages also include damage to the berry and puncture on both sides.

More advanced machines for extracting pits from cherries are designed so that a significant amount of berries can be placed in the bowl at the same time. The design provides that the stone remains in a special compartment of the machine, and the berries roll down the groove into the placed dish. This is the most productive and relatively clean way cherry processing.

The rather high price and one-time need throughout the year reduce the popularity of mechanical devices and leave primacy to inexpensive and traditional manual methods.

Good luck removing pits from cherries at home!

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If you love to bake, summer is just the perfect time for new culinary masterpieces. The abundance of fresh fruits and berries opens up so many possibilities! Sweet pies, rolls, cakes, biscuits, buns - the list goes on and on. Open baking enjoys special popularity… Cherry is a wonderful gift of nature. A berry that is useful in all respects, loved by both adults and children. It makes delicious compotes , jelly, jam. Another great way is freezing. It’s just better when the cherries are frozen – pitted. Yes and in traditional preparations

the bone is undesirable. And the question immediately arises: “How to remove pits from cherries?” Especially if the harvest is rich and amounts to buckets. Cherry is delicious and healthy berry

. But when processing it, the question always arises: “How to remove the seeds?”

There is an opinion that It is quite possible to process even a large amount of berries simply by hand. In this case, the berry is pinched between three fingers (middle, index and thumb), then the seed is pryed up with the nail of the thumb through the hole (where the stalk was attached) and pushed out. With some skill, the process goes quickly, the bone itself pops out in the palm of your hand.

But more often than not people try to use various available means: matches, pins, hairpins, paper clips. The technology for removing pits from cherries is the same and similar to the first method. Through the hole from the stalk, the device is immersed in the berry, the seed is lifted and, like a spoon, pulled out.

In this case, a pin or hairpin is used without modification: the “tail” works. You need to take two matches and act by squeezing them tightly together. In this case, it is easier to pick up the bone. To turn an ordinary paper clip into a “cherry pitter”, you need to unfold it. This results in two loops used for berries of different diameters.

The paper clip unbends to create an excellent pit separator. Double-sided - for berries of different diameters.

What are the advantages of this method?

  • The berries remain almost intact, only the hole into which the stalk was attached is slightly enlarged.
  • In addition, you will probably remove absolutely all the seeds. Even if a few pieces fall by accident, it will be almost unnoticeable.

What are the disadvantages?

Cherry pitter

Device for removing pits.

A step towards technical progress - a cherry pit remover. He can be various configurations, while maintaining a single operating principle. Each berry is placed into the device separately, and the seed is pushed out using mechanical pressure.

  • Each berry must be placed into the separator with pinpoint precision.
  • In addition, the berries are pierced through, which worsens their final condition and increases the loss of juice and pulp.
  • As in the case described above, your hands inevitably become dirty with juice.

The video will help not only understand the principle of use, but also improve the process:

Cherry pitting machine

This device (also presented various types with a single operating principle) is ideal for those who decide how to remove pits from cherries in large quantities and quickly.

Mechanical devices indispensable when it is necessary to process a large number of berries.

Its cost is different regions and stores ranges from 300 to 600 rubles, which in any case is acceptable for every consumer. The cherries are placed in batches at once, and the processed berries are lowered down a chute into the placed container. The bones remain inside.

Video instructions for using different types of machines:

What are the advantages of this device for removing pits from cherries?

What are the disadvantages?

Perhaps these shortcomings are the reason that most of us prefer improvised means to various mechanical devices offered by manufacturers. After all, even if they break, they can be easily restored without spending a penny. And the quality of processing depends only on personal care.





If you remove the pits from cherries, you can store the finished cherry product for more than a year. Cherry is delicious and most useful gift Mother nature. Who among us doesn’t smile and remember grandma’s cherry jam and compotes - this wonderful nostalgia from childhood? Do you remember how your mother made jelly from this berry for you, and how you helped her remove the pits from the cherries?

This long and monotonous process has an unimaginably deep and serious meaning, no matter how ridiculous the procedure itself may seem to you.

The seed of a cherry or sweet cherry contains the glycoside amygdalin - this is a very dangerous toxic substance. The product of its release is cyanide acid, an excess of it will lead to unpleasant and sometimes sad results.

You cannot be poisoned by amygdalin by eating fresh cherries.

When preserved cherries are stored for more than a year, the cyanoacetic acid formed in its seeds begins to be released, which can easily cause serious poisoning.

If you plan to store cherry compote or jam from this berry less than a year, then it is not necessary to remove the seeds.

Removing seeds manually

To get pits from cherries, housewives need everything: from improvised means in the form of standard hairpins to household units. More often they use the “old-fashioned” method - peeling the berries with your own hands.

How to remove pits from cherries at home? The technology is simple: we hold the cherry between the middle, index and thumb, then use the nail of our thumb to pry up the seed in the place where the stalk is attached, and push the seed out.

This method is effective because with special dexterity the process is fun and fast: the bone itself flies out into the palm of your hand.
But it will be difficult to get rid of the burgundy berry “blood” on your hands. Although, they say that cherry or sweet cherry juice helps to get rid of laundry soap, brush and baking soda.

If you are too lazy to tinker with cherry seeds, you can use improvised means for this task.

The only condition is a loop at the end.

Safety pins and hairpins can easily remove the pit from a cherry. We bring the cherry into their loop (at the place where the stalk is attached), grab the seed and separate it from the pulp.

Craftsmen have gotten used to using a cocktail straw to squeeze out the pits from cherries. With its help, they simply punch the berry in the center, while the seed pops out from the other side of the tube.

You have to adapt and learn how to remove the seeds from cherries, the video will help you with this.

“Automatic machines” will help you!

Manual removal pitting cherries using improvised means is a rather “bloodletting” process.

Lovers of delicious preserved berries use special automatic devices.

Cherry pit remover

We place each cherry separately in the “groove” of the device and lower the lever. At the same time, the bone is rapidly pushed out.

  • The removal process is faster than pin “removal”;
  • There is no need to “catch” the seed.

  • The cherry should be placed in the separator, as they say, with surgical precision;
  • The berry is pierced through, which worsens its final shape;
  • Large losses of liquid and tender pulp;
  • Soiled hands.

Cherry pitting machine

The device is suitable for people who dream of handling a large volume of cherry seeds while maintaining a decent pace of work. These mechanical devices indispensable for processing large quantities of berries.

The cost is on average 400 - 500 rubles, which is inexpensive, because its invaluable help in preparing all kinds of delicacies is obvious!

The cherries are placed in a large batch, and the ready-made berries go down the chute, jumping into a placed plate. The bones are stored inside the device.

  • The machine method is the most effective and efficient:
  • The loss of valuable juice is insignificant;
  • Maximum processed cherries - minimum time.

  • Sometimes you have to transfer the berries manually by opening the device;
  • The cherries are pierced through;
  • The silicone gaskets of the device sometimes come off - without them the device does not work;
  • About 15% of berries that have already been processed retain the pit.

Exclusive desserts

Cherry cake without baking

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 kg sour cream;
  • 0.5 kg cherries;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 200 gr. sweet cookies;
  • 100 gr. oils;
  • 50 gr. gelatin;
  • pack. cherry jelly;
  1. Pour gelatin with 0.5 ml of water until it “swells”. Grind the cookies into crumbs, remove the pits from the cherries.
  2. Mix melted butter with bread crumbs. Form the cake and place it in the mold.
  3. Make jelly (according to package instructions). Create the cream: beat sour cream with cottage cheese, add sugar. Pour gelatin into the mixture and mix everything.
  4. Grind 1/2 of the cherries into puree in a blender.
  5. Add to the cream, stir, pour over the shortbread. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. Decorate the cake with cherries and fill it with fruit jelly. Put it back in refrigerator at 13 o'clock.

Cheesecakes Kiev style

It's hard to forget the sweet, delicate aroma of grandma's cherry jam. So that the aroma is not only in your memory, but also reigns in the kitchen, you can make cherry jam or compote yourself. To do this, you need a sufficient amount of ripe berries and sugar. The most delicious jam is made from homemade cherries, but if you live in the city, then go to the market for the “harvest”.

Before preparing the preserve, the seed is removed from the berry not only for convenience. It contains a substance dangerous to the human body - amygdalin glycoside. During the decay process, it releases hydrocyanic acid, which makes the seeds truly poisonous. There is no danger when eating fresh cherries. But canned fruit becomes dangerous after 1 year of storage. That is why you need to remove the seeds before preparing sweet reserves. How are bones removed from berries?

All grandmothers, as a rule, do this with an ordinary hairpin. The speed of this procedure is in their in capable hands always made an impression. They did it quickly, while the cherries remained safe and sound. Nowadays, stores have begun to sell special units for removing apple cores and seeds from berries. But traditional methods no one has canceled it, and many housewives continue to remove the seed manually.

Using a hairpin

You can get rid of bones using:

  • special device;
  • safety pin;
  • hairpins;
  • sharp handle of a teaspoon;
  • nail;
  • cocktail tube.

Manual methods for removing seeds

The easiest way to quickly separate the core from the pulp is to remove the seed with bare hands. This method is suitable only for those with long manicures. Clamp ripe cherries three fingers - thumb, index and middle. Then use your fingernail to pierce the place where the stalk is attached, press a little on the berry and the seed should “jump” out of the fruit. Once you get the hang of it, you can get rid of the seed fairly quickly.

Using a pin

Another way to easily remove a seed from a berry is to use sharp objects. You can use a safety pin. Pierce the place where the stem is attached with a sharp, rounded end, pry up the bone and remove it from the cherry. Instead of a pin, you can remove the seed with a hairpin.

Some housewives have learned to remove the seeds with a cocktail straw. This method is perfect for felt cherries: they are smaller in size. Pierce the place where the stem is attached with a tube and stretch the cherry along it. The seeds will remain inside the tube. The procedure must be carried out carefully, because the bright red juice is difficult to wash off from clothes.

Special devices

This device looks like a garlic press with a special metal tube for removing the seeds. It has many advantages: your hands will remain practically clean, and the procedure will go much faster. With its help, you can peel seeds from berries without any experience. The operation will be fun and easy.

The device has a special groove where you need to place a regular or felt cherry. Then you need to press the lever and the bone will jump out of the cherry at rapid speed into a specially prepared waste container.

Using the device has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • very high consumption of pulp (if there are already few berries, then it is better to remove the bones manually);
  • jamming of the device (the berry must be installed in the groove correctly, otherwise it may slip off or get stuck in the separator);
  • change in shape (when manually separating the pit, the cherry remains almost whole, and the separator pierces the berry right through).

Special machine

If you are too lazy to manually remove the cores, you can fork out the money and purchase a special electric machine. This purchase will help you process a large number of berries quickly and efficiently, while keeping your hands clean. But such a machine may miss some cherries (about 15% will remain with a stone). Such unreliability of special devices does not allow us to forget about the good old manual methods.

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