How to combine wallpaper and wall painting. Combining wallpaper: methods

Wallpaper is one of the most common materials for decorating the walls of residential premises - a wide selection of patterns, unlimited colors, different kinds and invoices are provided the broadest opportunities to create a unique interior.

So, you can feel like a designer in the process of decorating the walls with different wallpapers in one room, it could be a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom or a nursery - see the photo below.

Different wallpapers in the interior of one room photo

Using the classic approach, you need to be guided by the color of the wallpaper, texture and pattern. Most often, wallpaper is combined vertically or horizontally.

We glue different wallpapers when combining vertically

When choosing this method The minimum number of colors is two, the maximum is limited only by the idea and imagination of the artist. You can use the technique of a figured joint - two canvases folded together are cut with a wave or teeth. Gluing such a strip is not easy, but the result will be very original.

It is best if the texture of the wallpaper is the same - this promotes a greater combination of wallpapers of different colors and allows you to use one wallpaper glue. True, today the choice of glue is very wide; you can buy universal glue that will suit different types of wallpaper.

Photo of a vertical wallpaper combination in one room

Uniformity of texture is necessary rather so that the thickness of the wallpaper matches, otherwise the junction of the strips will be too noticeable. So, we have sorted out the first option of how to hang two types of wallpaper in one room, let’s move on to the second.

We glue different wallpapers when combining horizontally

If horizontal division is used, usually the number different colors does not exceed two. Classic combination- the lower part is darker than the upper. Furniture upholstery should match top part wallpaper, if the furniture matches the bottom stripe, pieces of furniture can visually blend into the background.

When planning to decorate one room with different wallpapers, individual sections of the wall can be decorated in a patchwork manner, arranging square fragments haphazardly or in a checkerboard pattern (see photo). In the same way, you can decorate part of the wall, creating a real panel. The main thing is to cut and glue all the elements carefully so that uneven joints do not hurt the eyes.

Horizontal combination of wallpaper is manifested in the fact that the walls of one room are divided into two parts horizontally by wallpaper. To properly hang two types of wallpaper in one room using horizontal combination, you need to accurately measure the level where the joint will be located. The wallpaper connection line should form a right angle with the wall, otherwise the entire wall can be damaged.

Photo of a horizontal wallpaper combination in one room

When pasting different wallpapers using horizontal method combinations, the top stripes are glued first. The junction is left 2-3 cm un-glued. After this, the strips are glued from below, also leaving un-glued. small area. After the walls are completely dry, excess sections of wallpaper are cut off, and the joints of the wallpaper are glued and covered with plinth.

What to do with leftover wallpaper?

Very often you can find a completely unusual approach to covering walls with various wallpapers. It happens that there are sheets of wallpaper that you really like, but there is nowhere to put them. If you have accumulated quite a lot of such remnants, it would be a pity to throw them away, then you can decorate one wall with them, using various combinations and creativity, because it’s up to you to decide how to hang different wallpapers in your room!

The designer awakens in everyone who chooses wallpaper. Try to create it yourself unique interior, and if it doesn’t work out, or over time you don’t like it, you can always re-paste the wallpaper on one of the walls. This is the beauty of hanging different wallpapers in the same room!

In this article we will talk about the purpose of combining wallpaper of different colors in one room and how to do this combination correctly. The theme of combining finishing materials of different colors is not new. This method of decoration is widely used for design residential premises, as well as public buildings.

But, before we talk about the main methods of combining various colors finishing, let's find out for what purpose these combinations are used.

Reasons for combining different colors and textures in the interior

Correct use of color in design internal space room allows you to visually increase or decrease it. A similar effect is achieved with effective combination textures of decorative finishing materials. Therefore, designers use the interior of a room with different wallpapers in cases where the proportions of the room provide for the need for visual adjustment.

In addition to the fact that this method allows you to hide shortcomings and demonstrate the advantages of the situation, combinations of wallpaper of different colors can be used to delimit space into different functional areas.

There are a number of other reasons why a room with different wallpapers is the optimal design solution. Let's talk about why you should combine different wallpapers in the interior in more detail.

Visual correction of the room

By using different wallpapers in a room, you can highlight the advantages and hide the disadvantages. For example, by covering a wall with your own hands with coatings that differ from the materials used to decorate other walls, you can draw attention to this particular part of the room, while the rest of the walls will serve as a background.

Thus, you can divert attention from a littered wall or from other surfaces with a seemingly noticeable flaw and direct it to that area of ​​the room where there are no complaints about the quality of the finish.

Zoning of living space

The photo shows an example of zoning of combined rooms

It often happens that the same room combines the functions of several rooms at once. For example, the living room is often used as a study, a relaxation room, and even a bedroom.

Of course, all these features require different finishes. Color scheme in the office finishing material should put you in a working mood and lift your spirits, while in the rest room or bedroom the wall decoration opposite should soothe and help restore strength.

Is it possible to make one room meet all these requirements? It turns out that this is quite possible. After all, within the same room you can combine wallpaper not only of different colors, but also different shades.

Important: Zoning through different color designs has proven itself excellent in finishing large kitchens, where the cooking area and dining area are used separately.

Visual effect

As already mentioned, through the colors of finishing materials you can visually change the parameters of the room. To make the price of this effect more affordable, you can use wallpaper.

For example, you can visually expand a rectangular room by gluing light wallpaper on long walls, and dark ones on short ones. In this case, the rectangular room will appear more square.

Square room, in turn, will look more elongated if one wall is darkened, compared to the other three walls. A room with a small area can be visually expanded by using sand or light peach colored coverings.

Practical tips for combining different decorative coatings

In the photo there is an accent wall against a background of floral patterns.

Most often, in one room, designers use one accent wall, on which the main attention is concentrated. But, if necessary, you can emphasize two adjacent walls.

Important: The accent is achieved through a more saturated color or thanks to more.

  • We correctly use the focal point and thus accentuate this or that part of the wall. The focal point does not occupy the entire wall, but is located on one or another part of it. Wallpaper of a different shade can be successfully used to isolate the area of ​​a fireplace, antique chest of drawers, gallery, paintings, etc.
  • A separate recommendation concerns the use of wallpaper as a decorative element.. For example, nothing prevents you from placing a piece of wallpaper in a frame or decorating it with decorative moldings.

By hanging such a design on the wall, you can create a unique wall decor.

Basic combination methods

On the picture - professional combination finishing materials in the children's room

When choosing combinations of wallpaper combinations, we take into account similar elements, which can be different shades of the same color, similar styles or similar geometry of the ornament, the same texture of multi-colored wallpaper.

We do it this way:

  • To create discreet, minimalist interiors, we use plain wallpaper made in different shades of the same color. As a result of this approach to finishing works one wall is made more saturated than the other walls.

This approach to decorating living spaces is most effective when using shades of gray (light gray and slate gray), beige (ivory, sand and ecru) and blue (pervanche and sky blue).

  • If you intend to use a large patterned and bright panel in the interior decoration, it should be balanced with a combination of patterned or plain wallpaper.
  • In rooms with wood trim, you can use a combination of wallpaper with stripes and floral patterns. If the wallpaper is not striped, but decorated with complex geometric shapes, it is advisable to combine them with abstractions.
  • By combining coatings of different colors, we combine shades of active colors with neutral shades. As a result, the finish is balanced and balanced. This instruction has proven itself excellent in the design of classic and modern interiors.

If you plan to zone the space, it is advisable to use contrasting combinations.

  • By combining wallpaper of different colors, you can apply a division of space along the horizon.

Despite the fact that the traditional pattern “patterns - border - stripes” is long years a little tired of using it, it still has a right to exist. The use of a border is also relevant in more original and modern methods. For example, dark coverings Place them at the bottom, and light ones at the top of the wall.

You can differentiate between the two types of finishes by using a border of a neutral color and medium shade saturation.

  • The main problem when covering walls using coatings of different colors is the joining of two different panels at the corners. No matter how modern your apartment is or how well it is built, the corners, both external and internal, may be uneven.

Therefore, combining multi-colored wallpaper with joints in the corners with our own hands, we glue them on the problem area not end-to-end, as along the entire wall, but overlapping. As a result, due to the curvature of the corner, one of the adjacent panels can be slightly shifted without compromising the overall impression of the finish.

  • If you still decide to glue the panels end-to-end, lay them overlapping in the corner, apply a wide spatula along the future joint line and cut them off sharp knife. After the wallpaper is cut, we remove all excess along the cutting line. However, this method is applicable only on corners that do not have roundings.
  • Using a combination of coatings on paper and non-woven backing, we use. Such glue will not only hold both coatings at the joints, but will also ensure the durability of the finished finish.


Now you have general idea about how to paste a room with different wallpapers. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first. By following the above recommendations and tips, you will surely be able to complete this simple job.

If decorating using such materials is being done for the first time, it is advisable to start with a combination of wallpaper that is similar in composition and layer thickness. More useful information you will find by watching the video in this article.

Combining wallpaper in the interior allows you to give the interior dynamism and originality. It should be noted that the combination of wallpaper of various colors and patterns has long left the category of “curiosities” and novelties and has become a standard design solution for wallpapering indoors. Manufacturers encourage this desire from customers and follow trends by creating a collection of wallpapers from several matching patterns and even often accompanying them with examples possible combinations in finished interiors. Despite this, many are interested in how to correctly combine wallpaper of different colors and with different patterns. Let's look at the basic techniques and methods of combination various wallpapers indoors.

Why combine wallpaper?

If you have a choice - to paste the whole room with one wallpaper or combine several, designers advise giving preference to the second option; wallpaper of several types in one room will help create different decorative effects in a room, visually change the geometry of the room, delimit it into functional zones, hide shortcomings and emphasize advantages.


We emphasize advantages and hide shortcomings. By highlighting one of the walls or part of it with wallpaper of a different pattern or shade, you will immediately make this place the exact focal point, riveting the eyes of guests or household members to it. At the same time, you will be able to distract your gaze from some defect in the room - another uneven wall or a flaw on the ceiling. The brighter and more noticeable the wallpaper in the desired area, the less chance the flaw has of being noticed.

Room zoning. Sometimes in one room you have to combine the functions of several rooms at once. In this case, wallpaper of different patterns or shades will come to the rescue. In such rooms you can use quite bold and radical combinations, it all depends on how much you want to separate this or that zone, whether you use static partitions or only visual separation techniques using color and light. For example, you can divide the children's room into two parts with wallpaper in blue and Pink colour and use a static partition. Or combine plain wallpaper in the kitchen and patterned wallpaper in the dining table area.

Visual effects. Narrow rectangular room visually expands if you put wallpaper on long walls light colors, and for short ones - darker wallpaper. A square room will look better if one wall is covered with wallpaper in a richer tone than the rest. The space of small rooms is expanded with wallpaper in light pastel colors.

Accent wall. An accent wall is one of the most simple techniques in a wallpaper combination. As a rule, there is only one accent wall in one room, but sometimes it happens that two adjacent or two opposite walls are accented. At the same time, of course, the accent wall is noticeably different from other walls. It may have a much richer shade of wallpaper than other walls. It may have wallpaper with a large pattern or pattern. The overlapping element with this method of combining wallpaper is often the overall shade. .

Focus point. Unlike an accent wall, the focal point does not have to occupy the entire wall, but can only be located on one of its parts. So, with wallpaper of a different shade you can highlight an area with a fireplace or false fireplace, an antique chest of drawers, a gallery of paintings, bedside tables, a crib, a place to read and much more.

Wallpaper as a decorative element. By enclosing a section of wallpaper in a frame or moldings, you can create interesting wall decor using repeating patterns.

Ways to combine wallpaper

When choosing combinations of wallpaper in the interior, you should remember about a similar element - it can be different shades of the same color, the same style of ornament, overlapping geometry of the pattern, the same texture of the wallpaper.

Plain wallpaper in different shades of the same color. This technique is ideal for lovers plain interiors and discreet walls. With this approach, one or more walls have wallpaper in a more saturated shade than the others. You can often see similar colors in blue (sky blue and pervanche), beige (ecru, sand and ivory), gray (slate gray and light gray).






A combination of plain wallpaper with patterned wallpaper. If you want to decorate a room with large bright panels, it is better to balance them with plain wallpaper. The same technique can be used correctly if the wallpaper has a large floral pattern, geometric elements or a wide stripe.






Combining wallpaper with different patterns. Traditionally, a combination of striped wallpaper and wallpaper with a floral pattern is used, which echo a similar shade. Floral patterns look good paired with wood patterns. Stripes, cubes and others geometric figures combined with abstractions. This is the most dangerous ways combinations should be approached with caution.

Combining wallpaper of different colors. Active colors should be combined with neutral ones. To create a bright, youthful interior, you can experiment with contrasting colors. This technique will look beneficial when zoning space.






With the aim of creating unique style In rooms, in accordance with modern trends, designers suggest combining wallpaper with each other. Thanks to this approach to gluing, it is possible to significantly change the perception of space. By using different combinations of patterns, colors and textures, it is possible to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in every room.

Combination Features

Combining wallpaper with each other is a great way to decorate living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms or kitchens. It allows you not only to create unique design, but also to hide some errors in the walls, visually balance the parameters of the room and work on the lighting. Its peculiarity lies in the creation visual effects. How to combine black and white colors with each other is shown in the photo:

If you combine wallpaper correctly, it has many advantages. It allows you to bring your idea to life, but also to correct some shortcomings. You can transform a room in various ways. For example, geometric zoning, various combinations of colors, etc. are very often used. To divide a room into functional zones, they also use the approach of focusing attention on individual objects and elements.

Advice! To get a harmonious combination of different wallpapers, you need to give preference to overlapping colors and shades.

The combination of wallpaper is characterized by the following features:

Combination rules

To properly glue walls, you can use various types of combined canvases. These can be products from collections or selected independently. Thanks to the wide variety of wallpapers, you can combine and glue different types together, achieving excellent results.

The combination process is carried out in accordance with certain rules, namely:

Combining photo wallpapers

If you glue photo wallpaper, it makes it possible to visually expand the room. Combining them with regular wallpaper allows you to transform the room, giving it a unique charm.

To combine beautifully, you must adhere to certain rules so as not to violate general concept design solutions. The most important and basic requirement is the selection of colors and their correspondence to the room. Everything else is left to the imagination within the limits, of course, of one’s financial capabilities. Pay attention to the photo:

To combine photo wallpaper harmoniously with wallpaper, you need to choose the right material. To do this, select a pattern, coordinate it by color, quality, and also need to calculate the required size and volume.

When combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper, several approaches are used: vertical zoning, highlighting horizontal lines, protrusions in the wall, inserts with patterns, as well as the use of flaps to create individual parts of the image, as, for example, in the photo:

Black and white wallpaper

Black and white wallpaper on the walls is a classic that has remained popular for many, many years. These colors can be glued together or separately.

When choosing black wallpaper, many people are afraid to make a mistake, since the wrong accents and shades of color can make the interior gloomy and uncomfortable. But don’t be afraid, pay attention to the photo below. How beautifully black and white wallpapers are combined, as well as photo wallpapers with each other.

In order to correctly and harmoniously combine black and white wallpaper, you must adhere to certain selection principles. First of all, you need to decide which color will dominate, taking into account the purpose of the room and its dimensions. It is known that White color can visually enlarge a room, while black does the opposite. Dark color can give comfort and “warmth”. Light - gives light, spaciousness with a slight feeling of “coolness”.

It’s easy to combine black and white wallpaper correctly. Rate on the photo:

According to psychologists, black and white backgrounds are not suitable for the faint of heart. He will be unbearable for them. But the rest can fantasize and experiment on a wide scale.

Combination methods

In order to get excellent result from gluing wallpaper of different colors to each other, you need to know a number of important points. Combining wallpapers with each other is a process of selecting the most optimal combinations both in color and texture itself.

Before gluing and combining, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with various methods. This will make it possible to settle on a specific method, which will eliminate future problems with a negative perception of the room. Each specific approach has its own characteristics, which take into account both the area and the desired result.


A combination of wallpaper of two different textures. The combination of smooth and embossed materials has become quite popular. It is allowed to combine two to three plain types of wallpaper, as well as with a pattern. This should be done very carefully, as it may entail a radical change in style.

The functional division of a room into zones is carried out by combining wallpaper. With proper selection of colors, it is possible to artificially divide the room into optimal parts. Bright colors on the picture:

Wall Accents

The next method is to focus attention on individual objects. Often these are either adjacent or opposite sides. In such cases, wallpaper with bright patterns, rich colors, large and noticeable patterns is glued to the walls. Notice how beautifully the photo wallpaper is hung in the bedroom:

Another trick to correctly combine wallpaper with each other is to focus on separate parts walls. This is achieved through a special arrangement of furniture or by playing up part of the interior. Thanks to this approach it is possible to do separate zones. For example, this could be the area of ​​the fireplace, table, bed, etc. To emphasize individual pieces of furniture, the method of changing patterns comes to the rescue. Wallpaper that can smoothly transition to the ceiling. So the harmonious combination is very good option. Good example on the picture:

Panels can be glued as a decorative element. This approach is typical for the classical style.

To change the length of a room, there is a way to reduce it. This result can be achieved by decorating some doors with large patterns. This will allow you to visually bring the object closer.

In a situation where one of the walls does not imply the presence of furniture elements or decorative parts, then it would be correct to glue wallpaper with patterns onto it. Meanwhile, the rest are decorated in plain colors or with small flowers. Black wallpaper with a white pattern is shown in the photo:

You can achieve a reduction in the length of the wall by alternating stripes and a small pattern or plain wallpaper with large ornaments. Using two shades of the same color allows you to bring dynamics to the interior.

The classic style differs from others in its horizontal technique. It consists of gluing some wallpaper on top and another on the bottom. The connection points are hidden behind the curb. The use of certain wallpapers depends on the amount of furniture that is directly in the room. So, if the room is small, tall cabinets will go perfectly with large patterns. One example is provided in the photo below.

Thus, you can combine any types of canvases, be it dark or light, with patterns or designs, Scandinavia wallpaper or photo wallpaper, etc. If you combine different types, it is necessary to take into account their characteristics, properties and affiliation. It is recommended to avoid sharp transitions between two types of wallpaper. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a comfortable and soft atmosphere.

How to properly combine wallpaper with each other is shown in the video:

Wallpapering is considered the most simple option decisions in case of room design. The most important thing is that it is fast and beautiful. Besides modern wallpaper enough for five years, or even more. Moreover, in the construction wallpaper market you can find quite complex developments of this finishing material. They are found as simple paper wallpaper, and more complex options such as silk screen printing or vinyl wallpapers, For example. You can even hang washable wallpaper and then many problems can be solved.

It would seem that you can come up with something else: take wallpaper glue, especially since there is a very wide choice both in color, pattern, and texture. No, they made it up. Besides the fact that they started wallpapering different colors on different walls, so they also began to glue two types of wallpaper on each wall, differing in both color and texture. This is the so-called combined wallpapering, which belongs to the latest trend in interior design. This approach allows you to significantly diversify the design of the premises by highlighting some part or some objects separately. In this regard, gluing wallpaper of two types is increasingly relevant: nowadays it is fashionable, since decorating a room turns into a very interesting process.

The options for wallpapering walls in various combinations are almost limitless.

Any technology for decorating premises depends on certain rules. The same applies to wallpapering, especially when combined finishing walls If the wallpaper is chosen correctly, the end result will definitely be harmonious and attractive. In any case, there will be an opportunity to surprise your loved ones and friends.

How ceiling height affects the choice of wallpaper

The height of the ceilings must be taken into account when choosing the pattern and type of wallpaper. If the ceiling height is below 2.5 meters, it is better to opt for wallpaper in light colors that does not have a rough texture or large patterns. At very low ceilings Wallpaper with light primary tones with a faintly expressed pattern or texture, as well as with vertically arranged patterns or stripes, will look harmonious. They can be placed on one wall, or on two or even three, which will visually raise the height of the ceilings.

Vertical stripes visually raise the ceilings.

Availability high ceilings, from 3 meters and above requires a completely different approach. Wallpaper with a large pattern stretched across the width will look great here. Alternatively, a very harmonious result can be obtained by dividing the walls horizontally, when different patterns are located not vertically, but horizontally: in the upper and lower half of the walls, or rather not half, but one third. The presence of various wallpaper models allows you to choose exactly those wallpapers that will look modern and harmonious.

How does the size of the room affect

When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account the width and length of the room, including geometry, if the room is not standard, which is very rare. Basically, there are rooms that do not have large dimensions, but if this large room, then you should opt for dark shades and rich tones. This approach allows you to visually reduce the size of the room. As a rule, wallpapers look harmonious dark shades with a large but light pattern, on the theme of nature, abstraction or geometry.

Horizontal stripes expand the room visually.

If you have small rooms, everything is quite the opposite: you have to use bright hues, with a fine texture and a small pattern that does not stand out very much. Here you should also take into account the geometry of the room: if it is long and narrow, then it must be visually aligned. To do this, light wallpaper is glued to shorter walls, and so that they match the longer ones. This will visually align the room.

The far wall seems to be closer due to the fact that the wallpaper goes behind the wall.

In order to somehow, at least visually, correct the geometry of the living room, they resort to various options. For example, if the entrance to narrow room located on the side long wall, then the opposite wall is highlighted, with the center in the middle. At the same time, those wallpapers that are intended for narrow walls. This approach will allow you to visually expand the room on one narrow side, and narrow it on the wider side.

Selection of texture

If you are gluing wallpaper of two colors, it is better to choose wallpaper that has the same texture, but a different color and pattern. If the joining is carried out strictly in the corners, then this is not very important, but if the wallpaper has to be joined directly on the wall, then the differences in texture will be very noticeable. Therefore, this approach is not suitable if you need high quality work performed.

When using explicit structures, it is desirable that they be of the same type.

The selection of glue also plays an important role, especially when choosing different types of wallpaper. In any case, in a store that sells wallpaper you can also buy glue. For different types of wallpaper they are used and different types adhesive compositions. But, in order not to worry too much, it is better to use universal glue. It is suitable for all types of wallpaper, which can ensure the proper quality of work, regardless of the type of wallpaper.

Light and dark room

If the room is too light, then it is not necessary to cover all the walls with dark wallpaper. It is enough to cover the wall opposite the window with dark wallpaper, and leave everything else light. Then this feeling of oppressive atmosphere that they emit will disappear dark wallpaper, present on all walls.

dark wall against the window, creates a shading effect for the entire room.

Sometimes they do the opposite and glue light-colored wallpaper to the wall located opposite the window if they want to make the room brighter. IN in this case it all depends on the location of the room relative to the cardinal points. The more sun rays gets into the room, the brighter the room.

Wallpaper layout techniques

There are a huge variety of options for gluing wallpaper of two types. The main thing here depends on the presentation of the future “picture” that you want to see in your room.

Combining vertically

As a rule, the presence of vertical stripes seems to raise the ceiling visually, but this does not mean that stripes should be present on all walls. Modern design allows stripes to be present on only one wall, and wallpaper with a barely noticeable pattern or texture is glued to all other walls.

If the ornament is placed vertically, it creates the illusion of high ceilings.

Many people glue wallpaper with a vertical pattern, distributing it evenly over all walls. From the photo you can see that the spacing may be different on different walls.

A variant of wallpapering, with alternating vertical stripes.

The stripes may not be the same, both in width and pattern, and in color. In this case, the texture of the selected wallpaper should not differ, otherwise it will not work harmonious combination. As a rule, in such cases, they buy wallpaper from the same collection. This is all due to the fact that some companies produce wallpaper with several patterns that are combined with each other, but at the same time differ in color. From one collection you can choose 2-3 tones that have the same type of patterns. As a rule, this is enough to modern style arrange your home.

Second option color range the same collection.

In the photo below you can see an option for using three types of wallpaper from one collection. Here you can see that the combination is simply perfect. This indicates that the wallpaper has been tested before it goes on sale. In some other photographs, the wallpapers were selected from the same collection. This approach simplifies the selection of wallpapers with different textures.

Three types of wallpaper.

To make the ceiling appear higher, there is another way to wallpaper. He suggests that one of the stripes ends up on the ceiling, blurring the border of the transition, which is why a similar illusion is obtained.
The stripe on the ceiling shifts the boundaries.

To better understand how the placement of stripes affects the visual picture of changes in the geometry of the room, you should look at the pictures. The drawings correspond to the top view.

Options for gluing two types of wallpaper.

These are absolutely working options that will never let you down and will always look very harmonious. Similar options tested more than a dozen times, and each time the result met all expectations. Naturally, there are many more options. Although everyone will be able to offer their own version, moving away from the standards.

Combining horizontally

Horizontal division is also not a bad option, one of the design classics. It has been used for a long time, but with the advent wide choice colors and textures, this approach has received a completely new impetus in application. This design solution is suitable for rooms with small area, but high ceilings. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the “well” feeling. Only one horizontal stripe can help with this. It can be located at the height of the window sills, although its location classically corresponds to 1/3 of the height of the walls, so it can be located either at the bottom or at the top. Dividing in half is not considered successful.

The presence of a horizontal stripe.

Very often the classic is broken and the strip is placed at eye height. At the same height, various decorative elements. Sometimes it looks really good. Sometimes corridors and hallways are decorated in this way.

Sometimes it is simply necessary to visually reduce the height of the ceilings.

The division zone may be at the top. In this case, the lower area is dark, and the upper is light, and sometimes vice versa, as evidenced by the lower photo.

Very interesting way wallpapering.

As a rule, options for combining wallpaper of other types when combined horizontally have the following formula:

  • The bottom 1/3 is striped wallpaper, and the top is wallpaper with a small pattern.
  • The bottom 1/3 is a small pattern, and the top is plain wallpaper or large monograms.
  • Bottom 2/3 is wallpaper with a large pattern, and the top is plain.

One of the options for horizontal division (classic).

Division into zones

If you use several types of wallpaper, you can highlight certain zones, depending on the functionality. As an option, these are studio apartments, where the option of separating zones, such as a dining room or a recreation area, simply suggests itself, without forgetting the area where food is prepared.

The recreation area is highlighted especially brightly.

A similar approach can really be applied in children's rooms, where it makes sense to highlight play area, sleeping area or table area. This approach is also relevant if two children live in the nursery. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of children if they are old enough.

Selection of zones in the children's room.

This option allows the use of wallpaper of various textures. However, molding should not be used for separation. It is advisable to join the wallpaper in the corners, otherwise the joints will not look very attractive.

Panels or decorative inserts

The fashion of hanging different wallpapers in one room has existed since ancient times. But in the past, wallpapers were made of fabrics, so they were framed, in the form of panels. Only rich people could afford such a pleasure, since the wallpaper cost big money. This approach to wallpapering has survived to this day. This design is considered classic. The material for forming panels can be silk-screen inserts, as well as embossed or textured, expensive wallpaper.

Classic: decorating a living space in panel style.

To support this style, it is possible to frame wallpaper of a different color or texture in a frame made of molding. As a rule, this option is also suitable for other styles, such as Provence or country.

The Art Nouveau style, which is considered more modern, also allows for a panel form, but with a more different approach to the design of the frame.

Modern interior: a panel of wallpaper of a different color.

Another interesting option is pasting niches. In this case, wallpaper for niches may have a completely different texture, depending on the style used.

Interesting option– pasting a niche with wallpaper of a different texture and color.

And yet, in any case, you should adhere to one rule: it is advisable to use wallpaper from the same collection, this is the only way to get an excellent result. You can choose the wallpaper yourself, but it’s better to turn to a professional.

Arrangement of color accents

There are several approaches to color highlighting certain elements. The first approach involves diverting attention from some element that looks inharmonious or stands out unpleasantly. You can take as an example not smooth walls. This is especially true in old apartments, where surfaces may be sloping. To prevent these irregularities from being noticeable, wallpaper of a different, very attractive color and pattern, and possibly very bright, is glued to the wall opposite.

Placement of accent: covering the walls with wallpaper of different colors.

The second option works the other way around: wallpapering is associated with highlighting an object or drawing attention to it. Here it all depends on what particular item is supposed to be highlighted: if it’s a bedroom, then most likely the bed will stand out, and if it’s a kitchen, then it’s probably worth highlighting the dining room with a table or in other words, dining area. This option can be compared to zoning, although, in this case, attention is diverted from the kitchen area.

Focusing attention around an object is a great way to hang two types of wallpaper. In this case, the emphasis can be placed not necessarily vertically, but also horizontally, although the first approach is much more common. This is due to the fact that in our premises the ceilings are low, which is mainly why we have to resort to suitable options. If there are high ceilings, the accent can be placed horizontally, in the form of wide stripes, as seen in the photo below.

Two doses at the same time: different colors and textures.

There are rooms with ledges or niches. Quite often they try to disguise them, although this does not always work, especially since they can serve as the object of interesting design solutions. In such cases, you will definitely have to glue two types of wallpaper, which indicates a certain interest in decorating the room. After all, everyone wants to have something different from others, and this is exactly the case when you can surprise everyone.

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