How to collect thyme. Thyme medicinal properties when to collect

The medicinal plant thyme has been known to people since ancient times as a wonderful remedy for many diseases.

It can be found everywhere and even grown on your own personal plot, in a place protected from the wind, but at the same time well illuminated by sunlight.

Currently, thyme enjoys great attention and is also used in medical purposes, as before.

When to collect thyme

This bloom is amazingly beautiful and very aromatic plant from May to August. And it is at this time that it should be prepared for the winter.

The harvesting process has several secrets and nuances that you should know about.

Thyme should be collected in sunny, dry weather from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;

In order to carefully cut branches with leaves and flowers, you should use a sharp knife or sickle;

Thick woody shoots that are located near the ground cannot be touched, and even more so, the plant cannot be pulled out along with the roots;

The ideal time to harvest thyme is June and July.

How to dry thyme

In order to properly dry this plant, you should follow some rules:

  • Do not dry thyme in the sun, only in the shade and in a well-ventilated area (under a canopy or in the attic).
  • You cannot dry thyme in a dryer, as during this procedure the valuable essential oils contained in this plant evaporate.
  • Most often, the plant is laid out on a clean cloth, or hung in small bunches.
  • The herb should be stirred periodically and this should be done very carefully.
  • The finished, well-dried plant should be easily separated from the stem.
  • After the thyme has been thoroughly dried, it should be sorted, i.e. separate rough and blackened stems and stems that are covered with plaque.

Thyme should be stored in bags made of cotton fabric. For more long-term storage(but no more than 2 years) glass containers are suitable.

Now you know when to collect thyme, how to dry it and store it. What are the benefits of this plant and how to use it correctly at home?

Medicinal properties of thyme

1. Anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body.

2. Antiseptic, which helps destroy all harmful microbes.

3. Expectorant effect, especially helps with chronic bronchitis.

4. Pain reliever, for people suffering from periodic headaches and joint pain.

5. Sedative effect, helps normalize nervous condition and improve sleep.

6. Regenerating, for large and small wounds, bruises.

Tinctures prepared from the plant are actively used for oral administration, inhalation and in the form of health compresses.

Thyme helps people suffering from heavy drinking, children with severe coughs, and women with periodic pain.

Baths based on medicinal plants help people with gout or articular rheumatism.

If a person is tormented bad smell from the mouth, then you need to take teas with thyme. It will improve stomach function, freshen breath, and also help stop heartburn.

You can rinse your head with a decoction of thyme in case of severe pain, or tie a few leaves to your forehead, which helps get rid of migraines.

Effective use of the plant for people suffering from diseases Bladder. It is good to use plant-based essential oils to prevent colds.

How to cook thyme

1. To make tinctures at home, you need to pour boiling water over one small spoon of the plant, let it brew and store in a thermos. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

2. To prepare an alcohol tincture with thyme you will need: dry plant and alcohol 70%. The herb is infused in alcohol for several days. Take 15 drops three times daily after or before meals.

3. To prepare the decoction you will need one small spoon of dry herb per two cups of boiling water. Heat everything over low heat for a few minutes, let it brew and strain. Take at least half a glass once a day for colds, coughs or inflammation.

4. Thyme is consumed like regular tea. To do this, brew the plant in a teapot and add honey or sugar to taste directly into the mug.

5. Baths based on the plant are used once a week for a general healing effect. To prepare water for the procedure you need to take 400 grams. dry thyme and pour 4 liters of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain and add to the bath.

Precautionary measures

In general, like any medicinal plant, thyme has its own list of contraindications. Therefore, before using it, it is best to consult a doctor.

A relatively low shrub (from 5 to 40 cm), popularly known as (in the Ukrainian version - thyme) turned out to be not just what many people think it is, but also an excellent remedy fight against various diseases. It has long been used by folk healers, knowing exactly how to prepare it. medicinal composition, and when to collect raw materials for tea, what diseases it will help against, how to brew this miraculous drink for beginners - we will tell you further.

Benefits of dried thyme

The composition includes many useful components, in particular bitter and tannins, fats, gum, oleic and ursolic acids, vitamins B and C. Such a rich set explains the possibility of providing a wound-healing, antiseptic and disinfectant effect on human body, and it can be used both for preventive purposes and to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of certain diseases. In addition, the herb is successfully used in Food Industry, medicine and cosmetology.
The main advantage of the plant, which is the reason for its widespread use in Russia, is the ability to dilate the bronchi and promote expectoration, which is very important in the treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough and prolonged cough. In addition to this, do not underestimate the importance of thyme infusions and decoctions in relieving inflammatory processes.

All compositions prepared on its basis are successfully used for rinsing the mouth for stomatitis, gingivitis and diseases associated with the pharynx: pharyngitis and tonsillitis. In the latter case, the infusion is more often used for inhalation, while the decoction is more suitable for washing purulent wounds and creating lotions to combat boils and acne.

With the help of compresses based on the plant, you have a chance to get rid of radiculitis, neuritis, sciatica, and an infusion of the herb will eliminate abdominal pain, minimize the manifestations of gastritis and relieve gastrointestinal colic, alleviating the general condition of flatulence and constipation.

Did you know? One of the most common names for thyme is “Bogorodskaya grass,” which is directly related to the holiday of Trinity. It was this plant that in the old days was used to decorate icons of the Mother of God.

Tea with added Bogorodskaya grass increases appetite, good for reducing fatigue and normalizing labor activity, as it improves metabolism and can strengthen the body. By the way, the hypnotic and sedative properties of the herb perfectly help fight nervous disorders, depression and insomnia. By hanging bags of dry grass in your house, you will significantly improve psychological condition and even relieve migraines, although in the latter case, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is better to wash your hair with a decoction of the plant. It is worth mentioning separately beneficial effects

decoctions, infusions and thyme oil on men's health, which is especially important in the treatment of impotence and prostatitis. Infusions are taken orally, baths are taken with decoctions, and the oil is rubbed into the perineal area. Some folk healers also use the plant to relieve people from alcohol addiction

Did you know? , because it is difficult to underestimate its effect on an organism weakened by toxins. Moreover, the constituent components of the plant also perform a hepatoprotective function, since they relieve a person of toxins that appear as a result of the breakdown of ethanol. Over time, with regular use of grass, a persistent intolerance to alcohol even develops.

According to botanists, it is more correct to call thyme, since it was from the Greek concept “thymon” that the genus received its name. There should be no confusion here, because this is one and the same plant, which, in addition to its medicinal properties, also has value for the food industry (it is used as a component of pickles and marinades).

When and how to collect Both in cooking and in folk healing, only the above-ground part of the plant is used, namely the leaves, flowers and stems. The harvesting of useful raw materials begins during the flowering process. When cultivating a plant on its own summer cottage , its collection in the first year of life on the site will fall in the last summer month, and in some cases, flowers can be harvested only the next year. The flowering time of an adult plant is quite for a long time

: Flowers appear in May and remain until September. According to folk beliefs , most the right time There are two major religious holidays for cutting thyme - Trinity and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Many believe that the material collected on these days will have special healing properties, of course, if it is collected exclusively for treatment. In case you are more interested taste characteristics , it is better to collect it during the flowering period, when it contains maximum amount

To obtain the above-ground part, it is important to use only a sharp knife or a knife, which is used to cut off the top of the thyme with shoots and leaves.

Important! You cannot break the plant by hand or completely uproot it, otherwise this will cause the rapid death of the subshrub. In order for the thyme to continue its reproduction, some part of it must be left untouched.

It is also worth remembering that you cannot collect thyme two years in a row in the same place, since the cut plant will recover over the course of several more years.

Do I need to wash it?

It is clear that before consuming any plant or fruit, you want to wash them in order to protect yourself from germs and other harmful deposits on them. However, if you are engaged in collecting and preparing, then you cannot do this before drying for teas and decoctions. The washed plant will rot, making it unsuitable for further use.

If you are very concerned about the purity of raw materials, then choose the places where you collect them more carefully. Areas near roads, areas near residential buildings and industrial zones - not the best place for this.
A truly high-quality plant can be found in clearings and forest edges, and even in such places it is necessary to ensure that the flowers are not covered with dust or other small contaminants.

Important! In cases where you decide to collect thyme not for the winter, but want to store it in fresh way, the raw materials will need to be washed under running water. After drying (it is allowed to blot the plants only a few times paper towel or a napkin) you can cut the thyme and, placing it in a freezer bag, send it to freezer. In this state, the shelf life of thyme is about two years.

Drying Features

So, we have figured out when and how thyme is collected to treat certain ailments, now all that remains is to decide how to properly dry, use and store it. Considering that not all homes have special electric ones, it is much easier to use natural and affordable methods for these purposes - wind and solar energy that heats air flows.
The whole process is divided into the following stages:

  • choosing a container to complete the task (for example, a thin tray, a sieve, tin, or even ordinary dense material);
  • covering the surface with paper and spreading the grass (or flowers) in a thin layer;
  • placing the tray in a well-ventilated place with sufficient air flow ( closed rooms are not suitable because all collected material may rot).
How long the plant will spend under a canopy depends on several factors and, above all, the duration daylight hours. On average, this indicator ranges from two to five days, and in order for the thyme to dry on all sides, it must be turned over periodically. In the event of a sudden cold snap or increase in humidity, containers with collected grass must be brought indoors, otherwise it will absorb moisture and begin to rot.

Considering that thyme contains enough a large number of essential oils, then the air temperature when drying it should not rise above +35°C, which will help preserve the valuable components of the plant.
To protect the collected material from exposure to dust and, you can cover the grass with gauze or use a thin mesh to cover it, and certain signs will indicate that the drying process has come to an end:

  • leaf plates become darker, but do not lose their usual green color, seem denser to the touch;
  • they begin to fall off and at the same time make a rustling sound;
  • the stems lose their elasticity and crumble even when slightly bent;
  • the structure of flowers also becomes more rigid and when compressed the petals break.

Important! During the drying process, the plant loses moisture, and with it its mass, sometimes even up to 60%.

How and where to store

When you have completely dried raw materials in your hands, it’s time to start choosing a place and preparing it for storage. To begin with, using a large sieve, all collected and already dry material is sifted, while separating unnecessary stems. Then the finished herb is packaged in glass containers or thick cardboard boxes, making sure that the layer of thyme does not exceed seven centimeters.
As alternative option You can also use rag bags, but in any case they must be placed in a dry and periodically ventilated place. Proper storage, as well as the collection and preparation of raw materials carried out according to the instructions, will guarantee the preservation of the healing properties of the plant.

What are the features of storing plants? How to dry thyme for tea? You can learn about all this from our material.

General description of the plant

Before we tell you how to dry thyme at home, let's look at its description. The plant is a perennial, drought-resistant shrub. This herb has branched stems, the height of which reaches an average of 20 cm. Thyme has elliptical small bright green leaves. The latter are attached to the stems on short petioles. At the top of the shoots there are formed purple flowers, collected in capitate baskets. The fruits of thyme are brown nuts that have an ellipsoidal shape. The plant has a distinct sweetish, rather spicy odor.


Thyme is widespread throughout southern European countries. From time immemorial, the plant has been cultivated and used as a spice in Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, and Spain. This fragrant herb grows in the Canary Islands, North Africa. Hundreds of varieties of thyme are traditionally cultivated in Greenland. In the vast expanses of post-Soviet countries, the plant can be found in the central and southern parts of Russia, throughout Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, and the Caucasus.

IN natural conditions thyme grows in forest areas. This healing herb prefers pine forests with their sandy soils. You can find the plant in clearings, ravines, and forest edges. Occasionally, thyme grows in meadows, rocky areas, and rocky areas.

Chemical composition

Thyme herb contains the following elements in its structure:

  • Cymol.
  • Ursolic and oleic acids.
  • Carvacrol.
  • Gum.
  • Organic pigments.
  • Tannins.
  • Mineral salts.
  • Terpenes.

When should the plant be harvested?

When considering the question of how to dry and store thyme, you need to pay attention to the peculiarities of collecting raw materials. It is recommended to harvest the plant during the flowering period. Most often, inflorescences begin to form in the last months of summer. The process stops in September-October.

According to popular belief, the best time to collect thyme is when large Orthodox holidays- Trinity and Dormition of the Virgin Mary. People have long been of the opinion that during this period such grass acquires special healing qualities. If the harvesting of raw materials occurs with the purpose of using the plant as a spice, then the shoots should be plucked as late as possible, when the maximum amount of fragrant essential oils is concentrated in the plant.

How to properly dry thyme at home?

In order to prepare raw materials, they resort to drying under natural conditions. It is noteworthy that in this case the plant can lose up to 60% of its original mass, since a significant amount of moisture leaves it. So, how to dry thyme at home? The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. First you need to find a device on which the plant shoots will be laid out. For these purposes, you can use a metal baking sheet or tray, a piece of sheet metal, or thick linen fabric.
  2. The selected plane should be covered with paper, and then the raw materials should be laid out on it in an even layer.
  3. How to dry thyme? To prepare the harvest, the plants are placed in a well-ventilated area. In such conditions, the thyme should remain for at least a week. At high humidity or poor ventilation, the grass can rot, become moldy and deteriorate.
  4. How to properly dry thyme so that it does not spoil? To do this, the raw materials must be turned over regularly. In rainy weather or with the onset of frost, the grass should be brought indoors.
  5. During drying, the temperature of the surrounding space should not exceed 35 o C. Otherwise, the essential oils with which the shoots are saturated will simply evaporate. Thus, the plant will lose its rich aroma and lose a significant part of its healing properties.
  6. To avoid contamination of the collection and its destruction by insects, during drying the raw materials are covered with gauze or a fine mesh.

How do you know when drying is complete?

So we learned how to dry thyme. But how do you know when a plant is ready to use? This will be indicated by a change in the shade of the shoots from bright green to dark color. The stems will become hard to the touch and can easily be broken with minimal pressure.

With sufficient drying, the leaves will easily separate from the stems. The inflorescences, when squeezed in your fingers, will become easily crushed.

How is thyme stored?

It is important to know not only how to dry thyme, but also in what conditions it must be stored. The best option Glass containers will be used for storing raw materials. You can also use canvas or cotton bags. Suitable for these purposes and carton boxes. It is necessary to place the plant in such containers in a dry, well-ventilated place.

It is not recommended to distribute dried raw materials plastic bags. Here the healing herbs will melt. This, in turn, will lead to a rapid loss of its original qualities. Following the above tips will allow you to store and use thyme for several years.

Beneficial properties of thyme-based tea

Having figured out how to dry thyme, you can begin preparing a healing drink. Teas made from this herb have been known since ancient times as effective means in the treatment of colds.

Active elements in the structure of the plant help eliminate insomnia and feelings of chronic fatigue. For this reason, such teas are recommended for people with weakened bodies.

Tea with thyme is an excellent means for thermoregulation. On hot days, its use will have a refreshing effect. In cold weather, the drink will fill the body with warmth. At the same time, not only adults, but also children are allowed to drink tea.

A decoction of medicinal herbs is good for dysbiosis. When used regularly, the product inhibits pathogenic microflora of organs gastrointestinal tract. Substances in the plant stimulate internal secretion.

Many herbalists note that thyme tea helps expel helminths from the body. It is given to children to prevent ascariasis and destroy pinworms. For infants, a decoction of this herb will help get rid of the formation of copious amounts of gas.

Folk recipes

The following drinks can be prepared using thyme:

  1. A few tablespoons of dried crushed raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water. A spoonful of green tea is added here. The decoction is infused for 15 minutes. This decoction eliminates coughing attacks, softens breathing, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. A tablespoon of thyme and a similar amount of mint are poured with boiled water. The composition is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. The product is infused until it cools, and then filtered through a fine sieve. When used regularly instead of regular tea helps reduce the risk of developing respiratory diseases.
  3. Thyme, chamomile, rosemary and sweet clover are mixed in equal proportions. The composition is brewed and infused until cooled. Drink this tea several times a day, which improves the condition of the skin.
  4. Several inflorescences of the plant are combined with a tablespoon of any tea. The raw materials are brewed in a teapot and infused for 15-20 minutes. Use the product before bedtime. This tea helps improve sleep and reduce general irritability. The positive effect appears approximately on the third day.

Thyme or thyme is a unique fragrant plant, beneficial features which was noted by the ancient Greeks: it was believed that it was endowed with divine power, therefore it was the most powerful natural medicine. It still has the same reputation today: the bush is still used to prevent and treat many ailments. What problems does thyme help solve? What are the plant's contraindications? Where does it grow in Russia and what are the rules for collecting and storing thyme? Next, we will not only answer the above questions, but also show in the photo what thyme looks like during the flowering period, when it carries the greatest value.

Healing components of thyme

Thyme - perennial medicinal plant with small pinkish-violet flowers collected in single inflorescences. Thyme contains many valuable elements that determine its beneficial properties.

An important component of the plant is the essential oil with big amount phenols: carvacrol and thymol. This pair of elements has antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, and therefore has an extremely detrimental effect on coccal flora, pathogenic fungi and various kinds harmful microorganisms.

Among natural acids:

  • Folic acid – promotes the development of new blood cells. The acid is especially active in producing leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
  • Ursolova – has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. Promptly restores collagen fibers. In addition, the acid is also known for its cardiac stimulating properties.
  • Oleanolic acid has healing, anti-inflammatory and general tonic effects.

Thyme bloom

It is impossible not to mention such useful vitamins, like retinol, vitamin C and vitamin K.

In addition, thyme contains a lot of healing micro- and macroelements:

  • potassium – controls arterial pressure and pulse;
  • manganese – provides antioxidant protection for the body;
  • iron is vital for the production of red blood cells.

To a lesser extent, thyme contains phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, and zinc. All of them have a complex effect on the human body, affecting literally every system.

Useful properties of thyme

The range of preventive and medicinal properties of thyme is extremely wide. Let's focus on the main ones beneficial effects plants:

Due to the high content of essential oil, thyme is used not only in medicine, but also in the cosmetology field. In particular, thyme is present in numerous remedies for restoring damaged or naturally brittle hair and damaged nails.

Thyme contraindications

Before using thyme with any therapeutic purpose, do not be lazy to familiarize yourself with its contraindications. Of course, there are very few of them, but reinsurance will not be superfluous for anyone. So, when is thyme not recommended for use?

First of all, thyme is prohibited during pregnancy. The fact is that it stimulates uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage.

Important! Thyme is useful for women after pregnancy - during breastfeeding: it activates milk production and prevents bleeding. But here you need to be careful: before starting a course of taking tea with thyme, a young mother is recommended to consult with her doctor.

Thyme helps slow blood clotting, so it is contraindicated in people with already slowed clotting, as well as in those taking anticoagulants. medications.

Thyme is not recommended for chronic liver problems, thyroid gland and kidneys. In addition, thyme cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the plant, otherwise redness and rashes on the skin cannot be avoided.

Rules for collecting, drying and storing thyme

In Russia, thyme is most often found in the European part, especially in Krasnodar region, in the Caucasus, Urals, Transbaikalia and some parts of Western Siberia. The plant grows in the most different conditions: in sandy areas, in coniferous forests, on southern cliffs, in pine forests, on forest edges. You can identify thyme by appearance– it always grows en masse, forming voluminous turfs.

Thyme should be dried in the shade

Thyme blooms for quite a long time - as a rule, from May to September, with minor adjustments depending on the weather conditions specific growing area. All the most valuable properties thyme symptoms appear at the start of flowering, so it is recommended to collect and dry the plants during this period.

When collecting, you need to use scissors or sharp knife: Using a tool, cut off the top of the shoots with leaves and flowers.

Advice. Do not pull out the plant directly by the roots or break it - this will cause rapid death of the bush.

Dry thyme as follows:

  • prepare a sieve or tray, line it with paper and distribute the thyme evenly on it;
  • place the plant either in a ventilated room or outside, but under a canopy;
  • Dry the thyme for 3-5 days, turning it regularly and keeping it away from moisture.

The leaves will tell you that drying is complete: they will darken and become a little stiff. After this, the plants need to be sifted. The resulting raw materials are packaged either in linen bags or in glass containers. It should be stored exclusively in a dry place.
So, what do we have: thyme - fragrant, beautiful and incredibly useful shrub with a wide spectrum of action: from the prevention of colds to the treatment of gastrointestinal problems. If you have no contraindications to the use of thyme, consider that your personal first aid kit has been enriched with a whole range of useful substances literally for all occasions.

What you need to know about thyme: video

Chebrets: photos

Thyme, or as it is also called creeping thyme and Bogorodskaya grass is a medicinal plant with a fragrant aroma. Outwardly, it resembles a small creeping shrub that blooms with very small lilac-pink flowers.

The ancient Romans, Greeks and our ancestors - the Slavs extolled medicinal properties thyme and they considered him very strong folk remedy which is endowed with divine power. Avicenna mentioned it in his writings, and the soldiers of Rome took baths with this herb to gain vital energy and cheer up.

Properties and composition of thyme

The Slavs more often used this plant for various pagan rituals, fumigated rooms with it, and made infusions and decoctions that were used to treat various diseases. They believed that the aroma of this herb drove away evil spirits, treated fear in children, and also provided protection from the evil eye and damage.

Thyme received its second name - Bogorodskaya grass - due to the prevailing Ancient Rus' tradition - to decorate an icon with bouquets of this herb Mother of God on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

Creeping thyme is distributed in almost all areas Russian Federation, and there are about 30 species of it. But in the USA, Canada and Europe, this plant is grown specially. In addition to all this, the plant is an excellent honey plant, for which it received recognition from beekeepers.

This fragrant herb is widely used in cooking. Dried plants are added to sauces, soups, minced meat and for frying fish. Thyme does ready dish not only more tasty and saturates it with a bright aroma, but also improves the performance of the digestive tract. In Turkey, Greece and Spain, the plant is always added when pickling olives. Tea made from this herb with the addition of honey and other herbs is an excellent fight against colds.

All medicinal properties of thyme are due to its composition.. After all, it contains thymol, organic acids, beneficial bitters, tannins, vitamins C, B, gums and resins, flavonoids, carotene, and required amount micro- and macroelements, for example: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, sodium, manganese, copper and iron.

The most best time For the accumulation of useful substances in the plant, it is its flowering, therefore, in order to dry the plant, it is better to collect it during flowering. 100 g of crushed plant contains only 66 kcal; thyme is a low-calorie plant.

Thyme: beneficial properties

  • This herb has many healing properties- such as: expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, disinfectant, wound healing. In addition, it normalizes sleep quite well, dilates the bronchi and increases the secretion of gastric juice.
  • The plant is one of the oldest medicines. An infusion of it can be taken orally, rinsed in the mouth, used for inhalations, poultices, lotions and compresses. Thyme infusion is especially good for treating coughs in children; this remedy is also used to treat binge drinking, women's diseases, insomnia, whooping cough, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Compresses and baths from useful herb used to relieve pain from gout, articular rheumatism, bruises, and tumors. If the patient has bad breath, the infusion of the plant is used internally and as a mouth rinse. Due to the fact that the plant contains essential oils, it gives freshness to the breath, and also normalizes the functioning of the stomach and is very useful for heartburn.
  • For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, thyme is also useful, and its leaves eliminate headaches - they are used to make a bandage on the forehead, and you can rinse your head with the infusion.
  • If you sew the leaves of this plant into your pillow, insomnia disappears, nervous system will be in order.

  • Thyme tea eliminates dysbiosis in children and adults; you need to drink it in the morning before breakfast. You can simply rub the leaves of creeping thyme in your hands and breathe in their scent. Essential oils, which they contain, have antibacterial properties, and this plant is simply necessary for colds.

Use of thyme

  1. To cook infusion from Bogorodskaya grass, you need 1 tbsp. l. Brew 200 ml of boiling water of its leaves, leave for about 1 hour and then strain. It should be consumed for colds with honey for 1 hour. l. 3 times a day.
  2. You can infuse creeping thyme in alcohol - for 1 liter of 70% alcohol you need to take 100 g of herbs. You need to take it 3 times a day, 15 drops after meals.
  3. For cooking decoction from creeping thyme you need 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 2 tbsp. water and boil over low heat for 2 minutes, then leave for half an hour and strain. You need to drink ½ glass 2 times a day for colds, coughs and inflammatory processes.
  4. To make tea you need 1 tsp. crushed herb flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for about 5 minutes, if desired, you can add sugar or honey and drink the resulting tea from Bogorodskaya herb.
  5. To take a bath with this useful plant, you should brew 400 g of herb with 4 liters of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then cool to 37°C, strain and pour into the bath. Such procedures are suitable for gout, arthritis and rheumatism.

Thyme: contraindications

This herb has very few contraindications, but still, when using it in the treatment of any disease, you need to know about them . It should not be used during pregnancy, or if the kidneys, liver or thyroid gland are impaired. But contraindications do not apply to women breastfeeding children, because tea with Bogorodskaya grass activates lactation.

In any case, before using this herb, you must properly consult with a qualified specialist and only with his consent begin a course of treatment with this herb.

When to collect thyme?

Creeping thyme is collected on Trinity Sunday, but it can be collected at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. It is best to cut this grass with a knife, then root system is not damaged. The collected Bogorodsk grass can be cut immediately without washing it first, and then passed through a meat grinder.

The resulting pulp should be filled with boiled, cooled water - 1 liter of water is taken for 5 kg of grass. After 1.5 hours, you need to squeeze the juice out of it using a juicer or press. Afterwards it can be preserved - for 250 ml of vodka you need to take 750 ml of juice.

For drying, thyme is collected in the morning, like other medicinal herbs, in early June. The flowers of the plant should be dried in a dark place and then placed in a paper bag. If the flowers of Bogorodsk grass were dried in a dark, unventilated place, they will not lose their smell and color.

Thyme has been used to treat many diseases since ancient times., nowadays traditional medicine specialists also actively use it. Medicines purchased in pharmacies do not always bring a positive effect due to chemical elements, included in their composition. However, before using this plant in the treatment of diseases, it is better to consult a specialist, because each organism is individual!

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