How to lubricate an interior door lock. The best product for lubricating car locks and hinges

Troubles happen. For example, when you are in a hurry to get home, you try to quickly open the front door, but it won’t budge. And the point is not even that you mixed up the key. This happens if you haven't lubricated the lock for a long time. front door. Of course, it is better to avoid such situations and lubricate periodically, and not when it is too late. But reasoning from the outside is easier than solving a problem when reasoning won’t help.

Modern castles

It must be said that many manufacturers do not answer the question of how to lubricate the front door lock. They categorically argue that this is not worth doing. Modern castles, according to them, do not require lubrication throughout their entire service life. Many manufacturers will refuse warranty claims if they find out that the buyer tried to lubricate the lock.

But it is worth saying that this rule applies to modern doors and mechanisms. If we are talking about old doors with locks, then the locking mechanism in them can and even needs to be lubricated from time to time in order to prevent problems when the front door lock jams. How to lubricate such a door? Let's look at the issue in order.

Why is lubricant in modern locks harmful?

When lubricant gets into the mechanism, it clogs the running elements. Indeed, if you lubricate modern castle, then for some time you may feel the benefit (it will work smoothly), but very soon the lubricant will begin to thicken and also accumulate dust from environment. It's not very good.

Also, you and the key will begin to introduce dirt into the lock mechanism. Yes, these are microparticles, but little by little each time, and within a month a sufficient amount of dirt accumulates. Sometimes it only takes a little dust to break a neat modern secrecy mechanism. In addition, the metal will be saturated with the lubricant. Each opening/closing process erases metal microparticles from both the key and the lock. Modern locks have special boot channels for these purposes. But if you add lubricant, these channels will become clogged.

Old castles

Older locks had lubricant built into them from the factory. During their operation, the addition of lubricant is required. This is necessary because the lock parts in such doors have gaps, as well as rubbing elements. It is to reduce the friction force that lubrication is needed. How to lubricate an old-style front door lock?

Formulation options

There are many options that answer the question of how to lubricate the front door lock. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • Silicone Grease. Suitable for lock options with cylindrical larvae, silicone ensures clear smooth sliding of the moving elements of the lock, and also prevents corrosion, since silicone repels moisture.
  • Graphite grease. A good option Moreover, you can use ordinary pencil lead to lubricate lever-type locks.
  • Normal sunflower oil. Available option, who will always be nearby. This is more of an emergency measure and not a recommendation for prevention or an answer to the question of how to lubricate the front door lock.
  • Melted fat. This is another option that will solve the problem, but it will only solve it temporarily. Over time, the jamming of the lock will be further aggravated by fat.
  • WD-40. No further comments required. After all, this composition is the cure for all ills! Corrosion protection and corrosion protection. A good remedy.
  • Solid oil, or calcium grease, is good remedy, if you have it, then lubricate the lock with it.
  • Litol (lithium waterproof grease). This is a bearing lubricant, but in this situation it will be useful.
  • Carbon grease is a conductive graphite grease. The effect of this product will be, but perhaps temporary, the lubricant is easily washed out by water.

How to lubricate the front door lock from this variety? It is preferable not to use improvised means. It is better to take graphite lubricant, grease or lithol. Although all other options are acceptable to one degree or another.

When should you lubricate?

Lubrication door hardware or door lock - this is your responsibility as the owner. Prevention is always better solutions problems, remember this. Lubrication is an improvement in gliding. If you feel that there is friction inside the lock, then the time has come.

If there is a lack of lubrication, a problem arises with normal operation castle The parts begin to rub against each other, and microparticles of dust brought inside further aggravate the situation; they act as an abrasive.

If there is a lack of lubrication, dust begins to collect in the lock, which over time blocks the movement of the bolts in the cylinder. How to lubricate the front door? For the larva, the same compositions are used as for other parts.

Formation in a rust castle is the most dangerous situation. Important components from corrosion will begin to deteriorate and seize over time. One day the lock may even jam. If your front door lock starts to jam, what should you use to lubricate it? If the problem is rust, then use means that transform rust. If the issue is simply a lack of lubrication, then use any means that we have listed and described above.

Experts say that the lock should be lubricated approximately once every 6-8 months, but at least once a year. Let's not lie and say that no more than 5% of all people act this way. The rest of the majority lubricate the lock or try to lubricate it when it is already tightly jammed.

Work rules

Clean before lubrication keyhole, if you have planned work, then this is not difficult to do. You need to pour a special cleaning composition into the well and wait. Dust and tiny debris will come out. The cleaning composition must be poured in a sufficient volume so that the liquid flows out of the lock.

If the lock mechanism is jammed, try to remove the key first. Do not use force for this, try to swing the key smoothly. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to disassemble the lock and pull out the cylinder itself. When full analysis it can be lubricated immediately. We have already discussed how to lubricate the door lock.

In case you have lever mechanism, then initially you need to remove it from the door and analyze its “secret”. After this, the crossbars are lubricated (it is better to do this with graphite powder or graphite lubricant). After lubrication, work the mechanism with a wrench several times.

How to lubricate the entrance lock metal door? All work is identical, as on any other door, only the problem will get worse if you have to remove the lock, because, for example, closed door made of metal is problematic. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, then call a specialist.

Other lock malfunctions

There is not a single perfect mechanism in the world. Over the years, any thing can break. Main reasons malfunction castle:

  • Various mechanical damage to the mechanism.
  • Failure to comply with correct operating conditions.
  • Skewed to one side or sagging door leaf.
  • Incorrect installation of the door leaf.

Do not underestimate the problems voiced. They are relevant and lead to serious consequences. Keep an eye on your door to avoid problems with it and the lock.


After we've looked at how to lubricate door lock entrance door, it’s time to talk about the fittings, namely the hinges. They can and should be lubricated on all doors (both modern and old). Lubricating door hinges means extending their service life many times over, as well as eliminating or preventing the nasty squeaking that sometimes occurs on any type of door.


If you regularly do maintenance (lubrication), this will significantly extend the life of the lock. Today we have completely discussed the question of how to lubricate the door lock of the front door and what to do it with. The most important thing to do before lubrication is to find out whether your mechanism can be lubricated. This is usually stated in the instructions.

If you notice that the lock is starting to work incorrectly, but you are not sure that it can be lubricated, and you simply do not want to do this, then call a specialist who will give you advice and do everything necessary actions for qualified repairs or maintenance.

Lock - an important part door fittings. Due to frequent use and high loads, the device requires maintenance for smooth operation - the use of lubricant.

Door locks need to be lubricated regularly, because they are responsible for the safety of the house and its inhabitants. Most often, treatment is carried out only when problems are noticed in the operation of the mechanism. It is recommended to lubricate the constipation at least once a year to prevent it from becoming stuck.

If we are talking about interior doors in an apartment, which are used more often, then the procedure must be carried out once every 6-8 months. For those who live in private houses, it is good to carry out the treatment once every 3-4 months.

When coating the latch with oil, lubricate the door hinges well. The fittings need treatment both if they are used frequently and if they have not been used for several years.

Why do this?

If you periodically lubricate the lock, it will be easier to turn the key. Irregular lubrication will allow dust to accumulate in the mechanism, making it difficult to use.

The most dangerous thing for any constipation is rust. Because of it, structural elements are gradually destroyed. Over time, it becomes impossible to turn the key.

The properties of lubricants make it possible to protect constipations from dust, dirt and rust, and prevent mechanism breakdown and rapid wear.

How to lubricate the front door lock

Nowadays there is big choice mixtures for locks. The most popular product is used machine oil. But the effect of this substance does not last long.

Machine oil absorbs dirt and dust very well. It does not prevent friction between parts. After a few days, the effect of the substance worsens.

Types of lubricants

An excellent option for lubricating a metal entrance door is to use a silicone-based product. It does not allow details to be erased.

Granite dust in powder form remains a popular and convenient type of lubricant. Many are of the opinion that good lubrication for locks - sunflower oil. But experts are confident that this type of substance is harmful to locking mechanisms. Oil contributes to the appearance of dust and dirt in the core.

WD40 is often used against rust. Those who tried this lubricant were able to feel the effectiveness of this substance, the composition of which even helps restore faulty constipation.

Solid oil is a universal lubricant. Many owners use Litol. This is a waterproof product.

Most people often forget about the most versatile, inexpensive, and most importantly, effective option - Vaseline. It is easy to buy the drug at any pharmacy. Once lubricated, it becomes very easy to use the locking mechanism.

To lubricate the lock yourself, you often just need to choose the right product. It is different for each type of device.

Graphite lubricant is excellent for lever-type locks. It is recommended to lubricate cylinder mechanisms with grease or WD40. Vaseline is suitable for structures of any type.

Rules for performing work

You can easily carry out the manipulation at home. No experience is needed for this. Even a beginner can cope with the task.

First, the product is poured into the keyhole. It should be enough to flow out and process the parts. After this, wipe the mechanism cylinder with a dry cloth, insert and turn the key. This is done to clean the surface being treated from dust.

Then lubricant is poured into the well again to door locks, the key is reinserted and turned. The procedure must be repeated each time until the key is clean.

It is convenient to lubricate the lock with the mixture in a spray bottle and a thin tube. Thanks to the latter, the product will flow directly into the mechanism onto the surface of the parts.

If you lubricate the lock periodically, it will become easier to use. And although if the key does not turn well, then most often the problem is in the lock, there is no need to exclude possible damage to the door mechanism. To prevent repairs from becoming costly, it is better to carry out preventive maintenance and carefully use the lock, preventing the entry of dirt and dust.

At the right conditions The lock will work well and for a long time.

The door not only ensures the safety of residents and property, but is also business card any apartment or country house. Monitoring its good condition is the responsibility of every home owner. Therefore, you should know what to lubricate. The choice of composition is largely determined by the type of device and its operating conditions.

Most often, people only think about it when it malfunctions. However, problems arise precisely due to lack of proper care of the locking device. The parts rub against each other, which leads to rapid wear of the mechanism. Metal shavings are formed, which have abrasive properties. Only properly selected lubricant can reduce friction and reduce wear.

Another enemy metal devices- high humidity, which causes rust. It gradually corrodes the parts of the mechanism, which is why the lock begins to jam. Owners especially often face this problem. country cottages and dachas: there the elements of the locks are in contact with external environment.

The keyhole often gets clogged with dust and other foreign elements. Knocking into a dense lump and mixing with metal shavings, they prevent the movement of the bolts in the locking device. This happens especially often with elements of entrance doors in country houses.

Only timely prevention will help to avoid such problems. Inspection and lubrication of the lock cylinder apartment buildings must be carried out at least once every six months. When using the device intensively, high humidity, the presence of dust and suspended matter in the air, this period should be halved. To the owners country houses recommended preventive work every 2-3 months.

Choice of product

You can lubricate the front door lock as if purchased in a store. special compounds, and with improvised means. According to the advice of experts, it is preferable to use the first option. The most popular and effective means is a silicone lubricant for locks.

To make it, manufacturers use synthetic oils and special additives that protect metal elements from wear and impact external factors. Silicone oil reduces the friction of parts against each other, thereby increasing the service life of the product. The product is highly durable and can only be removed chemicals.

Manufacturers produce silicone oil in several forms. It is especially convenient to care for door lock using a spray. This option is used, in particular, in the autumn-winter period, as the product prevents water and condensation from freezing. Using silicone oil in tubes is not as convenient. It must be rubbed into the cylinder of the locking device, having first protected your hands with gloves.

If special means not available, you can use popular recommendations:

  • used engine oil is the most economical option for car owners;
  • grease - universal remedy for lubrication of any metal products;
  • graphite powder - you can use pencil shavings;
  • gun oil - used for any temperature conditions;
  • Litol is an oil for bearings, but is also suitable for entrance door fittings;
  • sunflower oil - if there is no alternative;
  • melted vegetable fat - used only in emergency situations.

Dependence of choice on the type of lock

The product should be selected based on the type of locking device for the front door. For example, cleaning of lever systems is carried out using the dry treatment method. Oil easily absorbs dirt and metal shavings, which can cause damage to the device. Therefore, in in this case dry graphite dust is used.

Bronze cylinder locks for entrance doors are less demanding on lubrication. But the cheaper the metal used in the manufacture of the locking mechanism, the more carefully you should approach the selection prophylactic agents.

How to lubricate a lock without damaging the mechanism

Before lubricating locking device entrance door, you need to clean it. To do this, pour cleaning liquid into the well. We remove all dirt using a wrench.

Now you can lubricate the door lock. We pour the product or inject it (in the case of a spray) into the well. After waiting for some time, insert and turn the key again. Wipe off excess oil with a rag.

The effectiveness of lubrication depends on the correct choice of product and the timeliness of the procedure. With regular maintenance of the locking mechanism, it will last for decades.

Any lock requires maintenance, then it will serve you longer and without any jamming. The mechanism on the front door requires special attention, as it is directly exposed to the environment. Let's look at which lock lubricant is best and how to apply it correctly.

Why do you need to lubricate locks?

Keyholes come across our path every day - this is the front door, garage doors or utility rooms. If any of them stops functioning, it will cause a lot of inconvenience. To avoid this, you should lubricate the mechanism on time.

Aerosol use

As a preventive measure, experts recommend treating the lock once a year. This method will remove unwanted dust and dirt from the mechanism and improve the turning ability of the locking elements.

Lubricant is used for several purposes:

  • To improve the rotation of the mechanism.
  • Increase service life.
  • Prevent rust from forming.

At the same time, preventing contamination will prevent the lock from freezing, because it freezes in several cases:

  • Direct contact with moisture.
  • Not designed for outdoor use.
  • Presence of dirt.

Canopy to prevent moisture from entering the mechanism

To avoid thickening of the lubricant, it is better to use a special spray. Let's consider how to treat a door lock before the onset of cold weather.

Advice: periodic processing is required and door hinges, which are responsible for the correct operation of the canvas.

Type of lubricant for locks

If you are wondering how to lubricate the locking mechanism to prevent the formation of rust and freezing due to accumulated dirt, then you can use various means, which will cope well with this task:

  1. “Working off” is a product that is obtained from used machine oil. This option is suitable for standard mechanisms and will help car owners save on the purchase of special products.
  2. Silicone. Suitable for cylinders, as it will ensure complete sliding of the elements and protection against corrosion.
  3. Graphite dust. Lubricated this way lever lock will last much longer.
  4. Sunflower oil. You can clean the mechanism in this way only in the most extreme cases, if there is nothing at hand, and it needs to be lubricated urgently.
  5. Melted fat. It will only give a one-time effect, and over time it will only make it worse.
  6. W.D. A popular anti-rust product. It can be used to lubricate the cylinder and other elements of the locking mechanism to prevent corrosion.
  7. Solid oil. Often used to lubricate a wide variety of elements.
  8. Litol. Waterproof grease, most often used for bearings, but the lock can also be treated.
  9. Carbon. The liquid looks like a dark, flowing substance that can subsequently be easily washed off with water.

Lubricating doors and hinges

If you are planning to buy professional product in the store, then give preference to aerosols, as they are easier to apply. You can also separately buy a product such as hinge lubricant.

Important! The products should not be applied to the lock using cotton wool, which will only clog the main mechanism further.

How to apply the product

When you have decided what to lubricate the locks with, proceed to the process of applying the product itself. To avoid harm locking mechanism Even more, follow the rules for applying lubrication.

  1. First you need to clean the keyhole. To do this, pour a special cleaning liquid into it. It will remove dust, dirt or other particles trapped in the lock.
  2. Moisten the lock itself with liquid, and in such an amount that it flows out. Just make sure that the door leaf itself does not get wet.
  3. To ensure that all debris is removed from the well, rotate the key several times, removing dirt from the key in between.
  4. Now inject or pour the product into the keyhole. Wipe off excess with a napkin or cotton cloth.
  5. Wait a little, take out the key and wipe it dry. First check if everything is working correctly now.
  6. If you are processing a lever lock, you should first remove it from the canvas and open the secret. Then treat with graphite powder and assemble the mechanism back.
You can pour lubricant separately into the cylinder

If you carry out preventive maintenance regularly, then the question of how to defrost a door lock that has frozen due to accumulated dirt will not arise.

To make it clearer how to lubricate the lock, watch the video:

How to keep your lock from freezing in the cold

In addition to the clean maintenance of the lock mechanism, two conditions must also be met to avoid freezing:

  • Choose a lock that is not exposed to aggressive environments.
  • Do not allow moisture or condensation to form inside the mechanism.

To garage lock or the front door is not frozen, it is better to install a lever type mechanism. Moreover, in the cold, structures with rigid springs on levers perform well.

It will also save your door from freezing right choice the canvas itself. If you install a door with additional layer thermal insulation, this will eliminate the formation of condensation on the structure, and, therefore, save you in the cold.

And do not forget to control the process of direct moisture entering the lock, that is, the front door should be under the visor. If you want to secure Garage Doors, then mount a small canopy directly above the lock.

Most often, car locks are susceptible to cold, which subsequently have to be defrosted.

How to defrost a car lock

As already mentioned, absolutely any lock can freeze, including rack locks. Even electromechanical or combination lock when the temperature drops sharply, it may malfunction, although it will not physically freeze, since it is located inside the canvas. What to do if the lock on the car door freezes?

Defrosting with a hot key

If your car door lock is frozen, do the following:

  1. Heat the key. When hot, insert into the keyhole. Wait a bit and try to open the door.
  2. Open the hood of the car. Place the key in brake fluid or anti-freeze. Insert the key into the lock cylinder and wait until the ice melts.
  3. If you have a hair dryer, it will quickly heat the required area.
  4. You can ask a nearby car enthusiast for help and heat the lock with exhaust gases. To do this you need to select a hose the right size and connect one end to exhaust pipe, attach the other to the lock.
  5. You can add pure alcohol, just pure alcohol. He can handle ice.

So that you do not have to resort to all these methods, it is necessary to carry out anti-freeze treatment.

To avoid freezing of door locks, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance, keep them clean and dry. You can decide on your own what is the best way to lubricate the lock in winter, and you can use improvised products or store-bought ones.

Choose from a wide variety of lubricants for door locks that are suitable for your design and carry out preventive maintenance at least once a year. Then you will not face the need to defrost the mechanism in winter.

Also, take into account the specifics of purchasing a lock for the front door and take care of the visor to avoid direct moisture.

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