How to download music on VKontakte. How to download music from Contact to your phone: the best downloader programs

As you know, VKontakte contains a huge library of audio files, but officially the contact does not allow downloading them and you have to use various tools to download them. Fortunately, various programs, services and plugins for browsers are now available, and thanks to them it is not difficult to download any audio file. We will also consider the method of downloading to your phone using applications. Now all these methods will be described.

How to download music from the VKontakte program?

There is a free program called VKsaver. You can download it on the official website.

With its help you can download not only music, but also videos.

How does this program work? After installing this software on the VKontakte website, a download button appears for each audio and video material.

After clicking the button, a new window opens where you can save audio or video material to your computer.

How to install?

I would like to tell you a little about installing this program. The fact is that with normal installation settings, various Yandex elements are installed. If you need them, you can skip this section, but, as a rule, such elements simply clog up the browser.

After you have downloaded vksaver and started the installation, select “Settings”. Then uncheck all the items that open and click “Next”.

Then he will offer to install a browser from Yandex, also uncheck the box and click “Install”.

That's all. After restarting the browser, if you had it open when installing the program, download buttons will appear on the VKontakte website.

How to download music from VKontakte online?

Who does not want to install programs or plugins, then There are various services through which you can download any audio files. Now let's look at one of these services.

Website address

You enter the name of the song or artist, and the service displays a search result.

You can listen, download and view the lyrics of the song.

How to download music from VKontakte using browser extensions?

There are browser extensions for downloading songs.

Go to the “Download extensions” section and then enter “ Downloader” into the search form. Then click on the “Add to Opera” button.

For Google Chrome:

There is a similar plugin for Chrome.

Go to the Google store, enter “VK Music Downloader” in the search form. Then click on “Free”.

With this application you can search, download, and add songs to your VK page.

Another way to download:

Users of one of the most popular social networks. networks in the world, particularly in Russia, often wonder how to download music from VKontakte. This may be due to many reasons, for example, the desire to listen to your favorite music on your computer, through a special player, or transfer files to your portable device and enjoy your favorite songs on the road.

In its original form, the VK website does not provide users with such an opportunity as downloading music - only listening and downloading (adding to the site) are available. This is due, first of all, to the copyrights of the performers whose music is on the site. At the same time, VKontakte scripts are open, that is, each user can download absolutely any audio recording to their computer without any problems.

There are several different options to solve the problem of downloading your favorite music from the VK social network. Each solution to this problem, however, is quite easy, even if you are not a particularly advanced user of a personal computer or laptop. Depending on the type of method, one way or another you will definitely need the following:

  • Internet browser;
  • Internet connection;
  • mouse and keyboard.

Some solutions target only one browser flavor, such as Google Chrome. In this case, consider whether you can install this Internet browser on your computer.

Among other things, you should know that each method of downloading music from VKontakte is not official, not to mention its legality. That is, of course you won’t get a ban, however, you will often have to use software from amateur authors.

It is recommended that you never use software that requires you to enter your VK username and password. In this case, you risk being deceived and you will have to restore access to your page.

Method 1: Google Chrome browser console

Probably, every browser user has long known that using the developer console it is possible to use the functionality of the site that was not initially provided to the user. In particular, this applies to downloading any files, including video and audio recordings through this software application.

To take advantage of this opportunity, all you need is to download and install Google Chrome from the official website.

  1. First of all, you will need to log into the VKontakte website using your username and password and go to the page with audio recordings.
  2. Next, you need to open the Google Chrome console. You can do this in two ways: using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+I" or by right-clicking anywhere in the site’s working area and selecting "View code".
  3. In the console that opens, you need to go to the tab "Network".
  4. If in the list of threads you see an inscription informing you that the page needs to be refreshed “Perform a request or hit F5 to record the reload”– press a key on the keyboard "F5".
  5. Through a single press of the corresponding button "Time" On the console, sort all threads from the page.
  6. Without closing the console, press the play key for the audio recording that you want to download to your computer.
  7. Find among all the threads the one that has the longest duration.
  8. The stream type must be "media".

  9. Right-click on the link of the found stream and select "Open link in new tab".
  10. In the tab that opens, start playing the audio recording.
  11. Press the download button and save the audio recording to any location convenient for you with the desired name.
  12. After all the manipulations done, wait for the file to download and check its functionality.

If the download was successful, then you can enjoy your favorite music, using it for the purpose for which you downloaded it. If the download attempt is unsuccessful, that is, if the entire procedure caused you any complications, double-check all your actions and try again. In any other case, you can try another method of downloading audio recordings from VKontakte.

The console, with the ability to track traffic from the page, is present in all browsers based on . Thus, all the described actions are exactly applicable not only to Google Chrome, but also to some other web browsers, for example, and.

Method 2: MusicSig extension for VKontakte

One of the most common and most comfortable ways to download audio recordings from VK is to use specialized software. Such browser add-ons include the MusicSig VKontakte plugin.

You can install this extension on almost any browser. Regardless of your web browser, the principle of operation of this add-on remains the same. The only difference is that each Internet browser has its own store, and therefore the search procedure will be unique.

The web browser from Yandex and Opera are connected by the same store. That is, in the case of both of these browsers, you will need to go to the Opera extension store.

  1. When working with Yandex.Browser, you need to go to the store website of this browser and use the search bar to check if MusicSig VKontakte is in the database.
  2. In Opera, you also need to use the specialized search bar.
  3. Go to the installation page and click on the button “Add to Yandex.Browser”.
  4. In the Opera web browser you need to click the button "Add to Opera".
  5. If your main web browser is , then you will need to go to the Firefox extension store website and use the search to find MusicSig VKontakte.
  6. Once you have found the add-on you need, go to the installation page and click the button "Add to Firefox".
  7. If you are using Google Chrome then you need to go to "Chrome Web Store" follow a special link and use a search query to find the MusicSig VKontakte add-on.
  8. Install only those add-ons that are highly rated!

  9. Pressing a key "Enter", confirm your search request and click the button next to the desired extension "Install". Also, do not forget to confirm the installation of the add-on in the Chrome pop-up window.

After the add-on has been installed, regardless of the browser, the extension icon will appear in the top left panel.

Using this extension is extremely easy. To download music using MusicSig VKontakte, you need to perform a few simple steps.

It is noteworthy that each track is now additionally accompanied by information about the file size and its bitrate. If you hover your mouse over the composition, you will see additional icons, including a floppy disk.

Pay attention to the right area of ​​the program. A section has appeared here "Quality filter". By default, all the boxes are checked here, i.e. your results will display tracks of both high quality and low quality.

If you want to exclude the possibility of downloading low-quality audio recordings, then uncheck all the boxes, leaving only about “High (from 320 kbps)”. Low-quality tracks will not disappear after this, but the add-on will not highlight them.

In the same right area there are items “Download playlist (m3u)” And “Download playlist (txt)”.

In the first case, it is a music playlist for playing tracks on your computer. The downloaded playlist opens in most modern players (, etc.) and allows you to play tracks from Vkontakte through the player.

Please note that playlists do not download tracks, but only allow you to launch a music selection in a convenient form on your computer without using a browser, but with a valid Internet connection.

In addition to players, a TXT format playlist can be opened in any text editor to view the content.

And finally, we come to the most interesting button, which is called "Download all". By clicking this item, all tracks from the audio recordings will be downloaded to your computer.

If you want to download not all, but selected tracks in the same package, then first create your album on VKontakte, adding all the required audio recordings to it, and only then click the button "Download all".

Downloading videos

Now a few words about downloading videos using MusicSig. When you open any video, immediately below it you will see a button "Download". As soon as you move your mouse cursor over it, an additional menu will open in which you will be asked to select the desired video quality, which directly determines its size (the worse the quality, the smaller the video size).

The social network VKontakte is an inexhaustible reservoir of music. Even rare musical compositions are stored here, which cannot be found on the global network “during the day.” But here’s the problem: you can listen to them, but you can’t download them to your computer. Although... what am I talking about? It’s impossible - because the site does not give users such an opportunity, but this is for others, not for you and me.

Do you want to know how to download any song from VK with just a couple of mouse clicks? Then read!

Seven ways to download music from VK for free

Web services

Let's start with something simple. To download audio tracks from the VK website, there are special web services that do not require registration or payment for their services: go in and use it. There are many such services, and they work on a similar principle. Let's look at a couple of the most popular ones.


How to download music from VK using Take a look and you will immediately understand. At the top of the central field there is a search bar. Enter the title of the song or the name of the artist (author) - and the track will be found. To save, click “Download”.


– a slightly more “complex” service than the previous one. In addition to searching by title or artist, there are filters (drop-down lists circled in the screenshot):

  • “I” – download music from your page.
  • “Friends” – download music from friends’ pages.
  • “Groups” – the same, from groups.
  • “Popular” – the most popular songs on the VK website.

The second list allows you to clarify what you did. For example, when you select “Me”, you can specify where exactly to download tracks from - from audio recordings, albums (when you select this option, a list of your albums will appear), from the wall, or recommended. I hope you can figure out how to use filters without difficulty.

If when you open you do not see lists of tracks, allow access to audio files of your VK page by clicking the link of the same name.

Browser apps and plugins

The plugin is installed on your computer like any application. What is he doing? Adds a download button to each audio file on VK. The button looks like a downward arrow and appears when you hover over a track. The size and bitrate of the file are displayed next to it.

In addition, adds its own extension to the browser. It is convenient to use for downloading all the music files that are on the page.

To download all songs from a playlist, click on the extension icon. Select “Download Audio Files”.

In the next window, click “Continue”. The tracks will start loading one by one.

The plugin works much the same as After installation on your computer and restarting the browser, a button with a down arrow will appear next to the Play button next to each music track on VK. Clicking on it starts the file download process.

Additionally, a “Save” button appears below the audio player.

is an application for downloading audio tracks from the VKontakte website and more. It works regardless of the web browser; you just need to log in to VK in the program itself.

Through the “VKontakte” menu, you can select lists of songs that you want to upload to VKMusic - from your account, the accounts of friends or groups, popular or recommended. You can download several tracks at the same time by clicking on each song in the list and clicking “Add to downloads”. The program also allows you to listen to music through the built-in player, and also create playlists.

Downloading music from the VK website without programs

You can download music from VK with your bare hands. How? Advanced users have probably already guessed it. And for those who do not understand, I will share two simple ways.

Download via direct link

Each audio file has its own unique address on the Internet, from where the player downloads it during playback. We are not shown where the song is stored, but this information is in the page code. We'll take it from there. So…

  • Right-click on the desired audio track. Select “View element code”. Or select the track and press Ctrl+Shift+C.

  • Inside one of the tags there is a tag input type, where, among other things, there is a direct link to the composition. Let's copy it. The highlighting of elements in the playlist will help you understand that this is exactly the song you need: when you hover the cursor over The “Play” button will be highlighted.

  • Paste the link into the address bar of the browser and press “Enter”: a page with an audio player will open. Right-click on it and select “Save video as”. Alternatively, press Ctrl+S.

All you have to do is specify the folder to save - and the composition is “in your pocket”.

Searching for an audio file in the browser cache

When listening to music on the Internet, the browser downloads each song into one of its temporary folders (cache). This means that the necessary files are already on your hard drive, all you have to do is find them!

  • The Opera browser stores this data in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache folder;
  • Google Chrome - in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • Mozilla Firefox - in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ProfileName\Cache.

If we look into the cache of any browser, we will see that files are saved there under strange names without extensions. How to find the one you need:

  • While playing a song on the VKontakte page, sort the files in the cache by date of modification. Now everything that was launched recently will be at the top.

  • Let's look at the file sizes. Musical ones weigh no less than 2.5 mb. An object weighing 8,257 kb is located at the top of my list. I have no doubt that this is the song that is playing right now. Select it with the mouse cursor and press F2 - a field for renaming will appear. Add the extension “mp3” to it.

  • After adding the extension, the file now has a music player icon (in my example, AIMP). Click on it to listen.

  • Did you guess it? Great! All that remains is to give the composition the correct name and move it to a more suitable place.

Let me remind you once again that all the considered methods of saving music from the VK website are absolutely free. And, as you noticed, they are very simple. Use it and enjoy!

About the situation with VKontakte

April 28, 2017 that Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and My World are introducing a paid music subscription costing 149 rubles per month. And unsubscribed users are limited functionally. First of all, audio advertisements will be played from time to time. The free mode was deprived of the function of caching music for offline listening, and this is a key feature of the old VKontakte player.

The introduction of a subscription is a natural event; content cannot be pirated forever. At the same time, the new service looks strange, to say the least. After all, this is the same vast, unorganized catalogue, only now they ask for an amount comparable to competitors’ offers for use. At least two questions immediately arise!

How to return music to VKontakte?

At the time of publication of the article, there are several ways to return the usual functionality, and it is possible that over time the administration will block the loopholes.

The easiest way is to roll back to the previous version of the official client, number 4.8.3. To do this, just uninstall the updated client and manually install the apk file of the desired version.

Afterwards, it is recommended to disable auto-update of the VKontakte application. For this:

In 2016, Mail.Ru Group launched an alternative music service with integration with VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Unfortunately, already in August 2016, the application was hidden in Google Play, after which the client was no longer updated. This did not affect the performance of older versions in any way!

The main feature of the application is public playlists, which include songs from social networks. The users themselves create and maintain playlists.

After adding an account, all tracks and playlists are imported. The latter can be made publicly available and shared with friends. You don't even need a social account to listen.

Unfortunately, new tracks added on the site are not automatically imported; you have to synchronize the application manually.

There is no automatic caching of audio files; manual downloading is available. In addition to individual songs, you can download entire playlists, which significantly saves time.

The player interface looks neat, information about the composition is displayed. By clicking on the artist, a search with the corresponding request opens, extremely convenient! The program can substitute album covers, but, as a rule, they are incorrect. You can loop playback of an individual track or the entire playlist. The function of playing a random track is available.

From my point of view, this is the best alternative player for music from social networks! It is completely free and has no ads. The application itself is lightweight, works quickly and stably even on third-generation networks.

When talking about alternative players for VKontakte, one cannot fail to mention Stellio with the corresponding plugin for integration with the social network. The application has a wide range of capabilities; everything is customizable down to the smallest details.

The player is great for playing music from VKontakte. In addition to all tracks, playlists and audio recordings saved on the wall are imported.

Each listened song is automatically cached, similar to previous versions of the official VK client. It is possible to preload the necessary tracks and playlists manually.

The player interface is made in a modern style, the control elements are original, but quite convenient and do not require much getting used to. In addition to the basic functionality, additional functions have been added, such as searching for covers and viewing the text of a composition.

The application is notable for its own special effects manager.

As a result, it turns out that Stellio is a player with a bunch of additional features and settings. However, the free version is filled with advertising, and they ask for 99 rubles to turn it off.

I have listed the simplest and most accessible methods that do not require additional manipulations.

Alternatives to music from social networks?

Every year, music streaming services are becoming more widespread. Subscription is the most popular model; its essence is that for a small monthly fee the user gets access to the entire music collection.

All major streaming services from Spotify to Apple Music are available for the mobile operating system from the search giant. If you are not subscribed to any of them, I recommend paying close attention to Google Play Music as a native service.

A personal subscription costs 159 rubles per month, which is comparable to the cost of the new service from Group based on VKontakte. In addition, there is a family tariff for 6 family members for 239 rubles per month.

The main emphasis is on automatically created selections - radio stations. They contain music for all occasions: from training to getting ready for bed. A system of personal recommendations has also been implemented; you just need to add a dozen of your favorite songs to your music library, and the system will begin to select more and more similar tracks. Recommendations are issued based on location data and time of day.

Unfortunately, some performers are still missing. In this case, it is possible to download missing tracks from your computer. It is noteworthy that the service allows you to upload up to 50,000 songs to the cloud for listening online without a subscription!

In the settings, you can select one of four levels of streaming quality for any size of the Internet package.

For offline listening, a caching system is used, which saves only the most popular music files, and not everything in a row, like Stellio.

The icing on the cake is the web player, just log into your Google account from any personal computer and the entire music library will be at your disposal, very convenient!

As a result, it turned out, albeit a paid one, but the most interesting service in terms of all its characteristics. The best choice for listening to legal music!

Own music library online

For those who have already collected a rich music collection, but do not want to take up the precious memory of their mobile device, there is also a way out. Applications for streaming music from your personal cloud!

The most prominent representative of this category is CloudPlayer from doubleTwist. This is the case when the application does not have a clutter of additional options, and the necessary functionality is thought out to the smallest detail. Unlike Google Play Music, the necessary compositions simply need to be placed in your personal storage; no manipulations in the browser are required!

The application supports such cloud storages as: Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive.

Imported tracks are grouped according to tags. Despite the lack of Russian localization, there are no problems with encoding. The amount of music does not matter; the program does an excellent job with my music library, which contains more than 1,500 music files!

CloudPlayer supports lossless formats - FLAC and ALAC. To play them online, you need a stable Internet connection; mobile networks can’t always cope.

There is no automatic caching, but you can manually download both individual tracks and entire albums and playlists.

The application is designed in a modern style, with 4 color schemes available to choose from. A nice option is the automatic addition of artist photos to the artist showcase, the search works accurately!

The player interface is familiar; it contains all the necessary functions, such as playing a random track. The application has a built-in simple equalizer with a large number of presets.

A nice bonus is an online radio catalog that includes local radio stations.

After installation, the trial is activated for 30 days, after its completion you will need to pay 99 rubles one-time. Compared to other services with monthly payment, it looks attractive!

Instead of output

I've tested a lot of music streaming players over the past year, this approach is the future! Users should not waste their time downloading new songs to their smartphone; access to the entire music library in one click is not fantastic! Sometimes it’s a shame that music files take up precious internal storage space. The cloud approach allows you to selectively cache your favorite songs without losing access to other music.

As a result, it became clear that this is not a panacea; there are services with a better approach. The introduction of a paid subscription is another reason to try something new from personal experience! Social networks have lost their main advantage - they are free, which will undoubtedly affect their popularity.

Hello, friends! Today we'll figure it out how to download music from contact without programs. It turns out to be even easier than with video. Finding music in contact which we want to download. Right-click on it and select “ View element code"- if you have Google Chrome or Yandex browser. If you have Opera, for example, then select “Inspect element”

The element code is shown at the bottom of the page. Us need to find the address of the music. Music is usually in mp3 format. That is, we will look for the address which starts with "https" and ends with "mp3".

To do this, you need to “open” all the triangles that “look” to the right. ( they are highlighted with arrows in the figure below)

Finding the address of the music file

Double-click on it with the left mouse button so that you can select part of the “value” parameter and select the music address from “https” to “mp3”

On the selected address, right-click and select “ Go to the address...»

If you don’t have this item in the context menu that opens, then press “Ctrl+C” and copy the music address to the clipboard. Open a new tab in the browser and use the key combination “Ctrl+V” to paste the address of the music from the clipboard.

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