How to make glowing hands at home. How to make glowing liquid from improvised materials

Recipes and instructions on how to make glowing water will help you decorate your home with completely unusual illumination on a holiday or entertain guests with a fun and wonderful trick.

Colorful liquids

How to make glowing water? To get a blue composition, you need to dissolve a few grams of yellow luminol in one of the transparent containers with water (pour about 150 ml). Then pour hydrogen peroxide (80 ml) there and add 3-4 grams of copper sulfate or ferric chloride to this mixture. Gently mix the contents of the vessel with a stick. In the dark, you can observe a blue glow of the liquid.

How to make glowing water red or pink? If you add brilliant green to the composition along with luminol, you can get emerald water. If you replace the yellow glowing powder with eosin, you get a pink liquid, rubrene - red, fluorescein - yellowish-green.

What ingredients are needed?

To get a really good result when conducting experiments, figuring out how to make luminous water at home, you need certain components. Depending on the recipe, the following substances are used:

  • tap water;
  • some brands of lemonade;
  • luminol;
  • ferric chloride;
  • table vinegar;
  • caustic soda (caustic soda);
  • red blood salt;
  • crystals of potassium permanganate;
  • luminous markers;
  • liquid detergent or washing powder;
  • copper sulfate;
  • 36% hydrogen peroxide;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • eosin, rubrene, fluorescein and regular brilliant green for tinting.

Using the fluorescent dyes listed in the last paragraph, you can obtain solutions of different colors: red, green, pink, blue.

Not all of the listed substances are used in each recipe, but only some. Closable vessels must be used: bottles, flasks or eggplants. Some ingredients can be bought in pharmacies, others are available in households or sold in stores.

Why is she glowing?

Obtaining a luminous liquid is a chemical reaction of several reagents. During the interaction of the components mixed with each other, substances are released that reflect the rays or themselves glow in ultraviolet radiation waves. Organic compounds in the presence of water and powerful catalysts react with alkaline oxidizing agents. This process is called chemiluminescence, which means creating a light source without generating heat.

It is important to take into account the quantitative content of the components when creating a beautiful and unusual water. If you slightly violate the recipe recommendations, use, for example, a different percentage of peroxide or take baking soda instead of caustic soda, and the experiment may not be successful, the water will not light up. According to science, the phosphor effect only appears in ultraviolet radiation.

The simplest and safest way to obtain luminous water is to install plumbing taps. How to make glowing water at home? Some companies produce water taps with special colored lighting. Special elements built inside the “gander” itself give the ordinary flowing water different color shades. You can please yourself with such beautiful effects in the bathroom.

How long does the liquid flashlight last?

Many people are interested in the question of the duration of the glow of the resulting mixture. We can say with certainty that in each specific case the glow time depends on the set of components and on the mixture recipe. That is, while a chemical reaction occurs between substances, the liquid radiates. How to make glowing water? A liquid recipe using a phosphor lasts the longest time: about 30 minutes. The visible effect appears only under ultraviolet light. Liquids without luminol, based on other substances, glow from two to three minutes to half an hour. Sometimes additional air flow into a hermetically sealed container is required to continue the effect. This is achieved by simply opening the lid of the container and shaking the contents.

One option is as follows: in a half-liter container, mix 35 g of dry alkali (KOH), 30 ml of dimexide, 0.15 g of luminol, close tightly and shake well. When the light radiation weakens, the lid of the container should be opened slightly to allow air to enter for a couple of seconds, then screw it on and shake the container several times. The glow will become brighter again, as oxygen will affect the interaction of substances with each other.

Is this chemical experiment safe?

Some of the substances that are needed to create a colored liquid are quite active. Therefore, before you begin, you need to stock up on rubber gloves and safety glasses. You should not sniff the resulting composition, as some recipes use caustic substances that can damage the nasal mucosa if inhaled.

How to make glowing water? The instructions recommend that you first prepare a hermetically sealed container for mixing the composition. To obtain the desired effect, all components must be shaken well for several minutes after placing them in the bottle. The lid of the container must be tightly closed to prevent water from leaking out of the container.

The resulting composition is very difficult to wash off the surface of the skin, so you need to carry out all manipulations with rubber gloves. You can use ordinary disposable ones, which protect your hands when dyeing hair, or medical ones.

Recipes for the most inquisitive and persistent

Those who really want to know how to make glowing water can use the following tips.

  1. Add 1 tsp to the bottle containing a glass of sweet carbonated drink. soda and 3 tsp. 36% hydrogen peroxide. Immediately screw on the bottle cap and shake the mixture for a few seconds. The liquid will glow for a while while the chemical reaction continues.
  2. If you remove the rods from several luminous markers and put them in a cup with a small amount of water, then after some time the water will become saturated with the luminous composition.
  3. You can crush the phosphorescent figurine to dust, add water and a little dissolved gelatin. The resulting composition will shine in the dark after being saturated with sunlight or electric light.
  4. Place luminol (5 g), washing powder or washing liquid (25 g), perhydrol (12 ml), several crystals of potassium permanganate in a tall glass. While stirring with a stick, the composition will begin to glow bluish.

By conducting chemical experiments with ordinary substances, completely new effects can be obtained. After all, this is how many scientific discoveries were made. Who knows what will happen if you change the number of grams of one of the ingredients used?

Do you want to replenish your collection of impressions without leaving your own home? For example, learn how to make glowing water, paint or shoelaces? Then experiment with us.

A liquid that sparkles in the dark always looks fascinating. It seems that such a miracle can only be found in a scientific laboratory or in the room of an ancient alchemist. However, we know how to make glowing water at home and with pleasure we will tell you about all the nuances of this amazing process.

Before we start making water that glows, we should learn the safety rules. After all, the main chemical substance that you will have to work with is luminol crystals. It is they that, when interacting with certain oxidizing agents, produce a glow, which is necessary. When interacting with reagents precautions should be taken.

  1. Children conduct similar experiments in the presence of adults.
  2. It is necessary to wear protective equipment: rubber gloves, an apron, and in some cases a gauze bandage to protect the face and respiratory organs.
  3. When working with chemicals, they should not be inhaled, tasted or allowed to come into contact with the skin.

However, an experiment to obtain a luminous liquid does not always require enormous effort. We will teach you how to make a luminous liquid from available materials, that is virtually no chemicals.

Making sparkling liquid: the easiest way

This method, in which we will create a glowing liquid without luminol, is completely elementary. What does that require:

  • water;
  • 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is contained in every first aid kit;
  • table salt, which is present in every home;
  • vinegar.

Mix all the ingredients until you get a liquid with a glow.

DIY glowing liquid without luminol

For this method we also need the most common components.

  • 500 ml sparkling water;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 teaspoons of peroxide.

Mix everything for 10 minutes.

How to make holy water with the addition of luminol?

And this method already requires the use of chemicals. You can do it liquid that will have a blue tint. To repaint it a different color, use fluorescent dyes.

So, to create the magic liquid we will need:

  • 2-3 grams of luminol;
  • 80 ml peroxide;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 3 grams of copper sulfate;
  • 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution;
  • fluorescent dyes.

Let's begin an experiment that will give us an incredible glowing liquid.

Step 1. Mix luminol and water in a glass container.

Step 2. Add hydrogen peroxide to this solution.

Step 4. And at the last stage - caustic soda.

If we couldn’t find all these reagents, let’s do glowing liquid based on washing powder.

  1. Prepare 20 ml of washing powder solution in a tall glass.
  2. Add 10 ml peroxide.
  3. Pour 5 ml of 3% luminol solution.
  4. Grind a few crystals of potassium permanganate and add to the container.

Be careful: the liquid tends to foam and produce sparks.

In addition to these simple methods, we have some interesting videos for you on how to make glowing water.

How to make glowing paint: bright magic in the dark

The next stage of our incredible experiments is paint that glows in the dark. We will make this miracle using phosphor. This miracle powder, which transforms energy into a bright glow, can be purchased at a specialty store or online.

To get 1 kg of paint that glows, you need to mix 250 grams of phosphor and 750 grams of varnish.

There are other ways to prepare magical glowing paint.

To get purple paint you will need:

  • calcium carbonate – 10 g;
  • magnesium carbonate – 0.6 g;
  • sulfur – 3 g;
  • sodium sulfate – 0.5 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 0.5 g;
  • sucrose – 0.5 g;
  • bismuth nitrate (0.5%) – 0.5 ml.

Mix the components and heat at high temperature - 800 degrees for 45 minutes.

If you find it difficult to obtain any of the ingredients of this experiment or you cannot remember the name of this or that reagent, we offer you a way so that you can prepare a phosphor and use it to create glowing paint.

  1. For this method, you only need to purchase pine extract and powdered boric acid.
  2. We dilute the pine concentrate in a small amount of water. You will get a yellowish liquid called tartazine.
  3. Now we dilute 1/3 spoon of boron powder in water until a creamy mass is formed.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring and piercing the bubbles.
  5. Cool the mass, combine it with tartazine and heat everything up.
  6. Boil this mixture, stirring, until a bright yellow powder forms. This is the phosphor.
  7. It can be mixed with paint or varnish, or diluted with water.

Such luminous paint, created at home, completely safe for you and your health. It can be used to treat any surface: applied to plastic, wood, and even your own body. This paint can be used in a room on the walls to make them glow in the dark or applied to any object, creating unusual compositions. This is a wonderful idea for both indoors and outdoors. Fluorescent paint will give you a festive mood and a lot of impressions.

How to make glowing laces: a fantastic look for stylish shoes

The easiest way to get glowing shoelaces at home is dip your regular shoelaces in glowing paint. You learned how to prepare it above. However, such an accessory will stop glowing after two washes. Therefore, we will tell you about another way to make luminous laces with your own hands.

You will need:

  • silicone tube (about 2m), with a diameter that matches the diameter of the laces;
  • 4 LEDs of different colors;
  • tube of liquid silicone;
  • 4 miniature batteries.

Let's move on to the process of making the lace.

If you don’t want to waste time on all these manipulations, order yourself glowing ones from Aliexpress or any other service. We wish you bright impressions!

We often want to decorate our home with something unusual, fascinating, in order to delight ourselves and surprise our guests. As such an incredible accessory, we suggest making luminous decorative elements at home. Who wouldn't be impressed by a liquid that glows in the dark in a beautiful glass? So, let's make glowing water.

How to make water glow in the dark

Some of you will say that we were taught at school: water is a colorless liquid. But who forbade us to add a little magic to our lives and create not only colored, but also luminous water? Of course, chemists can tell you through what processes and reactions such a transformation of water properties occurs, but we will not go into these details. We will simply make glowing water using proven recipes. The main substance we need in this matter is luminol. This is a yellow powder that is sold in stores that sell chemical reagents. Luminol glows blue when combined with water or acidic solutions, so if you want to get a liquid of a different shade, purchase fluorescent dyes. So, to get luminous water at home, we need a 3% luminol solution, dyes and various flasks and containers in which the resulting liquid will be located. What else is needed for preparation?

Making glowing water according to recipe

The listed methods have one drawback: after the experiments, you will have to wash the dishes from the results of the experiments.

Glowing water in a bottle

Let's make glowing water, after which you won't need to wash the dishes. To do this, you don’t need to look for luminol; you can easily get by with products sold in pharmacies and grocery stores: this is a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a carbonated drink and baking soda. It is desirable that the color of the lemonade be bright: green or red. Pour more than half of the drink out of the bottle, pour 0.2 tsp into it. soda and pour 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Screw on the lid and shake the solution thoroughly. This is how we most often make luminous water with our own hands and recommend doing this unusual experiment at home.

Glowing water- something unique that attracts people's gaze at night. Today, we will show you how to make glowing water at home; it can brighten up your evening or party like nothing else. A big request for parents, you will have to work with chemicals, so it is better not to let your children do this.

How to make glowing liquid with your own hands?

There are several ways to make a glowing liquid, we will try to tell you all three.

First way. How to make glowing liquid from water?

This is probably the easiest one - anyone can do it. You don’t need anything special for it; everyone has the ingredients at home.

We will need:

Hydrogen peroxide (3%);

All ingredients should be shaken very well. This can take a lot of time. As a result, we get a glowing liquid!

IMPORTANT! Do not forget to protect exposed parts of the body from getting ingredients or resulting liquid.

Second way. How to make glowing liquid from soda?

Let's take the following ingredients:

Sparkling water, 500 ml.;

Soda, 1 tsp;

Hydrogen peroxide, 3 tsp..

Mix all the ingredients; this process may take 5-10 minutes. Needs to be shaken well.

Third way. How to make glowing liquid with luminol?

In this case, we still have to go to the chemical store and buy some things.

To prepare glowing water you will need:

Luminol, 2-3g.;

Hydrogen peroxide 3%, 80ml;

Water, 100ml;

Copper sulfate, 3g.;

Soda solution, 10 ml;

Fluorescent dyes.

1. Pour water into a glass container and dissolve luminol in it.

2. Add hydrogen peroxide. Mix.

3. Pour in copper sulfate.

4. Add caustic soda.

The color of the liquid will be blue. If you want to change it, use fluorescent dyes.

VIDEO. How to make glowing liquid?

Sometimes, to create an unusual atmosphere at home, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive fixtures. Glowing water will help you surprise and delight your family, which is easy to make with your own hands and simply pour into a jar or bottle, thus obtaining a suitable “candlestick”. It turns out that to make the evening atmosphere in the house truly interesting and even magical, you just need to have some container and ordinary water on hand, which we can easily turn into fluorescent - this is the name of a liquid with a light-accumulating effect. There are many recipes for making colored glowing water at home, which makes this substance accessible even to people who do not have access to expensive chemicals. In this article we will consider several options for creating a fluorescent liquid - sometimes it is called neon, because neon has the property of glowing - which will make it possible to make it from a variety of materials.

Before making luminol at home, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules that will help Maximize the safety of the production process, and prepare the necessary things in advance. You will have to remember the safety instructions from chemistry lessons, because when creating luminous water you will need to come into contact with various chemicals.

First of all, you will need to protect yourself with special clothing. This will help avoid direct contact with reagents and reduce the risk of injury when working with them. Buy special gloves and glasses, and wear only cotton clothes when making fluorescent water. Some chemicals can act aggressively if they accidentally get onto clothing and come into contact with synthetic fibers.

Prepare special dishes, in which all chemical processes will be carried out. As soon as the experiment is completed, these containers will have to be disposed of, since tiny particles of the used reagent may remain on them, and the next experiment carried out in the same containers may result in adverse consequences. Remember that it is dangerous to let young children near reagents, so try to keep them away from the experience or make sure they have sufficient safety awareness.

Production of luminol

As noted earlier, there are several methods by following which you can make a luminous liquid. The choice of recipe depends on the substances included in luminol. There are options that allow you to make an original fluorescent liquid using chemical reagents, and those that tell you how to make a luminous liquid from improvised materials.

Glowing water without luminol

Luminol is the main element for creating a luminous liquid. The substance, when placed in a neutral or acidified environment, activates its properties and begins to glow light blue. It is thanks to this substance that the fluorescent water trick works. True, luminol is an expensive and hard-to-find component that can only be found in specialized stores, so not every person will decide to purchase it just for the sake of experimenting with luminous water. But if you can’t buy a chemical substance, but want to conduct an experiment, you can use the following instructions, which will tell you how to make glowing water without luminol.

Getting the liquid is quite simple. To do this, you need to stock up on water, hydrogen peroxide, salt, vinegar and do not forget about safety precautions. Although the components may seem harmless, it is better not to take risks and ensure maximum safety for yourself. Water used in the experiment must be carbonated.

  1. Take a container with pre-filled soda (it is advisable to take a container with a lid), and then add salt to it in a volume of no more than a teaspoon.
  2. The next item is vinegar. Add no more than three capfuls to the liquid.
  3. Pour the final component, hydrogen peroxide, into the container. The volume of the substance should not exceed three teaspoons.
  4. Pay attention to the condition of the resulting liquid. If the ingredients have been added in the correct order and volume, it should begin to sizzle.
  5. Close the container well with a lid and, holding it in your hands, stir. This must be done with special care, so the step can take up to fifteen minutes.
  6. From the container, pour the resulting liquid into a glass or jar to see its glow.

Liquid using luminol

The original recipe for fluorescent water involves adding a special chemical component to the liquid - luminol. If you want to use chemical reagents during the experiment, remember the safety precautions and warn yourself against all the adverse consequences that may occur. To achieve the desired effect, follow the instructions below.

Glowing water with vitamin B

This is the most harmless recipe for fluorescent liquid, which is more useful for filling large containers. For example, you can fill a bathtub with this water and, after turning off the lights, arrange a session for yourself or your children to enjoy water procedures with illumination. Below are instructions on how to how to make glowing liquid at home using vitamin B.

  1. Fill the bath, but keep in mind that the volume of water collected should not exceed fifteen liters.
  2. Dilute water with B vitamins purchased at the pharmacy. For the powder version of the component, use 15 cans, and for the liquid version - 15 ampoules.
  3. Light the bathroom with a fluorescent lamp to reveal the properties of the vitamin.

When bathing in such a bath, you need to take one important precaution and under no circumstances drink the resulting liquid. If you feel that drops of luminous water have entered your mouth, immediately rinse it well with ordinary water.

Illuminated clothes

Based on fluorescent liquid, you can make your clothes glow in the dark. Below is a diagram for making luminous laces, but you can dye any other item of clothing using the same method. The recipe for making such things is simple and does not require any special expenses or purchases of chemicals.

Glowing water- An excellent material for home decoration. Having made several multi-colored versions of this liquid, you can pour them into jars and place them around the room. Luminol will be the most suitable option for romantic dates and simple room decor. How to do this - watch the video.

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