How to make your neighbor feel bad. How to take revenge on noisy neighbors without breaking the law

Everyone has their own ideas about what it should be like good neighbor, and often they can be completely opposite. Most often there are two most preferable options: Invisible Man He leaves early and returns home late, or is mostly silent in his apartment. In general, you see him very rarely, you forget what he looks like, and sometimes you even suspect that he has moved to another area. There is never loud music coming from his apartment, no one is stomping around there, and besides, no noisy companies visit the “elusive” neighbor. You don’t know his name and are convinced that he has no idea about your name or the details of your life. Having met by chance, you barely say hello or completely ignore each other, and these two options suit you quite well. Almost a relative Such a neighbor is always friendly and open to communication. He may suddenly drop by for matches or salt, bring you a piece of homemade pie as a treat, and the like. He asks you in detail about the successes of your children or other relatives, is interested in your work, and willingly shares information about himself. He is aware of all the news in the area and is ready to share them with you. You always have something to discuss, and you are glad that such a sociable neighbor lives next to you. Of course, for any person the option that he considers himself to be will be closer. If you are not interested in your neighbors' lives, then you will not want them to show any interest in you, and vice versa.

How to understand that your neighbors have gone beyond what is permitted

Noise, stomping and loud music. In most cities in the CIS countries, the law establishes a rule according to which it is not allowed to disturb the peace of neighbors from 11 pm to 7 am. It makes no difference - we are talking about a private house or an apartment in a high-rise building. If you see that it is night outside, and the arrow has already crossed the threshold of the permissible limit, then you can safely call the police. Such a violation of the law threatens your neighbors with a fine. Just in case, find out during what period it is prohibited to make noise specifically in your city, so as not to get into trouble. Repair work at night or on weekend mornings. However, a similar rule applies here and the same liability threatens. Are your neighbors making noise at inappropriate times, thereby disturbing your peace? Well, write a complaint against them! Small dirty tricks- they don’t clean the corridor or section, they constantly litter, they smoke a lot, leaving cigarette butts everywhere, etc. First, try to influence them with a simple warning, explaining why you should not do this. If your arguments are unconvincing, you will have to take more serious measures. In almost every entrance there are activist grandmothers who are ready to deal with any lawlessness. If they still haven’t paid attention to the dirty tricks your neighbors are doing, it’s time to discuss this issue with them and get advice on what method of influence to take. Surely, you will be able to assess their awareness of this issue and get help.

The neighbors are fed up with what to do to teach them a lesson.

Constant partying, alcohol and a sea of ​​guests If this happens at night, then call law enforcement - they will be able to sort out the situation. If this option is excluded for some reason, then try to act more radically - unscrew the plugs, ending their fun on a high note. Neighbor - Grandma Gossip Feed her absurd information. If she doesn’t communicate with you, then talk to friends who can do this. Let them come to her one by one (of course, she should not know that these are your “envoys”) with incredible information: her neighbor Lyuba is a refugee who is wanted by her native state, her neighbor Vitya is conducting secret experiments, and the like. Make sure that the information is conveyed as plausibly as possible and without witnesses. Soon after her fantastic stories, no one will take her seriously, which means that her gossip will lose its previous effect. Game on musical instruments or singing If it is not possible to reach an amicable agreement, then you will have to respond to your neighbors “in the same coin,” and when they least expect it. Own a dog that barks constantly This problem can be resolved very quickly. There is a whistle that only animals respond to. Now your neighbors will have to worry about the problem of barking - start “giving signals” to the dog while its owners are sleeping sweetly. Surely, after such “tricks”, they will finally take the dog to a dog handler and he will instill in it basic standards of decency. Floods very often If such a situation occurs with enviable frequency, then one can only sympathize with your nerves. in the case when such a story occurs due to the fault of neighbors, and we are not talking about problems related to the operation of joint property, it is worth making an attempt to resolve this issue without outside interference - the “offenders” should compensate you for the damage caused by the accident. Did your arguments have no effect? This means that you should go to court and solve the problem in this way. And if you prove that such situations happen regularly, then the neighbors risk being evicted.

Revenge on neighbors who interfere with a peaceful life and constantly make noise

The neighbors live upstairs. You can take revenge on troublemakers without going beyond the law. First, try knocking on the battery - often this trivial method turns out to be very effective. You can also tap the mop on the ceiling. Are your neighbors ignoring you? Take the time to do this as a last resort: post notices in the area about your neighbors' apartments for rent. attractive price. Indicate their number and note that you can call at any time, and late evening is even preferable. You can also indicate the address - just to be sure.

Neighbors live downstairs. Similar revenge will be effective against the neighbors below. But it is easier for them to take revenge in other ways - by rearranging the furniture at the “allowed” time, by stomping, jumping.

Punish using a vibrating column

Do your neighbors like to listen to music loudly and do not respond to your requests to stop this torment? Buy a vibrating speaker and start turning it on at the time permitted by law. Choose a repertoire that is clearly not to the taste of your neighbors (you have undoubtedly managed to study their preferences)

Mischief the car owner by ruining his car

You can choose a lighter version - break a few eggs on the windshield of your car. If you understand that such revenge is not enough in your case, then you can puncture a tire, scratch the door, or pour cans of paint on your car.

Get revenge by breaking the lock or shitting under the door

To do this, just push it into keyhole needles and break them off so that they cannot be reached. Most likely, now the offender will have to change the lock. This is a completely wild revenge, and, perhaps, will only be suitable if the neighbor is a truly disgusting person. However, in this case too, dog excrement is enough. But do not forget that your neighbor may have a video camera, which will turn into a problem for you.

Get by telephone or doorbells (at night and early in the morning)

You can do this yourself or ask local boys to do such dirty tricks, paying them “for their troubles.” It is better to do this through a third party so that you are not exposed.

Annoy in other ways

Draw into the syringe a raw egg, after which the contents of the syringe should go into the trim of the neighbor’s door. Undoubtedly, the smells that will eventually wander near the apartment will prompt neighbors to some thoughts. Taking precautions, place an ad on a dating site, creating a profile there in the name of your neighbor, and indicating that he is looking for a man for Serious relationships. Surely this situation will infuriate your enemy. However, things may turn out in a completely unexpected way for you, and you will improve your neighbor’s personal life, which will also benefit you. If your dacha neighbor acts dishonestly towards you, then throw saltpeter on his plantings. Such “fertilizer” will undoubtedly spoil his entire harvest. Do you have the opportunity to sneak into your neighbor’s plot unnoticed, and you know for sure that he has a toilet on this plot? It's just a matter of little things - throw a pack of yeast directly into the toilet, into the pit, without skimping (choose a kilogram pack). Soon your opponent's yard will be filled with indescribable odors. Scatter seeds of weeds and plants that grow quickly and are difficult to remove on your neighbors' property. If the beauty of his yard is important to him, now he will have to spend more than one hour putting things in order.

Calm neighbors through dialogue and courtesy visits

Before starting “military actions” you must be completely sure that no other civilized methods have any effect on your neighbors. Prolonged confrontations with neighbors are often quite draining, and if it can be avoided, then it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity. So, call your neighbors and ask when they will have the opportunity to talk with you. Tell them that you can visit them yourself or that you would be happy to host them as a guest. Having agreed on a meeting, buy delicious pastries, brew tea and wait for guests (if you are expected to visit, take the pastries with you). Over a cup of tea, explain to the troublemakers what you want from them and see if they are willing to make any compromises. Tell them exactly what inconvenience you are experiencing because of their behavior and ask them to treat this with understanding. After such a polite visit, more or less adequate people significantly reconsider their attitude towards their neighbors!

As practice shows, almost every Russian has encountered inappropriate neighbors in his life. Who violate the regime of silence and ignore the rights and interests of others. It is not always possible to deal with them by contacting the police, so you have to look for other methods of dealing with them. We'll talk about how to take revenge on neighbors upstairs for noise below.

Dealing with noisy neighbors

Many citizens face harmful and conflict-ridden neighbors. The majority of our citizens live in multi-apartment panel buildings, the sound insulation of which is deeply questionable. Therefore, you often have to deal with inconveniences associated with noisy neighbors, which can bring any person to the point of “white heat”.

First of all, before coming up with techniques to deal with noisy neighbors, you need to know what the Russian legislative framework says about such problems. All rules of behavior and responsibilities of residents apartment buildings

  1. are prescribed in the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”. In particular, it states that you can annoy noisy neighbors and complain about them in the following situations:
  2. The upstairs neighbors are constantly making noise, stomping their feet, their children are running around, or their dogs are running around the apartment like elephants, creating continuous noise from 23:00 to 07:00.
  3. The level of recorded noise during the daytime (from 07-00 to 23-00) exceeds 30 dB. Neighbors spend renovation work , due to which the noise level increases significantly on weekends, or on weekdays

from 19-00 to 07-00. Sometimes there is an opinion that loud work is carried out on purpose so that everyone can hear it. The law dictates that if noisy neighbors violate valid regulations legislative framework , they can be brought to justice by contacting law enforcement. But what should those citizens do who experience discomfort from excessive noise during the day? Here the law is silent, and therefore we have to invent various options

to put neighbors in their place.

Noisy neighbors upstairs: they stomp heavily, drop things, scream - methods of fighting according to the law

Our country is a legal, secular state that lives according to certain laws and norms. Therefore, if you are faced with noisy neighbors who are tired of you, you should first try to bring them to justice using legal methods.

  1. The law establishes a “silence regime” from 23:00 to 07:00. If during the specified time period your upstairs neighbors stomp heavily and drop things, start making noise and quarreling, you should call the police on duty. In the morning you will need to visit the local police officer and write a complaint against your neighbors.
  2. If the conversation with the district police officer did not have any effect on the violators, you can write a complaint against them to the prosecutor’s office, as well as initiate legal proceedings regarding the existing violation. However, you need to remember that you will have to prepare a solid evidence base. Measure the noise level, etc. And this entails quite impressive financial costs.
  3. If you suspect that the noisy neighbors upstairs are illegally in Russia, connected with drug trafficking or other prohibited activities, contact drug control, the FSB and other authorities. Close attention from outside

The neighbor's child is making noise, how to solve the problem

Children are constant source noise. If they are small, it is difficult for them to explain or prohibit them from doing something. However, ignoring the constant noise made by children can cause huge inconvenience to neighbors who will be forced to endure the constant noise.

If you are faced with the problem that the neighbor's children upstairs (downstairs) are making noise and dropping various things, you should not try to threaten them or try to intimidate them.

  • First you need to talk to your parents. It is quite possible that parents are late at work and do not know what kind of cacophony their kids are making. If this does not help, try other methods of struggle:
  • Advise parents of noisy fidgets to get a nanny who can captivate the child with interesting educational games and make sure that the noise does not exceed the established limits. So the roar will finally stop;
  • talk to employees of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. It is quite possible that children make noise and run around because adults do not pay attention to them and do not properly fulfill their parental responsibilities;

When faced with noisy children who rattle, knock and run, you need to understand that sometimes it is impossible to call them to order. There is no need to try to argue with parents, as they cannot always calm their kids down. Put yourself in the shoes of the parents, and try to establish contact with them and advise them on how exactly you can call their children to order.

Noise and music very loud at night

Many citizens are involuntarily forced to become music lovers at night due to the fact that their neighbors turn on music and throw a party very loudly, or simply play music.

As practice shows, it is practically useless for them to say what they want or to cause a scandal, and they are unlikely to react properly, especially if they are intoxicated.

  1. If, despite everything, law enforcement officers are unable to influence violators in any way, you have to start thinking about not entirely legal methods of dealing with noisy neighbors. You can punish them as follows: Give your rowdy neighbors a “concert by request.” Find a good piece of music with large quantity
  2. sharp sounds and bass, and turn it on at full volume. You can also just knock on the bottom of the pan, the sound will be excellent.
  3. Make your neighbors' lives miserable. Constantly complain about them, or do something non-trivial - give them headphones. As a music concert, you can always play on metal battery
  4. in your room. The sound will be more voluminous and better if you tap the batteries with metal objects. Install a vibration speaker or ultrasound on the ceiling and turn it on without a twinge of conscience (see below). Soon your neighbors will realize that loud music and big company at night - not the best the right occupation

, and everyone can make a splash. In addition, the speaker will not harm you, and if necessary, it can be quickly dismantled.

The only problem you may encounter is that your active actions will attract the attention of other neighbors (from the side, from below). But do not rush to quarrel with them and prove that you are right. Calmly and thoroughly clarify the situation, it is quite possible that you will find new friends who will help you quickly get rid of noisy neighbors and teach them a lesson.

War with neighbors is a fairly pressing issue in our time. Unfortunately, many people simply do not understand that they do not walk in the house alone, and must take into account the rights and interests of others, and it is difficult to wean them from their usual line of behavior.

However, it must be explained that before getting involved in conflict situation, you need to try to come to an agreement with your neighbors and try to end the hostilities peacefully. If you decide to negotiate peacefully, you need to remember some recommendations given by experienced psychologists. By listening to their advice, you can establish normal relationships with noisy neighbors, bring them to order and pacify them:

  1. Invite the neighbors who are annoying you to a tea party, or visit them with a cake. Over a cup of tea, the conversation will be more comfortable and cozy. Ask them not to stomp around with bulky shoes and to obey the law.
  2. Explain to your opponents that you are not happy with their noisy lifestyle, which you can hear in every detail. Situations are quite possible when people simply do not realize that their behavior can bring discomfort into the lives of those living there.
  3. Speak respectfully and calm tone. There is no need to throw threats and insults. Explain that you are very unhappy with this situation, and the fact that your neighbors are jumping and running like crazy or yelling is not entirely normal. It should be remembered that politeness is the main guarantee of a good mood and key way set your interlocutor up for positivity.
  4. If for some reason your neighbors on the top floor cannot stop making noise and do not listen to those around them, talk to them about installing additional soundproofing in their apartment.

If your neighbors are adequate and normal people, they will definitely meet you, and no war will happen. If they point blank do not notice their flaws, behave defiantly, or refuse to make contact in any way, you can think of other ways to solve the problem, without disdaining the help of not entirely legal methods.

Vibrating speaker for upstairs neighbors

One way to take revenge is to buy a vibrating speaker. This is a special technical device that is capable of producing high and low frequency sounds. Here you can also install additional software that can simulate various sound effects, from stomping to construction tools.

The main advantage of a vibrating speaker is that it makes virtually no sound in the room where it is installed and operates absolutely silently. Due to the low frequencies at which the equipment operates, sound waves are directed in the direction where the speaker was installed. Thus, it is enough to create a structure, screw the vibrating column to the ceiling, and revenge is a success. Your unlucky neighbors will experience the full range of inconveniences associated with extraneous noise.

Perhaps the only drawback similar equipment the cost would be prohibitive. Vibrating column has a fairly impressive price, and in attempts to deal with noisy neighbors you will have to shell out a fairly large amount of money.

How to harm neighbors above, below, behind the wall

Methods of dealing with violators of public peace can be very different. If you need to teach rowdy neighbors a lesson, you can use one of the following ways to annoy them, without greatly violating the actual norms of the legislative framework:

  1. You need to use your imagination and draw posters. Hang posters throughout the entrance calling for silence, or with the code name “Shame on rowdy people.” Adding a photo of the offenders to the poster will make noisy neighbors think about their behavior and help calm them down.
  2. Distribute advertisements for the sale of an apartment in in social networks, newspapers, etc. Constant calls to violating neighbors will teach them to be calmer and help them answer for their actions.
  3. The use of special devices that will jam signals from Internet networks and telephone communications. It is possible that, lacking access to modern technologies, neighbors who bother you will think about their behavior. True, this method of struggle may be considered illegal.
  4. There are special substances that give off a disgusting smell. Use them on the door of rowdy people, and they will have to work hard to get rid of the unpleasant aroma, since they cannot be washed off with plain water. But this, again, can be classified as an offense - hooliganism!
  5. There are other ways you can do mischief as well. Spray the door with substances that attract the attention of pets.
  6. If your neighbors behind the wall are superstitious and in awe of mysticism and magic, you can arrange for them to meet their fears. Leave chicken feathers, a handful of earth, needles at their door, wax candles and other paraphernalia.

How to teach alcoholic neighbors a lesson

In the case of alcoholic neighbors, all means of struggle will be good. If you are unlucky enough to live next to antisocial individuals who abuse alcohol, then you must fight them.

However, the problem is that alcoholics are not able to sensibly and soberly evaluate their actions and actions, and attempts to conflict with them can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, here you still need to give preference to legal methods of struggle. Call the police more often, write complaints to all possible authorities. And try in every possible way to survive them.

You can also try to attract other residents to your side. apartment building, with the help of which it is quite possible to initiate legal proceedings regarding the eviction of violators.

How to fine neighbors for noise

Excess permissible level noise at night will result in the opening of an administrative case, and violators will be forced to pay a fine.

Administrative penalties in this situation will be approximately as follows:

  • for ordinary citizens – 500-2000 rubles;
  • officials will lose from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • For legal entities, organizations and various firms, liability for violation will range from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.

If violators do not pay the fine on time, they will face additional penalties. The legislator may well force them to act within the framework of the actual rules. The amount of compensation for them will double, and criminal proceedings may be initiated against those who are particularly slow-witted. It can entail not only fines, but also correctional labor or imprisonment for 15 days.

The police are not fighting noisy, disturbing neighbors, what to do?

Often, users are faced with the reluctance of law enforcement agencies to intervene in conflicts between neighbors. Therefore, it is important to know where to complain about negligent police officers. The police are reluctant to respond to calls related to noisy neighbors, and local police officers strongly advise victims to avoid filing complaints.

It is worth remembering here that dealing with violators always lies within the competence of law enforcement officers, and if they improperly fulfill their obligations, ignore citizens’ requests and do not try to talk with violators about standards of behavior, then this is a serious violation. Citizens have the right to write a complaint against a police officer who did not respond to their appeal.

You can complain about the arbitrariness of the police to higher officials, as well as to the prosecutor's office. As practice shows, the involvement of prosecutors in disputes rapidly changes the situation. Point out that your neighbors are tormenting you and no one is taking any measures to protect your interests. The police begin to zealously carry out their duties, and noisy neighbors-offenders instantly forget about loud music, stomping and constant noise.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Housemates are very rarely good friends. As a rule, everything is exactly the opposite. Our neighbors exhaust us with endless repairs and loud music, don’t let our children sleep, smoke in the hallways, flood the stretched ceilings “yesterday”, park under our windows, etc. Persuasion, requests and demands don’t work, and all we can do is helplessly wave our fists because curtains in your apartment.

Does your neighbor constantly keep a watch at the door peephole?

Is he on duty both day and night? And then he discusses with his girlfriends on the bench - who did you come with, what time and to what extent in an uncultured state?

Make a dummy CCTV camera or buy this prop equipment and hang it on staircase so that the entire neighbor’s door falls into the “field of view” of the camera. Now you will “look” at each other. Don’t forget to stick a poster - “We are watching you”, tear up your granny’s “templates”.

You can also seal her door peephole. with ordinary tape or do something even more cruel - fill the eye with silicate glue (it is impossible to wash and tear it off).

Are your neighbors annoying you so much that you want to walk your dog outside their door?

Post an advertisement (or post it on the Internet) about renting an apartment. For example, “We need tenants for six months to look after the apartment. Pay only for services." Let them be tortured with calls. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve anything, but a little dirty trick will make your soul a little warmer.

Be sure to indicate that you should call between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekends or 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. on weekdays.

If there is no phone number, write their address. It's even more interesting this way.

A young couple has moved into the next apartment and has already become quite boring for you with their nightly “sabantui” with guests and a sea of ​​alcohol?

Are they not responding to your requests to “let people sleep” and are even rude?

Buy a GSM signal jammer. Cell phones they will stop working in their apartment. However, there is one drawback - they won’t work in your apartment either.

Neighbors getting drunk, knocking over cabinets, dancing to Verka-Serduchka at 3 a.m.?

And they bang their forks on the plates so actively that your chandelier sways? And the doors don't open? And they don’t respond to knocking?

Unscrew the plugs (if the shield is on the stairs), let them sit in the dark.

If they continue, repeat the action.

A young neighbor cannot imagine his life without Radio Chanson?

To the fullest every evening? Just when you're after have a delicious dinner, wrapped in soft pajamas, are you going to lie down and read a newspaper?

Buy your child a synthesizer. Or a guitar. In general, it doesn’t matter what instrument, it is important that it is loud, and that morning training is regular.

If impudent people have settled right under you, and fighting them does not give anything...

... then, in addition to musical influence, constant transportation of sofas around the room, dancing until you drop and turning on construction equipment for 2-3 hours, can be used as revenge and flood . Drench your neighbors thoroughly and before they come running to you screaming, wipe the floor dry.

Don’t forget to make big eyes (“Oh, we have such terrible ceilings here! They haven’t changed them since the days of Tsar Gorokh!”) and offer to go up to the neighbors above or call the plumbers.

The neighbor has become completely impudent; he parks right at the exit from the yard or on the playground?

And in the evenings, right under your window, turns on the radio at full power and drinks beer with friends?

All your timid requests rest on this impudent man’s promise to break your legs if you ask for anything again.

How to punish a boor?

If the grannies and kids in your yard like to feed the pigeons, then just throw a handful of millet or bread crumbs on the hood and roof of your neighbor's car . He won't put it here again.

Have your dacha neighbors tired you with their drunken companies, barbecues and musical girls?

Is the flow of guests endless and doesn’t want to stop?

Under the cover of darkness, quietly and silently, like a ninja, make your way into the “Triss booth” ( outdoor toilet) hospitable neighbor and throw a packet of yeast into the hole . In the morning, the neighbor and his guests will be treated not only to an incomparable aroma, but also to significantly increased contents of the toilet under the influence of yeast.

In the near future, no one will disturb the silence at your dacha.

The neighbors have been making a fuss of the whole house for a month with their renovations?

They tore down, rebuilt and chiseled walls, laid floors, without turning off hammer drills, drills and jigsaws for hours on end?

Give them a housewarming gift - Have a karaoke night with friends !

And if angry new residents burst into your door at 4-5 in the morning with a demand to “shut up,” you can laugh in their face and tell them that this is your gratitude for a month of headaches, falling plaster on your head and unlooked for things.

Is your neighbor's dog pestering you?

Buy a special whistle (or device) , to which only animals react, and start communicating with the dog at the moment when its owners go to bed.

Are your upstairs neighbors too loving?

Are you tired of smoking on the balcony at night until the groans and creaking of the bed subside?

Write a love note for your neighbor's wife in beautiful handwriting (from, for example, a certain Vasya) and throw it in the mailbox (or put it in the door). It’s great if Vasya turns out to be another nasty and disgusting neighbor of yours - you’ll kill two birds with one stone.

All. You are gorgeous. You can sleep peacefully for the next week.

Do your neighbor and his not always sober friends constantly smoke on your stairs?

Do you hate smokers and start coughing long and tediously from the smoke? There is a great method to stop your neighbor from smoking!

At the bottom of the jar, which is usually placed “under cigarette butts” on the stairs, pour sulfur cut from matches . The neighbor won't smoke here anymore.

If, in terms of physical parameters, you are 20-40 kg ahead of your neighbor (and have done karate, sambo, or at least capoeira in the past), you can suddenly jump out of the apartment the moment he finishes smoking a cigarette and extinguish a neighbor with a cigarette from a fire extinguisher . There may not be any effect, but the wife’s stormy ovation is guaranteed.

Another, completely peaceful and, oddly enough, effective way to stop neighbors from smoking in the entrance.

Throw away all their “cigarette butt jars” and put up an ad instead “Whoever smokes here again will have to deal with me personally.”

No one knows who this terrible “with me personally” is, but it will be scary to smoke.

Does your neighbor's stereo become your alarm clock every morning?

Are the walls between apartments thin? And you want to shoot him with wolf berries from a slingshot?

Sprinkle (if he lives on the 1st floor) millet and seeds on his windowsill at night. Let him also have a “favorite” alarm clock.

A very cute way to take revenge on your neighbors...

… — post notices in your area (not in your neighbor’s path!) with the following content: “My daughter’s favorite cat has gone missing. Red-haired, thin. Responds to the nickname Kysya. Please bring it to ****. The reward is guaranteed (3000 rubles).”

Any cat of red (and not only) color will react to this nickname. The flow of “suffering” (grandmothers, children and homeless townspeople) with red cats will reach your neighbors immediately and for a long time.

Fun guaranteed!

There are ways to “poison the lives” of neighbors - a carriage and a small cart. Some masters even write entire multi-page manuals on “revenge” on neighbors.

But it is worth noting that sometimes It’s much more effective to invite your neighbors to your housewarming party (or just for a visit) for barbecues and a “glass of tea”, rather than organizing battles and competitions on the topic “who will take revenge on whom more gracefully.”

Also, do not forget that private property is inviolable. Just like the silence at night. And for any “revenge” they can be “administratively” or even criminally punished.

Be kinder, and don't forget to put yourself in your neighbors' shoes!

Have there been similar situations in your life? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

1. Demonic option:
We buy a goat mask in the store, screw a flashlight inside (turn it on), mount it all on a strong stick (3 meters), and use the structure to knock on our neighbors’ window after one in the morning =)
verified. works. the youth of an oligophrenic in cast iron sneakers will no longer get the better of you =)
2. Option Let's come in large numbers here:
we sit down at the soulless monitor and open Google or Yandex, on the site number dot org we find out the home phone number of our neighbors. We don’t leave the monitor, but go to housing rental sites and begin to methodically “rent” an apartment (you can rent them out, or you can do it near the center or in a quiet green area) not for much - $500 a month is enough for a 2-room apartment. telephone, parking, balcony, internet, Iron door... this way we process 50 sites (the first 2 pages). We write their phone number everywhere.
important - we write on 10 sites - call from 9-00 am to 12 noon. on the second 10 - from 11 am to 15 pm, on the third - from 14 to 19, then from 18 to 00-00, then from 21 to 2 am...
I swear by my cocked hat - it’s been tested - such a promotion (one-time) will result in 3000 calls only on the first day =)
What's stopping you from repeating it after 3-4 days?
I promise - the already mobile psyche of the neighbors will fail =)
3. Advice from an experienced person - against dogs:
We take a home theater with a subwoofer (can be rented), record the barking of a serious breed of dog onto the media, and modify the sound in an editor on the computer. Now we already have our own virtual “Hound of the Baskervilles”.
Turn the speakers in the right direction, turn on full sound, press “PLAY”.
There is a side risk - if the dog owner is on top, then you may be flooded by a stream of dog urine
But in response to all complaints and visits from the police, we present the COMPLETE ABSENCE OF A DOG IN THE HOUSE =)))
4. option “Janusz Korczak sucks while smacking his lips”:
One autumn day, when one crisis had already passed, and the second had not yet begun, a friend and I were sitting at his house and doing soul-lifting work - collecting a herbarium. Well, we took drinks, of course... And suddenly reality exploded in our faces! An unearthly sound from above - this is exactly how they hammered nails into the coffin of capitalism in 1917... at the eighth strike we armed ourselves (we have rights to carry them, yes) and galloped upward with fleet-footed gazelles. The door of a 2-room apartment is slightly open, there is a complete lack of furniture (what acoustics!!!), a 4-year-old naked “this is a foal” sits in the middle of the room and methodically beats on a stool with a hammer.
My comrade said “Aha,” went to the aquazone, performed the sacrament of defecation (impeccable fecal separation), brought the product (a titanic heap) and seated the troublemaker in it.
We said goodbye to the flower of life and left without meeting anyone...
I can’t describe with what eyes the child looked at my companion...
One day baby will grow up and come for my comrade...
But then it was QUIET!
5. option to improve the memory of neighbors:
My upstairs neighbors had a phone with an ID and an alarm clock. And the trick is that the alarm clock plays loudly and FUCKINGLY - i.e. until they press the button - probably to wake you up. A family with 2 children lived above us and this alarm clock woke up their children for school - on weekdays. And on weekends the whole family went to the dacha. And the alarm clock played like hell - until I got up and reset it - by briefly turning off the electricity. In parallel with the alarm clock, of course, all the clocks in the apartment were reset - in the video recorder, oven, etc. On the third week, before leaving for the dacha, the phone (i.e., the alarm clock itself) began to be turned off))))
6. technogenic option:
One friend of a friend of mine used super-powerful speakers to pacify his neighbors. He pressed them to problematic wall speakers, set the volume to maximum, and then created something very metallic on the computer, but literally for a split second, and immediately turned it off. Then he turned it on again - and after a split second he turned it off. The sound did not have time to pass through, but the vibrations did, and the vibrations were so powerful that the neighbors were shaking. Moreover, they could not understand why it was so bad, because they did not hear the sound. This is how the guy developed a reflex from his neighbors. They start to make noise - sausages.
Option 7 is time-consuming:
One of my friends struggled with crazy neighbors and their inadequate child in the following way:
She spent one weekend writing 20 pieces. applications to the district office and the same number to the guardianship and trusteeship authority. And then she began to take them to their destination with a break of a couple of days. It must be said that in her statements to the police she described the neighbors’ responses to her request to keep quiet, and in her statements to guardianship she described the child’s inappropriate behavior as a consequence of the parents’ inappropriate behavior. So the neighbors were bullied by commissions from both structures. After a month it became much quieter
8. and - bonus!
I told my noisy neighbors that if even one sound was heard after 23.00, I would cause damage. It really helped. Try to hint...

Neighbors and silence - are these concepts compatible? More and more often we have to be convinced that it is not. Nevertheless, one must live somehow, and live in maximum comfort, not in noise. What to do when you are deprived of this happiness, when your neighbors remind you of your existence day and night, and they often do it very, very loudly? The solution is obvious - fight! After all, there is always a way to solve the impending problem. All that remains is to find that Solomonic solution that would suit everyone. I would like to talk about these methods in this article.

All methods can be divided into four categories. I warn you right away that it is highly undesirable to resort to some of them; here they are present more for the sake of completeness. We will conditionally designate these categories as follows: silence according to the law, wedge by wedge, petty revenge and on the verge of a foul.

But first, a few stories from my life. My first acquaintance with neighbors happened back in school years. We lived then on the seventh floor of a ten-story building. At that time I really loved listening to music, and the louder it got, the more I was drawn to it. It is clear that at one point the neighbors below could not stand this horror, they came and complained to the parents. They later “explained” to me that it was not good to do this. I had to quiet down for a while)). But as soon as the parents left somewhere, a rock concert began again in the house. It was considered especially cool for me at that time when, leaving the entrance, I could hear my music, and the farther from the house I could hear it, the cooler it was).

Yeah... it was a tough time for the neighbors. Oh, how I understand them now. How poor they endured all this... But after some time, to their joy, I safely left my father’s house and moved with my girlfriend to live in another apartment.

By that time I had already gotten rid of this “noisy” habit. And began to enjoy the delights of being together independent life. However, this pleasure was not destined to last long. First they flooded us, they didn’t even flood from the second floor, but it came right up to us from the third.

Then there were eight months of practically quiet life, which ended with the renovation of the neighbors above. Moreover, this repair has been going on for more than a year, then it calms down, then it starts to rumble again. To be fair, I will say that the neighbors have, albeit a distant, but still idea of ​​night and day. What I mean is that by 22-00 from above, as a rule, everything calms down. But at 8-9 am everything starts all over again. At one time this didn't bother us too much. Since we both work, we leave in the morning, come in the evening, and don’t go to bed early. But then we went on vacation together and it began. From eight in the morning they start hammering from above, and if they don’t start, they start playing Mouzon. All this lasts, as a rule, until lunch, then everything calms down for a while, but then it certainly continues. You yourself understand that you can’t get enough sleep; being at home at this time is also not the best good idea. How long did it take to go and swear? I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, but after that the repairs on top were completed. No, of course, it resumed occasionally, but it wasn’t the same.

However, we were unable to eradicate the habit of listening to music in the morning throughout the whole house. I had to go again and again. Now it seems like this matter is better. However, it was too early to rejoice. If the neighbors on the second one manage to somehow call for silence, then those who live on the third one do not. As I wrote above, they were the first to mark, at the moment when they flooded. But even later they did not let us forget about ourselves. Moreover, they did it in a very interesting way. Imagine the time is night, the clock is ten, eleven, twelve, one or two in the morning - you are in your crib trying to sleep. In vain. After all, every five to fifteen minutes, something crashes from above. I don’t know, it’s like someone drops something heavy on the floor. Moreover, this happens not once or twice, but for two or three hours in a row. I still don’t understand what can be done there at night to create impact noise with such frequency.

At one time I sinned against my neighbors from the second, because it would be logical to suspect them of hitting the floor, my ceiling, from above. However, after I tried to confront them about this, it turned out that the neighbors on the third floor were to blame. I had to go higher and scold him there. For a while, this actually helped. But still there is no former peace and, apparently, while we live there, there will not be.

It’s gotten to the point where you have to take sleeping pills, think seriously about earplugs and other attributes of a “quiet” life in multi-storey building. Oh, how I envy the residents now separate houses, but before I didn’t see any joy in this. Well, really, what’s good, you live in your own house, you sit there all day long, and there’s silence all around and you can’t see or hear anyone. Boring. However, lately I have been wanting more and more to have a separate house like this. Or, as a last resort, move to the top floor and enjoy the silence, at least from above.

But what about the neighbors on the side, some may ask? Surely they can also cause just as much trouble? And in general, why not take it and do it? high-quality sound insulation premises. Everything would be fine, but even here not everything is as simple as it might seem. As I found out, it is almost impossible to isolate an apartment from noise from above. In this case, it will be more helpful if the neighbors build “floating floors” for themselves. But why would they do this? As for the noise from the side, with proper sound insulation you can achieve good results. Therefore, for now the top floor would satisfy me, but we’ll see.

I started talking about something. Where are the reviews of methods for fighting for silence that were promised at the beginning? Just a little more patience, I’ll finish my stories and reasoning and move on to the most delicious part.

Because of all this “good” life, I had to start taking an interest in the issues of soundproofing a room. So this is what I found out. IN panel house, that I lived (as indeed in any other), the level of sound insulation is one of the worst. Well, why be surprised if in the hole in which I hang the chandelier I can see the neighbor’s parquet flooring? No wonder I can hear what they're talking about, what they're watching and listening to, not to mention the louder noise. IN brick houses This matter is a little bit better, but you can often hear your neighbors quite well there too. True, these are all examples of apartments from the secondary market. Here many may think that now they have learned to build houses as they should. Well, at least those houses that are now called elite. There, all norms and standards are met to the maximum! Unfortunately, it is not. The concept of additional or even proper sound insulation is a novelty even for builders of luxury houses.

Well, for example, a friend of mine lives in such a house. And what do you think? The thickness of the inter-apartment walls there is 1 brick. That is, in fact, the apartments are separated from each other like rooms in an apartment. That is, in principle, if a young couple is located behind the wall, then all their nights of love will be heard as if it were happening in the next room. So what can we do? You have to hire people and install additional sound insulation in an already renovated room. And this is another pleasure.

With this, let’s finish the lyrical part of the article and move on to its practical part. All of the above are emotions and the truth of life, which rarely goes unnoticed by residents of apartment buildings. But not everything is so scary; often many of the problems voiced can be solved. After all, not everyone knows and not everyone is aware of the great diversity available ways impact on neighbors. So let's look at these methods.

Silence by law.

It is clear that many of those who suffer from the noise of their neighbors will first try to talk to them peacefully and try to explain that their hectic life activity does not allow the people around them to rest peacefully. However, as practice shows, such an approach does not often help, and sometimes makes it even worse. Therefore, it is worth assessing in advance mental capacity neighbors and if there is doubt about their ability to dialogue, it is better to refrain from communicating with them. After all, if your neighbors are a family of alcoholics, a bunch of criminal elements, gopniks and other redneck-like creatures, then best case scenario They will swear at you there. But they certainly won’t behave more quietly, and more often than not it will be the other way around.

In such and some other cases, it’s time to think about more radical ways of influencing the minds of deranged neighbors than just talking. One of these ways is to contact the police. Let's take a closer look at this point.

Do you know what the Code of Administrative Offenses is? That's right, this is a code of administrative offenses. Which, among other things, spells out points that help people defend their right to peace and quiet, especially at night. In it, if I'm not mistaken, it is prohibited from 22-00 to 6-00 to make noise and disturb the people around you. How it works? The upstairs neighbors started buzzing loudly; it was twelve o'clock at night. We call the police and ask them to come and stop this.

Oh, if only everything were so simple). Everything in life is much more complicated. The fact is that the police may simply not arrive. Well, what interest does he have in going about such trifles? After all, even if they come and ring the doorbell of the rowdies, they have the right not to open that very door. And nothing will happen to them for this. Well, even if they get lucky and lure the neighbors out, the most they can do is take them to the police station for a couple of hours. And then what? Well, then everything can continue, maybe not on this day, but on the next. So what, call the outfit every time? You can call them, but they will drive less and less often.

There is indeed another option here. This is a local police officer. Yes, there is such a person somewhere. I personally have never seen mine in three years. How can he help us in our grief? Or maybe he, for example, will have an educational conversation with your neighbors; you can even count on the initiation of a case for an administrative offense. But this is the maximum you can count on. And even if your neighbors are found guilty of disturbing the peace, they will be fined a maximum of 500 rubles, but maybe even 50.

Eh, I think it’s unlikely that this will stop or scare anyone. However, you still shouldn’t refuse the help of the police. Who knows, maybe the neighbor will be afraid of the district police officer’s visit and next time he won’t want to make so much noise. Anything can happen, but you have to try. After all, in principle, this is the most convenient and simplest way to solve noise problems. But in life this rarely helps. Therefore, we have to use more sophisticated techniques against our neighbors.

Yes, I almost forgot, besides the police, you can try to pacify your neighbors through the courts. Here, of course, you will have to tinker a lot. Ideally, you would need other affected neighbors as witnesses, a couple of police reports about the facts of noise from neighbors, and other evidence of “noisiness.” Of course, this may not have an effect on other neighbors, but often a subpoena is a very effective argument.

Wedge with wedge.

Police, court, district police officer, etc. things, of course a good thing, and sometimes even effective. But often all this is clearly not enough. After all, it is often difficult to prove the facts of noise from neighbors, and it is difficult to scare people with ridiculous fines. We have to resort to slightly different methods of struggle. And the first thing that comes to mind is stupid revenge. No, I don’t suggest knocking on the batteries, because this stage has already been passed. We need to come up with something more serious.

The first thing you should do is figure out the daily routine of your “favorite” neighbors. Calculate the time of day at which they sleep or rest. Often, if they don’t let you sleep at night, they themselves apparently don’t sleep either, but do it in the morning or during the day. After all, they must sleep someday). Our task is to determine when this wonderful moment occurs. And as you probably already guessed, you need to arrange similar entertainment for them. The logic here is simple, since people don’t understand that their actions interfere with the lives of others, then maybe they should be given the opportunity to experience all this “joy” from repairs and music while sleeping?

The next stage is choosing the method of influence. Do you leave for work in the morning? Did the neighbors only calm down in the morning? Great! We turn on the music at full volume, move the speakers to the wall, floor or ceiling where the enemy is located and leave)). I think such prevention will leave few people indifferent. Of course, for this you will need a fairly powerful speaker system, even better if it is equipped with a subwoofer (after all, low-frequency sound tickles the nerves very well).

I remembered a story in connection with this. My grandmother’s neighbors also often liked to make noise. Fortunately, she had a powerful speaker system at home (don’t ask why or where it came from), and after another noisy night, she put on the “Ugly Duckling” record especially for them and turned it on at full blast. After a couple of such listening sessions, the neighbors began to behave much quieter.

Here's the story. It is clear that the method described is good for everyone, but, unfortunately, it also has a number of significant disadvantages. The first drawback is that once you have launched a counterattack on your neighbors, be prepared for the fact that they may come to you in response with a showdown or you will have a war of survival. Well, that’s okay, since you were brought to this, it’s unlikely that it will make you worse. It’s a completely different matter that this method is not very targeted. Those. By punishing some neighbors in this way, other, completely uninvolved people may suffer from your music. So either make sure your music won't disturb them, or move on to more precise hits.

A more sophisticated way of influencing the “enemy” can be considered unscheduled repairs. Although repair is too strong a word. Nevertheless, this method will require some expenses from you, and an irresistible desire to take revenge. At a minimum, you will need a hammer drill, which you will periodically turn on and hammer in the place where the restless neighbors live. Ditto for better effect It is advisable to do this when people are trying to rest behind the wall. A couple of such sessions can help you regain peace and quiet.

Alternatively, you can hire people to do this for you. During this time, you can move in with relatives, friends, or just rent an apartment. After a month of such preventive procedures, the neighbors will most likely give in, and peace and tranquility will settle in your home for many years).

However, all the described methods are not always applicable, or do not have the desired effect. In this case, you have to come up with something else.

Petty revenge.

If you don’t want open confrontation with your neighbors, you can do some minor dirty tricks. However, there is one thing important condition. You can resort to secret revenge only when a neighbor pesters not only you, but also other residents of the house. Then, if something happens, suspicion of the involvement of his misadventures will fall not only on you, but also on someone else. Let the neighbor sit and puzzle over who and what to thank for the heap of troubles that have befallen him.

The main task of a petty dirty trick is to harm the peace of mind of a neighbor and make his life unbearable. Let him feel in his own skin what it’s like to suffer and not be able to somehow stop it. Your strength and the key to success is anonymity. This, if anything happens, will protect you from accusations or physical harm (yes, yes, this happens).

In addition to such harmless pranks as ringing the intercom when leaving for work in the morning. You can also start practicing morning dialing from your cell phone to the enemy’s phone number, he has no reason to sleep if he doesn’t give it to others.

In continuation with the telephone topic, we can offer such a sophisticated method. Take a newspaper or look on the Internet for advertisements related to housing rentals, offers of profitable work, or sale - purchase of something at a very good price. Next, based on the information received, we place our ad there, where we indicate the home or cell phone number (if known), or better yet, both phone numbers of the noisy neighbor, and maybe the address. It is advisable to place these ads in places where it is impossible to track who posted the ad. This can be done on the Internet on some bulletin boards, on job sites, etc., and even stick an ad somewhere in a busy place.

What's next? Then we live and enjoy revenge. If you guessed right with the ad, then his peace is put to rest - the neighbor’s home phone will ring endlessly, cellular telephone, not to mention the doorbells and intercom. You see, his desire to make noise will subside. The only difficulty here is getting your neighbor’s phone number, but in our age this is often an easily solved task.

You can also try to scare your neighbors by placing a fake court summons or fine or something like that in their mailbox or door. They may not run to investigate, but at least they will be wary and perhaps stop making noise, so as not to tempt fate. Here, for greater persuasiveness, it is advisable for you to formalize everything on an official form, which you can get on the Internet or try to make it look like an official paper yourself. If you don’t know the last name of your neighbors to indicate it on this paper, you can look at it in receipts for payment for housing and communal services, for example. Perhaps such a method will eliminate the legal illiteracy of neighbors, and they, fearing punishment, will make a prudent decision - to restore peace to those around them.

If you are comfortable with a soldering iron, then on the Internet you can find a bunch of diagrams of all kinds of devices, by constructing which your neighbor will lose the opportunity to make noise or will suffer himself. So if your neighbors turn on the TV loudly, you can damage their antenna. To do this, we stick a needle into their antenna cable, thereby short-circuiting it, break off the ends and that’s it, it’s impossible to find, only replacing the entire cable will help. There are also many devices for suppressing radio frequencies, this will help if your neighbor likes to listen to the radio. The height of skill can be considered the installation of a bug in the neighbors' counter, which will forcibly cut off the neighbor's light, for example, at 10 pm, and then turn it on in the morning. Not every electrician will be able to find such a device, and even when the call comes, the light will already be on, beautiful. You can also find many diagrams of various radio jammers, emitters, suppressors and jammers, and other means of combating noise sources.

Such devices are found both home-made and industrially produced - although the latter, as a rule, are quite expensive, and to the common man are not always available, and often require certain skills and permissions to manage and use them. Therefore, we can advise you to contact specialized offices, for example, some private security companies - they probably have similar equipment that you can use. Also, if you are lucky and you have friends or acquaintances in law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), you can ask them to help you with your problem, because they also have similar equipment at their disposal.

You can come up with many more ways to poison the lives of your hated neighbors. The neighbors left their car at the house - it’s great, you can start checking periodically different ways alarm performance and so on.

Using all these methods, however, remember that your task is to remain unnoticed and above suspicion of the misfortunes that befall your neighbors. After all, most of the mentioned methods of influence are not entirely legal and if something happens, you can suffer from your actions much more than your neighbors. Therefore, first, think three times, do you need it?

In general, the purpose of using such methods is to make neighbors think that all these troubles are connected with their disregard for others. Well, even if your neighbors are not smart enough, you will at least quench your thirst for revenge.

On the verge of a foul.

If all peaceful and relatively harmless methods of struggle have no effect, then often such an outcome pushes people to extreme measures. We will talk about them below. However, I want to ask you - is the goal of pacifying your neighbors worth such radical measures on your part? After all, the consequences of many of the described methods are quite serious, maybe it’s better for you to find another apartment? And then there will be no need to go so far in the desire to call on such stubborn neighbors to order and silence?

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the actions described on your part may cause a similar reaction from your neighbors. Therefore, be prepared for this; you should also think about your children and wife, because they, as the weakest, may be the first to be punished. If you don’t feel sorry for yourself, at least think about your loved ones!

However, if all of the above did not stop us, then let’s move on to the study of harsh methods of struggle. The first thing that comes to mind in this case is the use of physical force. In this case, you must have a constant numerical and physical advantage. If your neighbors are teenagers, students and other weak personalities who are noisy and having fun, then you can, of course, intimidate them, or even beat them slightly.

But if the noisy neighbors are people with a criminal past, drug addicts, residents of the former Soviet republics (who usually live a large number, and behave disgracefully only feeling their physical superiority), gopniks, etc. elements, then you should act differently. Even if you manage to beat them the first time, there is a high chance that they will watch you and take revenge, often in a more severe form. Therefore, in such cases it is not reasonable to behave this way. But in all other cases, you can risk intimidating your restless neighbors with physical violence, although even here there is a chance of running into more serious trouble for yourself. Remember that the use of force in response to noise from neighbors is not a proportionate response and can be classified as a threat of violence, causing bodily harm, etc. Here the goal is achieved by using disproportionate methods of influence, so think about the consequences in advance.

As a continuation of the previous method, you can suggest turning to people who, for money or out of old friendship, will take on the physical education of their neighbors. On the one hand, this is a more successful option, because if these people communicate convincingly enough with their neighbors, then they can quickly solve their problem with their neighbors. However, the downside this method is that you may subsequently find yourself dependent on these people (there is a lot of scope for all kinds of blackmail and extortion), so be extremely careful here too.

In addition to physical ways of raising neighbors, there are other less harsh, but no less effective methods. For example, why not play the victim? To do this, however, it will be necessary to provoke the neighbor to aggression. If any harm or damage is caused to you, do not hesitate, call the police and file a lawsuit (if possible, carry out audio-video recording or obtain testimony from witnesses). True, this method is more suitable for sadomasochists, probably). And to rely on the law in our country is too frivolous.

For chemistry lovers, there is also fertile ground for influence here. I will not describe specifically what to mix with what; if you wish, recipes for smelly cocktails can also be easily found on the Internet. The point is that you received necessary drug, you are trying in every possible way to inject it into your neighbors’ apartment through the lock, cracks in the door, and then spray the door itself, the rug and everything nearby. The selected drug must emit an extremely foul aroma, be resistant to rinsing, but not directly cause harm to health. I think as a preventive measure it is very effective way.

Some people, desperate in the fight against their neighbors, reach the point that they seek to isolate them, that is, they make sure that the neighbors cannot leave or enter their apartment. To do this, for example, when your neighbors are absent, you can find a welder and weld them front door, or even windows (makes sense for the first floor). This method is more suitable for those neighbors who do not have money to quickly eliminate - alcoholics, drug addicts and other disadvantaged low-income citizens who, with their round-the-clock courage and rowdy behavior, poison the lives of normal residents of the house.

The welding method is suitable when neighbors are not at home, and implementing it unnoticed is quite problematic, so enlist the support of the entire house or entrance before you decide to take such a step.

And if your neighbors are at home, and they are mainly bothering you, in such a case, after waiting for the right moment, you can fill the door or lock with polyurethane foam, for example. It's quite silent, but you can get out without outside help from such an apartment is unrealistic, and it will take a lot of time to pick the door. Instead of foam, you can come up with some other way to block the door.

This is how the selection turned out bad advice. Of course, you can come up with many other ways to deal with neighbors (for example, there is such an interesting resource on the Internet - “Club of Defenders of Silence”), but I think this will be quite enough in most cases. As you can see, winning a battle with your neighbors is not a trivial task, often requiring ingenuity and resourcefulness. But when playing these games with your neighbors, do not forget about the letter of the law.
Since most of what is written above, if desired and due to circumstances, can easily lead to much more serious consequences. Agree to sit down for a couple of years, not the price most people are willing to pay for peace and quiet. And if all legal and human methods of influence have not given the desired result, it’s better to find yourself new apartment, with more sane neighbors.

In general, of course, it’s a pity that we don’t have the habit of caring about the people around us; everyone thinks only about their own comfort and convenience. That is why people have to fight for their right to live in human conditions. And at the same time, we often have to resort to extreme measures, because no one else, unfortunately, is interested in protecting our rights and freedoms.

In conclusion, I would like to ask the reader a question - how did you deal with your noisy and restless neighbors? It would be interesting to hear your story of confrontation...

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