How to make a homemade generator from an asynchronous motor. How to make a generator from an asynchronous motor with your own hands

Would you like to get cheap electricity using wind power? I'm sure so. Then the question arises of how to make an electric generator with your own hands. To complete the task, you should draw up a plan for its development, namely:

  • prepare materials from which generator parts will be made;
  • draw up a drawing according to which you can make an electric generator;
  • leaf through physics textbooks to consolidate some knowledge about electrics in general.

Such goals correspond to the installation of a wind “mill” - a system for supplying electricity through the wind. This low-power mechanism is enough to, for example, illuminate a room in a small building or water a garden. The savings in kilowatt-hours are obvious.

Components of a wind power generator

The mechanism of this “mill” consists of four halves of a hollow cylinder, offset away from the common axis. On one side, there is a noticeable aerodynamic distortion. The air flow circulating across the axis tends to slide down, as it were. This occurs in the convex part of one of the half-cylinders. The other one faces the wind with a concave gap and provides a certain resistance to the air. When the wind moves, both halves sway, changing places. This creates an acceleration of the mechanism, and the said cylindrical drum rotates quite quickly.

How does this scheme differ from a turntable propeller?

A self-made electric generator in the shape of a propeller must be manufactured very precisely. The above diagram is very convenient in design and installation. Moreover, the power of such a system is the same as that of a propeller with three blades up to 2.5 m in diameter. The cylinders provide sufficient torque. Another advantage of the mill is the absence of a current-collecting mechanism.

Do-it-yourself electric generator.Device details

The device is a four-bladed drum, which was mentioned above. For the manufacture of drum halves, plywood, sheet plastic or plastic sheets are suitable. The thickness of the rotor walls should not be large; attention should be paid to this when making blanks. The lighter the walls, the less the bearings will rub, that is, the air resistance during spin-up will be insignificant.

Before using materials...

For roofing iron the vertical of the blades needs to be strengthened. For this purpose, a reinforced rod as thick as a finger is placed in the sides of the drum.

If the parts of the wind generator are made of plywood, then it is important to impregnate them with hot drying oil. The convex sides of the blades can be made of lightweight plastic or metal. In the latter case, all joints must be carefully painted with thick oil paint. Wood is also suitable for construction.

What to make crosses connecting the blades from

To combine the blades into a rotor, you need a cross. It is better to make it from iron strips with a cross section of 5x60 mm or from wooden blanks about 25 mm thick and 80 mm wide. At the edges of the blades with a slight indentation, mounting holes should be drilled to secure them. The entire structure must be mounted on the axle.

What to make an axle from

A self-made electric generator needs to be secured to some kind of base. This base is a steel axle having 30mm in diameter. Before assembling the axle, you need to find ball bearings suitable for the diameter of the axle. Then a steel crosspiece is welded into it, and if the blade fasteners are made of wood, it is glued to the axis and at the same time clamped with M12 steel bolts into the holes drilled on the crosspiece and pipe. Monitor the distance of all blades from the axis, its approximate value is 150 mm. The distance should be the same everywhere.

The last part of the device is the frame. How to do

Suitable for welding several metal corners or tree. When the bed is made, the bearings can be installed. The main thing is that they stand straight, without distortion. Thread the connecting straps into the lower part of the axle and onto its end. different diameters, hooking them onto the pulley. All that remains is to connect the belt ends to some kind of current generator, for example, from a car. The structure is ready.

The problem of electrical networks in our country is not so much that electricity itself is constantly becoming more expensive, but that in some corners it simply does not exist. This, in turn, necessitates the purchase of a generator.

So what should I do?

Today, the generator market is so wide that you can find any model you are interested in, even one that can provide energy to a small village.

This is good, of course, but the catch is that the cost of such devices sometimes reaches several monthly salaries. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to make an electric generator with your own hands?

For this we use... an old chainsaw

First of all, I would like to immediately note the fact that we will be considering the option with maximum “exhaust”, since making a device yourself to provide a couple of three simply does not make sense.

We believe that a chainsaw engine is best suited for this purpose, since a device based on it is quite simple to design and make with your own hands. Moreover, such an electric generator can easily provide electricity to the average country house standard sizes.

What about the model?

We have decided on the device, now let's see which model of chainsaw to choose. And if we take into account the fact which old saws are the most common, then it is best to stop at “Druzhba” or “Ural”.

Where can I get a generator?

Most best option– this is an old generator from a KAMAZ truck, or from any other agricultural equipment.

What are the requirements for old equipment?

But, in principle, we won’t need more than 1.5, since this is quite enough. The advantages of a generator from a car lie, first of all, in the fact that the voltage in it is stable and is maintained even in cases where the engine speed is different - one thousand or one and a half thousand per minute.

A few words about the converter

Due to the reasons we mentioned earlier (implying speed), the use of a conventional two hundred twenty-volt motor is impossible. It is for this reason that our DIY electric generator additionally needs a converter. There are a great variety of such converters today, and finding them will not be difficult for you.

About the connection structure

How to put the whole structure together? Note that the best option V in this case is a specially selected replacement unit. If necessary, it can be easily connected to the saw or dismantled in record time.

Consequently, such an electric generator will be mobile; you can take it with you, for example, on a hike, since there you will need all its many functions more than anywhere else. Fastening in general can be carried out using one of the following options:

  1. A special bracket assembled by hand.
  2. Used saw guide.

As for the connection, it is best to make it with a belt, since the chain version makes too much noise during operation, moreover, it will periodically require lubrication. The belt should be selected in such a way that our device is as close as possible to the chainsaw.

About some other characteristics

The output of our electric generator must be connected to a battery that will be suitable in capacity. To do this, you need to use an ammeter (thirty to forty amperes will be more than enough for this purpose).

The battery should be attached to the voltage converter described above.

We highly recommend that you also think about including a voltmeter in the resulting structure, since there are a number of reasons for malfunctions that can lead to banal damage to a device that is so valuable to us.

How is an electric generator used?

To begin with, we note that our self-made electric generator does not provide any speed controller. That is why we must select the speed ourselves, but in such a way that the engine “growls” somewhat.

Let's not hide that this simple procedure will to some extent increase fuel consumption during operation. But in order to significantly facilitate the functioning of the mechanism, we will need a battery with the appropriate capacity, which we discussed in one of the paragraphs earlier. At peak moments, when the load is extremely large, it is the battery that must take on the lion's share of the load.

Consequently, you will achieve a certain stability, which will have a positive effect not only on the output voltage, but also on the operation of the mechanism as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages of do-it-yourself electric generators

From this point of view, a self-assembled electric generator has both advantages and disadvantages. But first, let's talk about the advantages:

  1. the main advantage is the so-called “do it yourself”, that is, the awareness that you made the device yourself and you have something to be proud of;
  2. the second advantage is the reduction of material costs. By making a generator yourself, you will spend several times less money than you would need to purchase a factory-made device;
  3. If all the work is done correctly and professionally, the generator will be very productive and reliable.

Now a few words about the disadvantages of this type of device:

  1. without the appropriate skills and knowledge, you can easily screw up the whole process, so in this case it is better to turn to people more experienced in this regard;
  2. That’s it, we don’t see any other shortcomings, and this is a fairly positive point.

So, today we looked at how we manufacture an electric generator on our own, and also examined the pros and cons of this device.

Also useful information Here.

Video lesson on how to assemble an electric generator

Nowadays production own electricity not so much unusual thing. Electricity networks are intermittent, especially outside large cities. And to avoid problems with this, many resort to using electric generators. In order to purchase or make one, you need to find out about the best electric generators that you can make with your own hands.

What is it

An electric generator is special device, which is designed to convert and accumulate electricity. And it is usually extracted from unusual sources - from gasoline and gas to environmentally friendly ones, such as wind, sun and water. Such a generator can be expensive. Even the most low-power ones can cost from 15,000 rubles.

Therefore, in order to save several tens of thousands, many create them themselves. It’s good that there are now quite a lot of ideas on how to make an electric generator with your own hands.

Operating principle

Electromagnetic induction underlies the operating principle of an electric generator.

An artificial magnetic field is created. A conductor passes through it, creating an impulse. The pulse meanwhile becomes a direct current.

The generator itself has an engine that is capable of generating electricity by burning a certain type of fuel. It can be diesel fuel, gasoline, gas.

At this time, the fuel entering the combustion area produces gas during combustion. And the gas makes the crankshaft rotate. This in turn gives impulse to the driven shaft. The latter provides output energy in certain quantities.

Electric generators basically have two mandatory mechanisms - a rotor and a stator. Their availability does not depend on fuel and power.

The rotor is needed to create that same electromagnetic field. It is based on magnets that are located at the same distance from the core.

The stator does not move. This allows the rotor to move while the stator adjusts the electromagnetic field. Achieved due to the steel blocks in its structure.


The types of electric generator devices do not end with the division based on fuel use. Also, depending on the type of rotor rotation, generators can be:

  • Synchronous - more complex in their design. Voltage fluctuations lead to malfunctions. This affects work and productivity.
  • Asynchronous - with an easy operating principle and other technical characteristics.

Magnetic coils on the rotor of a synchronous generator make it difficult for the rotor to move. The rotor in an asynchronous generator is more like a flywheel.

Design features have a great influence on efficiency. Synchronous ones have a loss of up to 11%. For asynchronous, the loss reaches a maximum of 5%. Such indicators make asynchronous devices popular not only in everyday life, but also in production.

Asynchronous generators have other advantages:

  • Frequent repairs are not necessary, because the simple housing reliably protects the engine from spent fuel and excess moisture.
  • The output rectifier will protect electrical appliances powered by the generator.
  • Resistant to voltage surges.
  • All parts in the design are quite reliable and durable, so operation without repairs can last more than 15 years.
  • Thanks to resistance to surges and the ability to power devices with ohmic loads, the number of different devices for connection is growing - from computers to welding machines and lamps.
  • High efficiency.

What materials are needed

To collect a small asynchronous generator, details such as:

  • Engine. The easiest way is to take it from broken electrical appliances, because making it yourself is difficult and time-consuming. Motors from washing machines work especially well.
  • Stator. You need to take it ready-made, with winding.
  • Transformer or rectifier. Useful if the output electricity has different power.
  • Electrical wires.
  • Insulating tape.

Of course, to make wind and solar power generators with your own hands, you will need more complex circuits and more materials, but if desired, both them and instructions for them can be found.

Pay attention!


The assembly process can be complicated by various reasons. For example, there is no specific skill for a job. There is no experience in creating such devices. There are no necessary parts and spare parts. However, if all this and a great desire are present, then you can try.

But before starting work, you must fulfill several conditions - obtain materials and instructions for making an electric generator. And read them. And also take care of safety precautions.

Before starting work, it makes sense to take care of assembly diagrams and drawings. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

Gas and gasoline electric generators are most often assembled by hand. But both when assembling them, and when assembling others, you need to make preparations and some calculations. For example, it is important to know the power of the required generator.

To determine the rotation speed, the motor must be connected to the network. To determine, you will need a tachometer. The value obtained from the measurements must be added to the compensatory value of 10%. This value helps prevent the engine from overheating.

Pay attention!

Taking into account the power, you need to select capacitors.

It is important to remember about grounding, because we are dealing with electricity. And this is not only a matter of device wear and tear, but also a safety issue.

The assembly itself is simple - the capacitors are connected to the motor one by one according to the diagram (it can be found on the Internet). That's all you need to create a low power generator.

This option is the most convenient and easiest. However, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • You need to monitor the engine temperature so that it does not overheat.
  • Sometimes the generator will need to be allowed to cool to 40 degrees.
  • Efficiency may decrease depending on operating time. This is fine.
  • The user will need to independently monitor the condition of the generator and connect measuring instruments to it.

After assembling the mechanical part, you should start electrical side. You should start after installing the pulleys connected by a belt.

  • The windings on an electric motor are connected according to a star circuit.
  • The capacitors connected to the winding must form a triangle.
  • The voltage will be removed between the end of the winding and the midpoint. Then the result is a current with a voltage of 220 volts, and between the windings - 380 volts.

Pay attention!

Experts give a few more useful tips that will help when assembling the generator:

  • The electric motor can become very hot. To prevent this from happening, you need to replace the capacitors with ones with a lower capacity.
  • Homemade electric generators usually require capacitors with a voltage of 400 volts or more. For proper operation One is enough.
  • The network requires a three-phase transformer if all phases of the motor are needed to power the house.

Most likely, even made as in beautiful photos, homemade electric generator, will not be able to compete with purchased models.

However, if you perceive it as an additional, backup source of electricity, then it is quite possible to make and use it. Moreover, as practice shows, making a generator yourself is not so difficult. You just need to put in the effort and everything will work out.

DIY photo of electric generators

In an effort to obtain autonomous sources of electricity, specialists have found a way to convert a three-phase asynchronous AC electric motor into a generator with their own hands. This method has a number of advantages and some disadvantages.

Appearance asynchronous electric motor

The section shows the main elements:

  1. cast iron body with radiator fins for efficient cooling;
  2. a squirrel-cage rotor housing with magnetic field shift lines relative to its axis;
  3. switching contact group in a box (borno), for switching stator windings in star or delta circuits and connecting power supply wires;
  4. tight tourniquets copper wires stator windings;
  5. steel rotor shaft with a groove for fixing the pulley with a wedge key.

A detailed disassembly of the asynchronous electric motor, indicating all the parts, is shown in the figure below.

Detailed disassembly asynchronous motor

Advantages of generators converted from asynchronous motors:

  1. ease of assembly of the circuit, the ability not to disassemble the electric motor, not to rewind the windings;
  2. the ability to rotate the electric current generator with a wind or hydraulic turbine;
  3. generator from asynchronous motor is widely used in motor-generator systems to convert single-phase network 220VAC three-phase network with voltage 380V.
  4. possibility of using a generator, in field conditions spinning it from internal combustion engines.

As a disadvantage, one can note the difficulty of calculating the capacitance of capacitors connected to the windings; in fact, this is done experimentally.

Therefore, it is difficult to achieve the maximum power of such a generator; there are difficulties with power supply to electrical installations that have great value starting current, on circular electric saws with three-phase AC motors, concrete mixers and other electrical installations.

Generator operating principle

The operation of such a generator is based on the principle of reversibility: “any electrical installation that converts electrical energy into a mechanical one, the process can be reversed.” The principle of operation of generators is used, rotation of the rotor causes an EMF and the appearance electric current in the stator windings.

Based on this theory, it is obvious that an asynchronous electric motor can be converted into an electric generator. In order to consciously carry out reconstruction, it is necessary to understand how the generation process occurs and what is required for this. All motors driven by alternating current are considered asynchronous. The stator field moves slightly ahead of the rotor magnetic field, pulling it along with it in the direction of rotation.

To obtain the reverse process, generation, the rotor field must advance the movement of the stator magnetic field, ideally rotating in the opposite direction. This is achieved by connecting a large capacitor to the power supply network; to increase the capacity, groups of capacitors are used. The capacitor unit is charged by accumulating magnetic energy (an element of the reactive component of alternating current). The charge of the capacitor is in phase opposite to the current source of the electric motor, so the rotation of the rotor begins to slow down, the stator winding generates current.


How to practically convert an asynchronous electric motor into a generator with your own hands?

To connect the capacitors you need to unscrew top cover boron (box), where the contact group is located, switching the contacts of the stator windings and the power wires of the asynchronous motor are connected.

Open boron with contact group

The stator windings can be connected in a “Star” or “Triangle” configuration.

Connection circuits "Star" and "Triangle"

The nameplate or product passport shows possible schemes connections and motor parameters when various connections. Indicated:

  • maximum currents;
  • supply voltage;
  • power consumption;
  • number of revolutions per minute;
  • Efficiency and other parameters.

Engine parameters indicated on the nameplate

In a three-phase generator from an asynchronous electric motor, which is made by hand, the capacitors are connected in a similar “Triangle” or “Star” circuit.

The connection option with a “Star” ensures the starting process of generating current at lower speeds than when connecting the circuit in a “Triangle”. In this case, the voltage at the generator output will be slightly lower. Delta connection provides a slight increase in output voltage, but requires higher rpm when starting the generator. In a single-phase asynchronous electric motor, one phase-shifting capacitor is connected.

Connection diagram of capacitors on a generator in a “Triangle”

Capacitors of the KBG-MN model or other brands of at least 400 V non-polar are used; bipolar electrolytic models are not suitable in this case.

What does a poleless capacitor of the KBG-MN brand look like?

Calculation of capacitor capacity for the motor used

Generator rated output power, kWEstimated capacity in, µF
2 60
3,5 100
5 138
7 182
10 245
15 342

In synchronous generators, the generation process is excited on the armature windings from the current source. 90% of asynchronous motors have squirrel-cage rotors, without winding; excitation is created by a residual static charge in the rotor. It is enough to create an EMF at the initial stage of rotation, which induces a current and recharges the capacitors through the stator windings. Further recharging already comes from the generated current; the generation process will be continuous as long as the rotor rotates.

It is recommended to install the automatic load connection to the generator, sockets and capacitors in a separate closed panel. Lay the connecting wires from the boron generator to the switchboard in a separate insulated cable.

Even when the generator is not working, you must avoid touching the capacitor terminals of the socket contacts. The charge accumulated by the capacitor remains long time and may give you an electric shock. Ground the housings of all units, motor, generator, control panel.

Installation of a motor-generator system

When installing a generator with a motor with your own hands, you must take into account that the specified number of rated revolutions of the asynchronous electric motor used at idle is greater.

Scheme of a motor-generator on a belt drive

On an engine at 900 rpm at idling will be 1230 rpm, in order to get sufficient power at the output of the generator converted from this engine, you need to have a number of revolutions 10% higher than idle speed:

1230 + 10% = 1353 rpm.

Belt drive is calculated using the formula:

Vg = Vm x Dm\Dg

Vg – required generator rotation speed 1353 rpm;

Vm – motor rotation speed 1200 rpm;

Dm – pulley diameter on the motor is 15 cm;

Dg – diameter of the pulley on the generator.

Having a 1200 rpm motor where the pulley is Ø 15 cm, all that remains is to calculate Dg - the diameter of the pulley on the generator.

Dg = Vm x Dm/ Vg = 1200 rpm x 15cm/1353 rpm = 13.3 cm.

Generator with neodymium magnets

How to make a generator from an asynchronous electric motor?

This homemade generator eliminates the use of capacitor units. The source of the magnetic field, which induces EMF and creates current in the stator winding, is built on permanent neodymium magnets. In order to do this yourself, you must sequentially perform the following steps:

  • Remove the front and back cover asynchronous electric motor.
  • Remove the rotor from the stator.

What does the rotor of an asynchronous motor look like?

  • The rotor is ground, the top layer 2 mm larger than the thickness of the magnets is removed. IN living conditions It is not always possible to bore the rotor with your own hands, in the absence of turning equipment and skills. You need to contact specialists in turning workshops.
  • A template is prepared on a sheet of plain paper for placing round magnets, Ø 10-20 mm, up to 10 mm thick, with an attractive force of 5-9 kg per sq/cm, the size depends on the size of the rotor. The template is glued to the surface of the rotor, the magnets are placed in strips at an angle of 15 - 20 degrees relative to the rotor axis, 8 pieces per strip. The figure below shows that on some rotors there are dark-light stripes of displacement of the magnetic field lines relative to its axis.

Installing magnets on the rotor

  • The rotor on magnets is calculated so that there are four groups of strips, in a group of 5 strips, the distance between the groups is 2Ø of the magnet. The gaps in the group are 0.5-1Ø of the magnet, this arrangement reduces the force of sticking of the rotor to the stator; it must be rotated with the efforts of two fingers;
  • A magnetic rotor, made according to a calculated template, is poured epoxy resin. After it dries a little, the cylindrical part of the rotor is covered with a layer of fiberglass and again impregnated with epoxy resin. This will prevent the magnets from flying out when the rotor rotates. Top layer on magnets should not exceed the original diameter of the rotor, which was before the groove. Otherwise, the rotor will not fall into place or will rub against the stator winding when rotating.
  • After drying, the rotor can be put back in place and the lids closed;
  • To test an electric generator, it is necessary to turn the rotor with an electric drill, measuring the voltage at the output. The number of revolutions when the desired voltage is reached is measured by a tachometer.
  • Knowing the required number of revolutions of the generator, the belt drive is calculated according to the method described above.

An interesting application option is when an electric generator based on an asynchronous electric motor is used in a self-feeding electric motor-generator circuit. When part of the power generated by the generator goes to the electric motor, which spins it. The rest of the energy is spent on the payload. By implementing the principle of self-feeding, it is practically possible to for a long time provide the house with autonomous power supply.

Video. G generator from an asynchronous motor.

For a wide range of electricity consumers, buy powerful diesel power plants like TEKSAN TJ 303 DW5C with an output power of 303 kVA or 242 kW does not make sense. Low-power gasoline generators expensive, the best option is to make wind generators or a self-powered motor-generator device with your own hands.

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Wind power generators continue to gain popularity. They are most often interested in people living in rural areas and having the opportunity to install such impressive structures on their plots. But, given the high cost of this equipment, not everyone can afford to buy it. Let's see how to make a wind generator with your own hands and save money on creating your own alternative source of electrical energy.

Wind generator - source of electricity

Tariffs for public utilities are raised at least once a year. And if you look closely, in some years the price of the same electricity rises twice – the numbers in payment documents grow like mushrooms after rain. Naturally, all this hits the pocket of the consumer, whose income does not show such sustainable growth. And real incomes, as statistics show, show a downward trend.

Until recently, it was possible to combat rising electricity tariffs in one simple but illegal way - using a neodymium magnet. This product was applied to the flow meter body, causing it to stop. But we strongly do not recommend using this technique - it is unsafe, illegal, and the fine if caught will be such that it will not seem small.

The scheme was simply great, but later it stopped working for the following reasons:

Increasingly frequent control rounds began to identify unscrupulous owners en masse.

  • Control rounds have become more frequent - representatives of regulatory authorities are visiting houses;
  • Special stickers began to be stuck on meters; under the influence of a magnetic field, they darken, exposing the offender;
  • The counters have become immune to magnetic field– electronic accounting units are installed here.

That's why people started paying attention alternative sources electricity, for example, wind generators.

Another way to expose a violator stealing electricity is to conduct an examination of the level of magnetization of the meter, which easily reveals facts of theft.

Wind turbines for homes are becoming a common sight in areas where wind blows frequently. A wind power generator uses the energy of wind air flows to generate electricity. To do this, they are equipped with blades that drive the generator rotors. The received electricity is converted into D.C., after which it is transferred to consumers or stored in batteries.

Wind generators for a private home, both home-made and factory-assembled, can be the main or auxiliary sources of electricity. Here's a typical example of how an auxiliary source works - it heats water in a boiler or powers low-voltage household lights, while the rest of the household appliances run on the main power supply. It is also possible to work as the main source of electricity in houses not connected to electrical networks. Here they feed:

  • Chandeliers and lamps;
  • Large household appliances;
  • Heating appliances and much more.

Accordingly, in order to heat your home, you need to make or purchase wind farm 10 kW - this should be enough for all needs.

A wind power plant can power both traditional electrical appliances and low-voltage ones - they operate on 12 or 24 volts. A 220 V wind generator is made according to a scheme using inverter converters with electricity stored in batteries. Wind generators for 12, 24 or 36 V are simpler - they use simpler battery charge controllers with stabilizers.

Homemade wind generator for home and its features

Before we tell you how to make a windmill to generate electricity, let's talk about why you can't use a factory model. Factory wind generators are indeed more efficient than their own homemade analogues. Everything that can be done in production will be more reliable than that, what can be done in artisanal conditions. This rule also applies to wind generators.

Self-manufacturing of a wind generator is advantageous due to its low cost. Factory samples with a power from 3 kW to 5 kW will cost 150-220 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Such a high price explains the inaccessibility of store-bought models for most consumers, because it also affects the payback period - in some cases it reaches 10-12 years, although some models “pay off” much earlier.

Factory-built wind power plants for home use are more reliable and less likely to break down. But each breakdown can lead to huge costs for spare parts. As for homemade products, they are easy to repair yourself, since they are assembled from scrap materials. This justifies the far from perfect design.

Yes, it will be very difficult to make a 30 kW wind generator with your own hands, but anyone who knows how to work with tools will be able to assemble a small wind turbine of low power and provide for themselves required quantity electricity.

Diagram of a homemade wind generator - main components

Making a homemade wind generator at home is relatively easy. Below you can see a simple drawing explaining the location of the individual components. According to this drawing, we need to make or prepare the following components:

Scheme of a homemade windmill.

  • Blades - they can be made from a variety of materials;
  • Generator for a wind generator - you can purchase a ready-made one or make it yourself;
  • Tail section – directs the blades in the direction of the wind, allowing for maximum efficiency;
  • Multiplier – increases the rotation speed of the generator shaft (rotor);
  • Mounting mast - all of the above components will be held on it;
  • Tension cables - hold the entire structure and prevent it from falling from gusts of wind;
  • The charge controller, batteries and inverter provide conversion, stabilization and accumulation of the received electricity.

We will try to make a simple rotary wind generator with you.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a wind generator

Make a windmill out of plastic bottles even a child can do it. It will spin merrily in the wind, making noise. There is a huge number of different schemes for constructing such wind turbines, in which the axis of rotation can be located both vertically and horizontally. These things don’t generate electricity, but they do a great job of driving moles away. personal plots, which harm plants and dig their burrows everywhere.

A homemade wind generator for your home is somewhat similar to this bottle windmill. Only it is larger in size and has a more serious design. But if you attach a small motor to such a windmill, it can become a source of electricity and even power some electrical thing, for example, an LED - its power is not enough for more. By looking at the diagram of such a “toy”, you can understand how to make a full-fledged wind generator.

Making a generator for a windmill

In order to assemble a wind power plant, we need a generator, and one with self-excitation. In other words, its design must contain magnets that induce electricity in the windings. This is exactly how some electric motors are designed, for example, in screwdrivers. But you won’t be able to make a decent wind generator from a screwdriver - the power will be simply ridiculous, and will only be enough to operate a small LED lamp at most.

It’s also not possible to make a wind power plant from a self-generator - it uses an excitation winding powered by a battery, so it’s not suitable for us. From a household fan, we can only make a scarecrow for birds attacking the garden. Therefore, you need to look for a normal self-exciting generator of suitable power. Better yet, splurge and buy a store-bought model.

It is really more profitable to buy a generator than to make it - the efficiency of a factory-made model will be higher than that of a home-made one.

Let's see how to make a generator for our windmill with our own hands.

His maximum power is 3-3.5 kW. For this we need:

  • Stator - it is made of two pieces of sheet metal, cut into circles with a diameter of 500 mm. 12 neodymium magnets with a diameter of 50 mm are glued to each circle along the edge (slightly retreating from the edge). Their poles must alternate. We prepare the second circle in a similar way, but only the poles here should be shifted;
  • Rotor - it is a structure of 9 coils wound copper wire 3 mm in diameter in varnish insulation. We make 70 turns in each coil, although some sources recommend making 90 turns. To place the coils, it is necessary to make a base of non-magnetic material;
  • Axle - it must be made exactly in the center of the rotor. Moreover, there should be no beating; the structure must be carefully centered, otherwise it will quickly be broken by the wind.

We place the stators and the rotor - the rotor itself rotates between the stators. A distance of 2 mm is maintained between these elements. We connect all the windings according to the diagram below so that we get a single-phase alternating current source.

We make blades

In this review, we are making a fairly powerful wind generator - its power will be up to 3-3.5 kW at strong wind or up to 1.5 or 2 kW in medium winds. Moreover, it will turn out to be quite silent, unlike generators with electric motors. Next you need to think about the location of the blades. We have decided to make a simple three-blade horizontal wind generator. One could also think about a vertical wind generator, but in this case the wind energy utilization factor will be lower - on average 0.3.

If you do vertical wind generator, then he will have only one advantage - he will be able to work in any wind direction.

The easiest way to make simple blades at home. For their manufacture, you can use various materials:

  • Wood, however, over time it can crack and dry out;
  • Polypropylene - this type of plastic is suitable for low-power generators;
  • Metal is reliable and durable material, from which blades of any size can be made (duralumin, used in aviation, is well suited).

A small table will help you estimate the diameter of the blades. Check the approximate wind speed at your local location and find out what diameter the wind generator blades need to be made.

Making blades for a wind generator is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to ensure that our entire structure is balanced - otherwise strong gusts of wind will quickly break it. Balancing is performed by adjusting the length of the blades. After this, we combine the blades with the rotor of our wind generator and install the structure on the installation site to which the tail section is attached.

Startup and testing

The most important thing in the future is to choose right place to install the mast. It must be positioned strictly vertically. The generator with blades is placed as high as possible, where the wind is stronger. Make sure that there are no forest plantations nearby, separately standing trees, houses and large structures blocking air currents– if there are any interferences, place the wind generator at a distance from them.

As soon as the wind generator starts moving, you need to do the following - connect a multimeter to the generator outlet and check for voltage. Now the system is ready for full operation, all that remains is to decide what voltage will be supplied to the house and how this will happen.

Connecting consumers

We have already managed to make a low-noise windmill, and quite powerful one at that. Now it's time to connect the electronics to it. When assembling 220V wind generators with your own hands, you need to take care of purchasing inverter converters. The efficiency of these devices reaches 99%, so losses in converting the supplied direct current into alternating current with a voltage of 220 Volts will be minimal. In total, the system will have three additional nodes:

  • Battery pack – accumulates excess generated electricity for future use. These surpluses are used to feed consumers during periods of calm or when there is very little wind;
  • Charge controller – controls charging current, extending battery life;
  • Converter – converts direct current into alternating current.

A scheme is also possible when installing household appliances And lighting fixtures, capable of operating with a voltage of 12 or 24 Volts. In this case, there is no need for an inverter converter. As for powering appliances for cooking, in order not to create unnecessary load on the wind generator, we recommend using gas equipment, powered by a liquefied gas cylinder.

220V wind generators are beneficial when the house already has equipment that runs on alternating current with the specified voltage.


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