How to make a mousetrap from simple materials. Making a mousetrap with your own hands Do-it-yourself mousetraps from a bottle

Good afternoon dear friends! A couple of years ago, there was some kind of mouse invasion. My parents live in their own house and no longer knew how to escape from them. At this time we just came to visit them and found them struggling.

Mom decided that store-bought traps would be much more effective than homemade ones. But in practice it turned out that not everything is so rosy. The quality of the purchased mousetraps wanted to be the best. And as soon as dad wanted to put the bait, the clamp broke off and he had to take a new one.

We couldn’t stand aside and advised them to use old methods and built homemade traps from scrap materials. And to the surprise of the parents, the effect was amazing. In this article you will learn: how to make a mousetrap with your own hands, what to use for this, basic tips for making it.

How to make a mousetrap with your own hands - quickly and efficiently

If you have rodents in your house, it is not at all necessary to immediately start poisoning them with poison - a good, safe and inexpensive solution would be to make your own mousetrap. You can, of course, resort to the help of classic mousetraps, which are sold in hardware stores, but this solution has one serious drawback.

It lies in the fact that if there is more than one mouse (as is the case in most cases), you will have to buy several of them, and even then it is far from certain that their number will be enough.

In addition, after catching a rodent, such mousetraps need to be “recharged” each time, that is, leaving them in a country house for a whole week, hoping that with their help all the mice will be caught, will not work.

This material will offer options for mousetraps that you can make with your own hands from available materials, and some of them do not need to be “recharged” - they will always be in combat readiness.

Type one - reusable mousetrap

There are a great many options for mousetraps that use gravity to recharge, but we will look at the most popular and effective of them. In the first case, you will need a bucket or deep basin, a plastic bottle (as a rule, 0.5 or 1 liter bottles are best), scissors, an awl, processed cheese and a thin metal (or wooden) rod that will serve as an axis.

The length of the rod should be the same as the upper diameter of the basin or bucket, and the length of the bottle should be less. In addition, we will need a flat board along which the mouse will climb into our mousetrap. So, take a bottle (it should have a cap) and, using an awl and scissors, make two holes in it opposite each other.

The first should be clearly in the middle of the bottom of the bottle, the second - in the middle of the cap. The diameter of the hole should approximately correspond to the diameter of the rod that you took as the axis.

We thread our axle through the bottle and place it on top of the basin. If you don’t mind your bucket or basin, and also in order to make the trap more effective and reliable, you can try to make two small pins in its upper part (opposite each other), into which you place the edges of the axle - this way the structure will become much stronger.

Make sure that the axis rotates freely in the pins - this is the main criterion for the effectiveness of our mousetrap. The bottle must be moved on an axis so that its neck is as close as possible to the edge of the basin, and a board must be installed in this place so that the place where it rests on the basin is near the bottle cap.

The angle of the board in relation to the floor should not exceed 45 degrees, otherwise it will be very difficult for the mouse to climb on it, and it will go to look for a treat in another place - for example, in your bedside tables.

As you can see, such a mousetrap will work until the processed cheese completely deteriorates, no longer attracting new mice. If everything is done correctly, leaving this structure for three or four days, you can be pretty surprised at the number of animals swimming in the basin. The second version of the mousetrap resembles the first in many ways, with the exception of some details. To construct it, we will need the same basin, as well as a board.

In addition, you will need a second board (platform), but of a shorter length (15 centimeters), a hinge, a bait and a weight. To better understand how to assemble such a mousetrap, it is better to immediately explain the principle of its operation.

The platform lies at the end of a long board, but not with its entire plane, but only halfway. The part that comes into contact with the long board is weighted with a weight (the weight of the weight should be slightly less than the weight of the mouse). The boards are connected by a hinge so that if the short one is rotated, it returns to its original position under the influence of the load.

The neck of a three-liter jar is wrapped in paper, which is secured along the edge with an elastic band or wire. On the stretched part of the paper, make crosswise cuts across the entire diameter of the neck of the jar. Make sure that the paper does not wrinkle too much, creating a feeling of being intact.

We place this structure, for example, under a chair, from which we hang the bait on a string. The bait itself should hang clearly above the cut paper, two centimeters from its surface. We attach a board (ramp) to the can, along which the mouse will climb onto it.

As you already understand, the cut paper will not support the weight of the mouse on it, throwing it to the bottom of the jar. It should be noted that this DIY mousetrap is the most ineffective of the three described.

Rodents do not always want to stand on the cut paper, apparently sensing some kind of catch in it. In addition to a three-liter bottle, you can use any other container, as long as the sheet of paper completely covers it.

Type two - disposable mousetrap

If you are sure that there is only one rodent terrorizing you and your loved ones, you can design a disposable trap, which, after being triggered, must be installed again. As a rule, traps of this type are simpler, and therefore take less time to assemble.

All we need is a plastic bottle with a volume of at least one and a half liters, as well as scissors, strong thread (it is better to use nylon thread) and, of course, bait. Using scissors, cut off the top of the bottle. It is better to make the cut in the place where the shape of the bottle begins to narrow towards the neck.

We make a hole somewhere near the cut edge and tie the edge of a nylon thread.

We are looking for a place to install a trap - if you are sure that a rodent can reach the surface of your table, it is better to choose it. We throw the bait at the bottom of the bottle and place it on the table so that the closed bottom, where the bait lies, hangs over the edge of the table.

The second end of the string needs to be tied to something, and its length is calculated so that when the bottle falls from the table, it remains hanging on the string without reaching the floor. That's it, the trap is ready. The mouse will climb into the bottle and try to take the bait, but the bottle will tip down, catching the animal.

It may also be advisable to place the bottle on a thin piece of fabric - this will reduce slipping and make it easier for the mouse to get inside the trap.

Here is another version of a mousetrap, using the same plastic bottle (I wonder if the creators of such bottles guessed that their invention would serve as the main part of the design for almost all homemade mousetraps?).

We cut the bottle in a ratio of approximately two to three, the longer side should be the one where the bottom is located. Turn the top over and tuck it into the inside. The cut edges should be at the same level - you can either glue them together, or pierce them with an awl and thread the wire.

We generously coat the tapering part of the neck with oil, and throw a piece of bait into the neck itself, at the bottom of the bottle. Such a trap is installed next to a shelf or chair from which the mouse would have access to it.

As you can see, the design of such a mousetrap is also quite simple, and you can make it in literally 10 minutes. In conclusion, let's talk about the simplest type of do-it-yourself mousetraps, the design of which you have probably seen in various cartoons.

It consists of a container with a depth of about 10 - 15 centimeters, as well as a support on which a piece of cheese is fixed. You can use any metal or wooden rod as a support - this is not at all important here.

You can simply stick the cheese onto the support, or you can thread the rod through it.

If the structure is not sufficiently stable, you can make two supports, fastening them in the middle with the same cheese. The mouse, trying to pull out the cheese, will break the support, after which the bowl (or whatever you use as a container) will fall down, thereby slamming the exit.

Now you are prepared, the mousetrap has been assembled with your own hands, and you are ready to engage in battle with the annoying rodents. Here are some more tips for catching mice:

  1. As bait, in addition to cheese, you can use corn flour, peanut butter, a cube of bread dipped in unrefined sunflower oil.
  2. To avoid unpleasant odors, do not leave a mousetrap (especially a reusable one) unattended for more than a week.


Homemade mouse traps

In the fight against mice, one of the usual and quite effective means are mousetraps. You can either buy factory mousetraps or make your own mousetraps.

In the latter case, you can save money, as well as gain experience in making such structures and practice making something yourself. Below we will describe various ways to make a mousetrap at home.

Mousetraps made from plastic bottles

The homemade mousetraps described below are easy to make, since plastic bottles are ubiquitous and very easy to handle.

  • Design number one
  1. Take a plastic bottle and cut off the neck.
  2. At a distance of about a centimeter from the cut, pierce a hole and pass the end of a strong thread about half a meter long into it.
  3. Then put bait in the bottle, and place the bottle, for example, on the edge of the table.
  4. In this case, the bait should be located near the bottom of the bottle, and this part should hang over the edge of the table. That is, the “top” of the bottle should have support, but the “bottom” should not.
  5. Fix the thread on the table, for example, tie it to a nail.
  6. When the mouse reaches into the bottle, the bottle will tip over.
  7. The mouse will remain in the bottle, and the bottle will hang on a thread.
  8. After this, you can take out the mouse and kill it, and the mousetrap will be ready for use again.
  9. Of course, it is not necessary to place this mousetrap on the table - any similar design will do.
  • Design number two
    1. Take a bottle, cut off half, then cut out sharp petals on it and bend them inward.
    2. Place bait inside and place the mousetrap in a convenient place.
    3. The mouse will get inside quite freely, but will not be able to get out.
  • Design number three
    1. Take a bottle and cut off the top part of it.
    2. Cut the neck so that the mouse can fit freely into the resulting hole.

    Place the bait in the lower part, and insert the upper part with the neck down. Position the structure so that the mouse can easily climb up. When she climbs into the bottle, she will fall down and will not be able to get out.

    Bucket mousetrap

    1. Take a bucket and insert a metal rod into the top.
    2. Place a 0.33 or 0.5 liter tin can on it lengthwise - for example, a beer can, or a plastic bottle.
    3. The jar (bottle) should rotate quite freely on the rod. Place bait on it.
    4. Place the bucket so that the mouse can reach the jar, and fill it with water to half or less.
    5. When the mouse smells the bait, it will climb onto the bottle. The jar (bottle) will turn over and the mouse will fall into the bucket.
    6. If you are using a jar, then it is important to select the distance between the edge of the bucket and the edge of the jar so that the mouse cannot step on the jar, but can jump; if it’s a bottle, position it so that the mouse first hits the neck of the bottle.
    7. If you want to make a weapon for the mass destruction of rodents, place the bait in a ring around the bottle, and the mice will climb on it continuously.
    The main thing is that there is enough bucket.

    Option number two - simply attach a strip cut from a plastic bottle to the edge of the bucket and place the bait on it. The strip will bend under the weight of the mouse, and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

    Glass jar trap

    • Take a jar and seal it with a tin lid.
    • Cut the lid like cutting a cake. Place bait on the bottom - for example, a piece of lard.
    • The mouse will climb into the jar, but will not be able to get back out - the sharp teeth will interfere with it.
    • Instead of a lid, you can seal the neck of the jar with paper and cut it crosswise - it will create imaginary rigidity, but the teeth will diverge under the weight of the mouse.
    • As you can see, making a mousetrap with your own hands is quite simple, and does not require the use of special materials or costs.

    We hope that the presented mousetrap options will help you get rid of rodents. Of course, these are not all possible design models - there are also more complex and effective mousetraps.

    For example, some people make various electronic mousetraps on their own, but this topic is beyond the scope of this article, while the designs described above are time-tested and very easy to manufacture.
    Source: ""

    We catch rodents in simple ways

    A mouse trap will help you get rid of unpleasant and sometimes dangerous rodents - it’s easy to make a device with your own hands that is no less effective than commercially available models. Making mousetraps yourself from scrap materials will save money, because most often, several devices are required simultaneously to eliminate pests.

    Based on the descriptions given, you can choose the most effective and simple to implement designs. If the use of toxic substances to control rodents is undesirable due to the presence of children or pets in the house or dacha, and buying several traps in the store seems too expensive, it’s time to learn how to make a mousetrap yourself.

    For production you will need simple materials that are always available in everyday use - paper, various containers (you can often use empty unnecessary containers), wire, ruler, etc.

    Please note: most self-made traps are reusable or self-charging, which allows you not to constantly monitor them and catch several rodents with one device, leaving the trap unattended while you leave (optimally - no more than a week, so that an unpleasant odor does not appear.

    In order for pest hunting to be successful, it is not enough to know how to make a mouse trap. It is also important to “convince” the rodents to show interest in this trap, which means an attractive bait will be required.

    There is a common stereotype - mice love cheese.

    Animals really like this product, but sunflower seeds, lightly fried sunflower oil or a piece of bread dipped in it will be more effective as bait. Sesame oil is a win-win option - its aroma does not leave mice indifferent, and you can also use a piece of lard.

    We use a bucket and ruler

    This trap model is suitable for those who prefer the simplest but most effective solutions and prefer clear instructions, including how to make a mousetrap with your own hands. Another advantage of such a trap is the interchangeability of its elements - instead of a bucket, you can take an old saucepan or plastic container, and the ruler can be replaced with any suitable sized strip or strip of thick cardboard.

    In addition to the ruler, you will need a knitting needle or a rigid, round metal wire. The knitting needle is glued to the ruler perpendicularly and serves as a support - it is laid so that both ends rest on the edges of the bucket. A strip or ruler glued to the knitting needle should rest on the edge of the bucket with one end and hang over it with the other.

    It is at the overhanging end that the bait is placed. The trap is located in a place where the mouse can climb onto the rail laid on top of the bucket.

    The mousetrap will work even if the container is empty, but to increase efficiency it is recommended to fill the bucket about a third with water. This trap works simply. The mouse walks along the ruler, attracted by the smell, but, having overcome the intersection of the ruler and the knitting needle, it shifts the center of gravity of the structure.

    As a result, the end of the ruler, hanging freely over the bucket, sharply lowers and throws the rodent into the container. In order for the mousetrap to be triggered repeatedly, the bait should be secured to a rail so that when triggered, it does not fall into the bucket along with the mouse.

    Take a jar of paper

    This DIY mouse trap is made by analogy with the previous one. To allow mice to climb to the top of the jar, a “ramp” is installed, but in this case the bait is placed inside the jar, the neck of which is covered with paper. In order for the paper on the neck of the jar to become a real trap for rodents, it is carefully cut (for example, with a razor) crosswise.

    As soon as the animal hits the paper, the “petals” formed during the cut bend inward, and the mouse falls into the jar.

    In other options, it is possible to place a lightweight bait directly in the center of the cut paper, or the bait is tied to a rope and placed above the center of the jar. The disadvantage of such a simple trap is that it is not very effective. Mice somehow sense a trick and are afraid of the cut paper.

    We use a glass jar and a coin

    This homemade mousetrap from a jar is simple and can also be made from a saucepan, and if desired, the coin can be replaced with a large button or a metal washer. A coin (button, washer) serves as support for the raised edge of the jar. A strong thread with a hook at the end is glued or tied to the support.

    A rod is installed inside the container (you can use wire, a twig, etc.), through which the thread is thrown. The bait is put on the hook. Attracted by the aroma, the mouse pulls the hook with the bait, after which the thread tightens and pulls the support out from under the can.

    For maximum effectiveness, the bait should be placed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading. That is, having “covered” one mouse, the can ceases to be effective.

    In a simpler version, the bait can be glued to the wall of the jar, then when you try to get to it, the mouse will shake the jar, which will lead to the support falling. In order to remove a caught rodent, it is convenient to slip a sheet of cardboard under the triggered can.

    Plastic bottle traps

    This DIY mousetrap is made from a plastic bottle in a few minutes. The container is cut at 2/3 of the height (the longer part is with the bottom). After this, the part with the neck is turned over (the neck without the plug becomes directed into the structure).

    The neck is lubricated with oil, and the bait is placed inside the container. To prevent the parts from coming apart, they can be fastened with glue, wire or another method. The mouse easily slips through the lubricated neck, but cannot get back out.

    Another simple mousetrap that even a schoolboy can figure out how to make.

    A plastic bottle (the neck is cut off approximately at the point where the narrowing begins) with the bait inside is placed on a table or shelf so that a significant part of the container hangs over the edge of the surface. In this case, the bait should be located at the very bottom.

    Such a trap is tied to a shelf with twine, the length of which ensures that the trap hangs above the floor when it falls. When a mouse gets into a bottle, it shifts its center of gravity. The trap falls and hangs together with the caught rodent.

    Other trap options

    A mousetrap made from a bucket and a rotating bottle is one of the most ingenious solutions on the topic “how to make a mousetrap at home,” but it is also effective and easy to implement. It requires a metal rod-axis and a plastic bottle with a cap. Holes are made in the container (in the lid and bottom) along the diameter of the axis, after which the bottle is put on the rod so that it remains able to rotate freely.

    The rod is placed on the edges of the bucket. Optimally secure its position while maintaining mobility. It is recommended to fill a bucket (you can also use a basin) with water. As bait, the bottle in the center is coated with any composition (attractive in smell to mice) (processed cheese, sunflower or peanut butter, etc.).

    After this, a “ramp” is built from the floor to the edge of the bucket.

    Having freely reached the edge of the bucket along such a “bridge,” the mouse tries to move onto the bottle, but the latter, under the weight of the rodent, turns around its axis and throws the pest into the container. When choosing how to make a mousetrap with your own hands, you should not lose sight of simple glue traps.

    They will require special glue for rodents, which is sold in specialized stores, bait and bases (you can use thick cardboard, small plastic pallets, plywood, etc.). The base is smeared with glue, and the bait is placed in the center of the trap.

    Getting to the fragrant “treat”, the rodent sticks to the viscous composition.

    Many consider the disadvantage of such a trap to be unaesthetic. It is no longer possible to unstick the animal from the mousetrap, and the sight of floundering rodents and their squeaking does not bring pleasure if the owners are at home.
    Source: ""

    Mice that rule the house are not cute gray animals, but formidable pests. The nimble rodents destroy supplies, carry dangerous diseases, damage wiring, and frighten their owners when they suddenly appear. You can get rid of pests in different ways.

    Toxic chemicals are not always allowed to be used, and cunning rodents often avoid factory traps. We have to look for non-standard solutions. Many owners are interested in how to make a mousetrap with their own hands. The article describes options and rules for making simple devices for catching mice.

    Gray pests look for food and shelter in an apartment or private house when cold weather sets in. Residents of rural areas are faced with an invasion of rodents in the fall, when there is nothing else to eat in the field.

    Mice often live in the basements of high-rise buildings; if cracks are poorly sealed, holes in the floors and baseboards, they can easily get into apartments. Nimble pests penetrate not only the first floors, but also travel higher up through the ceilings. Will mice build a nest in every home? What conditions attract gray pests?

    The likelihood of having unpleasant neighbors increases in the following cases:

    1. an old house or apartment where the owners have not done renovations for a long time, cracks and holes in the baseboards and floor;
    2. The location of the apartment is on the ground floor;
    3. Private house next to a field;
    4. Unsanitary conditions in the home;
    5. Storing food with the lid of the container not tightly closed, bags of cereals and flour purchased “in reserve”;
    6. Crumbs on the table, crumbling cookies, the habit of leaving the trash can open at night and throughout the day.

    If one mouse gets into the house, it is not always possible to immediately recognize traces of the activity of the nimble pest. Negative consequences appear over time.

    The sooner owners pay attention to suspicious signs, the higher the chance of catching a nimble mouse. You can’t hesitate: gray pests are highly fertile. Mice probably live in a private house or apartment if the owners notice the following signs:

    • at night you can hear a slight rustling in the pantry, in the kitchen, behind the stove, on the shelves of cabinets where bulk products are stored;
    • wires with teeth marks. If you do not pay attention to this sign, mice can damage the wiring, which often causes a short circuit;
    • There is a specific smell in the house. The more gray pests there are, the more clearly the unpleasant symptom appears.
    • The reason is excrement left by rodents on the floor, among cereals, packets of cookies; gnawed bags and packages with flour, pasta, rice, millet;
    • droppings resembling grains of a dark, gray-black color. Traces of pest activity appear not only on the floor or near baseboards, but also in food bags.

    Important! The sooner owners pay attention to suspicious signs, the higher the chance of catching a nimble mouse. You can’t hesitate: gray pests are highly fertile.

    Field mice living in private houses and apartments are dangerous to humans. You shouldn’t be touched or feel sorry for the “cute rodents”: pests often carry pathogens that are difficult to treat.

    Damage caused by mice in the home is not only a deterioration in health. Gray rodents spoil food supplies and chew through packages of cookies, flour, and cereals. There are other unpleasant moments:

    1. There is a risk of damage to the wires;
    2. Excrement left by pests in different places has no place in a person’s home;
    3. Rodents rustle in the kitchen and pantry at night, disturbing the owners’ sleep;
    4. An unpleasant “mouse” smell can be heard from under the linoleum and baseboards; nimble rodents appear suddenly and often frighten household members.

    You can catch a mouse without a mousetrap, or you can make several devices of different types with your own hands at home to catch nimble rodents. Traps are either disposable or reusable.

    The owners will need items that are always at home: a bucket, a plastic bottle, a glass container, bait, plywood. Do-it-yourself mousetraps and mouse traps are in no way inferior to factory-made products; the cost of simple traps is much lower.

    • First you need to find the hole from which the nimble rodents come out, and determine the approximate number of mice.
    • Sometimes there are so many pests that they calmly move around the house not only at night, but also during the day, despite the presence of residents.
    • for greater efficiency, owners who have experienced the effect of trapping containers recommend installing several devices;
    • one more nuance - the bait for mice should have a bright aroma. Good options: makha, fried sunflower seeds, lard, smoked sausage, cheese;
    • Don’t despair if rodents bypassed one trap: you’ll have to try another option, fortunately, the cost of homemade devices is minimal.

    Jar traps

    How to proceed:

    1. Wash the liter container and roll it up with a metal lid;
    2. Carefully cut the surface with a knife from the center, like a cake, slightly bend the sharp teeth down in the central part;
    3. inside, put a piece of smoked sausage or lard, wheat grains, fresh bread or crispy crackers;
    4. attracted by the smell of the bait, the mouse will penetrate the jar, but sharp strips of tin will prevent it from getting out.

    From a plastic bottle

    How to make:

    • Wash the container (preferably with a volume of 2 liters, no less), cut off the upper part in the narrowing area (you will get a base and a cone);
    • cut off the neck from the smaller part so that a mouse can get into the hole;
    • turn the cone over, insert it into the lower part, seal with tape the junction of the plastic elements;
    • put bait with a pleasant smell at the bottom of the bottle; the gray rodent smells the alluring aroma, makes its way inside through the hole, but does not get back out.

    We use a bucket

    How to proceed:

    1. You will need any bucket and a metal rod or a round wooden stick;
    2. Mount a rod into the upper part of the container, first place a plastic bottle or tin can on it;
    3. The main task is to achieve free rotation of the container if you press lightly on it;
    4. Place the prepared trap next to the mouse hole, place a bait with a bright smell on the top of a tin or plastic container;
    5. The mouse smells cheese, lard or sausage, climbs onto the bottle, the container turns over, and the rodent falls down; For the operation to be successful, the bottle must be placed closer to the edge of the bucket so that the rodent can easily climb onto it.

    Glue traps

    The method of catching rodents is quite simple, but effective. The only drawback is the unaesthetic and inhumane nature of the method. How to proceed:

    • buy special glue for rodents, a base for a trap (thick cardboard, plywood, shallow plastic tray);
    • Thickly coat the surface with glue and place aromatic bait on the central part;
    • On the way to the bait, the rodent will stick to the sticky surface. It will not be possible to remove the pest from the adhesive base.

    The owners will only have to destroy the mouse and throw away the trap.

    Prevention of occurrence

    Owners of private houses and residents of lower floors should be especially careful: the risk of encountering dangerous rodents increases. Following simple rules will help prevent the penetration of gray pests. How to proceed:

    1. Seal cracks in baseboards and floors, replace dried out trims;
    2. Call sanitary services for unscheduled deratization if rodents are actively breeding in the basement of a high-rise building;
    3. Maintain cleanliness and order in the home, do not clutter the pantry; Take out the trash on time and do not accumulate food waste;
    4. Wipe the dining table thoroughly, sweep away crumbs, and never leave food in open containers overnight;
    5. Do not store flour, pasta, or cereals for future use: bulk products often spoil, harmful bugs and rodents contaminate them with their excrement;
    6. If mice frequently enter an apartment, cellar or private house, use an ultrasonic repeller.

    The modern device will reliably protect residential and utility rooms from gray pests. Repellers are effective not only against mice, but also drive rats out of their homes. When mice appear, you should not rely only on pesticides.

    Many owners successfully use trapping containers made from scrap materials.

    The article contains answers to the question: “How to make a mouse trap with your own hands?” Through simple experiments, you can choose the best option for a home trap for catching nimble pests.

    Buying a mousetrap in a store or on the market is not difficult. But what to do if uninvited guests appear in the late afternoon, and you have no desire to listen to mouse rustling all night. To get to food and paper documents, the small animal will need very little time; Of course, he won’t have time to eat it, but it could seriously ruin it.

    The question inevitably arises: how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap. In addition, rodents are carriers of infections dangerous to human health. You need to get rid of the mouse as soon as possible. In this case, a do-it-yourself mousetrap using improvised materials that can be found in every home will help.

    It is better to lubricate each of the traps made with unrefined sunflower oil; its aroma will overcome the smell of a person and attract rodents.

    Important. There is an opinion that all mice love cheese, this stereotype comes from children's fairy tales and cartoons. In real life, to attract mice, it is better to use sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, crackers dipped in vegetable oil, and fried lard.

    It is advisable to install made traps in places where mouse rustling is most clearly heard.

    Important. Placing your engineering masterpiece in the chosen location will not be enough. It is necessary to take care of the ways to approach it. It will be a shame if, after all your efforts, the mouse cannot climb it and leaves in search of other, easier prey.

    Let's look at the most common ways to make a mousetrap without much effort and without spending a lot of time.

    Plastic bottle for mousetrap No. 1

    Making mousetraps from plastic bottles is quick and not at all difficult; even a child, not to mention an adult, can do it.

    First, you need to cut off the neck of a plastic bottle with a sharp knife - the part where the thread is located. It is more convenient to use a stationery knife for these purposes.

    Pierce a hole and pass a harsh thread through it. A gypsy needle is suitable as an auxiliary tool. The thread that has been threaded must be securely fixed.

    Place bait at the bottom of the bottle. Then place the bottle in a horizontal position so that the side with the neck is located on the table surface and the bottom hangs freely.

    Tie the thread attached to the bottle to a nail. The length of the thread should be such that the fallen bottle hangs in the air.

    The mousetrap from the bottle is ready, all that remains is to wait for the mouse, which, having made its way through the neck for the cheese, will shift the center of gravity. The bottle will fall and the animal will be caught in a trap.

    Plastic bottle for mousetrap No. 2

    When making this design, you will need to cut the plastic bottle into 2 parts with a knife. The lower part should be 2/3, and the upper, respectively, 1/3 of the total size.

    The cone-shaped part, turned upside down, must be inserted into the bottom of the bottle. Punch several holes through which both parts are connected together. Holes can be made with a gypsy needle, an awl, wire heated over a candle flame or over a burner, sewn with thread or tied with thin wire, the main thing is that the assembled mousetrap from a plastic bottle is securely fastened.

    Place seeds and crackers on the bottom to attract mice. Lubricate the top of the bottle with unrefined oil to increase the sliding of mouse paws.

    It is necessary to attach a “platform” to the bottle, along which the rodent will reach the top and fall into the trap.

    Glass jar mousetrap

    A trap from a jar can be made in a few minutes. You will need a long skewer or a twig from a tree on which to hang the bait. It can be strung or tied with thread. The size of the twig should be equal to the diameter of the jar so that its ends rest against the walls and it is securely fixed.

    The jar is turned upside down and a coin mounted on its edge is carefully placed under it. It is advisable to choose a large penny size, because the mouse will have to sneak into the resulting gap. A trap made using this method has a very low degree of stability, which will be broken as soon as a rodent tries to reach the bait.

    You will have to make sure that this mousetrap is not pushed over by pets or children. You don't even need to touch it - the coin will fall with minimal movement of the floorboards.

    Such a mousetrap is easy to make, but it is advisable to install it on a board, cardboard, or pallet so as not to miss the mouse when lifting the can.

    Trap from a jar with a paper lid

    Mousetrap made from a jar with a paper lid

    Another mousetrap from a jar is very easy to make. You will need a jar, a sheet of paper, thread or an elastic band.

    A sheet of paper is placed on the neck of the jar, the edges are folded down and wrapped tightly with thread. Then the paper is cut crosswise and the bait is placed in the center.

    The mouse will fall into the trap as soon as it steps on the paper cover.

    Important. In this case, it is better to take a three-liter jar and pour water into it so that the animal does not jump back out.

    Bucket mousetrap

    Diagram of a simple mousetrap

    In every house there is an empty bucket, basin, they are also used as a trap for mice.

    A sheet of thin cardboard is placed on the table, one side of which should hang freely above the container of water located below.

    Bait is placed on the edge of the leaf. The mouse, having made an attempt to get to the food, will certainly end up in a bucket of water: the sheet of cardboard will bend under its weight.

    If you don’t have cardboard at hand, a sheet of ordinary paper will do; you’ll need to place a ruler or 2 knitting needles under it.

    From a bucket with a rotating cylinder

    A trap made from a bucket and a bottle works without misfires to catch mice. A plastic bottle is placed on a wooden stick, having previously cut the bottom in it. The size of the hole in the bottom should allow the bottle to rotate freely. The resulting structure is installed on top of the bucket.

    Water is poured into a bucket, and mouse bait is placed on top of the bottle. The animal, having reached the bottle along the stick, will fall down as soon as it begins to rotate.

    Instead of a bottle, a tin can will do, and a stick can easily be replaced with a wire with a piece of hose attached to it, a long ruler or a slat. The main thing is that the mechanism rotates, and there is a container with water under it.

    Glue trap

    Stores sell special glue for catching mice.

    Getting rid of mice with glue

    You just need to smear a sheet of cardboard or plywood with such an adhesive composition and spread out the flavorings. The caught small animal will be securely recorded.

    Important. It is necessary to apply the glue using rubber gloves and make sure that the composition does not get on the skin. If you have pets or small children, it is better to avoid this method.

    Mousetrap with spring

    It is more difficult to make a reusable trap in which a mousetrap spring is installed, but you can install it anywhere: under the sofa, behind a closet, near a mouse hole. For production you will need:

    • wooden block 40x40x120;
    • drill and Forstner drill or feather drill;
    • a hacksaw or grinder with a disk for wood;
    • steel wire for the spring;
    • thin drill
    • thread;
    • mouse bait.

    A blind hole 9 cm long is drilled in the block from the end.

    Using a hacksaw, at a distance of 2.5 cm from the end, cut the block so that the resulting gap passes through the entire drilled hole. The wire ring should fit freely into the resulting cut.

    Stepping back 2-2.5 cm from the cut, drill 2 through holes at a distance of 6-7 mm from each other. A thread will pass through them, securing the spring.

    Stepping back 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the second end, drill a hole with a diameter equal to the cross-section of the wire. A mousetrap spring will be inserted into the resulting hole.

    The spring is made of steel wire; winding 2 turns will be enough.

    One end of the spring is inserted into a hole drilled for it. A loop is bent at the other end. You can make a loop from another wire and hook it to the spring.

    After this, all that remains is to charge the mousetrap. To do this, lower the spring ring into the cut and temporarily fix it to tie the thread. For fixation, use an object of suitable diameter: the handle of a screwdriver or a chisel.

    The thread is passed through 2 through holes; for convenience it is better to use a long needle. The ends of the thread are tied on top of the spring, thereby fixing it in the working position, after which the screwdriver is pulled out.

    The bait is placed at the end of the drilled hole. The loaded trap is ready and brought into working position. Before reaching it, the mouse will have to chew through the thread that gets in the way. The spring for the mousetrap will get rid of its fixation and rush upward, and the rodent will be caught in the loop.

    To build a mousetrap for 2, 3, 4 holes, you will have to take a larger block.

    Electric trap

    Having an electromagnet core, a soldering iron and a little knowledge of electrical engineering in the household can be the starting point for making an electric trap. However, a factory-made electric mousetrap is on sale and can be purchased at many retail outlets.

    This mousetrap is a small box with an opening door. A mouse that penetrates into it is killed with an electric shock in a few seconds.

    Ultrasonic repeller

    The design of all these traps involves catching mice, which can later be destroyed or released.

    When you don’t want to have direct contact with rodents, install an ultrasonic repeller. The human ear is unable to detect sounds with frequencies above 20 kHz. But for mice these sounds are a real test. A switched on device that spreads ultrasound will force the rodents to leave. Of course, they won’t scatter in five minutes, but in a few days you will get rid of unwanted neighbors.

    A person's home has all the favorable conditions for mice to live: warmth, many secret places, and there is always some food. And it doesn’t matter where you live - in the private sector or on the eighth floor of a high-rise building. This rodent can get anywhere. People have been concerned about protecting their home for a long time, and during this time many ingenious traps have been invented. One of the most effective and simplest is a trap.

    There are many of them on sale today, differing in design and fishing method. But why spend money on them when you can make a rat trap with your own hands in literally a matter of minutes and using ordinary improvised means. In addition to saving money, you will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your craftsmanship skills to your loved ones, but only if you know how to make a mouse trap yourself.

    When small children live in the house or there are pets, the use of toxic substances to kill rodents is not advisable. Buying factory traps in a store can be quite expensive, but to get good results, you need to install several of them at once. And in this case, knowledge of how to make a mousetrap with your own hands at home will come in handy.

    We make different options ourselves

    To create traps, you can use materials that you always have in the house - paper, plastic bottles, other containers, a ruler, wire, etc. The main thing is that such homemade mousetraps are reusable, and some options are self-charging. You don’t have to constantly monitor them and you can catch several rodents with one device.

    Sunflower seeds, toasted sunflower oil or a piece of bread dipped in it will be more effective.

    However, it is not enough to know how to make a mousetrap at home, you also need to make pests interested in it, you need to be aware of what to put inside. To do this you need an attractive bait.

    Everyone knows that mice love cheese, but this is more of a stereotype. No less effective are:

    • Sunflower seeds
    • Slices of bread fried in sunflower oil
    • Small pieces of lard.

    Sesame oil is also a good bait for rats and mice, and is considered a win-win option; its aroma does not leave rodents indifferent.

    A simple version of a bucket and ruler

    This is not only a simple solution to the problem, but also quite easy to implement. In addition, such a DIY mousetrap has a great advantage - all its elements are interchangeable. The bucket can be replaced with an old saucepan or other container, and instead of a ruler, use thick cardboard or a thin strip.

    The design of such a mousetrap is simple; to create it you will also need a knitting needle or a metal round and rigid wire.

    The knitting needle rests its ends on the edge of the bucket. A ruler attached to it rests on the edge with one end, and the other should hang over the container. The bait is placed on it, closer to the end.

    Such homemade traps for mice and rats will be effective provided that rodents have free access to the ruler located on top of the bucket. It is advisable to fill the container one third with water. The mouse, passing along the rail, crossing the place where it intersects with the knitting needle, shifts the center of gravity of the structure you created.

    The free end of the ruler drops sharply down and the animal falls into a homemade mousetrap. If the bait is securely fastened and does not fall off when tipped over, then this design can work many times.

    From a jar with cut paper on the neck

    This model is similar to the previous one. Only the bait should be placed in a mousetrap, and a path should be made for rodents to the neck of the jar. The top is covered with paper cut crosswise with a razor. Stepping on the paper petals, the animal falls inside the trap.

    Such a mousetrap from a jar is not always effective, since animals are sometimes afraid of thin paper vibrating under their paws.

    In this design, the bait can be placed not inside the container, but suspended on a rope above it.

    In a simple version, the bait can be glued to the wall of the jar.

    When the mouse pulls the food, the thread stretches and pulls the support out from under the can. The trap slams shut, and the caught rodent is trapped. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading.

    Plastic bottle traps

    There are many options for making models of this type. Making a mousetrap with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle is very simple:

    The container is cut into two uneven parts, the bottom should be in the longer one. The part with the neck without a stopper is installed in the other in an inverted position. For structural strength, the bottle mousetrap is glued together.

    The bait is inside the container. It is also good to grease the neck with oil. The little animal slips into the bottle and can no longer get out.

    A DIY humane mousetrap could be even easier. The neck of a plastic bottle is cut off and bait is placed inside. The container is installed so that most of it hangs over the edge of the table or shelf.

    A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from a plastic bottle is tied with string to something above the table. The animal, getting inside, shifts the center of gravity, and the trap falls, sagging above the floor. With a little ingenuity, you can come up with other models of mousetraps made from plastic bottles.

    Interesting video:Mousetrap made from improvised means

    Human life is not complete without pests created by nature - mice. Mousetraps are used to combat them. Usually people buy them in specialized stores, but this method is not always effective because mice learn to avoid getting caught in the monotonous mechanism that is used in factory devices. Therefore, it makes sense to try to make a trap yourself.

    Mice have long learned to bypass monotonous factory traps, so it’s worth trying homemade traps

    DIY harmless devices

    Not every person can afford to purchase factory mousetraps, especially in large quantities. In this case, you can use homemade mouse traps. Moreover, many of the homemade mousetraps do not kill animals, and this is a significant advantage for humane pest hunters.

    Thin paper construction

    One of the easiest to make is a mousetrap made from a can and paper. To make a trap you will need:

    • a jar with a wide neck;
    • paper;
    • scissors;
    • bait.

    This video shows how to make mouse traps:

    To make such a mousetrap with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

    1. cover the open neck of the jar with thin paper;
    2. hang the bait over the jar;
    3. cut the paper in the center in such a way that when the mouse stands on it, it falls into the jar;
    4. provide access to the mouse jar by placing it in a place in the home where rodents can often be found.

    When the rodent wants to get the bait, it will step on a thin layer of paper, which it will perceive as a surface and fall into the jar. The cut pieces of paper will close the exit for the prey so that it will not be able to escape.

    Using the jar and lid

    The principle of operation of this trap is similar to the previous one: you will need a jar with a wide neck and bait in the form of smoked sausage so that the mouse is sure to smell the smell. But instead of paper, a tin lid is used, the center of which also needs to be cut and the cut tin teeth bent inside the jar. This is necessary to prevent the mouse from getting out.

    Sausage or wheat, which also strongly attracts mice, is placed in a jar. Then you need to put it in a place accessible to mice. In this simple way you can make a fairly effective homemade mousetrap at home.

    Rotating bridge over a bucket

    If there are a lot of rodents in the house, such a trap will become simply irreplaceable. The list of necessary materials for its manufacture is as follows:

    • bucket;
    • long knitting needle (any other thin cylindrical iron object);
    • plastic bottle;
    • bait;
    • scotch.

    First, you need to place the bottle on the knitting needle so that the edges of the knitting needle remain a few centimeters from the edges of the bottle, and the knitting needle itself runs through the center of the neck and bottom of the bottle. Then, in the center of the bottom of the bottle, you need to secure the bait with tape, and there should be a minimal amount of tape: its smell can scare away mice. The structure made from a knitting needle, bottle and bait is placed on opposite edges of the bucket. Tempted by the delicious bait, the mouse will slip on the bottle rotating around the knitting needle and fall into the bucket.

    A horizontal trap with a bucket of water is the most effective among homemade ones.

    If this mouse trap for mice is intended for reusable use, it should be modified: the knitting needle must not just be placed on the bucket, but threaded through the side surfaces of the bucket, and in such a way that the knitting needle can easily rotate. If mouse survival is not a priority, a bucket can be filled with water.

    Gravity trap for rodents

    A good option for a homemade mouse trap is a simple gravitational device, the operating principle of which is based on the use of gravity. To make such a mousetrap yourself, you will need the following items:

    • plastic bottle;
    • a weight in the form of any heavy object;
    • scissors.

    In the area of ​​the neck on the surface of the bottle itself, you need to cut a hole in the plastic, with which the mouse will get into the bottle. Then you need to tie the bottle by the neck to any object that can hold it.

    The next step is to place the bait on the bottom of the bottle and place the bottle horizontally on the edge of the table so that the part with the bait remains suspended, but the bottle does not fall. As soon as the mouse gets to the treat, the weight of the suspended part will increase, the bottle will turn over and fall down. It will not be able to fall to the floor because of the weight to which it is tied, and the mouse will remain inside, because the entrance to the bottle is located at the neck, and the rodent cannot reach it in such a situation.

    Making a plastic trap

    For this trap you only need a plastic bottle, scissors, tape or wire, and bait in the form of seeds or bread. First you need to cut the bottle into parts in a ratio of 1:2, where the smaller part is the top with the neck, and the larger part is the rest of the bottle with the bottom.

    The smaller part must be inserted into the larger one with the neck down. Sprinkle seeds or bread on the bottom; to enhance the smell, you can grease the neck with oil. Secure the smaller part with wire or tape. Due to the light weight of the bottle, it is necessary to secure it to some surface.

    This plastic bottle trap is very effective and does not harm the rodent.

    Application of jars and coins

    The beauty of a mousetrap made from a jar and a coin lies in its incredible simplicity. A jar can easily be replaced with a pan, a coin with a button or a metal washer. In addition, you will need bait and double-sided tape. In order to make such a design, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Wrap the bait with tape on both sides.
    2. Place the jar upside down.
    3. Secure the tape with the bait inside the jar on one side.
    4. Place a coin or washer (button) on its edge and place the part of the jar opposite the bait on this edge, as if on a support.

    Thus, a mouse that pulls the bait will also shake the support, so the can will fall, and the pest will remain inside. This method is suitable for those who do not want to kill the mouse. However, this trap gives many misfires: a breath of wind or a strong draft can shake the coin, and the jar will slam shut prematurely.

    Less humane options

    A special glue has been developed for catching mice and insects. It is very simple to use: you need to take a piece of cardboard, fix it firmly and spread glue on it. Then you should put the bait on this cardboard. If a mouse gets in there, it won't be able to get out. But this does not apply to large and strong rats; with them everything is more complicated. In addition, such a mousetrap is not the safest, and children or pets can easily step on it. To remove stuck cardboard, you need to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. Work with such traps must be carried out with gloves.

    You can make a mousetrap out of wood. In this case, a wooden block measuring 180x160x60 mm is required. You need to drill a hole in it with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6 cm - a way for the rodent to get inside. It is also necessary to drill holes to install the spring. You will need a noose and a wire noose. A noose made of thin wire is attached with a loop of thicker wire. The rope connects the spring mechanism and the noose. The bait is placed inside the holes drilled for entry. When the mouse tries to take the bait, it will tear the rope with its teeth, and the noose with the help of a spring will do its job.

    Any of the traps would be a good choice for those who are tired of rodents, but do not have the opportunity or desire to buy a ready-made mousetrap. It is worth noting that most of them are assembled with improvised means and their manufacture does not require special knowledge. For those who consider it inhumane to kill mice, there are animal-safe mousetraps that you can make yourself.

    Baits can range from simple seeds to smoked sausage, you can try each of them in order to understand which is the most effective. Simplicity and low cost of manufacture are the main advantages of the presented mousetraps.

    Rodents are carriers of dangerous infections. In addition to being an aesthetic inconvenience, they pose a health hazard to children and pets. There is a large selection of mouse traps in stores. However, there are times when there is no time to find the necessary mousetrap or there is not enough money to purchase them. In this case, self-made devices that are not inferior in quality to store-bought designs will come to the rescue. How to make a mousetrap with your own hands? You will find the answer to the question in the article.

    Advantages of homemade mousetraps

    Ready-made traps differ in their operating principle. Some restrain or kill the mouse, others scare it away with ultrasound. The use of some types of traps is unacceptable if there are pets and children in the house, who may accidentally fall into the trap or be poisoned by the chemicals used.

    The main advantages of homemade mousetraps:

    How to prepare bait?

    The most sophisticated trap, thought out to the smallest detail, does not guarantee that the rodent will be caught. The main thing in a mousetrap is the correct bait. Pay attention to the location of the trap; the access paths to it must be open so that the mouse can easily reach the treat. There is a well-known stereotype imposed by cartoons that mice are crazy about cheese. In reality, things are a little different. Rodents really love this product, but catching a mouse with such bait will be quite problematic. It is better to use as bait:

    • a piece of smoked lard or sausage;
    • white bread croutons;
    • sesame;
    • bread soaked in sesame oil;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • peanut.

    The aroma of the products will attract the attention of mice and lure them into the prepared trap. It is worth noting that the smell of unrefined sunflower oil can overpower the smell of a person, so they need to lubricate the trap before use.

    The bait in the mousetrap should be changed periodically, since, sensing danger, the mouse stops responding to the aroma that is attractive to it.

    Homemade trap made from a jar and a coin

    A mousetrap made from a jar is suitable for those who are not ready to kill rodents. The mouse will be trapped, but its health will not be affected. To make a trap you will need a jar (you can use a pan) and a coin or button.

    The edge of the jar is raised and placed on a coin, which serves as a support. The hook with bait is fixed inside the container with a thread. It is better to place treats for rodents at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface. This ensures greater efficiency of the device.

    The thread is attached to a rod, which is installed in the middle of the can. You can use a branch or wire as a rod. The principle of operation is to tension the thread and pull out the support from under the jar after the mouse tries to get the treat while inside the container. The jar covers the rodent and holds it in the trap (watch the video).

    The main drawback is the lack of automatic recharging. Having caught one mouse, the device must be reinstalled. To get a caught rodent, place a thick sheet of cardboard or a flat plate under the structure. To make the construction of a mousetrap easier, instead of a rod and thread, you can glue the bait to the wall of the jar with your own hands. When the mouse touches it, the structure will lose its balance and the rodent will be trapped.

    Trap made from a jar and paper

    A mouse trap made from a jar and paper is an easy way to catch the pest. To make a mousetrap you will need a deep container, a sheet of paper, an eraser and a knife (razor).

    A sheet of paper is placed on the neck of the jar, the edges of which are folded down and tied with thread or secured with a rubber band. In the center of the hole you need to make a cut using a razor and a sharp knife “crosswise”. The bait is placed in a container or suspended above the jar at a short distance. If you use a small treat, you can put it on paper. To ensure that rodents can reach the bait, a special bridge should be installed connecting the surface with the upper edge of the container.

    As soon as the mouse gets into the center of the paper, its edges will move apart under the weight of the pest and the rodent will fall into the trap. To prevent the trap from escaping, you can pour water into the container. This method is not very effective, since the mice sense danger and do not go to the center of the paper. As a rule, young individuals are caught in the adaptation.

    How to catch a mouse with a bucket and ruler?

    The design feature is the interchangeability of the main elements. Instead of a bucket, you can use a saucepan or other deep container; instead of a ruler, use a flat, thin strip.

    To make it, you need to securely fasten a wire or knitting needle to the bucket. You can make holes in a plastic container on both sides and insert a wire through them. The ruler should be placed on one edge of the bucket and wire so that a large length of the rod remains suspended. The bait should be placed on the far edge of the ruler. Then you should build a special “ramp” so that the mouse can climb up to the treat.

    Sensing a pleasant aroma, the rodent will follow the rail. By crossing the intersection of the ruler and the wire, the pest will change the gravity of the structure, the ruler will turn over, and the mouse will be trapped. If you secure the bait in such a way that it does not fall into the bucket along with the rodent, you will get a reusable mousetrap with your own hands. To prevent the pest from getting out, you can pour water into the container.

    There is an easier way to make a mousetrap using a bucket and ruler. You need to put a thick sheet of cardboard or plain paper on the edge of the table, placing a ruler under it (look at the photo). Place a bucket or other deep container with water under the surface. Attach the bait to the edge of the cardboard. The mouse will follow the smell of the treat and turn the structure over with its own weight. When you attach a ruler with a table and bait, you get a reusable structure with which you can catch several pests.

    Options for plastic bottle traps

    Mousetraps made from plastic bottles are easy to make and effective. There are several types of structures that can be built at home.

    You need to cut off the neck (the part with the thread) from the plastic bottle. To make the operation easier, you can use a stationery knife. Make a hole on one edge of the container using an awl and insert a thick thread into it, which should be securely fixed. One end is attached to the bottle, the other to the table (to a nail or screw) or pan. The length of the thread should keep the bottle suspended. The bait is placed at the bottom of the container.

    The bottle is placed horizontally on the edge of the table so that the bait is suspended. The mouse will try to get the treat and will go inside the bottle to its bottom. Under the weight of the rodent, the center of gravity of the structure will shift and the bottle will fall. The mouse will be trapped, like in a house.

    For the second method you will need a plastic bottle and bait. Even a schoolchild can make such a trap. It is necessary to cut the bottle into 2 parts (the part with the bottom should be larger). The other part is turned over so that the neck is inside the bottle. Bait is placed at the bottom and the neck is lubricated with vegetable oil. To securely fix the structure, you can fasten the parts of the bottle with thread, wire or tape. The mouse will easily penetrate the bait through the lubricated neck, but will not be able to get back out.

    Glue traps

    Such traps use special glue as the main element, which can be purchased at hardware stores. The method involves applying glue to cardboard or plywood, in the center of which there is a bait. Once on the adhesive surface, the mouse cannot get out and dies.

    Glue traps are not humane, since the death of a rodent can be long and painful, and it is impossible to remove the pest from the composition.

    For ease of use of glue mousetraps, you can build a reusable trap. To do this, you will need a shoebox with a hole made for mice. Cardboard with glue is placed in the box under the hole, and bait is placed in the center. The pest will fall into the trap when it smells the treat.

    It is better to make glue traps while wearing rubber gloves, avoiding contact with exposed skin. If there are small children and pets in the house, it is better to avoid this method. The most suitable method is an electric trap. The electrical device ensures the safety of family members and pets.

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