How to make a flower of life mandala to fulfill your wishes. A very strong mandala for fulfilling wishes: how to make it

Most people have their deepest desires, and there are many ways to fulfill them. If simple methods fail to achieve what you want, then it is permissible to turn to the help of the spiritual world. Today, religious practices such as Buddhism and Hinduism have gained great popularity and are firmly established within our culture. And if earlier crosses were depicted on amulets, now they draw intricate, sacred designs - mandalas.

This is a magical image of the Universe in the form of a circle, which carries the flow of energy and the power of the Earth. The circle depicts a square, inside which fits another circle, similar to a lotus flower. Each figure has its own designation:

The first, large circle, personifies the Universe.

The inner, small circle is the embodiment of the sacred universe.

Square - direction of light intensity.

The mandala can be presented in the form of embroidery, often carved from soft wood, and depicted in sand. To make it, sometimes you need: metal, paper base or rock. There are no rigid frameworks - any available material is used, the rest depends on the person’s aspirations and imagination. Mandalas differ according to colors. The color scheme of an image is closely related to its intended purpose and is directly dependent on it. In other words, such a symbol is a drawing depicting a pattern of geometric multi-colored figures, has specific and precise content, and is aimed at solving various kinds of problems, carrying the DNA of the one who created it.

Mandala for dreams

It has long been proven that a clearly defined desire, displayed in the form of a drawing, has every chance of being realized. Magical drawings, the birthplace of which is Eastern religious culture, convey desire to the center of the Universe, where all information about the past and future is contained. The magic drawing can be found in online resources, downloaded and colored. As a result, the picture will become a powerful tool for realizing human desires.

A mandala for fulfilling wishes made by human hands will be very powerful, since at the moment of production all information about this person, his energy is transferred to it, and his entire inner essence is displayed. The picture becomes a kind of genotype of the person who created it. While creating a sacred picture, a person conveys his positive attitude, gets rid of internal hesitations and indecision.

Manufacturing process

To depict a mandala, you must follow a number of certain rules:

1. First, you need to prepare for the drawing process. Such a ritual has magical overtones, so a special mood is required. You need to put your thoughts in order, you need clarity of mind and a clear understanding of what you will do now. You need to choose a quiet place where nothing will disturb you. Create an atmosphere of sacrament - use incense, beautiful music, wear your favorite clothes.

Decide on the desire that you want to realize. Correct wording and specificity are very important. Desire should carry positive aspects, goodness, love, joy, and various benefits for people. It must be desired with your heart. And most importantly, an unshakable belief in the reality of dreams. You can’t talk about your dream to anyone; what you want must be kept secret. It must be personal, intimate.

2. Make a list of wishes in writing, if there are a large number of them. Come up with symbolizing signs and figures for each dream so that they are clear and understandable.

3. Draw a circle on a white sheet of paper and highlight the middle with a dot. It is advisable to draw without the help of improvised objects, but if the circle turns out crooked, use a compass or an ordinary plate. Next, you need to carefully monitor your condition. Listen to the feelings that your heart tells you. What signs, shapes, patterns, colors will work to fulfill your desire. Get to work.

4. Based on intuition, fill the entire circle with desires. Determine and use color tones without delving into the combination of colors. Everything is drawn freely and spontaneously, actions are not thought through. Trust your imagination. During the entire drawing process, constantly think about the dream positively and joyfully. The mandala will be filled with your energy. The result should bring pleasure and lift your spirits.

5. Having drawn the main, outer circle, try to draw a few more inside it, one inside the other. Imagine that there is a cake in front of you, use a ruler to divide it with lines, as if you wanted it to be cut. It is permissible to draw lines from the center to the edges of a large circle, along or across. Create rhombuses or triangles, you should get many sectors of different shapes. Act impulsively, without thinking, without worrying about whether it will turn out beautifully or not.

There are no ratings here. The main thing is your state, which governs you when creating a drawing. You can depict a mandala in the form of a large flower with many petals, not without the help of a compass. In each petal or sector, draw the signs and symbols that you use to indicate your dreams. These can be various lines (straight, wavy, dotted), stars, images of hearts, flowers. The drawing should please you and please you, so symmetry plays an important role. For example, if you draw a circle at the top of the mandala, do the same at the bottom.

You need to start drawing from the center, since the center of the magic symbol is your “I”. How you fill the central part, what shapes and colors you use, speaks about your spiritual state. On the back of the sheet, write the wish you made. Be sure to indicate the top and bottom of the picture. Draw until you feel that the drawing is ready, until you feel tired, or that your imagination has run out.

Working with mandala

The mandala should be hung in a visible place so that it is always before your eyes. Look carefully at the drawing every time. In order for the picture to start working, it is enough to devote a few minutes a day to it. If you no longer like it and have ceased to please, it needs to be changed: supplemented with new figures, signs and colors. If the new option is not satisfactory, then it is necessary to create a new drawing that has no resemblance to the previous one. You can carry the picture with you in your wallet or pocket. Thus, it will be charged with your energy and work to make your dream come true.

Ritual of communication

Requires privacy, a calm environment (pleasant music, scented candles, semi-darkness).

Fix the finished drawing in front of your eyes at a distance of no more than 3 meters.

Take a comfortable position, you can lie down.

Start communicating with the drawing, carefully examine the depicted figures and symbols. Mentally or out loud, express your inner experiences and thoughts to the picture. Communicate with the image as with a real person. The main condition is to believe in what you are doing, imagine the fulfillment of desires, and feel satisfaction and pleasure.

When the dream comes true, express gratitude to the Universe, remake the symbol. A drawing that has already done its work is usually burned.

A mandala is a reflection of the human soul, behind which there are material values. And it is the inner strength of a person that attracts everything material into his life. This is how thoughts work.

And watch your own other motives, note every change in your life. Pay attention to signs and clues around you. Fight the internal obstacles that prevented your desire from coming true. The spiritual world will always help, but do not forget that reality and your actions in it play a significant role in achieving what you want.

Just making a mandala and sitting and waiting is not enough. We need real movements forward, the motivation of which is the sacred picture. Don’t expect an immediate result, the main thing is to believe, and life will gradually manifest itself in positive ways, and the drawing will attract everything that is missing into it.

The meaning of colors when creating a mandala

The color background of the symbol reflects the essence of a person, his inner world, the fullness of the subconscious. Has the following characteristics:

Green color represents love for everything around you, for life itself in general. A mandala, which is dominated by green color with many shades, will be a wonderful amulet for father and mother, teachers and educators. The magical picture will work to create protection for loved ones.

Red color is a symbol of blood that flows through the veins of healthy and militant people. Represents rudeness, assertiveness, strong sexual energy.

Yellow color - resists diseases and various ailments. Identifies kindness, optimism and creative thinking. Yellow color has a strong influence on decisions made and their implementation. Symbolizes independence and a clear mind.

The color of gold expresses prudence and satisfaction with life.

Blue color is spiritual, calm, moral. Dark shades characterize strong-willed qualities, while light shades exude awe and tranquility. Mandala color therapy with the presence of blue has a calming effect on the nervous and mental systems.

Purple - exudes inspiration, various pleasant changes. Cleanses energy fields, biological substance, blood. Used to remove obstacles.

White is the color of purification, healing, purity. Helps protect the inner being from negativity.

Brown color symbolizes the earth. Indicates the importance of roots, family and home.


To realize your cherished dream, you can use various magical methods, and one very ancient and effective method is the creation of a mandala. This symbol will help activate your energy to fulfill your cherished desire.

Such mandalas are woven from threads and drawn on sand, paper, fabric or stones. The main thing is that the drawing is complex with many small details. After all, the diligence with which you make the mandala will show the Universe how much you want its fulfillment.

How to draw a wish mandala

The easiest way to create a wish mandala is to draw it on paper. You can download the magic pattern from the Internet, and then color it as you wish. But it will be much more effective to draw a mandala yourself, trusting your spiritual impulse.

For work we will need:

  1. Paper;
  2. Simple pencil;
  3. Colored paints or pencils.

Manufacturing process

In order for everything to work out and the mandala to fulfill your deepest desire, you need to learn a few basic rules:

  • when there are many desires, you need to make a list;
  • each desire to come up with its own understandable symbol, geometric figure and color;
  • draw a circle on paper by hand, mark the center with a pencil;

  • when filling the circle, you should completely immerse yourself and trust your intuition;
  • You should draw without thinking, the first thing that comes to mind;
  • the mandala is drawn without using any precision tools (ruler, compass, triangle, etc.).
  • the resulting drawing should please you and lift your spirits.

How to make a wish correctly

A desire or cherished dream should always be kept secret. It must be something hidden, protected and inviolable.

A person must have unshakable confidence that his desire will definitely come true and come true.

The desire must be sincere and come from the soul. Specifics are very important in this case. A person must clearly understand what he wants. Desire should always be aimed at goodness, love and for the benefit of people.

Drawing a mandala of desires is a real ritual aimed at solitude and knowledge of one’s “I”.

First of all, you need to retire, create silence around: turn off the TV, radio, turn off the phone, etc. Sit like that for half an hour, thinking and preparing everything you need for work.

Putting a sheet of paper on the table, draw a circle. It's better to do this by hand. But if this is difficult to do, then you can circle a round plate or pan lid. The diameter of the circle should be 20-30 cm.

Now we relax, close our eyes and concentrate on our desire or desires. Let’s visualize the dream in the form of some geometric figure that only you can understand. Let's imagine what color it will be.

Armed with a simple pencil, we make a sketch of the mandala. We think about our desire all the time.

We paint all the elements in the desired colors. Come up with a name you like for your creation.

You can even write your wish inside or outside the circle.

This is how a magical symbol is simply created, in which your invisible energy is hidden.

How to use

We hang the finished drawing on the wall. In a place where he will often be visible.

Every time we pass by a product, we linger on the picture for just a couple of seconds. 5-10 minutes of such visual contact every day is enough for the mandala to work.

A small mandala can be carried in your diary or kept under your pillow. Remember that you need to communicate with your creation every day, admiring it, calling it by name, and thinking about your dream.

It happens that after a while a person suddenly stops liking the mandala. In this case, it is necessary to redo it: complement the color scheme, add additional elements, etc. If even such events do not make the mandala more attractive to you, then it’s worth redrawing it again.

Decoding the mandala drawing

When a person draws a mandala, he involuntarily inserts his personal symbols. If you decipher them, you can get to know yourself much more deeply and what we need at this moment in life.

  • Star. This sign says that a person is confident in himself, feels protected and supported. He is free in his choice, has spirituality.
  • Triangle . This figure speaks of a focused personality. If the peak looks up, then this indicates courage, desire for creation and activity. If the top is lowered, then the person is aimed only at destruction.

  • Square . This geometric figure symbolizes balance, stability, the ability to translate spiritual plans into material forms, and rationality.
  • Circle . Speaks of integrity, orderliness in feelings and thoughts, security.
  • Cross . It says that a person is at the crossroads of two roads, i.e. he faces a difficult choice. He must set new goals and take important steps in their direction.
  • Spiral. Indicates progress and cyclical development. The direction of the spiral is very important. If the spiral is twisted to the right, this is creation. If it is twisted in the opposite direction, it is destruction.
  • Heart . Says that a person is full of love, courage, gratitude and enlightenment.
  • Flowers . Indicate harmony, awakening and beauty of the soul.
  • Labyrinth. It tells that a person is in search of his essence, his “I”.

When your wish comes true, you must definitely thank the mandala and the Universe for this.

Mandala is a mysterious talisman that is very popular today. This is a reliable ally in making your cherished dream come true. A very powerful mandala for making wishes come true is the one made with your own hands. Today you can buy ready-made mandalas, coloring books, and manufacturing kits, but to make the amulet as effective as possible, you need to know a few secrets.

What is a mandala

Mandala is a round amulet with symmetrical elements. The components of the amulet are geometric shapes, plant and animal motifs, and various symbols. All of them are the embodiment of the information that a person wants to convey to higher powers.

Mandalas are part of the ancient cult of the aborigines of South America. In the Indian dialect, the term means “God’s eye.” The ancients believed that the talisman sees the powers of a person hidden from himself, and allows him to convey desires to powerful higher beings.

The first Indian mandalas are not drawings, but products from the gifts of nature: shells, wood, stones, wool and beads. Today, talismans are made from different materials. The simplest and most accessible option is coloring books with pictures in the form of a magical assistant.

How does the mysterious symbol work?

A mandala is an image of the inner world with all its thoughts and aspirations. Outside the symbolic circle is the world around us and the values ​​that a person wants to achieve.

The secret of the effectiveness of the Indian talisman is in the visualization of cherished desires. In other words, a dream clearly formulated in the form of a picture has a huge chance of coming true. A graphic symbol containing information reveals a person’s inner potential. As a result, he himself sees his dream and is determined to achieve it. And the amulet image acts as an intermediary between his thoughts and the higher powers responsible for help.

Mandala as a magical assistant is good for its versatility. It can express a wide variety of desires, be it financial prosperity, career growth or family happiness.

Talisman power

A truly strong amulet is worthy of the effort spent on its manufacture.

Making a talisman means drawing your inner world from scratch or coloring a finished picture. If you wish and have the skills, you can weave a mandala from wool and threads or use other materials. There are no restrictions, the main thing is to be guided by intuition.

The mandala begins to act already during the manufacturing process:

  • By starting weaving (drawing, coloring), you are on the path to making your dreams come true.
  • Continuing your work, you give the talisman a charge of positive energy and positive thinking necessary to achieve the desired goal.
  • By completing the process, you receive a visual embodiment of your cherished dream.

Creating a talisman with your own hands helps you gain confidence on the path to your goal and get rid of doubts about its achievability.

Description of manufacture

The main thing in work is to start it in a good mood. Otherwise, the drawing will absorb negative emotions and will be charged with negative energy.

You need to listen sensitively to your intuition and be guided by it in choosing images and colors. You can include several wishes in a talisman, choosing a different graphic symbol for each. To depict any mandala you should know:

  • The talisman has a round shape and a central point.
  • The elements are symmetrical.
  • Drawing does not involve the use of templates; images are made by hand.
  • The finished picture should evoke positive emotions.
  • If the drawing is no longer satisfactory, you need to create another one.

The choice of symbols is arbitrary. It is dictated by your associations. In general, the meaning of the elements is as follows:

  • Round figures symbolize femininity, family well-being, and attract good luck in your personal life. Their scope of application is the mandala of love and happiness.
  • Sharp elements, arrows, triangles, and other figures with hard contours are associated with masculine strength, career success and wealth, which is attracted by the sharp corners of the details. Such elements are contained in the mandala for money and the mandala of abundance.
  • Floral and plant motifs are associated with beauty, health, harmony and self-improvement. Depict them if you are aiming to lose weight, make new acquaintances and maintain peace with yourself and in relationships with loved ones.

What color is your dream? Have you ever wondered? Although there is such a thing as a “blue dream,” each of us still has it in our own and unique shade.

Do you want to know which one?

There is one magic remedy for this. Called Mandala of Desires Fulfillment. Translated from Sanskrit, “mandala” sounds like “magic circle” and is a symbol of perfection, universal harmony, love and dreams come true.

It came to us from the East, where it is believed that in the depths of the human subconscious all the information about himself, about his past and future is stored. With the help of the Mandala of Desires, we can “awaken from sleep” the dormant intuition in us and, so to speak, “touch” this information. How to do this?

To do this you need to... paint it. Yes, just paint your magic circle in different colors, turning it from a simple picture into a powerful tool wish fulfillment!

After all, it has long been known that any dream, clearly defined and expressed in the form of a drawing, has a thousand times greater ability to be realized. We can say that a mandala is a powerful transmitter of desires straight to the Universe, to its Heavenly Office. This is a quick way get what you want.

By coloring the “magic circle”, we put all our feelings, dreams and expectations into it. We place our entire essence in it, fill it with our energy and create a strong protective field for ourselves. In essence, we are conducting a powerful wish fulfillment ritual. The mandala is us, it is our inner world, and outside the magic circle is the outer world.

Mandala of Desires

How to work with a mandala correctly?

You have two options. The first is to draw it yourself and the second is to print the finished image. You can download the mandala here by clicking on the button below the picture.


  • Create a “magical” atmosphere. Turn on meditative music, light candles and relax. Then tune into your desire. Think about it, clearly formulate it and try to imagine it in the form of some kind of symbol and determine its color.
  • Start coloring the magic circle without letting go of your dream for a second and continuing to think about it. Use colored pencils, markers or watercolors. The rule for choosing colors is no rules! Your subconscious will tell you everything. Just give yourself entirely to this process and your hand will choose the appropriate colors!
  • Now all that remains is to carefully cut out the Mandala of Desires and find a suitable place for it. Try to place her where you can meet her gaze as often as possible, while remembering your goal. Place it under your pillow, hang it on the wall, or stick it in your planner. The main thing is to communicate with her, come up with and call her by name - now this is your personal magical thing, sending requests to the Universe.
  • When your wish comes true (and this will certainly happen), thank the Mandala and the Universe for helping you realize it. After that, you will need to part with it - burn it or cut it into small pieces.

Working with the “magic circle”, you will penetrate deep into your inner self. And in addition to making your dreams come true, you will be able to get rid of worries, problems and anxious states, harmonizing the space of your soul.

Mandala of Desires Fulfillment– this is your pass to the world of harmony, happiness and love!

Mandala for fulfilling wishes

You can use any means to make your dream come true. A mandala for fulfilling desires is a very strong energy picture that helps you realize your capabilities in achieving your plans.

Mandalas that fulfill wishes

Psychologists have proven that any clearly formulated dream, expressed in the form of a picture, has a tremendous ability to be realized. Mandalas, which came from Eastern religious culture, broadcast desires and send them to the Universe, where all the information about what has happened and will happen in the future is stored. As a result, intuition is revealed and fully directed towards solving the problem.

You can simply download a magical drawing from the Internet and paint it with different colors, turning the picture into a powerful tool for making your desires come true.

A mandala for making a wish come true, created with your own hands, will be very powerful. By creating a magical image, a person puts his positive energy into it, frees himself from doubts and uncertainty.

  • If you have a lot of desires, make a list.
  • For each desire, come up with your own symbol that will be clear and obvious.
  • On a white sheet of paper, draw a circle by hand and mark the center with a dot.
  • Filling the circle with desires should be guided by intuition. Colors are chosen arbitrarily, without thinking. Images and symbols of the mandala are drawn freely without using ready-made templates, as the soul dictates.

The finished drawing should please you and lift your spirits.

Working with mandala

The mandala must be hung in the place where it will most often catch the eye. Every time you pass by a “wish granter,” you should hold your gaze on him for at least a few seconds. 5-10 minutes a day is enough for the drawing to work.

If you suddenly no longer like the mandala, it needs to be redone: filled with new ornaments or colors. If this does not help, create a new image that is not similar to the previous one.

  • Retreat and create a favorable atmosphere (calm music, incense, dim lights, candles).
  • Place the finished mandala at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from the eyes.
  • Lie down and sit in a comfortable position.
  • Start looking at the drawing, calling it by name, communicate with it, tell it (mentally or in a quiet voice) everything that is on your soul. The main thing is to believe in what is planned, imagining how everything you want has already come true, to feel joy and satisfaction.
  • When your dream comes true (you must believe in it), thank the Universe and redraw the mandala. The spent drawing is usually burned.

When working with mandalas, you need to analyze changes in your inner world, listen to the prompts of consciousness, and help yourself resolve the contradictions that prevent your dreams from coming true.

Mandalas that fulfill wishes are a ticket to the world of happiness, love and harmony. But in order for the wish to come true, a person is still required to take certain actions directed towards his dream.

The mandala is the inner state of a person, and outside the circle is the outer world with material things. And this matter is attracted to the outer space by the inner world. This is how the power of thought works.

It must be remembered that a mandala for fulfilling a desire is a very strong motivation that encourages action. Positive changes will occur gradually, attracting into the person’s environment everything that he needs for happiness.

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