How to make handgams from pva glue. How to make handgam or smart plasticine with your own hands

You don't know how to entertain your child in his free time? Try to make Handgama with him, in other words - smart plasticine. Handgam is translated from English as chewing gum for hands. It has been sold in stores for a long time and is very popular not only among children, but also among adults. The peculiarity of hand chewing gum is that its viscosity depends on the speed of action. If you just hold the handgam in your hands, it will begin to flow down and look like slime, but if you throw it on a hard surface, it will instantly turn into a substance as hard as a rock.

Handgaming games are not only fun, but also develop fine motor skills and imagination in children. And for adults they are a good way to relieve stress and irritation.

There is absolutely no need to buy this toy; making chewing gum for your hands with your own hands is not at all difficult. You can also make your own favorite kinetic sand (read about how to make it in this article). It will be very similar to the one sold in stores.

Children usually love to participate in such activities. They love to watch how simple, well-known ingredients are transformed into something completely new and different from what was originally.

Handgam recipe.


PVA glue (white) – 200 gr.

Sodium tetraborate (or 20% sodium tetraborate in glycerin) – 50 g.

Dye (any) - optional.

1. Take a medium-sized container and fill it with PVA glue, always white.

2. Then add dye. If it is missing, it can be replaced with brilliant green or gouache.

3. Mix everything very thoroughly with a wooden spatula and add the most important ingredient - sodium tetraborate.

It can also be bought in the form of a 20% solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin. This substance is sold in pharmacies.

4. Now that the last ingredient has been added, you need to mix everything thoroughly.

5. When it becomes inconvenient to mix with a spatula, we take the resulting substance in our hands and begin to use it for its intended purpose.

You can crush, tear, throw a handgam and watch how it changes its properties. It is very exciting. You need to store it in an airtight container, try to avoid contact with small particles, because they will stick to the handgam. Therefore, it will lose its properties. The shelf life of homemade handgam is 2-3 weeks, but this is not at all scary, due to the fact that the ingredients are absolutely inexpensive in cost.

You can also try making slime at home. They will differ only in that the consistency will be more liquid.

Slime recipe.


PVA glue – 100 gr.

Filtered water – 200 gr.

Sodium tetroborate – 3 caps.

Dye - optional.

1. Take a small plastic container and pour PVA glue into it.

2. Then add warm water and mix with a wooden spatula.

3. After everything is mixed well, add dye; it can be replaced with brilliant green or gouache.

4. Mix everything very thoroughly again until a homogeneous mass is formed.

5. Having received a single mixture, add sodium tetroborate and mix everything again.

If the resulting mass does not seem thick enough, you need to add a little more sodium tetrobarate. The slime must be stored in a tightly sealed container.

You can also entertain children by creating professional soap bubbles at home, and read about how to make them with your own hands here. From my own experience, I can say that children really enjoy making such original crafts with their own hands.

First, let's briefly figure out WHAT IT IS. The word “handgam,” as you might guess, comes from two English words: “hand” - hand and “gum” - chewing gum (remember bubblegum?). We put two words together and we get “chewing gum for hands.” In common parlance, handgam. This is a plastic mass that can be given any shape. But when some force is created, it breaks, although it has elasticity.
You can buy it in a store, but it is better not to name the price, so as not to traumatize your fragile mental essence. Therefore, this product can be created at home in literally 5 minutes, and the cost will be about 20-30 times cheaper. Don't believe me? I'll prove it no problem. But a little later.
In RuNet you can find a bunch of different video tutorials on how to make a handgam. I have seen most of them and I can say that many of them contain inaccuracies. Therefore, the handgam turns out to be too liquid, sticks to your hands, crumbles, stains everything around - in short, it turns out not at all the way it is supposed to be. Having allocated half an hour, I decided to make a short video and wrote an explanation for it.

In order to make a handgam, we will need:
1) Two containers (this can be anything: a disposable plastic cup, some kind of jar, etc.);
2) PVA glue (regular glue from a stationery store);
3) Wooden stick (match, toothpick, spoon, pencil);
4) Borax (where to get it: pharmacy, gardening stores, chemical stores, school (chemistry room) or ask your friends. You can also use washing powder, but I personally haven’t tried it);
Method of preparing handgam:
Take some borax powder. A pinch will be enough. Dissolve it in regular running water. For this we will need the first plastic cup.
Next, take the second glass and PVA. You need to shake the glue and pour the amount you need. It's simple: the more glue, the larger the size of the future handgam.
Add the prepared borax solution to the glue and mix. There is no need to spare borax - it is better to add more of it. Otherwise, the gum for your hands will be too liquid and will stick and get dirty.
A white lump of viscous mass should gradually form on the stick. When all the glue from the mixture has reacted, you can remove the mixture from the container and transfer it to a paper towel to get rid of excess liquid. That's it - handgam is ready!
Many people recommend adding a dye - food coloring or brilliant green - before adding the borax solution to the glue. There is a chance that your hands will also become painted. White color looks good on its own.
Properties: Liquid, elastic, can be torn into pieces, plastic.
Pros and cons of homemade handgam:
1) 20-30 times cheaper than purchased. Let’s Google the phrase “buy handgam.” We take the average price of 600 rubles (the cheapest). PVA glue will cost you 20-30 rubles. Borax is usually obtained for free.
2) Home-grown handgam is not very durable. Usually it lasts for a week. Then it collapses and loses its properties. But a week is 100% enough to play enough and understand that in a week you will be sick of the purchased handgam. Get tired of it. So fragility can also be considered a plus (savings).
3) Homemade handgams are slightly inferior in elasticity to purchased ones. That is, he will not jump to the ceiling, but he must bounce off the wall.
Some notes:
- such handgam is not poisonous, non-toxic, and practically does not smell of anything. This is regular PVA. Of course, you don’t need to eat it and it’s better to wash your hands after playing with it, but you don’t need gloves with a gas mask either.
- if you see that the handgam is being destroyed, then a minute rinse under hot water can prolong its life.
- it is better to store handgams in some closed container. On an open surface it can spread due to its physical properties.
Basically everything. Good luck in making hand gums =)

Chewing gum for hands is plasticine that can take any shape. Various recipes for preparing this toy allow you to achieve a variety of consistency: from thick to liquid. The advantage is that the prepared mass does not stain clothes. There are various recipes that tell you how to make gum for your hands.

Chewing gum for hands is plasticine that can take any shape.

How to make gum for your hands with your own hands at home: a traditional recipe

An elastic slime toy can be prepared according to a traditional recipe.

The accessory is made from the following materials:

  • 1 cup PVA;
  • 2 bottles of sodium tetraborate;
  • a small amount of food coloring.

How to make smart plasticine:

  1. The glue is poured into a plastic container.
  2. The adhesive mass is mixed with the dye.
  3. Sodium tetraborate is gradually poured into the mass. At this point the mixture will begin to thicken.
  4. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it can be used for its intended purpose.

In order for the prepared toy to be elastic and retain all its qualities and functions, it is necessary to use PVA, the production period of which is no more than 3 months. This chewing gum should be stored in a resealable container or plastic bag.

DIY gum for hands (video)

Glowing handgam

In addition to ordinary toys, you can also make ones that glow in the dark.

To make them you will need:

  • 240 milliliters PVA;
  • sodium tetraborate – 1 teaspoon;
  • half a glass of water;
  • fluorescent marker.

In addition to ordinary toys, you can also make ones that glow in the dark.

How to prepare glowing handgum:

  1. Water is poured into the container and borax is added. Everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  2. The glowing marker opens and its shaft is lowered into the liquid.
  3. Everything is mixed well to distribute the fluorescent pigment throughout the composition.
  4. Then the rod is removed and PVA is poured into the mixture.
  5. The mass is thoroughly mixed. At this time it will begin to thicken.
  6. When the smart plasticine becomes difficult to stir, you need to place it in a plastic bag and knead it with your hands.
  7. Then the toy is removed from the package and used for its intended purpose.

If the handgam prepared in this way begins to dry out, it can be lowered into a container with warm water for a few minutes.

DIY PVA glue at home

If there is no PVA in the house, you can prepare it yourself.

To do this you will need:

  • 100 grams of sifted wheat flour;
  • 25 grams of ethyl alcohol;
  • 7 grams of fine gelatin;
  • 70 grams of water;
  • 7 grams of glycerin.

If there is no PVA in the house, you can prepare it yourself

How to prepare PVA:

  1. Gelatin is soaked in water for 1 day.
  2. Then a water bath is constructed. A container with a gelatin solution is placed on it.
  3. The mass is brought to a boil and then gradually mixed with flour. At this time, the mixture must be constantly stirred. Usually the mass acquires a homogeneous structure 1 hour after adding all the flour.
  4. Then glycerin and alcohol are poured into the mass, everything is mixed and left in a water bath for another 30 minutes.
  5. The mixture is removed from the heat and cooled.

This glue has excellent adhesive characteristics, so it can be used not only for preparing handgams, but also in repair work.

How to make gum for hands without sodium tetraborate?

To make a safe environmental accessory, it is necessary to abandon the use of sodium tetraborate, PVA, and dyes.

To prepare you need:

  • container made of plastic, aluminum - 1 piece each;
  • plastic bag;
  • packaging of edible gelatin;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • plasticine;
  • wooden stick;
  • brilliant green

How to do:

  1. 150 milliliters of water is poured into an aluminum container. The container is placed on the burner, the liquid is brought to a boil.
  2. Gelatin is gradually introduced into hot water. At this time, the mass should be constantly stirred with a stick.
  3. When the gelatinous mass begins to thicken, reduce the heat to a minimum.
  4. After 7 minutes, remove the container from the heat.
  5. After cooling, the liquid is poured into a plastic container.
  6. 100 milliliters of water are poured into a metal container. Then it is brought to a boil.
  7. Small balls are molded from white plasticine.
  8. Plasticine is gradually thrown into the boiling liquid. The fire is reduced, the mass is mixed until the balls are completely dissolved.
  9. The gelatin mixture is transferred to the hot liquid.
  10. Everything is mixed, and then a small amount of brilliant green is added.
  11. The slightly cooled mass is transferred to a plastic bag and kneaded by hand.

The prepared toy should be stored in a cool place.

Handgam made from starch and water

You can also make a hand toy from starch. It is worth considering that such an accessory is quite liquid and requires storage in a cool place.

The following ingredients are needed during the preparation process:

  • starch;
  • water;

You can also make a hand toy from starch.

Prepare starch gum for hands:

  1. In a separate container, mix water and starch. These ingredients should be taken in equal volumes.
  2. The resulting starch liquid is gradually introduced into a bowl with PVA glue.
  3. The mass is mixed until the desired consistency is obtained.

Additionally, food coloring can be added to this mixture. It must be diluted in water before mixing with starch.

Gelatin handgam

For children under 3 years of age, it is necessary to make toys based on materials that are safe for their health. This is due to the fact that babies often lick or eat foreign objects.

To prevent poisoning, you need to use the following ingredients to make smart plasticine:

  • water;
  • food gelatin;
  • children's plasticine.

For children under 3 years of age, it is necessary to make toys based on materials that are safe for their health.

Cooking at home:

  1. 150 milliliters of water is poured into an aluminum container.
  2. Gelatin is poured into the liquid, everything is mixed and left for 25 minutes for the gelatin grains to swell.
  3. The mass is placed on the burner and brought to a boil.
  4. Then the heat is reduced and the mixture is simmered until it thickens.
  5. The toy is boiled for another 5 minutes, removed from the stove and cooled at room temperature.
  6. Children's plasticine of any color is melted in a water bath.
  7. 100 milliliters of boiling water is poured into the plasticine mass and everything is mixed.
  8. The gelatin mixture is poured into the resulting colored mass in small portions.
  9. Everything is mixed, cooled and transferred to cling film.
  10. After the mass is kneaded, it can be removed from the film and given to the child.

Do not use any additional colors in this recipe as they may be hazardous to children's health.

How to make bouncy plasticine or rubber band for hands?

How to soften chewing gum for your hands? To make a jumping handgam from chewing gum at home, you need to replace PVA with silicate glue and discard borax.


  • silicate glue;
  • alcohol or vodka;
  • food coloring.

How to make a toy with your own hands:

  1. Silicate glue is poured into a clean container.
  2. Alcohol is poured into the adhesive mass in a thin stream. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The alcohol should be poured until the chewing gum acquires a hard, springy structure.
  3. The lump is taken in the hand and actively wrinkled. After acquiring a homogeneous structure, the toy can be used for its intended purpose.

If you want to get a colored toy, you need to add food coloring before pouring alcohol into the glue. It is worth considering that prepared silicate bouncy handgam ages very quickly and needs to be renewed regularly.

Handgum is a substance resembling chewing gum that can be crushed with your hands without it sticking to your hands. It is similar to plasticine, but does not hold its shape and does not leave any marks in the places where it is located. It also has a pleasant smell and bright colors.

What are the benefits of handgams?

Handgams (slime) are suitable for crafts, but your figures will not last long and will spread out very quickly.

You can prepare such handgams yourself. Let's look at how to make them at home below.

There are many ways to make slime, but not all of them are effective. We have selected several proven recipes that will allow you to get real handgams. How to make these?

Shaving foam based slime

The slime will decrease in size, but will remain airy and porous, as well as very elastic. This is a simple and easy way to make handgam without sodium.

Handgam using lens fluid

In this case, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour 125mm of clear glue into a container.
  2. Add a teaspoon of any acrylic paint of your choice. Stir until the color is uniform.
  3. Add a few drops of contact lens fluid. Mix carefully. Pour in about 10 grams in total.
  4. Next, add a pinch of soda.
  5. Stir the mixture until it stops sticking to the walls. Then continue kneading it with your hands.

The result was a very soft and elastic slime. Here's how to make handgam without tetraborate - it's very quick, and you'll definitely like the effect. The substance can even stretch into a thin film.

Snow Slime

This handgam looks like it is made of snow flakes. It looks especially impressive in blue or blue:

  1. Pour 125mm of clear glue into a container.
  2. Add dye - acrylic paint. Stir until smooth.
  3. Pour artificial snow into the resulting mass (can be replaced with grated foam). Stir gently.
  4. Add two teaspoons of Persil laundry detergent. Stir with a spoon, then continue kneading with your hands.

The result is a pleasant-to-the-touch snow handgum that stretches well and quickly regains its shape. A good option for those who are looking for a way to make handgam without sodium tetraborate. The only disadvantage of this slime is that it quickly loses its elasticity.

Handgam with the addition of boric acid

Method number four looks like this:

  1. Pour 250 mm of transparent glue.
  2. Add some acrylic paint. Stir.
  3. You can add glitter. Stir to form a homogeneous mass.
  4. Add a couple of drops of boric acid.
  5. Mix well and knead with your hands. The slime becomes viscous after ten minutes of kneading.

This handgam sticks a little to your hands, but it stretches very much. It retains elasticity for a long time.

Classic slime

Method number five is a traditional handgam made with a thickener such as sodium tetraborate (the so-called borax):

  1. Pour 125 mm of PVA glue into a container.
  2. Add pearlescent acrylic paint. Stir until the color is uniform.
  3. Add sodium tetraborate. Stir until the mixture begins to thicken. Add a total of 10 grams of sodium tetraborate.
  4. Rinse the slime in warm water and continue kneading with your hands.

This handgam turns out to be dense, but quite elastic. It does not lose its qualities even after several hours. You can sculpt figures from it, like plasticine.


All five recipes will allow you to figure out how to make handgam at home.

In terms of characteristics, first place can be given to slime made from contact lens liquid, according to recipe number two. It stretches perfectly and does not stick to your hands, and also does not lose these qualities even after several hours.

Try other recipes that allow you to make high-quality handgams. You already know how to make slime according to classic recipes. This is considered to be a method of preparing slime using sodium tetraborate. This thickener always works effectively, however, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the handgam will turn out to be too dense and not elastic enough.


And one more not just interesting, but also useful handgam:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of gelatin into a container.
  2. Fill it with 100-150 ml of boiling water. Stir until the gelatin dissolves.
  3. Add three tablespoons of shower gel.
  4. Pour the soap base into silicone molds.
  5. If you want to make your slimes colored, add a few drops of food coloring.
  6. Place the molds in the refrigerator for one and a half to two hours.

This slime resembles jelly, it does not stretch, but is still very interesting and pleasant to the touch. You can also use it to wash your hands. Ideal for a gift. And children will love washing their hands.

Here are the types of handgams you can make. We told you how to make a wide variety of slimes. Some of them turn out to be really elastic and pleasant, while others are absolutely impossible to work with. But until you try, you won’t understand which method will be the most effective.

How to make handgam?

Handgam is an unusual toy in the form of a soft plastic substance. From English “handgum” is translated as “chewing gum for hands.” Visually, the toy resembles an ordinary piece of plasticine or large chewing gum. However, unlike plasticine, a pleasant-to-touch mass called “handgam” does not stick to your hands, does not leave marks and easily peels off from surfaces.

How to make handgam at home?

In order to make handgams at home, you will need PVA glue, preferably white, any dye (food coloring, gouache, pen ink or even brilliant green), as well as sodium tetraborate - an antiseptic that can be bought at almost any pharmacy or a chemical store. This product is worth it inexpensive, and can also be sold as a solution in glycerin 20%. To make a soft toy, it is better to use a solution, since thanks to glycerin, the handgam will not stick to your hands.

First you need to take a container into which you need to pour the glue. Then you need to add the dye and mix the components thoroughly until smooth.

Only after this should sodium tetraborate be added to the resulting substance. You can choose the proportions yourself, so be prepared for a variety of consistencies. When the mass becomes viscous, transfer it to a plastic bag and knead it in your hands for five minutes. A fun toy for children and adults is ready.

How to make handgam without sodium tetraborate?

Another option for preparing a plastic substance involves the use of components such as alcohol (vodka) and office glue.

In order to make handgum, you need to thoroughly mix alcohol and glue in equal proportions until a homogeneous white mass is obtained. In appearance, the resulting mixture should resemble wallpaper glue. After this, the substance should be rinsed under cold water. It is very important to do this manually.

The only difference between a handmade handmade item and a purchased toy is its fragility. The homemade version of the plastic substance will remain usable for only a few hours, after which the mass will harden and lose its properties.

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