How to make a decorative New Year's fireplace with your own hands. Decorating a false fireplace for the New Year: holiday tips

Decorative fireplaces are becoming more and more popular every day. This is due to the low cost of the design when compared with a real heating device. Most often, people install such decorations under New Year. You can make it from various improvised means or purchase it in a store, but the cost can be quite high. That's why many people make a New Year's fireplace with their own hands.

Such festive fireplace you can do it yourself

First stage

To make and assemble any structure with your own hands, you need to make its layout before starting work. This stage may seem unnecessary, since the novice builder already has an image of a fireplace in his head that needs to be brought to life. But it's not right. Without appropriate preparation and creation of a sketch, the work on making an artificial hearth may be delayed, and the result will subsequently be disappointing. When planning you need to:

  • It’s good to think about where the fireplace will be located, since finished form It is better not to move it to another place so as not to destroy it;
  • consider the style and color of the design, because it should be combined with the interior of the room;
  • collect everything necessary materials and tools (cardboard boxes are suitable for the frame), and also decide on the dimensions;
  • do detailed drawing with the necessary parameters;
  • after this, you need to think about the method of finishing the fireplace and record everything on the diagram, since what appears in a person’s head is not always ideal, and all the shortcomings will be immediately visible on paper.

Consider where it is better to install such a fireplace

When choosing a finish for a structure, it is advisable to go to specialized stores or look for photographs of ready-made fireplace models. This will allow you to become familiar with fresh ideas from designers and new decoration materials, and will also help make the design of an artificial hearth attractive.

In terms of finishing, there is no need to simplify everything too much. A New Year's decorative fireplace is easy to make. If you don't pay attention appearance special attention, then you can get results at the level of labor lessons at school.

Required tools and materials

The simplest version of a fireplace made from boxes for the New Year is made from cardboard packaging from a large TV. If you use small boxes, then they will need to be remade and glued, and this will only complicate the work. It's better to find a big box and save yourself from unnecessary problems. You can also use a box from a large-sized household appliances, for example, from the refrigerator. In this case, it will be necessary to reduce it in size and re-glue it.

In this video you will learn how to make a similar fireplace:

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • single-sided and double-sided masking tape;
  • white paper;
  • drywall;
  • ruler, pencil and tape measure;
  • scissors and stationery tape;
  • polymer glue and PVA;
  • acrylic paints;
  • water-based primer;
  • a set of brushes and a sponge;
  • other finishing materials.

The list is not exhaustive. In each individual case, you can add or remove certain items depending on the craft project.

New Year's false fireplace can be made in various variations. It all depends on the skills and imagination of the performer.

If you can make the scenery in 3D, it will turn out very impressive

Great option the structure will become in the shape of the letter P. If you make additional finishing for brickwork from rectangular sheets of paper orange color, then the craft will fully correspond to the New Year theme. It will look perfect next to the Christmas tree. You can glue an applique in the form of burning firewood to the front wall of the fireplace. Such a product will not only decorate the room, but will also become an excellent decoration for a New Year's children's play or matinee.

If the application is made in the form of a 3D drawing, the effect will be even more impressive. You can also use ready-made wallpaper for decoration. brick wall rather than using individual bricks. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully prepare the frame, since perfectly even corners will be required.

Another finishing option could be the use of paint. It takes quite a long time to draw bricks, but they will look more realistic. Inside the artificial hearth, you can put rolled up rolls of white paper, which will resemble firewood.

This composition can be made from 3 parts

You can depict not only brick structure, but also stone. To do this, you should use plaster. White or marble will look good in a pastel-colored bedroom.

If the structure is installed in a large private house, then it should be placed between the windows of a spacious living room. For small rooms, you can make an imitation of a chimney, which will look very impressive.

For aristocratic style In the fireplace, polystyrene foam is often used to create additional decoration (baguettes, various patterns and planks). Elements can be glued using polymer glue to already finished design. It is important to maintain the correct level and symmetry.

Instead of paper cardboard fireplace can be covered with fabric. It is better to involve children in this process. They have a well-developed imagination, so ready product will come out more attractive.

The design can be made simple, consisting of only three parts: two sides and a crossbar. Instead of a fireplace, branches from the park are placed or sparkling garlands are simply installed. Such a craft will look poorer, but it can be moved to any part of the room.

You can make a fireplace for the New Year with your own hands in human height, if the height of the room allows. Inside it (in place of the hearth) a small cabinet will look good, on which a small vase or soup plate with sweets. You can also decorate the craft with tangerines, large candles and other New Year’s symbols.

Instead of rectangular design sometimes they install a corner one. It is important to choose the right form here. The best option there will be a perfectly straight triangle. But for a more elegant and unique look, various variations are used.

Miniature product

So that the fireplace can be placed anywhere, including desk at work, you need to do it miniature copy. To create such a design you should prepare:

  • small box;
  • 3 elongated boxes;
  • white cardboard;
  • white paint;
  • scissors and pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • other decorative elements.

The bottom of the box must be carefully glued. One long sash needs to be bent at the top, and the second one needs to be carefully glued to the two short ones. Then small elongated boxes are placed around the perimeter of the sash window and their positions are marked with a pencil.

Along the lines formed, you need to enlarge the window, cutting out unnecessary parts of the cardboard. After this, you should glue the small boxes to the main one according to the markings. From cut pieces of cardboard you can make decorative elements for finishing. A shelf made from another long box is glued on top. It should protrude a few centimeters from the edge of the fireplace. The entire structure is painted in White color. It is advisable to paint it on all sides in several layers.

All prepared decorative elements are attached with polymer glue. In the interior of the hearth, you can glue wallpaper in the style of brick or masonry. Small candles will complement the design and New Year's style products.

To create a fireplace you will need at least White paint

Arched fireplace

To create such a product you will need two old boxes. The design looks quite attractive and elegant. In addition to the boxes, you need to prepare:

  • scotch;
  • scissors and knife;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • wrapping paper;
  • sponge and brushes;
  • decorative elements to create the illusion of fire.

Two large boxes must be glued together, and all resulting seams must be carefully sealed with tape. Then you need to make a cornice for the fireplace from cardboard. It is glued to the structure with tape.

An arch is cut out in the center, and the edges are covered with cardboard. The inside of the fireplace is spray painted black. It's better to do it outside. Decor in the form of brickwork is applied on top with orange paint using a brush or sponge. Firewood on a black background inside the fireplace creates an extraordinary atmosphere. You can also light large candles.

Corner design with chimney

Create corner fireplace from a cardboard box is easy. A more advanced design can be made from sheets of white cardboard, additionally attaching a chimney to it. In addition to cardboard, you will need tape, glue, tape measure, ruler and pencils.

Before starting work, it is important to make a drawing, thanks to which the finished product will come out smooth and have the correct geometric shape. In order not to make a diagram on a separate sheet of paper, you can draw the required dimensions directly on the cardboard and cut off the excess sections in in the right places. After this, all that remains is to assemble and glue the craft. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Cut out 4 triangular pieces with curves on one side.
  2. In one part, cardboard borders are made, and stiffening ribs are installed along the perimeter.
  3. The other part of the triangle is glued on top. The result is the bottom of the structure. Another part for the top is made in the same way.
  4. For reliability, it is necessary to strengthen the joints with tape.
  5. It is necessary to glue the walls to the top and bottom of the fireplace, and install stiffening ribs in the corners. In this case, the rounded part of the triangle will become the facade of the structure.
  6. The product is coated with primer and white paint.
  7. All that remains is to make a beautiful decoration from cardboard and other elements inside and outside.
  8. To create a chimney, a sheet of cardboard is glued in a semicircle at the top of the structure. Wherein top part the chimney should be smaller in diameter than the bottom.

As you can see, making a New Year's false fireplace is quite simple. There are various variations of it. The product can also be decorated in different ways. For some people it will be enough to install Christmas tree near it, while others will want to move chairs to the structure. But in any case, the product will create a New Year's atmosphere in the house, especially if you decorate it in the appropriate style.

For most people fireplace portal in the interior of the living room evokes a feeling of well-being and comfort. Not for nothing holiday photos, especially for the New Year, are made against the backdrop of a decorated fireplace. But building a real hearth is a complex and expensive undertaking, and not at all affordable for apartment residents. Those wishing to acquire this attribute home comfort We will show you how to make and beautifully decorate a fireplace with your own hands from corrugated cardboard.

Preparation for production

To assemble a decorative fireplace portal at home, you need to do the following:

  • allocate a place for a false hearth and choose a design that suits the interior;
  • find a sufficient amount of hard cardboard;
  • buy materials for gluing and exterior finishing, prepare tools.

False fireplaces, like real wood-burning fireplaces, are usually made in two varieties - wall-mounted and corner. So the choice of design depends on the location of the portal - in a corner or on a free section of the wall. To get an idea of ​​what it will look like and how much room space it will take up, sketch out a sketch with dimensions, and at the same time think through and draw the design of the fireplace dummy.

Advice. For a small room, a New Year's fireplace made of cardboard can be made portable and free up space for it during the holiday, and then put away in the pantry.

After creating the model in the drawing, you will understand how much material is needed. The main source is cardboard boxes of any size from a TV or other household appliances, as well as from various goods. The main thing is that the cardboard has a two-layer structure with corrugation inside; ordinary thick and thick paper will not work. The technology for manufacturing an artificial hearth depends on the size of these boxes, which will be discussed later.

To reliably connect cardboard parts, prepare construction adhesive for foam plastic such as Dragon or Eltitan, or better yet, a glue gun with transparent rods. Afterwards you will need PVA glue and an inexpensive water-based paint to design a false fireplace in accordance with the interior.

Reference. Now in stores you can purchase decorative elements intended for internal lining rooms and made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane. Ceiling skirting boards various shapes and width, fake columns and stucco molding are perfect for cladding a homemade cardboard portal.

This is what a polyurethane imitation stucco molding looks like, which can be used to decorate a cardboard fireplace

Master class on assembling a fireplace from boxes

If you are lucky enough to get a dozen small boxes of the same size, then making a wall-type structure is greatly simplified. Small boxes will not have to be further reinforced from the inside, since they are already quite rigid. Step-by-step instruction The fireplace assembly looks like this:

  1. First, fold the portal model in the shape of the letter “P” to understand how best to glue the cardboard boxes.
  2. Make the side supports of the fireplace dummy by gluing the boxes in pairs. Place them under a weight and wait until the glue hardens.
  3. In the same way, glue the horizontal jumper and connect it to the vertical supports.
  4. To make the top plane serve as a shelf, strengthen it with sheets of corrugated cardboard, glued in 3-4 layers.
  5. To add stability structure, attach the same multi-layer stand to the bottom. Layout hearth and home ready.

Note. When working with glue gun there is no need to load the elements and wait for the glue to dry; the connection is made almost instantly.

If homemade fireplace If you only need it from boxes for New Year or another holiday, there is no point in weighing it down with finishing elements. You can cover the portal with ordinary or liquid wallpaper under the brickwork, and connect the boxes together with tape, as demonstrated in the video:

Making a fireplace from sheets of cardboard

When you receive boxes from a TV, refrigerator and other large equipment, you will have to reshape them to fit the planned dimensions. You can go two ways:

  • make small blocks out of cardboard, and then glue them together using the technology described above;
  • cut out the front and side walls, then connect them together and make an opening for the hearth.

The second method is more complex, but it allows you to imitate the arched vault of a fireplace insert, while using block assembly you can only glue together a straight U-shaped portal. We propose to make a fireplace from cardboard, proceeding in this order:

  1. Based on your drawing, bend the cardboard box to your dimensions. It is desirable that the front panel remains solid. Cut off the excess sections of cardboard resulting from bending and set aside.
  2. Mark the front part and cut out the vaulted opening. The remaining piece will go to the back wall of the fake firebox.
  3. To strengthen the structure on the back side, glue cardboard strips folded like an accordion to the walls. If necessary, install additional rigidities inside the portal.
  4. Create an opening to simulate a fireplace by gluing the cut out part to the side walls of the firebox.
  5. Do top shelf and a stand, as described in the previous section.

A cardboard accordion will help strengthen the walls of the product

Advice. If one container is not enough for a false fireplace, join 2 boxes vertically, as shown in the photo.

At the end, a self-made cardboard fireplace needs to be refined - all joints must be masked using newspapers and PVA glue. Apply it in such a way that the newsprint gets wet through. Afterwards, dry the product and proceed to cladding.

Newspapers will hide all joints and irregularities

The corner fireplace portal is made using the same technology, only the walls of the box are bent differently and under more sharp corners. For the finished layout there are the following design options:

  • glue imitation stucco molding and other fireplace elements made of polyurethane, and then paint it;
  • decorate the portal with a foam plinth (baguette);
  • apply liquid wallpaper followed by painting;
  • create a texture that imitates brickwork or plaster.

For corner portal cardboard box need to be bent in a special way

Three-dimensional brickwork is done simply: “bricks” are cut from 10 mm thick foam plastic, with which you need to cover all the walls in a checkerboard pattern, and then apply several layers of paint. Design master class decorative fireplace shown in the following video:


As you can see, self-production false fireplace - the process is quite simple, but requires creative approach. If desired, the finished portal can be decorated with the most various materials, and place artificial firewood or electric lighting inside the firebox. If you decide to use candles for decoration, be careful, since cardboard does not burn much worse than paper.

Since childhood, after books about knights or Sherlock Holmes, the concept of “fireplace” has become synonymous with comfort and warmth for us. For those who live in their own home, if they have money and free space, it’s easy to call a team and choose matching fireplace and soon enjoy a living flame. But in high-rise buildings(and private houses, you know, are also different, in some you can’t even put an extra stool) you can’t adapt it in any way the necessary pipe, and you can’t allocate much space for a fireplace. So, to satisfy your craving for romance and desire for comfort, all you have to do is make a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands.

Selecting a Layout

Start by deciding for yourself exactly where you would like your fireplace to be. Compared to the real one, the fake one has the advantage that it can be mounted anywhere and made into any shape. You can put a fireplace made of cardboard with your own hands even in a corner that there is nothing to force, but the fireplace will fit harmoniously. Next, figure out what height and width your product will be. It should not conflict with the furniture in the room, it should not overwhelm it, but you should also not allow the fireplace to get lost against the background of, say, bulky cabinets.

Selecting a base

In principle, you can build a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands and only from this material. For the simplest things, even a fairly large box of furniture or office equipment will do. But keep in mind that cardboard is not a very durable material. If you want to get something more solid at the end, spend a little and order a chipboard frame for the base of the fireplace. Calculate how many sheets of paper you need for your dimensions and what size they should be. In principle, this will be the only part of the process of creating your fireplace that will require outside input. But the “stove” will turn out to be more stable and strong.

The simplest option

The easiest way to make a false fireplace is from cardboard using a packaging box. To do this, all the joints of the box are glued so that the lid does not open and the walls do not fall off. Draw the hole of your “stove” with a pencil, then cut it out with scissors. You can decorate the fireplace at your own discretion. Most quick option- self-adhesive film with a brick or wild stone pattern. If you don’t like this method, let’s say you want to paint your cardboard fireplace differently, it’s better to cover the box with white paper, and when the glue dries, apply the intended design. Even if you draw the same bricks, you can give them more real view, of course, if you have a penchant for drawing.

Pasting with paper is necessary, firstly, because packaging cardboard is usually brown, and desired color you won't get it. Secondly, there are always some inscriptions, emblems, etc. on the boxes. They can be visible even through several layers of paint. However, if you want, the pasting can be replaced with a primer - it can be bought at stores that sell goods for artists.

The inside is important too

It would also be a good idea to paint or paste over the inside of the box, otherwise a fireplace made of cardboard, made with your own hands, will not look very believable. Can be hung inner wall dark cloth, and put a bright red one on the bottom.

For better stability, a “mantelpiece” should be placed on top of the box. For it, you can use chipboard or fiberboard, only treated or covered with the same self-adhesive wood or marble. If you don't have it at hand suitable pruning, you can glue several sheets of the same cardboard (for example, from another box). You will have a mantelpiece, however, it will not add stability to the structure.

Based on chipboard

If you opted for a more monumental option, you will first have to knock down the frame brought from the workshop. If the fireplace you have designed has a stand-podium, you need to start assembling the base from there. If not, first the fireplace body gets knocked down, and then its pipe.

Since it is planned to build a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands, about other finishing options (plasterboard or artificial decorative rock) we won’t tell you. For finishing, sheets of cardboard can simply be glued onto the chipboard, but if you think the cardboard is too thin, you can glue the sheets together (cutting out the parts that fit the fireplace) and put them under a load overnight. The next morning, the fireplace itself is upholstered with smooth, thick cardboard. Then it is given the desired look (similar to how it was done with the box).

When we make a fireplace from cardboard on a chipboard base, we shouldn’t forget about its “insides” either. Still, it will be illuminated from within, and wooden frame will become clearly visible.

Only cardboard, not box

If you don’t want to bother with plywood, and the boxed version seems too simple, there is another way to make a fireplace out of cardboard. It is also suitable if you need a “stove” of an unusual shape, for example, triangular in cross-section or tall but flat.

First you need to make a “pattern”. All details are calculated very carefully so that your decorative fireplace made of cardboard does not turn out lopsided. The cardboard is glued together in several layers to make it more rigid. It will remain under load the longer it is more sheets you glued it together. Then, according to the drawings made, individual parts are cut out. You can fasten them together with tape, or by gluing them with paper strips. By the way, if you decide to stick with tape, take paper tape for covering windows. To ensure that the corners of the fireplace are rectangular, at least during assembly it is worth using the corners - plastic ones are sold in construction stores, they are quite suitable. And ideally, it would be good to leave these corners inside the structure forever. They won’t be visible, but they will definitely add strength.

Since such a fireplace is assembled from parts, its inside can be processed before assembly. It is still more convenient to paint or paste over cardboard when it lies on a table or on the floor, and not when it stands vertically. Yes, and there are holes in the firebox different sizes; if you choose a small one, for interior decoration the assembled fireplace will have to show the wonders of acrobatics.

The outer side can also be finished before assembly, but in this case the pattern may not match when gluing individual parts, and the sizing of the corners will be visible. So outside you will have to paint and paste it on the finished fireplace. Not only that, if you choose to paint, you may need to prime the surface first to hide the tape.

Lighting options

Any fireplace requires the presence of a flame. It is clear that cardboard does not allow the use of real fire. You can buy or make your own lamp that imitates a fire. An alternative is to draw a fire on paper, cut it along the outline and attach it to the hearth. A dim lamp is placed behind it, and a very believable imitation of an open flame is obtained. The disadvantage of this method is that thick paper will not be visible through the light bulb, and thin paper will fall forward or backward. The solution could be a wire frame, but it will need to be bent as accurately as possible along the contour, otherwise it will be clearly visible when viewed through the light.

You can put electric candles or a garland in the hearth. It is better to buy both of them with batteries, so as not to make a hole in the fireplace for the cord to the outlet.

For any choice of “flame”, twigs, branches or logs must be placed in the firebox for authenticity.

Fireplace care

All that remains is to ensure that the fireplace pleases you for as long as possible. If you chose self-adhesive as a finish, special care your “oven” will not require it - such films are usually moisture resistant and can be wiped with a wet cloth. But if the fireplace has been painted, then in order to be able to maintain it later, you will have to varnish it. Then it can be wiped clean from dust or accidental dirt.

Now in the evenings you can sit in front of an almost real fireplace and feel like a medieval feudal lord.

Make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands - great idea for joint creativity with children. The Kamelek will take your child back to a fairy tale and will be a wonderful addition to his room. And the lesson itself can be built in game form. And sometimes, at Christmas, for example, such a temporary structure is simply necessary to create a festive atmosphere in the house.

Such a false fireplace can create an unprecedented home comfort

Simple fireplace from a single box

Making a decorative fireplace from boxes with your own hands is also attractive due to the availability of the material. Almost everything you need for work will usually be at hand. This could be wallpaper, panels, slats left after renovation, not to mention unnecessary packaging from purchases.

To make a fireplace, all you need are simple boxes and a little patience.

Beginners can follow step-by-step instructions in their work.

A fireplace made from boxes with your own hands is made like this:

  1. You need to start by choosing the place where the stove will stand. This will also give an answer about the size of the craft.
  2. Next, it’s a good idea to sketch the brazier. Clear parameters and engineering calculations are not needed here. A general understanding of what will be done and how will be enough. To simplify the process, you should focus on the finished picture.
  3. Now that the size and style of the homemade fireplace have become known, you need to prepare Consumables, adjust them, if necessary, to the established requirements.
  4. For the base, you can use the packaging as it is, or disassemble it and re-glue all the corners and joints with tape.
  5. A semicircle is cut out in the front part of the future stove for a niche for firewood and artificial fire. Depending on the quality of the base material, this is done using scissors or a stationery knife.

A fireplace in the corner of the room saves space significantly
  1. It is desirable to strengthen the strength of the box. You can attach a piece of drywall or plywood cut to size to the bottom. Glue slats well from corners to corners horizontally and vertically.
  2. The inside and outside of the box is covered with paper or wallpaper. Wallpaper, unless, of course, it is “brick”, is glued with the pattern down.
  3. Once everything is dry, it’s time to start painting or straight to decorating.
  4. It's better to take real firewood. This will make the roasting pan look more natural. But the fire, of course, needs to be either drawn, or a photo or picture pasted into the background. The elements of the shaped lattice are easy to cut and glue from leftover cardboard.
  5. The top of the fireplace is on last stage can be further strengthened using a chipboard or MDF panel (“wood-like” or any other). It will also serve as a shelf on which all necessary attributes can be placed.

In this video you will learn how to make a fireplace from cardboard boxes:

You can make the same fireplace from cardboard with your own hands for dollhouse. A shoe box will suffice for this. There is no need to further strengthen it

Corner fireplace with chimney

If desired, and due to the lack of extra space, you can make a corner fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands. And to make the brazier more like a real one, it can be supplemented with a chimney. The pipe, of course, should not be made as high as the ceiling, as it will be decorative.

The stove is made step by step:

  1. Cut the box in half diagonally. At the same time, leave a small tolerance on each side for subsequent gluing of the pediment.
  2. Since this structure will be less massive, more attention needs to be paid to enhancing its rigidity.
  3. “Mask” the far corner with a sheet of cardboard, gluing it parallel to the hole under the firebox. It is best to depict fire on it in advance.
  4. Cut a circle on a separate sheet. Attach this panel to the main part of the temporary structure.
  5. There is no need to cut the hole for the chimney. It is better to assemble it from separate sheets, strengthen it with slats and glue it to the base of the fireplace. The bends for the glue should be located inside the pipe. You can also make a chimney from polystyrene foam.
  6. Paint and dry the craft.
  7. Decorate with available means.

A false fireplace made from boxes can be installed on a separately prepared base. It is easy to make from the same material.

Dutch oven design ideas

It’s not enough to just make a false fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands. If you approach this process without imagination, you will end up with just a box with a semicircular hole cut in it. The craft needs to be decorated and given a festive look.

Design workshops can be found for all occasions .

Here are some tricks, ideas, and subtleties that may be useful to the home decorator:

  1. For the main decor of the fireplace, it is tempting to use “brick” wallpaper (or the same film), but this will not be very interesting. It would be better if it was painted white or grey colour Glue paper rectangles onto the base.
  2. It’s even better to make the walls of false bricks from polystyrene foam, which will give a volume effect. They can be painted red, or you can leave them as is, but then you should pay attention to the color of the base.
  3. If the bricks are voluminous, it is good to provide for the design of the seams between them. Almost any putty will be suitable for filling them.

A surprise on the mantelpiece will delight your household
  1. To achieve an antique effect, the bricks should be made uneven.
  2. The fireplace shelf should be different in color from the main structure and extend beyond it at the edges. Additionally, it can be decorated with ceiling plinths.
  3. The outside of the firebox also needs to be decorated. The same skirting boards or polystyrene foam will help with this.
  4. You can put several cones in the firewood. You can light the stove from the inside with a flashlight, electric candlesticks or a garland.
  5. The brazier can also be decorated with tiles. Their role will be perfectly fulfilled by neatly cut pieces ceiling tiles. To make them look beautiful, they need to be painted brightly, and the design should be highlighted in a separate color.

Thematic decorations and decor for children's toys must meet the requirements of the moment. It is clear that at Christmas or New Year you cannot do without snowflakes and other attributes of the winter holidays. But if you try hard, you can probably find a real magical gift on the mantelpiece in the morning.

Not everyone in their house, and especially not in their apartment, has a fireplace. And sometimes you want to create a festive mood (to have somewhere to put gifts) or you just want to make the room more cozy and intimate. In this case, you can create an imitation. The simplest option is a fireplace made of cardboard. Typically used are packaging boxes from large equipment.

False fireplace made of cardboard: models

A false fireplace made of cardboard, like a real one, can be wall-mounted or corner-mounted. In both options, the portal can be straight or arched. Whatever you prefer. If speak about practical side things, straight is easier to do, it is easier to finish. Even a beginner can handle it.

A wall-mounted fireplace is great if you have a decent amount of free space on the wall. It looks great in the wall between the windows. If the walls are all occupied, but there are corners, you can build a corner model.

What materials are needed

Most best material- carton boxes. The easiest way to make a fireplace out of cardboard is if you have a box for a large monitor or TV. All you need to do is cut out the portal and glue the side walls.

It will be a little more work if you only have small boxes like shoe boxes. But from them you can collect more interesting model according to form.

You will also need:

These are all the materials and tools that will be required. Of the entire list, questions may arise only regarding adhesive tape. Why paper? It is good in any finish. Including when painting. So the option is universal. If you are not going to paint the fireplace, you can use regular adhesive tape.

It will still be necessary finishing material, but we’ll talk about this later, since a lot depends on the finishing method.

Assembly options

If there is a big box

A large cardboard box will make a fireplace with a rectangular portal. Determine the size yourself, but optimal height- about 80-90 cm, the width is about the same, the depth is 6-15 cm. But there are models wider, and narrower, and higher, and lower. Everything is to your taste. For example, here is a drawing of a cardboard false fireplace with dimensions.

We begin assembling the imitation fireplace from cardboard from the central part. We form the columns first. Cutting rectangles to size is no problem. The problem is to make even folds in the right places. Take a large ruler or a straight bar and a hard object with a rounded end. For example, a ballpoint pen will do, or you can take a spoon or fork and use the pen. The idea is as follows - along the line where the fold should be, apply a ruler/bar, draw reverse side ballpoint pen or handle cutlery along the strip, pushing through the cardboard. But be careful not to tear it. The sheet bends easily along the drawn line.

We glue the central part or paint it right away. Then it will be too inconvenient. You can paint it black, as in the photo. Another option is to imitate brickwork. Looks good too.

It is convenient to glue the parts together with tape (the type of tape has already been discussed). We glue each connection on both sides. We don't regret scotch. This fireplace it was painted from cardboard, so the columns were covered with white thick paper. You can use a primer and apply paint over it.

We make a shelf above the fireplace from several pieces of cardboard using the same technology. If you plan to install something, it is advisable to make stiffening ribs - several partitions. If the entire structure turns out to be strong and stable, you can make a shelf from a piece of plywood, for example.

If the cardboard is thin, you can use polystyrene/foam. It is sold in construction stores. You can take the slabs that are used to finish the ceiling. They have processed edges and a pattern is applied to the front surface. In general, it might turn out interesting.

Next comes the finishing touches. IN this option“bricks” were cut from paper of suitable colors. They decorated the portal opening. This is where you will need PVA glue. Don't forget to leave seams between the “bricks”. In the presented model they are painted with a base color, but you can make them, for example, black or white.

The rest of the surface of the false fireplace is painted, and foam plastic (polystyrene) is glued on top.

Moldings can be glued before painting. You need to cut them with a sharp stationery knife. Then the cut will be smooth. Glued with PVA or special glue. Wipe off any remaining residue immediately, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly.

The same structure can be covered with brick or wild stone wallpaper. Also suitable self-adhesive film. But you have to work with it carefully - you won’t be able to peel it off.

If the boxes are small

Small cardboard boxes are no more difficult to work with. They can be the same or different sizes, thickness and width. Based on the existing set, the structure is assembled.

There are two ways:

The second option takes less time, but the design is unreliable. If the dimensions are large, it may sag and sag.

To give a fireplace made of cardboard boxes a presentable look, we paint it “like a brick.” To do this, cover the surface with thick grayish-brown paper. This color will be the background.

To paint, you need reddish-brown paint and a large foam sponge. It can be cut to the size of the brick - 250*65 mm. Pour the paint into a flat bowl, dip a sponge into it, apply it to the paper and lightly press it, draw the bricks.

When working, you need to make sure that the “seams” between the “bricks” are the same width. This not an easy task- get distracted a little, and the size is wrong. You can do it easier - cut masking tape on narrow strips, stick it, draw “bricks”. After the paint has dried, remove the tape.

The top part had to be reduced because our fireplace was too wobbly. It is better to use whole boxes.

Fireplace with round portal

Its assembly is more labor-intensive: you will have to glue the vault well. This fireplace required 4 large boxes(like from a TV).

The base was glued separately. WITH inside Stiffening ribs were glued from polystyrene. The weight turned out to be solid and the base sagged without reinforcement. The strips were installed approximately 5 cm apart. They were glued with masking tape, then the base was taped on all sides.

Then we cut out the front part and decorated the back wall. It’s better to decorate it right away, before it’s glued together. We transfer the arched cutout onto a sheet of cardboard. We cut out “bricks” from cardboard and glue them so that the edges do not extend beyond the “arch.” When the glue dries, we assemble the main part of the portal. We also install several stiffening ribs in the portal - at a high height, the cardboard can “play”, and this way everything turns out strong and rigid.

The next stage is making the lid. It is multi-layered - cardboard, polystyrene foam, cardboard. Everything is coated with glue, the weight is installed. When the glue had dried (after 14 hours), the lid was secured to the structure with tape. NEXT - finishing work.

To smooth out any unevenness caused by the tape, we cover all surfaces with thick white paper. You can take A4 sheets, or larger ones.

Next you will need a roll paper towels and PVA glue. We dilute it 1:1 with water and pour it into a spray bottle. We wet the napkin and lay it down, squeezing it a little. Wet thin paper itself gives relief, we just correct it a little, achieving better effect. We process all surfaces in a similar way, excluding “bricks”. We wait until it dries.

We take red-brown and ivory paint (in in this case). We paint the “bricks” brown, and the rest of the surface light. The cardboard fireplace is almost ready. The finishing touches remain.

After drying, we go over everything with a brush slightly dipped in gold paint. We dip the brush, squeeze it out, and once again remove the remaining paint on the sheet of paper. Using a semi-dry brush, we go through the “seams” between the bricks, lightly touching the “bricks” themselves. Next, using the same technique, we emphasize the texture of the surface. It is important not to apply too much paint. That's it. The cardboard fireplace is ready.

Ideas for decorating a fireplace made of cardboard in photo format

You can make an imitation of a fireplace from cardboard of any shape. Several ideas are collected in this section. You already know the assembly principles; you can come up with the decor yourself or use ideas from photos.

If you use good wallpaper“like a brick” it will turn out very natural

In progress…

Decent option...

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