How to disassemble a wardrobe without outside help. How to disassemble old furniture


Remove those shelves that are installed on the shelf holders. If the design closet and provides crossbars, they can also be removed. Then unscrew all the shelves that are screwed to the body closet A. After this, remove the doors. To do this, you need to unscrew it from the body closet and the screws holding door hinges.

Remove the mezzanine, if provided for by the design. To do this, you need to find the place where the mezzanine is attached to the main body closet and remove fasteners (bolts, screws, eccentrics). Then, lifting the mezzanine up (it’s better to do this together), separate it from the body closet A. Ideally, after these manipulations you should end up with an empty rectangular housing box with a back wall made of plywood or fiberboard. Then you need to free up enough space to be able to put closet horizontally on the floor so that its back wall is on top.

Examine exactly how the back wall is attached. It is either screwed in with screws (in which case they will need to be unscrewed), or nailed in with nails or staples. Nails and staples are removed using a narrow chisel or screwdriver, prying them off the edge of the plywood, which is the back wall. Usually the wall comes off along with the staples or nails, which then need to be removed. If this did not happen, and some fastener, having passed through the plywood, remained in the housing closet oh, it also needs to be removed.

Step inside the formed rectangular box, consisting of walls closet A. Having understood exactly how the walls are connected to each other closet and (with screws, corners, or eccentrics) for further disassembly it is necessary to remove the fasteners in such a way that it becomes possible to remove one of the short walls of the rectangular box. Then the long wall is removed in the same way, and lastly the two remaining walls are separated.

Remove all fasteners remaining in the housing. This is very important point, safety depends on this closet and during transportation. It is necessary to remove the handles and magnets from the doors, unscrew and remove the hinges. If the parts were fastened with eccentrics, unscrew the screws of the eccentrics, remove plastic or wooden dowels and shelf holders from the holes, unscrew the hooks of hangers, nickels of crossbars, legs closet A.

Please note

After disassembly, you should get flat parts and separate containers with fasteners. This will make storing and transporting the cabinet easier.

Useful advice

Before starting work, you need to prepare a container into which you can place the fasteners removed from the cabinet. For the convenience of subsequent assembly, it is advisable to mark all the parts of the cabinet, for example, with a simple pencil, make inscriptions like: “top”, “bottom”, “left door” and so on.


  • “For you, men”, compiled by G. Shcherbenev, 1993

Often due to various life situations For example, when renovating or moving, there is a need to disassemble and reassemble furniture. It would seem nothing complicated, however, when it comes to modern technologies, used today in the production of furniture, many even experienced repairmen and craftsmen simply reach a dead end. This also applies to dismantling wardrobes.


Approach the compartment and carefully inspect the door fastenings. Take a screwdriver, stand on a chair and unscrew the bolts on the special stoppers that are available on both sides for the first and second doors.

Remove the stoppers so that they do not interfere in any way when removing the doors. Please note that in some cases it is the stoppers that prevent the doors from being removed and prevent the mechanism from coming off the rails.

Close the cabinet doors, lift the door slightly from one corner and use a screwdriver to release the roller at the bottom of the structure. The roller must be removed from the groove.

Gently lift the door up and push its bottom towards you, pulling it towards you.
Take out the bottom first, then lower the door to the floor and remove the top.

Perform these steps with the second door and subsequent ones if your wardrobe contains two, three or more doors.

In inexpensive models, rollers only use guides located at the top and bottom of the cabinet frame, so to remove the doors you can simply unscrew the side stops and roll the doors out of the grooves in the guides.

Premium models are equipped with door closers, so they need to be removed before dismantling. In order not to compromise the integrity of the structure and not waste time on adjustment after assembly, unscrew the closer only from door leaf. Do not touch the fastening on the box.

In addition to all this, be careful and careful about the doors from the wardrobe. Everything must be done carefully without using force, since pressing hard can damage the mirrors in the cabinet or the wood from which the cabinet is made. After you have unscrewed the stoppers, put the screwdriver away; you should not hold it in your hand or, as some people like, in. This is dangerous, both for your health and for accidental damage with a sharp object.

Very often, in connection with rearranging a room, buying furniture or moving to a new place, it becomes necessary to move it. Take out of the apartment closet- coupe when assembled it is almost impossible due to its large sizes. It is not difficult to disassemble it, but you need to think about subsequent assembly in advance. Approach this process responsibly.

How to disassemble a cabinet?

Dismantling a cabinet, as well as assembling it, requires certain skills and knowledge of the features of furniture construction. Various manufacturers sliding wardrobes use different fittings and fasteners to connect shelves and partitions to each other, as well as to install hinged and sliding facades, which have their own characteristics, taking them into account, you can easily assemble and disassemble any furniture.

The general scheme for dismantling furniture is as follows:

  • Facades are removed. Swing doors The hinges are very easy to remove: Phillips screwdriver on each hinge, loosen 2 screws from the side of the side panel to which they are attached. The facade can be easily removed.

Bottom-support coupe doors are even easier to remove: they must be lifted by first opening the locks in the lower wheels (if the doors are equipped with them), which protect the doors from falling out, and by moving the door towards you and down, pull the upper rollers out of the upper guide.

Hanging cabinet doors are more complex; they can be suspended from a guide, which can be located either under the roof or above the roof of the cabinet. The lower rollers (or the leash) can be located above or below the cabinet floor sheet.

Their dismantling technology is different, but the principle is the same: first the door is lifted, removed from the guide from the side of the support roller at the top, then, by slightly pulling it towards itself and down, it is removed from the supporting guide from the bottom.

  • The compartment door guides are removed by unscrewing the screws.
  • We begin to dismantle the furniture frame.

    It is most convenient to do this if the cabinet is in a horizontal position (lying down), if the height of the ceiling and the dimensions of the room allow this.

    If the back wall of the fiberboard (hardboard) is attached to the rear ends of the shelves and partitions of the cabinet with nails, then the back wall is first removed, since the shelves and partitions are tightly attached to it. If the hardboard is fixed in the grooves of the side panels, roof and floor of the cabinet, then it must be removed last, after disassembling the cabinet frame.

    Then the horizontal shelves between the partitions and side walls are removed.

    There are many types of hardware for attaching shelves to shelves. Let's look at the main ones:

    If the furniture is assembled on eccentrics, then by turning the cross of four eccentrics under the shelf counterclockwise you will loosen the fasteners. The shelf is removed by moving it upward.

    If Euroscrews (comfermats) are used. Then, in order to pull out the shelf, you need to unscrew the Euroscrews from the end of the shelf with a hexagon on the opposite side of the sidewall to which the shelf is screwed.

    If the furniture is assembled on the corners, then opening the lid plastic corners, unscrew the screws.

    There are cases when all the furniture is assembled on metal eccentrics (minifixes); this is usually the fault of novice designers who do not think about assembling furniture. In this case, in order to remove the shelf, you need to disassemble the entire cabinet!

  • After the shelves are removed, we proceed to dismantling the sidewalls and partitions, according to the same principle as the shelves.

    There are no difficulties with disassembling standard furniture. Everything is intuitive and can be done even by an inexperienced beginner.

    In dismantling built-in furniture. or partially built-in, there’s also nothing complicated. Built-in furniture is usually assembled on mounting corners, to disassemble, you need to unscrew all the screws from the corners, following the procedure described above: from small to large, from shelves to partitions and sidewalls.

    But keep in mind that built-in furniture after renovation or after moving the cabinet to another location will most likely not be assembled correctly, since assemblers adjust the built-in furniture in place, according to the curvature of the floor, walls and shelf. After repairs, shelves adjacent to the walls, as well as partitions and sidewalls, spaced out from floor to ceiling, will most likely need to be reordered.

  • Information on how to disassemble this piece of furniture can be very useful for owners of wardrobes. The information presented in the article will be very useful in a situation when it becomes necessary to move the structure to another location. So, what should you know to avoid mistakes in the process of dismantling a wardrobe? First of all, it is important to find out what fasteners were used in the production of cabinet furniture and with what tools you can remove them. You should also decide in advance on the place where the dismantled structural parts will be transferred.

    Information on how to disassemble this piece of furniture can be very useful for owners of wardrobes. The information presented in the article will be very useful in a situation when it becomes necessary to move the structure to another location. So, what should you know to avoid mistakes when dismantling a wardrobe?

    First of all, it is important to find out what fasteners were used in the production of cabinet furniture and with what tools you can remove them. You should also decide in advance on the place where the dismantled structural parts will be transferred.

    Ordering a wardrobe is much easier than disassembling it correctly. Many owners of cabinet furniture begin the process without having the proper information, which leads to damage to the product. That is why it is necessary to adhere to a certain order in dismantling the wardrobe.

    1. We free furniture from all glass elements, be it mirrored doors or shelves. Next, you need to remove such parts of the structure as shelves, drawers, cabinets, that is, free the product from its contents. Of course, you should remove all clothes, shoes and other items stored there from the closet in advance. To avoid damage glass surfaces When removing them, it is important to wrap the shelves and doors with paper or other suitable material.

    2. Next stage: removing the doors of the structure. It is necessary to start the process from the lower fastening loops, then you should gradually rise to the top. This sequence will help prevent unnecessary damage or misalignment of the hinges. To avoid losing parts, it is better to prepare boxes or bags in advance in which small cabinet elements will be placed. Moreover, it is important that the parts and fasteners were placed in separate boxes, which will allow you to easily find everything you need when assembling the cabinet. You can supplement them with pieces of paper with inscriptions that will indicate where this or that element was taken from.

    3. If cabinet furniture is equipped with a mezzanine or consists of several parts, then it is necessary to remove and disassemble each element separately.

    4. If the wardrobe is attached to the wall, then it should be removed and only then proceed to disassembly. This way you can access back wall products.

    5. It's time to start disassembling the wardrobe. You need to start from its top part, and then move to the side walls. As a rule, the back of the wardrobe is made of fiberboard - a material that is not particularly durable, so it should be removed first. Otherwise, under the weight of other parts, the wall may be pressed through and become covered with cracks.

    6. If you are dismantling a built-in wardrobe without side walls, the shelves screwed to the walls should be carefully removed by removing the fasteners. Next, you should remove the guides that are fixed to the ceiling or floor.

    Following these instructions will allow you to correctly disassemble and transport the wardrobe without any problems, completely preserving its integrity. Think twice before purchasing a wardrobe. If you plan to move, then cabinet furniture will be able to find a new place quite easily.

    1. Wash the floor in the room where it is located.

    2. Prepare an old, clean sheet or oilcloth.

    3. Stock up on boxes or garbage bags (preferably opaque ones, we’ll explain why a little later).

    4. Prepare cloths for wiping dust inside the cabinet. If you like an extra light smell from your clothes, you can also prepare a sachet, fragrant soap or, for example, a bag of vanilla. However, be careful: vanilla packed in a paper bag may leave yellow spots on light underwear. Either make sure the packaging is tighter or make sure it doesn't come into direct contact with the clothing.

    Main stage. Cleaning day

    1. We unload EVERYTHING from the closet. Before you do this, estimate the amount of work ahead. If your closet is simply gigantic and you feel like you can't sort through its contents in one go, don't mock yourself. Just break it up into several sections and spread the cleaning out over several days.

    2. So, the scope of work has been determined. We unloaded everything from the closet onto a sheet or oilcloth. Now set the timer for 30 minutes. This is important.

    3. Wipe the inside of the cabinet with a damp cloth. You need to wipe down all the shelves and the floor of the closet, but don’t get carried away. You just need to get rid of the dust.

    4. While the closet is drying, start sorting things. We divide them into three heaps:

    • throw away;
    • leave;
    • I doubt.

    The main thing is to make decisions quickly. The longer you hesitate, the more likely your junk is to end up in the “doubt” pile. By the way, if you think less, you’ll finish cleaning faster.

    Whatever you decide to throw away, immediately put it in boxes or bags. Let's reveal the secret why it is desirable for them to be opaque. If the item catches your eye after you have thrown it away, it will again have a chance for your pity. Well, how can you not leave your once-favorite jeans, which now look at you so forlornly through the walls of a translucent bag? That is why we lock them in thick polyethylene, and place the bags closer to the exit from the apartment, so that in no case will there be a desire to rummage through them one more time before taking them to the trash.

    5. The timer you set for 30 minutes rang? You can take a break and drink tea. Just don’t get too carried away with your rest, otherwise it will be difficult to return to cleaning.

    6. We return to the closet. We set the timer again and continue the exciting preparations for spring.

    After you have scattered all the things into three piles, you can move on to the next stage. Disposal bags, as we have already said, need to be placed closer to the exit, tying them at the same time. You can even immediately send someone from your household to throw these bags out of sight.

    Set the “I doubt” box or bag aside. You can return to this pile in a day or two and reconsider more critically.

    7. But the “keep” pile needs to be sorted again: into seasonal and non-seasonal items. Send out-of-season items first for washing and for repairs (sew up, sew on a button), if necessary, and then pack them for long-term storage(don't forget to invest in moth repellent if the items are woolen).

    8. Seasonal items should also be examined to see if they need to be washed and minor repairs. Place all items, both seasonal and non-seasonal, that require repairs in a separate bag. You can do it the next day. But again, don't delay. Otherwise, this package, if it sits for weeks, will become a harbinger of a big mess.

    9. Carefully place all seasonal items that do not require washing or repairing in the closet.

    10. That's it, cleaning is finished for today. If you have mastered the entire closet, then you can breathe absolutely freely. If only one section has been dismantled, it means that several more active harvesting days await you. However, we hope that with our advice they will become calmer, easier and more effective for you.

    The material was prepared based on the publication of the website If you want to learn even more about the tricks and techniques of easy and quick cleaning, then visit the website or

    In just 10 minutes you will create perfect order in your closet.

    Every woman has moments when she has nothing to wear, but her closet is bursting with different clothes. You can solve the problem by sorting out your wardrobe. And if you know a few secrets, this will not be difficult at all.

    I have absolutely nothing to wear

    1. Start cleaning like this: remove ABSOLUTELY all contents from the closet.

    Don't argue, just get it. It's necessary!

    2. When choosing which outfits to keep, ask yourself a few questions to see if you really need them. It may turn out that most of the contents of the closet are completely useless.

    List of good questions:

    1. Does this outfit still fit me well?
    2. Have I worn it at least once? last year?
    3. Will I ever wear it again?
    4. If I saw this outfit in a store now, would I buy it?
    5. Do I like the way it fits me?
    6. Is there any damage on it?

    If you answered “no” to any of these questions, don’t even think about putting the outfit back in the closet! You DON'T NEED IT!

    3. Hang things so that all outfits are visible.

    The secret is simple: what is not visible is rarely worn. The same clothes that constantly flicker before your eyes are worn constantly.

    4. Immediately after cleaning, hang the hangers in one direction. When you hide your outfit after wearing it, turn the hanger hook to the opposite side. After six months, carry out a second inspection: you don’t need things from those hangers that remained in their original position. You never got them - let's face it!

    5. To get your closet in perfect order, buy new hangers. You wouldn’t want to hang some rubbish on your beautiful, expensive hangers, would you?

    6. Use hanger dividers. This will help organize clothes by season, style, event, etc.

    7. It is better to put heavy clothes in piles.

    Sweaters and other knitted items stretch under their own weight and look unpresentable.

    8. When folding clothes, think through everything carefully. You should be able to navigate your closet perfectly.

    Some people like to stack T-shirts with T-shirts and T-shirts with T-shirts. And someone will find everything they need in the general pile of “summer things”.

    9. Evaluate your wardrobe and think maybe some outfits are worth selling.

    Feel free to put up for sale what:

    • no longer suits you;
    • does not match the style;
    • worn out;
    • It was too expensive, but I never wore it.

    10. Donate what is not suitable for sale to charity.

    As a rule, things that are given away are those that are faded, damaged, or look unpresentable, although they are still quite wearable.

    11. If an item is not suitable for sale and it is shameful to donate it to charity, just throw it away.

    12. Special organizers help keep your closet tidy.

    They are now sold in many online and hardware stores. Just try to use them for a week, and you won’t be able to imagine what it’s like to store socks or bras not in separate compartments.

    13. Not a single centimeter in the closet can be empty. Therefore, feel free to place out-of-season shoes on the floor in the closet.

    14. Motivate yourself to keep order. Unobtrusive decor, for example, greatly contributes to this.

    15. Use dividers for items on long shelves. And now, instead of a stack of sweaters, they can easily accommodate handbags with tights and leggings.

    Making a separator is easy with my own hands. It is enough to glue a couple of thick cardboards together in a T-shape, and the wall is ready.

    16. Remember: the closet door should not be idle either. Hang several rag organizer shelves on it and put shoes or various small accessories in them.

    Well, as motivation, here are a few photos of dressing rooms where perfect order reigns.

    Just look - you can live here!

    And here it is not only possible, but also necessary!

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