How to place a mirror in the bathroom. What material to choose a mirror from?

There are a lot of quirks that owners create in their apartments. Some do glass walls in its entire area, some dismantle everything, leaving one large room in which they place the necessary useful features, dividing the space into zones. Some people make mirrored rooms by lining all the perimeter walls with mirrors, including the ceiling and floor. We’ll talk about these options for decorating an apartment, this time looking only at the bathroom.

Let's start with the fact that covering a room with a mirror cloth is not so easy. A mirror, like no other building material, is afraid of flaws and errors.

It is generally not recommended to use mirror cloth for the bathroom. Steam and condensation settle on the walls and turn into drips, which then need to be eliminated.

But some homeowners are not afraid of this, and they do not give up on their idea of ​​​​creating a mirrored bathroom.

Materials used to decorate the room with mirrors:

  • Large mirror cloth;
  • Mirror tiles for wall cladding;
  • Mirror mosaic;
  • Packages of mirrors;
  • Mirror decorative inserts.

The type of material you choose depends on the design of your future room. Modern designers They even use the technique of making panels from small fragments of mirrors, composing whole pictures from them.

Decorative mirror tiles in the bathroom: room design

From the point of view of experts, mirror tiles for the bathroom is the most acceptable option. It is easy to construct, suitable for any design, and can be used to equip a canvas of any size.

Mirror tiles in the bathroom have their advantages and disadvantages. Options for these finishes require matching design throughout the entire bathroom, if not the entire home. Plumbing fixtures installed in the room must also be of a certain style.

In addition, for those who believe in the unusual, it must be said that it is not very good when a person sees his reflection in a cut-out mirror. According to the Taoist teachings of Feng Shui, this has a detrimental effect on health and mental state person.

Positive aspects of mirror tiles in the bathroom:

  • Stylish design;
  • There is no need to additionally equip a mirror in the room;
  • If a tile element fails, you can always pick up a new one to replace the broken one.

If drops of water on a mirror surface and the theories of ancient Taoists don’t scare you, then you can try this stylish and bold option for decorating rooms.

Large bathroom mirror built into tiles: pros and cons

For those who still doubt whether they should radically change their bathroom interior design, or limit themselves to modest beginnings, you can try starting small.

Bathroom mirror built into tiles big size will help you partially realize your idea and get away from numerous problems associated with mirror design rooms.

A properly equipped mirror has many advantages, but also one significant disadvantage - if it breaks, there will be many fragments and a large hole in the wall cladding.

Pros of a large mirror in the bathroom:

  • Aesthetic appearance rooms;
  • A useful design element that replaces a hanging mirror;
  • Saving building material for wall cladding;
  • Visually increases the space of the room;
  • Suitable for many color schemes of tiles or other building materials.

Large mirror built into the tiles great option for finishing the bathroom. It is usually installed on the wall where the sink or bathtub is located.

Mirror mosaic in the bathroom as an element of room decor

Most beautiful view decorating rooms with mirrors is decorating the walls with mirror mosaics. This option is used with pleasure by owners of premises of any size and design.

Mirror mosaic allows you to decorate bathroom walls in the form of a beautiful and elegant panel. This design is the most refined, but also the most expensive among all mirrored room decorations.

Another difficulty is that the mirror needs perfect flat wall, and high-quality construction work. The slightest error will nullify all the designer’s plans. In addition, not everyone is suitable for laying mirror mosaics. Construction Materials. Another labor-intensive operation is sealing the seams between the tiles, which is easy for a bathroom necessary condition.

How to attach a mirror to a wall:

  • Liquid Nails;
  • Adhesive tape;
  • Special glue for mirror surfaces;
  • Screws.

Before laying mirror material, the walls need to be painted in a neutral color silicone sealant. This is done to prevent moisture from seeping under the tile.

Finishing a bathroom mirror: methods and solutions

The mirror itself is beautiful element decor. But if it is also properly and beautifully finished, then it turns into a real masterpiece.

Mirror finishing as a functional part of the interior is gaining momentum. IN modern world Entire mirror processing technologies have been developed.

If you look at photos of interior designs on websites, you get the feeling that the rooms are turning into fairy-tale palaces or fantastic weightless objects.

Ways to finish a bathroom mirror:

  • Lighting. These days, mirror illumination is steadily becoming fashionable. This charming type of decoration both decorates the room and performs a lighting function.
  • Processing mirrors with a sandblasting machine;
  • Framing the mirror in a beautiful wooden frame.

TO non-traditional types Mirror finishing includes finishing with beads, glass, pebbles, plaster and even newspapers. What kind finishes will suit for the interior of your room, it's up to you.

Modern mirror room (video)

Mirror in the bathroom - these are interesting stylish idea. If you're willing to deal with the hassle of constantly cleaning mirrors and endlessly spending money on glass cleaners, then here's your chance to take the plunge and create your own ice palace in the bathroom. Just try not to go overboard by decorating the room too much. big amount mirrors This has a detrimental effect on the human psyche, causes aggression, and can even drive you crazy. It's better to limit yourself to one mirror wall, where instead regular tiles there will be a large, tastefully decorated mirror or a chic panel.

The morning of every day begins with washing and brushing your teeth, so a mirror in the bathroom is one of the most important attributes of the daily toilet.

At first glance, choosing such an accessory is not at all difficult, however, it is not so.

There are a few things to consider before purchasing a mirror:

  • General design of the room.
  • Form.
  • Additional elements.
  • The location of the object in the bathroom space.
  • Combination of mirrors with other interior items.

How to choose a bathroom mirror

In addition to design requirements, the mirror must have other important qualities:

Functionality and practicality. In order to place all the necessary things, it is recommended to pay attention to the mirror-cabinet in the bathroom.

This design will not take up much space, which is usually already small, and will conveniently accommodate many useful things.

Mirror surface quality. To determine whether a mirror is truly high-quality or not, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection for any defects (scratches, chips, clouding or darkening).

Strength is also one of the necessary qualities so as not to be afraid of damaging the mirror during installation.

A product with a low level of strength can easily crack from the slightest pressure, which makes caring for it much more difficult.

Definition. An unclear reflection in the mirror indicates that it is defective, so before making a purchase, you should evaluate the degree of clarity of the image.

Fasteners. The bulk of mirrors are produced with mounting suction cups. In order to securely mount the mirror, you can purchase additional parts.

A large mirror should be installed in large bathrooms.

Type and configuration. Today stores offer a large number of various models, shapes and configurations of mirrors (round, square, with baguette, with cabinet or shelves, lighting, sink, corner models).

Functionality of bathroom mirrors

A mirror can be not only a reflective surface, but also a functional design:

Mirror with shelves for the bathroom. This type is intended for small spaces where it is not possible to install a pencil case.

Shelves with a mirror are mounted to the wall, thereby saving floor space where you can install washing machine or a laundry basket.

An illuminated mirror is installed in the bathroom to improve image quality.

A cabinet with a mirror in the bathroom will allow you to place all the necessary detergents, bathing or personal care products.

Most popular option are mirrors with shelves for the bathroom, since they are more affordable, provide enough space to place things and do not take up space on the floor, which allows you to install others necessary items interior

Lighting methods

Bathroom mirror with light is necessary equipment, ensuring comfortable daily beauty care procedures.

This design significantly increases image clarity and allows you to see the slightest nuances.

Often the backlight plays the role of decorative design, in this case, the color of the lighting can be different - blue, red, yellow, lilac.

Touch control lighting is very popular, allowing you to adjust the lighting power with a light touch of your fingers.

Another advantage of this design is its moisture resistance, thanks to which it is installed near the sink without fear of a short circuit.

Aesthetic design

A beautiful frame for a mirror is not only beautiful element decor, but also a kind of protection from mechanical damage. There are many options for this detail:

  • Plastic.
  • Ceramic.
  • Imitation of wood or baguette.
  • With gold or silver plating.
  • Bronze.

To finally decide on the choice of model, you need to familiarize yourself with the photo of the mirror in the bathroom, which shows all kinds of design options, design decorations and functionality of the accessory.

Photo of a bathroom mirror

The bathroom is a room in which everyone spends a lot of time. It should not only be functional and practical, but also beautiful. Today, designer items have gained wide popularity. But do-it-yourself decor is especially appreciated. You can create beautiful and stylish bathroom decorations from scrap materials. This allows you to decorate the room with minimal costs. This article will tell you how to decorate a mirror yourself.

Execution of large-scale construction work in the bathroom can be left to professionals. But you can easily do the decoration of the room yourself. Today, homemade interior items are especially popular. Unique decorations add to the room special style and charm.

You can decorate your bathroom using an old mirror that has been collecting dust on the balcony or in the pantry for a long time.

An old mirror can become stylish and original accessory For bathroom. Decorating should begin with working on the moisture resistance of the mirror. It should be taken into account that the mirror will be subject to changes in humidity and temperature every day. It is important that the decor of the mirror is resistant to moisture and steam, then the mirror will last for many years.

What you need to do to protect the mirror from moisture:

  • The surface of the mirror must be treated special composition, which retains the original mirror coating.
  • The frame and the back of the item can be treated with waterproof varnish or paint.
  • To decorate the mirror, use materials that will not become unusable when exposed to moisture and steam.

Decorating a mirror yourself is a rather painstaking process. It requires attentiveness, accuracy and perseverance. But after completing all stages of work, the bathroom will be decorated unique items an interior that will delight the eye every day. You can decorate the mirror in different techniques using a wide variety of materials.

Tips: how to decorate a mirror without a frame with your own hands

If you find a mirror without a frame in the house, you can put it in complete order and decorate the bathroom with it. It is fashionable to buy a frame for a mirror, or you can make it yourself. It can also be hung without a frame. For example, using liquid nails. But then it is better to decorate the mirror itself stylishly - it will look much better decorated.

You can decorate your bathroom with a mirror with or without a frame. The main thing is that the mirror is harmoniously combined with common interior premises.

The frame for the mirror can be made from ordinary plywood. To do this, you need to decide on the shape of the frame and cut it out of a piece of plywood. It is important that the frame is slightly larger than the mirror - this will ensure reliable and correct fastening. The edges of the frame can be decorated with decorative elements cut from the same piece of plywood or any other material that suits the style. You can also decoupage the frame.

Custom frame design:

  • Acrylic paints. The edges of the mirror can be decorated with acrylic paints. The motif can echo the wallpaper or interior items.
  • Textile. The edges of the mirror can be covered with fabric. It is important that it is moisture resistant.
  • Beads. Multi-colored beads can be laid out in beautiful geometric or floral patterns.
  • Bugles. It will shimmer beautifully and play with light.
  • Pasta. Bizarre shapes of pasta on the mirror, glued and painted with paints from an aerosol can will give the mirror an original look.

A mirror without a frame can be decorated using various materials found in the house. After completing the decoration, it is important, if possible, to coat the decorated surface with varnish so that it is not exposed to moisture. The decor of the mirror should be in harmony with the overall decor of the room, then the bathroom will look stylish and original.

Options for decorating a bathroom mirror with your own hands

You can repair an old mirror using various decorative elements. They can be purchased at specialized hardware stores, or you can find them on your farm. You can beautifully decorate both the mirror itself and its frame. Buttons, old jewelry, rhinestones, bugles, beads, etc. can be used as decorative elements.

It will be interesting to look at a mirror made in nautical style. For its decoration you can use shells, corals, shells.

Such materials interact well with moisture, which provides the mirror and its decor with long term services. Attaching these materials is quite simple. Liquid nails or moisture-resistant types of any glue are suitable for this.

Decor options:

  • Textile. The frame for the mirror can be made from plywood. Chipboard or laminate. But you can cover the finished frame with water-repellent fabric.
  • Decoupage. The surface to be decorated must first be cleaned and painted. You can paste it over with special napkins for decoupage and varnish it. It is better to apply up to ten layers of varnish, then the surface will not be afraid of moisture.
  • painting. It is better to choose acrylic paints - they are easy to work with, they dry quickly and are resistant to moisture.
  • Mosaic. The remains of ceramic tiles can be laid out in the form of a mosaic.

When choosing materials for decoration, it is important to remember that they must be durable and moisture-resistant. Mirrors decorated with such materials can be hung either in the bathroom or in the bathhouse. When decorating yourself, it is important to pay attention to the method of attaching decorative elements. To do this, you can use liquid nails or waterproof glue.

Instructions: how to update an old mirror with your own hands

There is no limit to creativity. Mirror framing is a very interesting and exciting process. Creating a new decorative element with your own hands inspires and makes you more confident in your strengths and abilities. You can save an old mirror by giving it a new look.

There are many master classes on decorating mirrors on the Internet. Materials used for this various kinds: beads, beads, buttons, wood, acrylic paints, metal, fabric, paper, etc.

To decorate a mirror, it is important to choose a comfortable and well-lit place. Before starting work, you need to cover the work surface protective film. The result will depend on creativity and creativity masters

Tips for updating your mirror:

  • Before starting work, carefully prepare the work surface.
  • Decide on the type of decorative elements and decor style.
  • If necessary, make a frame.
  • During work, use waterproof fastening materials.
  • At the end of the work, it is important to thoroughly coat the product with varnish.

Mirror restoration – exciting process. It does not require special knowledge and skills; they can be acquired during creative work. A mirror decorated with your own hands will become original and stylish decoration bathroom.

Ideas on how to decorate a mirror (video)

The bathroom, although of practical importance, should be cozy and stylish. Mirror - indispensable attribute bathroom. Many houses have old mirrors that gather dust on balconies and in closets. You can give an old mirror a second life by making simple or complex decor with your own hands.

An accessory such as a bathroom mirror is an important attribute through which important processes– morning washing, brushing teeth, combing, washing hands and hair and many other hygiene procedures. It would seem that it’s really difficult to choose a mirror for the bathroom; you went to the store and bought the one you liked. But this is far from true. When choosing this element, you should take into account its appearance so that it fits perfectly into its design and shape. Thanks to these criteria, you can choose an original, and most importantly, comfortable mirror for the bathroom.

The need for a mirror in the bathroom

If you are planning to make a small renovation or completely remodel your bathroom with your own hands, do not forget about purchasing a mirror. If you do not think through the placement of each element, the appearance of the bathroom may be completely disrupted.

It is advisable to select a mirror in accordance with the intended interior style so that it fits perfectly and is combined with other elements. Especially modern market offers many options for these products - on a baguette, with lighting, with gold frames, with a heating function. And the installation of these products will not be special labor, you can install them yourself.

If the repairs have already been made, and you need to replace the mirror because it has become old and unsightly. It is better to focus on the general appearance of the room and color schemes. You can look at the options on the websites; there are catalogs with different types of mirrors.

What is taken into account when choosing

Many people are interested in how to choose a mirror for the bathroom. What to do if this task is difficult? To facilitate the process, it is worth remembering the main criteria:

  • practicality and functionality - usually bathrooms small size, often they do not have enough space to store various necessary things. For these cases, a mirror on a baguette in gold or bronze with a built-in cabinet is suitable. You can choose round or oval, additional lighting is selected;
  • We pay attention to quality characteristics. The purchased product must be of high quality. Inspect it for flaws, scratches, chips. The product must be manufactured in accordance with technical requirements and be environmentally friendly;
  • the product must have high strength so that when installing it on the wall with your own hands, it does not crack or break from light pressure. Therefore, look at its thickness. A thin, fragile product can be seen with the naked eye;
  • clarity of the image - whatever is chosen, with or without backlighting, in a frame, on a baguette, it must have a clear image. Be sure to look at it, if all the features are clear and precise, then you can safely buy it. If not, then it’s a marriage. And don’t think that if you install it additional lighting or the backlight everything will change, it will become better;
  • fastening - basically all products come with a suction cup. To strengthen the fasteners, you can purchase additional fasteners;
  • large size product. This option is worth purchasing when the bathroom has big sizes. In addition, this product has a high cost;
  • types and forms of products. In stores there are many options for mirrors of the most different types, shapes and configurations - in a baguette, with gold frames, can be additionally heated against fogging, with a sink, with a suction cup, and a corner mirror.

Types of mirrors

All mirror elements for the bathroom, depending on their functions and type, are divided into 3 groups:

  • depending on size and function. Wall mirrors for large or small rooms, for performing various procedures, magnifying to expand the space;
  • shapes and color solutions. This includes products various forms And color solutions– round, square, rectangular, oval;
  • types of structures and design. Various options mirror products - for decoration, combined with cabinets, in the form of unusual designs, illuminated, heated;
  • types of frames - on a baguette, frames made of tiles, plastic, wood, gold.


Nowadays a buyer can find almost any size of mirror. And if you can’t find it in the store right size, then it can be made to order with the required parameters. But first, it’s worth deciding on the parameters of the mirror product; they directly depend on the area of ​​the bathroom.

The size of the mirror can be arbitrary, as long as it fits perfectly into the design of the room. For example, if the room is small, then two small mirror. It is advisable to purchase wall products. They can be installed anywhere and visually they will expand the room. One should be placed directly above the vanity, while the other can be installed under the bathtub. If you plan to install a mirror under the bath, it should be horizontal.

For spacious rooms use large mirror in the bathroom. Usually for large rooms Vertical and horizontal products are used. It is not advisable to place it low. Optimal size height is considered to be 35-45 cm from the sink. Also, the height of the product should be chosen depending on the height of family members, so that it is comfortable to look at while washing. Width parameters are selected depending on the width of the sink.

If you need to install a vertical mirror with your own hands, then first you should measure the parameters of the room. Already, based on the size of the room, you can choose the right mirror. For example, if the space under the mirror is 70-80 cm wide and 60-70 cm long, then it will be easier to find the right one in the store.


A mirror product can not only be an object for reflection, but also have additional functionality that provides comfort and convenience:

  • There are designs with built-in magnifying glasses. The reflection in these products is expanded, which is why washing or shaving is comfortable;
  • Availability of socket. A mirror with a socket is convenient if there is additional lighting. Thanks to this element, you can additionally connect a light, which will provide additional convenience when washing. Typically, backlit products are equipped with a socket.

Mirror with rosette


Wall mirror elements are available in various shapes. Their shape can have a wide variety of shapes. They are used for standard rooms. In the interior they look very beautiful and unusual.

Let's highlight the most popular types of mirrors for bathrooms:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • rectangular;
  • curly - flowers, wavy, stars and other shapes.




The design of the mirrors allows them to be matched to different interiors. In the bathroom interior they look very aesthetically pleasing and unusual. A rectangular product can be horizontal or vertical.

Sometimes they go to them additional functions– heating, socket. Available with backlight or you can choose the lighting. They can have different frames in gold, on a baguette, or in wood. Rectangular products are usually produced on a baguette. They should be installed on the wall; you can do everything yourself. They go on a suction cup.

Designs of various shapes are designed in the form of various patterns on the sides, this gives unusual look and goes well with general view premises. You can find accessories in various colors - white, red, yellow, with multi-colored inserts. A white product looks especially beautiful in the interior; it has a shiny surface and a clear display.


Mirror lighting is a necessary condition for comfortable, convenient cosmetic procedures. It should be bright and not distort the face of the person looking at the mirror. You can find products already backlit, which is convenient for use in the bathroom. Backlight can be different colors- red, blue, yellow and white. White lighting is quite convenient because it completely illuminates the entire surface of the mirror and gives the room an unusual look. There are products with touch lighting. Touch lighting is expensive, but makes it very easy to use. Using a special button, you can turn on and off, as well as adjust the touch lighting. A mirror with this lighting is moisture-resistant, if water gets in it continues to work in the same mode, it can be safely installed above the sink.


The frame for the mirror is of no small importance because it protects it from various damages. Mirror elements in a frame look richer and more beautiful. The frame comes in various options:

  • in the form of a baguette;
  • under tiles;
  • under the tree;
  • under gold;
  • made of bronze material;
  • made of plastic.

Of course, a mirror on a frame made of plastic has a low cost, but it is still quite beautiful, and the plastic protects it from various chips and cracks. The product on a baguette is a common option; the frame can be made to look like gold, like wood, like tiles. Framed options look original in the interior and make the design modern.

Unusual designs

In many stores you can find accessories that have unusual designs or come with shelves or cabinets. In the interior of the room they look beautiful and stylish. It is worth highlighting the popular design options for mirrors:

  • corner mirror with shelf - this design is convenient to use in small room. Can be placed on a shelf various means for washing. In addition, a corner mirror with a shelf takes up little space and can easily replace a cabinet. The design of these products is varied, so you can easily choose products to suit the style of your bathroom interior;
  • accessories built into the cabinet - the appearance of these products is ordinary and not particularly original. In the interior, they combine well with other items, but still have a practical purpose. You can put various hygiene products, detergents, and shampoos in the cabinet. It turns out two elements - a mirror in which you can look when washing and performing various cosmetic procedures, a cabinet for various products;
  • retractable is a Polish-made product that is convenient for use during cosmetic procedures. The design of the mirror is unusual. It has three mirrors that easily move away from the wall. You can install it yourself on the wall above the sink.

Anti-fog mirror

To prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up, you should choose an anti-fog model that is heated. This product is convenient for use in the bathroom, because in this room high humidity. Anti-fogging is ensured thanks to the heating function.

The operating principle of these products is simple – it’s all about the reflective foil. It is attached with reverse side product and connected to lighting. If it is missing, then you can attach it yourself. When the lighting is turned on, the heating is activated, which prevents the surface of the mirror from fogging up in case of strong humidity, for example when turning on hot water, with strong evaporation and so on.

These accessories have many advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • original design - corner, rectangular, square, with frames;
  • easy installation - you can install them on the wall yourself without the help of professionals;
  • high hygiene – the heating function protects against the penetration of microorganisms harmful to health;
  • affordable price.

How the anti-fog mirror works

Designer models

Whatever accessories you choose - framed under tiles, gold, made of a plastic base, with a heating function - first of all, it should be beautiful. We often decorate the bathtub with unusual models of these products. But before doing the installation yourself, it’s worth considering the types of mirror design models:

  • product with internal lighting. Lighting installed inside the product completely illuminates the entire surface of the mirror and adds additional brightness. Lighting may be different color– yellow, white, blue, red. It comes with a suction cup, so you can install it yourself without the help of professionals;
  • you can find a convenient design proposal for those who are afraid of breaking the mirror element - a regular film with mirror surface. It simply sticks to the wall anywhere convenient location premises. Due to the fact that it is convenient to use and does not require additional care, it can be installed in several places, then there will be two mirror elements in the room;
  • For lovers of an abundance of reflective elements, mirror tiles have been developed. It can be combined with regular tiles and used to decorate the ceiling, floor, and walls. There is also a special mosaic tiles, which is installed on corner structures– for decorating baths and showers.

Accessories for mirrors

Various accessories are used as decorative elements for mirrors, which add style and unusual design these products. The following elements are used to decorate mirror elements:

  • frames made of fabric, shells, beads, waterproof stickers, rhinestones. These accessories can be glued to PVA glue or other adhesive. The main thing is that after installing the product on the wall, the frame does not come off or fall apart;
  • mirror painting - you can use ready-made decals with patterns for mirrors as painting. And those who master the art of drawing can do it themselves. Doing this is not so difficult, the main thing is to purchase acrylic paints, a comfortable brush and choose a pattern for decoration;
  • mosaic - can be used as a mosaic ceramic tiles. A frame made of pieces of tiles of different colors looks beautiful and impressive. Once installed on the wall, the mirror will give the room originality and unusual style.

Choosing a bathroom mirror is very not an easy task. Exists huge variety of these accessories - on a baguette, with a gold frame, made of bronze material, made of a plastic base, with shelves, with a heating function, round. In order not to get confused among this variety and choose a suitable wall mirror, first of all you should take into account the design and size of the bathroom. Only with this approach can you purchase a suitable mirror design for your bathroom and install it yourself.

Decorating a bathroom is a very complex task, which includes not only the selection of optimal plumbing equipment, but also other elements that are no less important for further operation. Of course, first of all, this concerns furniture and mirrors in the bathroom. Agree that it is extremely difficult to imagine spending time in this room without comfortable furniture as a storage system and beautiful glass to look into. Sometimes they are combined in one product, for example, in the case of purchasing a hanging cabinet with mirror doors. This is convenient, but, nevertheless, some consumers prefer to buy these interior elements separately. And that's their right.

Our online store offers many models of wall mirrors at quite favorable prices. In total, a catalog of several thousand models is available various configurations, so you can definitely find and buy something optimal for your bathroom on our website.

Prices vary from several hundred rubles to more than one hundred thousand rubles. The choice of this or that product should be entirely based on your financial capabilities, as well as personal taste preferences and features of the future interior.

In terms of decoration, the variety is very great. For example, here you will find products with photo printing, beautiful framing, made in different styles etc. In other words, when creating an interior and bringing your unique design idea to life, you should not be limited in funds.

One of the most simple models in Plumbing-Online is the rounded mirror Eviform Primary. This is a basic product that is very inexpensive (500 rubles) and fits into any interior. Of course, it looks quite simple, but its price is appropriate.

If you want to highlight the design of your bathroom, then look for something more extraordinary. For example, pay attention to products from the La Belle series from German manufacturer Villeroy and Boch. This line includes products with various dimensions, up to very large ones (for example, a mirror 130 centimeters wide). They have a beautiful print, a highly durable MDF base and are ultra resistant to external influences glass.

Another mirror - Cezares 670 will become the main accent of any classic interior. A chic bronze frame with ornate geometry will further highlight your design and make it memorable. You will get real pleasure every time you look at it. Do you want unforgettable emotions every day? Then consider purchasing such an exceptional Italian mirror.

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