How to unclog a toilet. Choosing an effective way to clean the toilet on your own

Clogged drains in an apartment are an unpleasant problem, but when the toilet becomes clogged, it is doubly inconvenient, since the problem requires an immediate solution. Often the cause of difficulty draining water in the toilet is the deposition of salts in the pipes. This happens due to hard water, urea or other types of sediment that settle on the walls of the pipes and narrow their internal diameter.

Salt deposits in the pipe. The “aesthetics of the frame” is accompanied by a corresponding smell

Advice! To find out the location of the blockage, open the taps in the bathroom and kitchen (water sources for the common drain). If water goes down the drain here freely, then the reason is in the toilet. If its drainage is slowed down everywhere, then the problem is in the common pipe. In this case, call a plumber - it will be difficult to deal with the problem yourself.

Attention! If you find a blockage in the toilet, do not drain the water from the tank, since its minimum volume is 3 liters. To be safe, you can turn off the water supply tap so that it does not flow onto the floor if the drain is clogged. Use a bucket and pour no more than 1 liter of liquid into the toilet to check.

Cleaning drains, especially in old houses, is a job for professionals

Important. Prevention of salt formations allows you to avoid wasting further effort on cleaning pipes. It is enough to fill all the drains in the apartment with a special cleaning liquid once every 3 months at night.

However, the main cause of blockages in toilets is the residents themselves, who use the plumbing fixture as a garbage disposal. And if a meat bone that accidentally gets into the toilet is not difficult to remove, then a rag or paper clog will require some effort.

Tips for clearing clogs:

  • When replacing sewer pipes, install new ones of the same diameter, no less.
  • Carrying out repairs in toilet room, close the toilet to prevent construction debris from getting into it.
  • Do not be lazy to throw away garbage (pads, newspapers, cat litter, etc.) in the designated areas. This way you will save your time, and you will not blush in front of the plumber.

How to clear a clogged toilet yourself

There are several ways to clear toilet clogs. Their effectiveness depends on the complexity of the plug: material, volume, period of occurrence.

Advice! Before you begin unclogging the clog, remove the water from the toilet to the flush level. A rag, sponge or rubber bulb (enema) is suitable for this.

Mechanical methods for clearing a clogged toilet

Important. The diameter of the plunger tip should be larger than the diameter of the toilet flush. This is the only way to create conditions for water hammer to occur.

This simple plumbing tool will help remove a small clog in the toilet.

If the apartment does not have a plunger, you can use plastic bottle, the bottom of which is cut off and the lid is screwed tightly:

  • the resulting device is gradually inserted into the toilet hole until the air in the bottle begins to push it back out;
  • sudden movement the bottle is pressed all the way into the drain and immediately removed.

The pressure created is powerful enough to break through the garbage plug with two or three manipulations.

Plastic bottle + laws of hydraulics = homemade plunger

If the above methods do not help eliminate the problem, then you can use household chemicals.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Attention! If the connecting corrugation between the toilet and the pipe is made of thin plastic, then under the influence of boiling water it may burst. In this case, you need to use warm water.

Attention! Before you decide to act radically by pouring a solution of formic, hydrochloric or sulfuric acid into the toilet, think about whether the product will also corrode the old pipes.

Professional plumbing cable

This is a special plumbing tool, which is a cable with a handle at one end and a nozzle at the other. There are many types of cables (cable, spring, rigging, tension, etc.) with a diameter of 6 to 16 mm and a length of up to 60 meters.

For residential needs, a five-meter Ø9 mm cable is sufficient. The nozzle at its end can be in the form of a weight (for breaking through) or a spiral (for removing blockages)

Every toilet has a built-in valve, which often becomes clogged, making the flush much less efficient.

What to do if the toilet is clogged? Use a simple folk remedy - a plunger. Or professional, such as an auger. It is this that helps break through almost any blockage in the toilet pipes.

Cleaning the toilet with a plunger

Sometimes the toilet is clogged to such an extent that the water simply rises right up to the rim. In such a situation, you need to either wait until the water slowly drains away, or scoop it out.

A clogged toilet is sometimes an extremely unpleasant sight.

Now let's take this by the hand handy tool, like a plunger, and place it on the drain hole.

Cleaning a clogged toilet with a special plunger.

  1. Use a plunger to push the clog out of the toilet valve into sewer pipe.
  2. Blockage.
  3. Sewage pipe.

Working with a plunger is simple; apply gentle pressure on it, then lift it sharply. If everything works, the water will begin to drain immediately.

A plunger is the most basic, accessible, reliable, cheap and simple (see how many advantages) method of cleaning a toilet. Pay attention to the photo - it uses an improved piston version of the plunger, which is more effective than with a conventional suction cup.

Check to see if the blockage has really been cleared by flushing the toilet several times or simply pouring a bucket of water down the drain.

How to use a plunger correctly

Yeah, you say, what’s so complicated about this, plunger? Don't tell me, it's used in an elementary way. However, there are some nuances to this delicate process that are worth being aware of.

A plunger is the simplest and most affordable method of cleaning a toilet. However, not all people know that there is a right and wrong correct method s of its use.

The main secret to how a plunger works is how you press on it. This should be done gently, but the backward movement should be sharp and energetic.

Many people believe that it is the strong forward movement that breaks through the blockage, they say, the harder you press on the plunger, the better the result will be. However, in reality, this may only make the problem worse! In fact, pressing too hard on the plunger can even damage the gasket that sits between the floor and the bottom of the toilet.

It is the backward movement of the plunger that creates suction effect, which ensures the removal of blockages. Remember that no matter what is stuck in the toilet pipe, pulling the clog back will be much more effective than pushing it forward.

Plunger type

There is also a common misconception regarding which plunger to use. Most people don't know about them at all various types. Most often found in houses and apartments is the “Ordinary Plunger” - with a red sucker. However, no one in the store will tell you that such a plunger is best suited for breaking through a sink, and not a bathtub or toilet.

The purpose of a regular plunger is to clean sinks, but not toilets at all.

There are two types of plungers - a regular one and a specialized “piston” plunger, ideal for cleaning the toilet.

However, who said that an ordinary plunger can have a standard design?

The best toilet plungers have a ball or piston structure. The small rubber cup fits perfectly into the pipe and creates required pressure, which is especially important for toilets with a non-standard flush hole.

What types of blockages are there?

All clogs in the toilet can be divided into two types - solid and leaking. A leaking blockage, as the name implies, is a blockage through which water still leaks, but very slowly. As a rule, this is what happens to all toilets, equally or later. Such a blockage can be removed with just a plunger.

A dead blockage, on the contrary, completely blocks the passage of water; it simply does not move, due to a certain volume that is tightly stuck in the pipe. This type of blockage can be removed using a special auger.

An auger is a special telescopic device with a handle, equipped with a cable with a spring made of of stainless steel, having a hollow core. The flexibility of the spring allows you to penetrate into the most remote corners of the sewer pipe; the same spring does not allow the cable to twist.

Plunger against clogs: the battle of the century in stages

Now let's take a closer look at the process of using a plunger. We will need:

  • plunger;
  • rags or newspaper;
  • latex gloves;
  • bucket.

Let's get started.

First of all, put on rubber gloves and place rags or newspaper around the toilet. Sometimes during cleaning, water splashes all over the toilet.

Lift the toilet lid and place the plunger suction cup on drainer.

Prepare everything you need to pierce the toilet with a plunger.

It is important that the water in the toilet covers the suction cup. If there is not enough water, open the toilet lid and gently lift the valve up so that enough water flows into the toilet. It's more effective method rather than flushing the toilet, since you can control the amount of water used. In addition, if you flush a clogged toilet, you risk ending up knee-deep in water. If too much water has flowed in, scoop it out with a bucket.

Pour some water into the toilet until it covers the suction cup of the plunger, lifting the float.

Now, you need to release a little air from under the suction cup. Lift the head of the plunger slightly by pressing on the handle - you will see several large bubbles. In this case, the plunger must be in the water all this time; do not let air back in.

Lift the plunger suction cup by the handle and release the air.

Let's start cleaning. Use a suction cup to close the drain hole, then press the plunger very slowly and smoothly. Do this with short, gentle strokes until the plunger is completely pressed inward. After this, pull the plunger towards you.

Gently press the plunger like a piston, then pull it towards you. You can also move it sharply back - but then you risk splashing the entire toilet.

Using the gentle pressure and strong tugging method will unclog your toilet. Repeat these steps until the clog is completely cleared.

Now rinse off the water and check if everything works. Clean the plunger and gloves with disinfectant.

If the plunger does not help, then the water will still stagnate, sometimes it even spills on the floor. Well, the plunger turned out to be useless to us - time to use the second method.

Video on piercing a toilet with a plunger

A professional American plumber demonstrates how to use a plunger to break through a toilet as quickly as possible with short and active movements.

Video on how to properly clean a toilet with an auger

A UK plumber demonstrates how a $20 auger can clear a stubborn clog in a toilet. Just a few minutes of practice and you will save a lot of money on calling plumbers, who issue hefty bills for plumbing.

In the video, ordinary ones are used to compact the hole. paper towels. During the cleaning process, rusty water appears in the toilet - in fact, it is rust from the auger itself.

Most importantly, the video shows the correct method of using a punching auger, the effectiveness of which has been proven by years of practice.

Cleaning the toilet with a wire or auger

Well, a plunger does not always clear a clogged toilet drain. In such a situation, an auger helps - a special cable for cleaning toilets, which can be purchased at a plumbing store.

A typical auger for unclogging a toilet.

The difference between an auger and a plunger is significant. The auger (sometimes called “toilet wire”) is equipped with a special handle that allows you to rotate the cable. Using the auger is easy - insert it into the toilet drain in such a way as to reach the clog.

A clogged toilet drain can be cleaned with a wire if a plunger does not help. Cleaning is done by rotating the handle.

  1. Rotate the toilet string handle.
  2. Metal string case.
  3. Steel wire for cleaning clogs in toilets.
  4. Blockage.
  5. Blockage diagram.
  6. Sewage pipe.

Cleaning the toilet is in full swing - sometimes the auger can be quite impressive, with a telescopic pipe, for breaking through the most difficult blockages.

The handle must be rotated clockwise and constantly push the wire further. If you get caught on something, pull the wire back.

Remember that a porcelain toilet is very easy to break and is much more fragile than it looks. Therefore, try to act carefully.

A clogged toilet problem is quite common. It can be quite difficult to correct the situation on your own. However, if you know how the sewer system works and what means can help effective assistance when cleaning pipes, it is quite possible to save money and quickly restore normal work mandatory in every modern home sewer system.

So, if there is a blockage in the toilet, you will learn what to do from our article.

Quick help for a clogged toilet - hot water and soda

Two simple ways have proven their effectiveness in clearing pipes from simple blockages:

  1. Before clearing a clog in the toilet, you need to heat a bucket of water to a boil and pour this water into the toilet, creating strong pressure - the bucket must be raised so that the water flows into the toilet at a right angle and quickly. Performing these simple steps allows you to effectively deal with simple blockages. If the water begins to gradually drain after cleaning in this way, you should pour a bucket of hot water into the toilet again. If the blockage was small, then this method will quickly and effectively help deal with the problem.

Pro tip:

Despite the simplicity of the actions, eliminating a clogged toilet in this case will require compliance with safety measures.

  1. Ordinary soda, familiar to every housewife, helps well when flushing drains. If, when a blockage occurs, you dissolve ½ part of a pack of soda in the toilet, the resulting active alkali can quickly correct the situation. Usually, quick help soda helps if the blockage was not complicated.

Household chemicals for clogs

All educated modern people understand that an effective remedy for a clogged toilet should be found on store shelves household chemicals. Special products in the form of liquids, powders, granules and sprays allow you to quickly deal with an unpleasant problem. In addition, the chemical industry produces various products for the prevention of blockages, the use of which allows you to control the condition of pipes and ensure long term their normal operation.

Tools to solve the problem of a clogged toilet mechanically

Plunger and its analogues

If boiling water, soda and chemicals do not have a noticeable effect on the blockage, then before clearing the blockage in the toilet with the help of specialist plumbers, you can try using a plunger with a 10-centimeter diameter rubber bowl. To provide efficient work using a plunger from excess water It must be removed from the toilet so that the water covers only the rubber part of the tool.

Pro tip:

To prevent this part of the tool from getting stuck in the toilet bowl, use hammer nails to nail the bowl to the plunger handle.

If there is no plunger, but a blockage still occurs, in this case, you can use homemade tools, which, despite their primitive appearance, often turn out to be very effective means solutions to the problem:

  • a plastic bottle cut off from the bottom, which is lowered with the cut end into the toilet and sharp pressure is applied to it;
  • “pusher doll” made from a stick and rags.

Plumbing cable

A flexible special cable, which is a rigid hollow axis equipped with a rotating handle, is professional tool, which every plumber can find. A pointed nozzle or a spiral-shaped extension made of thick wire is attached to the end of such a tool - such equipment allows you to destroy the blockage.

How to break through a blockage with its help:

  1. The spiral end is lowered into the toilet until it stops and the handle is rotated clockwise - thanks to such actions, the cable is pushed into the water seal.

  1. The cable may hit an obstacle. The options may be different:
  • If he runs into reverse side disc bowl (if the cable is not completely immersed in water), then before removing the blockage, continue pushing movements until the cable slips along inside this area of ​​the toilet.
  • If a vertical wall of the riser appears in the path of the cable, in this case a cable is required, the length of which must be more than 1.5 m.
  • If the toilet has a direct outlet, then the cable is pushed along a horizontal sewer pipe until inner surface riser - difficulties in moving the cable may arise if the tip of the cable encounters a blockage. How to remove the blockage in this case? Using back and forth movements, you need to push it into the riser.

As a rule, blockages in sewer pipes do not occur at the beginning of operation.

Pro tip:

At long-term operation systems must be protected from debris. In addition, preventive cleansers, such as Mole, are effective.

To decide how to unclog a toilet, you need to have a good understanding of its structure and have simple tools, helping to independently flush the pipes. However, if it turns out to be impossible to restore the patency of the system on your own, you will have to turn to the help of specialists.

Plumbing fixtures tend to become clogged over time. This is facilitated by deposits of salts from too hard water, urea and other sediment that gets into the pipes and narrows the internal opening. And the owners have to choose: either call a professional plumber, or look for ways to help clean the toilet on their own. We'll do the analysis the best ways cleaning plumbing.

How to determine the causes and degree of blockage

The sewer system may not work for two main reasons:

  • the drainage system is not made correctly;
  • improper use, violations of operation.

If the drain pipe is not installed according to technology, for example, with a violation of the angle of inclination, then over time deposits will accumulate in the pipe and a blockage will occur.

Lack of sufficient fan ventilation also leads to clogged drains. This occurs due to a decrease in the rate of water drainage if air does not enter the riser pipe.

Violation of the terms of use of the sewer drain often occurs due to the fault of residents.

After all, people do not hesitate to pour leftover food and fermented homemade preparations, such as pickled tomatoes, into it. And sometimes after cleaning the apartment along with the drained dirty water accidentally the rag also “runs away”. After such “feeding” the toilet refuses to work, blocking the passage of water into the pipes.

A clogged toilet can lead to the same consequences. cat litter and large pieces of toilet paper. Clay, which forms the basis of the clumping filler, settles in the pipe.

Insoluble materials, objects, toys that accidentally fall into the drain form a plug in the pipe. The same thing happens with sand, cement, and other building materials.

Without preventive filling with chemicals, your pipes will gradually become overgrown with salt deposits and will stop passing water even without additional blockages

When choosing toilet cleaning products, first find out the degree of blockage and, if possible, its cause. Water may flow slowly or not flow at all. It's easy to find out: you need to pour about a liter of water into the toilet and see after half an hour whether it has gone away. You should not use the tank to check, because when you press the button, all the available liquid will flow into the toilet (and there is at least three liters of it!). If the channel is clogged tightly, then the water will begin to overflow out onto the floor of the toilet.

Next, check how local the blockage is. Open the faucet in the bathroom and kitchen and see how the drain is. If water leaves both points as usual, it means that the pipe leaving the toilet is clogged. It discharges the liquid into the common sewer pipe. If the flow in all places is weak, then the problem is in the common pipes, and more serious measures will have to be taken.

To prevent sewer pipes from becoming overgrown with salt deposits, preventive maintenance should be carried out at least once every three months. Any chemicals designed for cleaning pipes are suitable for this. Fill the liquid according to the instructions at night when plumbing fixtures are not in use. And then no sediment will have time to settle on the walls of the pipes and turn into stone, which is very difficult to deal with.

What to do if the toilet is clogged

If no preventive maintenance was carried out, and the pipes are still clogged, try to corrode the blockage by filling it with special compounds.

Folk remedies

The most simple remedies, which are in every kitchen - soda and vinegar.

They work like this:

  1. Scoop out excess water, leaving a little in the drainage area.
  2. Pour in 1/2 a pack of soda and push it as deep as possible.
  3. Pour in a glass of vinegar.
  4. Wait for the reaction to complete (about 15-20 minutes).
  5. Pour boiling water into the toilet bowl.

Soda ash diluted in water instantly produces a chemical reaction if you splash vinegar on it

If the owners prefer not to use aggressive chemicals, then they can resort to folk remedies, which have been tested for years and are safe.

If the problem concerns exclusively the toilet, then most often they use mechanical method, chemistry and punching with a plunger.


A more expensive option for chemical washing is store-bought special products, such as “Mole”, “Tiret”, “Floop”. They corrode everything that has accumulated inside the pipes (hair, limescale, salts, grease, etc.). These potent agents should be used with caution, they have a pungent odor, corrode the skin, and should not be allowed to come into contact with the eyes, so it is advisable to work with gloves. Before cleaning, please read the instructions carefully. After removing the sediment plug, you need to flush the drain with water.

You can't mix several various means or use them at the same time. As a result chemical reaction Toxic substances may form and the situation will only get worse.

But maximum effect It’s worth the wait if the pipes are not too “overgrown” and the deposits are in the initial stages. If the sediment manages to petrify, then no chemistry is capable of breaking through it. That is why it is recommended to regularly flush the drains with special products.

Mechanical cleaning

If some object (a rag, an apple, etc.) gets into the toilet flush, and the owners guess the cause of the blockage, then the first thing they need to do is inspect the place of release and the siphon. To do this, you will have to scoop out all the water standing in the bowl and pull it onto your hand. rubber glove and, if possible, cover your nose with a gauze bandage, because the smell will not be pleasant. Place your hand as deep as possible into the drain hole and find out by touch whether there are any objects in the pipe. A rag or sponge can be easily pulled out with your fingers, and if some vegetable or fruit is caught, you can pry it off with a wire with a hook bent at the end.

If some object or rag gets into the toilet, do not blow it out with air, otherwise you will drive the plug even further, from where you will not be able to remove it yourself.

Using a plunger

If the exact cause of the blockage is unknown, but the water slowly continues to drain, then you can use it. Almost everyone has this device, so it won’t be difficult to find. The main thing is that the diameter of the rubber suction cup must be larger than the diameter of the drain hole. Traditional models have wooden handle, but more are produced modern designs. In this way, you can eliminate a blockage that has formed in a siphon or a local pipe that discharges waste into the general sewer system. Under the pressure of air and water, the garbage plug will move deeper and exit into a pipe of larger diameter, after which it will float away from the house without hindrance.

The size of the rubber suction cup in the plunger should be larger than the toilet drain hole in order to tightly seal the area that you will pierce

In order for the punching to be as effective as possible, you need to close the hole for the bottom and top drains in the bathroom and kitchen and use a plunger to pump the water in the toilet with sharp jerks. If there is a slow flow not only in the toilet, but in all sinks, this procedure should be repeated in each plumbing fixture, closing the holes of the others.

How to get rid of a blockage using a “doll”

Another homemade device, which plumbers call a “doll,” is used to clear clogged pipes. Sand is poured into a small bag and tied tightly, forming a punchy “doll.” It is attached to the end of a thick curved wire and sharply lowered into the drain hole, breaking through the blockage, pushing objects or a lump of toilet paper further into the pipe, from where it goes down the riser. After this procedure, you must thoroughly rinse the toilet.

The “doll” is a tightly tied bag of sand

Cleaning with a plastic bottle

From the available means that you can always find at home, a regular plastic water bottle with a volume of 1.5 - 2.5 liters will do. The lid is left screwed on and cut off sharp knife bottom and immerse it in the toilet so that the cut edge touches the bowl deeper. Make a sharp push down and repeat several times. With these actions we push through the blockage, causing a small water hammer and freeing the drain.

In some cases, an ordinary plastic bottle will be an equally effective remedy.

Video: using a plastic bottle to clear a blockage

Using a rubber hose

This method acts on the blockage not only mechanically, but also hydrodynamically, using pressure and high temperature. It works great in combination with chemically. One edge rubber hose attach to the tap with hot water, and lower the other end into the toilet drain as far as possible. Open the tap all the way and let it go hot water strong pressure.

Corrugation cleaning

It often happens that the toilet is attached to the riser using a corrugated pipe. In case of blockage such design feature will help clear the blockage. The water in the drain should be scooped out as much as possible, then the pipe should be removed, cleaned and replaced.

How to eliminate complete coking of the system

Now let’s figure out what to do if the toilet becomes completely clogged, blocking the flow of water. In this case, they buy or search from neighbors special devices. Of all the things you can use to clean a toilet, a special one is considered the most effective and convenient. It is quite flexible, has a metal braid and a handle at the end.

The flexible sewer cable is able to pass through the bends of the drain hole and pipes, but it must be assisted by rotating movements of the handle

It is better to clean the pipes together, since the cable is advanced gradually and at the same time they make rotational movements with the handle. It is necessary to rotate so that the cable can pass the bend of the pipe, which is made for. Having advanced the device to maximum depth, you need to move it back and forth several times to loosen the deposits on the walls of the pipes.

When you remove the cable after completing the procedure, place an old rag on the floor and immediately wipe the removed part with a rag soaked in dishwashing detergent. Otherwise, you will get dirty yourself, and the floor will suffer. And the smell will be felt on your hands for a very long time.

Video: flexible hose for drain cleaning

Where to go if the toilet is clogged and you can’t clean it

If you tried as best you could to clean the clogged toilet, but there was no improvement, then the problem may be with the common riser, through which sewage is discharged from all apartments on the floors above. In this case, urgently call the organization servicing the house, and let specialists deal with the problem.

In this case, water can not only stand in the toilet, but also arrive at a significant speed and, after a short time, flow over the edge of the bowl and end up in the apartment.

In this case, urgently call the emergency service, the brigade that is available in every management company, HOA, or call the organization servicing the house, and let the specialists deal with the problem. You can call any plumbing service or master plumber. They eliminate the traffic jam quickly using professional equipment.

The problem of a clogged toilet has been solved, and to prevent it from arising again, you need to monitor the condition of your plumbing and use it without violations. Carry out preventive maintenance regularly using special means and then an atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort will reign in the house.

With such unpleasant phenomenon problems like clogged toilets are encountered frequently. Sometimes getting out of a current situation without extra effort it can be very difficult. If you understand the structure of the sewer system and know effective measures By clearing the blockage, you can keep your wallet intact and instantly improve the functioning of your plumbing unit.

Reasons why a toilet may become clogged

Knowing the exact cause of the toilet problem, you can quickly make an attempt to fix it. Most often, blockages form for the following reasons:

  • throwing down the toilet food waste;
  • flushing various objects into the sewer pipe, insoluble in water(throwing it into the plumbing fixture toilet paper or paper towels, this can worsen the situation, since pipifax in water tends to swell and noticeably increase in volume);
  • filler for cat litter box , thrown into the drain hole, becomes the culprit of the resulting blockage (only pressed sawdust used as a cat hygiene product will not clog the toilet);
  • improper installation of the toilet;
  • accumulation of salt deposits on the inner surface of the sewer pipe.

Determining the degree of blockage

Before starting the procedure for cleaning a plumbing fixture, it is necessary to clarify how serious the accident occurred. To do this, we begin to clarify two main characteristics: determine level of sewer clogging and localization of the fault.

In the case of a serious blockage, water, as a rule, flows in a weak stream or there is a complete blockage of the drain. To diagnose a blockage, pour a liter of water into the toilet. After an hour, check whether the liquid has left or remains in place.

Locating the location of the clog is also extremely important. You need to open the water tap in the bathroom and kitchen. If everything is fine at these points, then the poor functioning of the toilet is explained plug in the pipe at the very exit. When problems are discovered with the drains of absolutely all sections of the water supply system, then most likely it is time to check the public pipes. Such renovation work should only be carried out by specialized service workers.

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