How to properly carry out general cleaning in an apartment. How to do general cleaning of an apartment correctly

It has long been known that cleanliness is the key to comfort in the house. But due to busy everyday life, we don’t always have time to clean the house frequently, which leads to a lot of clutter in the room.

However, conventional procedures do not provide the same comfort and fresh look apartment. This is where general cleaning comes in handy.

Features of general cleaning

spring-cleaning- it is always labor-intensive and time-consuming.

It includes such things as: washing windows, cleaning carpets, cleaning all surfaces from accumulated dust, cleaning tiles and glass surfaces from dirt and plaque.

Also, this type of cleaning can be divided into several types:

  • seasonal- carried out once a season, usually in spring and autumn;
  • periodic - as needed, not always global;
  • pre-holiday- held before major holidays ( New Year, Birthdays);
  • post-repair- organized after renovation, when all construction debris and dust are removed.

How often should you do deep cleaning?

It is necessary to carry out this procedure at least two or three times a year. And to ensure that your home always shines clean and emits a pleasant aroma, it is advisable to do general cleaning as often as possible, at least once a season.

The advantages of this work are experienced specialists with special equipment.

What is available to us from the ordinary household chemicals, are usually gentle products that are not able to cope with some contaminants. Cleaning companies are armed with many types of professional detergents. They also have powerful cleaning vacuum cleaners.

By concluding an agreement with this company, be sure that after work your apartment will be sparkling clean. You also don’t have to worry about the safety of your belongings; cleaning is responsible for all of this.

Your peace will not be disturbed, you will not exhaust yourself with this tedious process like cleaning, and you will be able to enjoy spending time with your family.

Based on how valuable this work is, the price may seem “biting” to some, but don’t be upset - it’s worth it. High-quality cleaning will save you from frequent general cleaning for a long time, and cleanliness will settle in your home for a long time.

If we talk about the price, it usually varies from 100 rubles per square meter. So, if you do the math, for that amount you can afford to provide the services of this company at least once a year.

Comfort for you and your home!

For almost every woman and girl, general cleaning of the house is a complete nightmare. However, do not despair, because spring cleaning can be made much easier. Below is an algorithm for carrying out general cleaning, containing 10 points.

Rule one: you need motivation

Tested: it’s easier to start cleaning and not leave the race ahead of time if you read before starting work. Namely, magazines about interior design and renovation.

After viewing the pictures you will want to, if not move to equally clean and stylish rooms, then at least properly clean those that are available.

Psychologists recommend this technique to everyone who is difficult to lift. This is great motivation.

Rule two: everything that is out of place is in a pile

There is a simple way that many people use to sort out things lying around: throw everything in a pile.

When you collect the excess together, start dismantling this improvised “mountain” - winter clothes in closets, shoes in boxes, books on shelves, magazines in bedside tables or in the trash bin, etc.

Disassembling such a “mountain” will take much less time than moving around the house in order to put each item separately in the right place.

Rule three: the quieter you drive, the more you clean

It will be much easier to deal with spring cleaning if you don’t try to cram it into one day off.

If you start cleaning in advance, about a week before the “X” day (any holiday, arrival of guests, etc.), then the result will be better, and you will be calmer and happier. By the way, these are the principles that women who prefer cleaning using the Fly-lady system adhere to.

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For example, on Monday I wash mirrors and doors (you still won’t have enough for more). On Tuesday we clean sofas and carpets. On Wednesday we defrost the refrigerator. On Thursday we rearrange things in the closets. On Friday we plan to wash and sort out shoes. We spend Saturday and Sunday cleaning windows and floors, washing curtains and caring for indoor plants.

Rule four: dust is to blame

One of the main tasks of general cleaning is getting rid of dust. The lion's share of time is spent cleaning the dust collectors. These include carpets (we knock them out, wash them or take them to the dry cleaner), bookcases(we wipe books), curtains (for washing), corners (the ceiling can be dusty too!), places under the bed, under radiators and next to the windowsill (we do wet cleaning). The house will begin to breathe freshness only when it is free of dust.

A regular vacuum cleaner only helps to remove small and not very small debris. In reality, only wet cleaning will save you from dust, and only devices with a water filter are truly effective at collecting dust.

Rule five: do not put off washing

If you don’t want to wash your curtains “right now,” force yourself to take them down – even if they look decent: a hell of a lot of dust has accumulated there over the months.

Soak the curtains in cold water for a couple of hours. After some time, change the water to warm soapy water - and you can forget about the curtains until the evening. When you have finished cleaning, scrub them a little and rinse them warm water– the curtains may not need more washing.

Add a little vinegar to the final rinse water - the curtains will become brighter and easier to iron.

Rule six: no need to “fill” the floor

The floor in the house will be washed much faster if you do not wash it with big amount water (neither linoleum nor wood tolerates this, much less parquet with laminate).

Just go over the floor with a vacuum cleaner, then with a wrung-out wet cloth - it’s quite enough if you don’t walk around the house in shoes. Don't forget to wipe the baseboards - there is always a lot of dust there.

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Rule seven: together - more fun and faster

Having sent your household members away during the spring cleaning, do not complain later that you overstrained yourself. Of course, it’s easier to clean without them, but otherwise, easier doesn’t mean faster. It will be possible to clean up quickly if you involve your husband and children in the general cleaning (at the same time, you will get the children involved in work). Distribute work areas between family members, involving even the youngest ones - they are quite capable of wiping books or baseboards with rags. This way you will free up time for serious matters like analysis kitchen cabinet.

Rule eight: shoes and toys - in the washing machine

Instead of washing sneakers, sneakers, plastic curtains in the bathroom, soft children's toys (and even rubber ones) by hand, put them in the washing machine.

However, you should not put in the machine anything that has a label that specifically prohibits machine washing, for example, items made from natural silk. But there are probably few of them in the house, so there is no need to waste time manually cleaning things that can be sent to washing machine.

Rule nine: things that require repair - take a closer look

Usually, during spring cleaning, a number of things are discovered that need repair.

Place them in a separate bag or box and place them... No, not in the far corner of the dressing room or somewhere on the closet, but in the most visible place - for example, next to front door.

Rule ten: leave the most labor-intensive work to special services

There is nothing wrong with entrusting some types of housework to specially trained people. For example, washing windows.

It’s relatively inexpensive, and hiring a specialist every six months won’t break the bank. family budget. But it will eliminate the need to wash glass with hands shaking with fear while standing on a windowsill somewhere on the 15th floor.

The guests are coming! Or how to quickly get out

Nowadays, where without communication there is nowhere, people don’t go on a visit without an invitation, but sometimes it happens non-standard situations. Did the call about an imminent visit take you by surprise? Calmly! You can quickly clean the house in 20 minutes if you involve your family in this.

Cleanliness is the key to health! It is with this motto that most people on our planet live. So, cleaning an apartment or house, which is carried out regularly, helps to maintain order and feel comfortable and protected. Of course, many housewives already have a so-called plan for cleaning the premises. Still don't have instructions? This article explains in detail how to do a thorough cleaning of your home.

What is room cleaning?

Surely many people know what the expression “put things in order” means. Cleaning means putting all things in their places, throwing out trash and unnecessary trash. Also, while putting things in order, all surfaces are processed and cleaned of dust.

What is general house cleaning? This is an even more thorough cleansing and step-by-step processing every residential and non-residential premises. General cleaning of an apartment can be done faster than in a large house.

How to do everything right and put things in order?

Currently, there are a lot of companies that offer their services to restore order. However, every housewife will find something to complain about after such treatment of a house or apartment. Surely the family living in this room will want to fix something or clean it again. Also, not every person wants to allow strangers into their home, who will also rummage through their things. This is why many people prefer to clean up their home or apartment themselves.

Do-it-yourself general cleaning of the apartment

So, you have decided that it is worth cleaning up your home. Decide which household member will take part in the operation called “General cleaning of the apartment.” Where to start is also worth thinking about. There are certain instructions, following which you will achieve success and put things in order correctly. Let's consider step by step description such a procedure as general cleaning of the house, and we will find out some secrets leading to success.

First step: make a plan

Many housewives simply do not know what to grab onto when they are faced with the task of putting things in order. large room. Also, if you have several rooms in your home, cleaning them all at once will be quite difficult. So, you have a goal: general cleaning of the apartment. Where to start the procedure? First, make a plan for your actions. Be sure to include the number of family members who volunteered to help you. By distributing responsibilities between them, the work will be much easier. If you are tidying up alone, then you can skip this point.

Second step: getting started

Before you start cleaning, you need to prepare all the equipment. Surely you will need several rags, a bucket of water, a mop, a vacuum cleaner or broom, as well as various chemicals: polish, floor cleaner, glass cleaner and so on. Prepare everything you think is necessary. It will be very convenient to put your helpers in a small cart that you can move around the house.

Step Three: Collect Trash

General cleaning of a house or apartment should always begin with throwing it away. Go through all the rooms with a garbage bag and put everything in it that you are ready to give up. This needs to be done exactly at at this stage, since unnecessary things will simply interfere with further processing of the room. Look into every corner of the house. Perhaps somewhere the children have set up a warehouse for candy wrappers. You need to throw away everything that can interfere in the future.

Step four: wash your clothes

Remove dusty curtains and blinds. You can also include covers from the sofa and armchairs in this list. Take off in the bedroom bed sheets and a blanket. All items must be taken to the laundry or washed yourself. Nowadays this is not difficult to do. You can place the items in the washing machine and continue processing at home.

Step Five: Put Everything Back in Its Place

General cleaning of the house involves initially putting things in order among scattered things. Go through all the rooms and lay everything out the right places. So, children's toys must be collected. Put things that family members left on the bed or on a chair in the closet. Cosmetics lying around randomly should also be collected in a special storage organizer. Eliminate chaos in every room this way.

Step six: treat the flooring

If you have carpet or rugs in your home, you should clean them at this stage. The best assistant in this procedure it will be washing vacuum cleaner. However, if you do not have such a machine, then simply sweep up the debris from the carpet and clean it with a sponge and a special product. IN in this case ideal option will become, for example, “Vanish” or “Mr. Proper.” The foam is quickly absorbed, leaving no wet marks or streaks.

Step Seven: Wash the Floor

General cleaning of the house should include mandatory washing of the floors. In this case, you need to consider what the coating is made of. Linoleum can be washed with plain water, while parquet or laminate must be protected from excess moisture and clean up carefully. When all the coatings are clean, you need to let them dry thoroughly. It is better to organize a small draft. To do this, open all the windows in the rooms of the home.

Eighth step: move on to other surfaces

Next, you need to clean all surfaces in the house from dust. This can be done using a regular lint-free cloth and a special product. Wipe down all bedside tables, tables and window sills. Also treat vases and other items in the room. Do the same in all rooms.

After that, take glass cleaner and clean them. All mirrors should also be thoroughly washed.

Ninth step: return all things to their place

At this stage, you can hang back the dried curtains and put linen on the bed and covers on the chairs. Place it in its place decorative pillows and other accessories. Lay down small rugs that were removed before cleaning.

Step Ten: Cleaning the Kitchen

On separate stage putting things in order in the kitchen. First, wash the dishes and clean hob. After this, clean the oven and microwave. This can be done using a special tool. Next, thoroughly wash the area in which food is prepared. Wipe down tables and chairs. At the end of processing of this premises wash the floor. Remember that there are many microorganisms present in the kitchen. That is why you need to wipe the floor covering thoroughly, using a special product. If necessary, clean the refrigerator by first defrosting it and sorting out all the food items.

General cleaning of the living space: finishing touches

Finally, you need to clean the air. This can be done through regular room ventilation. A special air freshener will also come to your aid, which destroys all unpleasant odors. Treat each room in the house in a similar manner.

It is worth paying some attention to the bathroom. Clean the toilet, sink and shower stall. Be sure to use chlorinated products. Change the towels of all family members and wipe the floor.


Now you know how to do general cleaning at home and where to start. If you don’t have time for such procedures, use the services of a special company, but be prepared to pay a certain amount of money for this.

Schedule cleaning only on free days. Never start putting things in order if you need to rush somewhere, otherwise you simply won’t get anything done as planned. There is a risk of being late for a meeting and being left with an uncleaned room. Enjoy your cleaning and good results!

10/18/2016 3 4 723 views

Cleanliness is the key to health. We have heard this phrase since childhood, but how to quickly do a general cleaning of the apartment and how often should it be done?

Below in the article we will talk about why it is so important to keep your home clean and how to put things in order so as not to get tired.

Why do spring cleaning regularly?

A clean and comfortable room is an indicator of the neatness and neatness of its owners. But often cleaning the apartment is carried out only before important event or before the arrival of guests, during the rest of the time the room, even with good repair, become overgrown with dust.

Maintaining cleanliness in the house is important for several reasons: firstly, it creates a cozy and warm atmosphere, and secondly, dust is a strong allergen and is even more harmful for people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Regular cleaning is especially important in cold weather, when people are susceptible to seasonal diseases, especially if there is already a sick person in the house. Germs can quickly spread indoors and infect others.

How often should this be done?

How often you need to clean the house depends on the availability of free time.

  • if your work schedule is such that you have a lot of free time or you are a housewife, then you can clean your apartment daily. It is not necessary to wash the windows and sort through things in the closet every day; it will be enough to wipe the dust and put things in their places, especially if there are small children in the house;
  • weekly cleaning is the most common cleaning option. During this event, dust is wiped off, floors are washed, things are put back in their places and family laundry is done. This cleaning option takes more time than if you clean a little every day, but it frees up a whole week for other things;
  • General cleaning of the apartment is carried out even if you maintain cleanliness every day and it is done once every few months. In addition to your usual routine, it is recommended to wash the windows, the refrigerator, and get rid of unnecessary things.

It is preferable to maintain cleanliness, do not neglect the room and regularly perform cleaning procedures.

How to do general cleaning in an apartment step by step?

Living in modern world, many families can afford to give up routine cleaning and entrust the cleanliness of their home to special companies, but not all women are satisfied with the result. It is important for a scrupulous housewife that everything is done efficiently and that each item ultimately takes its place, and that the apartment is filled with clean and fresh air. Therefore, she trusts only herself to clean the house.

If you decide to clean up your home yourself, it is recommended to follow specific rules in order to achieve a high-quality result.

  1. Determine assistants - before starting work, find out who will participate in this and what role they will have, this way you will not interfere with each other, finish cleaning faster and get less tired. If the apartment has several rooms, then allocate each family member their own territory.
  2. Collect necessary equipment– before you start work, determine what cleaning products you will need: prepare a vacuum cleaner or broom, a bucket and a rag for cleaning floors, glass and mirror cleaners, gloves for each family member. In order to avoid having to run around the apartment looking for what you need, it is recommended to put the necessary tools and materials in a special cart that is easy to move around the room.
  3. Get rid of unnecessary things and throw away trash - the first thing you need to do during spring cleaning is to get rid of unnecessary things: things that only clutter your apartment and collect dust. Collect unnecessary items in garbage bags and throw them away safely.
  4. During the spring cleaning, also do laundry, which will affect not only family members’ belongings and bed linen, but also curtains and furniture covers. While the laundry is being washed, continue cleaning the apartment.
  5. Get rid of dust - cleaning starts from the top, wipe surfaces from accumulated dust, treat all kinds of figurines and wall decorations and don't forget about the cornices. To remove dust, use special lint-free cloths, and to keep the surface clean for as long as possible, add fabric conditioner to the water. If there are children's rooms in the house Stuffed Toys, then they can also be washed, because they are good “dust collectors”.
  6. Wash the windows and mirror surfaces– for these purposes, use special products that do not leave streaks.
  7. Place things and objects in their places - after each room in the apartment is free of dust, place things in their original places. Return children's toys to the basket, return books to the shelf, and hang clothes on hangers. During such an arrangement, many more things will appear that it is high time to get rid of.
  8. Clean floor coverings– if there are carpets on the floors in the rooms, then the next step during general cleaning will be to clean them. It is better to first treat the floor covering with special foam products, for example, “Vanish” for carpets, wait until it dries and then vacuum thoroughly. If the carpet is quite dirty, you can take it outside and knock out the excess dust. Very good in winter period when there is a lot on the face pure snow, knock out floor coverings, after this procedure they become cleaner and fresher.
  9. Wash the floor – when dusting is finished and the floor coverings smell clean and fresh, it’s time to wash the floor. To achieve best effect add to the water for washing floors special remedy which has a pleasant smell and antibacterial effect. When washing the floors, do not forget about the baseboards. It is important to remember that if the apartment has laminate or parquet flooring, then you should be more careful with wet cleaning, because these surfaces should not get very wet.
  10. Don't forget about the bathroom - one of the most important rooms in the apartment is the bathroom, which should be cleaned with special care. Don’t forget to clean the bathtub and sink with special cleaning products, wash the mirror and treat the room against mold as a preventive measure. A chlorinated solution is good for cleaning the toilet, which is left overnight, after which you need to run a brush over the surface and rinse with water. Change the towels of each member to fresh ones, and send the old ones to the wash.
  11. Don’t forget about the kitchen - if dirty dishes have accumulated here, be sure to wash them, you can additionally clean the pots and kitchen appliances. Don't forget about cleaning kitchen stove and ovens. After the cabinets, table and chairs have been cleaned, it's time to wash the floor with a special solution. During spring cleaning, wash the refrigerator and sort through all food products.
  12. The final stage of general cleaning is after all surfaces are free of dust and washed, it is necessary to ventilate the room. To add a pleasant smell to your apartment, use a special air freshener that will quickly fill every room with freshness and coolness.

General cleaning includes each of the listed stages.

Video: how to do general cleaning of an apartment? The head of the cleaning company answers.

Cleaning is a rather difficult task that takes a lot of time and effort. However, not everyone understands how to put their home in order, much less how long to keep it clean. To make your task easier and not spend the whole day on general cleaning, you should do some things with a certain regularity, for example:

  • Wash dishes and kitchen utensils after each meal or preparation of food. This way, you will get rid of a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink, besides, the plates will be easier to wash and you won’t have to soak dried food residues. If your apartment has Dishwasher, then it is better to immediately place dirty dishes in it and not clutter the kitchen;
  • do not scatter things and do not store garbage - often there are dirty mugs, plates or candy wrappers on the work table, so as not to create a breeding ground for germs and dust; unnecessary things are thrown away, and dirty things are washed. Moreover, keeping working space being clean makes your work easier during general cleaning;
  • The place for clothes is in the closet, not on the back of a chair. After work, take a couple of minutes to hang things in the closet; ultimately, you will save your time in the morning when you don’t have to iron a wrinkled blouse or trousers again;
  • do not accumulate dirty clothes in the laundry basket - as you accumulate laundry items, load the washing machine;
  • ventilate the room - regular supply fresh air it will eliminate excessive accumulation of dust into the room, and will also provide fresh and cool air;
  • use an air humidifier - slightly moist air prevents the appearance of dust and makes the air pleasant to breathe.

Regular cleaning is an event that is carried out in every family, but the ability to maintain cleanliness in your home can make your work easier and save energy. It is important not only to clean regularly and correctly, but also to monitor cleanliness and prevent excessive cluttering of the apartment with unnecessary things.

Separation of responsibilities during general cleaning saves the energy of each family member and allows you to ultimately get a clean and new cozy apartment. Being in a clean and fresh room puts you in a productive mood and gives you a feeling of comfort.

Cleaning the apartment... This is where every Saturday begins for a real housewife.

How to do everything so that the cleaning is done quickly and efficiently, and at the same time leave strength for your loved one? Cleaning specialists assure that this is quite possible. After all, clearly established secret methods will help. All necessary equipment can be found in.

Important Strategies

In order to make general house cleaning effective and enjoyable, you must first choose a specific strategy:

  • First strategy: clean one room at a time. The essence this method consists of dedicating one day to cleaning a specific room. So, if you have two, three, four or more rooms, then, accordingly, the cleaning will last for the same number of days. It is thanks to this method that you will not notice extreme fatigue from the long cleaning process.
  • Second strategy: cleaning according to zoning. It is necessary to divide the apartment or house space into certain zones. For example, kitchen - bathroom, bedrooms, living room - hallway. Other categorizations are also possible. The important thing is that you can clean one of these areas every day at a certain time.
  • Third strategy: alternate cleaning. Objects for cleaning should be distributed alternately in order of first importance:
  1. Put things in closets and wash curtains, curtains, tulle (wash textiles, as they say, “in one fell swoop” and put things in order). can be found here.
  2. Wash the dishes, sink and tiles in the bathroom and kitchen (clean all surfaces, including the toilet and bathtub).
  3. “Deal with” the dust and wash the floors (carefully vacuum the upholstered furniture, carpets, wipe off the dust on every shelf and the trinket standing on it, of course, wash the floor).
  • The fourth strategy: “say goodbye to the past.” It is necessary to throw away the accumulated trash, because without this main component, general cleaning will not be effective.

To do this you need to find big box or bag and each broken, broken, torn or unnecessary thing send it to the box, and it, accordingly, to the trash can. Also, reconsider your old things: maybe they are already tired or have gone out of fashion a long time ago.

Try selling them online or donating them to a charity. Thus, there will be fewer unnecessary things in the apartment, and free space- more.

  • Fifth strategy: “flying lady in Russian”. Thanks to this smart strategy, the housewife does everything according to the timer and cleaning takes only 15-20 minutes a day. The main thing to consider is the basic principles of this strategy:
  1. Get to work immediately.
  2. Do all work according to clearly established time.
  3. If you are behind schedule, you should still stop working.
  4. Be sure to take care of your hands (you need to wear gloves when working).
  5. Don't "cheat".
  6. Be positive.

Rules for quick cleaning: where to start?

In order to properly organize the process quick cleaning, you need to clearly set a goal, not be distracted by extraneous matters and follow certain rules:

  1. Compose detailed plan scheduled cleaning. You should describe in detail which surfaces should be wiped, where to vacuum and wash. The list must be compiled taking into account from largest to smallest, and removed - on the contrary: from smallest to largest. You should start with small things, then “bigger”.
  2. Be sure to put all things in their place. This rule will help you visually create the illusion that the first cleaning step has been completed.
  3. You must first prepare cleaning supplies: detergent, sponges, Appliances, brushes. It is with this “cleaning” set that it will be easier to deal with annoying dirt.
  4. Choose the most contaminated place in the apartment and start there. Usually such a place is the kitchen, because during the cooking process fat settles on the surfaces, which needs to be “removed” in time. However, this is a misconception.
  1. Then you can go to the bathroom. Here, cleaning is focused on the basics: washing the bathtub or shower stall, mirror, sink and toilet. We should not forget that dust and cobwebs also accumulate under the bathroom.

Wash the tiles, because water deposits settle on them, and rinse tile joints. When cleaning, use a spray bottle to disinfect the bathtub. The liquid must contain at least 3% hydrogen peroxide. It must be sprayed into those places where water often lingers.

  1. Then you can move on to the second most contaminated place in the house – the kitchen. And, as you know, the face of the housewife is the kitchen itself, and the queen on it is the stove. Therefore, it must be perfect.
  2. Cleaning in each room should be done from top to bottom. Therefore, first we wipe the dust from the chandelier, upper shelves, then the cabinet itself, paintings and furniture. Batteries are considered the most difficult. They need to be cleaned using a steam generator or vacuum cleaner.
  3. Washing windows. Many people wash the glass first and then the frames. This is the main mistake that many people make. As a result, double unnecessary work is performed. After all, when washing the frames, the glass gets splashed, so the glass needs to be washed again.

Do not wash windows when the sun is shining outside the window. So, Sun rays The applied detergent quickly dries out and streaks appear. Most the right time- in the evening.

Stories from our readers!
“I found information about sticks for removing clogs and cleaning drains on one of the forums. I ordered them. I’m delighted! They are suitable for all types of pipes, one piece lasts for a month or even more!

Got rid of the smell from the pipes, the water drains very quickly. If your drain pipes are clogged in your bathroom and sink, and in your kitchen bad smell, then this remedy will help."

Emotional mood, action planning

Our life is filled with various exciting events that require emotional and physical commitment from us.

Therefore, the approaching weekend threatens us not with rest, but with constantly postponed cleaning. What to do if you need to clean it up, but there’s no mood?

Psychologists assure that if you have the right psychological mindset, then this is 50% of the success and effectiveness of any business. Cleaning is no exception.

Therefore, in order to set yourself up correctly, you should:

  1. Relax with pleasant, inspiring, invigorating music.
  2. Tune in to a positive “wave” of mood.
  3. Mentally divide the house into zones.
  4. Describe the upcoming cleaning step by step.
  5. Feel free to get to work.

Having done these simple rules, you will be surprised that you spent much less time on cleaning than usual. In addition, by following the plan, you will not be able to be distracted by unnecessary small matters, but will act according to what is written. Of course, your favorite music will support your mood and cleaning will only be a pleasure.

There are several more life rules that were formed on the basis personal experience many housewives:

  • you should start cleaning as soon as the thought comes to mind;
  • if you can’t force yourself, then invite your friends to dinner;
  • cleaning with the whole family will only strengthen it through joint activities;
  • cleanliness is the key to your health, and dust and dirt are carriers of infections - an excellent motivation for cleaning through personal understanding and concern for yourself.

Kitchen cleaning

You should start cleaning the kitchen on the right side and move clockwise.

  • The stove is the dirtiest part in the kitchen. Where to start washing it? In order to quickly get rid of dirt and grease, you need to wet the stove handles in warm soapy water and leave for a few minutes.

You need to start with washing inside ovens. The main mistake, which almost every housewife allows, is washing the glass immediately after the products have been applied. As a result, more time and effort is spent, and efficiency is achieved with difficulty.

Therefore, you should apply the detergent and leave it for literally 15 minutes to Chemical properties had an effect. After the specified time, you just need to wash off this plaque and enjoy the cleanliness.

Remember that there is a huge amount of dirt concentrated behind the stove. Apply the cleaning agent and leave for a few minutes, then rinse well.

  • The sink must be disinfected. It's hard to believe, but a dirty sink contains more bacteria than a toilet seat. You need to disinfect the sink with special certified products.

You can prepare them yourself. So, you need to wash the sink with soap and water, then spray vinegar, followed by hydrogen peroxide using an aerosol. The main thing is not to mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide together. You need to spray them one by one. Afterwards, apply to soft cloth a few drops of mineral oil and polish the sink.

  • Sponges are also a “nutrient” medium for the development of bacteria. Therefore, treat your sponges daily, squeezing them well from the water.

Cleaning the bathroom and toilet

  1. Glass shower doors should be cleaned twice a month with a teaspoon of lemon oil.
  2. Curtains are often “attacked” by fungus and mold. They also need to be washed.
  3. A teaspoon will help you “tame” the toilet citric acid. It must be left in the toilet bowl, then wiped and flushed. The product is non-toxic.
  4. The drains must be cleaned monthly using baking soda. It needs to be poured into the hole, and after 15 minutes turn it on hot water. This way, the unpleasant smell will disappear.

Cleaning the bedroom

A quick cleaning of the bedroom will not take more than 15 minutes.

  1. It is necessary to collect dust from the ceiling and walls. We should not forget about vent, switches and door handles– Dirt is concentrated in these places.
  2. Start cleaning the chandelier. Use wipes, water, gloves. Don't forget to remove the lampshades. If there is a crystal chandelier in the house, it was described here.
  3. Clean curtains according to the manufacturers' clear instructions.
  4. Wipe off dust on window sills and then wash them.
  5. Proceed to the windows. Start with window frames, then from glass.
  6. Wash the bedding. And both sides of the mattress should be vacuumed. Remember that a lot of dust and debris accumulates under the bed.

How to clean up your living room?

It is important that the living room is always in order. After all, just as the kitchen is the face of the housewife, the living room is the mirror of the whole family. Moreover, the living room is the place where all family members gather to rest, relax and chat.

To prevent your living room from becoming a source of stress, you need to heroically fight dirt and dust.

You only need to follow five rules:

  1. Determine: for what purpose do you spend most of your time in the living room?
  2. Remove all unnecessary items that are not directly used.
  3. A specific place for each thing.
  4. Decorative decorations - in moderation. Don't clutter your living room with unnecessary souvenirs. Leave only those that are truly dear to you.
  5. Take a photo of the tidy living room and take a closer look: what’s bothering you? Accordingly, remove immediately.
  1. If there is a pet, which sheds, then upholstered furniture cover with covers or blankets that are easy to wash.
  2. In order to remove wool from the carpet, you need to lubricate the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin. You need to clean the carpet with a solution of water and ammonia(for 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of alcohol), then wipe dry with a rag.
  3. Place a nice decorative basket next to the sofa to store small items like books or glasses.
  4. Start the day with cleanliness and pleasant emotions: clean the kitchen in the evening.
  5. Water your bathroom drains weekly with boiling water to prevent them from clogging.
  6. Leave chemicals on heavily soiled surfaces for a few minutes. After 10-15 minutes, the dirt will be washed off easily.
  7. You need to “generalize” 1-2 times a month. When cleaning, wear gloves, because detergents noticeably dry the skin of the hands.
  8. Confusion is the path to purity. While talking on the phone, wipe the dust or remove the dishes from the table. Dust can be removed using.
  9. You need to vacuum from the far corner and move gradually towards the door.
  10. A napkin soaked in a solution of 2 tbsp will help clean the glass. vinegar per 1 liter of water.

How to maintain order?

  1. If you have small apartment and all things do not remain in their places, then equip a special place for storing them:
  • steps on the stairs - as;
  • install retractable cabinets;
  • use the free space in the niche above the furniture;
  • sort things according to a single principle (for example, shoe care products in one box).
  1. If you are constantly at work and surrounded by worries, then sticking stickers with written planned tasks is definitely for you. This way, you can schedule your cleaning over several days.
  2. Space saving - determine the space in the closet taking into account seasonality.
  3. Order is a habit. The most difficult, but effective method. Don't put off small things until later. For example, after washing the dishes, immediately wipe the tap, or after watering the flowers, wipe the window sill from dust. The same applies to clothes: do not scatter them on the sofa or armchairs, but immediately put them in the closet.
  4. 20 minutes daily is ideal. If you spend just 20 minutes cleaning one room every day, you can always maintain order.

Sticking to these simple rules, cleaning will turn from a chore into a pleasure for you. The main thing to remember is that a positive attitude is the key to the success of any endeavor. Clean with love and live clean.

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