How to use an electric oven correctly. Timely and high-quality cleaning

Cooking food without soot, burning smells, and without the possibility of gas leakage - the electric kitchen gave us this cooking opportunity. An electric stove with a glass-ceramic surface is a kitchen gadget that delights some housewives and baffles others. How to use an electric kitchen correctly, what kind of cookware to use, what cooking secrets you need to know - about this, and more, in our article.

What confuses some housewives about working with such a child of modern progress? Maybe it's all about simple conservatism and the habit of cooking on a gas stove? Of course not. There are weighty arguments for such displeasure, and we will try to give good advice, instructions that will help you make the electric stove a real assistant in your kitchen.

The difference between an electric kitchen and traditional heat sources

The most important inconvenience for a housewife when handling an electric stove is the impossibility of instant adjustment heat flow. If in the case of a gas “sister” it is not difficult to reduce the fire, then with an electric kitchen it is worth doing this in advance.

The housewife must first know the cooking time of the product so that at the right moment (10-15 minutes before the end of cooking) she can reduce the heating intensity of the disk or completely turn off the stove and leave the dish to simmer at a decreasing temperature.

Temperature regulation rules

How to make the touch plate obedient? First of all, we study the rules for handling heating electric disks.

  • We place the dishes with the future dish on the electric disk only when it is at its maximum heat. Typically the cooker should start working when the food is on the cutting board.
  • Do you plan to simply reheat the dish or simmer it (that is, a decreasing temperature is required for cooking)? We heat the disk to full heat, place the pan with food and immediately turn it off.
  • If the dish still needs to be prepared long time, and the glass-ceramic disk has warmed up to redness, turn it off to avoid burning of food, and remove the dishes for a couple of minutes. After cooling, set the minimum or average temperature for the desired disk and continue to prepare the dish further.

  • It is better to cook dairy dishes at a decreasing temperature: bring the milk to a boil and begin to reduce the heat of the disk by one at regular intervals.
  • We prepare dishes without water (stewing and frying) according to following diagram: bring the disk heating temperature to maximum (the glass on top of the disk heats up to bright red) and at regular intervals we reduce the temperature by one.
  • Plates different manufacturers have different quantities heating power levels - from 5 to 10. Accordingly, we calculate the time to reduce the heating temperature by dividing - cooking time / number of levels = time after which we reduce the temperature.
    For example, the approximate cooking time is 30 minutes, 6 power levels:
    30 / 6 = heating unit is reset every 5 minutes.
  • Cooking in water also has its own characteristics. Since utensils with tight-fitting lids are used for cooking, significantly less water (milk or broth) is consumed:
    for preparing porridge - instead of 1 liter according to the recipe, take 900 ml;
    for cooking vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets) - from 100 to 300 ml (it is advisable to use dishes with a small diameter).
  • At the first appearance of steam under the rim of the pan, lower the temperature or turn off the stove so that during vigorous boiling the water does not “jump out” onto the hot glass surface.
  • We prepare the first dishes without adding 3-4 fingers of water to the top of the pan.

For both the top of the stove and the electric stove oven, there are instructions for proper use.

There are two types of ovens - without a thermostat and with a thermostat. Temperature adjustment in both is carried out as in a conventional stove.

Still, you need to know some nuances in handling an electric oven.

  • If you find it difficult to determine the temperature in the oven, find it on your desktop White list paper Place it in the middle of the baking sheet and place it in the middle of the oven. At high temperatures, the paper turns brown within 3 minutes, at low temperatures, within 10 minutes after turning on the oven.
  • Baking, roasting and stewing are carried out in two temperature modes: the first half of the process - at the highest t C⁰, the second half or third of the time - at the lowest temperature or in residual heat with the stove turned off.
  • Bake and simmer in an electric oven in the center of a baking sheet on the middle shelf (NOT on the top).
  • You can boil vegetables or broths on the bottom shelf.
  • We use electric stoves for cooking in the oven. ceramic dishes, dishes made of plain or cast iron, refractory clay.
    You can use foil, while wrapping the product in a double layer, which will help prevent it from breaking and prevent liquid (juice) from leaking out.
  • Place the pastries and bread in a preheated oven. If you plan to simmer the dish for a long time, you can put it in a cold oven.
  • After half the cooking time, the oven door should be opened slightly. For example, we bake dishes for an hour - after half an hour we open the door a little, starting from 40 minutes, we open the oven completely.

Cooking temperature in an electric stove oven

If your oven has a thermostat, we suggest using the following temperature chart for cooking foods.

Products Cooking temperature on an electric stove
Meringue, meringue 100 – 150 С˚
Choux pastry, kefir dough (gingerbread) 140 C˚
Shortbread dough (cookies) 160 C˚
Salt dough (small hard cookies) 180 C˚
Butter and Viennese dough 190 C˚
Biscuit dough 190 C˚
Bakery products (bread, loaves) 200‑210 С˚
Butter buns 200‑250 С˚
Slow baking of crusts on products, baking of pates, pastes, soufflés 170 C˚
Boiling fish 150‑170 С˚
Beef fillet 150‑160 С˚
Pork fillet 170 C˚
Simmering (quenching) with decreasing temperature From 250 C˚
Quick coloring (giving the dish a golden crust) 200‑250 С˚
Stewing food 150‑170 С˚

One of the secrets that allows you to be at ease with a glass-ceramic electric kitchen is the correctly selected cookware. The immobility of the dishes glass ceramic surface Electric stoves are a condition for fast and proper cooking. That is why it is preferable to use heavy utensils.

We already mentioned dishes for oven, there are restrictions. Not all cookware is suitable for cooking on glass ceramics. So…

Do not use on the surface of a glass-ceramic stove

  1. Cookware that we used on conventional gas or electric stoves. The bottoms of old pots are covered with ridges from the fire.
  2. Cookware with a copper or aluminum bottom without a coating on the outside.
  3. Heat-resistant glass or ceramic cookware is also not ideal - it takes a long time to heat up and also takes a long time to cool down (it is impossible to quickly turn down the heat).
  4. Cast iron cookware with a cauldron-shaped bottom.

For cooking you can use

  1. Cookware with a thick, non-corrugated stainless steel bottom.
  2. Enameled dishes.
  3. Cast iron cookware with a flat bottom.
  4. The cookware is marked with the “For glass ceramics” icon (the inscription “for electric stoves” is not suitable).

Rules for using utensils

Using a stove with a glass-ceramic surface will become a convenient and enjoyable pastime once you have purchased the “right” cookware.

  • In addition to the material of the cookware, its size is also important: the diameter of the bottom of frying pans and pots must completely coincide with the diameter of the glowing electric disk. They are allowed to differ by 1 cm (˂˃). It takes into account that with a smaller diameter of the electric disk, heating of the dishes slows down, with a larger diameter it speeds up.
  • It is important that the bottom of the cookware, both outside and inside, must be cleaned, since it is in direct contact with the electrodisc.
  • The installed utensils must always be dry. Boiling or splashing of liquid is also dangerous for the integrity of the glass-ceramic surface.
  • The lids of the dishes used must be “molded”, which ensures that they close tightly.

As you can see, the glass-ceramic electric stove is not at all difficult to use. The main thing is to use the above instructions to correct selection dishes, rules for handling electric disks and the oven and you will be happy!

Although modern housewives They prefer gas stoves; the former continue to be popular, especially among residents of provincial towns and villages. They are easy and simple to operate, and gas consumption is much cheaper than electricity consumption. How to use a gas oven is in this article.

How to use a gas stove oven?

First of all, you need to carefully study the instructions and technical data sheet of the product, but even if they are not available, it will not be easy to understand the intricacies of the work special labor. Here are the lighting and cooking steps:

  1. It is clear that a gas oven is ignited from an open flame, but some models have an electric ignition function, which makes things much easier. Typically, this button small size located on the right side of the device panel next to the rotary valves, under the button that turns on the light in the oven. If after pressing it and turning the burner tap nothing happens, then the button does not work and you will have to ignite the stove manually.
  2. Those who are interested in how to use a gas oven correctly should answer that you first need to open the door, and then find the burner under the lowest iron tray of the oven. Depending on the model, there may be one hole for ignition and located in the middle, or two at once and located on the sides.
  3. Those asking how to properly use the oven of a gas stove are advised to light a match or lighter, turn the burner tap to the desired setting indicating the temperature, and bring it to the burner hole. In some models, you need to wait a little and not immediately release the rotary valve, otherwise the flame may disappear.
  4. As soon as the flame burns well, you can close the door, wait 15 minutes for the stove to warm up, and only then place the baking dish on the tray.

Now it’s clear how to use an old-style gas oven. Most often, the device is equipped with an aluminum baking tray and a grid, which is used as a shelf for placing the baking tray. There may also be a tray for collecting fat. By moving the baking sheet higher or lower at your discretion, you can adjust the degree of cooking of the dish. At the very beginning, it is recommended to place the baking sheet in the middle, and during the cooking process, move it to the top if the bottom burns and the golden brown crust does not form well, and vice versa.

Skillful use of the oven allows you to make familiar dishes even more tasty and healthy, because, unlike the stove, less oil will be used. How to use a gas stove oven (or electric stove) Right? I propose to study this point in detail.

General rules for operating the oven

In order for cooking to bring joy and not lead to all sorts of problems, you need to adhere to a few simple rules operation. They will also allow the device to last longer.

When choosing a gas or electric oven to buy, remember that the second has greater functionality, but the first is many times more economical.

For gas

The main advantage of such an oven is ease of operation, efficiency (after all, gas is cheaper than electricity) and durability. Cooking in gas oven gives dishes a special taste, making them look like food cooked over a fire. This - perfect option for apartments with weak electrical wiring.

So, how to use a gas stove? It's quite simple:

Photo Instructions for action

Step 1. Preliminary preparation

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no unnecessary utensils left in the oven - just a wire rack or baking sheet.

Step 2. Select a level

Decide which level you will cook on and place a rack on it.

Step 3. Warm up
  • Turn on the gas and light the wick.
  • Choose the appropriate temperature setting.
  • Wait approximately 10 minutes for the oven to warm up thoroughly.

Step 4: Cooking

Place the dish inside and cook it required amount time. You should not open the cabinet door too often, because this will cause some of the heat to escape, which will significantly prolong the cooking process.

For electric

Standard electric ovens resemble gas ovens in appearance, with the only difference being that the top and bottom heating responsible for cooking. IN modern models There is also a grill in the oven and a fan that allows food to cook evenly.

If you want to know how to use an electric stove correctly, use the following instructions:

Photo Instructions for action

Step 1. Preparation

Make sure you have utensils for an electric oven in your kitchen. For these purposes, you can use products from:

  • cast iron;
  • ceramics;
  • fireproof glass;
  • silicone;
  • refractory clay.

Step 2: Warm up

Turn on the oven and leave it to heat up to the desired temperature for 10-15 minutes.

Step 3: Cooking

Place the dish on the selected level and close the door.

Never place pans directly on the bottom of the oven as you risk damaging the bottom heater.

Despite the fact that an electric appliance is safer than a gas appliance, it should not be used in a house with old wiring.

Choosing a level for cooking on gas

Despite the abundance of recipes for cooking food in the oven with your own hands, almost nowhere is there information about at what level to cook certain dishes. But this is very important parameter, especially for novice housewives or those trying to sort out an old oven.

It's actually not that complicated. The vast majority of standard gas ovens have three levels:

  • Top level. Suitable if you want to prepare a dish with a golden brown crust. Use it on last stages cooking.
  • Average level. Most best option allowing the dish to cook evenly on all sides.
  • Lower level. Used for preparing dishes in which a golden brown crust on the bottom is important (pizza, for example).

Selecting a mode for an electric oven

As I already mentioned, the functionality of an electric stove is higher than that of a gas stove; it also has cooking modes. But to take full advantage of this advantage, you need to understand how to use them correctly.

  • Universal mode. Suitable for almost any product: meat, fish and even baked goods. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid during cooking.
  • Strong heating of the lower heating element and standard upper. Present in modern models whose price exceeds regular options. Used for cooking in aluminum and glassware, which do not transmit heat well.
  • Heating of the lower heating element. Suitable for processing dishes with cheese or berries on top.
  • Heating of the upper heating element. Use it to make lasagna, julienne or casseroles.
  • Mode low heat both heating elements. Perfect for defrosting food. It can also be used for drying fruits, berries and mushrooms for the winter.

Bottom line

Now you know how to use electric oven or gas equipment and what modes to use in the process of preparing certain dishes. You can find more clear instructions in the video in this article.

I couldn’t achieve perfect baking in a gas oven. I have it at home gas stove Indesit with oven and grill. I baked in the oven only a couple of times, because... My gas oven doesn't bake well - the baked goods were burnt on the bottom and pale on top. I’m used to baking in an electric oven, where you can regulate the temperature, use two or only one heating element when baking, and heating in an electric oven is more uniform.

Due to the economic crisis, I decided to start using energy resources more economically. Therefore, I decided to give up baking in an electric oven and start using gas stove in full.

And I had to decide the question - how to use a gas oven so that the pies are evenly baked with a beautiful golden brown crust.

It turned out that I was not the only one who had this problem. Because a heating element (gas-burners) in the oven are located only at the bottom, then the heating inside is uneven. There are also problems in some models of gas ovens due to insufficient thermal insulation.

There are problems and they need to be solved. There were many possible solutions.

Some tips on how to use a gas oven, how to bake golden brown pies and pies in a gas oven without any problems.

  1. a pair of red fire bricks;
  2. just a free baking sheet;
  3. a baking sheet filled with coarse rock salt (1-2 packs);
  4. baking tray with river sand or fine gravel (can be purchased at a pet store);
  5. tiles or even clay tiles;
  6. special stone for baking.

Also in Soviet time Many housewives used asbestos in their ovens. Do not do this under any circumstances.

Based on the results of comprehensive scientific studies of carcinogens, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified asbestos in the first, most dangerous category of the list of carcinogens for which there is reliable evidence of their carcinogenicity to humans.

  • Many housewives recommend placing a bowl or baking sheet with on the bottom of the gas oven. Water at the bottom of the oven is recommended not only to prevent the product from burning, but also to improve yeast baked goods. Because of high humidity air in the oven the crust turns out beautiful, and the dough fits much better.
  • If you have an oven with a grill, then the pale pies at the end of baking can be browned for a few minutes by turning on the grill. Just watch carefully, because... Due to the high temperature they turn brown very quickly.

This is the second time this article has been published on the site; it was accidentally removed from the posts. Some housewives complain that that their ovens don't bake well. They don't make pies that are not baked well. And if the meat is cooked, it burns or something else happens to it. Today we will talk about how to cook in a gas oven.

I can tell you for sure that you can adapt to absolutely any stove. My grandmother also constantly covered her oven with a towel, because... she was missing the heat.

Ovens sold today are of fairly good quality, but you may come across some ovens that do not want to brown your buns, bake meat, or bake without a black crust on the bottom. First, let's figure out if you make mistakes when baking.

One of the most common cooking mistakes in a gas oven.

Past New Year We met my husband at my grandmother’s, I cooked pork with tomatoes, baked in the oven, for everyone. And just before the New Year, she installed a new stove - “Darina”.

And then the husband reads the instructions - you need to bake on an aluminum baking sheet, while another sheet is designed to collect fat that drips when frying meat on a spit or on a grill. The tray is installed under the grate, and the grease drips into it without staining the cabinet with grease.

I wasn’t even lazy and downloaded the instructions:

Wow... But I don’t have such a baking sheet in the Indezit oven, the kit includes only two of these “pallets”. And the whole family began to argue about what and how..

And the Internet says that such “pallets” disrupt air circulation, so the products may not burn on the bottom, and may not bake on the top.

I read the instructions for the Indezit stove, which says that baking is best done on an aluminum baking sheet and placed on a wire rack. The only question is: where can I get it? It is not included in the kit (at least in my oven).

As a result, it turns out that most of us cook incorrectly? Yes! This causes problems, but there is a way out. We'll use baking pans and baking sheets! Nothing burns on them and you can put them on the grill! Go ahead.

How to bake in a gas oven.

Let's consider simple

1. A common mistake a housewife makes is that she increases the baking temperature if the cake is not baked well. The pie will most likely be ruined by burning on the bottom. Each product has its own temperature.

2. The second rule follows from the first rule: the smaller the pie, the more heat for baking he needs it. At a low temperature for it, it will take too long to cook and will simply dry out. Optimal is about 200-210 degrees.

3. It must be remembered that heat not only below, but also at the very top of the oven. For example, when we cooked apple roses or chicken skewers with bacon, we didn't put them high because they might burn on top!

4. Before baking all forms used and other baking utensils required lubricate evenly fat. Then the baked goods will never stick. Any type of odorless fat is suitable for this purpose.

You can use refined sunflower oil, pork fat and butter. Then the cake and any other baked product can be easily removed from the dish without being deformed.

5. A little more about deformation. Products such as sponge cake or charlotte, for example, should not be immediately removed from the mold after baking. The correct sponge cake turns out to be porous and delicate, and can be deformed.

It is better to place the pan with the cake on a dampened towel cold water and leave for a while. Then you can easily remove it from the mold without disturbing it appearance. In order for the cake to remain airy, it should not be placed in the refrigerator, this will negatively affect its quality.

6. How pleasing to the eye is the beautiful, uniform crust on the pies! To ensure that they have an evenly toasted surface, before placing them in the oven, they must be greased with egg yolk or strongly brewed and sweetened tea.

I’ll be honest, I’ve never lubricated it with anything, but I’ve heard about it. And you? Have you tried lubricating baked goods with tea? Apparently the sugar crystallizes and the product becomes covered with a ruddy crust.

What to do if everything burns in a gas oven?

It also happens that you follow all the baking rules, but the oven is “capricious.” It burns and that’s it, the housewives say. There is one for such a case little secrets, which I also use.

So how do you bake in a gas oven without burning anything?

1. To be sure that the pies will not burn, you need to place a fireproof brick in the oven at the very bottom - a 100% guarantee of good baking!

2. What if it’s not there? It's OK! Let's use ordinary coarse salt, pour it into a frying pan and place it under a frying sheet.

3. Another method is my favorite. Place a bowl of water under the frying sheet. Meat and vegetable products are very fond of this. The effect of a combi oven is created! I also place it under the pies, but I pour a little water so that it is enough for half the baking time (otherwise beautiful crust will not work).

Maintaining the temperature in the oven.

The quality of baked products largely depends on the correct temperature conditions. Affects the quality of baked goods and how products are arranged in the oven.

Always read the recipe and observe the temperature, making adjustments to your oven. Also, regulate the temperature. If you see that the product is already ready, but the crust has not formed, then you can make it larger.

And now I want to remind you standard accepted temperature conditions , you can take note of them:

  • It is customary to bake pizza at a temperature not lower than 210-220 degrees, cook it for 15-20 minutes, until lightly browned.
  • Tall pies with filling you need to bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Bake at this temperature for no more than 35-40 minutes, depending on the filling. Be sure to look at the recipe for making “Snail” or “Goldfish” pie.
  • Butter buns and short pies are baked at a temperature of 210-220 degrees for at least 25-30 minutes. If the product is larger, then the temperature needs to be lower (190-200 degrees, for example, as in the recipe for Easter lamb with poppy seeds).
  • Meringue cake You can bake at a temperature no higher than 140 degrees, until it dries and browns.
  • Now let's move on to the second courses. Meat in foil baked at a temperature of at least 200 degrees, and without it at a temperature of 180-190 degrees, until cooked. Cooking time depends on the amount of baked product.
  • Fish We always bake at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees until done. I advise you to definitely bake mackerel or pollock.
  • Vegetables bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees (depending on the type). And what delicious cabbage we once made in the oven, mmm...
  • Lasagna baked at a temperature of 190-200 degrees, until the top layer is browned.

Well that's all for today! I hope you don't have any left more questions about how to cook in a gas oven.

If there are any left, write in the comments, I will answer everyone! Follow these instructions and your baked goods will always be golden brown and delicious! Love your oven , good luck, dear readers of the blog "Carving and beautiful recipes"!!!

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