How to properly kiss a girl for the first time. Learning to kiss for the first time

Don't know how to kiss a girl on the lips first? This is fine! You are either not experienced yet, or you are very much in love. You can endlessly scroll through situations in your head in which you could do this. We need to start preparing and create all the necessary conditions for such an important moment.

  • Most importantly, be mentally prepared for rejection. Life doesn’t end there, and there is even a chance to start a relationship with the one you want to kiss.
  • Make sure the girl is available and ready to go on a date with you. It is rude to kiss a young lady who is in a relationship, even if you want to beat her off. And even more so, think about it if she initiates a date and is active when paired with someone else. Is such a person worth trusting? You decide.

Many guys are interested in the question of how to kiss passionately and emotionally. This is important, but it comes with experience and depends on what connects you with your partner. If the matter is limited only to sympathy on both sides, then the kiss will not turn out to be passionate and hot. But when you get goosebumps just from the thought of her, when you feel hot when meeting her, then you yourself will understand what you need to do and how to behave when kissing.

But it is much more important to learn gentleness and consistency in your actions. You can’t just give a girl an unforgettable kiss at the first meeting. Unless you want to get a slap in the face. Treat the kiss as the first building block of your future relationship.

Prepare properly

To please yourself and the girl during a kiss, don’t be lazy. Set the stage for a romantic date; the girl should want to kiss you before you do.

Becoming attractive and inviting to close contact is not difficult, you need:

  • Be carefully shaven. Girls really don't like a man's prickly face; it leaves micro-scratches and causes irritation after a kiss. If your image does not imply grown-out and softer stubble, or even a beard and mustache, then shave properly and give the girl unforgettable tenderness.
  • Take a shower. Unpleasant odors that invariably appear throughout the day can give the wrong impression about you. The girl will decide that you are too lazy to prepare or don’t take care of yourself at all. When planning close contact, make sure that you smell of pleasant eau de toilette or a clean, ironed shirt, at a minimum.
  • Brush your teeth. At this point, comments will be superfluous, but stock up on chewing gum, refreshing candies or just mints.
  • Don't smoke before a date. It is better to abstain from cigarettes an hour or two before the date, as the smell of tobacco lingers for a long time, including on your hands, hair and clothes. If a girl does not smoke, it will be very unpleasant for her to kiss an “ashtray”. In the event that your partner does not hesitate to smoke at a meeting, relax and discuss brands of cigarettes.
  • Wash the hands. It is quite possible that on the way to a date you snacked on nuts, smoked and pet the neighbor's dog. Or they just touched hands a few times in public places. Wash your hands before your meeting or bring refreshing wipes with you. Be prepared to hug and stroke her hair with clean hands, because she deserves it.

How to Know if She's Ready

Before you kiss a girl, make sure your interest is reciprocated. Even if she invited you to dinner and smiles mysteriously all evening, take your time! There are several tricks to understand that a girl is ready to enter into close contact through a kiss.

She is ready to move to the “next level” if:

  • Doesn't take his eyes off your lips;
  • Plays with his hair;
  • Biting his lower lip;
  • Strokes himself on the neck, arms, thighs;
  • Breathing heavily and frequently;
  • Peers into your face very carefully;
  • Allows you to get close;
  • He speaks quietly and tilts his head to the side;
Watch carefully and you will understand at what moment you can kiss a girl. Just one sign is not a green light and does not give you the right to take her into your arms. But the combination of several points at once suggests mutual interest and a desire to get closer.

Rules to follow with a girl

If a man decides to abruptly and unexpectedly kiss a girl, then he should be prepared for the most negative consequences. Do not neglect our advice, because if you stumble, you may lose her trust forever.

When communicating, avoid vulgar compliments, stupid jokes and topics on which your views radically differ. First, read the article about and look. Having thoroughly prepared and studied the theory, behave with dignity and demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Politeness and gallantry. Offering a hand, helping to take off or put on outerwear, letting a lady go forward is the shortest way to become a gentleman in her eyes.
  • Attentiveness and interest. Ask a variety of but relevant questions and listen carefully to the answers: hobbies, friends, leisure, work, etc.
  • Caring and desire to protect. Create maximum comfort for the girl so that she feels safe next to you. Try to keep a distance that indicates your interest, but does not force the girl to look for ways to retreat.

Choose the meeting place wisely and with special passion! Strictly not suitable:

  • concerts,
  • sporting events,
  • noisy parties,
  • meetings at your home.

They will not allow you to relax and have a casual conversation.

Much better for creating the desired sensual atmosphere are:

  • cozy cafe or bar,
  • cinema,
  • a walk in the park in good weather.

You can catch the moment for a kiss on the way home from rides or other joint entertainment.

Don't forget to give sincere compliments, for example:

  • "You have an amazing figure"
  • “Your lips are very beautiful, and your eyes are simply mesmerizing.”

Women often care not about what you say, but how exactly you say it, with what tone, intonation, and gestures.

Watch your lady's reaction to words, actions and signs of attention. If she reacts well, then you can give her a little hug and whisper something gentle and sweet in her ear:

  • "You are a wonderful girl"
  • “My head spins when you’re around” is quite suitable.

Take action. Instructions for the perfect kiss

Any important event requires preparation. Follow our instructions, and you yourself will understand when to kiss a girl.

  • Eye contact.
    The time for talking is coming to an end, you have already managed to get acquainted and get used to each other. Look at her carefully, but with interest and tenderness. If the girl continues to talk and does not make eye contact, she may not have noticed your attitude yet. Or she’s embarrassed and doesn’t know how else to hide her excitement. Keep catching her eye and waiting for her to stop talking and then move on to the next step.
  • Touching.
    After establishing eye contact, it's time to engage in tactile contact. Light touches will show how she is in the mood and whether she is ready to get closer. Stroke your arm, shoulder, or tuck a strand of hair behind your ear; if the girl smiles shyly, you are on the right track. If she moves away or shows dissatisfaction, you need to stop and take a step back.
  • Active actions.
    If the girl doesn't remove your hands and doesn't look away, congratulations, she's ready for a kiss. Approach her slowly, pull her slightly towards you and feel the breath and heat that burns both of you. Enjoy the moment. As you approach your face and lips, stop for a couple of moments to give the girl one last chance to refuse the kiss. If she just continues to look into your eyes and wait, then feel free to kiss her!
  • Kiss.
    The first kiss should be gentle and light, touch her lips gently and without pressure, give her the opportunity to reciprocate. Don't use all your skills! Leave the passion for subsequent kisses in a more intimate setting. Make sure that your hands do not go below her waist; their place is still on her face, neck or back. By keeping a low profile, you will show that you are well-mannered and respect your date.

Show her what French kissing is

Don't you want to limit yourself to an innocent kiss on the lips? Then you need to figure out how to kiss passionately and what techniques exist for kissing with the tongue.

  1. First, open your mouth slightly and touch her upper or lower lip with the tip of your tongue. If the girl likes it, she will do the same.
  2. Then trust your intuition and continue to explore each other, gently and gently.
  3. Take short breaks, accompanying them with kisses on the cheek, earlobe, and neck.
  4. When you feel it's time to end, take things gradually.
  5. Don't break the kiss in the middle, slow down the pace and relax the hug. This will let the girl know that your kiss is coming to an end.
  1. How do you get ready for your first kiss with a girl?
  2. Do you act quickly and forcefully, or do you choose the right moment?
  3. Share your experience and recommendations!

Young people often approach their first kiss with great excitement and anxiety, since they have no experience and do not know how to kiss for the first time. This exciting moment has the chance to become either a successful start to a relationship that is just beginning, or a complete failure.

No one wants to seem like an amateur in such a serious matter as kissing for the first time. Due to the lack of practice, both partners can expect curious, funny, or even completely unpleasant moments that one would so much like to avoid. Relationships are always exciting, touching and romantic, and so that this moment leaves only the best memories for many, we will figure out how to avoid mistakes that prevent you from making a kiss for the first time an indicator of your most serious intentions.

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A person remembers events that were emotionally significant throughout his life.

This has long been proven by psychologists. The more important the action was, the more vivid the memory remains. This definition is called emotionally charged brightness. The brighter the feeling emotionally, the longer it will remain in a person’s memory, especially if such events occur for the first time. And the first kiss of teenagers is one of the most emotional sensations that can leave a deep imprint in memory for many years. Moreover, the memory of the first kiss and the pleasant sensations that were experienced can be remembered forever.

Kissing for the first time, the second, and the third is good for your health. It improves your mood, burns calories, strengthens the immune system, and increases physical and mental activity. Psychologists believe that kissing means finding peace of mind and harmony between the external and internal world.

How to kiss for the first time so that it is remembered forever? It is important to know:

  • you need to kiss for the first time with someone who is desirable for you, someone who makes your heart skip a beat even when you look at them; it is important that sympathy is mutual;
  • You should not kiss for the first time in the absence of desire, if the situation does not correspond to the expected event at all;
  • you should forget about alcohol for courage - it can dull the senses, and the liberation created in this way will not help make the kiss memorable.

The main mistake made by those who decide to kiss for the first time in their lives is to do it just for their own pleasure. It is advisable to try to feel his (or her) desires and support them. This will help you get a unique experience from your first kiss.

How old can you be?

Are you worried about the question: at what age can you kiss for the first time? In this case, most likely, you are in love and want to get closer to the object of your desire. A certain age is not important because:

  • someone had the experience of kissing for the first time in kindergarten;
  • others were lucky at the age of 20;
  • Teenagers start kissing at the age of 12–16, there is nothing reprehensible or strange about this.

There are no critical age limits. This cannot be blamed or ridiculed. Girls, unlike boys, develop faster, so they often want to kiss for the first time with a high school student rather than with someone the same age.

Be responsible when choosing a partner. There will be no second attempt; you must act sincerely and tenderly. Girls should not kiss solely because all their girlfriends already have a similar practice, and guys should not kiss to look cooler in the eyes of others.

It is important for a girl that her feelings are not overshadowed by a feeling of insincerity and mistrust. Therefore, before you take a step towards your first kiss, you need to be sure that this is exactly the guy you need. Only then will the first kiss remain in your memory forever.

How to behave with a guy?

You are a young lady, which means that the thought of making first contact with a member of the opposite sex worries you. How to kiss correctly for the first time so that the sensations are not spoiled by incorrect actions? What to do if he seems to be showing signs of attention, but still does not dare to make such tactile contact? Well, you have to take the initiative and take the first step yourself.

To find out the secret of how to kiss a guy correctly for the first time, you will need:

  • object of the opposite sex;
  • your lips and his;
  • appropriate environment;
  • if possible, no witnesses.

The recipe is simple - maximum naturalness, minimum stress. All of us were inexperienced and understood literally nothing about the art of love. However, overcoming shyness and fear, some manage to find a person for life. What if the lucky person who is liked so much is fate?

The long-awaited first date has finally arrived. How to kiss without tongue for the first time?

  1. There is no need to rush things.
  2. You chat nicely, talk about various topics, laugh, and the meeting time slowly comes to an end.
  3. There are two options: he looks into the eyes without looking away, or he behaves at ease, and his future plans are to walk you home, and as a result, to carry out his plans.

Whatever it is, be relaxed, open and smile more. A smile always puts your interlocutor at ease.


  • look at him and playfully lower your eyes;
  • playing with hair - lightly winding a strand around your finger, straightening your hair is always perceived as flirting;
  • Don't overplay it so as not to scare it away.

There must be a measure in everything, the so-called “golden mean”.

The fewer nerves, the greater the chances that the meeting will be crowned with success, and you yourself will understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, since it almost always looks natural and effortless if sincere feelings have arisen between you. Nothing bad will happen if something doesn’t go according to plan, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And for you this will be a lesson and experience for the future.

How to make your first kiss unforgettable

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

The moment is approaching when the first kiss will take place. How to kiss the young man you like correctly?

Only lips participate in this process; the initiative is in the hands of the lady. How to kiss without tongue for the first time? You can kiss him unobtrusively when saying goodbye at the end of the date:

  1. Facing the young man, smile and thank him for a pleasant evening.
  2. Step towards him or rise on your tiptoes to get close to his face.
  3. Close your lips, lower your eyelids, touch your lips to his lips and press together, only holding this position for a second.
  4. After this, your best decision will be to leave. After such an act, he will think about you and eagerly plan the next meeting.

A little trick: before kissing a guy with your tongue for the first time, apply lipstick at home. If “that” moment comes, erase it quietly. This will be a clear sign for him to take the decisive action that you are waiting for.

How to kiss a guy with your tongue for the first time? This technique is called the most common. France is considered the birthplace of love; lovers often come here and confess their feelings.

  • The man should start kissing, the girl should follow;
  • although sometimes ladies can take over this initiative if the guy can’t make up his mind;
  • trust your lover, come closer, do not hide your hands;
  • movements are smooth, calm;
  • surrender to the moment, everything will happen by itself.

Some tips on how to kiss properly for the first time with tongue:

  1. Lick your lips, moisten them slightly.
  2. Approach your face to the man, bow your head to avoid a collision with your nose, close your eyelids.
  3. Kissing for the first time in this way should be started by first closing your lips and gradually opening them, doing it as slowly as possible.
  4. If he doesn’t mind a “French kiss,” open and relax your lips a little, and have him lightly press one of your lips with his lips.
  5. Open your mouth slightly and close it again, sticking out your tongue, making movements similar to licking a lollipop.
  6. Tongue movements should be smooth and soft.

How can a guy kiss a girl with tongue for the first time and breathe? Your breathing should be through your nose. If your tongue is in your partner’s mouth, you can fantasize: run it across the palate, touch his teeth, tongue. A responsive man will make sure that the first French kiss becomes the most sensual and will give an unforgettable experience to both.

Every young man who wants to impress the girl he likes must feel confident and know how to kiss - beautifully, correctly and very romantically.

To live up to the image of a confident man and leave a lasting impression on your first kiss, you need to know how to behave on a first date and how to properly kiss a girl on the lips for the first time.

What to do and what not to do on a date?

The first kiss with a girl is a wonderful event. Most young men worry too much about this. Only the right attitude can control the situation.

Remember: this is not an exam that you need to pass with an A. Only the trial method can achieve perfect results.

You will understand when you can kiss a girl for the first time from all of the following:

  1. Don't rush things and don't act against her will, otherwise a good slap in the face and termination of communication are guaranteed. Her high spirits and sparkle in her eyes are the “green light” of approval.
  2. The fair half of the sex loves it when a man smells “delicious”. Perfume should not be harsh and cloying. A refreshing, light aroma is an ideal solution, especially in summer.
  3. Show gentlemanly qualities: offer your hand, open the door, pull up a chair in a cafe for the first time and in subsequent meetings. In a word, do everything to make her feel protected.
  4. Give flowers, not necessarily a large and expensive bouquet. It will be a manifestation of tenderness and feelings.

How to kiss a girl for the first time so that it is remembered forever? To understand how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time, you need to create tactile contact. But if a lady cleans up, crosses her arms, moves away, or directly asks you not to touch her, you urgently need to stop and apologize. I didn't like you, that's what happens. It's impossible to please everyone, that's normal. Jokes, caustic remarks regarding her appearance, hobbies, friends, family are in any case unacceptable; this is not the best option for conversation.

The list of common incidents on a date for the first time includes:

  • question about the possibility of a kiss;
  • excessive touching;
  • abstract conversations after the event;
  • ridiculous phrases and comments.

How to kiss a girl on the lips?

Many magazines cover the topic “How to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time.” It will always be relevant, nothing changes from year to year.

To kiss a girl correctly for the first time, you must:

  • avoid large crowds of people, as there is a high risk of meeting people you know; what if she doesn’t want anyone to know about it yet - such an atmosphere is constricting, preventing her from fully opening up and enjoying each other;
  • a glance and an unobtrusive smile decide a lot, if not everything; touch her hair, gently passing behind her ear; if she doesn't turn away, you are on the right track;
  • smoothly reach her lips, lightly touch them with your mouth;
  • start kissing gently for the first time, watch her reaction.

If the young lady reciprocates, don't stop. Hug your shoulders, stroke your chin and cheeks a little.

How to kiss with tongue?

How to kiss a girl with your tongue for the first time? Start with the traditional version:

  1. Without opening your lips, kiss a couple of times in a row.
  2. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips, as if licking.
  3. After this, your partner should reciprocate, that is, part her lips.
  4. If this does not happen, stick your tongue into your mouth a little.

Did not help? Don't continue, it means she didn't have any desire to French kiss the first time.

If everything goes as planned the first time, continue to “explore” your lover’s mouth by running your tongue over her teeth. It is possible to get closer to such a moment if people trust each other, there are no physical barriers between them in order to kiss for the first time. Kissing for her is a magical feeling of “butterflies in the stomach,” a bright, incomparable feeling.

Most lovers believe that having a tongue stuck in its full length for the first time only causes disgust. Don’t forget about saliva; at first, its excess causes negative emotions.

Useful video


  1. Goosebumps, accelerated heartbeat, pleasant trembling - it’s all because of the first kiss. You already know how to kiss correctly for the first time and present yourself. The main thing is to gather your courage, calm your nerves, don’t be shy, give free rein to your feelings. Love is a wonderful state that knows no barriers, no matter how it is explained from a medical point of view. Kissing is the best way to express feelings without words. If you want to confess your love, start kissing.
  2. Representatives of the fairer sex should not forget that it is not advisable to take the initiative and start kissing a young man for the first time on your initiative. Still, kisses are, perhaps, an expression of the feelings of exactly “that” person for you.
  3. A young man who has a desire to kiss must react to how she perceives his initiative, and if she is unpleasant, he must stop in time. The lady will definitely appreciate such an act.

Let the process itself, taking place for the first time, bring only positive emotions, kiss for good health! And the question of how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time no longer bothers you. Everything comes with experience, after some time both of you will have no equal.

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The first kiss - how many words have been said about it. And it will still not be enough for those who are preparing to do this for the first time in their lives. Looking into each other's eyes, timidly holding her hands, feeling the trembling and warmth of your palms, you stand opposite each other and understand that this is the moment of the first kiss. This is how many people imagine their first kiss. In fact, no two first kiss situations will ever be the same. Everyone will have their own. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a game of spin the bottle or a super romantic walk along a deserted beach, you will still remember something special in this kiss, your emotions and experiences. But how to kiss a girl for the first time? How to make her remember this kiss for a long time? What can I do to make her like this kiss?..

Now it doesn’t matter whether you have a girl or not, the main thing is that you want to know how to properly kiss a girl for the first time. This is understandable, no one wants to make a mistake or be embarrassed in front of a girl. More information never hurts. At the very least, you will feel more confident if you know the following.

  1. Kissing a girl for the first time is always exciting. Don't be afraid of your emotions when kissing. Even if you tremble and worry, the girl will perceive this as your great sympathy for her and will be in seventh heaven! Besides, believe me, she herself will be filled with excitement and trepidation, because the first kiss with each new guy causes incredible new sensations.
  2. When you want to kiss a girl for the first time, you always wonder how to understand whether she wants it. Of course, this is very difficult to grasp. After all, girls are so different, and they all have their own ways of showing that they are ready to kiss you. Some may not even know how to show it or are embarrassed. But there is one trick... When you and a girl spend time together, you are at a short distance, silently look into her eyes. If she doesn't look away and looks straight into your eyes, she's probably ready for her first kiss. If it does, then try again after a while, because perhaps you chose the wrong moment the first time. Also pay attention to the distance between you in communication. How close does she allow you to get? How close she can be to you.
  3. Whether you need to practice something before kissing a girl is a controversial issue... On the one hand, what’s wrong with trying to kiss your hand, for example. But on the other hand, how artificial and awkward it will be when you remember the memorized movements of your lips and tongue during your real first kiss with a girl! It is better to surrender to your feelings and kiss her naturally. There are no right or wrong kisses, everyone kisses in their own way, so it’s impossible to understand whether this is your first experience or not.

    But if the question of kissing technique still haunts you, you can read one of our articles:

Kissing technique

So, read on for some tips on how to kiss a girl for the first time. The first thing to do is a tiny romantic pause and look into her eyes. Then, slowly, just touch her lips with your lips and close your eyes. Then pull back a little, and you again reach for each other with your lips. Such a simple trick will show the girl that you care about her and are checking if she is well. In fact, all this happens very quickly, it’s just that when you read and prepare, it seems like an eternity will pass. Your surging feelings will tell you what to do next.

If you, a prankster, decided to kiss a girl on the first date, do not ask her permission! Imagine, she likes you, she wants to make a good impression on you... And then you put her in an extreme situation: she wants to kiss, and the thought “what will he think of me if I allow it on the first date, I’m not easily accessible? ". Don't stress the girl out, watch her.

So how do you kiss a girl on the first date? If you are walking, stop. Remove the smile and look into her eyes, then at her lips, and then back into her eyes, then at her lips, and so on. At the same time, slowly bring your face closer to hers. Believe me, she will appreciate it!!! After all, girls see this in movies all the time. Such damn sexy romance will not leave any girl indifferent, you will excite her.

How to kiss a girl for the first time. So, you've found your match. You like her, she likes you too - the ideal balance of power. If she spends time with you and gladly accepts your advances, then be sure that she is waiting for a kiss no less than you. But you are a man, which means you must take the first step. Women love confident men, so don't hesitate or be embarrassed. Your excitement may scare her away, and she will begin to doubt you, under no circumstances should this be allowed!

As soon as you decide to kiss a girl for the first time, you will immediately gain confidence in your abilities, and in the future you will do it more and more confidently and calmly. As they say, the first step is the most difficult.

Choosing a location.

Think through everything to the smallest detail. Ask her on a date - just on a date, and not on a walk, which may be attended by some of your or her acquaintances. There will still come a time when you will kiss her in public. Now you (and especially you) need intimacy. No one should distract you or embarrass you. Therefore, a cafe is also not suitable for a first kiss. As a last resort - the last row in the cinema. More romance, don’t forget about flowers and compliments. For the first kiss, the slow walk to her house after a wonderful evening is perfect. But you shouldn’t wait for the very last moment: after all, someone might interfere with you at her house.

Let's get down to business.

The place has been found, the romantic atmosphere has been created - what now? Now, in fact, you will learn how to kiss a girl for the first time. You sat down on a bench on a quiet alley, you hugged her - and then!.. Don’t worry. Yes, this is almost impossible, but try to show your excitement as little as possible. Believe me, the girl understands perfectly well what is going on and is no less worried than you. Now look into her eyes and slowly lean towards her lips. So, you're almost there.

Men often wonder if it is possible to kiss a girl on the first date. It is possible, but if you take into account the reasons for a possible refusal and think about how to behave in a given situation. It’s great when the young lady herself hints at a kiss, but how to recognize this? Where and how is the best way to kiss a girl? What should you never do? This article will help you figure it all out.

On what date can you kiss a girl?

“Should you kiss a girl on the first date or is it better to wait until the second?” – there is no universal answer to this question. You can kiss a woman for the first time on the first date, and on the second, and on the fifth... It depends on the particular young lady, her beliefs and sympathy for you.

If a girl likes a man, then she is unlikely to object to a kiss at the end of the first meeting. If the kiss did not happen, but she agrees to a second date, then she definitely liked the guy. This means you can safely kiss her on your next date.

But if a man doesn't do this, the woman may think that he didn't like her.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you

Girls don't like to kiss in public, so she will probably look for a secluded place.

Woman long looks a man in the eyes and pauses in the conversation so that he can guess her desire.

Also a girl reduces the distance between you- in the movies she puts her head on the shoulder of her companion, she walks on the street or stands a little closer.

In general, pay attention to her behavior: if she tries to touch you by chance, looks into your eyes and is silent, then these are sure hints that she is expecting a kiss.

Why doesn't a girl want to kiss

There are three reasons for this:

  1. She doesn't like the man. When a person is not hooked, there can be no talk of any intimacy with him. To check this, ask for a second date. If the girl doesn’t agree, then that’s the problem; if it’s the other way around, then there’s another reason.
  2. She doesn't want to seem approachable. In order not to appear approachable, the young lady waits for the second or third date for a kiss. If at the second meeting she won’t let you kiss her, then you can ask her. For example: “I understand: you don’t want to rush things. I'm right?". This question is quite delicate, but at the same time it helps to understand everything.
  3. She's shy about something. It can be anything, and often depends on certain circumstances: the woman is not confident in the freshness of her breath, she is embarrassed about her braces, or there are too many people around. To find out the reason, you can ask a question related to point 2 - the answer should clarify the situation.

How to kiss a girl on a date

Firstly, she should be ready for this, i.e. the first kiss should not be a sudden surprise. Think about the location - a park, an embankment or the porch of her entrance. The last option is ideal, because it is unspoken that a man kisses his lady goodbye. It is at this moment that she will be 100% ready.

Secondly, avoid large crowds of people, especially if among them there is a risk of meeting her friends. This atmosphere puts a lot of pressure on the girl, because she may feel awkward.

Third, start the kiss gently, and listen to her actions - if she responds to it, then you can extend it, and, for example, hug your companion by the shoulders. For the first time this is quite enough.

Fourthly, don't say anything stupid right after the fact. An unfortunate phrase can ruin the entire romance of the moment, so after a kiss it will be enough to just smile.

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Do you want to receive step-by-step instructions for successful dating: how to choose the right place, what to talk about, how to behave, how to stand out from the crowd of her fans? We advise you to read free book by Roman Vinilov"Effective dating"

Often the girl herself hints that she does not mind the kiss - this is not so difficult to understand.

And finally, a useful video on the topic:

But if the kiss doesn’t work out, don’t despair - invite the young lady on a second date. If she agrees, then the next attempt will definitely be successful.

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