How to build an ergonomic house. Apartment ergonomics: what an ideal living space should be like

How perfect is he? country house? Each person has his own ideas about comfort, beauty, the shape of a building and architectural style. However, there is something behind the scenes that makes a home ideal for living in. This is knowledge proven by time and generations of people, based on practice and study. comfortable conditions life, work and leisure of a person. This is the ergonomics of the internal space of the house, standard planning rules that create and maintain not only a comfortable stay in it, but also make it possible to make the operation of the house economical.

What are we talking about? First of all, when designing country house, his interior space it is necessary to conditionally divide into zones: residential and economic. Separate these zones as much as possible so that the economic part is not in sight, but at the same time within easy access for the owners. This auxiliary premises, premises for servicing the house and residents: kitchens, pantries, laundry, boiler room, garage, workshop. It is better to place the kitchen and pantry closer to entrance group so that there is no need to go through other rooms into them. The boiler room should have a separate exit to the site; you can make a passage into it through the garage; it is advisable not to make an entrance to the boiler room directly from the house. It is better to isolate this room. The garage and workshop should also be a separate block, not touching other rooms of the house, except perhaps the entrance area. We've sorted out the input part. It should not be conspicuous - it is a home maintenance mechanism.

The remaining premises work to create comfort and provide for human needs - these are living quarters. Here the classification is more expanded. The living area is divided into day and evening, private and public. That is, day rooms are common areas. Such as: hall, living room, dining room, veranda, terrace, bathrooms. Night rooms are rooms closed from prying eyes. Intimate area residents: bedrooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms adjacent directly to the rooms. The most advantageous home planning takes into account the availability of bedrooms for each family member.

It is advisable to separate private and public areas. Typically, private premises are placed on a separate floor, or located in the back of the house. They communicate with the hall and entrance area, bypassing public areas.
It is also important to take into account the guest area, create comfort and provide the necessary isolation of the guest room.

When thinking about the layout of your home, you should pay attention to the composition of the family: children, adults, elderly relatives, pets. It is necessary to isolate the territory of each group as much as possible so that noisy children do not disturb the older generation and, conversely, the evening leisure of adults does not disturb the rest of the children. Rooms for the elderly should be designed on the ground floor, so as not to tire them by climbing the stairs.

Premises of the same purpose can be combined into groups. For example, kitchen-dining room, dining room-living room, bedroom-office, office-library, guest bedroom-office, etc. This technique saves space by removing unnecessary corridors.

It is better to provide two entrance zones in the house, one from the side of the main entrance, the second leading directly to the site, for household needs. Entrance zones there may also be several if several families live in the house.

The staircase must be illuminated with natural light for safety reasons. It is also necessary at the time of design to think about how much you want to use it in the interior. That is, do you want to highlight the staircase for public viewing and use, or, conversely, hide it? In the first case, it is worth placing it in the living room, in the second, in the hall or hallway.

As the family grows and the number increases, you can expand the house, make an extension or arrange an attic. It is better to provide for this opportunity at the design stage of the house.

As for efficiency, there are many tricks that can help you save money. Firstly, the very shape of the house. The simpler it is, the fewer projections, bay windows and balconies on the facade, the cheaper the construction and the less heat loss through the external walls. The shape of the roof, or rather its simplicity and conciseness, also reduces the cost of construction.

Rules for the location of the house relative to the cardinal directions, the position of the sun and the wind reduce the cost of heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. Rooms should be located based on the position of the sun. Living quarters to the south to use thermal energy, and it is better to give the northern side for the economic part.

It makes more sense to unite engineering communications as a block, not to separate them far from each other, that is, bathrooms on different floors should be located one above the other, the kitchen and boiler room are tied to the bathroom on the first floor.

A built-in garage is also an economical measure. Firstly, it saves heating, and secondly, it saves space, because you can place part of it in the garage engineering systems. Thirdly, it's comfortable. It is convenient to get into the garage directly from home, without going outside.

When building a house, you need to pay attention not only to planning, but also to constructive solutions. Consider good sound and thermal insulation and eliminate “cold bridges.”

Choose environmentally friendly, quality materials for construction, do not skimp on design and construction. This will pay off in the future use of the house. Build energy efficient house and enjoy the coordinated operation of all its systems. Let it serve your family for decades and become for you not only a fortress, but also an island of coziness and comfort in the fast pace of modern life.

As it was before
Until the 1970s, housing was essentially needed for only four purposes: as a place to relax and sleep in the evenings, to prepare and eat meals, to store personal belongings, and as a place to shower and go to the toilet. Hence the monotonous layouts of residential buildings, rather clumsily prescribed standards and microscopic sizes of living space.

How now
A modern person, whether he spends almost all his time at home (for example, working remotely) or comes there occasionally, needs much more. In today's realities, we are trying to do in our apartments comfortable bedroom and a functional children's room, organize a kitchen-dining room with maximum household appliances And convenient place for receiving guests, we think through offices or work areas with computer tables(and also with an Internet connection) for all family members and allocate a corner for hobbies.

We also need enough space to store clothes, sports equipment and groceries. In addition, you need a comfortable bathroom and/or shower, a utility corner (for washing, drying and ironing clothes, storing household supplies and chemicals) and several more areas - depending on the needs of a particular person (collector, athlete, needlewoman).

And these are two completely different thoughts. If in the first version “a house is a machine for living” (according to Corbusier), where the layout is the same for everyone and there is no need to invent complex rules of ergonomics, then in the second “a house is an extension of the personality”, an apartment where the emphasis is on individuality, where the personal preferences of the owners are emphasized.

Error 1.Use solutionsfrom the InternetFor standard layouts
The standard layout cannot possibly provide for all the needs of the apartment owner. It satisfies only basic needs: sleep, eating, hygiene, storing things. The example on the left is an apartment within the boundaries of the original layout for a house of the P-44T series. In fact, the developer coped with the task, but this layout takes into account only basic human needs.

What to do
Universal perfect layout does not exist - everyone has their own needs and hobbies. Therefore, before starting planning, you need to decide on their list. For example, let’s take the same apartment and arrange it for a specific young couple. The couple often receive guests, they need a separate bedroom, workplace and a hobby corner, although they rarely cook, preferring convenience foods or cafes.

Important: Before starting repairs, you need to coordinate the redevelopment with management company, even if the house has an “open plan” status.

Mistake 2. Combine the bedroom with the living room
This solution is typical for standard layouts one-room apartments, and design institutes use it very often. This planning error creates inconvenience for residents when they have guests, even if they do not stay overnight.

What to do
The bedroom is a private area. Therefore, it needs to be separated from the common room by any possible way. The plan below is one example.

Mistake 3. Apply the “working triangle rule” in any kitchen
Kitchen design rules originated in the 1910s with the help of Christine Frederick and Lilien Gilbert. It was then that the term “working triangle” appeared, when three key points (“wet”, “hot” and “cold”) conditionally form a single figure. But then there was nothing in the kitchens except three basic items: a sink, a stove with an oven (or stove) and an ice chest (the refrigerator was invented only in 1926). This is what the diagram looks like.

Nowadays, most people in their kitchen, in addition to the three basic appliances, also have a microwave, an electric kettle, a toaster, dishwasher, food processor. And all these items are actually separate cooking zones. The result is no longer a well-thought-out triangle, thanks to which we do not take extra steps, but chaotically intersecting paths of movement. ABOUT errors caused by non-compliance with ergonomics-some of the most common.

What to do
It’s high time to move away from the triangle diagram and listen more to your own needs and desires. They will help you avoid mistakes when planning a kitchen. The three vertices of the triangle will probably still be preserved. But it is important to think about how to include other zones between them: for chopping food and defrosting it, washing dishes and morning coffee and toast.

Mistake 4. Building the kitchen into a niche
This planning solution still appears in the Code of Rules for residential multi-apartment buildings (SP 54.13330). And unfortunately, developers often use it to increase the area of ​​a living room at the expense of the kitchen.

The resulting kitchen is extremely non-functional: for example, there is no space for dining table. And cooking in it is completely inconvenient - there are not enough work surfaces.

What to do
A kitchen niche is a concept that should be forgotten as soon as possible. Because fix this kitchen layout error almost impossible. If you are choosing an apartment to buy, immediately dismiss similar options. Or you will have to organize dining area somewhere else (in the adjoining living room, for example).

Mistake 5. Doing it in the bathrooms minimum distances between objects
In the vast majority of recommendations for bathroom layouts, we come across drawings of this kind, as I showed in the diagram above.

These are drawings from Ernst Neufert's book and show minimal possible size given functional area. That is, this is not a recommendation, but a minimum. As a result, we often see apartments with separate bathrooms, where the legs of the person sitting on the toilet rest against the door, and the elbows rest against the side walls.

What to do
The days of modular apartments are long gone, and there is no longer a need for such inconvenient bathrooms. To prevent oddities, use modern rules toilet location in separate bathroom.

Mistake 6. Making doors narrow and opening outward to create more convenient “escape routes”
The problem here lies in misconceptions, not norms. Most designers, remembering the course according to the rules fire safety, make all doors in the apartment open outward (towards the escape route). They do not think that these rules do not apply in residential apartments and low-rise private houses.

What to do
If space permits, it is better to make the door to the bathroom open inward so that the air that stagnates there escapes through the hood and does not flow back into the corridor.

The same door opening is more convenient in the bedroom. But at the same time, the canvas should not be a visual barrier between the person entering and lying in bed. According to the dimensions of the doors it is generally necessary exclude such a door leaf size is 50 cm - even a door 60 cm wide is too small: this can be installed except in the pantry. Modern comfortable standard for interior doors- from 70 cm.

Mistake 7. Keep ceilings low and ignore ventilation and air volume in the room
The minimum ceiling dimensions and room dimensions given in many teaching aids have long been out of date. Modern research indicates that for a healthy and comfortable stay indoors, 60 m3/hour of air per person is needed. That is, either the room must have sufficient volume, or the ventilation must work in enhanced mode.

What to do
When purchasing, give preference to apartments with higher premises. Do not lower ceilings unnecessarily (with plasterboard “decor” for the sake of built-in lighting, for example). Set to forced supply and exhaust ventilation and window valves in an apartment with low ceilings and tiny rooms, if necessary, arrange a sleeping place in an alcove, etc.

Error 8. Install sockets at a level of 30 cm from the floor
Any electrician expresses his indignation when he sees sockets in the kitchen installed as close to the floor as possible. Allegedly, the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules) states that sockets must be located at a height of at least 30 cm from the floor, and in the bathroom - 120 cm.

Now imagine the situation: such a wise master did some repairs for you, then they came kitchen masters and installed the kitchen, but in sockets household appliances not included. And the sockets are all for kitchen furniture, as necessary - at a level of 30 cm from the floor. You first have to take out all the equipment, then connect it and put everything back in place.

What to do
For craftsmen who insist on compliance with the PUE, there is a rule in the code (clause 6.6.30, subclause 2), which clearly states that plug sockets in residential and other premises must be installed at a height convenient for connecting to them electrical appliances, but not higher than 1 m. “It is allowed to install plug sockets in (on) specially adapted baseboards made of non-combustible materials.”

3. Read primary sources. The authoritative author (whose works are still relevant today) is the German architect Ernst Neufert. I recommend everyone to read his series of books “Design and Construction”.

What stereotypes did you encounter when creating own interior? Have you managed to avoid mistakes when planning your house or apartment?

The project of an ergonomic European cottage, designed to accommodate a family of 3-5 people, will appeal to everyone who wants to get maximum comfort with minimal investment.

House total area 142.2 sq. m attracts attention with its pleasant exterior, convenient layout and functionality. The house goes around the end and back large terrace. In its covered part you can park your car, using this area as a garage.

If you admire houses from pictures or American films, with this project you can make your dreams come true.

The entrance group is practically not marked out at all. Its presence is indicated only by a visor located on the roof directly above front door. From the threshold you are greeted by a vestibule, from which you enter a small hall. On the right is the door to the office with an area of ​​16 square meters. m, from which it can be arranged if necessary guest room or another bedroom.

From the hall you can also get into the boiler room, which occupies 5.7 square meters. m. You can also arrange a laundry room here. There is also an entrance to the boiler room from the street. If you plan to install a solid fuel boiler for heating, then appreciate the advantages of a separate entrance.

The central place on the ground floor is traditionally allocated to the day area, consisting of a living room and small kitchen. Spacious living room with an area of ​​32.2 sq. m combined with a kitchen occupying 7.6 square meters. m into a single space, thereby creating a large and bright room, regardless of the time of day.

The kitchen is designed with a pantry where you can store winter preparations or kitchen utensils. If desired, the pantry can be removed, thereby increasing the kitchen area.

On one wall of the living room there are three small windows, and on the back side of the house there are large windows and doors on almost the entire wall of the room, from the very ceiling to the floor.

And one more nice feature living room - fireplace.

There is a small bathroom on the floor.

The staircase located in the hall leads to the attic level, where there is private zone owners of the mansion. There are three bedrooms, a large bathroom with an area of ​​about 10 sq. m. m and attic.

In the large parental bedroom, occupying 23.4 sq. m, if there is a balcony and access to the attic, which can be used as a dressing room.

Two rooms with skylights can be allocated for children's rooms. If you have one child, then they can be combined into one spacious room, which will serve as both a bedroom and a playroom for the child.

Finished foundation decorative bricks, a gable roof covered with brick-colored metal tiles and facade elements made of wood, together create a single architectural ensemble, attractive with its impeccable simplicity.

The manner of arranging living space allows us to reveal the character and characteristics of a person. The arrangement of items, their sizes, combination, functionality and style are formed in accordance with the preferences of the owners. Ergonomics in interior design allows you to saturate the premises not only with aesthetic beauty, but also with maximum practicality.

The main rule used by ergonomics is the comfort that is felt from the daily use of your home. To achieve this effect, you must follow specific rules. Let's determine what criteria the housing of a modern person should meet.

Ergonomics in the bedroom interior

Ergonomic interior design

Ergonomic room design

Apartments in the city are built with space saving in mind. In small spaces it is very difficult to place all the details for a comfortable everyday life. Useful tips Experts in ergonomics and furniture selection will help make even a small room spacious and functional.

Define living space home and calculate the number of interior items that need to be placed in it.
When renovations are done from scratch, owners often forget about the space washing machine, refrigerator or do not care about enough closed shelves for storing things. Thus, extra items have to be “housed” arbitrarily, which causes significant inconvenience.

Ergonomics in the living room interior

Layout of ergonomic apartment design

Pay attention to the latest smart furniture.

There are new models on the market folding tables, beds, bookshelves and cabinets that fit into the space so that you don’t notice them at first glance. Such items can not only be bought, but also made with your own hands or to order.

Remove everything unnecessary

Sometimes, even in a beautifully furnished room you feel awkward. The reason for this is the large number of things on display. For example, old tradition collect souvenirs and figurines that gather dust on the shelves and do not decorate the interior in any way.

Ergonomic room design

Ergonomic interior design

Keep things in order

Cleanliness is an indispensable assistant ergonomics. Due to the rush, we often scatter things and simply clutter up the space. In an uncleaned apartment, a person subconsciously feels discomfort and cannot concentrate.

Choose the right furniture combinations
The main place in the apartment is occupied by furniture. When various items interior are taken from incompatible sets, this creates visual dissonance. It feels like you assembled your interior “from what was.”

Pay attention to the colors

An apartment that is too colorful in terms of the combination of shades and textures causes discomfort for a person. Under such conditions, our brain cannot put everything together into a single composition.

Ergonomics in the kitchen interior

Arrange furniture elements to preserve space

Choose furniture options that preserve as much as possible free space and allow you to store more items. They must fit perfectly into the interior and size of the room.

For non-standard layouts – individual solutions

Buying everything in a store is not the best option if you have a non-standard apartment. In the absence of ideas, it is better to entrust the redevelopment to a designer.

Don't forget about accessories

Overkill with a large number small and non-functional accessories can be changed in better side, if you arrange the room using practical things.

Ergonomic interior design

Ergonomic room design

Decorate rooms according to their purpose

Many ergonomic problems can be solved if the owner takes into account all the requirements during the arrangement. correct zoning space. Each zone has its own purpose. Functional design will create an ergonomic image.

Minimum requirements for the construction of a residential building

There are a number of patterns, the observance of which will allow for improvements.

  1. If you start from the hallway, even in narrow corridor there are gaps of 30-30 cm. This space is enough to install a compact oblong shoe rack - and the space is occupied and does not interfere with movement.
  2. The width of the passage in all rooms should be no less than 70-100 cm. Access to functional interior items should be open.
  3. Avoid cluttering furniture. Try to hide flaws with the help of tricks: a table with secret drawers, additional cabinets, shelves in the closet, etc.
  4. Each zone will be highlighted by light and texture of materials. Use stylistic play, but stick to a consistent composition.

Standard rules create only a model. Ergonomics requires that the interior best suit the needs of each resident. It is important for a person to have everything he needs, correct location objects, aesthetics and comfort. In a residential building there is room for improvement of any area - kitchen, dining room, hallway, living room, bedroom, bathroom and workplace. Try to choose items that collect less dust and allow for quick cleaning.

Scheme of ergonomic apartment design

Ergonomics in the interior of the room

Organization of space

Standard housing layout in new apartment takes into account some requirements. Ergonomics can be seen in the layout of the premises. For example, at the entrance to the apartment they leave more space under the hallway, then closer to the entrance there is an entrance hall and a kitchen. The kitchen reception area is being set up in cozy corner. The resting, sleeping and working area, as well as the bathroom, is located at a distance from the entrance for maximum comfort. It is important that the area of ​​the home matches the number of people living here.

The width and height of the passage must correspond to the dimensions of the person. Select separate zones The contrast of colors in the decoration and the right light will help in the room. Ease of use of furniture will ensure the absence large quantity sharp corners and doors that open correctly. Organize your space according to your preferences and feelings. For example, if you are uncomfortable sitting with your back to the door, then do not place your workstation near the wall.

Ergonomic kitchen interior design

Ergonomic room design

Ergonomics in the interior of the room

Ergonomics of the rest area

Placing objects in a person’s relaxation area promotes relaxation. In this corner everything is aimed at “relaxation”. To achieve the optimal effect, install warm floors, fleecy floor coverings, soft light using a lamp or sconce. Depending on preferences, bookcases, sofas, armchairs or sofas are installed here.

It’s good when the resting place has a view of the street. Observing the world around us is important for a person; he can think, get distracted and concentrate in a calm environment. The best solution for the recreation area is upholstered furniture and muted tones.

An example of ergonomics in interior design

Ergonomic interior design

Ergonomics of the workplace

The antipode of a place for a person to rest is work area. Everything here is aimed at activation. Think about the table layout. The style of furniture should match the style of all household items. Avoid combinations of modern and classic in workplace design. Will provide comfort correct height table and chair.

Long periods of sitting at a computer are compensated by the comfort of the chair back. Choose furniture whose dimensions correspond to the number of working devices (office supplies, equipment, documents, etc.). Free up the bottom for a comfortable leg position. The best option is to allocate a separate room for arranging a personal office.

Ergonomic room design

Ergonomics in the interior of the room

Ergonomics in the apartment layout

Ergonomics of the sleep area

When arranging a place to sleep, you need to use a minimum of details. Make room for rest and relaxation. If there is no room for a bed in the sleeping area, then it is advisable to install a comfortable sofa or fold-out sofa, which is especially important for small apartments. It will take into account the size of the user and ensure practicality. It is worth installing at the headboard spot light. Sleeping place for two, it involves arranging wide passages on both sides of the bed. Choose a neutral wall color that is calming nervous system for falling asleep quickly.

Designate a key location for the bed. It is better to place the headboard against the wall. From the sleeping bed you need to have an open view of the door and window. The height and length of the bed must correspond to the size of the person and the required number of sleeping places. Buy beds without sharp corners and with a closed bottom that fits tightly to the floor to prevent dust from settling in hard-to-reach areas. To save space, install a bed with built-in functional drawers for bed linen and bedspreads, but do not install shelves with sharp corners over your head.

Ergonomic room design

Ergonomics in the interior of the room

Ergonomics of the dining area

Kitchen interior design affects the speed of food preparation and the comfort with which food is consumed. The ergonomics of this room is ensured by the selection of thoughtful furniture. Choose a ready-made headset that combines convenience, simplicity and functionality. An important aspect V everyday use room is the countertop area for the table. This is a workplace, the dimensions of which allow you to place all the equipment and kitchen utensils. A new feature for a smart apartment is a built-in kitchen in which household items are hidden.

The ergonomics of the dining room and kitchen require sufficient space to accommodate a full-fledged dining table (60 cm for each person) and comfortable movement. The premises must be equipped with a refrigerator, stove, sink and drawers for storing utensils. The walls of the room are painted in tones that promote appetite. The ceiling height allows you to install general light, and there are additional light bulbs above the work surface. The floors are tiled and the interior design features practical details.

Modern ergonomics will help revitalize and create comfort in any space. Show your imagination and be creative in decorating each room. Take advantage ready-made solutions in the design of the room, and you will get an excellent result!

Video: Ergonomics in interior design

50 photos of ergonomic interior design ideas:

Ergonomics studies the interactions between a person and surrounding objects to identify optimal principles designing and creating comfortable environmental elements. Accordingly, an ergonomic home should be beautiful, harmonious, comfortable and functional. We’ll look at how to achieve this at the design stage in this review.

Number of floors in the house

You can start with analysis required quantity floors of the future house. First of all, throw away all destructive reasoning: “I want, I want more, so that the neighbors will envy.” Agree, this is not the right approach. And the most unpleasant thing that can happen is that the construction process is unreasonable big house will stretch for long period. Funds will begin to run out, time will run out, and the realization of the mistake made will not give you peace - and nothing can be done about it.

One-story houses- the simplest and cheapest to build. Their main disadvantage is that in such a house it is difficult to plan more than five rooms. Each subsequent one will either increase the number of walk-through rooms or add unused space in the form of corridors.

Another important point is that by increasing the size of a one-story house,
you are reducing the area land plot. In this case, there is an overexpenditure of materials for the construction of the foundation and roofing.

House with attic floor increases usable area one and a half to two times. The presence of an incomplete floor with a sloping ceiling is more than compensated for by greater freedom in planning, minimizing the cost of foundation and roofing.

House on several floors optimal for big family. With the same composition of premises, two storey house will allow you to leave a larger area of ​​land for the garden and, as in the case of the attic floor, will reduce material costs at certain stages.

Optimal number of rooms

Let's take the average family of four as an example:

  • Everyone should have their own room.
  • Parents can limit themselves to a shared bedroom.
  • It is necessary to provide one common room. Her role is usually played by living room. As a result, we get four living rooms.

If frequent receptions of guests are planned, then it would be logical to include additional guest room.

Often, people working at home with any documents need cabinet. Let it be small room from 9 m². It will freely accommodate desk and a filing cabinet. If necessary, the office can be used as a guest bedroom.

Kitchen The house should be spacious. Having a separate dining room, the size of the kitchen can be reduced to a permissible 6 meters.

Sanitary rooms- a must in the house. For a family of 4 people, two toilets and a separate bathroom will be enough.

When designing, try to exclude unnecessary corridors and non-functional areas. Optimize the number and size of premises, as more rooms, the more expensive it will cost to build a house.

House shape

The shape and size of the house are important when creating ergonomic architecture. At the same time, it is necessary to strive for simplicity, functionality and overall harmony of the composition.

Simple solution - square house with symmetrical gable roof. By paying attention to all the details when building such a house, you can get a very beautiful and comfortable architectural structure.

When designing rectangular house try to follow the “golden ratio” rule, according to which the ratio of the long side to the short side should be equal to 1.62. This proportion gives the most harmonious size ratio. The rule also applies to height. For example, if the length of the building is 10 m, then the most acceptable height to the roof overhang is 10/1.62 = 6.2 m. For certain design solutions, the calculation results can be corrected.

Let's summarize. Having analyzed the ergonomic internal and external layout at home, for a family consisting of two spouses and two children, we can recommend a one-story with an attic or two-story option area 100-130 m².

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