How to use a gasoline generator - recommendations for operating equipment. Let's learn how to start a gasoline generator How to start a generator

Modern gasoline, diesel engines are reliable equipment with many degrees of protection. Special devices ensure the safety of the powered equipment and prevent breakdown of the generators themselves for any reason. Despite the protection of generators from all sorts of negative factors, including those provoked by human actions, the importance of proper starting does not lose its relevance.

Starting up the equipment, as well as its operation according to the rules prescribed by the manufacturer, reduces the likelihood of malfunctions and guarantees the longest possible service life.

First actions

Once you have removed the generator from its packaging, carefully inspect it to ensure that the equipment did not suffer any damage during shipping. Make sure that all elements are present and in place, and that all hoses are securely connected to the appropriate connections.

If you decide that it is not used, then it will certainly be completed detailed instructions manual. It is highly recommended to study it. Even if you have experience working with liquid fuel or gas generators, do not neglect the instructions. This equipment is quite complex, and almost every model has some of its own features that must be taken into account during operation.

The first thing you should do in preparation for starting is to pour engine oil into the required quantity. The generator does not require a lot of oil, so there is no need to save on buying a good synthetic option, because the service life of the device directly depends on the quality of the oil used. When choosing motor oil it is advisable to take into account temperature regime, characteristic of environment the area in which your generator will be operated.

The second is choosing the right fuel. If you bought gasoline generator, then to refill it you should purchase unleaded gasoline, and high quality. Since the generator tank is refilled not at a gas station, but using intermediate containers, it is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the containers into which you will pour gasoline. The presence of dirt, dust or water in them is unacceptable. Water that gets into the tank of a gasoline generator, even in small quantities, can cause damage to the device.

Use only pure gasoline without any impurities. There is no need to purchase fuel with the highest octane number - the gas generator runs on 92 gasoline, 87 and 95 are not suitable. You can find it on sale today large number additives that increase the octane number. Such substances cannot be used, as they contain alcohol. Ideal option- purchase 92 gasoline at a proven gas station and pour it into clean containers.

Before starting, make sure the generator is on a level surface. There should be no water or any other liquid underneath. If the device is not equipped with a system for removing fuel combustion products (exhaust), then such a gas generator should be started outdoors. Do not forget about grounding: its presence is a prerequisite for safe operation.

Starting a gasoline and diesel generator

An external inspection should be carried out before each start-up of the equipment. If there are any malfunctions or damage that may affect operation, the generator must not be started until they are repaired.

When starting the generator, the following actions must be taken:

1. Check the oil level using a special dipstick. If it is not enough, add more. It is recommended to always have a certain supply of oil.
2. Check the fuel level in the tank.
3. The generator should be started without load. That is, if there are any devices connected to the device that it powers, disconnect them.
4. Turn on the ignition.
5. The choke must be in the CLOSED position before starting.

In the future, the process will depend on what kind of starting system the generator is equipped with.
This can be an automatic system, electric starter or mechanical start (manual).

1. Mechanical system.

In order to start a gasoline or s mechanical system start, pull the starter cord handle towards you until resistance appears. Next, pull one sudden movement handle. Do not release it immediately: returning the cord to the reverse position should be carried out gradually. If suddenly the engine does not start the first time, repeat the operation. After the internal combustion engine has warmed up sufficiently, you can open the air damper.

It starts a little differently. Before starting, turn on the power, then set the knob to the “On” position. and open the air damper. After you have completed these operations, you can pull the starter cord.

2. Electric starter.

Before starting a gas generator or diesel generator equipped with an electric starter, you should make sure that the battery terminals are well secured and the polarity is correct. If you decide to buy a generator with electrical system launch, check if it comes with battery. Not all manufacturers produce generators equipped with a battery. In some cases it will have to be purchased separately. A generator with an electric starter is started using a special button on the control panel or by turning the key, like in a car.

3. Automatic starting system.

Electric generator with automatic system The trigger is turned on immediately after the main power supply stops supplying electricity. A generator that has just been switched on should not be loaded immediately. We need to let him work on idling some time so that the engine warms up sufficiently and its operation stabilizes.

Starting the gas generator

In the case of gas generators, it is also important to check the oil level before starting and completely disconnect the load.

After this, you need to do the following:
1. Open the gas supply valve.
2. Set the engine switch to the “ON” position.
3. The choke must be in the CLOSED position before starting.
4. Otherwise, the starting steps are similar to working with any other generators.

Running in the engine

If you are starting the generator for the first time, you should run in the engine. This operation promotes the correct commissioning of equipment and extends its service life. Run-in begins with two hours of operation of the electric generator at 50% load. On initial stage The oil level should be checked regularly (every 4 hours of operation). During break-in, the oil should be changed after the first 20 hours of operation.

Stopping the generator

1. Disconnect the load completely.
2. Let the engine idle for a few minutes.
3. Turn off the ignition.
4. Turn off the fuel supply valve.

Regular use: tips

1. Prolonged downtime is harmful to equipment, as it reduces its service life. Any electric generator must run for at least two hours every month.
2. Frequent starts and stops are harmful.
3. Air cooled generators need airflow fresh air. This is especially important when operating at high temperatures.


Absolutely all gasoline generators require compliance special conditions during its operation. Compliance with them will help to significantly increase the service life of the device, and also prevent the occurrence of most breakdowns. Particular attention should be paid to starting a gas generator, which is not very complicated, but has some nuances.

If you are wondering how to start a gasoline generator, the first thing to remember is that you should not start it right away, this is wrong. Before starting a gasoline generator, you should conduct a thorough external inspection for defects. First of all, you should pay attention to the presence of grounding. The next step is to check the fuel tank. It is worth remembering that adding gasoline to a running generator is strictly prohibited.

If the unit is used no more than once a month, then before refueling it is necessary to drain the old fuel.

Don't forget about the oil. It is recommended to replace it at least once every 70 operating hours. ATTENTION! Mix different types No oil allowed!

Before starting, you need to check all connected current consumers.

After this, you can carry out a test run. It is carried out using a starter. And only after you are satisfied with the trial run can you proceed to the real launch. When operating electric generators, it is necessary to control the energy consumption level of all connected devices, their total power should not exceed the power of the generator.

How to start it correctly?

The launch method primarily depends on the type of equipment:

  • Manual. Most often seen in low-power budget models. To start the unit, you need to pull the special handle.
  • Electric start. More convenient way, is carried out by a battery built into the case. To start, turn the key.
  • Auto. Allows its owner to monitor the state of the electrical network in the event of a power failure.
  • Using the remote control.

How to start in winter?

In order to start a gasoline generator in winter time year in the cold, there are several effective ways:

  1. When starting, it is necessary to hold the nozzle at a certain angle. Thanks to this, it will prevent fuel from getting onto the spark plug.
  2. Inject into the carburetor of the device special remedy for a quick start.
  3. The last method, which makes it possible to easily start the device, is the simplest, but it will take a lot of time. To do this, you just need to bring the generator indoors, warm it up, then take it back outside and start it.

Rules of use and safety

When using a gasoline generator, the following rules must be observed:

  • If the device is connected to very sensitive equipment, then it is necessary to use a voltage stabilizer.
  • If you use the mini-power plant frequently, you need to carefully monitor the degree of wear of certain parts and, if necessary, replace them.
  • If scheduled maintenance is planned, then it is necessary to use only those brands of fuel and liquids recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Do not store fuel in the tank for a long time. Its downtime can ruin the ignition of the gas generator, thereby reducing its service life.
  • Carry out switching on and off in the prescribed sequence.
  • When the generator is starting, it is better to have good lighting around;
  • If necessary, adjust the valves - the essence of it is that the valve clearances of the gas generator are set in a certain way.
  • Do not inhale gasoline fumes - they are harmful to health.
  • If fuel gets on your skin, be sure to wash it off thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Do not allow flammable objects near the device, and especially do not turn it on in an explosive environment!


Gasoline generator - extremely useful device when running a household. It helps solve the problem of sudden disappearance of tension.

However, for him proper operation You must follow a few simple rules.

They are not very complex, so they will not pose any difficulties for the owner.

A generator with a remote start is turned on by a remote control, which basically has the form of a key fob with an antenna, which makes it possible to control the device at a certain distance. The principle is almost identical to car alarm. The motor starts after pressing the button located on the key fob. Disabling occurs in the same way.

The advantages of remote generator start include:

Ease and simplicity of device control(the remote control range is several tens of meters; you don’t need to get up or leave the house in bad weather to start your generator).
Multifunctional remote control has several buttons, when pressed, it is possible to configure the operation of the generator, depending on changes in air temperature, as well as the operation of the power plant according to a preliminary schedule.

There are not so many disadvantages of remotely starting a generator, but they also occur:

The key fob (remote control) works at a distance of only a few tens of meters, and this is not always enough for users.

Characteristics possible types generator starts are listed, and the choice, of course, is yours. When choosing, take into account the physical capabilities of your roommates, because you may not always be in right time V in the right place. If you are planning to buy a generator for business, then carefully consider: is it not better to pay more and know for sure that production will not be idle, and freezers and refrigerators will not leak, since when the electricity in the network is turned off, they will instantly receive high-quality current from the generator with automation.

Has its own characteristics. When working with them, you must follow certain rules that guarantee their long-term and, most importantly, safe operation.

Depending on the power and purpose, the gas generator can be equipped with several types of starting:

  • Manual with cord- used in low-power models. For example, HYUNDAI HHY960A. In order for the unit to start working, pull the cord handle all the way and then sharply pull it to the side. The starter handle must be held until the cord returns to its original position.
  • Electric start is carried out from the battery in medium and high power devices. For example, HYUNDAI HY3100LE. The unit operates after turning on the button on the control panel or turning the ignition key.
  • Autostart is an additional option (not intended for devices with manual start). It monitors the state of the supply network in the event of a power failure in the main network and stops when it is restored.
  • Allowed start from remote control (remote control). For example, HYUNDAI HY7000LER. It allows you to control the basic parameters of the network, as well as remotely control the station’s operating modes, start and stop the device.

What should you do before starting the gas generator?

* First of all, by implementing starting the gas generator, remember about safety precautions. You should not smoke near the unit and do not start work if you spill gasoline, etc. on the unit while refueling. You can start a gasoline generator only in a well-ventilated area. At long work any unit heats up, and to avoid burns, do not touch the heated parts.

* You should check the grounding of the gas generator before starting it. Make sure there is enough fuel in the tank; if not, add it. This is strictly prohibited when the engine is running.

*If you do not use technology long time, it is necessary to drain the fuel from the tank, clean the unit body and lubricate the main working components. When resuming operation, replace the fuel in the tank. Also clean the spark plug, carburetor and fuel valve, and remove grease from the body.

* It is necessary to constantly monitor the engine oil level. By detecting its decline in a timely manner, you can prevent rapid wear and premature engine failure. It is recommended to change the oil every 50-70 hours of operation. Do not mix synthetic and mineral grades, this will have a bad effect on the internal condition of the engine parts.

* After making the first start, turn off the engine after a few seconds and only then restart the gas generator. The motor must be allowed to warm up, only after this can the load on the device itself be gradually increased. To avoid damage, monitor the current consumption. It should not exceed what is produced.

* Before starting the device, make sure that there are no electrical consumers connected to it.

* If any problems occur during operation, we recommend that you immediately contact specialists who specialize in this profile.

If you want to get more detailed information To learn how to start a gasoline generator, contact the qualified specialists of our online store. They will tell you in detail about all the operating features of a particular model.

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