How a sunflower helped a person. A tale of past, present and future

The young stalk of the sunflower did not remember how it made its way through the ground as a thin sprout. Some powerful force pushed him to the surface, and now he is basking in the sun, admiring the huge and amazing world, where there is so much light, where it is so cozy and warm.

“We must grow, we must reach upward,” thinks little Sunflower, a little intoxicated by the hot sun rays. “Well, another centimeter closer to the light, again and again...”

And life is in full swing all around: colorful butterflies flutter, hardworking bees hum merrily, flying from flower to flower, a grasshopper begins its monotonous song in the grass, and a fluffy cat snores peacefully under a lilac bush.

And what a beautiful creature this is with transparent wings and with huge eyes? It looks like a dragonfly. She easily lands on a neighboring flower and freezes in the sun.

- Hello, how are you?

“Okay,” she replies. – I was in a meadow by the river, flying in a race.

-What is it like, a river?

“The water in it is clear and on a sunny day shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

“It must be beautiful,” the sunflower thinks and looks around: everything is rejoicing and enjoying the warmth and light!

The hostess appears. Now she will take a watering can, the earth will be filled with life-giving moisture, and all the plants will rush upward even more.

So he grew, becoming taller and stronger. Its juicy bright green leaves spread powerfully to the sides, and its small red head was filled with seeds.

“Be like the sun, become like the sun,” as if someone inside him was repeating. And he stretched and stretched upward, bathing in the rays sunlight and warmth.

But one day, when the clouds covered the sun, he lowered his head down. There, in the darkness, the rest of the plants, drooping, pale, huddled closely together against each other... The sunflower felt very sorry for them, and he decided to give them all the light, all the warmth that he had accumulated. It seemed that it was no longer the sun, but he, the sunflower, warming everyone around.

And then the wind parted the clouds, gentle rays fell to the ground again, and the darkness, like a snake, crawled under a high fence, because there was no place left for it on earth. The sunflower, along with the sun, gave love, and its yellow crown was visible from everywhere.

A brother and sister stopped nearby.

“Look,” said the girl, pointing to the sunflower, “little sun!”

Svetlana Khrenova

Drawings: Irina Bondarenko

Which one to come up with? fairy tale story about a wild or cultivated plant?

    I want a fairy tale about nettles.

    Once upon a time there was a nettle in the world. And she was very lonely, because she grew up in a vacant lot and none of the animals communicated with her because she was gloomy and took a lot of drugs. The sun will come out, the nettle will smile a little and be sad again.

    One day a little sparrow flew by and sat down next to a nettle. He heard the nettle crying and asked what happened.

    Nettle said that she was sad that no one communicated with her. Then the sparrow gave her advice so that the nettle would smile no matter what, as soon as the sun rises and the nettle wakes up. And he said that nettle is sure to notice changes.

    Nettle decided to do this, for a long time The nettle had no changes, but one fine moment a butterfly flew to her and began to be friends with her. The butterfly was really attracted to her smile. And then another butterfly flew in. And then the little bunny came running. And then nettle had a lot of friends, she became the happiest and realized that with a smile you can change your life.

    In my opinion, the most fabulous, in the literal sense, are plant-animals - eaters of flies - this is where imagination can run wild... The story could be about a tiny flea, which at first bit poor little animals, and then decided to try a drop of nectar and got stuck in a sundew, which gobbled it up ...somehow...))

  • A fairy tale about a wild or cultivated plant

    Tale of a Sunflower

    In ancient times, when the first flowers began to sprout on our planet, each flower received its own color according to the character with which it was endowed. At the same time, all the flowers were friendly and lived in harmony.

    Cornflower, in his daydreaming, constantly gazed at the beauty of heaven, the rose absorbed all the romance of this world, and the lily of the valley was so shy and modest that he tried not to stand out in any way, maintaining his purity and innocence. All earthly fields were full of colorful patterns of primordial flowers.

    But among all this diversity there was one flower that was not like all the others. He loved to change his mood and could be friendly and sweet, or he could be very rude, and on another day he would be sad and embarrassed about everything. It was a sunflower. Nature could not understand what color to give this child. Therefore, for a long time he remained an inconspicuous pale shade.

    But then one day there was a terrible thunderstorm. The flowers, out of their love, rejoiced that the sky gave them rain and at times was brightly and beautifully illuminated by something. Only the sunflower was not happy. He didn’t understand why he should be happy if it was wet and the clouds obscured the sun. When the clouds cleared and the sun appeared in the sky again, it warmed all the leaves of the flowers and filled them with its warmth.

    The sunflower smiled at the sun, placing its leaves under its rays. He looked at the shining sun and smiled for the first time in a long time. The smiling flower was noticed by the sun because of its sincere joy and difference from all other flowers. It decided to give a gift to the sunflower. The sun descended and hugged the flower with all its radiant arms, and then flew away again to the sky. And when the sunflower looked at himself, he saw that he had become bright yellow color. From that time on, the sunflower became like a small sun growing in a field. And the sunflower never ceases to be friends with the sun to this day.

  • Any fairy tale story can be invented about a princess and a prince.

    Maybe Princess Carrot, maybe Prince Dandelion.

    Their adventures can be incredible.

    A couple of days ago we were writing a fairy tale. Naturally about the princess.

    From the proposed options: about Princess Squirrel, Princess Cat, Princess Carrot, Princess Fir cone and Prince Dandelion, Princess Cat was chosen for the reason that the issue of purchasing a kitten had been postponed for several years.

    A short tale about how a harmful Mouse settled in the kingdom. The servants caught it, but they didn’t catch it. Then Princess Cat herself got down to business, but the cunning mouse ran away from her at the last moment, until a beautiful fluffy cat unexpectedly came to the rescue, who turned out to be the prince of a neighboring kingdom. The captured mouse was sent on a magic carpet to his mouse kingdom. And Princess Cat and Prince Cat began to live and get along and have kittens.

    (Having kittens is a special delight!).

    It will probably turn out beautifully about the Apple Flower, which rejoiced at its beauty and became sad when it lost one petal. I was completely saddened when the second one fell apart. Then the third and fourth (how many are there? Five, I think).

    And then he was embarrassed that he had become green and ugly (like the ugly duckling principle), and then turned into a plump apple and did not immediately believe that people were admiring him.

    Or even about the Apple Tree, which bloomed for the first time, was very happy when people admired it, and then became sad (when the petals fell off the flowers), and then the fruits also ripened and people praised its harvest. And to finish with the fact that in the fall, when all the fruits were collected and the leaves began to fall, the Apple Tree knew that the sun would warm it and leaves would appear on its branches again, and then beautiful flowers and she will again please people with the harvest ( delicious fruits, juicy apples), etc.


    (Fairy tale terms once upon a time, once upon a time)

    Maybe about cherries or grapevine. What grows in your area that is familiar to your child?

    Once upon a time there was a nettle. Nobody loved her and everyone laughed at her - because she was prickly and painfully stung all passers-by.

    And the boys whispered that an evil grandfather on the edge of the village once whipped a boy with nettles who climbed into his garden to pick apples.

    Nettle almost cried from resentment. But one day a kind woman-herbalist came and began to collect medicinal herbs. She walked around the beautiful weeds and approached the nettles. She picked bunches and said what a useful herb it is.

    All the neighbors were quietly drying with envy. Nobody laughed at the nettle anymore.

    My tale will be about the benefits for children of walking on fresh air, which is especially important in our time, when many children sit at home in front of computers all day long.

    Once upon a time there lived little boy Petya. He was weak and the guys in his class bullied him. One day his mother asked him to wash the floors in the house. When Petya was washing the floors, he found a small seed. He was about to throw it away, but suddenly he heard a voice.

    Don't throw me out! I can fulfill any of your wishes!

    Wow! I want to be strong! Seed, please make me strong and healthy!

    Fine! But for this you must do the following: plant me in the ground, look after me all summer so that I gain magical powers. In the fall I will be able to fulfill your wish.

    The boy Petya planted a seed at the dacha. All summer he looked after her. Watered, weeded the earth around, loosened. By autumn, a huge pumpkin grew from the seed.

    Pumpkin! I did everything you told me! Make me strong and healthy now

    To this the pumpkin answered him:

    Go and look in the mirror! Your wish is granted.

    Petya ran to the mirror. There he saw a tanned boy with blush on his cheeks. Grown up and full of strength.

    And no miracles! After all, Petya spent the whole summer in the fresh air, while he cared for the seeds and did physical labor.

    I will propose a slightly banal topic, but with effort and imagination it can be turned into an educational and very interesting fairy tale about a little dandelion, which had just begun to grow and he was interested in everything, he was constantly interested in questions about what was happening around him. In this tale, other flowers, or some wise bug, can tell him about his closest neighbors. In a fairy tale, a dandelion will be surprised by everything new and solve riddles that are incomprehensible to itself.

    You can compose a fairy tale about any plant that grows in the garden. Isn't it a miracle that a wonderful plant grows from a small seed?

    In one small wonderful garden there grew trees - giants. They were already many years old, but, despite their old age, they continued to bear fruit, delighting their owners with the harvest. One day the wind came and carried a small seed into this garden.

    The seed, having fallen into the ground, was afraid of its dark prison and decided to get out of here by any means. It began to reach towards the surface, looking for gaps in the ground. And when early spring the sun was hot, then from small seed a green sprout appeared. He was very afraid of the giants who grew up next door to him. However, the giant trees were very kind and began to protect the sprout with their leaves, preventing the burning summer sun from burning the sprout. And he began to quickly gain strength. And one day it turned into fairy flower. However, he felt lonely standing alone without his brothers and sisters, and then the flower decided to shed its seeds so that next year it would have its relatives.

    The flower faded and fell asleep for the winter. A next spring with the first rays of the sun, a miracle began to sprout from the ground - flowers that were relatives of our little sprout.

    Gradually the garden turned into blooming meadow, where trees - giants and their little friends - flowers lived together.

Creative works of 2nd grade students on the world around them.

Legends about plants.

Weeds are plant outcasts that have been stealing money. Once upon a time weeds were like beautiful plants. But they were caught stealing, and these are terrible actions. Because of this they were turned into different types weeds are now stealing food from other plants!

Once upon a time there lived a young man named Narcissus. He loved himself very much and did not notice anyone. All the time he admired his reflection in the lake. Many people turned to him for help, thinking that his soul was as beautiful as his face. But he didn't help anyone because he only cared about himself. And when his mother asked him for help, he did not hear her. God got angry and turned the young man into a flower - Narcissus.

Rose and Cactus had the same birthday. The cactus said to Rose: “You are so beautiful and defenseless. So that you are not offended, I give you my thorns.” And the rose gave her delicate flower cactus. Since then, a rose has thorns, and a cactus has a flower.

Once upon a time there lived a princess of extraordinary beauty. Her name was Rose. No one could take their eyes off her; they admired her eyes, very beautiful and very kind. One day, an extraordinary flower grew in a king’s garden. And they decided to name it after this girl’s name – “rose”. One day the princess disappeared. Nobody could find her. She disappeared without a trace. And the flower suddenly grew thorns. The princess was never found, and all roses at all times now have thorns.

The god of the underworld, Pluto, stole the beauty Prozepina, whom he loved. She was very angry with him, she didn't like Pluto at all. Then God gave the kidnapped beauty Prozepina grains of a then unknown pomegranate to eat. He didn't do it just like that. Pluto knew that these grains were magical: if Prozepina ate them, she would never leave him. These grains have since been considered a symbol of a strong marriage. And the jagged tail of the pomegranate became a symbol of royal power. It looks like a crown.


Once upon a time, a small golden light flew to earth from the Sun. And where he landed, he grew extraordinary beautiful flower, like a little sun. One day his golden head became fluffy and turned white. A cheerful breeze decided to play with it and carried away the fluff from the flower. Where these fluffs landed, flowers grew like the sun. People called this flower dandelion.

In one very beautiful forest there grew this amazing plant. His name is Odonix. This plant was very beautiful and very useful. The healing power of this plant helped insects and animals and even people. This flower bloomed only 2 times every 2 years. An evil wizard wanted to destroy the flower of kindness. Many times he bewitched him. But on a certain day the flower bloomed and the witchcraft dissipated. This happened because the Odonis flower is a real good wizard, only he once decided to become a hermit. He no longer communicated with people, but he regularly brought benefits to them.

The plant world surprises and delights us. Plants have filled our planet Earth; there are very unusual species on it. IN real life There are many interesting events happening in the plants, and even more in the fairy tale.

Fairytale story "The Bell's Dream"

Once upon a time there was a bell. He always wore blue, his favorite color. Or rather, almost my favorite one. The color that seemed most wonderful to the bell was white. White there was snow, which the bell had never seen, but dreamed of looking at at least with one eye. And then one day someone told the poplar about the bell's dream. And the poplar decided to make his dream come true blue flower. But the fact is that the poplar knew how to give special seeds - poplar fluff. So this very fluff looks like snow.

...The poplar tree scattered poplar fluff in the clearing, and the bell shouted cheerfully: “Finally, I see snow.” The bell was so happy that no one dared to tell him that it was not snow, but poplar fluff. And only a little butterfly whispered to the bell that snow happens in winter, but now it’s summer. Mom told the butterfly about this...

Fairytale story "Journey of a Petal"

Once upon a time there was a rose. No one told her that she was beautiful, but she herself knew it very well. And then one day an incredible event happened. The most curious petal came off the rose and said that he was going on a journey. It was unheard of! Leave native flower and fly away wherever your eyes look. The petal flew for a long time. I've seen a lot on my way. Returning home, the petal said: “Yes, the rose is beautiful, but big world even more beautiful!”

Fairytale story "Beautiful name"

“What an uninteresting name I have - porridge,” said the little pink flower.

“You shouldn’t be upset,” said the chamomile, “the children eat sweet porridge, they really like it.” Porridge – porridge – sounds beautiful!

Then a bumblebee flew in and said pink flower:

- It's a pleasure to see you. How wonderful you are, clover, I adore you, you are for me best flower!

- I forgot that my main name is clover, but it already sounds! Okay, I won’t be offended by the word “porridge”, it’s still so cute!

    • The Tale of a Tiger Cub on a Sunflower
    • Type: mp3, text
    • Size: 11.8 MB
    • Duration: 0:12:53
    • Performer: Dmitry Avilov
    • Download the fairy tale for free
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Yuri Koval

The Tale of a Tiger Cub on a Sunflower

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.

He was Ussuri from his nose to the tip of his tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with white-breasted bear cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.

Only the chipmunk had stripes along, and the tiger cub had stripes across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture to see where the stripes go.

But this tale is not about the stripes, but about the tiger cub himself.

All summer the tiger cub played with his friends. How did they play? Very simple.

We all climbed together onto the oldest and largest cedar tree and found the largest cedar cone there.

They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would split and all the nuts would jump out. But the cone did not split, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out nuts that smelled like resin from the cone.

They called this game “bumping”.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, crunching nuts. This game was very similar to nut-throwing and gnawing.

They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.

It started snowing and winter began.

At first it was a small winter. And a little bit of snow on the grass and bushes. And then winter grew stronger and gained strength. It was frosty.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. He looks - his friends are not visible. There is no one.

Where are they?

“Yes, they all went to bed,” the nutcracker bird chirped. “Don’t you know that bears and chipmunks go to bed for the winter?”

The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is this so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Strange.

And if you don't sleep, what should you do? Play.

The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. I played and played and got tired of it.

And then the snowstorm began. It became very cold. The tiger cub was so cold that he even trembled.

Are you cold, or what? - he suddenly heard.

And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his hole, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

“Climb in with me,” he says, “you’ll warm up.” I'm warm.

So the tiger cub climbed up to the chipmunk. He climbs and climbs, but cannot get in. The mink is small, but the tiger cub is big.

And while the tiger cub was climbing, the chipmunk yawned and yawned - and fell asleep until spring.

The tiger cub has gone to the taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked and it was an old cedar snoring.

“Did he really fall asleep too?” - thought the tiger cub.

What are you talking about? - the cedar tree shouted. “Cedars never sleep.” Birch and aspen trees fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.

“Who’s that sleeping there so loudly?” the tiger cub climbed down and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow a mother bear was sleeping with her cubs.

Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but Ussuri white-breasted bears live in trees, grow in trees, make dens in trees.

The tiger cub looked into this den, and the bear opened one eye and said:

Are you cold, baby, or what? Come join us, it's warm here.

The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and was just about to curl up into a ball when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he didn’t fall hard, didn’t break, and just buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: “It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to warm up.”

And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.

And the tiger cub immediately wanted to chew this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll regret this seed, because it’s probably frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.

The seed moved slightly. I breathed again - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.

The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep to the howl of the blizzard.

And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow* grow, grow, grow, and even gradually blossom.

And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.

He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, right under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, above, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.

And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

Tiger cub on a sunflower! - shouted the nutcracker. - Tiger cub on a sunflower!

Spring is coming soon. Chipmunk and bear woke up

zhata. We climbed onto a sunflower, and there the tiger cub was sleeping. They woke him up.

How did I get here? - the tiger cub was surprised.

“You warmed the seed,” said the wise Uncle Chipmunk, “and now it warms you.”

So the red summer has come, a hot, Ussuri summer. The tiger cub takes care of the sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, the cubs carry water from the stream, and water the sunflower. Good for the tiger cub. And all the animals feel good.

Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered at a sunflower, eating berries and gnawing nuts.

That's good! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. - And you can see everything around far away.

If only we could all live on sunflowers!

Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - the nutcracker shouted. - There are not enough sunflowers for all!

And then a cold wind blew. The sunflower swayed. The chipmunk and the cubs ran home. There is only one tiger cub left.

And it started snowing again. The sunflower bent down to the ground from the wind and the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He grabbed them into a pile, hugged them to himself, and fell asleep.

So what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.

And in winter, in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers grew. Huge flowers opened, and on every sunflower someone was basking in the sun.

There is a bear cub.

There's a little fox there.

There is a wolf cub.

And on the tallest sunflower the tiger cub was fast asleep.

Sunflowers smell
Sunny freshness.
Also, definitely
Morning tenderness.
And they always smell
Despite the weather.
Take a look at them
And forget the troubles.
(Author: Alexey Antonov)
The history of the sunflower goes back to the third millennium
B.C. Research shows that already at that time,
even before the “domestication” of cereals, the flower was cultivated
North American Indians. Its seeds were eaten and used in
dyes were produced as medicine. The Incas worshiped the sunflower
How sacred flower.
To Europe" Sunny flower"came in 1510, he was brought as a "savage"
Spaniards from North America. At first, sunflowers were used to decorate flower beds and front gardens. Later, from wild species, breeders obtained large-fruited
variety. Almost 200 years have passed, when in 1716 in England, there was
A patent has been registered for the production of sunflower oil.
And the first mention of industrial cultivation sunflower dates

The flower was brought to Russia from Holland in the 18th century. However, here
It's worth making a reservation. During excavations of ancient settlements on the territory
Moscow region, dating back to the 7th-5th centuries BC, seeds were found
sunflower. And on the walls of the vessels where food supplies were kept,
preserved remains of oil, very similar in composition to
sunflower. Probably our ancestors knew and even cultivated
this is a plant, but for some reason the flower was forgotten over time.
One way or another, the sunflower counts its years in Rus' from
the times of Peter the Great. During the first hundred years of "life" in
In Russia, the flower was planted to have a “little sun” on
in his garden, and the “husk of seeds on the heap” was the most
favorite holiday of peasants and merchants. The nobles spared no expense
for the arrangement of flower beds with overseas flowers. In Moscow he is like nothing seen before,
They were even grown near the Kremlin wall.
Sunflower oil widely used as a base for cooking
oil solutions, patches and ointments, used as a laxative
and a choleretic agent in the treatment inflammatory diseases
intestines and cholelithiasis and for the prevention of atherosclerosis
. Prescribe it 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Local
Boiled sunflower oil is recommended as a healing
remedies for fresh wounds and burns in the form of oil dressings.

The name of the plant Helianthus comes from the Greek language. "Helios" means "sun" and "anthos" translates to flower. Greek
mythology tells about the appearance of this flower
one day a water nymph named Clytia was thrown out of the cool
depths to the shore of a sandy island. Fascinated by the bright light, she
rested on the shore and watched in surprise at the hitherto invisible
a golden solar ball that moved across the sky. It's a sight to behold
attracted her so much that she wanted to always admire sunlight.
Clytia's prayers were heard. Her mermaid tail went into the sand,
chaining her to the spot, her silver hair curled into petals
around her face, and green leaves grew from her fingers. Nymph
turned into a sunflower - a flower of the sun, whose color reflects
gold of the solar disk and every day follows its movement.

Another legend about the appearance of a sunflower came to us from
far, far away country of the Aztecs.
They say that this happened a very long time ago. Then in
in the land of the Aztecs there lived a little charming girl with a beautiful
name - Xochitl. In the Aztec language it meant "flower".
The girl adored the sun and admired it from dawn to dusk.
When the sun set in the evening, she walked home sadly, living
the dream that tomorrow she would see him again.
It so happened that for a whole year the sun appeared every day,
and not once, not for a moment did the clouds cover it. For Xochitl it is
it was incredible happiness.
However, what was a joy for her turned out to be terrible.
disaster for maize crops: the stalks stopped stretching upward,
the cobs were not heavy. In addition, beans and peppers stopped growing.
Without rain, all the plants suffered; from thirst they drooped to the very ground.
The drought left the fields barren.
People began to die from hunger. The Aztecs prayed to the gods every day,
asking for rain. Seeing all this, Xochitl understood why people endure
suffering and hunger. To make it rain, she went to the temple
Tonatiuh - the god of the Sun and turned to him with a prayer. She asked
him to hide behind the clouds and save her people.
The little girl's prayer reached the sun god Tonatiuh.
And now the whole sky was covered with a carpet of clouds. The long-awaited rain came.
So much water poured out that the completely bent corn began to cheerfully
rise and all its cobs are swollen with large, full-bodied grains.
Everyone around was filled with joy. Only poor Xochitl was sad:
she suffered without the sun she loved so much. Without him she slowly faded away
but then a bright ray broke through the clouds and ordered Xochitl to go to the sacred village, where the sun never disappears, where flowers always bloom.
There she will be called not Xochitl, but Xochitl-Tonatiu (which in Aztec means “flower of the sun”).
So the lovely girl turned into beautiful flower
sunny color, with a dark core - just like her hair and eyes.
Every day this flower opens towards the sun on
dawn and turns behind him on his daily journey along
sky until sunset...
Since that time, at the beginning of autumn, in all fields, and especially maize,
These golden flowers begin to bloom. The Indians affectionately call them
Xochitl-tonatiu, which means sunflower.

The Russian fairy tale has a similar plot:

Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the Sun. Every morning she
ran out of the house, climbed onto the roof and stretched out her hands
towards the rising luminary.
- Hello, my beautiful lover! - she shouted,
and when the first rays touched her face, she laughed happily,
like a bride who felt the groom's kiss.
All day she looked at the Sun, smiling at him, and when it was shining
went into the sunset, the girl felt so unhappy,
that the night seemed endless to her.
And then one day it happened that the sky was overcast with clouds for a long time and
a dank dampness reigned throughout the land.
Not seeing the bright face of her lover, the girl was out of breath
from melancholy and grief and wasted away, as if from a serious illness. Finally she
couldn’t stand it and went to those lands from where the Sun rises,
because I couldn't live without him anymore.
How long or how short did she walk, but then she came to the ends of the earth,
to the shore of the Sea-Ocean, just where the Sun lives.
As if hearing her pleas, the wind scattered the heavy rays and light
clouds, and the blue sky awaited the appearance of the luminary.
And then a golden glow appeared, which with every moment
it became brighter and brighter.
The girl realized that her lover was about to appear and pressed him
hands to heart.
Finally she saw a light-winged boat drawn by golden swans.
And in it stood an unprecedented handsome man, and his face sparkled so,
that the last remnants of the fog around had disappeared, like snow in spring.
Seeing her beloved face, the girl cried out joyfully - and immediately
her heart broke, unable to bear the happiness.
She fell to the ground, and the Sun held its light on her for one moment.
shining gaze. It recognized the same girl who always
greeted his arrival and called out words of passionate love.
“Will I never see her again? - the Sun thought sadly.
“No, I always want to see her face facing me!”
And at that very moment the girl turned into a flower, which
always lovingly turns after the sun.
That's what it's called - sunflower, sunny flower.

It is believed that the sunflower was the herb of frankness. Many in
ancient times believed that if you put a sunflower under your pillow
at night, it will cause prophetic dreams, especially if you
robbed, then the face of the one who stole will appear. Also sunflower, what's it like
also called, used in incense to fight evil spirits
by force. And in order to deceive the deceiving wife clean water, costs
bring a bag of sunflower grass to church and then the infidels
spouses will not be able to leave the building. The flower helped a person to manifest
their best qualities, protect yourself from enemies, many believed
V good power sunflower and kept this tradition for several
centuries in a row.
According to one of the ancient legends, the gods gave people a sunflower in order to
so that the sun never leaves them. After all, sunflower flowers
always facing the sun, in any weather, even in the most foggy
and a rainy day. It is no coincidence that the sunflower has become a symbol of joy and optimism,
and also loyalty...

I'll take you to the land of sunflowers,
To a country where clouds of smiles...
The roads are carved with traces of warm drops,
Rains that fly from high.
Where butterflies live in everyone's eyes
And the residents all went a little crazy,
Where they exist only holding hands,
Without letting go of each other for centuries.
I'll take you to the land of sunflowers
To a country where we will always be happy.
Where the cloud will be our home
Noticeable only to us from afar. author Lyubov Legkodimova

When someone says the word , you involuntarily smile. It's not for nothing that they called him that. The bright heads of the flowers seem to look with such surprise and delight from their height and rejoice at everything that is happening. And the yellow-orange rays of sunflower petals are wide open like large eyelashes. They reach up to the sun with such charm and interest.

The stem grows high, and in trembling tenderness everyone stretches and reaches out to the sun and dreams of merging with it. As soon as the first rays of the sun touch the sunflower petals, they timidly kiss. But then the sun kisses so hotly that the sunflower, exhausted from this heat, lowers its head in thought. So unbearable... In the evening, the sunflower sees off the sun beyond the horizon, which bids it farewell with a crimson sunset, and in the morning again gently touches it with its rays.

Sunflower is very happy about the sun and again reaches out to it with all his love. But at noon the tender petals begin to burn again. This is too passionate and unbearable love. And so, this happens for many days...

Sunflower does not know the answer why the sun loves him so much, but every time it burns him with its hot rays. Tears of despair and resentment quietly roll down the tender petals.

Then the sunflower is filled with seeds, which are poured. It is now difficult for the sunflower to reach for the sun, and he simply looks around. And he notices that there are many little suns around him, just like him, who look at him in surprise. After all, they also loved the sun, but did not notice anyone nearby.

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