How to switch to a raw food diet painlessly. Raw food - where to start

Eating raw foods is now very popular. It should be noted that this has already become not a simple diet, but a real way of life. If a person decides to be a raw foodist, then his life begins to change very much - sometimes even the profession of a person, the circle of his close friends and other hobbies and hobbies change.

A person lives following the rules of nature, tries to reunite with it, conducts healing procedures by swimming in an ice hole, meditates, and also brings positive to the people around him.

Most of these people affect their health through proper nutrition. There are a large number of both supporters and opponents of the raw food theory, there are many disputes and confrontations. How to call a raw food diet - a new principle of nutrition or the highest standard of living for people?

Raw food: where to start

In a raw food diet, it is strictly forbidden to consume and use products that are at least minimally affected by heat treatment.

In this case it is forbidden to use in food boiled, fatty, pickled, canned, and also smoked products.

In some methods of raw food diet from food, you need to completely exclude meat and fish products. In addition to all this, dried and dried foods are not allowed for food, which contain special additives of spices, sugar or any flavor enhancer.

This nutritional principle considered individual, but often comes into contact with veganism, vegetarianism and a large number of other various methods associated with a dietary and wellness diet.

How to switch to a raw food diet and how to become a raw foodist

  1. The principle of this method is the statement - "Man is a part of nature." As a result, he simply cannot eat and include in his diet what cannot be found in nature, for example, fried potatoes, fried chicken and other foods that have undergone heat treatment. It is for this reason that during the transition to a raw food diet, it is necessary to exclude all food that a person has become accustomed to over the years.
  2. In raw foods, vegetables and fruits, there are a large number of trace elements and nutrients, most of which simply die during any processing. In the raw state, all of them are stored and absorbed by the body in full. The principle of raw foodists is the phrase: "just wash and eat."
  3. Raw foodists claim that the food of the processed state is a real poison. They include not only such food that can be found in fast food establishments. This attitude to these products is explained by science itself. Frying, stewing and even boiling leads to the fact that all useful microelements evaporate in food, and in some cases new harmful and even dangerous ones appear.
  4. For example, the occurrence of carcinogens in it - substances that over time can cause the formation of a malignant tumor, free radicals and transisomers. A raw food diet must contain only raw food and no processed food. This method of nutrition should remove all the possibilities of harmful substances and elements entering the human body.
  5. In addition, only organically pure products contain so-called enzymes - particles of living, solar energy that help fruits and vegetables to carry out self-digestion in the body. They are full in the body of newborn children, and over time their number fades as they grow up and age. But at the same time, this level can be replenished all the time, using only raw food for this.

The basis of the diet of raw foodists for the day is refined food, or otherwise peeled or shelled products. It is in the peel and shell of cereal products that there is the largest amount of useful vitamins.

And also all products that can be stored for quite a long time contain harmful substances of the preservative type, flavor enhancers and coloring molecules. They should be completely excluded from a raw food diet.

The nuances of the transition to a raw food diet

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of several products at the same time. Most often, such products are incompatible with each other, require a long time for digestion and lead to a violation of the absorption function of a healthy human body.

Compliance a certain time period between eating a banana and then any grains leads to the fact that the body spends the least amount of energy on digesting these products. All the remaining energy in a person goes to self-healing, as well as to mental and physical activity.

Raw foodists are sure that it is a poor and unbalanced diet that leads to the fact that in the human body a large number of diseases occur and various problems. In the body, there are problems with the synthesis and metabolism, cardiovascular diseases, problems with the nervous system.

It is in this way that a person can be accustomed to a new and healthy lifestyle, eliminate all ailments and diseases and move to the level of a long and comfortable life.

What are the types of raw foods

There are several types of raw foods. In this case, the opinion of experts is very different. Some people think that for a correct and healthy lifestyle, only the use of fruits and vegetables alone is enough; others are sure that milk and meat in the diet will not hurt anything.

It is for this reason that there is now a large number of varieties raw food diet:

First, you should clearly understand why you want to switch to your chosen power system. What type will your food be - temporary or long-term type. Perhaps you just want to lose weight.

A large number of people want to use raw food in order to bring something new into their lives and make new experiences, and some just because it's fashionable. If you decide to make this food the main one, then you should approach it. with special responsibility and patience- only in this case you can get a real result and the effect of food.

Two types of transition to raw food:

  1. The first is to gradually include as many raw foods as possible in your diet every day, over time excluding all negative foods from it. With all this, on the very first day, smoked and fried foods, sweets and coffee should be completely eliminated from the diet of the future raw foodist.
  2. The second way is to abruptly stop eating thermal food. Most raw foodists claim that this method allows them to quickly get used to a change in diet. At the same time, the chances of breaking loose on such a diet are much increased.

Raw food diet - menu for beginners

The basis of the menu should include the following products:

Raw food: benefits and harms

Like other types of food, the raw food diet has its own distinctive disadvantages. If you follow a strict raw food diet (completely abandon vegetables, cereals, root crops), then the human body will simply stop receiving other types of vitamins and minerals.

This is capable disrupt the function of metabolism, synthesis substances and harm the body. Some sources claim that raw foodists have a decrease in vitamin B12 by several times.

Anyone with allergies is usually advised to eat cooked food rather than raw food. Raw vegetables and fruits can cause an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis when there is not enough hemicellulose (a special enzyme) in the pancreatic juice.

Moreover, a raw food diet can positively affect the body as a whole. There are a number of diseases in which to use only unprocessed food in your diet. Absolutely forbidden.

These diseases include the following:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic diseases.

The acids found in foods of raw origin can negatively influence on the mucous membrane and inflame it, and this action will continue for a very long time.

Therefore, if you decide to become a real raw foodist, then you should first think about all the pros and cons of such a diet.

A large number of fruits of red or bright color, nuts, pollen from flowers (it should also be eaten by raw foodists) can develop in the consumer allergic complications., or lead to an aggravation of those that are already present in the human body.

Recently, more and more people are choosing a new type of food - a raw food diet. It implies eating foods that have not undergone heat treatment, i.e. raw vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, cured meats, dried fish.

When exposed to high temperatures, foods lose most of their nutrients, vitamins and minerals are destroyed, protein denatures, food becomes empty.

Unlike regular food, there are many benefits.

  1. Firstly, raw food is better absorbed by the body, saturates it with useful substances.
  2. Secondly, with this type of nutrition, many diseases go away, the skin is cleansed, weight is normalized.
  3. Thirdly, many raw foodists claim that their consciousness clears up, memory and mental abilities improve.

All this perfectly motivates the transition to a new type of nutrition, but in practice it is not so easy to make a change in your usual way of life.

Moreover, this is not a diet, it is not an easy type of nutrition, but rather a new philosophy, which, in addition to changing the diet, implies a change in lifestyle, giving up bad habits, and taking more care of your health and the world around you.

If the decision to change life for the better is made, you need to learn how to switch to a raw food diet easily and painlessly.

Raw food: how to start?

It is advisable to follow a few rules when switching to this method of nutrition:

  1. to begin with, you can give up meat, then fish, dairy products, then switch completely to live food;
  2. it is better to start smoothly, gradually replacing some foods with others, try to eat more raw foods in relation to boiled ones;
  3. recommend eating raw foods in the following order: for breakfast - fruits and juices, for lunch - vegetables, for dinner - nuts and cereals. This is necessary so that the products are well digested;
  4. Before eating for 15-30 minutes, you can drink a glass of water, this will reduce your appetite, help the body cleanse itself. It is not recommended to drink within two hours after eating, as this interferes with normal digestion;
  5. summer is considered the best time to go, when there are a lot of raw vegetables and fruits. In winter, it is rather difficult to start, since the choice of products is very poor, although experienced raw foodists know how to treat their body in the cold season.

You can start eating raw food abruptly, but if the body was very clogged, there were hidden diseases, they all come to the surface. It may seem that because of the new type of food, the body began to get sick, this will discourage all desire to be a raw foodist.

At first, the state of health can deteriorate greatly, fatigue, headaches, apathy, and allergies will appear. But if you continue to follow the chosen path, everything will pass, the body will gradually return to normal.

Separately, it must be said about eating raw food in the winter. Since there is not as much raw food in winter as in summer, it is possible to deviate a little from the rules at the initial stage. You can eat raw food for breakfast and lunch, and eat cooked food for dinner. Only it should be natural, no bakery products, fast food, canned food, etc.

There are many recipes for a raw food diet in winter. So, you can eat apples, pears, citrus fruits, beets, carrots, radishes, zucchini, algae - all that is well stored. Nowadays, it is possible to buy almost various products in supermarkets at any time of the year, it is recommended to eat those vegetables, fruits, nuts that are suitable for the season and grow in the country of residence.

About the benefits and harm

Modern doctors are divided into two camps regarding the raw food diet: some recognize the benefits of this type of diet, others are trying to prove its harm. Many scientists claim that it is possible not only to generally improve well-being, normalize metabolism, lose weight, but also cure many diseases such as diabetes, migraine, allergies, poor eyesight, and cancer.

Therefore, in order to answer the question: where to start a raw food diet, you need to think about whether there is a determination to do everything right, to change not only the diet, but also the approach to life? Is a person ready to start taking care of himself and take full responsibility for his life?

Is it possible to switch to a raw food diet during pregnancy?

It is believed that a raw food diet and pregnancy are incompatible. There is some truth in this, since it is not recommended to switch to a raw food diet during pregnancy.

The transition to a new type of nutrition is stressful for the body, all its forces are spent on restructuring, and during pregnancy it is dangerous to expose your body to such tests, it may not withstand the load and respond with diseases.

If a woman did not have time to switch to a raw food diet before pregnancy, then during childbearing it is best not to change the diet drastically. You can eat more fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts, but leave boiled foods on the menu, the main thing is that the diet is balanced and complete.

Take care of yourself and your body, choose the type of food that best suits your nature, outlook and body, and take care of your health!

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Many people are interested in the topic of eating raw foods, where and how to start a raw food diet, the basics for beginners and recipes for raw foodists. A raw food diet can benefit the body. However, you should go on a diet very carefully, under the obligatory supervision of a doctor.

Products during heat treatment lose 75% of nutrients, including vitamins, proteins and amino acids. Fresh vegetables and fruits saturate the body with elements without which it cannot function normally.

Consult a dietitian before starting a raw food diet, especially if you suffer from kidney stones. Switching to a nutrition system is recommended after the approval of a doctor.

Once at the reception, do not reveal all intentions. The attitude of medicine to the raw food diet is skeptical. Therefore, even after a visit to the doctor, you will have to draw your own conclusions. I will note the existence of factors that prevent the transition to eating raw foods. I will focus on the three main ones.

  • The opinion of the external environment, which denies a strange food system. Many novice raw foodists, unable to withstand the temptation, return to the standard diet.
  • Lack of awareness. To achieve the goal, you need to eat only raw foods and do it right. It is about the choice, proportions and quantity of food.
  • The transition to a raw food diet is often accompanied by exacerbation of old and the emergence of new diseases. This leads to an unbalanced consumption of raw food, in which the body receives less nutrients.

After consulting with the doctor and thinking, smoothly or abruptly switch to raw food. Let's take a closer look at both options.

Abrupt transition to a raw food diet

It will seem that the correct and simple is a sharp transition, when a person decides to instantly give up fried meat, boiled potatoes, pastries and other dishes. In reality, not everything is so simple. The body gets used to a certain diet for many years, and it is problematic to quickly change to a different diet.

If you abruptly abandon traditional food, the body will constantly signal that it does not like food innovations. This manifests itself in the form of nausea, weakness, high fever and dizziness.

Beginners claim that this state of the body is caused by a restructuring of the digestive system. They are partly right, but do not forget that with a raw food diet, the body lacks nutrients. The stage is temporary, but sometimes lasts several years, during which old sores and weaknesses of the body appear.

Smooth transition to a raw food diet

To avoid this situation, use the method of smooth transition to a raw food diet, which involves gradually reducing the amount of cooked food consumed in favor of raw food. The method is the safest for health, as it helps to prepare the body for a new diet and minimizes the likelihood of psychological and physical discomfort after giving up the usual delicacies. As a result, the chance of a successful transition to a raw food diet increases.

The process is accompanied by "breaking" and problems with loved ones. This can be avoided by acting deliberately, smoothly and discreetly. Refuse the usual food should be phased. At first, exclude tea, meat, bakery products from the diet. The order of actions is arbitrary and manipulate the sequence of failures at your discretion. As a result, keep friendship with the body and do not break.

It is possible that in practice it will be necessary to repeatedly deviate from the chosen course. Raw foodists call this phenomenon a common breakdown, which is a simple satisfaction of the needs of an organism longing for oven-baked salmon and delicacies.

Just do not confuse "gluttony" with the needs of the body. If the condition does not improve even after several meals of traditional food, the reason is not a lack of nutrients, but a lack of moral support.

On the way to the goal, there will be problems with friends, relatives, representatives of medicine. To make the process calmer, it is better not to talk about the raw food diet. At first, say that you are following a diet, the duration of which depends on the result.

Video experience and basics for beginners

Now I will share some useful tips for beginners. If you are new to the raw food diet, heed the guidelines to increase your chances of success.

  1. Decide if you really need it. Only after careful and lengthy reflection, make a decision that will radically change your life.
  2. Take control of your thoughts. If you imagine fried chicken, you will not achieve your goal. Get rid of such thoughts as soon as possible, eat a raw treat: bananas or apples.
  3. Moving towards the goal, forget about parties, banquets and buffets. If you can't avoid the event, take food with you. It does not hurt to find like-minded people. This will make things easier.
  4. Do not consider yourself the greatest person because you have switched to species nutrition. Eat your favorite foods and do not preach a raw food diet, otherwise you will not be able to avoid trouble.
  5. It is recommended to switch to a raw food diet in the summer, since during this period the probability of failure is minimal. Summer is replete with access to greens, vegetables, berries and fruits.

Remember, the world of the raw food diet is rich and unknown. Having plunged into it headlong, track the actions and observe the activity of colleagues. Otherwise, miss interesting discoveries.

What can a raw foodist eat

Continuing the topic of the article, I will tell you what you can eat raw foodists. I will consider a list of products that are popular among raw foodists.

Each region of the country is characterized by the cultivation of certain products. But thanks to supermarkets and personal plots, the raw foodist does not have to go hungry.

  1. Fruit comes first . They should be present in the diet of every person who switched to a raw food diet. Bananas, pears, apples, peaches and oranges will help cheer you up and energize and positive. A similar effect will provide pomegranate, nectarine and other gifts of nature.
  2. Dried fruits and dried vegetables . Among which are dates, raisins, prunes, beets, carrots and mushrooms. If instead of purchased products on the table there is a delicacy prepared by oneself, this is excellent.
  3. Root vegetables and vegetables . In addition to zucchini, eggplant, cabbage and potatoes, the raw foodist's diet includes turnips, carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, radishes and radishes.
  4. Berries are a source of vitamins . Strawberries, lingonberries, currants, rose hips, blueberries, viburnum - an incomplete list of berries that are allowed to eat with a raw food diet.
  5. nuts. If a person eats raw foods, the need for protein does not disappear. Nuts help solve the problem. Moving towards the goal, make sure that there are pistachios, peanuts, Brazil nuts or walnuts on the table.
  6. Cereal crops . They will provide protein and energy if sprouted and used as food.
  7. Algae, sorrel and spinach . They contain many trace elements that help strengthen the heart. Romaine and lettuce provide a similar effect.
  8. Spices . Eat basil, parsley, dill, turmeric, or green onions. Spices complement the taste of raw dishes and protect against harmful microorganisms.
  9. Honey is a source of longevity and youth . In addition to honey, eat bee bread, royal jelly and pollen.
  10. wild plants . If you like the exotic, eat wild plants, including quinoa and nettle. Plants are rarely used for food, but used to be popular.
  11. Weeds and wild plants . Based on them, green cocktails are prepared according to many recipes.

I will add that you can not buy dried fruits, but make them yourself using an electric dryer. Some foods are suitable for freezing. Even with a raw food diet, it will be possible to prepare for the winter.

Common Mistakes When Switching to a Raw Food Diet

In conclusion, I will consider common mistakes made by novice raw foodists, which have a bad effect on health and push back the moment of achieving the goal.

  • Rapid transition . The body takes time to adjust to a new diet, and rushing increases the likelihood of breakdowns and stressful situations.
  • Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products . If you really decide to eat healthy food, give up bad habits.
  • Drinking a small amount of water . Vegetables are high in fluid, but drink at least two liters of water daily.
  • Lack of hygiene . When on a raw food diet, pay special attention to brushing your teeth. Some fruits and vegetables contain acids that destroy teeth, and toothache is an unpleasant thing.
  • Only food. Beginners are sure that a raw food diet is a panacea. This is not true. Without walks, exercise, tanning and an active lifestyle, the body degrades.
  • Product abuse . Absorption of nuts and sprouts in excessive quantities does not bode well. So that the stomach does not experience discomfort, and the body receives the necessary substances, eat a little of everything.
  • Ignoring hunger . Remember, a raw food diet is not starvation. If the stomach requires food, then satisfy the whim. By restricting your appetite, you prevent adaptation to a new diet.
  • thoughts about food . Do not think about food - this will lead to anxiety, and people seize stress. Just in case, keep raw food in stock in the fridge.
  • Salt and spices . They increase appetite, give rise to a desire to taste delicious. Don't use them on a raw food diet.
  • Lack of attention to yourself . Listen to the sensations and monitor the reaction of the stomach. He may not like certain foods.
  • Rejection of traditional food . If there is a desire to eat a piece of pollock, make this retreat. If you lose one battle, you will win the confrontation.

On this note, I end the article on the raw food diet. You know how to act to achieve the goal and where to start. On the way there will be obstacles in the form of breakdowns, but do not be afraid of this. Anyone who abandoned traditional food faced such difficulties.

Even if you break down, don't give up. The experience gained will help in the future. Maintain a positive attitude, which is considered an indispensable factor in the worldview.

Absolutely healthy people, unfortunately, make up only 4.3% of the world's population. The reason for the increase in the incidence in 51% of cases is harmful and high-calorie foods, overweight and obesity, poisoning of the body with products containing toxins, nitrates, GMOs and synthetic additives. That's why more than 1 billion people around the world prefer vegetarianism, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. But a raw food diet, especially for beginners, can cause difficulties that sweet tooth, meat and spice fans so often write about. Getting rid of food addiction and learning to control your taste preferences is easy if you have more information about the benefits of dishes from fresh natural ingredients.

The basics of a raw food diet: where to start the path to health

As an independent alternative nutrition system, the raw food diet dates back to 1903 after the publication of the book “Principles of Dietary Treatment”, written by the Swiss physician and scientist Maximilian Bircher-Benner. He drew a line between the basics of vegetarianism and outlined the principles of eating raw foods. Thanks to the work of a researcher in the field of nutrition, the basis for the variants of the modern raw food diet has emerged:

  • classic, mixed Only raw vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, nuts and seeds, cereals and germinated seeds are allowed. Among wild plants, quinoa, goutweed, nettle, dandelion and plantain are popular. In some cases, milk, eggs, fish, natural honey are allowed;
  • vegetarian. Prohibition of meat, game and seafood. Whole grain bread, hemp seeds, soybeans, cottage cheese and eggs are used;
  • strict, vegan. Limits the use of all animal products, including eggs, honey, milk;
  • carnivorous. This direction does not accept food that has undergone heat or cold treatment. It is possible to introduce vegetable oil, cereals, raw meat, fish into the diet;
  • fruitarianism. Fresh fruits, dried fruits in the open, vital parts of plants have an advantage;
  • raw food diet. Each meal should correspond to one selected product.

Switching to a Raw Food Diet: A Beginner's Guide

It is difficult to immediately achieve the desired result, so do not rush to radically change your usual menu. Otherwise, weakness, a feeling of intense hunger, aggression and discomfort will appear. For the raw food diet to be effective, remember how to start eating right:

  • observe the drinking regimen. Start with mineral or purified water without impurities, unpleasant taste and smell;
  • Breakfast lunch and dinner. Light snacks every 1.5-2 hours. In the first half of the day, it is allowed to cook dishes from boiled products;
  • choose your favorite fruits and vegetables;
  • avoid meat, pasta and confectionery;
  • unleavened bread or from wholemeal flour;
  • use brown sugar as a sweetener;
  • juices, decoctions and tinctures are best drunk between meals;
  • seasonings, spices and sauces replace cranberry, lemon and tomato nectar.

For beginner raw foodists, 1-3 weeks of daily adherence to a healthy diet will be enough. At this time, the body is cleansed and accustomed to natural sources of vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Raw food: how to start menu planning

Now that expensive processed foods, frozen or fast food are a thing of the past, it's time to think about healthy and complete food. But, before embarking on such a process as a raw food diet, and turn to the menu for beginners, designate a list of necessary products.

Fresh fruits, berries and citrus fruits, vegetables and herbs. They fill the body, first of all, with vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening muscle tone, the functioning of blood vessels, and repairing tissues and cells. Minerals accelerate metabolism, activate fatty acid metabolism enzymes, help proteins to be absorbed, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Soy, beans and peas are indispensable in redox reactions, help to absorb iron and prevent capillary fragility, prevent anemia, regulate cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.

Nuts provide the body with energy, participate in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, play an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the absorption capacity of the intestine. The high content of manganese, fluorine and copper contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton and bone tissue, and vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system.

Plants. Plantain, burdock, quinoa, lemon balm, gout, nettle. They have an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, regulate the level of insulin in the body, protect the biliary system, blood vessels and heart.

Fish. The presence of seafood in the diet makes up for the lack of protein and amino acids in the body. They contain a large amount of vitamins B, A, E and D, minerals and such an important trace element as iodine. Regular consumption of fish meat normalizes the production of hormones, improves water, acid and electrolyte balance in the body, and is responsible for energy metabolism.

Raw food diet: menu for the week and simple recipes for beginners

By managing the needs of their appetite, followers of vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle note a low feeling of hunger, a reduction in sleep to 4-6 hours, an increase in physical endurance, and an improvement in memory and attention. It was said earlier about what a raw food diet is, but where to start proper nutrition and how to make a menu for a week, we will try to find out together. The first thought that comes to mind is what raw foodists eat for breakfast:

  • oatmeal. A glass of cereal is filled with water overnight. In the morning, raisins, dried apricots, berries or pitted dates are added to the finished porridge;
  • vivacity cocktail. Ingredients: one centimeter of ginger root, 3 carrots and 2 apples. All ingredients are placed in a juicer until life-giving nectar is obtained;
  • paste for burdock and apple sandwiches. For cooking, it is necessary to boil 200 grams of plant roots in salted water in advance, grate it. Make puree from 100 grams of peeled apples. Add melted butter and 0.5 teaspoon of mustard to the resulting mixture.

Lunch at a raw foodist is as satisfying as that of an ordinary person, but more healthy and tasty. For those who have chosen a raw food diet for weight loss and do not know where to start, we offer a dietary vegetarian borscht and its recipe:

  • red beets - 3 pieces;
  • carrots - 4 pieces;
  • celery and ginger root;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • 0.5 cups of olive oil;
  • 0.5 cups of walnuts;
  • 500 grams of cabbage;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Grind beets, ginger, bay leaf and garlic in a blender. Place in a saucepan and fill with water. In the next step, form a homogeneous mixture of peeled oranges, 2 carrots, celery, olive oil and walnuts. Combine all the components obtained into a total mass. Finely chop the cabbage and the remaining carrots, add to the finished dish.

Delicious and nutritious desserts, which the raw food diet offers on the menu for beginners, will not allow you to gain excess weight and is suitable for quick weight loss. Recipe for making a raw food cake:

  • almonds - 1 cup;
  • sunflower seeds - 0.5 cups;
  • orange peel;
  • banana - 2 pieces;
  • dates - 150 grams;
  • flax seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • water.

Sunflower seeds and almonds should be left overnight in water. In the morning, chop them together with dates, add orange zest. Knead the dough from the resulting composition. The cream is made from crushed bananas, orange juice and flax seeds. The cake is infused for about 2 hours.

Raw food diet from Victoria Butenko: where to start

A successful health educator from the United States has opened up new possibilities for plant-based foods to the world. Victoria Butenko has proved from her own experience that a raw food diet can benefit and restore health to the body, and her menu for beginners is in no way inferior to the tastes of a sophisticated gourmet.

For example, Live Burger. You can’t even buy this in the McDonald’s fast food restaurant chain. But, unlike its counterpart with a high content of synthetic additives, preservatives and dyes, Victoria Butenko's burger recipe is absolutely harmless. The following ingredients are required for its preparation:

  • champignons;
  • sunflower seeds - 2 cups;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • small bulb;
  • 1 lemon;
  • raisins - ¼ cup;
  • olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of sea salt;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • thyme, basil, rosemary to taste;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper.

Sunflower seeds are finely ground, in the form of a powder, placed in a bowl. Carrots in a food processor are brought to a puree state, to which you need to add chopped onions, raisins, honey, olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt, herbs and pepper. All components are re-mixed in a combine for about 1 minute. The resulting pate is placed between the mushroom halves.

The absence of sugar in the diet of a raw foodist can be replaced with a delicious dessert. The recipe for the famous "Cranberry Cakes" and a positive attitude during the cooking process will give a bright taste to an unusual dish. If you want sweets, Victoria Butenko suggests preparing simple ingredients in advance:

  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • apple - 2 pieces;
  • walnuts - 2 cups;
  • raisins - 2 cups;
  • fresh cranberries - 1 cup;
  • flax seeds - 1 cup;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • olive oil and sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 4 tablespoons.

In a food processor, puree apples and carrots, grind walnuts and flax seeds into a powder. Stir chopped food. Add cranberries, raisins, oil and lemon juice to the prepared mixture. Knead the dough until smooth and make cakes. Decorate the top with sesame seeds. Dessert should be dried for at least 15-20 hours at a room temperature of up to 45 ° C.

For daily intake, Victoria Butenko recommends making so-called "green cocktails". They should be 60% fruit. The rest is green. You can cook them at any time with the help of a blender and fantasy, based on your taste and favorite natural products. Sweet Green Cocktail Ingredients:

  • mint and spinach - 1 bunch each;
  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • bananas - 3 pieces;
  • water - 2 glasses.

After the introduction of the drink into the diet, the body gradually gets used to the greenery, the work of the digestive and excretory systems is normalized. The daily norm is 2-3 cups.

Aterov raw food diet: menus and recipes for beginners

Arshavir Ter-Avanesyan considered the kitchen fire to be the cause of all diseases, and he often called people who eat boiled food “food addicts”. Aterov argued that in raw foodists, diseased cells are healed, worn out cells are restored, and inactive cells acquire their vital activity. The author sharply spoke out against drug therapy, artificial vitamins and diets. using Aterov's recipes.

Germinated seeds. Soak wheat, lentils, peas or beans for two days until small sprouts appear. Rinse thoroughly and store in a cool place. You can eat such food for about 3 days.

Salad of seeds and vegetables. Skip wheat, lentils or beans through a meat grinder. Grate carrots and tomatoes. Finely chop cucumbers, herbs and onions. Use olive oil and lemon juice as a sauce.

Halva from walnuts, almonds and pistachios. The recipe is very simple. Chop nuts, mix with honey. Supplement the taste with cardamom, vanilla or saffron. If desired, wrap the finished product in lettuce leaves.

Maintaining a raw food diet in winter is easy with a dried fruit compote recipe. Dried fruits are wetted in water. The resulting drink is consumed with almonds, pistachios, cardamom or vanilla.

"Smart raw food diet" by Sergey Gladkov: menu for beginners and a list of products

One of the main principles of the right food for the body, soul and spirit, Sergei Gladkov voiced in one phrase: "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." The healer and yogi became the author of more than 100 scientific articles and the founder of the "smart raw food diet", which involves the combination of plant products with each other:

  • beet. Suitable for garlic, onions, potatoes (or);
  • cabbage. Interacts with rosemary, mint, celery, dill, chamomile and potatoes;
  • carrot. Can be cooked with tomatoes, peas, lettuce and leeks;
  • corn. Complements the taste of pumpkin, zucchini and peas;
  • cucumbers. Best consumed with legumes, radishes, sunflower seeds, lettuce and corn;
  • Strawberry. Decorate food with the addition of lettuce, onions and spinach;
  • tomatoes. Perfectly compatible with asparagus, carrots, parsley and marigolds;
  • eggplant. Served with beans and potatoes.

To avoid problems with the digestion of raw food, Gladkov suggests applying the principles of separate nutrition. He recommends boosting your metabolism with a combination of acidic vegetables and foods rich in starch. Dried fruits can be eaten with cottage cheese.

For a very long time raw food diet is a popular food system in different countries of the world. And every year he has more and more fans. This system is practiced by those who seek to lose weight, and people for whom it is a way of life and a way of expressing their beliefs. A raw food diet is a variety that is characterized by the consumption of exclusively unprocessed thermal products. That is, raw foodists consume raw food without spices, they also eat sprouted grains. This style of eating is very peculiar, and not everyone can practice it, but only people who are completely healthy, whose digestive system is functioning normally. However, quite a lot of modern people are striving to switch to such a diet. Therefore, the question of where to start a raw food diet is quite relevant for many. This, as well as how the transition to a raw food diet, will be discussed in this article.

Why do people tend to become raw foodists?

Trying to switch to this nutrition system, many set the goal of becoming not only physically healthy, but also strengthening their spiritual state. There are many benefits to this power plan:

  • Eating raw food is good for the brain. After all, such a diet allows you to provide the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and contained in thermally unprocessed food. Many of the substances that are extremely important for the immune and other body systems disappear during heat treatment. And in raw foods, they remain in sufficient quantities.
  • Raw food is also good for the digestive system and teeth. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber, which cleanses the liver and intestines.
  • Since raw foodists do not eat meat, this has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels and the heart. In raw foodists, it develops less often, blood clots occur.
  • The internal organs of people who practice this diet are healthier, since this diet greatly facilitates their functioning.
  • Adhering to this system, it is much easier to lose those extra pounds. Raw foodists tend to maintain their ideal weight, but they don't get too skinny. However, the experience of many people switching to a raw food diet shows that already in the first 5-10 days of eating raw food, body weight drops sharply. True, this explains the fact that with a sharp change in the nutrition system, salts and excess fluid are removed from the body.
  • The practice of a raw food diet will allow you to consume much less salt than modern people are used to. Gradually, a person who consumes unprocessed food learns to feel its true taste, and additives such as spices and salt become less necessary for him than before.
  • Raw foodists are healthier, they will not experience stomach heaviness, and this allows them to feel better psychologically. Therefore, another advantage of the raw food diet is the good mood of those who practice it.

It is important to know them before switching to a raw food diet. After all, this system is based on the observance of the basic principles.

  • There is no meat in the diet. This system involves the consumption of exclusively plant products.
  • No chemicals on the menu. Raw foodists are adherents of a healthy diet, so they do not consume any products with additives, including “milk”.
  • Products are processed only at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Those who practice this diet steam their porridges with warm water, but never process food at higher temperatures.
  • On the table - only what grows in the ground. You can consume only plant products from the earth, trees, bushes.

Who shouldn't become a raw foodist?

Before you become a raw foodist, you need to clearly know who such experiments are strictly contraindicated. This system cannot be practiced:

  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • the elderly, children, adolescents under 18;
  • people suffering.

Raw food: where to start

The answer to the question of where to start such a practice is simple: in order to correctly switch to raw food, you first need to mentally tune in to such changes. It is important to understand what you will have to give up, which favorite products will go into the category of prohibited ones. To survive the transition period as simply as possible, you need a fairly solid motivation. There are numerous thematic forums and communities for beginners, which have a lot of useful information. There you can find those like-minded people who will tell you more about the raw food diet and help you set yourself up for a successful start. It is important not to be shy to ask important questions to those who already have such experience. It is also recommended to keep a food diary, with which you can later evaluate what time you want to eat the most.

In addition, it is important to prepare your surroundings for the fact that a raw foodist will live next to him. After all, many people are not ready to immediately accept the principles of this food system and life in general, and adequately relate to the fact that someone is trying to follow it.

After a person makes a firm decision about such changes in lifestyle, he must definitely prepare and adjust the body for a smooth transition to an unusual diet. The algorithm for gradual changes in nutrition can be as follows:

  • First, meat dishes are excluded from the diet - instead of them, you need to consume legumes or mushrooms.
  • Instead of tea and coffee, start drinking juices and plenty of clean water.
  • Eat several vegetables with every meal.
  • Replace all snacks with fruits and vegetables.
  • Steam cereals in water, not hotter than 50 degrees, and gradually introduce them into the diet.
  • Practice sports - yoga, Pilates, running, swimming.
  • After a few weeks, start replacing one meal with raw food.

The most important advice for those who are serious about changing their approach to both nutrition and life in general is to do it gradually.

The system of effective transition to a raw food diet provides for a gradual addiction to this type of food. This will help to gradually overcome psychological barriers and physically tune in to the consumption of raw food. Therefore, at first it is important to understand yourself, weigh all the pros and cons, and gradually move steps towards a complete transition. These steps are described in more detail below.

First stage

At the very beginning, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to determine whether this nutrition technique is suitable for a person. After all, with some diseases, eating exclusively raw foods is not recommended. For those who suffer from colitis, ulcers, diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder, it is better to stick to a more sparing diet.

In addition, it is worth talking with a nutritionist about how to eat in order to get the maximum amount of minerals important for the body and.

Second step

At this stage, a person should already move on to certain restrictions and determine for himself what can be eaten and what should be discarded right now. It is better to exclude harmful products altogether or significantly limit their number. Such products are fast food and snacks, confectionery and flour, sausage and semi-finished products, canned food and alcohol. At the same time, you need to gradually learn to replace the harmful with the useful. That is, instead of sweets, you can eat nuts and dried fruits, instead of alcohol - juice.

Third step

Since raw foodists do not eat meat and fish, at this stage it would be quite logical to switch to. For a certain time, you can leave dairy products and eggs on the menu. This transition occurs gradually, and as a result, a person must become a vegan, giving up all animal products. A gradual transition is a guarantee that the taste buds will adequately respond to new sensations. At this stage, you should definitely buy a blender, which is an indispensable gadget for raw foodists.

Fourth step

It is at this stage that a complete transition to a raw food diet occurs. Those who have this experience are advised to plan the transition so that this stage occurs during the warm season, when the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is very high. During this period, it is worth exploring what products for raw foodists this or that online store offers. It is also worth watching a video about the nutritional features of raw foodists, reading as much relevant literature as possible.

What are the problems beginners may face?

Any beginner's guide also describes the problems that a person may encounter in the process of switching to eating raw food.

  • First of all, it is very difficult for people to refuse food prepared in the usual way - boiled, fried, stewed.
  • Given that raw foodists can eat food that is not too familiar for an ordinary person, the body may resist and require hot food at first. This is what can cause crises and breakdowns.
  • Another difficulty is the lack of support from others, who, instead of support, can try to dissuade and convince that this way of eating is unhealthy.

Raw food diet: menu for the week

Initially, you can use an exemplary menu and cook dishes according to this scheme. Despite the fact that dishes are repeated in this menu for a week, numerous recipes suitable for raw foodists allow you to significantly diversify the diet. Therefore, the menu of a raw foodist for every day can be very diverse.

Breakfast Snack Dinner Dinner
First day Portion of oatmeal soaked in warm water, orange, banana and kiwi Any nuts Buckwheat and vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil 300 g vegetable puree
Second day Fruit juice, apple with honey, two bananas A glass of juice Grated carrots, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs Vegetable salad, juice
Third day Rice soaked in warm water, fruit juice Grapefruit, pumpkin seeds Crispbread for raw foodists, coleslaw, pumpkin porridge Seaweed with sesame seeds and spices
Fourth day Juice, cucumber, tomato, mushroom and bean salad apple, banana Vegetable cutlets, fruit salad with honey Vegetable smoothies
Fifth day Grapefruit and two apples Two tomatoes Cucumber and cauliflower salad, bell pepper Avocado and Cucumber Salad
Sixth day Tomato and cucumber salad with various herbs and olive oil fruit salad Melon Two oranges, cucumber and pepper salad
Seventh day Jerusalem artichoke, carrot and celery salad banana and orange Carrots with vegetable oil, cucumber salad and tomato Olive and Pepper Salad

Some tips to help make this transition more comfortable:

  • It is worth talking more with like-minded people, visiting thematic forums and communities.
  • Meditation and yoga will help reduce stress and reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.
  • In order not to break loose during the transition period, nuts and fruits should always be at hand.
  • It will not be superfluous and the habit of keeping a food diary.
  • It is important to pay more attention to the benefits of this lifestyle, try to recognize new tastes in food and learn to embrace the raw food diet with joy.


People who have made a firm decision to become raw foodists should pay special attention to the tips and recommendations discussed above. After all, it largely depends on compliance with these rules and the smoothness of the transition whether it will be possible to completely change the way of life and nutrition in the end. It is important to understand that a raw food diet is a nutrition system, following which a person can improve health and everyday well-being, cleanse the body, lower cholesterol, and normalize sugar levels. In addition, there is a general rejuvenation, a person loses weight. However, despite all the advantages of this system, it is important to clearly understand what will have to be abandoned. Only with such a conscious attitude will the transition be successful.

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