How to open your own gym. How to open a gym

Today, a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of the image of a successful person. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch is of interest to many. In large cities there are quite large fitness clubs and it is quite difficult to compete with online monsters. But if your city is small, then this article is just for you.

Fitness club

What do you need to open a fitness club, provided you have start-up capital?

  1. Decide on the services of the future fitness club.
  2. Prepare a business plan.
  3. Collect the necessary documents.
  4. Find a room.
  5. Purchase the necessary equipment.
  6. Conduct an advertising campaign.
  7. Hire qualified personnel.

Fitness club services

A fitness club can provide a whole range of services:

  • fitness;
  • shaping;
  • aerobics room;
  • Gym;
  • pool;
  • massage;
  • solarium;
  • manicure;
  • bar.

You can provide all of these services or select some of them. It’s worth starting with a small number of services, followed by expanding the range.The presence of a swimming pool will improve the status of the club, but will also lead to a decent increase in the required starting capital. In addition, most likely, you will have to build your own building in order to get a pool.

Business plan

The first thing any successful business starts with is a good business plan. In general, you can order it from professionals, but this will require additional costs, but will save time. Or you can take a ready-made business plan for a fitness club as a basis and adapt it to your conditions. Let's look at an example of a business plan for an economy class fitness club with calculations, which you can, if necessary, remake for yourself. Let's consider the example of a club that provides fitness services and a gym for exercising on exercise machines.

We draw up a business plan

Basic costs

  1. Staff wage fund – 85,000 rubles/month.
  2. The cost of purchasing simulators and equipment is RUB 250,000.
  3. Expenses for paperwork – 20,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising expenses – 15,000 rubles/month
  5. The cost of renting the premises is 50,000 rubles/month.
  6. Utility fee – 20,000 rubles/month.

Total per month: 190,000 rub. plus the purchase of simulators 250,000 rubles. Thus, it turns out that opening a fitness club will cost us 440 thousand rubles.


The cost of a monthly subscription is 2500 rubles.If you sell 100 subscriptions per month, the profit will be 250,000 rubles.Accordingly, our fitness club will pay for itself in 4 months, provided that we can ensure the sale of the specified number of subscriptions.

You need to understand that the given plan is ideal. In reality, it is necessary to take into account that additional expenses may be necessary and taxes must be paid. Therefore, you should not count on payback earlier than in 6-8 months.

When choosing equipment, it is necessary to pay more attention to durability and reliability. You should not buy exercise equipment from expensive brands, especially if your future club will be economy class.

If you are going to open a fairly large and modern business or elite class fitness club, then the required start-up capital will increase tenfold. You will need to build a new building, in which a swimming pool will need to be provided at the design stage. You will need modern and new equipment, which will need to be changed at least once every 1-2 years.

Required documents

First, you need to choose and register the legal form of your future business with the tax office. At first, it will be simpler and easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will help avoid additional accounting costs and make it possible to use a simplified taxation scheme.When registering, you must indicate the codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) for the services that you will provide. Here is a sample list of codes:

  • physical culture and recreational activities code 93.04;
  • other activities in the field of sports code 92.62;
  • activities of sports facilities code 92.61.

The only thing worth remembering is that if in the future you expand the range of services (for example, add a massage, solarium or manicure), then you should indicate this in advance, noting the OKVED classification of additional services.Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you will need to have medical documents for employees, a contract for the maintenance of the premises, a passport of a sports institution and a production control plan (PCP).


If you plan to rent a room, then you need to choose a place with a lot of people traffic. This could be a room in the center or not far from a university. You can open the doors of your fitness club in a residential area, where the rental price will be significantly lower than in the city center.

It is important to choose the right room

Don't forget about the convenience of potential clients. It is convenient for people to exercise near home or on the way from work.It is worth using your own premises if its location meets the requirements that apply to rented premises. Roughly speaking, if your premises are located in an industrial zone, then opening a fitness club there is unlikely to bring profit. Even despite the lack of expenses for renting premises.

You need to pay attention to the ventilation and air conditioning system of the hall where the training takes place. It must be well ventilated and provided with high-quality ventilation. It should be possible to maintain a pleasant temperature for training.It is also worth remembering that in addition to the training room, locker rooms, toilets and showers are also needed. Availability of hot and cold water is required.

The area of ​​the room can be approximately determined based on the calculation that each potential client should have at least 4-5 square meters. m.


Classes in the fitness room involve training on various equipment such as a fitball, a step platform, and you will also need dumbbells. If the club also has a gym, then it will need exercise equipment to work out various muscle groups, so the choice of equipment should be approached with this in mind.

Fitness club equipment

The minimum equipment that is good to have in a fitness club is:

  • fitballs;
  • step platforms;
  • horizontal bench;
  • bench with a leg trainer and a barbell rack;
  • abdominal exercise machine;
  • simulator for developing chest muscles;
  • Smith machine;
  • treadmill;
  • leg press machine;
  • various barbells, dumbbells, discs and other small items.

Naturally, the number of simulators and equipment should be selected depending on the desired customer traffic. For example, fitballs and a step platform must correspond to the expected number of participants in the fitness group. The number of treadmills should be at least two, and it is better to have more barbells and dumbbells.

Attracting first clients

At this stage, you already need to think about running an advertising campaign for your business. It would be nice to print invitation flyers and announce the imminent opening. They can be distributed in public places.You can advertise in local newspapers. Advertising on television is quite expensive and makes sense if your club is in a high price segment.You can think over a loyalty system for customers - discount cards.It is possible to launch a promotion like “Come with a friend and get two classes for free.”Think about the opportunity for mothers with small children to visit your club. Organize a small playroom with a nanny or create sports programs for kids.


When all the previous points have been completed, you should start recruiting. It is advisable to select trainers with experience and sufficient knowledge to conduct effective training.The best option would be to ensure that they have the necessary education and work experience.

  • Minimum number of staff when opening a small hall subject to shift work:
  • administrator 2 people;
  • trainer 2 people;
  • cleaning lady 2 people;

accountant (when opening an LLC) 1 person.

If we open a small sports business, then to begin with it will be enough for us to hire seven people. With further expansion of the range of services, the number of personnel will need to be increased.Coaches are an important member of the future team. Their choice should be approached with the greatest responsibility. It is worth considering candidates from former athletes, physical education teachers at school or university. It is advisable for the trainer to have a specialized education.

If a large club opens, the number of staff will, of course, be much larger. Additional trainers, nurses, and massage therapists may be required.

Today, gyms, fitness centers and other health facilities are more popular than ever. People have finally had enough of jewelry, cars, apartments and other benefits of civilization and decided to take care of their health. So in the near future, the popularity of gyms will not decrease, but will even increase. So, you have decided to realize yourself in this direction, but how to open a gym is a murky matter.

With the wave of a magic wand, wishes come true only in a fairy tale, but in reality a huge number of questions arise, such as: how much does it cost to open a gym, how quickly will it pay for itself, how to attract clients. In other words, to create a successful and profitable enterprise, you first need to draw up a business plan for a gym. There are many factors that determine whether your project will be profitable or whether you will, as they say, “go down the drain.” But first things first

First, research the area in which you plan to open your gym. Find out which halls already exist and how long they have been operating, in what price range they operate, what services they offer, what bonuses and privileges they give to their regular visitors. You need to try to find a free niche in the sports services market and create your own gym business. For example, if there is a large fitness center designed for a business audience, there are probably a lot of people who are left “overboard.” They also want to be in good sports shape, but for less money. So this is exactly what you should offer them. And if there are such halls, then think about how yours will be different.

How can you attract clients? Who needs it?

So we smoothly approached another important question: who will visit the hall? Men or women, young people or middle-aged people, businessmen or middle-income people? Please note that in the modern world people live in a shortage of free time, which means that it is close to their home that they will look for a service, namely a place to train. And the question is what can you offer them: what will they be interested in, how can you fuel this interest so that the occupancy of the hall is constant.

A lot will depend on the target audience: room design, equipment, music for classes, training programs. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand who the potential client of your gym business is. If morning hours are in demand among young mothers, it would be logical to create a children's playroom. This could become your “trick”. Women will be very grateful to you for the time that they can spend only on themselves.

Making a name for ourselves

Now you need to be remembered and associated with something good. Therefore, when setting up your gym, think not how to quickly “recoup” the money, but how to create comfortable conditions for visitors. When drawing up a business plan for opening a gym, include in the cost estimate large mirrors, several hair dryers, maybe even toiletries. You can't do without this in the women's locker room. Consider little things like drinking water or drink machines. If space allows, you can even set up a small cafe, which will offer green tea, fresh juice, and sports cocktails. Why not offer them to visitors, albeit for a fee?

Add to your expenses money for the purchase of comfortable furniture and lockers. For the cold season, provide a wardrobe. On the one hand, bulky outerwear and shoes will not fit in a regular locker and will disturb visitors; on the other hand, you prevent street dirt from entering your premises and simplify cleaning. In addition, do not try to fill the room with expensive exercise equipment - this will not surprise anyone now; it is more important to arrange them ergonomically so that people do not interfere with each other during classes.

The main value of a good gym is professional trainers who are able to develop an effective program of individual and group lessons. Therefore, approach the selection of personnel responsibly. This way, you can gradually gain the trust and respect of your customers. The main thing is not to forget that once you set a certain bar for yourself, you will be forced to constantly maintain it, otherwise your clients will one day run away.

How it works?

A good gym business plan assumes that your enterprise will be profitable, and this is possible if the load on the gym is uniform and constant. Start with a work schedule: divide all work time into 3 shifts. In the morning the workload is minimal (most people go to work), so you can rely on housewives. Arrange group classes in the morning - Pilates, fitness, yoga, step aerobics.

You can reduce the cost of morning classes. This way you will attract more people. After lunch there will be an average load for the hall, and the peak will be in the evening.

Make sure there is enough space for everyone, as evening passes tend to be the most expensive. Think over a subscription system for customers: their cost, reward system. For example:

  • The more classes a person pays for, the more discount he receives.
  • You can encourage the attraction of new clients: if you bring a friend to classes, you get a discount.
  • You can create family memberships, which will also attract people to your gym.

Order high-quality personalized season tickets - they will look respectable, especially with the VIP mark.

Gyms are very seasonal. In the summer, you will naturally have fewer visitors, because many will leave for vacation. This means that it is at this time that it is advisable for you to send your employees on vacation. And in the fall, as they say, with renewed vigor.

How much does it cost?

In general, gyms are among those projects that quickly pay off (usually this period takes about 6-8 months), then they begin to make a profit. But, nevertheless, you still have to calculate the initial capital. What to consider? First, you will need money to rent the necessary premises and equip it. You will have to fork out money not only for exercise equipment and sports equipment. It will be necessary to create all the conditions for comfortable training for clients. Let's give approximate costs for opening a small hall with an area of ​​about 150 m2. It is also necessary to equip showers and toilets, provide a comfortable foyer for waiting and relaxing, a reception desk, office offices and premises, and provide them with the necessary furniture and office equipment.

  • furniture at the reception - $1000
  • office equipment - $1,500
  • carpet (150 m2) - $450
  • exercise equipment and dumbbells - from $20,000
  • vending machine with drinks - $1,000
  • stereo system - from $500
  • plasma panels in the hall (3 pcs) - $2,000
  • lockers in the wardrobe - from $1,500
  • shower and toilet equipment (2) - from $3,000
  • washing vacuum cleaner - from $400

In total, excluding registration and rent costs, the total costs will be at least $40,000.

Even at the initial stage, you will need money for an advertising campaign, otherwise how will your potential clients know about your existence? Here, as they say, all means are good. You can order advertising leaflets, and it is better if their bearers are promised some kind of discount or gift. Such promotions work very well. You can hang an advertising banner or a colorful banner near the hall, and arrange a grand opening with gifts and a small buffet. Advertising in popular print publications and videos work well. This option is, of course, the most expensive, but also the most effective, because the television audience is the largest.

What can you expect? We will try to determine the production program based on the capacity of the hall. Let's take as a basis the cost of an hour of classes in the gym in the amount of $1. It is assumed that the gym will be open seven days a week (except for holidays) - 350-351 days a year. Our hall is designed for 20 visitors at a time, therefore:

351 * 20 people * 11 hours * $1 = $77,000

But as practice has shown, it is almost impossible to achieve maximum occupancy of the hall throughout the whole day - in the morning attendance tends to reach 70%, and in the evening the hall is, on the contrary, overcrowded. Let's take the average figure of 85%

$77,000 * 0.85 = $65,400 annual revenue of the hall

After deducting the cost of wages, mandatory and utility payments, depreciation, the net profit for the year is approximately $26,000, which gives more than 40% of the project’s profitability and allows the investment to recoup within 1.5 years.

Now we have an idea of ​​how to open a gym and what it will entail. We take a piece of paper in the box and count. If you keep up with the times, paper can easily be replaced by a spreadsheet in Excel. So, we write or print: name, quantity, cost, sum up. Have you changed your mind yet?

A healthy lifestyle today is becoming fashionable not only among young people, but also among people of different generations. In this regard, the market for fitness services is rapidly developing. The demand for them is growing every year. This trend cannot but rejoice. Well, businessmen are in steadily increasing demand. Today, especially in big cities, you can find sports clubs with different capabilities and in all price categories. Today we’ll talk about how much it costs to open a gym designed for people with average incomes.

  • Where to start opening a gym?
  • What equipment to choose for the gym?
  • How much can you earn with a gym?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What OKVED code must be specified for a gym?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which tax system to choose for a gym
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

Where to start opening a gym?

The main thing for this business is to find suitable premises. Since its area should not be small (about 150 sq.m.), and there are a number of sanitary requirements for equipment, you will need to work on this issue. In addition to the main hall with exercise equipment, it will be necessary to equip showers, toilets, and locker rooms. Typically, such premises occupy two-thirds of the total required area.

Since we are describing the opening of an economy class institution, we need to correctly determine the prices for classes. You need to study the current cost of one hour of training in the city’s fitness centers and set your prices a little lower. This is not to lure customers away from competitors. A gym usually provides fewer services, so the cost of visits is lower.

It is important to correctly determine the operating schedule of such an institution. There should be practically no weekends or holidays. People will come to training both in the morning and in the evening. After lunch, of course, the influx of visitors is much greater. It is advisable for the hall to be open from 9 am to 9 pm.

Both women and men usually work out in the gym. Changing rooms and bathrooms must be separate. The room itself with exercise equipment can be made common, but experts often advise separating them too.

What equipment to choose for the gym?

The key to the success of a sports club is its equipment. Since we are organizing an economy class establishment, we need to buy exercise equipment from inexpensive but reliable models for the gym. You can also choose used equipment, and the cost for it is approximately the following:

For the convenience of clients, especially young mothers, a children's corner is often created in the gym. Kids can not only have fun there, but also do healthy exercises. Exercise machines for children are the same exercise bikes, kayaks, and treadmills. Children especially love a trampoline with handrails; boys will be interested in mini power units.

Encyclopedic reference: a gym is a room with strength training equipment, treadmills, barbells, dumbbells, and other equipment for fitness, bodybuilding, health and general strengthening gymnastics.

Since a healthy lifestyle became fashionable, attendance at fitness centers and gyms has increased significantly. Experts assure that in the future the number of people wanting to play sports will grow. This means that the demand for gym services will also increase. Our article will help you calculate how much it costs to open your own gym, and will also tell you the best way to start your own business in this area.

Step by step to creating a well-attended gym

Step one: choose the format and location

Unlike large fitness centers, which require significant investments to open, gyms require smaller investments. It is best to open a small gym in a residential area where there are no large fitness centers. You will need a room of approximately 200 m2.

Before you open your gym, research your client audience - future equipment and range of services depend on this. If the vast majority of potential clients are men, you need to equip a gym focused on strength training. If in your chosen area there are many women interested in visiting the gym, it will be necessary to provide the possibility of group classes (Pilates, yoga, fitness), and also equip the room with cardio equipment.

Step two: we form the legal and material base

To open your own gym, it is not necessary to register a legal entity; it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Before opening, approval will be required from the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire supervision.

Exercise machines and dumbbells are a significant, but far from the only cost item for equipping a gym. To provide your visitors with good conditions for training, equip a locker room with lockers, a bathroom and a shower. Your visitors will be grateful if you provide them with a mirror and a hairdryer. If you plan to conduct group classes, you will also need mats, balls and other equipment. Don't forget about drinking water and disposable cups - your clients will definitely want to drink during training.

Step three: creating an image, attracting clients

A good reputation is the basis for the success of small gyms in residential areas. This means that you need competent trainers and a good administrator. Remember that effective training programs are valued more highly by clients than expensive exercise equipment. Also take care of cleanliness - you need a responsible cleaner or a contract with a cleaning company.

To attract attention to your gym immediately after opening, organize an advertising campaign. Leaflets and small advertisements on nearby streets will give good results. Of course, your gym needs a sign. Once you have regular customers, attendance will increase - friends and acquaintances will be told about your hall.

Where can I get money?

Answering the question whether the gym is profitable, most market participants answer - yes, if you do not expect excess income. Like many types of businesses with a low barrier to entry into the market and quick payback (up to 1 year), the gym will provide a stable small income. If you want to earn more, expand your range of services.

Underwater rocks

Remember that any gym is the object of close attention from fire inspection, SES and other regulatory organizations. Be prepared for frequent checks. Another difficulty is the pronounced seasonality. In the summer, during the heat, vacations and holidays in educational institutions, there will be almost 30% fewer people in your hall than at other times.

Let's sum it up

Opening your own gym is an idea with good prospects. Especially if you choose a good location and create an interesting price offer. Like any small business owner, you will need to carefully monitor your reputation.

Recently, various fitness clubs have become popular. And this is not surprising. This direction is developing at a rapid pace. In addition, a fitness center is a good option for business. Where should you start? How to open a fitness center for the disabled, pregnant women and those who take care of their body? Read about it in our review.

Since you can open your own fitness center from scratch within a month, you should start by collecting documents and choosing premises. It is worth considering that there is little competition in this industry. You can enter this business without much difficulty. In order for a fitness center to be profitable, you need to choose the right location for it and correctly draw up a business plan.

Business Features

What is a modern fitness center? How to open it and where to start? First of all, you should understand the features of this type of activity. A modern fitness center is not an ordinary rocking chair. All amenities for visitors should be provided here. If this does not happen, then the establishment will not be visited. After all, many people want to practice their favorite sport in more comfortable conditions. Agree, no one will pay money to visit a regular gym with exercise equipment, where there is no shower and air conditioning. A modern fitness center should be equipped with innovative technology.

In order for the establishment to be visited, it is not at all necessary to rent large premises with a swimming pool. A gym located in such a fitness center will be perfect for people to visit more often. It is enough to find a room with a total area of ​​100 square meters. The main thing is to find professional trainers and purchase exercise equipment.

How much money do you need for a fitness center? How to open an establishment and not spend too much? The cost depends on the location of the fitness center. Please note that premises rented in the city center will cost more. Such an establishment will pay for itself within several years, and during this time you will not receive a profit. It is for this reason that you should look for a hall. The rental price here is much lower.

Choosing the right room

How to open and simply for athletes and how to make a quick profit? As already mentioned, a lot depends on the room and its location. When choosing a suitable hall, you should consider the following points:

  1. The fitness center should be located in a place convenient for visitors.
  2. The premises should be located away from competitors.
  3. It is worth choosing densely populated areas, where there are a lot of multi-storey buildings with residential apartments.
  4. Transport interchange is also very important.
  5. The premises must have a high-quality ventilation system, as well as bathrooms and showers.

Owned premises are a better option than rented ones. How to make your fitness center more popular? How to open an establishment and not go bankrupt? Additional services, such as a sauna, will help here. Such additions have become very popular in recent years. Thanks to this service, the establishment will be popular. As a result, traffic and profits will increase.

Also, when drawing up a business plan, it is worth considering that wealthier clients will only visit the fitness center that provides additional services, for example, a bar, solarium, cosmetic massage, and so on. In addition, this will increase profits by another 30%.

How to choose equipment

Since opening a fitness center is an expensive task, you should select not only the premises, but also the equipment. In this case, it all depends on the specialization of the institution. If you are planning to open a regular fitness center, then you will need the following equipment:

  1. The cost ranges from 24 thousand rubles and above.
  2. Treadmill, costing from 16 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost is about 19 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment for developing chest muscles. The approximate cost is 22 thousand rubles.
  5. Equipment for the press - from 5.5 thousand rubles.
  6. A rack for a barbell and a bench with a leg trainer - from 4 thousand rubles.
  7. The bench is horizontal. The cost of such equipment is no more than 2.5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need to purchase more discs, dumbbells, barbells, and so on. If you don’t have enough funds for equipment, you can lease it.

Additional expenses

Before opening a fitness center from scratch, you need to foresee all the costs and assess your capabilities. Don't forget about monthly payments. The list of costs includes:

  1. Advertising.
  2. Taxes.
  3. Public utilities.
  4. Salaries of service personnel.
  5. Equipment depreciation.

To open a fitness center from scratch, you should carefully select staff. Trainers must be experienced and highly qualified. Many visitors refuse to visit their favorite fitness center only because of disagreements with their personal trainer. This should be taken into account.

The profitability of such a business

If you invested about 10 thousand dollars when opening a fitness center, and the cost of one visit is 50 rubles, then the business will pay off in 1.5 years. If the establishment is of an elite level, then more investments will be required to begin with. But, as a rule, the cost of one visit to such a fitness center is much higher.

Statistics show that the profitability of such an establishment is about 30%.

Is it possible to save money?

So, how to open a fitness center and how can you save money? When starting a new activity, many people worry about how not to spend a lot of money. There are several ways to save money on opening a fitness center:

  1. Interior decoration. Often, visitors to fitness centers do not pay attention to what the walls and ceiling of the establishment are covered with. When finishing these surfaces, you can refuse expensive and luxury materials. It is enough to cover the walls and ceiling with regular paint. This will save you a decent amount.
  2. Equipment can be purchased cheaper and not from well-known manufacturers. In addition, clients do not pay attention to the origin of the exercise equipment. However, the equipment must be of high quality and durable.
  3. Advertising. If you are opening an inexpensive fitness center, then you will not need advertising on radio or television. It is enough to post advertisements around the area, as well as make an attractive and bright sign. In addition, you can distribute leaflets, as well as place advertisements on the Internet, on social networks, and so on.

What should you not save on?

To open a good fitness center, you shouldn’t skimp on everything. Otherwise, only a few customers will visit such an establishment, and you will not make a profit. What you shouldn't save on:

What documents are needed

So, how to open a fitness center? Where to start and how to prepare documents? First of all, it is necessary to clarify all the nuances. Paperwork is a very important procedure. Since 2009, physical culture and health activities are not subject to licensing. This may be required to provide medical services.

To open a fitness center, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. This is required to pay the single tax. It should be borne in mind that many clients are in no hurry to visit fitness centers opened by individual entrepreneurs. As a rule, they issue subscriptions only to legal entities. To avoid paying huge amounts in taxes, you can register an LLC.

As a result of this, all trainers are registered as individual entrepreneurs and must pay a single tax. The premises are subleased to them. It is worth noting that beginning entrepreneurs may not pay income taxes for several years.

Where to get start-up capital?

You have decided to open a fitness center. How to open an establishment of this kind if there is no start-up capital? To enter the market of physical education and health services, considerable financial costs will be required. Many aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have free funds strive to open their own business without money. But not everyone knows how to do this. In any case, you will need initial capital. Where can I get it? You can go to the bank and get a loan.

It is worth remembering that a fitness center opened from scratch pays for itself within several years. In addition, an individual entrepreneur can attract private investors to his business who seek to improve his image.

What's the result?

Since opening a fitness center in the basement is not the best option, you will have to look for a more convenient space. It is worth noting that an establishment of this type requires a well-ventilated and lit room, equipped not only with exercise equipment, but also with a sauna, showers and, preferably, a massage room. To open such a fitness center you will need about 40 thousand dollars. Such establishments pay for themselves within a year. After this, the profitability of the fitness center depends on the number of regular customers, the availability of additional services, as well as on the pricing policy. Of course, not everyone is capable of opening a good club. A small year's income ranges from 1 to 10 thousand dollars.

In conclusion

It is worth noting that a fitness center is a popular and quite promising service for residents of not only large cities, but also small towns. Among the advantages of this type of activity, one should highlight ample opportunities for the development of such a business, high and stable demand, low level of competition, and so on. The only drawback is the large initial capital required to open a fitness center and purchase equipment.

With a correctly and competently drawn up business plan, profits will begin to flow within a few years. After some time, you can create a whole network of fitness centers. This will bring even more profit. In addition, you can expand an existing establishment. To do this, you can increase the list of additional services. Ideally, a fitness center should have a bar, an aerobics room, massage, manicure and pedicure, shaping, fitness, a solarium, and a room for classes for pregnant women and the disabled.

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